The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Henry Francis du Pont
Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE 19735
302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883
Title: Inventories
of estates:
Dates: 1712-1815
Call No.: Mic.
1-Mic. 2
Acc. No.: [none]
Quantity: 2
reels of microfilm, 35 mm.
Location: microfilm
Consists of estate inventories for residents of
For the most part, the inventories are in
alphabetical order by deceased person’s surname. Some inventories are slightly out of order.
The materials are in English, with one inventory
in Dutch.
Collection is open to the public. Copyright restrictions may apply.
Originals are at the New-York Historical
Society, New York City.
of decedents' estates -
Inventories of decedents' estates -
Inventories of decedents' estates -
Public records \z
Estate records.
to Mic. 1-2:
Note: The names below are in alphabetical order, but they are not
necessarily in that order on the microfilm.
When a name appears out of order on the microfilm, that is noted in the
following list.
The dates are of the inventories, not dates of deaths.
Sometimes, the inventory mentioned the occupation or the place of
residence of the deceased.
Ackland-Prindle are on Mic. 1; Mic. 2 begins with Prior.
Mic. 1:
Ackland, James (1769)
Alburtica(?), Arthur (1728)
Amirman, Petrus (1784)
Anderson, George (1783)
Anderson, Joseph
Angevine, Lewis, Jr.
Arison, Benjamin (1766)
Arms, John (of
Brattleborough, 1771)
Armstrong, John (1749)
Arnaud, John (of
Arnold, Sarah (1768-1772)
Arsen, Mary (1734)
Arthur, Reuben (1783)
Ashby, John (1729-1730)
[filed between Ayscough and Badgeby]
Averill, Ebenezer (1784)
Ayscough, William (1785)
Bachan, Ann (also spelled Bauchan and Bachand) (1730-1731)
[filed between Barrett and Bedles]
Badgeby, Anthony (1747)
Baisley, John (also spelled Beasley) (1785)
Baker, Daniel (of
Baker, Jonathan (of
Baker, Nathaniel (of
Baker, William (1741)
Balden, George (1732)
Baldin, Joseph, Jr. (1728)
Baldin, Thomas (1728)
Balding, Samuel (1780)
[filed between Bogardus and Bond]
Barnard, James (1768)
Barr, William (mariner,
Barrett, Abraham (1733)
Bedles, Daniel (of
Beebe, Samuel (1763-1765)
Beek, Robert (of
Bellereau, James (1734)
Bennett, Cornelius (1784)
Bergin, Johanis (1784)
Betts, Richard (of
Betts, Samuel (1773)
[note: Samuel
Betts’ inventory is found in two places, part before and part after that of
Thomas Betts]
Betts, Thomas (1777)
Bibby, Margaret Johnson
Bird, Bartram (shoemaker;
Birney, Arthur (1765)
[filed between Johanis Bergin and Richard Betts]
Bish, John (1785?)
Bisset, Andrew (Capt.) (1736)
Bisset, Ellner (daughter of
Andrew Bisset; 1736)
Blizard, Richard (1761)
Boel, Tobias (gentleman;
Bogardus, Evert (of
Bond, William (Capt.) (1739)
Bonnet, John (1757)
Bouer, Isaac [i.e. Boyer?] (of
[filed between the two parts of Samuel Boyer’s inventory]
Bourk, John (innholder;
Boyer, Samuel (1747)
[note: Samuel
Boyer’s inventory is found in two places, part before and part after that of
Isaac Bouer]
Braine, Thomas (Dr.) (1739)
Brasher, Isaac (1780)
Brasher, John (1768?)
Brasier, Henry (1780)
Britt, William (1784-1785)
Brockholst, Mary (1785)
Brown, Benjamin (of
Brown, Thomas, Sr. (ironmonger; 1769)
Brown, William (of
Southold; 1733)
[filed between Benjamin Brown
and Thomas Brown]
Bruce, John (1800)
Brughman, Henry (1729)
Brundage, Benjamin (1761)
Brush, Jacob (1752)
Budd, James (1753)
Bunce, Thomas (1741)
Burger, John (1767)
Burling, Edward (1753)
Burrough, William (distiller; 1754)
Burtis, John L.
