The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

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Creator:          Taylor, Abner                          

Title:               Account book

Dates:             1806-1832

Call No.:         Doc. 755

Acc. No.:         56x10.2

Quantity:        1 volume (145 pages)

Location:        31 G






Abner Taylor was a furniture maker in Lee, Massachusetts.





Records debits and credits accrued by Abner Taylor for making and repairing a variety of furniture forms, including small chairs, looking glasses, cradles, breakfast tables, candle stands, bedsteads, vial cases, kitchen tables, bureaus, pine chests, trundle bedsteads, and frames for window curtains.  He also performed such activities as framing, working on wagons, staining, fixing and attending a loom, and making a shuttle.  Credits were given for pine boards, cherry boards, horseshoes, baskets, and a variety of agricultural chores and products.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Lawrence B. Romaine.





            Furniture making.

            Furniture – Repairing.

            Furniture - Prices - 19th century.

            Carriages and carts - Maintenance and repair.

            Framing (Building)

            Furniture finishing.

            Cabinet hardware.

            Lumber trade - Massachusetts - Lee.

            Agriculture - Massachusetts - Lee.

            Business records - Massachusetts - Lee.

            Account books.







Location: 31 G




Name index to Doc. 755 (acc. 56x10.2):


Abby  103                                     

Abigail  68                                   

Adams, Barnabus  26, 38, 39, 128, 129

Alderman  117                                 

Alderman, John  113                           

Alvin  86, 87                                 

Ambrose  14                                   

Andrus  115, 120                               

Anna  16                                      

Arnold  120, 134                              

Ashley  34, 115, 116, 120, 134             

Ashley, Capt.  137                           

Ashley & Co.  124                            

Ashley, R.  24                                

Ashley, Robert M.    34, 35, 111             

Austin  121                                   

Avery  120                                   


B, J.   85

Backus  65, 114, 118, 120, 132, 133                  

Backus, Seth  24, 64, 65, 118                 

Backus, Walley  80, 81                          

Baker, David  86, 87                          

Ball  133                                    

Ball & Co.  115                              

Ball, John  59, 118, 119                   

Ball, Nathan   24, 122                         

Barden  115                                  

Barden, Lot  144, 145

Barkley, Bartholamew    28, 29              

Barlow  116, 117                             

Barlow, B.  52                                

Barlow, Peleg  94, 95                        

Barnard, Robert F.  110                       

Barnum  120, 124, 133                        

Barnum, Robert F.  111                       

Barnum, Willard  62                           

Barrett  6                                   

Barrett, H. 104                             

Bartlett, Hubbard (Dr.)   26, 27,  138, 139                                 

Bartlett, N.  39                              

Bassett  115, 116                              

Bassett & Ball  130

Bassett, Gershom  24                          

Bassett, Hannah  15                           

Bassett, Nathan    0, l, 37, 40, 41         

Bassett, Nathaniel     18, 36, 66, 136, 137

Bassett, T.  128                               

Battle, Ithiel  84, 85

Bellows  25, 111, 116, 124, 132, 133, 134

Bellows, Eli R.  108, 111

Bennet, George  4

Bennett, Henry W.  106, 107

Berkshire County, Mass.   106

Betsey  16

Bingham  120, 121

Blair  98, 117

Bliss  52

Bowman  120, 133

Bracken  115

Bradley  39, 61, 115, 142

Bradley & Whitons  83, 89

Bradley, Eli  82, 83, 100, 101

Bradley, Joel  88

Bradley, Stephen  124, 125

Briggs, Joshua  49, 100, 101

Brown   44, 108, 112, 115, 120, 121, 124, 132-134

Brown & Co.  114, 115, 117, 121, 132, 133

Brown, Elisha  108, 109

Burchard  46, 114, 132

Burchard, Amos  6, 48, 49

Burnsey?  22

Burt, J.  21, 66

Burt, John  29, 46, 47, 66


Cannon  114, 132

Chadwick, Arch.  24

Chadwick, Herman  56, 57

Chaplin? 1

Charles  103

Chafee  113

Chandler  14

Chaplain  129

Chenn  132

Church  115

Church, L.  87, 98

Church, Luman  98, 99

Churchill  115

Clark  4, 34, 108, 111, 115, 116, 132, 134

Clifford  117, 132

Cobb  132

Coe, Alvan  24

Collins  108, 111, 115, 116, 132, 133,                                     

Collins, Augustus  114

Comstock  46, 52

Comstock, Isaac  28, 29                                

Comstock, P.  21                                       

Comstock, Stephen  60                                  

Cook  108, 133                                          

Cooley  124                                           

Cooper  118                                           

Couch  113, 114, 115-117, 120, 132, 133                             

Couch, Olive W.   111                                      

Crocker    112, 116, 132                             

Crosby, T.   4                                         

Crossen    124, 134                                

