The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

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Creator:          Abbott, Abiel, b. 1741.                                   

Title:               Account books

Dates:             1759-1802

Call No.:         Doc. 1037

Acc. No.:         57x17.1-.2

Quantity:        2 v. (80 p., 68 p.)

Location:        31 H






Abiel Abbott was a cooper in Wilton, New Hampshire, in the second half of the 18th century.  He married his wife, Dorcas, in 1764, and by 1777, they had five sons and one daughter.  Abbott served as constable for the town of Wilton, NH beginning in 1767 and he also farmed.





These two volumes record the business transactions of cooper Abiel Abbott of Wilton, New Hampshire, who made sap barrels, meat barrels, butter churns, cheese hoops, beer barrels, axe and hoe handles, buckets, and taps, and hooped tubs and churns.  Abbott kept a record of the number of barrels he produced between 1759-1763, as well as an "account of stock" that included his supply of ash, white pine, and walnut boards.  He inventoried his tools in 1759.


Abbott supplemented his income by selling salt, rum, rye, corn, meat, seeds, and root vegetables like turnips and "pertators."  He recorded performing such farm labor as plowing, harrowing, haying, and chopping wood for other people, especially his brothers.


In 1767, Abbott became a constable for the town of Wilton, NH, and one entry indicates that he trained soldiers for the Revolutionary War.  Also included in volume 1 are a copy of the will of Timothy Gray, a list of clothing expenses, and Abbott's family birthdates.






The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Timothy Trace.






            Abbott family - Genealogy.



            Barrels - Prices.



            Clothing and dress - Prices.

            Pails - Prices.


            Business records - New Hampshire.

            Agricultural wages.


            Coopers and cooperage.

            United States - History - Revolution, 1775-1783.







Location: 31 H



Name indexes to both volumes:


Index to acc. 57x17.1:


Abbot, Abiel 4, 8, 9, 11, 12-15, 15b, 15c, 16b, 16c, 17-21, 24, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, 35a, 36-40, 42, 42a, 42b, 43, 46, 47, 49-56, 60, 62, 64, 66-71, 71a, 73-75