(cabinetmaker, 1815)
Bussing, Johannis (yeoman,
of New Harlem, 1728)
Byvanck, Evert (includes inventory of shop goods held in
partnership with Hannah Harrison; 1771]
[filed after Sarah Byvanck]
Byvanck, Sarah (1768-1773)
Carpenter, Silus (of
Carron, Nicholas (1724-1726)
Casson, Robert (Capt.)
Castle, Robert (Capt.) (1784)
Cedore, John (private in
Col. Cortlandt’s regiment; 1781-1785)
Chahaen, Samuel (1726)
Cochran, Robert (1746)
Cock, James (1728)
Cock, Penn (of
Cole, Abraham (of
[filed between Coleman and
Coleman, William (1740-1742)
Coles, Nathan (yeoman;
Coltrene, Patrick (1731)
Conkling, Annanius, Jr. (yeoman; 1731-1739)
Conkling, David (1739)
Conkling, Jean (of
Conkling, Jeremiah (of
Conkling, John (of
Conk1ing, Samue1 (of
Conkling, Stephen (1784)
Conselje(?), Peter (of
Cooper, Thomas (1749)
Cornell, Richard (of
Covenhoven, Ann (1776)
Cowan, John (1784)
Crawfoot, Samuel (1729)
Crawford, John (1779)
Crawford, William (of
[inventory includes gold platters]
Cregier, John (no date)
Crook, Samuel (of Southold,
Crosfield, Edward (Capt.) (1736)
Croshoron, John (1727)
Crowe, Jonathan (1780)
Curwine, Daniel (of
Southold; 1748)
Dallebas, James (of
Bridgehampton; 1732)
Davis, Samuel (of
Brookhaven; 1728)
de Amevia, Juan Antonio (Don)
(merchant, from
Debevoise, Joost (of
Decker, Charles (1755)
Degraw, Isaac (1773)
Dennis, George (of
Denny, Albert (of
Denys, Jacques (1739 or
Dimon, Jonathan (1736)
Dickerson, Daniel [or
[filed between Thomas Dickinson and Henry Dickinson]
Dickinson, Henry (of
[filed between Daniel Dickerson and Samuel Dickinson]
Dickinson, Samuel (of
[filed between Henry Dickinson and
Wm. Dickson]
Dickinson, Thomas [or Dickerson]
Dickson, Wm. (1780)
[see also
Ditmars, Dow (yeoman; of
[see also
Doughty, William (1734)
Dourlon, Charles [i.e. Dorland?]
[filed between
Downing, Daniel (1769)
Drake, Benjamin (1741)
Drake, Joseph (
Drake, Underhill Bud (of
Drew, Sebbius (1784)
Dubois, Philip (1768)
[filed between Durland and Dyer]
Duncan, George (of
Fishkill?; 1779-1785)
Dunkley, Robert (no date)
Durland, Garret (of
Dyer, Thomas (carpenter;
Eagle, William (1738)
Edwards, Thomas (1737)
Ellison, John, Jr.
