The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

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Creator:          Chapin, Samuel.                                  

Title:               Account book

Dates:             1817

Call No.:         Doc. 757

Acc. No.:         64x43

Quantity:        1 volume (156 pages)

Location:        31 G






Samuel Chapin was a cabinetmaker in Marlboro, Massachusetts.





Records debits and credits accrued by Chapin for such activities as making and repairing furniture, putting rockers on cradles, painting tables, varnishing, building coffins, and turning tool handles.  Furniture forms represented include writing desks, kitchen tables, washstands, bedsteads, Pembroke tables, and stands.  Filing saws and other tools are mentioned in several entries.  In exchange for his labor, Chapin received bushels of produce, loads of wood, and screws among other items.  References are made to mending shoes and boots.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Roger Bacon Antiques.






            Furniture making.

            Furniture – Repairing.

            Furniture painting.


            Lumber trade - Massachusetts - Marlborough.



            Varnish and varnishing.

            Farm produce.

            Shoes - Repairing.

            Business records - Massachusetts - Marlborough.

            Account books.






Location: 31 G



Name index to Doc. 757 (acc. 64x43)

[Note: pages 12 and 78 are missing.]



Academy (in Marlborough?) 138-140

Ames, Ebenezer  9

Ames, Jesse  46, 110, 156, 158

Ames, Moses  36

Ames, Robert  8

Ames, Simeon  72

Ames, Stephen  11, 127, 157

Ames, Stephen (Capt.)  154

Andrews, Robert  37

Anna  7

Arnold   153

Arnold, Aron  157

Arnold, J.  158

Arnold, Joel  157

Arnold, John  3, 153, 154, 156, 158

Arnold, Persis  117

Arnold, Winslow  10, 130, 155, 157, 158

Ashley   89


Ball  154

Barber  46

Barnard, F. 158

Barnard, Francis  15, 153, 154

Barnard, Loring  156

Barnes   106, 133, 158

Barnes, Charles  30

Barnes, Eliza  52

Barnes, George  80

Barnes, Jacob  142

Barnes, James R.  155

Barnes, John  93, 156, 157

Barnes, John B.  113

Barnes, John Bans  113

Barnes, Lovell (Col.)   45, 75

Barnes, Maryann  30

Barnes, Moses  20, 90, 112, 154

Barnes, Stephen  30, 59, 90, 113, 154-157

Barnes, T. R    154

Barnes, Tileston  149

Barnes, William  61, 141

Barnes, Winslow  10, 100, 154, 158

Bayley, William  33

Benjamin  52

Big[e]low, E.   155

Bigelow, Elijah  102, 155

Bigelow, Ephm.  4, 38a, 117, 127, 153, 157, 158

(also spelled Biglow)

Bigelow, Ivory 93, 154

(also spelled Biglow)

