The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Francis du Pont
Kennett Pike,
302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883
Creator: White, Enos, 1803-1852?
Title: Diary
and account book
Dates: 1821-1851.
Call No.: Doc. 746
Acc. No.: 63x54
Quantity: 1 volume
Location: 31
Enos White was a furniture maker
and shoemaker at various times in his career.
He spent most of his life in
Entries record occasional or
annual recappings of White's life with financial accounts interspersed
throughout the volume. The diary opens
on Nov. 26, 1821, when White decided to leave his boyhood home. By May 13, 1822, he had left and joined his
father in the cabinetmaking business. In
1826, he purchased his father's shop and half of the family house. During much of his life, White was concerned
about his finances and frequently recorded his thoughts on money matters. In an effort to find a more lucrative
vocation, he became a shoemaker in 1829 and entered into partnership with Abner
Nash. They spent part of 1830 and 1831
In 1835, White began making wooden cases for surgical instruments at the request of his brother. At about this time, White started mentioning frequent bouts with illness. By 1837, his physical ailments caused him to leave the furniture business. He made frames for looking glasses for a period of time and then returned to shoemaking. All the while, he was farming his property. The manuscript features an illustration of his plot of land and comments on his real estate ventures. He included periodic valuations of his "house shop and barn."
In the 1840s, White experienced the death of his wife, infant son, mother, and father, commenting on each. On Sept. 16, 1846 he married Mary Ann Fowler. By 1849, he was providing accounts of his children in school. White died either in late 1851 or early 1852. In the mid-1850s, the volume was used by someone else to record cash on hand, flour on hand, and farm transactions.
Chronological order. Index to volume follows the transcription.
The materials are in English.
Collection is open to the public. Copyright restrictions may apply.
Purchased from Goodspeed's of
Furniture making.
Furniture industry and trade -
Picture frames and framing.
Agriculture - Accounting -
Men - Diaries.
Finance, Personal.
Real property -
Account books.
[note: an index to the volume follows the transcription]
(transcribed by Claire Kegerise and Derin Bray)
For the most part, the transcription follows the original punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
1821 Nov 26
This Day I leave my
him to consent to my being Free
I leave in Good Spirits although my prospects are very small, and the Opinion of my Friends is
that I shall soon wish myself back again
I am now Eighteen Years and five months Old
with one Decent Suit of Cloths and fifteen Dollars in Cash to Comence my Carreer with
I move from My
Jane Humphreys where I commence Boarding
at 9/ per week and work at the Shoe
Business 1822 May 13
I Leave the Widow Humphreys and
return to my
Six Months and Earning Clear of any
Expences forty Dollars
I commence Boarding with my
6/9 per week
after working five months at the Shoe
Business at home and Earning thirty Dollars
beside my Expences I now let myself
1822 Oct 23d
To My
Bounded to work at the Cabinet Business
April 19th 1823
I leave my
Six Months and Earning thirty two Dollars
Clear of all Expences
I now Comence working with My Brother
Lemuel and Engaged to work with him till
I am twenty one for forty five Dollars
and all the instructions he is able to give
me in the Cabinet Business during the Time
which is Eleven Months
March 24 1823
I am now again Free and 21 Years of age
after Getting my Fredom Suit and paying
all my little Bills I have 50 Dollars left
I now Engage to work a month on trial
with my Brother Lemuel for 12 Dollars and
found April 24
As My Brother is not willing to give me
more than 10 Dollars I now am resolved not
to work form him at any rate
1823 April 26 I now go out to Making Shoe Boxes
May 10 I am Sick of my Business am resolved to work Cabinet Making at home or go
to Sea
Seeing my Brother Objects to my working for my Self I Conclude to List as a sailor
May 20 I go to
I find all kinds of People and (Toreys?) which Sickens me at the the site
I now am Determined to work at my
Trade in
it will I accordingly go to My Grandmother and borrowd 75 Dollars with witch I am to make a beginning much against the will
of my Brother
I have worked one month by myself and have
Earned 12 Dollars besides my Expences besides
feeling much encouraged by my Brother offering
me 22 Dollars per month
I still continue to work for myself and find the more
I Doe the mor I find to Doe
I have worked Six Months and have Earnt 50Dollars Clear of All Expences
1824 Decem 6th I this Day go in to Partnership with My
Brother on Equal Terms
after working together 6 months and Clearing
for Myself 75 Dollars My Brother Concludes
to leave home and enter into other Business
1825 June 6 I now Comence again on my own hook with
two Boys, Jason Smith & James Litte
Oct 21 James Litte Left me to go
into a Store at
1826 April 17th Jason Smith Left me and ran away 8 Dollars in my
June 10th I bought My
Three Hundred Dollars for it