(merchant; 1730)
Everts, Ann (1728)
Farrington – see Ffarington
Ferris, John (of
Ffarrington, Thomas (of
[filed between Harreman and Hart]
Fleet, Simon (1733)
Forbes, James (merchant; 1781)
Ford, Pellatiah (1726)
Forgason, Anne (of
Foshay, William (1785)
Foster, Christopher (1748)
Foster, John (1727)
Foster, Mary [also spelled Forster] (1747)
Foster, William (1767)
Fothergill, Robert (of
Fowler, Henry (of
[filed between William Fowler and
Francis Foy]
Fowler, William (of
Foy, Francis (leather dresser; 1767)
Gantzen, Bernard (1768)
Gardiner, John (of
Gardiner, Samuel (Captain) (of
Gendron, Peter (of
Gidney, Elijah (1785)
Gildersleeve, Richard (of
Goodfree, Peter (Dr.) [also
spelled Godfrey] (1732)
Grant, Thomas (no date)
Gray, Daniel (1757)
Griggs, John (of
Haines, James (of
Hallet, Joseph (1732)
Halsey, Daniel (1734)
Halsey, Isaac (1752)
Halsey, Job (of
[filed between Josiah Halsey and Hardenbrook]
Halsey, Josiah (of
Hardenbrook, Andrise (1748)
Haring, Elbert (yeoman;
Harreman, John (1771)
Hart, John (1744)
Havens, George (of
Havens, John (1750)
Haviland, Benjamin (of
Haviland, John (1746)
Hawxhurst, Samson (1733)
Hayter, Catherine (1761)
Hebon, John (carpenter;
Helm, Thomas (1730)
Henderson, John (1784)
Hendrickson, Isaac (1784)
Hicks, Thomas (of
Hildreth, Isaac (1750)
Hildreth, Noah (1735)
Hill, Anthony (Cortlandt
Manor; 1766)
Hill, Henry (Cortlandt
Manor; 1775)
Hilyer, William (
Hinton, William (1784)
Holmes, Jonathan (1774)
Hoorne, Mary (1767)
Horton, Gilbudd (
Hosmer, John (1784)
Howell, Abraham (1742)
Howell, Hezekiah (1744)
Howell, Jacob (1732)
Howell, Jehiel (sergeant in
Howell, John (1748)
Howell, John (1733)
[this John Howell
is filed after Jonathan Howell]
Howell, Jonah (
Howell, Jonathan (1740)
Howell, Josiah (
Howell, Nathaniel (1726)
Howell, Richard (1740)
Howell, Thomas (
Hughson, William (1746)
Hunt, Gilbert (
Hunt, Josiah (
Hunting, Jonathan (1751)
Huntting, Edward (Doctor;
[filed between Hunt and Hunting]
Hyatt, Abraham (
Hyatt, Caleb (
Jackson, James (1735)
Jagger, Jeremiah (1744)
Jamain, Elias (merchant;
Jarvis, Thomas (Lieut.; Huntington; 1733)
Jarvis, William (
Jessup, Henry (1736)
Johnes, Foster (
Johnson, Albert (yeoman;
Staten(?) Island,
Johnson, Cornelius (
Johnson, Harmon (
Johnson, Robert (Capt.;
Johnson, William (1759)
Johnston, Mary (1785)
Jones, Elisha (1783)
Judson, Samuel (Amenia;
Kelsey, Benjamin (1767)
King, John (Southold, 1740)
King, William (Southold;
Kip, Hendrick (1755)
Kip, Mary (1785)
Kissam, Daniel (
[surname possibly
Knowling, John (1729)
Koerten, Stephen (
Laforge, John (
Lake, Daniel (
Lakerman, Abraham (
Landon, James (Southold;
Lane, John [alias Yan Laan]
(New Utrecht,
Lang, Nicholas (
Latham, Joseph (shipwright;
Lawrence, Daniel (
Lawrence, Samuel (yeoman;
Lawrence, William (
Lecount, Marguerite [but spelled Margaret Lacontes] (
Lecount, Peter (
Leconte, William (
Leek, Ebenezer (
[surnamed also spelled Leech]
Lent, Hendrick (
Lent, Ryke (
Leslie, George Willocks (
Levy, Samuel (Hunterton
[i.e. Huntingdon?]; 1758-1762)
Lhommedieu, Hosea (
Littell, David (1785)
[surname also spelled Little]
Little, John (1753)
Little, Samuel (mariner;
Liverse, Elbert (lime
[filed between Lhommedieu and Littell]
Lloyd, Edward (1738-1739)
Lloyd, Joseph (merchant;
Longbotum, Jacob (1729)
[surnamed also spelled Longbotham]
Losee, Jecevas [Lesee?] (
Love, Samuel [Lose?] (1740)
Lovel, Michael (Rockingham; 1772)
Ludlam, William (
Lupton, Mary (1749)
Lynch, John (Major; 1782)
Lynch, Thomas (Captain;
McAlpine, John (1782)
McCollum, Archibald (
