The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

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Creator:         Edwards, Emma Buckley Howard, 1810-1876

Title:               Scrapbooks

Dates:             [ca.1820-ca.1880]

Call No.:         Fol. 255

Acc. No.:        64x9.1-.2

Quantity:        2 volumes

Location:        6 J 4-5






Emma Buckley Howard Edwards was a Quaker from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  She was born in 1810 to Thomas Howard and Sarah Powell Buckley.  In October 1848, she married William Lloyd Edwards, a fellow Quaker.  His parents were Griffith Edwards (1753-1836) and Sarah Hildeburn (1777-1840).  William Edwards, who had been secretary of the Philadelphia Trust, Safe Deposit & Insurance Co., died in July 1875, and Emma died on January 6, 1876.  No record was found of this couple having children.





Two scrapbooks with views (mostly 19th century) of Philadelphia places, buildings, and people with accompanying articles of a historical nature.  Highlights include engravings of Philadelphia buildings, houses, and churches; busts and biographical sketches of noted American men; articles on the Quaker faith; domestic scenes; illustrations of Gladstone's home; articles on Martin Luther; poems by John Greenleaf Whittier; and a story about John Ruskin and his home.  Also included are some manuscript items, many from the 18th century, pertaining to members of the Morris family that appear to have been collected for their signatures.


At the beginning of volume 1 is a pen sketch of a book, quill, and inkwell.  This volume contains a silk ribbon with an image of the House of Refuge in Philadelphia.  A view of a church on the Isle of Wight is coated with colored sand.  A page contains signatures (mostly clipped from letters) of members of the Howard and Morris families, as well as a signature of Debby Franklin.


In volume 2, item 354 is a 1772 testimonial from the Philadelphia Friends to London Friends about the worthiness of Sarah Morris and her niece Deborah Morris, both intending to visit London.  The letter is signed by many Quakers, including members of the Richardson, Drinker, Emlen, Cresson, Benezet, Savery, Parrish, and Wister families.  Several photos are found in the albums, including one of Hannah Carson, an African American woman noted for her fortitude and piety in the midst of her afflictions. 





Most items in the scrapbooks have been individually numbered, with more than one numbered item per page.  The items which were numbered include most pictures, photographs, letters, and signatures.  Some pictures and most articles were not numbered.   Items 1-225 are in volume 1; items 226-442 are found in volume 2.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from G. S. McManus.






            Morris family.

            Carson, Hannah Tranks, 1808-1864.



            Architecture - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Dwellings - Pictorial works.

            Churches - Pictorial works.

            Buildings - Pictorial works.




            Quakers - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.


            Children in art.


            Philadelphia (Pa.) - Pictorial works.

            Philadelphia (Pa.) - History.











Names, object, and occupations indexes to Fol. 255 (acc. 64x9.1-.2) follow.  The object and occupation indexes are not complete.


Items in the scrapbooks have been individually numbered, with more than one numbered item per page.  However, not all items were numbered and indexed.  The numbers in the index are to the item numbers, not page numbers.  Items 1-225 are in volume 1.  Items 226-442 are found in volume 2.




Index to Names and locations:

A., W. J.    271

Adams, John    30, 123

Adams, John Quincy    295

Agassiz, Louis      412

Albert (Prince)      147

Alexiowitz, Iwan    194

Allen, William      258

Alms House - Philadelphia      241

            [see also Friends Alms House, Philadelphia Alms House]

Almy, William     418

Alphonso XIII (of Spain)    413

Andre, John (Major)      149

Arch Street Bridge     .121

Arnold, Benedict     149

Art Union Journal  .61

Ashwin  .393

Athens, Greece    363


Backhouse, Hannah   .65

            [carte-de-visite photo]

Baker, William    78b

Bank of the United States    128, 234

            [also United States Bank]

Bannister, J.    5, 101

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia   439

Barnard, W. S.   .242

Barralet, J. J. .382

Bartlett, W. H.   .311

Bartram, John   .194

The Bartram Tribute   .194

            [June 13-14, 1860]

