The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

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Creator:         Norris family.             

Title:               Scrapbook

Dates:             1761-[ca.1860]

Call No.:         Fol. 241

Acc. No.:        62x33

Quantity:        1 v. (179 items)

Location:        5 J 11






Members of the Norris family were residents of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, prominent in both business and civic affairs.  The progenitor of the Philadelphia family was Isaac Norris, born in London in 1671, moved to Philadelphia in the 1690s.  He married Mary Lloyd in 1694 and died in 1735.  Their son Isaac (1701-1766) married Sarah Logan, the daughter of James Logan.  


It is not know which member of the Norris family compiled this scrapbook, but it has been speculated that it was done by Joseph Parker Norris (1763-1841).  He was the son of Charles (1712-1766) and Mary Parker Norris and a grandson of the elder Isaac Norris (1671-1735).  Charles was in business with his brother Samuel (1714-1747, new style).  Joseph Parker Norris married Elizabeth Hill Fox in 1790.  He was president of the Bank of Pennsylvania.  He and his wife had several children, and it is possible that one of these children (which included a son named Joseph Parker Norris) compiled the scrapbook.





Consists of views, mostly from the early 19th century, mostly of Philadelphia places, buildings, and people, evidently compiled by a member of the Norris family.  Highlights include engravings of Philadelphia buildings and churches with descriptions under the illustrations, depictions of historic events, views of historic landmarks in other states, busts of noted American men, and an illustration of William Penn's silver tea service.  Some of the items have handwritten captions underneath them.  There is a brief history of the Norris family glued in near a pencil sketch of the first family home, Fairhill, which was built in 1712 and burned by the British army on Nov. 22, 1777.  An annotation describes the "Prospective View of Pennsylvania Hospital with elevation of the intended Plan," published by Robert Kennedy in 1761 and hand colored, as one of the best pieces of its kind in America for its time.  Two sketches are signed by S. Norris.


At some point, the items were removed from the original volume and placed in a new one, with the original order maintained.  The original volume bore a trade card for William Lepard, stationer and bookseller on Tooley Street in Southwark, evidently London, not Philadelphia. 





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Originally assembled by a member of the Norris family, the volume was acquired from the Vaux family by Frank S. Schwarz.






            Architecture - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Dwellings - Pictorial works.

            Churches - Pictorial works.

            Buildings - Pictorial works.



            Silverwork - Pictorial works.


            Philadelphia (Pa.) - Pictorial works.



            Trade cards.






Location: 5 J 11


Index to Fol. 241 (acc. 62x33)


Includes subjects, engravers, printers, and authors of articles.


Academy, Friends’ - Phila. 64

Adlum & Wallis    178

Alms House, Friends’ - Phila.   69, 112

Analectic Magazine   140

Andalusia Boarding School    25

Arch Street bridge    111

asylum (proposed)    32


Baltimore harbor    50

Bank, Pennsylvania    75

Bank, Philadelphia    13

Bank, United States – Phila.   15, 16

barracks, British    117

Barralet, J. J.   138

Barrington and Haswell   95-133, 136-137

Barry, John (Commodore)   157-157a

Barton, Benjamin Smith   154

Bayard, John (Col.)    148

Benezet, Anthony    93, 109

Birch, Thomas    27, 60, 92

Birch, W.   92

Blackburn, Gideon (Rev.)   173

Blithefield     90

            [in Staffordshire]

Blue Anchor Inn   100

boat    98

            [see also Steamboat]

Boudinot, Elias   153

Boyd, J.    153

Brannon, Geo.   68

Breton, W. L.    9, 22, 64

Buttermilk Falls    53


canal, Chesapeake & Delaware   74

Cannon     80

            [school master]

Cannon, J.    80

Cape Henlopen lighthouse    38

Capitol Building, U.S. – Washington    51

Capitol building, Harrisburg    36a

Carpenters’ Hall – Phila.    125

Carpenter’s mansion    110

Catskill Mountains    56

Centre Square Water Works, Phila.   131

Chapman  25

Chesapeake & Delaware Canal    74


Chester (Penn.)    101

Chestnut Street bridge    109

Chew House   116

Chevalier  84

Childs, C. G.  31, 94

Christ’s Church, Phila.   5, 30, 123

            [also Christ Church]

Church, Christ’s – Phila.   5, 30, 123

Church, Friend’s – Phila.  64

Church, Friend’s, Bank St. – Phila.  122

Church, Friend’s, Second & High – Phila.  9

Church, Presbyterian, First – Phila.  118

Church, Swede’s – Phila.    2, 87, 114

Church, Unitarian – Phila.    11

Clarke’s Hall    113

Colney House    91

            [in Hertfordshire]

