The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

Telephone: 302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:         E.N. Stevens & Co. (Farmington, Me.)                                 

Title:               Invoices and promissory notes

Dates:             1851-1859, (bulk 1851-1852).

Call No.:         Doc. 1171      

Acc. No.:        99x102

Quantity:        109 items

Location:        31 G 6






E.N. Stevens and Co. was a hardware store in Farmington, Maine.  One of the principals was Edwin N. Stevens (1829-1884).  Based on the promissory notes in the collection, partners were probably F. V. Stewart and James Stanley.


One of the people from whom Stevens bought goods was Arno A. Bittues.  Stevens had a son named Arno B., and it is presumed that there was more than a business relationship between Stevens and Bittues. 





Invoices and promissory notes for E.N. Stevens & Co., a hardware store in Farmington, Maine.  The invoices, dated 1851-1852, are from other stores, mostly in Augusta and Boston, and show the purchase of a wide range of hardware items and tools: manure forks, hammers, nails, basting spoons, chains, hatchets, powder flasks, hooks, rasps, springs, bolts, shovels, cow bells, sad irons, stoves, two solar lamps, pumps, cauldrons, locks, trowels, hardware and goods for carriages, etc.  Some of the invoices are on printed billheads, a few of which are illustrated. 


The promissory notes are mostly to the Sandy River Bank of Farmington but also to various suppliers.  Many of the promissory notes are printed forms, often illustrated with classical or patriotic images.  Of particular note is one illustration of Quincy Market in Boston; several are illustrated with a Native American man.  The promissory notes are dated 1854, 1956-1859.





Items are in chronological order.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Peter L. Masi.          





                        Stevens, Edwin N.



            Hardware stores - Maine - Farmington.

            Business records - Maine - Farmington.

            Hardware - Prices - 19th century.

            Tools - Prices - 19th century.

            Stoves - Prices - 19th century.

Irons (Pressing)

            Lamps - Prices.



            Promissory notes.







Location: 31 G 6



Invoices and bills: (acc. 99x102.1-.78)


.78       goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Dec. 25, 1851 (endorsed on back as 1852): bolts, corn poppers, knobs, files



            goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Oct. 6, 1851: locks, shoe pincers, chains, bolts, countersinks, screw driver and other bites, hatchets, powder flasks, plow irons, brads, augers, match safes, etc.


.2         goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Oct. 4, 1851: glass


.3         bottom part of a bill from W.R. Prescott & Co., Nov. 7, 1851: frames, etc.


.4         goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Nov. 19, 1851: steel, rods, etc.


.5         goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Dec. 11, 1851: lead pipe, locks, fire frames, glass, brass kettles, cow ties, chains, iron candlesticks, etc.


.6         goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Dec. 2, 1851: stoves, solar lamp for stage, nails, shot, hooks, hatchets, snuffer trays, borax, shoe tacks, pulleys, chain, basins, corn poppers, sad iron stands, screws, shovels, saws, cow ties, spoons, door handles, latches, glazier points, chemical olive soap, knives, trunk rivets, bolts, etc., etc.


.7         goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Jan. 6, 1851 [sic, endorsed on back 1852]: hatchets, washers


.8         goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Jan. 15, 1852: sad iron stands, plane, shovel and tongs, nuts, corners, screws


.9         goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Jan. 23, 1852: sheet iron(?)


.10       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, Jan. 24, 1852: side springs


.11       goods bought of Bittues & Safford, Augusta, Jan. 311852: iron, steel, axles, etc.


.12a-b  goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, Feb. 2 and Feb. 4, 1852: springs, etc.


.13       goods bought of J.[?] Garfield, August, Feb. 6, 1852: hay luther[?], plows


.14       bill addressed to Bittues & Safford, bought of Edward Dana, saddler & coach hardware, Boston, Feb. 6, 1852: leather, muslin, hames, bits, etc.

                        Printed billhead


.15-.16             goods bought of Arno A. Bittues, Feb. 10 and Feb. 12, 1852: axles and hatchets


.17       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Augusta, Feb. 23, 1852: nails, locks, files, screws, shoe hammers, curry combs, jack planes, hooks, broad axe, etc.


