The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:          Bulkeley, Joseph.                                 

Title:               Account books

Dates:             1800-1817

Call No.:         Doc. 948

Acc. No.:         67x127.1-.2

Quantity:        2 volumes

Location:        31 G






Joseph Bulkely was a shoemaker in Littleton, Massachusetts.





Records debits and credits accrued by Joseph Bulkeley for making and mending shoes and boots.  Entries note for which family member the shoes were made.  References are also made to a variety of agricultural activities and products as well as a cider mill.  Laid inside one of the volumes is a map of Asia drawn by Mary A. Bulkeley.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Goodspeed's Book Shop, Boston.






            Bulkeley, Mary A.



            Shoes - Prices.

            Shoes - Repairing.

            Boots – Prices.



            Agriculture - Accounting.

            Farm produce.

            Business records - Massachusetts - Littleton.

            Geography – Study and teaching.

            Asia – Maps.

            Account books.







Location: 31 G



67x127.1         account book, 1800-1813, with some loose accounts laid in

                        (index to volume appended to this finding aid)


67x127.2         account book, 1811-1817, with name John Bulkeley and town name Littleton written on back cover; items laid inside: a map of Asia, signed Mary A. Bulkeley; writing samples by John Bulkeley; some math figures are written inside the front cover

                        (index to volume appended to this finding aid)

Index to Doc. 948, vol. 1 (acc. 67x127.1)


Note: pages 59-60 and 64-66 are missing

Blanchard  8

Blanchard, Abigail  5, 30

Blanchard, Calven  55

[Blanchard], John  30

[Blanchard], Lucy  30

Blanchard, Luther  34

Blanchard, Simon  39

Brown, Stephen  3, 5, 19

Bulkeley, Charles  4, 9, 16, 17, 24, 31, 43, 49

Bulkeley, Joseph  1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15-17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40-43, 46, 47, 49-51, 53, 54, 56-58, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73

Bulkeley, Peter  .1b


[Calley], Betsy  1

Calley, Nathan   1

(see also Kealley, Kelley)

Cobleigh, John  49, 53

Cobleigh, Mary  41

Cobleigh, Rachel  3, 40, 41, 50, 71, 72

Cobleigh, Silas [sp. Cilas] 31, 41

[Cutter?], John 31

[Cutter?], Liberty 31

Cutter, Rachel  1, 31


Danforth, Elias  29

Ditson, Rhoda  29

Draper, Boze  49

Draper, Samuel 7

Draper, Trypheny or Tryfeny 31, 48

Dudley, Stephen  .1b


Farmer, Abigail 39

Farmer, Nabby  6

Farmer, Thomas 36

Fa[r]nsworth, Mary  47

Fay, John  27

Fletcher, Matilda  7, 28

Fletcher, Patty  7

Foster, John  51

Foster, Lowtrup 34

Fox, Capt.  .1c

Fox, Peter  5, 14, .1b

Fuller, Ebenezer W.  2


Green, John   .1b

Grimes, Eliab  3

Grimes, Thaddeus 19, 21, 22, [29,] 38, 39, 71, 72

Grimes, Wilm.  29


Hartwell, Amasa  .1b

[Hartwell], Betsy  10

[Hartwell], Cephas or Cepheas  21

[Hartwell], Claresa  69, 73

Hartwell, Daniel  14, 35, 50, 63, .1c

[Hartwell], Edward  10

[Hartwell?], Harriot  21

Hartwell, John  10

[Hartwell], Joseph  10

Hartwell, Lois  69, 70, 73

[Hartwell], Lucy  70, 73

Hartwell, Oliver  68

[Hartwell], Sally  14

Hartwell, Samuel  68, [731

[Hartwell], Sarah  14

Hartwell, Simon  2, 21, 61

[Hartwell], Susannah  14, 35

[Hartwell], Thomas  14, 35

Harwood, (Capt.)  69

[Harwood?], Edmond  6, 18

Harwood, Joseph (Capt.)  6, 18, 38, 70

[Harwood?], Lydia  18

[Harwood?], Naum  18, 38

[Harwood?], Peter  6, 185, 38

Hoar, Abel   5, 26

(also spelled Hoer)

Hoar, Heber   9, 53

(also spelled Hoer)

Hoer, Abel - see Hoar

Hoer, Heber - see Hoar

Hoar, Paul   9

Hoer, Samuel (Decon)  3

[Holt?], Sally  28

Holt, Thomas  3, 28

Hunt, Dolly 9, 10

Hunt, Jenny  23

Hunt, Peter  4, 8, 43, 48, 49

Hunt, Peter (jun.)  4, 43, 57, 58


Jennens, Isaac   68

(see also Jennings)