July 25 I this Day took Warren Clark as an aprentis
and am to Pay him 25 Dollars per Year
August 10 I now have paid my Brother Lemuel in ful,
of all Demands for all his Tools and all other
articles in the Shop together with all his
Stock Mahogany Birch and Pine 150 Dollars
August 21 I now have Finishd of the upper Story in the
Shop which has Cost Me 50 Dollars
Decem 17 I have bought me a wagon
Body for my
which which Cost me 6 Dollars
1827 June 17th This Day I have Bought One half of my Brothers
House the Easterly Part to gether with the
Land on whitch it Stands for whitch I paid
him 500 Dollars and took a Deed &
Warantee Deed
My Boundry Lines specified in the Deed
runs as follows a Line Through the Center
of the House 50 feet northerly from the Road whitch includes the Shed ajoining the House
the Line runs north 50 feet to a Line which
runs Paralel with the Street and that Line
runs to a Line about 7 feet to the East and
of the Shop the East Line runs North from the
Street about 50 feet the Land within is about
28 Rods
August 16 I Shingled the House which Cost me for my part
25 Dollars
Nov 10 I now have Completed my job in the House
Painting papering and finising the Front Entry
Parlor Chamber Sleeping rooms and
(Clospress?) which has Cost me 40 Dollars
1828 Febr 6th To Day I have made an Estimate of the
Property now in my possession all of whitch
I have Earnt by the sweat of the Brow
without the assistance of any one it is as
follows the first Cost of one half of the
House the Shop and Land that they stand on
was $800|00
the Expence that I have been at
in repaering them is 115|00
Furniture on hand in the Shop 600|00
Stock on hand in the Shop 50|00
Tools Benches &c 50|00
Cash on hand 50|00
Notes on hand___ 100|00
Cash Paide for Cloths today 70|00
All my Debts which are $1835|00
small to Difrent People amount to 70|00
The House Shop & Land whitch 1765|00
they stand on I Consider to be
worth as they are now 1000|00
whitch is $85 more than they
Cost me Consequently I Consider
my self to be worth 1850|00
1828 Feb 7th This Day I have united Myself with Miss Jane
Humphrey in happy Wedlock and may
God Grant that we may live and enjoy
ourselves to gather in such a maner as never
to repent of the Obligations that We have
Laid Ourselves under this Day
Feb 7th To Day I had of my Wife 252 Dollars
it being her remaining part of her portion
in her
It was in the following Articles
Crocking Ware per Bill 33.51
Silver Ware __________ 28.25
Carpet ________________ 40.00
Beding and Other Clothing 53.75
Cash __________________________ }97.00{
11 My Bill of Furnature is ____ 100.00
Bill of Hardware and Other Articles 64.50
the Cost of Furnishing the House is 320.01
I am now in Debt to the amount
of $70.00 and we have what I consider
to be worth Exclusive of Cloths & Debts $2000
Although according to my Estimate it amounts to 2160
1828 April 10 To Day My Deed was recorded at
in the
Mr. Enos Fords Reg} I set the Date with
the Caracters that I find on the Deed down
so that Should the Deed be lost it will
be easy to find where it was Recorded
1828 August 7th Six Months having expences Since we were
Married and having kept an exact account
of my expences Dureing that Time I have
set Down the sum it has Cost me for provision
Cloths and other Expences
Cash Paid for Provisions________________64.60
// for Clothing ______________________ 19.35
// for Pleasure______________________ 8.50
Cash paid to Warren Clark 18.00
As My Bills for 6 months amount to $110.45
Consequently my Expences per week are 4.25
August 28 To Day I have Bought a waggon of
Mr Amsail Pruitt for which I am to pay
him $80.00 in 6 months with interest
1828 Sept 23d To Day I have Bot me a Harnys
of Mr Reuben Tower of Hanover for
which I paide him 21 00
Cash paid for a Whip 1 00
Cost of the Waggon 80. 00
102 00
Dcem 5th To Day I have Bought me a
Horse of Mr William Goodwin of
Quinsy for which I paide him 30.00
and let him have
the horse that I now have is
9 years Old this winter and is considered
to be worth $75
I got him on these Conditions
Should I be Disposed to sell my horse
within 5 years I
am to pay my
Unless I get another one at the expiration
of 5 years the horse is to be mine
1829 Jan 1 To Day I have Settld my Bils for the
Blinds on my part of the House they
all amount 25 00
[written up the side
of the page]: January the 26th
1829 Sabath Morning at ½ Past Eight Was Born Jane
Feb 7th 1829
as this Day Complets the Year that I have
Spent in a
all the Expences that I have been at Dureing
the Year together with what I have Earned
in Order to learn how much my Capitol has increased
the last Year my Expences for the last six
months were as follows
for Provisions 60.65
for Clothing 33.57
for Pleasure 1.50
for the first six months as follows
for Provisions 64.60
for Clothing 19.35
for Pleasure 8.50
Doctor Bill 4.00
Nurs 5 and Mark Warrens Bill 3 8.00
Warren Clarks Bill 36.00
Bill of Sundry Articles necessary for the Year 10.00
Sum Total 246.17
last year $600 Stock in the Shop 655 increas 55 00
Tools Benches &c. remain the same
Cash on hand none
last year 50 Stock of Boards and hard ware 75 increas 25.00
last year 1.00 Notes on hand & Demands $2.10 Increas
& Cash 50 on Notes & Cash 60.00
last years Debt $70this Year free from it Increas 70.00