McGibbons, John (1783)
McGrath, James (
[filed between McNiel and Mapes]
Mackintosh, Phineas (1732)
McKnight, Patrick (merchant;
McNiel, Robert (1756)
Mackintosh – filed with Mc’s
Mapes, James (1783)
Markham, Joanna (
Marsh, Witham [or William]
Mc – see separate listing above
Mead, Charles (Cortlandt
Manor; 1772)
Merchant, Susannah (1785)
Mico, Joseph (merchant;
Minthorn, Philip (wheelwright;
Monach, John (1783)
Monfoort, Joost (1785)
Moone, Thomas (1761)
Mooney, William (mariner;
Moore, Abigail (Southold, 1746)
Moore, Benjamin (sailmaker;
Moore, Joseph (Capt.; Southampton; 1726)
Mortimore, William (1784)
Mott, Benjamin (1748)
Mott, James (yeoman;
Mudge, Jarvis (
Mulford, John, Jr. (
Mulford, Thomas (
Mulford, Timothy (1745)
Myer, Abraham (
Nelson, Elijah (
Newman, Jonas (1784)
Nicholls, Thomas (fuller;
Nichols, William (1785)
Nickels, William (1744)
[surname also
spelled Nichols]
Nostrand, Peter (
Oakley, Caleb (Philips
Manor; 1781)
Ogden, William (
Onderdunk, Hendrick (1731)
Outheet, Hendrick (1742)
Outman, Phoebe (
Pain, William (1743)
Parington, Thomas (1733)
[filed between Parkin and William
Parkin, Thomas (1788)
between John Parsel and Parington]
Parsel, John (farmer; 1767)
[surname also spelled Parsell
and Parcell]
[filed between Pain and
Parsell, William (
Pearse, Richard (1744)
Pearson, Theodore (1727)
[surname also spelled Peirson]
[filed between Pearsons and
Pearsons, Seth (
Peerce, William (1739)
[surname also
spelled Pearce]
[filed between Parshall and
Peek, William (carman;
Peirson, Theophilus (1744)
Pell, Theophilus (ropemaker;
Perine, Daniel (
Perkins, Abijah (Dr.; 1776)
Petty, Daniel (1745)
Pinckney, Sarah (1747)
Pinckney, William, Jr.
Pinhorne, John (1763)
[filed between Petty and
Sarah Pinckney]
Plase, Nathan (
[filed between William Plase and Poillon]
Plase, William (1755)
Poillon, James (
Pool, Percy [or Pierce] (
Post, John (1741)
Powell, John (
Praa, Peter (yeoman;
Pratt, Arent (1726)
Price, George (1773)
Prier, Jacob (
Prince, Samuel (1785)
Prindle, Gideon (1767)
Mic. 2:
Prior, Joseph (
Provoost, David (1725)
Purdy, John (Cortlandt
Manor; 1771)
Purdy, Jonathan (
Purdy, Monmouth (
Purdy, Nehemiah (Cortlandt
Manor; 1769)
Quereau, Elias (mariner;
Quick, Jacobus (cordwinder;
Rapalje, Jeronemus (yeoman;
Raynor, Isaac (1733)
Reed, James (mate of His
Remsen, Rem (Flatbush;
Rerdan, Peter (
Richards, Samuel (1733)
Robins, Jeremiah (yeoman;
Rottery, Margaret (
Rougont, Peter [Roughant]
Runnells, Richardson (
Ryder, Mary (1784)
Ryerson, John (yeoman;
Rypell, Johannis (baker;
Sackett, Samuel (Rev.; 1785)
Sawyer, Peter (1764)
Sayre, Daniel (1748)
Scheller, Garret (painter
and glazier;
[filed between Schellinks and Harmon
Schellinks, Jacob (yeoman;
Shaw, Harmon (
Shaw, Thomas (1746)
Sherer, Gilbert (
Sickles, John (weaver;
Simonson, Aert (1753)
Simonson, Rem (1760)
Skidmore, Joseph (
Skillman, Thomas (
Slater, Joseph (
Sloan, Hannah (
[surname also
spelled Slone]
Smith, Adam (
Smith, Aury (1768)
Smith, Isaac (
Smith, Jesse (mariner;
Smith, John (cartman; 1765)
Smith, Robert (soldier; 1781)
Smith, Thomas (
Smith, William (merchant;
Snedeker, Jost [Yost] (Woolver? Hollow; 1784)
Sneeding, Robert (carpenter;
Southard, John (
Stanton, John (carpenter?;
Stevens, Jeremiah (
[filed between Thomas Stevenson and Strang]
Stevenson, John (Capt.;
Stevenson, Thomas (
[filed between John Stevenson and Thomas Stevenson]
Strang, Daniel (1741)
Strong, Selah (1732)
Sturgeon, Robert (
Sutton, William (
Suydam, Jacob (1735)
Swain, Isaac (
Taylor, William (1771?)