Baxter, Richard    132

Beaconsfield, Lord   .84-.86

            [Benjamin D’Israeli]

Bedford, Peter   .376

            [carte-de-visite photo]

Bedford Springs, Penn.    110

Beechey, S. W.   .407

Bell, J. A.   .61

Bell, John   .404, .405

Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine  .406

Belle Assemblé, La     404-405

Bemo, John Douglass   375, 378

            [Native name: Husti-Coluc-Chee]

Benezet, Anthony    .23

Bennett, N. S.    .142

Beyer, E.   9

Binney, Horace    .327

            [with signature]

Birch, W[illiam]    .6, .12, .15, .128

Blue Anchor Tavern    319, 321a

Boleyn, Anne,    .69, .95

Bolton, Sarah K.    .422

Bonaparte, Napoleon    .395-397, 401

The Boston Weekly News-Letter  .197

            [Oct. 2, 1755]

Bouverie, Earl of Radnor  .399, 403

Brading Church, Isle of Wight    page between .94 and .95

Brady, Charles    440

Braithwaite, J. B.    440

Brantwood, on Coniston Water    422, 423b

Bright, John    .424-425

Bright, John (Right Hon.)  .278-.279

Brougham, H., Esq. (Lord)   .151

Brougham, J.    .367

Brown, Moses    .418

Brown, Obadiah    .418

Browning, Robert     .77

Brussels Cathedral       .170

Bryant, William Cullen     .58

Buckley, [fore names illegible]    183, 216

Buckley, Anthony M.     .196

Buckley, E. M.    .198c

            [letter, Aug. 5, 1789]

            [pencil note: wife of Luke W. Morris]

Buckley, Eliza    .198e (letter to her)

Buckley, Sarah P.   .176, 198c-d

            [mother of Emma Edwards]

Buckley, Wm.    .182, 196


Bunyan, John     .57, 318, .321b-.326

Bunyan Chapel     .322

Burke, Edmund     .175

Burniger    433

Burns, Robert     .98

Buttolph, William     .197

Buttre (of Rice & Buttre)    .251

Buxton, T. Fowell    .256

Byron (Lord)    .259, .316


Campbell, Thomas      .408

Campbell, Thomas     .169

Capewell & Kimm     59

Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia   17

Carse, S.      .168

Carson, Hannah     .371

            [carte-de-visite photo]

Cartland, Gertrude        .35

            [carte-de-visite photo]

Cartland, Joseph     .35

            [carte-de-visite photo]

Catskill Mountains, New York    428

Catskill Mountain House, N.Y.      .44

Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks [England]   76, .79

Chalkley, Tho.     .177

            [letter signed by him, 1708]

Chamber of Commerce      .135

Chantrey    .414

Chapman, Nathaniel, M.D.      .281

Chappel, Alonzo     .157, .390

Chateau de St. Point    242

Chauncey, Ch.     .184

Cheney, J.     .320

Chevalier - see Wild & Chevalier

Chigwell School    .3

Child, C.C.    .60, .380

Childs & Inman     .393

Chillon, Castle of     .358

Christ's Church, Philadelphia   15, 18, 268

church     243

City Tavern, Philadelphia   on page with .15

Civita Castellana  (Italy)   .92

Clark Hall, Chestnut St.     .119

Clarkson, Thomas    .159

Clay, Henry    .140 and page after

Clinton, DeWitt     .137a

Cobden, Richard     .304

Cole, Joseph  (Revd.)   .50

Collins, D. C.    .283

Collins, J.     .106, .130-.131

Collins, John   .234, .236-.241, .263-.264

Collins, W.     .104

Columbus, Christopher     .73, 97, 231

Congress Hall    120

Consee, O.    .245

Constantine, Algeria    432

Converse [?], L.   on same page as 142

            [note and signature]

Cooper, Benjamin    .331-332


Cooper, Elizabeth    .332

Cooper. Jos. B.     .181, 217


Cope, Jasper   on reverse of  113

Cope, Thomas P.    .113

The Corn Exchange Association  .134

Court House, Old - Philadelphia    .117

Cowper, William   .333-.348

Cox, John    .372a-b

            [carte-de-visite photo and a letter]