of Waggen that I paid in Cash for 102.00
of Horse that I paid Boot for 30.00
Blinds for the House 8 in number 25.00
of my
Provisions on hand 22.50
this is the Sum total of What I have $635.67
Earned this last Year as near as I can Estimate246.17
I have Earned free from all Expences $389.50
but of the Demands that I hold against people
I have already met with a loss I sent $90
worth of Timepeices to Ney York and hav
recd $50 and Expect 20 more the loss is $20
I have lost by Mr Balu Vining $20
my whole Loss amounts to 40.00
this Deducted from the above leaves for Clear Profit349.50
and this aded to what I considered myself to be worth last Year makes 2349.50
Feb 8th 1829
I am this Day free from Debt with
the exception of 8 or 9 Dollars which I owe
Warren Clark and that is not Due till
July next
April 1st
I have Bot me a Fire Frame Paid 16.00
for it the setting it up Brick &c
Cost 4.00 this aded to the expence makes 20.00
I have now Completed my Cistern
the whole Cost for the Cistern place
to set it up in together
with the Sink pump &c is 30 00
I have now Completed the work
in and around the House which
I intended to do this Spring
the whole cost is 43 40
Painting the fence and the walk 93 40
finishing a Sleeping Chamber painting
papering that together with my sleeping
room and the room below likewise
Shingleing the back part of the shed
& underpining The Same
June 14th
I have now returned from my Tour
to the west I started on the first inst
in Company with Mr Abner Nash
we went by the way of
Northamten to Albyny from
there we went to the City of
in the Steam Boat Victory
returned in the same to Albyny
returned by the way of
through Conecticut home
my Expences were 14.00
absent from home 13 Days Distance
Traveled about 800 miles
To Day I have made an Exchange in
Timepieces swapt mine for a mastterate?
Timepiece gave $7.00 in exchange
and have brought a mahogany secretary
in to the house worth $19.00 this aded to the above 26 00
40 00
June 25th
Took a French Bedsted from the Shop
with head & foot Board worth 8.00
August 10 1829
To Day I have Comenced with Capt
Stephen Salsbury in Business on the
following Terms
he is to have one half of the property
Earnt by us and has put in trade as
much money as will Ballance the
stock I have in, Consisting of Looking
Glasses Chairs hard ware and lumber
we Consider the rest of the shop to be 30.00
the use of my tools which I have in the shop 5.00
he is to pay 1.50 per week for his Board
and we Consider Warren Clark the Same
he is to alow me 8 Dollars a month
for Warren Clark wages or att least
pay his proportionable part of it
midle of November next
My Object in taking a partner is
not becaus I think that I shall make
more money in the Cours of a year
that I have done but becaus I think
I shall spend my Time much pleasanter
in the Shop than I have Done for
this four years past with no one
excepting an aprentice to speak toe
I have worked and strugled hard to get
where I am now in regard to property
and have Denied myself many priviledges
which a young man ought to enjoy and
which are very necessary in Order for a person
to conduct himself with ease and propariety
at home and abroad.
the Deploreable state that I have Considered
with the view of the Misfortunes of my
Brothers and the Dread of Poverty
myself with all its inconveniences
has induced me to make a slave of
myself since I was of age to work
for my own suport and asist others if in my power
Mr Salsbury is a man of Good Sense,
in my Opinion his habits are good
he is Industrious and Economical in all
his Business and allthoug he is a wheel
right by Trade still my Opinion is
that we shall make a good living
by persevering although the prospects
are very small at Present
As my semianuly
this being about the Time of year that
I cast up my acounts I should be
particular in seting my Circumstances
down with an acount of stock
My Expences for the last six months
for provisions was 73 35
for Clothing 25.27
for pleasure 18 00
116 62
1829 August 10 The Stock that is to be made comon
on Capt Salsbery acount is as follows
Looking Glasses 24 in number 56.45
Chairs 118 in number 75.15
Stock in Mahogany 17.95
Stock in Pine 840 at 16 13.44
Stock in Birch Board & joists to 377 at 10 3 77
also a lot of Birch 695 feet at 21 14.48
Stock in Hardware 29.46
Freight of
Chairs from
uth at 7 cts $219.10
I have on hand in the Shop Furniture
besides the above to the amount of 377.20
I am now in Debt 30 Dollars
August 20
To Day I have lost my horse
he was taken sick 8 days since
and has not Eat nor Drunk any
thing of any Consequence since
he Died with the horse AiG
September 1st To Day Warren Clark has left me
I have found Business so very Dull that
I have given him his Time which is
about 10 weeks he has been a steady
and a faithful Boy for me
23 To Day I have Taken a horse of my
Brother Lemuel to see after keeping
him 3 months if I can justify my
self in keeping a horse and make
him pay his way by letting him
Oct 20 To Day the hors of my Brothers while at
Cambridg was hooked by a (?) and
Died in about one hour
November 7 To Day I have Bot in Company with
Capt Stephen Salisbury another Horse
for which we paid 65 Dollers
she is five years Old next Spring.