Bigelow, Lewis  109

Biglow, Ephm. - see Bigelow

Biglow, Ivory - see Bigelow

Biglow, Marthy 158

Blake 152

Bott(?), (Doc.)  130

Boyd, J.  154

Boyd, John  13, 59, 106, 115, 153, 156

Brigham  153

Brigham, Abel  128

Brigham, Ashbel S. (or Asbel S.)  32, 63

Brigham, Ashley  141

Brigham, Baker  130, 151

Brigham, Barney  153

Brigham, Charllott  128

Brigham, Daniel 136, 155, 156

Brigham, Daniel (Capt.)  24, 95

Brigham, Ely   144

Brigham, Ephm. (Col.)  23

Brigham, Ithemer  146, 153

Brigham,  Ivory  22, 158

Brigham, Jedidiah  20, 89, 156-158

Brigham, Levi  156

Brigham, Lovell  158

Brigham, Lydia V.  17

Brigham, Thankfull  110

Brigham, Winslow  19, 48, 107

Brooks, Hannah  56

Brown, A.  158

Brown, Abigah  37a, 117, 155, 157

Brown, Eli  97a

Brown, William  95, 118

Bruce   129, 153

Bruce, Amory  46, 131, 133

Bruce, Curtis 17

Bruce, Cutting  17

Bruce, Elmer  88

Bruce, Ezekiel  154, 74, 98, 141, 147, 157

Bruce, Isaiah  60, 129

Bruce, John  148

Bruce, Lewis 76, 86, 92

Bruce, Lovinah  72

Bruce, Mary  147

Bucklin, S. F. 158

Bucklin, S. F. (Rev.)   20, 31, 56, 108, 123, 135, 139, 140

Burnam, Perce 16


Chandler, Samuel (Capt.)  18

Chapin, S.  34

Chase, Elias W.  58

Cheney, Jesse  156

Chipman  33, 44, 80

Chipman, John  37a

Chipman, Samuel  158

Clark, Benjamin  122, 156

Clisby, John  87

Cogswell  153

Cogswell, Charles  42

Cogswell, William  65, 158

Cogswell, William D.  23, 82

Cole  153

Cole, Thomas  151

Collins  105

Collins, Amos  156

Cotting  153

Cotting, Amory  22, 33, 69, 81, 92, 125, 126, 146, 155-157

Cotting, John  41, 89, 104

Cranston, Joel  85

Crouch, Elijah  27, 34


Dalrymple, James  131

Darling, T.  158

Dexter, John  124

Dexter, Mary  33, 79

Dickerman, Issacher  154

Draper, W.  157

Draper, William 11, 99, 134, 155 157

Dunton, William  38a, 153


Eager  139

Eager, Hollis  57

Eager, Stepen  8, 155

Eager, Uriah  7

Eager, Winslow  157

Emes, Robert  154


Farwel, Richard  - see Farwell

Farwell  153

Farwell, R.  97a

Farwell, Richard  17, 24, 71, 81, 112, 139, 143

(also spelled Farwel, Forwell)

Fay, (Col.)  135

Fay, Mark  113

Felton & Hale  38, 16, 42, 153

Felton, Archules  115

Felton, Silas  96, 157

Felton, Wm (Jr.)  123

Fessenden  82, 104

Fish  158

Flagg, Otis  104

Forwell, Richard  - see Farwell

Foster, Nathan  64

Fuller, Thomas  7


Gardner  111

Goodale, Abner (Dea.)  63

Goodale, David 149

Goodale, Nathan  14, 154

Goodnow, Lewis  25

Goodwin, Nathaniel  19


Hager, Ephm.  123

Hager, Mariam 118

Hager, William 133

Hale  98

Hale (of Felton & Hale)  16, 38, 42, 153

Hale, Elijah (Capt.)  80

Hannah  20

Hapgood   128

Hapgood, Arron 14, 154

Hapgood, Asa  40

Hapgood, Ira  153

Hapgood, James W.  22, 107

Hapgood, Thomas  152

Harington, William - see Harrington

Harrington, John   86, 155

Harrington, William 11, 158

(also spelled Harington)

Harrington, William (Capt.) 129

Hastings 125

Hayden, Bergele  133

Hayden, Jesse  156

Hayden, Naum  111, 156

Hayden, Stephen  144

Hayden, William  83

Hildereth, B. W.  46, 154, 155, 157, 158

Hildereth, Benjamin W. 94, 120, 132

(also spelled Hildrith)

Hildereth, Benj. W. (Doc.)  18, 35

Hildrith, Benjamin W. - see Hildereth

Hilldreth, B.  97a 

Holder(?)  153

Holder, Damon (Col.)  153

Holder, Thomas  17

Holyoke  42

How, Aaron  136

(see also Howe)

How, Eph.  154, 155, 157, 158

(see also Howe)   

How, Jason   157, 158

(see also Howe )

How, Jonah   156

(see also Howe)

How, Lewis   157

(see also Howe)

How, Moses   2, 154

(also spelled Howe)

How, Samuel  140, 155

(also spelled Howe)

How, Stephen    24, 69, 140, 154

(also spelled Howe)

How, W. 156

How, William 155

Howe   77, 90, 153

Howe(?), Amory  155

Howe, Aaron   113, 150

(see also How)

Howe, Catherine  121

Howe, Eber  29

Howe, Ephm.   10, 34, 35, 114

(see also How)

Howe, Jabez(?)  143, 148

Howe, Jason   125, 154

(see also How)

Howe, Jason (Capt.)  95

Howe, Joel   8, 154

Howe, John (Capt.)   50

Howe, Jonah   3

(see also How)