Jennens, Stephen - see Jennings

[Jennings], Betsy  24, 39

[Jennings], Lucy  24, 39

[Jennings], Sally  24

Jennings, Stephen   24, 39

(also spelled Jennens)

Jewet, Elizabeth    6

Jones, Aaron 56


Kealley(?), Nathan    1

(see also Calley)

Kelley, Nathan   1

(see also Calley)

Keyes, Solomon  17, 40, 62

Kidder, John  33


Lawrance, Sarah  22, 36

Lawrence, Thos.  .1b

Lawrence, Wm.  .1b

Longlea, Anna  22

Longly  .1b


Miles 69

Moors, Jonathan  12, 52, 53

(also spelled Mors)

Mors, Jonathan - see Moors


Patch  29, 58

Patch, Abraham 7

[Patch?] , Benj.  13

Patch, Isaac 13

[Patch?],  Nathan 13

Phillips   55

Phillips, Ebenezer  3, 45

[Priest], Asa  11, 23, 44

[Priest], Frances  11, 23, 44

[Priest], Frank  11, 44

[Priest], Jacob  11, 23, 44

Priest, Jacob (Capt.)  11, 23, 27, 44, 45, 54, 61-63, 67, [.1c]

[Priest], Luther  11, 23, 44, 61-63, 67  

[Priest], Nathan  11, 23, 44, 61-63

[Priest], Sarah  61-63, 67

[Priest?], Sophia  61, 62, 67

(Priest], Wilm.  11, 23, 44, 61, 63

Procter, Susannah  2

Pushee, John  55, 56, 57


Raymond, Dolly  8

Raymond, Joseph  34

[Reed?], Dolly  32

Reed, Polter  32

Robbins 28

Robbins, Elisha 26

Robbins, Jeremiah 33

Rogers 55

Rogers, Eri(?)  52


Sanderson, Asa 46

Sanderson, Moses 54

Sanderson, Polly 54

Smith, Thomas 68

Spaldan, Jemima  21

Spencer, Saml.  70


Taylor, Elizabeth  25

Taylor, John  .1b

Tenney, Oliver  .1b

[Tenny,] Bettey 16, 42

Tenny, Cheney 16, 42

[Tenny,] Sally 16

[Tenny,] Sarah 16, 42

Tuttle, Aron 47, [45]

[Tuttle?] , Benj.  47

Tuttle, John  25

Tuttle, John L.  25

Tuttle, Jonathan  8

[Tuttle?], Ruben  25


Wheeler, Peter  52

Wheeler, Ruben  10

Whitcomb, Daniel  20, 46

Whitcomb, John  12, 13

Whitcomb, Paul  35

Winship, Simon  22

[Wood?], Charles  26

Wood, Marten  26

Woren, Jos.   .1b

Worker  41

Worran(?)  .1b

Wright, Ephraim (sp. Ephream)  15, 37, 51

Wright, Mary  37, 51

[Wright,] Nabby  15, 37

[Wright?]  Polly  15, 37

[Wright?] Sally  37

Index to Doc. 948, vol. 2 (acc. 67x127.2)


Bulkeley, Charles  .2c

Bulkeley, Joseph  pp. 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 18-20, 22-25, .2c

Bulkeley, Mary A   .2d


Callea 24


Dadman, Willard 2

Dole, Daniel  1, 21, 24, 25

[Dole], Parker  21


Farnsworth, Charles G.  12

Farnsworth, Joseph  23

Foster, John 17

Fox, Timothy (Jr.)  20

Fox, Timothy (Capt.)  20

Fox, Timothy (Jr., Capt.)  20


Grimes, Eliab or Eliarb 22

[Grimes], Parther(?)  22

Grimes, Thaddeus  22, 23


Handley, Charles 18

Hartwell, Claresa 18

Hartwell, Cephas 4

[Hartwell?], Isaac 2

Hartwell, John  2, 4

Hartwell, Simon  4

Hoten [Houghton?], Jacob 9


Jennings, Isaac 11

Jennings, Stephen 23


Keyes, Solomon 13


Lawrance, Sarah 12


More(?)  2


Peter(?)  5, 9, 11, 19, 22

Priest, Asa  5

Priest, Jacob (Jr.)  1, 10

Pushee, Betsy  14, 15

[Pushee], Charles  1, 14

Pushee, John  1, 15


[Reed?], Dolly  5

Reed, Poulter  5


Sawyer, Alpheus  9, 14, 19, 25


Taylor, (Capt.)  9

Taylor, Wilm. (Capt.)  11


Warren, Patta(?)  3

Whitcomb, John  7

Whitcomb, Jona.  9

Whitcomb, Moses (Major)  6

Wood, Martin  8

Worren  19

Wright, Ephraim (sp. Ephream)  3, 16