February 7 1830
Another year having passed by I resume my pen
to see if I have made any progress these
Dull Times in geting gain
My Expenses for provisions has been 155.45
For Clothing 40.73
For Pleasure 18.50
Dokter Bill 4.00
Warren Clarks Bill for six months 18.00
Necessary expenses for the Year 5.00
My whole Expenses for the year are
not so much as they were last year
by 4.49 Econimy studyed some where
Feb 7 1830
Stock in the shop is $580 Deacreas $75.00
Benches Tools &c remain the same
Stock of Boards and Hardware 35.00
Decress 40.00
115 00
Notes and Cash on hand after all
my Debts are paid $300 increas 90 00
Cost of Sistern Fire frame and work Done
in and about the House 93.40
Secretary and Exchang in Timepieces 26.00
A horse that I Bot in Conecticut
in Company with Mr Abner Nash 14 00
Cash paid for a Bufalow Skin 5 00
Cash Paid for Horse in Company
with Capt. Salsbery 33.00
a Sleigh in Com with the Same 10.00
Expences of My family for the year 241.68
A Whale Boat that I paid $4 for ¾ 4 00
Discount on Stock above 115 00 402.08
I have lost this last year in horses 38.00 364.08
Expences of the Year Deducted leaves 123.20
Feb 7th 1830
Goods remaining on hand 33.56
$ 156.76
This is the Sum Total of what I
have got this last year
it falls short of my last years income 192.74
March 10th 1830
Capt Salisbury has left me to Day after
staying with me 7 months I have paid
him 45 Dollars in Cash and he has takeing
Furniture suficient to satisfy him for
his work so that we have setled all
acounts & passed Receipts
I am now left alone again without
much prospects of even finding work enough
for my own hands
March 19
Yesterday we heard of the Death of
my Brother
Stephen from a
paper which Stated that he Died on
the 10th of January
March 19 1830
By the advice and request of my Friends
I shall Set away to Day for Calvert County Maryland
to setle my Brothers affairs, haveing returned
on the 9 of April I have been Absent 21 Days
I left
in the Stage spent the night at Mr Josiah Vanes
Left Boston for
arived at NY on Sunday at 11 o clock spent
the Day with Oliver in walking over the City
Thistle William
Penn arived at New Brunsick at 11 oClok
Passed over to
the Steamer
there and arived at
at 7 put up at the National Hotel left on
Tuesday Morning at 6 for Baltimr in the
William Penn
arived at
passed through the Canall to the Chesapeak
took the Steam Boat Carroll arived
in Baltimr at 4 O Clock Wednesday Morn.
Left Baltimor
at 2 for
Wind ahead Beat out into the Bay where we spent
the night at anchor got under way next morng
and run in to
and then spent the night Arived at
Plumb Point at 12 O Clock on Friday
Started from there on horse Back and rode
12 miles to a gentleman by the name of
Bonde whose son I got acquainted with
on Board of the packet and who invited
me to his
Monday the 28th went to Mr Parkers where
my Brother Lived for the Last 4 years and
where he Died
Looked over all his papers and found that
his Bonds Bills and other property amounted
as nigh as we could tell to about $4500.00
I left
in Company with Mr John Parker arrived at
Spent the next Day there April 2d left
and arived in
Spent 3 Days in
home the same way I went and arived on the 9 of April
April 9 1830
My Expenses for my Tour to the
South has been 60 Dollars 60 00
My Bill against the Estate of my
Brother for my Time & Services
is 100 Dollars 100.00
Recd of my Brother Estate in Cash 40
Remains Due 120.00
May 25
Left home this morning at 4 O’Clock
in Company with my Brother Lemuel
returned June 5th after an absence of
12 Days we took a lot of Type and
handles to set up peoples Names to pay
our Expences
We passed through Pautucket to
where we spent 3 days
29 Left
Providence pased through
the Sabath in the
a very pleasant place several
May 31 Left the Vilage of Washington passed
in the most Direct Cours to
where we spent one Day left for
Slept at Jewet
City where we arived the Same Day
and found it to be a very pleasing
village it is Situated on a Branch of
the River that leads to Newlondon
we stopt at Jonsons Hotell
June 1 Arived in
and the next Day left at 3 o clock
in the Afternoon
River Streets paved and has the apearance
of a fine growing City
2 Arived
the night
3 left
Colchester went to
when we crosed the
in the fery Boat and Arived at
Midletown at 7 in the Evening put
up at the Splendid Mansion House
Situated Near the River
June 4th Left My Brother at 7 o clock
and went on Board the Steam Boat
MackDonah arived in
12 visited the Deaf & Dumb Asylum
walked over the city till 4 O Clock
then took the Stage for
pased through Thomestown when
we arived at 12 at night after
Stoping 2 hours I proceded on
and Arived in
the afternoon when I took the stage
for home arived at
7 on the 5 of June
My Expences have been for the whole Tour 19.63
I have Recd in Cash after paying
for my Type 18.20 in small
Trinkets 7.00 the whole 25.20
Consequently I have for 12 days 5.57
Riding five Dollars and 57/100
on Saturday next I intend to
l leave
in Company with Mr Abner
