The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Henry Francis du Pont
Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE 19735
302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883
Creator: Ogden,
Title: Account
Dates: 1804-1823
Call No.: Mic.
Acc. No.: [none]
Quantity: 1
microfilm reel
Location: microfilm
Aaron Ogden was a cabinetmaker in
Accounts listed for household items, farm produce,
making and repairing furniture.
The materials are in English.
Collection is open to the public. Copyright restrictions may apply. Not to be reproduced without permission from
the owner.
Original book in private hands at time of
trade -
Furniture making.
House furnishings -
Business records -
Account books.
Furniture workers.
Allin(?), Jacob 20
Badgley 12
Badgly, Henry T. 20
Baldin, Job 52, 61
Ball, Daniel 23
Bates, William 12
Beach & Smith 14
Beach, Misses 1
Beadell, Peter - see Beadle
Beadle, Benjamin 11
Beadle, Peter 6, 8, 9, 14,
15, 25, 26, [92, inside back cover]
Bedford, Phebe 42
Bedford, Simeon 20
Boudinot, Tobias 21, 31-33,
36, 40, 42, 49, 53, 54, 63, 66, 71, 79, 80, 82, [90]
Boulsby, Thomas 64
Boulsby, Thomas E. 81
Bowlsby, Martin 44
Brach, Isaac 81, 82
Brinkerhoof, G. D. 39
Britten, Elihue 4
Bruen, Caleb 2
Brundidge, I. 34
Burnet, Ebenezer 66, 71,
79, 80, 82, 84, 85
(also spelled Burnit)
Burnet, Stephan 31, 67
Burnet, Zenas 7, 46
Burnit, Ebenezar - see Burnet
Canfield 9
Cassaday, John 47
Chapman, Simon 92
Churchill, William S. 46
Clark, David 3
Class, Jacob 72
Cobb, Henry 42
Cobb, John 47, 50, 62, 66,
67, 85
Cobb, Lemuel 5, 7, 11, 13,
18, 28, 35, 45, 78
Cobb, Parmelia [93]
Condit, B. [90]
Condit, B. L. 64, 76, 83, 84
Condit, Benjamin 32, 46
Condit, Benjamin L. i, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50-56, 60, 67 [or
61], 64-66, 68, 69, 71-73, 76-90
Condit, I. [93]
Condit, John 77
Condit, John O. 67, 70, 71,
76, 79-87, 89, 90
Condit, L. 63
Condit, Linus 48, 65
Condit, N. O. 67, 69, 73,
Condit, N. O. & T. 74,
85-87, 90
Condit, Nathaniel O. 42,
Condit, S. 27, 38
Condit, Stephan 3, 7, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 32, 33, 35, 36, 40,
41, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 62, 63, 67
Condit, Stephan & B. L. 36
Condit, Susen i
Condit, Swain A. 57, 71,
73, 74, [96]
Condit, Timothy 73, 76, 78
Connor, Rachel(?) 19
Cook, C. i
Cook, Calvin 19, 29, 30,
33, 35, 36, [91, 92, 93]
Cooper 24
Copering, Bedford 14
Corry, Archibald 88
Cory, Joseph 81
Courter, Abraham 73
Courter, John 67, 69, 70,
73, 75
Cramp 11
Crane, Calvin ii, 84, 85
Crane, Jeremiah 56, 67, 78
Crane, John 62
Darby, Henry 5
Darcey(s) 38
Darcey, John 16, 41
(also spelled Darcy)
Day, Samuel 11, 33, 36
Decamps, Aaron 3
Dehart, Daniel 62
Demott, Peggy ii
Denman 23
Denman, Elias 16
Dods, Samuel 3
Doods, Aaron 3
Duglass, Stephan 33
Fairchild, Abraham, & Son 67
Fairchild, John 32, 40,
73, 74, 78
Fairchild, John, & Co. 72
Farrand, C. 36
Farrand, D. 9
Farrand, Eester [93]
Farrand, John [35]
Farrand, Phineas 7, 11,
17, 21, 31, 36, 40, 41, 44, 47, 55, 59, 64, 68, 77, 84
Farrand, Samuel 13, 35,
41, 54, 66,
69, 78
Farrang, Daniel 12
Fash, Jacob 7
Fash, John J. 17, 18
Fash, Richard 17
Fitchel, Harvy 13, 24