.18       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Augusta, Feb. 24, 1852: manure forks


.19       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, March 1, 1852: side springs


.20       goods bought of A. Lambord[?], March 3, 1852: tubs[?]


.21       goods bought of Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co., agricultural implements and machines, Boston, March 2, 1852: plow wheel and cutter, plain plows, points

                        Printed billhead, illustrated with picture of a plow


.22       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Augusta, March 3, 1852: shears, locks, snuffer and trays, brass kettle, glass, iron, steel, nail and spike roses, etc.


.23       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, March 24, 1852: side springs


.24       goods bought of Solomon H. Dodge, dealer in finished axles [and a long list of other goods], Boston, April 5, 1852: axles, etc., to be shipped on steamer St. Lawrence;

                        Printed billhead


.25       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, April 9, 1852: side springs


.26       goods bought of Edward Dana, saddler & coach hardware, Boston, April 26, 1852: leather, enameled cloth, iron, nails, bands, shaft sockets, etc.

                        Printed billhead


.27       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Augusta, April 26, 1852: saw


.28       goods bought of Hammond, Manson & Co., dealers in iron, steel, Boston, April 27, 1852: various kinds of iron;

                        Printed billhead


.29       goods bought of Arno A. Bittues, dealer in flour and grain, May 15, 1852: shovels;

                        Printed billhead


.30       goods bought of Allen Lambord[?], May 17, 1852: boxes, etc.


.31       goods bought of Hammond, Manson & Co., dealers in iron, steel, Boston, May 17, 1852: various kinds of iron and steel, crowbars, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.32       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Augusta, May 20, 1852: steelyards, grindstone cranks and rollers, snaps, tablespoons, plank mills, cow bells, spring balances, foot scrapers, sad iron stands, mouse traps, iron bed casters, carriage bolts, etc.


.33       goods bought of Edward Dana, saddler & coach hardware, Boston, April 26, 1852: trunk rivets and bands, aprong hooks and rings, casters, etc.

                        Printed billhead


.34       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, May 2, 1852: side springs


.35       goods bought of Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co., agricultural implements and machines, Boston, May 25, 1852: plows and points

                        Printed billhead, illustrated with picture of a plow


.36       goods bought of Allen Lambord[?], June 1, 1852: [difficult to read, last item appears to be plow points]


.37       goods bought of Hammond, Manson & Co., dealers in iron, steel, Boston, June 7, 1852: spring steel

                        Printed billhead


.38       goods bought of Webber & Havstand[?], June 9, 1852: glass[?]


.39       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, June 9, 1852: side springs


.40       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Augusta, June 11, 1852: glass, manure forks


.41       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, June 11, 1852: seat[?] springs


.42       goods bought of Allen Lambord[?], June 17, 1852: [difficult to read]


.43       goods bought of Butler, Keith & Hill, importers of hardware and dealers in lead, zinc, pumps, etc., Boston, July 6, 1852: pumps, augers, plane irons, latches, locks, nails, curtain rings, lead pipe, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.44-.45             goods bought of W.R. Prescott & Co., July 8 and 12, 1852: cauldrons, ash mouths, small door rolls


.46       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Augusta, July 12, 1852: bolts, shovels, rat traps, files


.47       goods bought of Allen Lambord[?], July 20, 1852: cart boxes, wagon shoes, oven and ash mouths, frames


.48       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, July 30, 1852: side springs


.49       goods bought of Butler, Keith & Hill, importers of hardware and dealers in lead, zinc, pumps, etc., Boston, July 6, 1852: basting spoons, jack planes, paper, horse brushes, bell pulls, locks, haldnles, window springs, hooks, gauges, sickles, fire stones, chisels, reamers for iron, screws, brads, barn door hangers, brass kettles, pence chain, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.50       goods bought of Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co., agricultural implements and machines, Boston, Aug. 14, 1852: plow;

                        Printed billhead, illustrated with picture of a plow


.51       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, Aug. 14, 1852: side springs


.52       goods bought of Allen Lambord[?], Aug. 30, 1852: frames, bolts and eyes, etc.