P. Nash. we are going in partner
ship together in the Shoe Business
we have put about 750 Dollars
each in Cash which we have now
laid out for Stock I
independent of the Concern 5 Time
pieces worth 60 00
I leave 200 Dollars worth of
Furniture with Warren Clark
to sell for me in the Shop 200 00
and about 23 Dollars worth
of provisions for my family 23 67
Notes one of 13 Dolars against Mr. James Bates
13 00
1 aginst My
Tools in the Shop 50.00
I have let the Shop to Mr
Warren Clarke for 30 dollars per
Year with the tools
My Shop and my part of the House
are still under a Mortgage to Deac
John Bates
five Dollars will more than pay all
My Debts I have Setled and paid
all Excepting Capt Buchnells Packet Bill
I have made up my mind at last to leave
my native Town & State and seek a home
in a Distant and Strange Land
and my reasons for going are the
1st I find that my Business has
Deminished about one third this
last year and I see no prospect
of its being any better.
I have a wish to have things made
as Comfortable as posible so that I
may pass along through this rough
World with as much Ease as I can
but situated as I am here, owning
a part of this and that with them
that care but litle about Comfort
I find it a very Dificult thing to
get a long without Doing every thing
at my own expence
The 3d and most weighty reason or
the greatest objection to my staying
at home is my seeing and in some
measure feeling the Disagreable effects
of Passion which my
to get the complete master of all his
rational facultys and although I see
the results of his Passions to be so inconsistent
with Man I fear by staying so near
him and all his Cncerns, that I may
allow myself to indulge mine much
more than I should were I away
for I find that I have almost every
thing to Cros me but nothing to
Pleas., and under all these Circumstances
I realy think it best to try and see if
I cant better myself otherwheres
I feel for and pity all who I leave at home
although they apear to have the Comforts
and Consolations that religion affords still
I think that they have there share of
Troubles and afflictions
I leave home with prety good spirits
trusting that I shall be provided
with the necessary thing of this world so long
as I Conduct myself with propriety
towards all Men
February 5th 1831
Returned from the West
I shall set Down a brief account of my
with Mr Nash was detaind in
till the 6th when we
sailed for
Marshal Ney Capt Crowel Master
we had 15 pasengers several of whom
we found to be good Company two of
them went with us as far as
one by the name of Prescot a Bostonian
the other a Dane and he had his
Guitar of which he was a
Complete Master of.
we had a very fine run the weather
being Mild and pleasant all the way
we were 9 Days on the pasage 4 of
which I together with all the rest
were Sick our enjoyment was much lesend
in consequence of our knowing that there
was a considerable Powder on Board
we however all arived in perfect safty
I left the Company at
and proceeded To Calvert County Station(?)
next Day and returned on Sunday
which Detained me 6 Days the weather still
continued Pleasant I sailed up the
Chesapeak in a steamboat 120 miles
the water all the way looked like a mirror
not a rufle to be seen the whole
Stage for Pittsburgh Company
very agreable we found a plenty
Peaches Pairs and Apples on the
road which we were welcome
to by the owerners
arived at
12 oclock, went to see Mr Hamnett who was one of the pasengers on board of the Marshal Ney
Spent one night with him.
he acompanied me all over the
pleasantly situated but in consequence
of there being so many steam
Engines in operation then constantly
there is a Dense Cloud of Smoke
hanging over the City which makes
it unhealthy and Disagreable
there are 26 Steam Engines
the City is on the junction of the
Alegheney and __________(big space) Rivers
and at the head of Navigation
that is for the Steam Boats the
Emtys in them
I left at 5 o clock in the morning
for Whealing arived at
at 12 where I intersected the
Other line of stages from
where I obtained a seat considering
myself very fortunate as I made
the ninth and there were more than
thirty Excluded and many of them
were detained a week a
we arrived at
where we took a fine super and
Continued on here I learnt that
Mr Nash had gone down the
River with two others namely
and Heele(?) the Dane, in a small
Boat the River being so low that
Steam Boats could not run
we passed over the River in a ferry
Boat after passing the River we
came to the great National
extended as far as
we arrived at Z at 12 on Sunday
and could have slept on the stage
on the Road as well as though
we had been in our Beds at home
the pasengers were all but 2 from
Massechusetts either formaly or laterly
we arrived at Cincinatti at 5 o clock
in the afternoon
Continued at 5 o clock on Tuesday the 28th Day
being 22 Days on the journey my
whole Expences was about 50 Dollars
Mr Nash after a long voiage of
10 days arived on the 1st of Oct
his Expences were about the same as mine.