Abbot, Barachias   16b

Abbot, Benjamin

Abbot, Darius 38

Abbot, David 7

Abbot, Dorcas

Abbot, Ezra

Abbot, George 5, 6, 8, 80

Abbot, Henry 19

Abbot, Isaac 33

Abbot,   Jacob 16a, 35a, 56, 57, 63, 76

Abbot, Jeremiah 13, 14, 39, 40, 79

Abbot, John 11, 36, 64

Abbot, Joseph 15c, 20, 80

Abbot, Lebediah  4

Abbot, Lydia 16a, 52

Abbot, Moses 33, 52, 53

Abbot, Nathan 18, 22, 23, 44, 50, 51

Abbot, Nehemiah 4, 10

Abbot, Samuel

Abbot, Stephen 15c

Abbot, Thomas 23

Abbot, Timothy 16a, 16b, 54

Abbot, William 13, 25, 41a, 42, 52, 54, 60, 61, 76, 79

Addams, Lydia  6, 10

Ardyway  28


Ballard   46, 54, 75, 79

Ballard, John 13

Ballard, Nathan 7, 8, 11, 20, 21, 41a, 41b, 44, 46, 47, 76

Ballard, Sarah  6

Ballard, Stephen  11

Ballard, Uriah 16c, 17, 52, 68, 69, 79

Barker, Daniel 41a

Barker, Nehemiah 7

Barker, Phinehas  15, 72

Barnard, Stephen  31

Barrit, Robert  41a

Blanchard, David 11, 22, 30, 31, 34, 38, 44, 65, 70, 71

Blanchard, Joshua   10, 21, 26, 41a, 62

Blanchard, Nathan  24, 25, 4la, 58, 59, 65, 71

Blanchard, P.  58

Blanchard, Samuel   17

Blanchard, Stephen   5, 34, 35, 41a

Blunt, David  35

Blunt, Isaac  18

Bolch, Hart  42a

Brown, Isaac 15

Brown, James 15, 15b, 15c, 52, 67

Brown, John  62, 63

Brown, W. (Dr.)  32

Burge, Ephraim  76

Burton, John  76

Burton, Jonathan  41a, 76

Butterfield  21, 29, 70

Butterfield, Joseph  29, 42

Butterfield, Stephen 16b


Calton, Nehemiah  10


Camil, Robert  74

Case, Jeremiah  39

Chadler  79

Chandler, David  37

Chandler, Isaac 32

Chandler, Joshua  29

Chandler, Nathan  15

Christopher  47

Cillam, Samuel  38

Coburn, George  28

Coster, Ebenezer  76

Crom, John  18

Crom, Jonathan  63

Cummings, Hannah  53


Dale, John  76

Dane, John  10

Dane, Joseph  9

Dane, William  24

Dascombe, James  67, 73

Dresser, Jonathan  12

Dunsten, Pattey  80


Ellit  41a, 76

Ellits, Elias  76


Father (Abbot)  25, 41a, 76

Ford, Esrael

Foster, Asa 16b

Foster, Job  39

Foster, William  34

Fry, Isaac  48, 49, 63

Fry, John  6, 10

Frye 79


Gray   17, 59

Gray, Jonathan  55

Gray, Robert  12

Gray, Ruth  78

Gray, Timothy  26, 27, 59, 74, 78, 79

Griffin, James  39

Gutterson, Samuel  16a


Heartwell  79

Hobard, Major  69

Holt   17, 18, 20, 48, 50, 62, 69

Holt, Banichias  18

Holt, Benjamin  76

Holt, Daniel  18, 41a, 76

Holt, David  14

Holt, Fyfield  73

Holt, Jeremiah  74, 75

Holt, Joseph 13, 66, 74

Holt, Joshua  29

Holt, Lela  36, 74

Holt, Nicholis  21

Holt, Oliver  29

Holt, Saml.  15, 67

Holt, Simeon  42

Holt, Timothy  63

Hopkins  71

How, Israel  67, 79

Hutcheson, Capt.  12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23, 31, 40, 41, 41a, 47, 48, 51, 54, 68, 72, 74, 75

Hutcheson, Nathan  72

Hutchinson, Timothy  73


Ingils, Isaac  10

Israel  14, 45


Jere  23, 25, 39, 41b, 44, 54, 76, 79

John  21, 41a, 76

Jones  7, 21

Jones, Caleb  47, 66

Jones, Jonathan  10


Kenney, David  9, 59


Lancey 62

Lancy, George  41, 42a, 62, 75

Livermore  41, 63

Lovejoy, Hannah  7

Lovejoy, Henry 18, 42, 47, 61, 65, 80

Lovejoy, Joshua  16c

Lovejoy, Samuel  42, 66, 79

Lutwyche, Goldstone  63


Manard, Jothom  35

Martin  42b

Martin, Jonathan  66

Milliken  4

Mulliken, Elexander  76


Nuss  18, 55


Obed  8, 21, 45, 47

Osgood, Isaac  10

Osgood, Peter  35a

Osgood, Samuel  28

Osgood, Stephen  63


Parce, William  24, 25

Parker, Benjamin  12, 49

Parker, Dinah  11

Parker, Henry  12, 58, 72

Parker, James  11

Parker, Josiah 7, 52, 63, 69

Parker, Naomi  53

Parker, Susanah  72

Peabody, Aaron  50, 51

Peabody, Ephraim  42b, 43

Peabody, Isaac  72

Peirce, William  63, 76

Phillips  35a

Phillips, Revering Saml.  26

Phineaus  34

Pompe  30

Poor, Daniel  10

Poor, Thomas 10

Price, William  63

Putnam, Ephraim  76


Reard, Edman  69

Ridout, Benjamin 11, 12, 75, 79

Rockwood, Ebenr. (Dr.)  79

Russell, Elizabeth  71a

Russell, Isaac  36-38, 71a

Russel, Thomas  41a

Samuel 13, 16b, 16c, 17, 20, 22, 24, 32, 40, 42, 45, 46, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 64, 75

Sanders  20, 21, 44

Sanders, Stephen  42

Sawyer, Josiah  70a

Sawyer, Sarah  71

Sayer, Nuss?

Simson, Capt.  6

Simson, Joseph  26

Smith, Benjamin  63

Snow, Joseph  18, 19

Spalding, Levi  41a

Steel, Benjamin  43

Steel, John  4, 9, 10, 15c

Stephen  13

Stepen, Jonathan  35a

Steven, John  80

Steven, Samuel  5

Stile, Moses  69, 76

Stratton  41

Stratton, Richard  41


Taller, Lieut. 32

Tayler  41a, 47

Temple, Howard

Thompson  68, 73

Thomson, Dorothy  12, 11, 73

Tiler, Jacob  40

Twesden? Capt.  41


Wardwell, John  10

William  44, 48, 52, 54, 55, 64, 65, 71, 79

Wilson, John  16c

Wilton, Mass.  41


Index to 57x17.2:


Abbot  56, 60, 64

Abbot, Abiel  22, 23, 26, 34, 38, 39, 43, 48, 54, 58

Abbot, Barachias  6, 13

Abbot, Benjamin  21

Abbot, George  6, 34, 36, 49, 55

Abbot, Jacob  10, 21, 41, 51, 68

Abbot, Jacob, jr.  41

Abbot, Jeremiah  3, 46, 47, 62a, 63

Abbot, John  14, 31, 44, 57, 62a

Abbot, Joseph  64

Abbot, Joseph (Lt.)  48, 66

Abbot, Joseph, jr.  12, 35

Abbot, William  1, 2, 13, 24, 28, 54, 56, 60

Abbot, William, jr.  index

Abiel  24, 42

Adams, Samuel  44


Ballard  15

Ballard, Lt.  13, 27, 28

Ballard, Bettey  55

Ballard, Nathan (Lt.)  27, 28

Ballard, Salla  5

Ballard, Sarah  5

Ballard, Uriah  12, 15, 16, 21, 60

Ballard, Uriah, jr.  15, 16, 20

Barns, Isaac (Lt.)  57

Barron, Isaac (Lt.)  44, 45, 56, 62a, 63

Barrett  62

Batcheldon, Archarlous (Lt.)  26

Barcheldon, Lial  21, 26

Barcheldon, Uzziel  26

Benjamin  1, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 35, 38, 46, 55, 62, 68

Bettey, John  62a, 63

Blanchard   33, 34

Blanchard, Lt.  50, 51, 64

Blanchard, Abiel  20

Blanchard, David   22, 36, 55

Blanchard, George  22, 41

Blanchard, J. (Lt.)  51

Blanchard, Jacob  36

Blanchard, Jeremiah (Lt.)   4, 33, 34, 50, 51

Blanchard, Joshua  index

Blanchard, Lucy 38

Blanchard, Nathan  55

Blanchard, Peter  36

Blanchard, Stephen  21, 38

Blanchard, Stephen, jr.  35

Blood, Mr.  30

Blood, Asa   30

Blood, Simon  31

Blood, Stephen  32

Blunt, Mr.  13, 34

Blunt, Isaac  13, 14, 31, 34

Bradish, Mr.  32

Bridges, Abiel  25

Brown   39, 62

Brown, David  9, 10, 43, 53, 62

Brown, Isaac  17, 66

Brown, James  39, 53, 62

Brown, Thomas  32

Burge   56

Burge, Ephraim  4

Burge, Josiah  45

Buss, Richard  68

Buss, Stephen  68

Butterfield, Abraham  68

Buxton, John  28


Calton, John  62a, 63

Chandler, Mrs.  7, 8

Chandler, Daniel  7, 8

Chandler, David  68

Clarke, William  45, 56

Coburn, Constable George   11, 12, 23, 37, 46

Coming, Ebenezer  12, 16

Cram, Phillip  3, 22

Cram, Jonathan  4

Cram, Jonathan, jr.  38

Crass, Samuel  31

Crosby, Capt.  68

Crosby, Josiah  68

David  48, 65

Davise  57

Donepore? Benjamin  46

Dunster  30

Dunster,  Isiah  45, 56, 57

Dunster, Jason  30, 31, 57

Dunster, Samuel  31, 45, 57, 62a


Eaton, Mr.  6

Eaton, Thomas  6

Elliot, Elias   55

Ezra  11, 12, 15, 19, 24, 35, 55, 62,  64


Farington, Phinias  25, 26

Fish, Mr.  19, 32

Fish, Simon  30

Frye, Majr.  53

Frye, Mrs.  10, 42

Frye, Abiel  42

Frye, Elizabeth  42

Frye, Isaac  42

Frye, Isaac (Capt.)  10

Frye, Isaac (Majr.)  42

Frye, John  42

Frye, Timothy  42


Gray, Joseph  12, 37

Gray, Deacon Timothy  20

Gray, Timothy, jr.  20

Greelee, Samuel  26

Griggs, Samuel  56

Gutterson, Mr.  39

Gutterson, Abner  24

Gutterson, John  59

Gutterson, Samuel  16, 39

Gutterson, Simeon  39


Hammond, P?  index?