Cranmer (Archbishop)     .95

Curran, John Philpot     .129


Dadd, F.    on p. with 70-71

D’Aubigne, Jean Henri Merle (Rev.)   .143

Declaration of Independence   14, 123

Deeble, T.    .191

de Grellet, Etienne     .274

            [carte-de-visite photo of a drawing]

            [also known as Stephen Grellet]

de Grellet, Gabriel Marc Antoine .352

De La Croce, J. N.     .361

Dick, A.    .259

Dick, A. L.    .168, 311

Dickens, Charles    .62

Dicksee, T. F.      .258

Dillwyn, George     106, .109

Disney, Edgar    78a

D’Israeli, Benjamin  -see Beaconsfield, Lord  

D'Israeli, Isaac    .87

Dixon & Ross    61

Doney, T.    .396

Douglass, O. (Rev.)    .375, 378

Draper, John     .197

Drinker, Henry   .369

Drummond, W.  .147

Dryburgh Abbey, the grave of Scott    .61

Durand   .174

Duval, P. S.     .37, .52, .142

Dymond, Jonathan    .226, 230


Earlham Hall [England]       .252

Eastern Penitentiary     .264

Edmonstone, R.      .385

Edwards, Emma Howard    .272b-e

Edwards, Griffith     204

            [signature, 1791]

            [father of William L. Edwards]

Edwards, Thomas (Capt.)    .197

Edwards, William L.    272d

Edwin, D.    .129

Elias, Annette    71

Elizabeth (Princess)    406-407

            [daughter of George III]

Ellis, W. H.    110

Elstow Church       .321b

Elstow, England   321b, 325-326

Emlen, J.    203


Emlen, Samuel    206


Emlen, Samuel, Jr.     198d

            [letter, 6th mo., 13, 1783]

Erwin, John         .312

Ettaoa (India)    93

            [also called Etawah]

Evans, Charles    212

            [signature, 9.11.68, i.e. 1868]

Everett, Edward     .377


Faed, Thomas        .72, .154

Fairchild, L.       .366

Fairmount, Philadelphia       .233

            [includes water works]

Faithorne    78b

Faneuiel Hall       .311

Federal Edifice, New York City .162

Ferrand, Melle.      .45

Fillebrown, Thomas      .197

Fillmore, Millard     .142

Finden, W.     .298

First Presbyterian Church    .122

Fisher, Mary    .59

Fords, Howard & Hulbert    415

Forrest, J. B.    226

Fothergill, Ann     .374a

Fothergill, John  (Dr.)    .228

Fox, Charles James (Rt. Hon.)  .394

Fox, George    .52, .54

Franklin, Benjamin    .20, 123, 390-391

Franklin, Debby     .178

            [signature, 1783]

Franklin Library, Philadelphia    21

Friends’ Alms House, Walnut St.    .114

            [see also Alms House, Philadelphia Alms House]

Friends’ Bank Meeting House   .115

Friends’ Meeting House    .117

Friends’ Meeting House, Burlington, N.J.   220

Friends’ Meeting House, Chester, Pa.    150

Friends’ Meeting House, Jordans    9-10


Friends’ Meeting House, Merion     370

Friends’ Meeting House, Swarthmore [England]    .55

Fry, Elizabeth    .255

Fulton, Robert    .133

Fust   .63


Gainsborough    .364

Garrison, William Lloyd    90

Gihon, W. B.   1, 7 [?], 8, 9

Gilpin. C.    .10, 53, 55

Girard, Stephen    .124, 126 (with signature)

Girard College    .263

Girard’s Bank (Philadelphia)   .128

Gladstone, William E. (The Rt. Hon.)  .80, .81,  .83

Gompertz, N.    .137

Grellet,  Stephen – see de Grellet, Etienne

Grenier    .309, .396

Griffitts, Samuel Powel, M. D.   .292

Gurney, Joseph John    .252-253

Gurney, Samuel    .257

Gutenberg     .63


H., M. H.    272e

            [cousin of Emma Edwards]