Oct 1st Engaged a Store
for which we were to pay $350 per y.
we comenced fitting it and finished
it 7 Days before our good arived D
dring that Time we were idle
though very uneasy after our stock
arived and we had got it put
up in order our sign out
advertisements Circulated we of
Cours expected some Business to
atend to and hoped to Realize some
little profit for our pains but
alas We had our Trouble for
our pains, and seeing there was
no prospect of getting anything Els
we become very uneasy so much
so that Mr Nash went Down
he engaged a store
we found that we could let our
store, and were making preparations
to leave when sudenly I was atacked
with the Billious fever and afterwards
by the Typhus Fever which confined
Me to my room nine weeks
Previous to this I had not Experienced
a Sick Day since I left home
excepting Seasickness
During my Sickness Mr Nash
began to think of returning home
for my sickness apeared to Cast a
Gloom on every thing around us
and I believe the Chief thot Occupying
our Minds was the idea of returning
Mr Nash accordingly Comenced selling
our Stock at Cost
and by the first of Jan he sold
the whole to Difrent People on a Credit of 3 and 5 months
My health being such that I was
not able to travel we both concluded
to stay till our money was Due
but growing more and more sick
of the place we concluded on the
21st of Jan to set out for home
although I had not been out
after four o clock in the afternoon
sinse my confinement I thought
that traveling might be a benefit
to me, for I improved in health
very slow the Docter and my
Friends thought very Difrent
but finding it considerably Expensive
there and knowing the situation of my
wife at home I was resolved to venture
and after getting our Notes Discounted
we left at 9 o clock in the Evening
in the stage and a bitter Cold Eve it was
we was fifteen Days on our journey
and I believe that I gained as many
pound in weight and Spirets
for at the Time that I left
I was so weak that after walking
30 rods one leg would hardly follow
the other
we spent one day at
visited the
it Comenced snowing before we left
there and from there we came the most
of the way on runers
we came by the way of Cleavland
and Bufalo traveled along Shores
Ocean it is 50 miles wide and 150 in
we came through Attica Albany Springfield
on Friday Night Februrary 5th 1831
and came home the next Evening
where we found all our Friend
well and glad to see us
My Health is yet Bad although it is altogether
Better than it was when I left
the prospect in my line of Business
is about the same as it was when I left
home Mr Clark has just made
a living I have not concluded
whether to stay at home or remove
to the
in all my Travels I have not
seen a place that I like Better
I shall not make an estimate of
what this last voiage has cost
me until I setle of all my
affairs with Mr. Nash and
Receive my Due from
although I know it has been a
Dear lessen to me but still I dont
regret it for I have learnt more
of the world than I should if I
had staid at home all my Life
Time and my Sickness tought
In the left margin of page 41 is boldly scripted: March the 4th 1831 Born Lucy Anne White
me the folly of exciting myself to much
to gain that, that Death so easily robs
us of.
