The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:          Rogers, Edward.                                 

Title:               Tax book

Dates:             1777-1779

Call No.:         Doc. 808

Acc. No.:         78x6

Quantity:        1 volume

Location:        31 G






Edward Rogers was a tax collector in Cornwall, Connecticut.





Lists approximately 250 inhabitants of the town of Cornwall, Connecticut, and the amount each paid in taxes from 1777 to 1779.  





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Edward J. Craig.






            Tax collection.

            Taxation - Connecticut - Cornwall.

            Tax records.






Location: 31 G




List of names found in Doc. 808 (acc. 78x6)


Abbot, Sele

Abbott, Abel

Abbott, Daniel

Abbott, Nathan

Abbott, Samuel

Allen, Daniel

Allen, Deborah

Allen, Dorcas

Allen, Elijah

Allen, Sarah Bishop

Alverd, Asahel


Bacon, Ebenezer

Baldwin, David

Baldwin, David, Jr.

Barce, Hezekiah

Barce, Isaiah

Bartholomew, Josiah

Basset, Samuel

Beach, Edmund

Beach, Josiah

Beach, Linus

Beach, Matthew

Bearce, Austin

Bearce, Hezekiah

Bearce, James

Bearce, Joseph

Beardsley, Nehemiah

Bell, Kelihel

Benn[e]dict, John

Bishop, Ebenezer

Bishop, Sarah

Bonney, Jairus (or Jairius)

Bonney,  Jethro

Bonney, Levi

Bonney, Perez

Bonney, Titus

Bristol, Nathan

Brown, Daniel

Brown, Francis

Brown, Ichabod

Brownson, Jacob

Brownson, Jacob, Jr.

Brownson, Saml.

Brownson, Timothy

Buel, Jesse

Bull, Noah

Bunnel, Mary

Burgiss, Saml.

Butler, Samuel

Butler, Samuel, Jr.


Canfield, Samuel

Carter, Hezekiah

Carter, John

Catlin, Roger

Clark, Abigail

Clark, David

Clark, Elisabeth

Clark, Hezekiah

Clark, Silas

Clother, Ambrose

Clother, John

Clother, John, Jr.

Cole, Ezra

Cole, Timothy

Crocker, Jonathan


Dean, Benjamin

Dean, Samuel

Dean, Thomas

Dibble, Benjamin

Dibble, Clemens

Dibble, Davis

Dibble, Ebenezer

Dibble, Israel

Dibble, John

Dibble, John 2nd

Dibble, John 3rd

Dibble, Silas

Dickinson, Benjamin

Dickinson, Elijah

Dickinson, Elisha

Douglas, James March

Douglass, James


Emmons, Asa

Emmons, Ruhamah

Emmons, Salmon

Emmons, Simeon

Emmons, Solo.

Emmons, Woodruff

Everest, Daniel


Fillmore, Henry

Ford, Hezekiah

Ford, Oliver

Ford, Thaddeus

Fox, Reuben


Gardiner, Thomas

Gardner, Thomas

Garnsey, Beriah

Gerrards, Jesse

Gibbs, Gershom

Gibbs, Tabitha

Gipson, Jonathan

Gipson, Roger

Gipson, Samuel

Goodyear, Daniel

Gray, Nathaniel

Green, Samuel

Griffis, James

Grimes, Abraham

Guernsey, Beriah


Hand, Abraham

Hand, Lemuel

Hand, Nathan

Harrison, Daniel

Harrison, Daniel, Jr.

Harrison, Noah

Hart, Martha

Hart, Solomon

Hart, Thomas

Hart, Titus

Hartshorn, Joshua

Hill, Seth

Hindman, Patrick

Hodgkins, Abraham

Hopkins, Elijah

Hopkins, Josiah

Hopkins, Prince

Hotchkins, Abraham

How, John

Howe, John

Hull, Abraham

Hurlburt, Jonathan

Hurlburt, Ozias


Jackson, Ebenezer

Jennings, Lemuel

Jinnings, Lemuel

Johnson, Ama

Johnson, Amos

Johnson, Elenor

Johnson, Gurdon

Jones, Caleb

Jones, Zackariah How

Judson, Abel


Kellogg, Judah

Key, John W.

King, Samuel

Knap, Moses


Lake, Phinehas

Leet, Asahel

Lindslee, Samuel


Marsh, James

Marvin, Nehemiah

May, Edward

McHannah, John

McKey, John

Miles, John

Miles, Stephen     r

Miles, Stephen, Jr.

Millard, John

Millard, John, Jr.

Millard, Nathan

Miller, Henry

Moree, Asa


Oviatt, Samuel

Owen, Zechariah


Pangborn, John

Pangborn, Joseph 

Pangborn, Joseph, Jr.

Pangborn, Samuel

Pangborn, Timothy

Parmelee, Joshua

Patterson, Elnathan

Patterson, Josiah

Patterson, Matthew

Patterson, Sherman

Payne, Abraham

Payne, Barnabas

Payne, Rufus

Peck, Benond

Peck, Ebenezer

Peirce, Elisabeth

Peirce, Isaac

Peirce, John

Peirce, Joshua, Jr.

Peirce, Levi

Peirce, Theophilus

Porter, Thomas


Raymond, Josiah

Rexford, Daniel

Ripner, Samuel

Rogers, Edward

Rogers, Noah

Rowley, Timothy

Russell, Thomas


Saunders, Ithamar

Saunders, Joshua

Saunders, Nathan

Saunders, Zelotes

Sawyer, Nathan

Sawyer, Samuel

Schovill, Samuel

Schovill, Timothy

Scovill, Jacob

Sedgwick, John

Sherwood, Ebenezer

Simmons, Ebenezer

Simmons, Job

Squire, Edward Adams

Steele, Elijah

Sterling, James

Steward, Alexander

Steward, Daniel

Swift, Herman

Swift, Isaac

Swift, Nathaniel


Tanner, Consider

Tanner, Thomas

Tanner, William

Towner, Ephraim


Wadsworth, James

Wadsworth, Joseph

Wadsworth, Samuel

Waller, Phinehas

White, John

White, Thomas

Wickwire, John

Wickwire, Samuel

Wilcox, Saml.

Wright, John


Young, Andrew