Howe, Joseph (Jr.)   47

Howe, Josiah  124

Howe, Lambert 143

Howe, Lewis    65, 154

(see also How)

Howe, Lewis (Capt.)  136

Howe, Lydia   94

Howe, Moses - see How

Howe, Perkins  153

Howe, Samuel - see How

Howe, Stephen - see How

Howe, Stephen (Jr.)  102

Howe, Talmon   47, 103

Howe, Thaddeus  94

Howe, W. L.  114

Howe, William L.   66, 110

Howes, Jorusha(?) 158

Hudson, Stephen  150

Hunter, David  87

Hunter, Robert  11, 117, 154


Isaach  111


John  69, 124

Johnson, Peter  131


Larkin 154, 156

Larkin, Mary  19, 37a, 154-157

Lecaine  155

Lecaine, Abigail 52, 150

Lyscom, John  70, 101


Martin 19

Mary 150

Maynard 148

Maynard, Amory  97

Maynard, Calvin  133

Maynard, Charles 51, 67

(also spelled Maynerd)

Maynard, Eli   49, 108

Maynard, Ephm.  142, 157

Maynard, Ephm. (Capt.)  11, 137

Maynard, Ephm. (Capt.) (Jr.)  5

Maynard, Hannah  153

Maynard, Hesekiah  84

Maynard, Huldah  82

Maynard, Issach [Isaac]  8, 154, 157, 158

Maynard, John  23, 62, 124

Maynerd, Charles  - see Maynard

Meeting House (in Marlborough?)  121

Mixer  122

Moore  119

(see also More)

Moore, Uriah   5

(see also Mores)

More  125

(see also Moore)

Mores, Uriah   158

(see also Moore)

Morse, Elias   25, 100

Morse, Henry   9, 155

Morse, L. 153

Morse, Lyman 153

Morse, Lymus 117

Morse, Nancy   49

Morse, Otis    156

Morse, Stephen  26

Morse(?), Willard  115

Munson(?), George E.  86


Newton, Jeremiah  49, 87

Newton, Larkin  101, 151

Newton, Silas (Capt.)  45

Newton, Willard  122

Newton, William  8, 154

Noyes, S. S. 154

Noyse, Samuel S.  21


Orne, Joshua  27

Osborn, Asa  148


Packard, Asa 156

Pamenter, Deleverance - see Parmenter

Pamenter, Ezkiel - see Parmenter

Parker, Benjm.  13, 122, 153

Parker, Benjm. (Capt.)   54, 154, 156

Parker, Mary  34, 114, 130

Parmenter, Daniel  53, 144

Parmenter, Delevence [Deliverance?]  113, 157

Parmenter, Levi  155

Parmenter, Ezkiel 13, 156, 157

(also spelled Pamenter)

Parmenter, Submit 64

Peaters, Peace 156, 157

Perery(?), Jezu 85

Peters, George 153

Peters, George (Jr.) 39, 118

Peters, Simon 127

Phelps, Merrick 38

Phelps, Roger 15, 153-155

Phelps, Stephen R. 155

Phelps, Stephen R. (Capt.) 21, 96

Philo 113

Potter 120

Potter, James  34

Price, W. P.  153

Priest, Silas  118

Procter, Coffin 59

Procter, N. B.  154-158, 70

Procter, Nicholson B.  6

Proctor   91

Proctor, N.B. - see Procter

Puffer, Simon  158

Purington  142


Rand(?), Job  97a

Reed, Augustus  5, 25, 42, 67, 79, 154

Rice   122

Rice, Benjamin  155

Rice, Edward  68, 114, 155

Rice, Edward (Jr.)  71

Rice, Eli  142, 157

Rice, Gershom 134

Rice, Hannah 32, 77

Rice, Henry 147

Rice, Jabez 154

Rice, Noah 154-157

Rice, Otis 157

Rice, Stephen 26

Rice, W. 154

Rice, William 19, 154-157

Rice, William P. 149

Rice, Woods 147

Robinson  153, 158

Robingson, Josiah - see Robinson

Robinson, Josiah   15, 91, 92, 103, 104, 154, 155

(also spelled Robingson)