Hacker, Elizabeth     .38

Hahmisch     143

Haines, Margaret     368

Hall, H. B.     .415

Hall, Sidney P.     .84-.85

Halpin, F.    .56

Hamilton, Alexander    30, .315

Hamilton, James, M. D.     .50

Hardie, James     .196

Harris, W. J.     .418

Harris’ Frontier House, Harrisburg     .313

Hartshorne, Joseph, M. D.  .283

Harvey, G.      .44

Hathaway, Anne      .71

Hauff, Michael      .66

Haverhill, Mass.    306

Haviland, J.        .41

Hawaarden   .81

            [home of Gladstone]

Hawarden Church       .82

Hemans, Felicia       .400, 402

Henry, E. L.       .64

Hidden, H. A.     .418

High Street Market House, Philadelphia   19, 232

High Street Prison    .277

Hilles, Samuel & Margaret    272b

Hobday      .173

Holbrook [?], D. H.     188

            [someone’s sister]

Holden, Isaac       .141

Holl, W.    414

Hopkinson, Frs.    .381

Hopkinson, Jos.    .379

Hoppin, T. P.       .366

House of Refuge, Philadelphia    .60

            [silk ribbon]

Howard, Chas. P., Jr.     .186

            [signature, 1826; brother of Emma Edwards]

Howard, Emma  - see Edwards, Emma Howard  

Howard, John      .165

Howard, Sarah P.      .185

            [mother of Emma Edwards]

Howard, T. P.    187

              [grandson of Thomas and Sarah P. Howard?]

Howitt, Mary      .244

Howitt, William     .244

Hull, Sarah  C.    .190

Hulz, John      .312

Humphries, F.       .364

Husti-Coluc-Chee        .375, 378

            [see also Bemo, John Douglass]

Huston, Robert M., M. D.       .284

Hutchinson, Jonathan       .254


[illegible]    201

Illman & Sons    .26, .102, .103, .365

Illman Brothers   .64, .94, .289

Illock, Hungary    433

Inskipp, I.      .251

Irving, Washington     56


Jefferson, Thomas     .123

Jenkins, J.   .294

John Wanamaker Store    438

Jones, F. F. (Engraver)        .136

Jones, Jacob     172

            [fictional character]

Jones, Rebecca     208

            [signature, 1791]

Jordan, Richard      .33

Jordan, Robert   .398

Jordans, Buckinghamshire     9-10


Kearny, F.      .33, .41

Kelley, T.   367, 385

Kemble, Frances Anne    320

Kerr & Ditmars      .161

Ketterlinus     330

Kingsessing. Pa.    194

Knowles, Anthony & Co.    .418

Koelner, A.     110


Lamartine, Alphonse-Marie-Louis-Prat de     .242

Lamb, Charles     .408

Lander, B.    421-422

Landseer, Edwin    103, .250

Lane, Theodore      .136

Laurel Hill Cemetery       .269

Lay, Benjamin       .417

Lee, Richard Henry  .314

Lehman, Geo.        .52

Le Keux, John       .353

Leney, W. S.    .133

Letitia Court    .144

Lex, M. S.    .125

[Liberty Bell]  on p. with 12-13

Lincoln, Abraham    .146

Linnaeus    .127

Livingston, Robert R.    .123

Lloyd, S.    .252

Lobrichon, T.    289

Locke, John    .158

Loganian Library  on p. with 21

London Coffee House, Philadelphia   .118

Longacre, J. B.   .50

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth    .43, .51, .420

Lossing    24

Louis Napoleon    .397

            [later Napoleon III]

Lunardi, [Vicenzo] (Mr.)    .191, .195

Luther, Martin   70a-b, .88, 99, .101


MacDonough, Abraham      161

Madison, James     .42b

Maes, Nicholaes   .171

Malcolm, Howard    .164

Manayunk, Penn.    .267

Manley, R.    .161

Martin, Charles    .56

Martini, I. G.    93

Martyn, Henry    .410

Mason, W.    .33, .141

Matteson, T. H  .172

McClees & Germon    .113, .284, .286

McRae, John C.      .420

Meigs, Ch. D., M. D.    .285

Merchant’s Exchange, Philadelphia     .265

Mifflin, Samuel     199

            [mentioned in letter]