Terhune, Stephen (
Terry, John (Southold;
Terry, Thomas (1740)
Thorne, Samuel (1732)
Thorne, Stephen (
Thornycraft, William, Sr.
(Mussel? Cove; 1728)
Thurston, Daniel (1727)
Titus, Content (
Tobias, Christopher (
Tole, John (currier; 1742)
Tomkins, Nathaniel (
Tomson, John (Crookhaven?;
Topping, Elnathan (1751)
Topping, Hezekiah (Bridgehampton;
Topping, Josiah
(Bridgehampton; 1747)
Townley, Effingham (1730)
Townsend, Daniel (
Townsend, Penn (
Treadwell, John (
Tuthill, John (Southold,
Tysen, David (yeoman;
[filed after
Tyson, Barent (yeoman; 1778)
[filed after
Udel, Joseph (
Underhill, Humphrey (1722)
Underhill, John (
Underhill, William (1784)
Ustick, Henry (nailer;
Vail, Isaac (1740)
Vail, Jeremiah (blacksmith;
Southold, 1727)
Van Ame, Simon (
van Ausdoll, Isaac (
van Brunt, John (New
Utrecht; 1752)
van Cetts, Cornelius
(Bushwick; 1737)
vandike, Gerret [Vandyck] (
Vandyke, Tierck (1750)
van Pelt, Peter (1773)
van Varck, Jacobus (1763)
van Varick, John (baker;
van Wicklar, John (yeoman;
van Wyck, Johannis (
Veal, Thomas [Veail] (Southold; 1741)
Veghte, Garrit (
Vermilya, Benjamin (1784)
Verplanck, Phillip (Cortlandt Manor; 1771)
Vincent, Francis (sailmaker;
Waghorne, John (innholder;
Wallace, Jacob (
Walton, Thomas (Capt.) (merchant;
Watkins, John (1784)
Weden, Zebulon (1752)
Weed, Thaddeus (1783)
Weekes, Jacob, Sr. (1785)
Welling, Charles (
Wendover, Hercules (1784)
Wendover, Mrs. (1778)
Wendover, Thomas (1785)
Whelon, John (
Whipple, Abner (yeoman;
Rockingham; 1768)
White, Mary (
White, Silus (1742)
Whiting, Rebekah (
Wiggins, Isabell [Wiggen] (
Williams, Daniel (
Williams, John (
Williams, Nathaniel (1781)
Williams, Robert (1729)
Williams, Robert (1735)
[filed between Willman and
Willis, John (1736)
Willman, Theophilas (1744)
Wilson, Robert (
Wilson, Samuel (cooper;
Withers, William (
Wolfe, Conerad (yeoman;
[first name also spelled Conrach]
Wolff, John David (tailor;
Wood, Caleb (
Wood, Jotham (1764)
Wood, William (The Bowery;
no date)
Woodruff, Benjamin (1750)
Woodruff, Nathaniel (1778)
Wooly, John (1727)
[surname also
spelled Wooley]
Woortman, Derick (Bushwick; 1774)
Wright, Joseph (
Wright, Zebulon (
Wytt, John (1738)
Yeavely, Thomas (1764)
Youngs, Christopher (Southold, 1727)
Youngs, Daniel (Southold,
Youngs, Elizabeth (Southold, 1748)
Youngs, Waite (Southold,
[filed after