Columbian Magazine  26, 30

Congress Hall – Phila.   120

Court House – Phila.    7, 9, 95


D., A.J.    96

Dale, Peter  21

Dallas (Mr.)    92

Dawkins, H.    61

Decatur, Stephen   162

Decker, P. I.   27

Delaplaine, Joseph    150

Devon,   92

            [house in Pennsylvania]

De Witt   41

Dock Creek    105

Dorsey, J. S. (Dr.)    156

Doughty, T.    37

drawbridge    105

Duche’s house   128

Duffield, George   169

Du Simiuer, P. S.   176

Dutton, Joseph L. 6

Duval, P. S.    89


East River    58

Edwards, I. (pres.)   165

Edwin, D.   141, 144-146, 150, 157, 158, 160-162, 164-168, 172

Evans, Oliver 96

Ewing, I. [or J.]    170-170a

Exilious, J.   33


Fairhill    8, 65

            [also Fair Hill Mansion]

Fairman   41

Fairman, G.   40, 85

Fairman's Mansion    102

Falls of the Pedler (Va.)    37a

Farrand, W. P.   52, 79, 148

“Fashion, 1785”    78

Findley, William    70

Finley, Samuel (Dr.)   167

Fitch, John   3, 99

Fort McHenry   50

Fort Niagara   54, 55

Fort Oswego    41-42

Fort Ticonderoga    40, 44

Fox, George    89

Franklin, Benjamin   134, 140-140a

Frederick, J. L.   36a

Friends’ Academy, Phila.  64

Friends’ Alms House, Phila.    69, 112

Friends' Central School, Haverford    62a, 63

Friend’s Meeting House, Bank St.    122

Friends’ Meeting House    95

Friend’s Meeting House (Second & High, Phila.)    9

Friends Meeting House and Academy   64

Fulton, John 96


Gamble, Thomas   163

Gebrecht 154

Gilbert   10, 22

Girard, alias Fieschi    67

Girard’s Bank     15

Glennie, J.   45, 56

Gloria Dei (Old Swede’s) Church    87

Goodman, C.   140, 156

Gray's Ferry   22, 88-88a

Gurney, Jos. John     84


Hagley Hall     90

            [in Staffordshire]

hair styles    96

Hall, Harrison   147, 152

Hamm   51

Hampton (Maryland)   48

Harper’s Ferry     37

Harrison, Richard G.   50

Harrison, S.    179

Haswell   95-133, 136-137

Haverford College  63

Hay, W. W.  94

Heath, J.    151

Hewitt    35, 45, 56

Hicks, Elias     86

High Street Prison,  Phila.   95

highlands along the Hudson River    45

Hill, J.    36b

Holden, Isaac     34

Holme, Thomas   71

Hospital, Pennsylvania – Phila.        12, 31, 61, 94

Hospital, Pennsylvania, for the Insane – Phila.    34

House of Refuge    19

Hubbard     86

Hudson River    45, 56


Inderwick    59

Indians    103

Institution for the Blind, Pennsylvania    4


Jarvis, J.  173

Jefferson, Thomas   142-142a

Johnson, Samuel     85

Jones & Co. [London]    90, 91


Kennedy & Lucas  64

Kennedy, Robert    61

Kerney, E.    27

King, C.   147

Kneass, Young & Co.    39

Knebworth House   91

            [in Hertfordshire]

Knox, [Henry] (Gen.)   143, 143a-b


Laetitia Court cottage    107

Laight  (Col.)  39

Lake Ontario    179

Latrobe, B. H.  13

Laurens, Henry   141-141a

Lawrence, James, esq.    160

Lawson   138

Lawson, Oscar A.  63

Lehman, Geo.   89

Lemon Hill   24, 33

Leney   58-59

Lepard, William  inside front cover

Lexington green (Mass.)    29

lighthouse  at Cape Henlopen   38

lighthouse at Sand’s Point    59

Logan, James    81, 134

Logan house [Stenton]    133

Loganian Library    138

London Coffee House  119

Longacre, J. B.   147, 155

Louis XIV (“Le Grand”)    83

Loxley House   129


M., T. H.     95

“Maitre du Temps”    83a

Market shambles    95

Markoe, Abraham   76a

Martin    140

Mason, W.    34

Masonic Hall – Phila.   18

Maverick, P.  173

Mease    18

militia camp    39

Mint, U.S. – Phila.    62

Mitchel lighthouse at Sand’s Point    59

Montgomery and Winter    61

Morris Mansion  126

Morris, Robert   126, 151-151a

Mumford, T. H.    95, 104-105, 110, 115, 118-120, 122, 124, 126-127, 131-132

Murray, Alexander   158-158a

Murray, G.   53


Neale, J. P.     90, 91

New London (Conn.)    49

Norman’s Kill Falls    46

Norris Castle   68-68a

            [Isle of Wight]

Norris family    64a

Norris, Isaac    8, 64a, 65

Norris, Joseph Parker – compiler?