Milton Bradley Co.    .308

Milton, John    .76, .78a-b

Mitchell, Kearsley, M.D.    .282

Mohammed (Sultan)    59

Montefiore, Moses    .423

Montgomery, James     .408

Moore, Thomas, Esq.     .328

More, Hannah    .298

Morris, Anthony    177 (letter to him), .189, 198f, 218, 434

            [more than one Anthony Morris, as 177 is a letter dated 1708, while 189 is a signature dated 1829; 218: includes note about relationship to Buckley family]

Morris, Anthony, Jr.    199

            [letter, Jul 11, 1775, to brother and sister]

Morris, Caspar      .219

            [carte-de-visite photo]

Morris, Catharine W.    272c, 437

            [cousin of Emma Edwards; 437 includes a carte-de-visite photo]

Morris, Deborah    .354 -355a, 372b, 374a-b

            [354: certificate to Friends in England, 1772; 355a: list of ship’s crew]

Morris, Israel, Jun.      .193

            [signature, 1784]

Morris, Israel W.    272d

Morris, Robert (Mrs.),     .46

Morris, Sally    .398

Morris, Saml., Jr. . .179

            [signature, 1778]

Morris, Saml. B.  .180


Morris, Sarah    .198b,, 198f, 354, 355b, .368

            [198b: letter, 1774; 198f: letter, 1751; 354: certificate to Friends in England, 1772]

Morris, T.     198d

Morris, Thomas   .192, 205

            [192: signature and part of a letter, 1779]

Morris, William  .200

            [letter, 12 mo.,  4, 1750]

Morton, J., Esqr.   .145

Morton, Samuel George   291

Mount Holyoke, Mass.   307-308

            [308: carte-de-visite photo of print]

The Mount Holyoke Pathfinder   .307

            [May, 17, 1866]

Mount Vernon     .31-.32

Moyamensing Prison     .237

Mozart family     .359, 361

Mullins, Priscilla    64

Munday, J.     .47

Murray, Lindley    174


Native Americans    5, 12, 145, 366, 375, 378

Navy Yard, Philadelphia    236

Nelson, Lord     .395

New-England Yearly Meeting Boarding School     .418

“New Market,” Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  .16

Newsam, A.     .37

Newton, Isaac     .158

Newton, John (Revd.)    .47, .221

New York City   356

Nicol, Erskine     .64


Obadiah Brown’s Benevolent Fund    418

Oertel     .59

Old Newgate Prison     .4

Old Slate-Roof House      .134

Opie, Amelia     .349

Ormsby, W. L.     .367

Osceola    .375, 378


Palais de la Legion d’Honneur, Paris    431

Pancoast, Joseph, M. D.     .287

Panorama of Philadelphia  .222-.225

Parmentier  .66

Peale, W.    .13

Pemberton, James    .227

Pemberton, John    207

            [signature, 1791]

Penn, Letitia     on page with no. 11

Penn, William   2, 5, 9, 11, 144, .150, 321a, .387

Penn’s Treaty Ground and Monument   7

            [see also no. 5]

Penn’s Tree     .6

Pennsbury Manor     .11

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts   .380, .382

Pennsylvania Hospital     .235, .386

Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane .141

Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind     .239

Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb     41

Perine, Geo. E.     .43

Philadelphia, views of  222-.225, 232-233

Philadelphia  Alms House    241

            [see also Alms House, Friends Alms House]