Fliek, John [95]
Ford, John 3, 65, 78
Fradricks, John 38, 39, 43
Freeland, Jacob 70-79,
81, 82, 84
(see also
French, John 81
French, Thomas 32
Gains, Jonothan 81
Gavit, William 82
Gladson, William 24, 32,
87, 89, [90]
Graam, Wm. 19, 20
Green, Jacob 12, 13, 16, 21, 33, 36, 40, 42, 44, 45,
56-58, 66, 69-74, 76-78, 80-85, 89, [90, inside back cover]
Grover, Stevan 3
Hableton, William 27
Hains, Stephan 7, 19, 21,
Hambleton, David 27
Hambleton, William 47
Hand, Nathan 16-20
Harrison, Gerod 21
Harrison, Mary 48
Harrison, Richard 3
Hartwell, Cyrus 52, 56
Hartwell, Dr. 33, 40, 57, [91]
Hathaway, Shadrick 7, 10,
58, 75-78, 81
Hays, Richard [91]
Headdy, Polly 49
Headdy, Smith 42
(also spelled Heady)
Heady 34
(also spelled Heddy)
Heady, Miss [92]
Heady, Smith 40, 44
(see also Headdy,
Heddy 22
(see also Heady, Headdy)
Headdy 22
Heddy, Mrs. i
Heddy, Smith - see Heady
Heddy, Thomas 28-31
Henion, Abraham 81-85,
(also spelled Hinion)
Hinion, Abraham - see Henion
Hinion, William [91]
Hoppin 24
Howard 7
Howard, Allin 31, 33, 34,
41, 47-49, 51, 68
Howard, David 70-72, 75,
76, 79-84, 86-89, [90, 91]
Howel, Henry 5, 13
(also spelled Howell)
Howel, John 5, 7, 20, 46
(also spelled Howell)
Howell, B. 84
Howell, Benjamin 46
Howell, Benjamin, Junr. 48
Howell, Gerard 16
Howell, Henry - see Howel
Howell, James 16, 18, 36,
40, 45, 47, 66, 79
Howell, John - see Howel
Hudson, John L. 5
Jecobus, James 51, 52
Kipps, John 67
Kitchel, Jesse 41
Lacey 22
Lenington, T. [93]
Leonard, Squire 45
Lewis(is) 60
Lewis, James 82
Lewis, Larance 32, 13
[i.e. 33?], 35, 49, 50,
59, 67
Lindsley [95]
Lyon, Daniel 79
Lyon, S(t)ephan 32, 81
Lyons, John 32
Martin, John 79
Massieaux, Abraham 34, 35
Mechanicks and Farmers bank of the City Albany [93]
Minker(?), John 4
Mitchel, John 11-13, 19, 32, 33, 42, 59, 66, 71
(see also Mitchell)
Mitchell, John 30, 31, 36,
40, 41, 44-49, 51, 53, 57, 60, 62, 65-72, 76, 78-80, 82-84, 88, [9l]
(see also Mitchel)
Mitchel(s) [no page number
Mourison, Henry 74
Mourison, Isaac 32, 42, 45, 47-49, 51, 58-60, 62-65
Mun, Daniel 18, 36
(also spelled Munn)
Munn, Daniel - see Mun
Munson 23
Munson, William, & Orsbon 12
Munson, William 12, 13
Murry, Archibald 72, 74
Nichols 81
Ogden, Aaron i, 1, 74,
[inside back cover]
Ogden, Samuel 3, 20-22,
68, 69
Orshorn, David & Thomas
Orsborn, Thomas 37
Ozborn, David 12, 13
Phips, William [90]
Poarter, Peggy i
Pollard, Samuel 61
Price [95]
Price, Susen [inside back cover]
Quimby, James 50
Quimby, Josiah 45
Quin, John 47, 49, 52, 61,
Riker(?), John 3
Sliting, Ephraim 2
Smith, A. H. 86
Smith, Benjamin 5, 12, 19-22, 33, 35, 40, 46, 53, 65, 70, 73,
79, 81, 82
Smith, C.(?) 73
Smith, Ralph 68-70
Smith, Richard 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 40, 46, 55, 66, 86
Smith, Samuel i
Stiles, John 5
Stites, H. 58, 67
Stites, Honical 13, 16-18,
60, 88
Stites, John 75, 76
Stites, William 77
Symar, Enus 16
Tappin, Isaac 49
Tichenor, Jabes 11, 19
(also spelled Titchenor, Jabez)
Titchinor, John 60, 82
(also spelled Tichinor)
Tomkins, Elias 3
Tomkins, Jonothan 16, 33,
44, 46-48, 55, 57, 60, [90]
Tomkins, Joseph 3
Toppin, John 49
Vanderhoff, Isaac - see Vanderhoof
Vanderhoof 68
Vanderhoof, Isaac & Co.