Harkins, Capt.  52, 55

Herrick, Edward  6

Hill   45, 62a, 63

Hill, Alpheas  45

Hill,  Nathaniel  45, 57

Holt   5, 25, 60

Holt, Capt.  42

Holt, Daniel  35

Holt, Jeremiah  40

Holt, Joel  37

Holt, Constable Joseph  35

Holt, Widow Mehitable  25

Holt, Nehemiah  8

Holt, Timothy  60

Holt, Timothy, jr.   60

Honey, Widow Hannah    40

How, Mr.  15

How, Israel  15, 26

Hugman, David  30

Hutchenson, Nathan  68


Ingles, David   14, 23, 58

Ingles, David, Jr.   51


Jacob,  1, 3, 15, 21, 24, 41

James  53

Jeremiah  3, 16, 31, 46, 54, 63

Jess(?) Henry  45

John [Abbot]  14, 32, 42

Johnson, Ephraim  6

Joshua [Eaton]   6


Kyes, Simon  52


Lawrence, Benjamin (Lt.)   32

Livermore  36

Lovejoy, Lt.  16, 65

Lovejoy, Mr.  18

Lovejoy, Mrs.  18

Lovejoy, Francis  20

Lovejoy, Henry  12, 65

Lovejoy, Nathan  38

Lovejoy, Samuel (Lt.)  17, 18, 31, 65

Lovejoy, William  65


Martin, Christopher  52

Mashel, John  45, 56

Meers? Robert  28

Moore, Joshua  52


Nathan  55, 65

Needam, Asar  63

Nicholas, James  31, 32, 44, 45, 56, 57, 62a, 63

Nicholas, John  57, 62a, 63

Nicholas, Joseph 31

Noyes, Moses  21, 45, 56

Nutting, Amos


Osgood, Joseph 14, 312 32


Parker, Lt. 31, 32, 44, 57

Parker, Capt.  44, 45, 56, 57

Parker, Benjamin  17, 45, 56

Parker, Henry  54

Parker, N. (Capt.)  45

Parker, Nathaniel (Capt.)  44, 57, 62a

Parker, Nathaniel (Lt.)  14, 31, 32, 56, 57

Parker, P.  62a

Parker, Simon  32

Parker, Susanah  35, 54

Peabody, Aaron  22

Peabody, E.  60

Peabody, Ephraim  34, 49

Peirce, Lt.  59

Peirce, Lt. William  59

Pevey, Peter  64

Pettengill? Samuel  49

Prockter, Alijah (Lt.)  62a

Prockter, Ezriah  45, 56, 57

Putnam, Majr.  57

Putnam, Nathaniel  22

Putnam, Nathaniel. C?  22


Read, Mrs. 9, 27, 62

Read, Hammond  21, 32

Read, Nathan  21, 45

Read, Peter  30

Richarson  68

Ridout   48

Ridout, Benjamin 3, 9, 21, 48

Ridout, Benjamin, jr.  21

Ridout, Salla  48

Right?, Benjamin  22

Robens, Ephraim  32, 44, 45, 56, 57

Robens, Ephraim  (Deacon)  63

Rockwood, Ebenezer (Doctr.)  51

Russel, John  30

Russel, Thomas, jr.  28

Sander? Mr.  43

Sartle, Mr.  39

Sartle, Michael  39

Sawyer  23

Sawyer, Nathaniel  23

Scripture, Samuel  29

Sharp, Stephen  31

Shead, William  30, 43

Silas   43

Simons, Joseph  29

Smith, Capt.  45, 56

Snow, Mr.  16

Snow, Jonathan  44, 57, 62a

Snow, Phebe  39

Spolding, Benona  13, 14, 31, 44

Spolding, Jonas  31, 44, 57, 62a, 63

Spolding, William  31

Spolding, Zebelon  44

Stalling, Putnam (Majr.)  57

Starns, Essikier?  57

Steel, Mr.  54, 64

Steel, Benjamin 9? 11, 64


Taylor, Benjamin 14

'Ihedden, Ebenezer  44

Thelding? Samuel  45

Thing, Richard  18, 46

Tuttle, Nathaniel  32


Varham, Rebeckah  25


Warron  66, 67

Warron, Daniel  67

Warron, Ebenezer  66

Warron, Elizabeth  66

Wilkens, Uriah  4

William  [Abbot]  1, 2, 28, 31, 54, 65

William  29, 36, 64

William, Jonathan  29

William, Samuel  65

Williamton  - see: Willington

Willington   45, 56

Willington, William  56, 62a, 63

Wilton [New  Hampshire?]  4

Winning, John (Capt.)  63

Wood, David  16