Feb. 13th
when we left Charles Humphrey Josiah White and
Josiah Copeland all left
we have now been home a week and they
have all returned and are to work
in my Shop and I have had a call
for a lot of Tp cases which I have
agreed to make so we are all at it
again just as though we had not
been absent but a week Mr Nash
and wife and Charles are now liveing
with me but will leave in the spring
March 17
had the mumps and thinking it was
nothing but the ague I exposed myself
took Cold it settled below which
Confined me to the House two weeks
April 1st
Mr. Nash has left and gone to the
old place again with Charles
June 21st 1831
Settled all accounts with Mr. Nash
Recd my Due from him and all
those who we Credited while together
so that I shall be able to set down
what it has Cost me while away from home
Doll cts
when I left I had with me 801 00
when I returned or rather at this Time 620.00
181 00
Interst 300 Doll for 6 Months 20 00
it cost for the suport of my
while I was absent proberbuly 25 00
226 00
add to this my Time while I was gone
alowing that I had found work at 50
cts per Day it would be 75.00
Total Loss $301.00
More than it would have cost me
had I taken my wife and gone
in state
My loss was much more than Mr
Nashes in consequence of my sickness
for that cost me about 90 Dollars and
the latter part of the Time he was to work
for himself I supose he lost 100 Doll
it turned out very Difrent from what
I Expected and for these reasons
we were at
rent & Board and laying idle in
consequence of our Shoes being so
Much longer Coming Down the
River than we expected, the
River being so low that Boats
could not go
and after we had spent about sixty Doll
in puting the shop in order geting a Bed &c
we found that by Mr Nash working
constantly with the litle profits from
what I sold would just keep us from
runing in Debt we thought it to be the
best thing that we could do to sell out
we Sold our stock I believe to the best
advantage but for a considerable loss
than it Cost us with the transportation
of it, then it was sold on a credit for which
to get our money Down it cost about $100
finaly it has Cost us about 480 dollars
When I left home Mr. Willard Aaron
agreed to send me out 12 clocks
and to suply me with as many
as I could sell six I had of my
own in readiness for him to send with his
but I never saw them, although
they troubled me a great Deal fearing
that they were lost
Mr. Edward Haynes agreed to furnish
us with all our womans shoes
he Bot us those that we caried out
with us about 300 Doll worth all of
which were to be of the first rate
and for which we paid him a round
Price he being so willing to Oblidge
us but when we came to exam ther
his first rate new shoes proved to be
those that ha been jamed about
on his shelfs with his lay Bill
since tokd of his private mark on
sizes as they hapned &c
There were such People as we had to
Do our Business in our own Land
they look more at their purse than
there word or as I should think Credits
June 28th 1831
it has been my intention to get My
knowing that he must soon part
with it on acount of his being so
much involved in Debt. I made
him several offers previous to my
leaving home for a part of his land
in Order to reduce his Debt, and better
enable me to get the whole by
taking it by degrees
but it was of no
use my
seemd determined to keep the whole
as long as he kept any of it
and let the Interest Money sweep the
whole at oner blow. Having found that
Deac John Bates is not willing to releas
my Property, fearing that Pah
has not Enough to keep him secure
I find it to be necessary for me to
save myself while ther is a chance
I have made my
some weeks since and have also made
it known to all of
which they all aprove of and agree to
That I shall take
the Deed of the
House for which I am to pay Pah 1400 Dollars
I then am to sell one half of the House
to Grandmah for 400 Doll and am
to have the priveledge of selling the
4 acres ajoining
Mr. Webbs Mill
Pah is then to have the use of the place
five years from May last
these propositions
but when I came to setle with his Creditors
I found that he was not owing so
much Money as was expected
the whole amount was 1230 Dollars
it is now left and setled
as recorded on the next page
I have a Warrantee Deed of the whole
place for which I have paid 1230 Dollars
I have sold my Grandmother one
half of the House for four hundred Dollars
and have sold Christopher Webb Esq
the four acres ajoining him for two
hundred and thirty seven Dollars
at the rate of sixty Dollars per acre
it fell short of four acres several rods
seven Years from last May with all
the Priveledges of cuting his wood and
Doing the same as he would if it was
his own, and he is to pay the Taxes
the same as usual.
and includes about, or just
thirty three acres besides that that
I have sold to Mr Webb I shall
draw a small sketch of it on the other
page and show by whom it is Bounded
I have also bot a piece of Esq Webb containing
one and a half acres connected and bound
on three sides by me Designated by the
Webb Lot I have paid him ninety
Dollars at the rate of sixty Doll
per acre of which I am to have a Deed
as soon as he get his arangement
made with Oliver this added to the rest
gives me about 331/2 acres quite as much
as I want the whole has cost me
Seven hundred and forty three Dollars
the Interest and principal at the end
of 7 years will amount to Eleven
hundred and fifteen Dollars
which will average about thirty three
Dollars per acre at the expiration
of the seven years
although I lost three hundred Dollars at
the west or while I was there it was
a considerable advantage to me for
I had made Pah an offer of fifty
Dollar per acre for 10 acres and as I
could not get it for that I should
offerd more had it not been for my
going to the West and if I had thought
there could have been any way to pay
for it as I knew that it must go
and I always ment to have it
but now I have got it in such a way that
I think that I have more than made good
my loss and am in a fair way to pay
for it soon
August 19th
I have now reced a deed of Mr Webb
for the Acre and a half spoken of
on the last page.