Sally 110

Samuel(?)  33, 124

Sanders, Elijah 139

Sarah  90

Sawin, Jonathan  18, 29, 73, 76, 98, 116, 119, 154, 156

Sawin, Moses  153

Seaver  157

Seaver, Heman  138

Seaver, Norman  156

Sherman  155

Sherman, Hannah  28

Sherman, Moses  116

Smith 105, 156

Smith, Asa  22, 37

Smith, Ellet 156

Smith, Gaus  85

Smith, Jidathan(?)  3

Sophia  32

Spur, Eph. 158

Stephen(?)  97a

Stephen, Daniel  111

            (see also Stephens)

Stephens, Aaron  16, 154

Stephens, Aaron (Capt.) - see Stevens

Stephens, Daniel 19, 41, 69

            (see also Stephen)

Stephens, Francis - see Stevens

Steven, (Capt.) 117

Stevens, Albert G.  141

Stevens, (Capt.) 90

Stevens, Aaron (Capt.)   50, 84, 114, 125, 137

(also spelled Stephens)

Stevens, Francis 124, 156

            (also spelled Stephens)

Stevens, Lettle  114

Stone(?)  91, 92

Stow, Abraham 105, 141, 153, 155

(also spelled Stowe)

Stow, Brown   155

Stow, Jabez   73, 114

Stow, Jere   113, 133

(also spelled Stowe)

Stow, John    124

Stow, M. L.   137, 145, 158

Stow, Rufus   14, 59, 114, 155

(also spelled Stowe)

Stow, T. 158

Stow, Truman 55

Stowe   59

Stowe, Abraham - see Stow

Stowe, Jere - see Stow

Stowe, Rufus - see Stow

Stratton, Daniel   44

Sullivan, T. O.  120


Temple  158

Temple, Aaron  27, 74, 79, 88, 157

Temple, David  26

Temple, David (Jr.)  18

Temple, Ira  10, 113, 140

Temple, John  154

Temple, John (Jr.)  5

Temple, John (3d)  15

Temple, John S.  131

Temple, Silas  28, 51, 65, 102

Temple, William  4, 106, 153, 154

Temple, William W. (Jr.)  16

Tenney, John Z.   118

(see also Tenny)

Tenny, Catharina D.    119

Tenny, John Z.   93

(see also Tenney)

Thayer, Sullivan  43, 53, 154-156, 158

Townsend   111

Townsend., Joseph  43

Truman 90


Vose 134


Walker, Daniel 115

Warren, (Capt.) 158

Warren, Samuel  156

Warren, Samuel (Capt.)  146

Warren, Thaddeus  2, 17, 157

Warren, Samuel   2

Weeks   153

Weeks, Francis  123

Weeks, John   120, 132, 154

Weeks, Jonathan  45

Weeks, Solomon   68, 121

Weeks, William  148

Wetherby, Caleb  14, 155

Wetherby, Jebey(?) S.  101

Wheeler  121, 126

Williams   46, 109, 153

Williams, Abraham   60, 104, 127, 154

Williams, J.  25

Williams, Joseph   7, 40, 42, 97, 116, 156

Williams, L. B    128

Williams, Mary  150

Williams, Rebecah  21

Williams, S.  146

Williams, Stephen  134

Willkins, Edward  85

Wilikins, John  9, 154, 156

Willkins, Jonas  2, 44, 155, 156

Willkins, Lucy  20

Willson   153

Willson, Josiah  155

Willson, William - see Wilson

Wilson, William 142, 157

(also spelled Willson)

Winch, Daniel 131

Winch, Levi 96

Winch, Rebbaca 58

Winchester, Samuel  31, 109

Witcomb  157

Witmore, L F.  149, 151

Witmore, Levi F.  11

Witt, Dwight  147, 151, 152

Witt, S.  158

Witt, Samuel  36, 152

Witt, Samuel (Jr.)  145

Wittmore, L.  154

Wood, Jedidiah or Jeddiah   9, 57, 61

(see also Woods)

Woods, James   4, 54, 99, 132, 139, 153, 154-157

Woods, Jedidiah    156

(see also Wood)

Woods, Moses  8

Woods, Sarah  117

Woodward  102, 156

Woodward, Moses   48, 83, 121, 153, 154-156