.53-.54             goods bought of Edward Dana, saddler & coach hardware, Boston, Aug. 3 and Sept. 1, 1852: leather, cloth, hardware, etc.;

                        Printed billheads


.55       goods bought of Nathaniel Lamson, iron and steel, etc., Boston, Sept. 7, 1852, [difficult to read];

                        Printed billhead


.56       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, Sept. 8, 1852: elliptic springs


.57       goods bought of Chas. W. Safford, Sept. 8-15, 1852:sheet iron, nuts, etc.


.58       goods bought of Charles Scudder & Co., commission merchants and hardware dealers, Boston, Sept. 13, 1852: files[?];

                        Printed billhead


.59       goods bought of F.A. Williams, Readfield, Sept. 14, 1852: side springs


.60       goods bought of Caleb G. Loring & Co., window glass, etc., Boston, Oct. 12, 1852: glass, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.61       goods bought of Hammond, Manson & Co., dealers in iron, steel, Boston, Oct. 14, 1852: various kinds of iron and steel, cook stove, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.62-.63             goods bought of Butler, Keith & Hill, importers of hardware and dealers in lead, zinc, pumps, etc., Boston, Oct. 19 and 29, 1852: shovels and tongs, chisels, hooks, steelyards, saws, pinchers, kettles, laundry irons, sad irons, springs, rat traps, tailor irons, butts, trowels, snuffers, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.64       goods bought of Edward Dana, saddler & coach hardware, Boston, Oct. 30, 1852: shaft sockets, girth web, etc.

                        Printed billhead


.65       goods bought of Allen Lambord[?], Oct. 29, 1852: castings, frames, bolts and eyes


.66       goods bought of Solo. H. Dodge, [Boston], Oct. 30, 1852: carriage bolts, to be shipped by steamer


.67       goods bought of Butler, Keith & Hill, dealers in hardware, lead, zinc, pumps, etc., Boston, Nov. 4, 1852: pumps and pump fixtures;

                        Printed billhead [different from their previous billheads]


.68       goods bought of Prescott & Fuller, Nov. 5, 1852: clothes horse castings


.69       goods bought of Butler, Keith & Hill, importers of hardware and dealers in lead, zinc, pumps, etc., Boston, Nov. 9, 1852: hammers, augers, knobs, steelyards, knives, cocoa carvers, files, iron candlesticks, trays, snuffer trays, enameled wash basins, kettles, sauce pans, brass top fire dogs, etc.; with note that brass balls for fire dogs and curtains bands could not be found and rat traps are to be sent later;

                        Printed billhead


.70       goods bought of S. Page & Co., dealers in drugs, paints, oils, dye-stuffs, window glass, etc., Hallowell, [Maine], Nov. 11, 1852: for putty;

                        Printed billhead


.71       goods bought of Butler, Keith & Hill, importers of hardware and dealers in lead, zinc, pumps, etc., Boston, Nov. 15, 1852: hammers, locks, barn door rollers, knobs, curtain bands, glass curtain pins, pumps, steel squares, lead pipe, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.72       goods bought of Prescott & Fuller, Nov. 5, 1852: cauldrons


.73       goods bought of Hammond, Manson & Co., dealers in iron, steel, Boston, Nov. 29, 1852: [unclear what was bought];

                        Printed billhead


.74       goods bought of Butler, Keith & Hill, importers of hardware and dealers in lead, zinc, pumps, etc., Boston, Dec. 1, 1852: locks, butts, casters for a wheel, sleigh bells, screws, well chain, pumps, etc.;

                        Printed billhead


.75       goods bought of Caleb G. Loring & Co., window glass, etc., Boston, Dec. 4, 1852: [unclear what was bought];

                        Printed billhead


.76       goods bought of C. &A. Lambord[?], Dec. 7, 1852: fire frames, bolts and eyes


.77       goods bought of Prescott & Fuller, Nov. 5, 1852: oven mouths, clothes dryers, 12 pounds of something


[.78 – see under Dec. 1851]



Promissory notes: (acc. 99x102.79-.108)


.89       promise to pay John W. Perkins, May 30, 1854, signed Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid; attested to by Hannibal Be[illegible]


.79       promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Jan. 16, 1856, signed by Edwin N. Stevens as principal and F. V. Stewart as surety; marked paid;

                        Printed form, Swift & Prescott, printers


.80       promise to pay Nashua Lock Co. at Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Me., Apr. 16, 1856, signed by Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with statue of George Washington, printed by L.S. Learned, Cambridgeport, Mass.