Culver     3, 133                                       

Culver, Solomon   4, 5                               

Cummins     103                                       

Cummings  115                                          

Cumstock - see Comstock                             

Curtis   98, 120, 124, 133                              


Danford  111, 132-134                            

Davis  70, 108, 115, 132, 133                          

Deming or Demming  120, 132, 133                       

Dewey, Calvin  113                                     

Dewey, Rollin? C.  110                                 

Dexter  113                                           

Dickinson  115, 132, 140                               

Dickinson & Co.  117                                   

Dillingham,  114, 132

Dillingham, N.   20-23                

Dillingham, Nathan   102, 103                             

Dimmick  114                                           

Dimmock, Sylvanus  108, 109                

Dresser?  120                                         

Drody  58                                               

Drody, Thomas   94, 95                          

Drolly? or Drody  58                     

Durant & Wright   44, 48, 130                 

Durant, Thomas   131                                 

Dwight  120                                         

I)wight, H. W.    111

Dwight, Henry W.  120                         

D’Wolf    115, 133                                  


Eas ton   58                                         

Edwards     8                                          

Edmund or Edmond   73, 140, 141                     

Edwin (Culver?)   5

Elisha     44

Ellis     113                                        

Ellis, Manoah  54                                   

Emily    92                                           

Ezer  35                                               


F. & Hinman  71

Farlin  118

Farmers Herald?  76

Fessendon   25, 39, 111, 114, 117

Fessendon, C. T?   42, 63

Fessendon, Cornelius   24, 25, 111

Fitch  98

Foot  70, 112, 114-118, 120, 132, 133

Foot & Co.  110, 112, 115, 116, 118, 132  

Foot & Hinman Store   46, 70, 71, 112, 113

Foot & Hinman   121

Foot, A?  30

Foot, Alvan   52, 53

Foot, Asahel   9, 16, 17

Foot, Cyrus  11, 76

Foot, David   8, 9, 10, 122

Foot, Elisha   14, 15, 113

Foot, Fenner   10, 48

Foot, Jona.   3, 12, 13

Foot, Perceval   44

Foot, S.   10, 66

Foot, Silas?   9

Foot, Sylvanus   2, 3, 12, 13

Freese   114, 116, 118, 132


Gardner   44, 114-117, 132, 133, 134

Gardner & Benton   98

Gardner, Ira   66

Gardner, Warnum   44, 45, 70, 113

Gates, Luke   50, 51

Gibbs, Christina  12

Gifford   59

Gifford, A.  38

Gifford, Jesse   86, 87

Gifford, P.  72

Gold   111

Gold, Thomas  111

Goodwin   112, 115, 116

Graham   120

Granger   117

Graves, Obadiah   140, 141

Green   114, 120, 132

Green, Philo   6, 20


H?, R?  18

Hall    98, 124

Hall, Moses   70, 71

Hamblin   117

Hamilton, George   111                           

Harris  111, 115                               

Harry  22, 23, 38                               

Hayden  120                                     

Hayden, Festus  70                               

Hayden, Moses  113                              

Henry  38                                      

Herrick  116, 133

Herrick, Israel   111                             

Herring  120                                    

Hinckley  112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 132, 133                          

Hinckley & Co.  115, 116, 118, 132             

Hinckley & Langdon  112, 114, 132, 133  

Hinckley,   Benjamin  134, 135                  

Hinckley, Herman   56, 57                   

Hinckley,   Joseph   70, 72, 73, 140             

Hinckley, S.  122                             

Hinckley, Silas   62                          

Hinckley, Warren  135

Hinckley, Zenas   25, A6, 62, 63               

Hinkley - see: Hinckley                      

Hinman   98, 114, 115, 117, 118                  

Hinman, Foot J.  15                             

Hinmon, Ransom 74, 75                            

Hitchcock  141                                   

Holbrook  34                                     

Hooper, Abigail   71                         

Hower  30                                        

Howk?  111                                       

Howse?, Benjamin  10                            

Hoyt  115                                       

Huch.  120                                    

Hudson, John S.  96, 97                    

Hulbert  57, 112                               

Hulburt   133                                    

Hulburt, Ardon   111                             

Hulburt, Chauncy  112   

Hulet, 115, 117, 120, 121, 133                       

Hunt & Sherill  112                            

Hutchinson  133                                

Hyde  24


Ingersol  4, 89, 114-117, 131, 132                              

Ingersol, Jared  l44, 145                      

Ingersol, John  145                            

Ingersol, Theodore  88, 89                      

Ingersoll, David  78, 79                     

Ingersoll, Moses  84, 85                       

Ives  114                                        

Ives, Oliver  122, 123                          


Janes & Bowls  99

Jarvis  142, 143

Jenkins  112