Vanderhoof, Isaac 19-21,
29, 31, 32, 36, 42, 44-47, 52, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66
(also spelled Vanderhoff)
Vanerder 83
Vanerder, Cornelius 73-77, 80, 81, 83, 85-89
Vanwinkle, Anna 24
Vanwinkle, Thomas 44
Vredenburg, Doctr. - see Vriedenburg
Vredenburg, Fetter 30
Vreeland, Jacob 73, 79, 80-86, 88, 89, [91]
Vriedenburg, Doct. 11, 29
(also spelled Vredenburg)
Ward, Moses 13, 16-18, 21
Hard, Moses M. 20, 33, 35, 36, 51, 60-63
Ward, Saml. [92]
Waymer, Joseph 86-88, [91]
Werts(es) 34
Whitehead, Silas & Abner
Wiggins, George 19, 21,
31, 32, 33, 36, 46, 49, 50, 53, 54
(also spelled Wigins)
Wigins, George - see Wiggins
Williams, Abijah 3
Willis, Joseph 59, 67, 70,
72, 73, 81, 86
Winens, Hyer 20
(see also Wines)
Wines [93]
Wines, Hyer 21
(see also Winens)
Winget [95]
Winget, Jane [93, 94]
Worts, Doct. - see Wurts
Wurts, Dr. 34. [93]
(also spelled Worts)
Zeloph 47
Zeluff, Benjamin 55, 56,
58, 59
Zeluff, Jebediah 59
bason stand - see stand, bason
bed post 67
bedstead 66, 71
bedstead, cot 1, 2, 5
bedstead, field 2, 7,
55, 66, 69, 70
birch 76, 78
bookcase 4
box, trunk 2
bureau 2, 5, 40, 74
circular 4
secretary 73
bureau, straight front 4
butt, table 40
cellaret sideboard (straight front) 4
chair 18
chair rockers 49, 70
cherry 37, 45, 66
chest, clothes (spelled “close”) 45, 53
chest lock 66
chest for sugar 70
churn dash 84
churn lid 72
churn staff 72
clock case 5
coffin 5, 6, 35, 40, 41,
44-47, 49, 57
cradle 41, 45, 57, 71
cradle, rockers 70, 71
cradle top 45, 69, 73
desk, portable 2
desk, writing 5
frame 1
frame, bedstead 66
frame, picture 2
frame, slate 1
frame, tester 67
gum 2, 31, 37, 44, 45, 70, 74
gunstock 13, 84
mahogany 18, 28, 40, 52, 78
maple 2, 78
pine 4, 24
plane, table 37
screws 40
secretary 4
(see also secretary
sideboard 4, 5
(see also cellaret
stand 2, 36, 52, 66, [91]
stand, bason (circular) 4
stand, bason (square) 4
stand, turn-up 41
stand, work 53, 85
stuff 2
table 5, 36, 42, 45, 53, 55, 65, 71, 85
table, bar 5
table, breakfast 7,
45, 67
table, dining 2, 12, 28
table, end 4
table, kitchen
table, tea 28, 73, 78
tester - see
frame, tester
wagon 12
walnut, black 7, 13, 40,
41, 44, 45, 57, 67
washing machine 73
whitewood 2, 27, 37