Philadelphia City Tavern  on page with  15

Philadelphia Court House, Old   117

Philadelphia Dispensary for the Medical Relief of the Poor     .389

Phillibrown, T.    .390

Pickersgill, H. W.    .298

Pilmore, D. D.     .275

Playford Hall    159

Pleydell-Bouverie    .399, 403

Pocahontas     .145

Pollock, T.    .418

Pope, Alexander     .68

Pottsville, Penn.    393

Poulson, Arthur Howell, Jr.    209-210

Pound, D. J.    .416

Powhatan   145

Powel, Samuel    .36, .293

Presbyterian Church, First    122

Prescott, William H.    .157

President’s residence, Philadelphia    30

Price, Lake    .353

Public Ledger [Mar. 25, 1836]  .161, .163


Quig, H.        144


Raleigh, Walter (Sir)  .75

Read, Judge     .146

Reed, C. H.     .429

Regnier         .242

Reinagle, Hugh     .370

Reynolds, Richard   .173

Rhoads, James     .357

Rice & Buttre     .251

Richmond, G.      .253, .256, .294

Riley    .132

Ritchie, A. H.     .45, .149, 172, 329

Roberts Old Mill     .150

Roberts, Thomas P.    379

Robinson, H.   .147

Robinson, William      .139

            [carte-de-visite photo]

Rock & Co.     .322-.326

Rogers     .134

Rogers, Orrin     .161

Rogers, Samuel     .408

Root, Chas.      .14

Rousseau      .392

Row, J. [or I.]    198b [mentioned in letter]

Rubens, Peter Paul      .91

Rush, Benjamin    288

Rushcombe, Berkshire    8

Ruskin, John      .421-422, 423b


Sadd, H. S.     .145, .171

St. Dunstan’s Church, Stepney, London   434

St. James’ Church, Kingsessing    194

St. John's Church, Philadelphia  .270

Sanders, G.     .259

Sartain      .310

Sartain, John    .2, .111, .132, .137, .250, .310, .317, .397

Sartain, Samuel     .146

Savery, W.    369

            [note signed by him, 1801]

Savery, William   211

            [signature, 1791]

Schenck & McFarlane      .143

Schiller        .167-.168

Schnitzler (Dr.)    436

            [also called Emin Bey and Emin Pasha]

Schwerdgeburth    101

Scott, Walter  (Sir)    .414-415

Scriven         .407

“Second Street, north from Market St.,” Philadelphia    15

Seebohm, Benjamin      .350

            [carte-de-visite photo of a drawing]

Sergeant, John     .108

Serz, J.        .112

Sewell [?], J. or I.   191

Sharp, Isaac    440

Sheridan, Richard B.      .351

Sherman, Roger       .123

Shillitoe, Thomas      .152

            [printed silhouette]

Shoemaker    116

“Shoosharry”      .40

Shury, Jno., & Son     .170

Shute, E. L.      on page with 63

Simmons, M. P.    .281

Simons, M. P.    285, 287

Sinclair        .417

Sinclair, T.   .40, .130

Smith, Geo. G.     .14

Smith, John (Captain)  .145

Smith, [William] (Dr.)     199

Staniland, C. J.     .425

Stanley, Henry M.    436

State House, Philadelphia     12, .13, on p. with 14, 120, 238

[Independence Hall]

Stavenger, Norway    426-427

Stearnes, J. B.     .149

Steel, J. W.  .142, .370

Stewardson, T.    369

Stone Prison, Philadelphia    96

Strasbourg Cathedral (France)     312

Strickland, William  .23

Sturge, Joseph      .416

Sully, T.       .320

Swarthmore Hall, near Ulverstone   .52, 53

Swedes Church, Southwark      .22


Tanner, B.      .382

Tasted, Elias    427

Taylor, C. S.       .328

Taylor, Jeremy    100

Temple Bar, Herts.      .299

Tennyson, Lord      .74

Thackara     16

Thoreau, Henry D.   on page with 91-94

Tilghman, Benjamin    215


Tilghman, Edward    214


Titian    353

Townsend, D.    198b [mentioned in letter]

Townsend, Richard     .150

Tucker, W. E.     141, .309, .411

Tuckerman, John     .197

Tuke, Samuel     .166

            [carte-de-visite photo of a drawing]

Twibill, G. W.      .161


United States    441

United States Bank  - see Bank of the United States   

U. S. Capitol     .383

            [carte-de-visite photo of a print]