Norris, S.    82

Norris, Samuel    65


office of Secretary of Foreign Affairs    124

Ogle and Summers    66

Oxford Rail Road    1


Pagoda, the - Phila.   20

Pass & Stow   10

Peale   145

Peale, C. W.    26, 88, 155

Peale, R. 142

Peale, Rembrant    155

Pedler Falls (Va.)    37a

Pegg's Run     130

Pemberton family    14

Pemberton, Israel   14

Pemberton, James    136

Penn, William    100, 101, 103, 107, 108, 135, 138-138a, 175

Pennock's Mill    21

Pennsylvania    73

Pennsylvania Bank    75

Pennsylvania Capitol Building, Harrisburg  36

Pennsylvania Hospital    12, 31, 61, 94

Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane    34

Penna. Institution for the Blind     4

Pennsylvania State House, Phila.   10, 26, 120

Penny Pot House   104

Perry, O. H. [Oliver Hazard]    161

Philadelphia    60, 71, 76-76a

Philadelphia Bank   13

Philadelphia Water Works  24

Piggott R.   140, 156

Pine   151

Pinkney, William   147

Plantation, The    14

Port Folio (Magazine) 152

Potts, Mary Ann (Mrs)   35

Presbyterian Church, First  – Phila.  118

Prior & Dunning    177

Prison, High Street - Phila.    95

Prison, stone (at 3d and High)    95

Prison, Walnut Street – Phila.    115

Pratt, Henry   24, 33

Prevost, B. L.   176


Quebec    177

Queenstown, upper Canada    57


R., J.    96

Randolph, John    144

Redman, J. (Dr.)   174-174a

Reed, Joseph (Gen.)   176

Reinagle, H.   39, 40, 44

Richards, Samuel 17

Ridgley, Chas. (Gen.)  48

Rumford (Count)   152

Rush, Benjamin    150-150a

Russell’s Hat Store    27


S [cut off],  J. W.    37

Sand’s Point, Long Island    59

Saunders, Charles 21

Savage, E. 139

sawmill     6

School, Friends' Central, Haverford 63

Schuylkill Permanent Bridge, Phila.    52

Schuylkill Water Works, Phila.    132

Sener, Sven    114

Senn, J.    142

settlers    99

Seymour, Henry (Lord)    68a

Seymour, S.    60

shambles    95

Shaw, J.   36b                       

Shippen’s house    106               

Shulze, J. A., esq.    149                  

Sinclair, T.    69                    

Slate Roof House   108

Smith, Isaac   146-146a

Smith, John B.    172

Sowle, Andrew   71

Sproat, James (Rev.)   171

State House, Pennsylvania - Phila.   10, 26, 120

            [Independence Hall]

State House Inn   121

steamboat     3, 56, 97

steam car    97

steam carriage    66

Steeper, J.   61

Stenton    133

Stiles, Ezra    168

stone prison (at 3d and High)    95

Stout, Jas. D. 177

Strickland    42, 54, 57

Strickland, Geo. 31, 94

Strickland, William    32, 93

Struthers, John    6

Stuart, G.   157, 162

Sully, (Thomas)    150, 153, 156

Swarthmore Hall   89

            [Ulverstone, England]

Swede’s Church, Southwark, Philadelphia    2, 87, 114

Swede's Ford   23, 35


T., J.     26, 88

tea service    175

Tennent, Gilbert    164

Theatre, Walnut Street - Phila.  17

Thomas, M.   140

Thomson, Charles   28

Treaty Elm    102

Truxton, Thomas    159

Tucker, W. E.   34


Unitarian Church, Phila.    11

United States Bank, Phila.  15, 16

U.S. Capitol Building, Washington    51

U.S. Congress Hall, Phila.    120

U. S. Military Academy, West Point   47

U.S. Mint, Phila.    62


Valentine, C. M.     84

Vaux, Roberts   93

Virginia    72


W., J. F.    96

Waldo     161

Wallis 178

Waln, Nicholas   137

Walnut Street Prison, Phila    115

Walnut Street Theatre (Phila.)   17

Washington, George   127, 139-139a

Washington house   127

Water Works, Phila.   24

Water Works, Centre Square - Phila.   131

Water Works, Schuylkill- Phila.   132

Watkins, W.     90-91

Whitefield, G.    79

Wild & Chevalier    84

Wilson (Dr.)    78

Wilson, Alexander   145-145a

Winter   61

Witherspoon, John (Dr.)   166

woman, unknown    77

Wood    158

Wotton   68


York, on Lake Ontario    43

York Springs, Adams County    36b

Zeno    9