Joel  19, 42

John  22

Jones  120, 132

Jones, Samuel  120, 124


Keep 116, 118

Keep, James  136, 137

Kilburn  108, 114

Kilburn & Co.  117

King  98

Kingsley  117

Kingsley, Isaiah   111

Kirkum & Co.  115

Kisterbank  108

Kisterbock  120

Knox, Hanson  113


L., E.  143

Laflin  116

Laflin? Loomis & Co.  75

Langdon  112, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 133

Langdon, J.  74

Langdon, Martin  49

Lee  58

Leeshman (of West & Leeshman)   32, 33

Leonard    116

Leonard, Cyrus   83, 128

Leonard, Cyrus F.  142, 143

Leonard, H.  94

Leonard,  Samuel  113

Lewis  116

Loomis  56

Loomis, Riley   74, 75

Loring?  8

Lucy   92

Lydia  60, 61


Maltby?  24

Mary  71

Merrill  117

Messenger   98, 115, 117, 133

Miller 100

Miller, Joel  111

Miller, William  111, 113

Moore  116

Munn  120, 121

Munson  116, 117


Nabby  36                                     

Nancy  103                                   

Nate  40                                           

Newbury  115, 133                             

Newel    111                                   

Norcutt  72, 115, 120, 124, 132, 133                                   

Norcutt, J.  52                               

Norcutt, John  70                            

Nye   133

Nye,  Deacon  129                             

Nye, Ira  2, 3, 4, 143                       

Nye, John   78, 79                           

Nye, L.  140                               

Nye, Levi  58, 59                            

Nye, Levi, jr.  66, 67


Oliver   122                                 

Ornsby,  Elijah, jr.   111                    

Osburn   118, 134                             


Palmer   132                                 

Pamela   71                                 

Patterson  117                                

Pearce  132                                   

Peck  30, 32, 114, 132, 133                   

Pepoor? or Pepoon  120, 121, 133              

Percival   52                                  

Perkins  116, 118                             

Perry 117                                    

Perry, J. B.  40, 109                     

Phelps   115, 117, 133                    

Phillips  116                                 

Phinney, Anselm   44,  48                  

Pierce  118, 132

Platt   137                                   

Poole   115                                  

Porter   141                                 

Porter, David  142, 143                       

Porter, Ebenezer   111                         

Power  120, 134                                 

Prudy  106                                    

Pumfrey  22                                   

Putnam  111, 117, 132                         

Putnam, David   103                           


Randal  116                                  

Ray  114, 117, 120                            

Remele? or Premmele   63, 115, 132             

Reynolds  114, 118                            

Roberts  116                                  

Rogers  133                                   

Ross  112, 120                                

Ruggles  132


S., N.  64

Sadd  116

Sally  17, 122

Samuel  68

Sarah  144

Seaman  121

Sedgwick  120, 133

Sergeant  70, 115, 117, 132

Seymour  41, 114, 115, 116, 120, 132, 133

Shakers  24

Shelden, Ephraim  60

Skinner  130

Slater  133

Smith  114, 116, 117, 120, 132, 134                     

Smith, James  42, 43, 46, 71  

Smith, Nancy   52

Smith, P?  44

Snow   114, 116, 117, 118, 132, 134

Snow, Nathan   127

Society - W.B?  127

Spencer   133

Stearns, Simon   90, 91

Stedman   114, 118, 120,133

Stedman, P.  120

Stedman, T.  120

Stevens   112, 133

Sterns - see: Stearns

Stockwell  120

Strong  132

Sturgess, Thomas   64, 65

Sturges, William  68

Sylvia  31, 92

Sylvanus  12


T., J.   10

Tannerly or Tannerby  80

Taylor  116, 124

Taylor, A.  112

Taylor, Abner  13, 58, 62, 63, 106, 143

Taylor, Sylvester  111

Thatcher   117, 132

Thatcher, Jethro   41, 82, 83, 86, 87

Thatcher, John   30, 31, 92, 93

Thatcher, Stephen  31, 63, 102 .

Thatcher, Timothy  56, 57

Thayer, Nathl. (Dr.)   6, 7, 31?

Thomas   93, 117

Thompson, Isaac  39

Tilbath?  120

Tobey   114, 115, 117, 133

Tuttle, Chester 4


VanDusen  114, 133                                

VanDusen, Matthew  104, l05                             

VanRansellear or Venrauselleu   110, 133

Venduson  108, 114, 117, 120

Vosburgh  115

Vosburgh & Co. 116


W. B. Society  127

Wadsworth  98

Walker  115, 116, 134

Ward  133

Warren  134

Webster  118, 130

West  115, 116, 133

West & Leishman   32, 33

West, A.  8

West, Amasa   44, 46, 76, 77

West, Ebenezer  32, 33

West, Joshua  34, 35, 67

West, Stephen  92

West, Timothy N.  18, 19

West, Thomas  93

Westwalt, Ambrose  72, 73

Westwalt, Saml.  102

White, Wessel  80, 81

Whiting  113, 133

Whiting, John  113

Whitney  101

Whiton   91, 105, 114, 116, 117, 132, 134

Whiton & Bradley - see Bradley & Whiton

Whiton & Sadd  90, 91, 55

Whiton & Thayer  126

Whiton, James   54, 55, 91, 126, 127

Whiton, Mandley  88, 89

Whiton, T.  130, 138

Whittlesey  133

Wilcox  116

Willard  132

William  68

Williams   114, 116, 120, 133

Williams, A.  42

Williams, Asa  104

Williams, Betsey  118

Williams, Daniel   90, 91

Willaims, Ephraim   50, 51

Willys or Wyllys   132

Wilson  112

Wormer  132

Wormer, Richard   76, 77

Wright, Samuel 106


Yale, Josiah  19

Yale, P.  18, 19