U. S. Mint, Philadelphia     .260

U. S. Naval Asylum     .240

U.S. Navy Yard, Philadelphia    236

University of Pennsylvania     .261-262


Van-Ingen-Snyder    104a, .135, 163, 319

Vautier, B.     .94

Vaux, Robert     .23

Victoria (Princess Royal)   .148


Wallin, S.      .365

Waln, Nicolas       .107

Walnut Street Prison      .96

Walter, Thomas U.       .263

Wanstead, in Essex     1

Ware, Ebenezer    197

Warner, W.      .125

Warren, Joseph (Gen.)     .367

Wartburg, The Castle of     .70a

Washington, George   .24-.30

Washington, Martha   .24-.30

Washington's Tomb    .32

Watt, James   .246-247

Webster, Daniel     .329

Welch     .173

Welch & Walter   .38, .57, .281, .285, .287

Welch, T. B.   113, .253, .256, .258, .283, .284, .286

Wellstood, W.     .104, .158, .400

Wesley, Charles     .48

Wesley, John   .50

Wesley, Sarah (Mrs.)    .48

West, Benjamin      5, 133, .384

Westall, Richard     .317

Westoby    .174

Weston House    345

West-Town [i.e. Westtown] Boarding School     .130- .131

Wheeler, Charles     .40

Wheeler, Daniel    .37, .40

Whipple, John A.    329

White, Henry Kirke    .408

White, William, D. D.      .49

Whitefield, George     .89-90

Whitlock     .416

Whittier, John Greenleaf   213, 271, 306

Wilberforce, William, Esq.     .294

Wild & Chevalier     .222-.225, .232-.233, .235-.241, .260- .261, .264-.270

Wild, J. C.    .222-.225, .232-241, .260-.261, .264-270

Wilkie    .112

Will, Aug.    412

Williams, Roger    366

Willing, Thomas    .160

            [with statement about relationship to Emma Edwards]

Willing House .160

Wilson, Alexander    22


Winterhalter     .111

Wood, George B., M.D.    .286

Woolman, John    .368










Index to Objects (not complete):

Agricultural laborer    on page with 63, 66-67, 156

Baby   45, 72,  on page with 98, .111-.112, on page with 144, 249, .290, .310, 367, 411

            [see also Children and families]

Candle    62

Carriage, wagon, stage coach   on page with 64, 138, on page with 426-427

Cat    62

Caves    104a, 417

Certificate of merit    196

Chair, settle     161,  172, 324, 429

Children and families   45, 60, 72, opposite 94, 102-105, .110-.112 and others on that page, .129a-b,  130-131, 137-.138, on page with 144, 153-155, 245, 248-251, 273, 289, 300, 309, 317, 360, 362, 364-365, 385, 396-397, 409, 411, 413, 429-430, 4333

           [see also Baby]

Christmas scenes   101-102

Clock   on page with 64

Donkey    45

Easter bunnies     443

Fashion plates   404-405

Fireplace   .136, 272a

Firewood   on page with 70-71

Food    on page with 63, 66-67 [potatoes], .365  

Games    .112, 138, 430

Hot air balloon    191

Kitchen interior   .246, 326

Kitchen utensils .171

Leaves    page between 94 and 95

Looking glass, mirror    42a, .367

Musical instruments    94, 103, 359, 361, 409

Pets   103-105, 137, 250-251, 296, 310, 340, 385, 409

Potatoes   - see Food

Print (object)  [no item number listed]

Railroads    161, 266

Ruins    93, 363

Schools, school room, teaching    on page with 64, 129a-b, 130-131, 154

Scrapbook    on page with 70-71

Ship, model ship, boat    75, 113, on page with 136, 149, 161, 236, 305, 319, 356, 433

Silhouette     .331, 435

Spinning wheel    64, 153

Snowflakes    39

Stock (for prisoners)   on p. with 69, but partially covered with clipping

Street car    163

Table (set with cups) .136, .247

Umbrella     on page with 64



Index to occupations (incomplete; most have no item number):


Architect   23, 41, 312

Artist     353

Artist models    419

Basket maker    302

Cabinetmaker   .161



Goldsmith   .197

Government Official


Looking-glass Manufacturer  .161

Ornithologist    22



Pocketbook Manufacturer     .161


Treaty signing    5