.81       promise to pay Birmingham Iron & Steel Works at Merchants Bank, Boston, Feb. 11, 1856, Farmington, Me., signed by Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with statue of George Washington, printed by L.S. Learned, Cambridgeport, Mass.


.82       promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Aug. 15, 1856, signed by Edwin N. Stevens as principal and F. V. Stewart as surety; marked paid;

                        Printed form, Chronicle Job Printing Office, Farmington, printers


.83       promise to pay Edward Dana, Boston, Nov. 15, 1856, signed by Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with view of Boston’s Quincy Market, hanging fowl, and cows


.84       promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Jan. 23, 1857, signed by Edwin N. Stevens as principal and James Stanley as surety; marked paid;

                        Printed form, Chronicle Job Printing Office, Farmington, printers


.85-.86             promise to pay Morton & Sprague, at Sandy River Bank, Feb. 5, 1857, signed by Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with hunting scene, including a woman on horseback carrying a falcon; printed by L.S. Learned, Cambridgeport, Mass.


.87       promise to pay Thomas Lambord [or Lambard], Farmington, March 2, 1857, signed by Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with Vulcan at his forge, printed by L.S. Learned, Cambridgeport, Mass.


.88       promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, May 11, 1857, signed by Edwin N. Stevens as principal and James Stanley as surety;

                        Printed form, by Chronicle Job Printing Office, Farmington


.89 – dated 1854


.90-.91             promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, June 12 and July 21, 1857, signed by Edwin N. Stevens and James Stanley; .90 is marked paid


.92       discharge: Wheelwright Stephens is discharged from all indebtedness to Dodge Roberson & Co., Freedom, [Maine?], Aug. 29, 1857, signed by H. Dodge, M.O. Robinson, and Benj. Williams


.93       promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Sept. 21, 1857, signed by Edwin N. Stevens and James Stanley; marked paid


.94       promise to pay Page & Robbins, at Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Me., Dec. 23, 1856 [or 1857], signed Edwin N. Stevens;

                        Printed form, illustrated with picture of a seated figure of Liberty looking over grapes and flowers, printed by L.S. Learned, Cambridgeport, Mass.


.95       promise to pay E.D. Prescott, Farmington, March 18, 1858, signed by Edwin N. Stevens, marked paid


.96       promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, May 15, 1858, signed by Edwin N. Stevens and James Stanley; marked paid


.97       promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, June 15, 1858, signed by Edwin N. Stevens as principal and James Stanley as surety; marked paid;

                        Printed form, by George R. Davis & Brother, Stationers, Portland


.98-.100           promise to pay Butler, Keith & Co., at bank in Farmington, June 25, 1858, signed Edwin N. Stevens; all marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with a Native American man, printed by Brown, Bazin & Co.


.101-.102         promise to pay Edward Dana at Sandy River Bank in Farmington, Nov. 7 and Dec. 7, 1858, signed Edwin N. Stevens; both marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with a Native American man, printed by Brown, Bazin & Co.


.103-.104         promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Dec. 27, 1858 and March 26, 1859, signed by Edwin N. Stevens and James Stanley; both marked paid


.105     promise to pay J. P. Holley, April 15, 1859, signed Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with a Native American man, printed by Brown, Bazin & Co.


.106     promise to pay Thomas Lambord [or Lambard], Farmington, June 6, 1859, signed by Edwin N. Stevens; marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with a Native American man, printed by Brown, Bazin & Co.


.107     promise to pay Callender, Flint & Co., Boston, at Sandy River Bank, Farmington, June 24, 1859, signed Edwin N. Stevens, marked paid;

                        Printed form, illustrated with a figure of Columbia [partially torn], printed with names of partners: Benjamin Callender, Thomas Flint, George E. Leanard[? Name partially torn away], printed by T. Groom & Co., Stationers


.109     promise to pay Sandy River Bank, Farmington, Nov. 1, 1859, signed by Edwin N. Stevens and James Stanley; marked paid