August 27th
I am now paying Interest Money
as follows to my Grandmother
a Note of $160 00
to Aunt Sally Humphrey a Note 50.00
to Elbridge Whitemore 102 00
to Warren Clark 25 00
337 00
and I am oweing to Diffrent people
to the amount of including 75 Doll
Due Mr Willard in work 134 00 471 00
Sept 10th 1831
I have shipd 12 Timepieces to
Mesrs Holder &
I Consider them to be worth $175 00
I have also ten more redy to send
6 Square and 4 patent ones worth 180 00
Likewise 2 patent Do ready to send
Due me by Mr. Bowditch 20 00
$403 00
Sept 1st 1831
Bot a horse with
30 Dollars 15 of which I am to pay
for paint to put on the House
Sept 9th
Bot a horse of Mr Benjamin Wilder
in Company with Warren Clark
Paid 30 Dollars in Cash and 30
in work we intend to keep him
and let him enough to pay his way
he is 7 years old last spring and cost us 60 00
to do with him
October 28th 1831
I now have been at the Expense of
fitting of the second story of the
Shop so as to work in it the year
round the whole cost amounts to 54 00
with the stove which cost 15.00
I have put in two windows filled
it with Brick and Boarded it
November 1st 1831
I have now got my property
insured at the Norfolk Insuranc Comp Dulham
it takes affect this Day and continues
7 years my Grandmothers part of
the House is also insured and included
in my policy mine is as follows
600 on my half of the House
300 on the shop ) for which I paid 12.25
200 on the barn ) Total of mine 11.00 5 00
400 on Grandmothers acount 17.25
for which she has paid me 5.00
I have given my Note of 69.00
to the Comp four Times the amount of the
Premium which the Comp. required
January 1832
Bot a New Sleigh for which
I paid finished complete 31 00
April 10 Bot of Warren A Clark his
part of my Horse for which
I paid him 25 00
this Horse is 6 or 7 years old
we got him by tradeing the one we had
last fall away for him
he stand me in 65 00
August 1st 1832
The Expenses of my wood and
provision this last year have
amounted to 127.50
wife and two children equal
to about three which is 245 cnt
per week or 81 cents apiece
August 4th 1832
My Misfortune in Horses still
continues to day I have lost
another that now stands me 75 00
he in runing slipt and broke
his Leg and I was mad in the necessity
of knocking him on his head
just at this Time the loss was great
to me for being unwell I wanted
him to ride every day on his Back
Sept 10th 1832
I Recd a Letter from my Cousin
Josiah inclosing 22 Doll Stateing
that it was presented by twenty two
individuals in consequence of the loss of my
horse I have also Recd 3 Doll besides making
twenty five Dollars, which I feel
very gratful for the use of the money
for in case I am restored to health and have
an orportunity to make it up to
them I shall
[In the margin of
this page is written:]
1832 October 19th half past 10 in the morning was born
the name of Charles was substituted for Augustus in honor of his uncle Charles
Charles Augustus H White Jan 1st 1833
November 1st 1832
Shop walls & fence I had put on one
good Coat of the best of Stock
and in order to know in case I should
ever paint them again what the Expense
is I shall sett down the whole cost in items.
12 gall oil 109 13 00
6 lbs French green 2/3 2 25
175 lbs white lead 11c 19 25
Brushes 2 and keg 10 gall 1 50
30 lbs Venetian Red 5 ½ 1 65
30 “ French Yellow 4 1 20
38 93
Paid Mr E Bates for painting Sashes for house and shop 3 50
“ Warren Clark for painting the shop fence and walls 4 00
“ Joseph Copeland for one half of the house 1 50
“ Warren Clark for painting my half of the back of the house1 25
49 18
to paint the other half of the house 2 00
with the last 200 I have Recd of my 51 18
34 18
painting my half of blinds 1 75
35 93
Leave 34 18 which it has cost me Total
January 2nd 1833
Rec’d of Mr James Humphrey as adminis
trator of Grand mother Humphreys Estate
my wifes portion of her property
one hundred & sixty Dollars
January 21st
Bought a Pew in the New Meeting
House for which I have paid one hun
dred & five Dollars and hold a Deed of
the same the meeting House was
finished and Dedicated November
27 1832 my pew is No 70 on the west side
March 24th 1833
I now have partialy recoverd from a long
Siege of Sickness I was taken with the
influenza one year ago last January
had a bad cough My disorder finaly
setled on my lungs which has kept
me in a reduced state of health ever
since I have Experienced much Bodyly
pain and have thought my recovery
very Doubtful
[Page 58 blank]
[Written upside down
on page 59 is:]
Feb 20th 1856
Flan? and board?
4 Bl Cuzler? 1075 43 0
6 “ Beach 1060 63 00
[Page 60 is blank]
January 1st 1834
I have now resolved to make one Experiment
more in the Cabinet line and intend to
keep an asortment of furniture on hand
and for that purpose I have moved down
below in the Shop Cut a door out and made
an Entry and done other work such as laying
the floor fixing stairs &c to the Expens
of 10.00
I now Calculate to work below through
the year I have hired Mr Warren Clark
for one year at so much by the piece
Copeland Warren Clark & girl besides three
Children and as this my undertaking is a
mere Experiment I shall keep an Exact
acount of all that I do and all that I
sell together with an acount of all the
Expenses that I am at dureing the year
I expect it will take from 10 to 12 00 Dollars
to furnish the shop, I have setled up the most
of my acounts and find that I stand as
recorded on the next page
January 1st 1834
Stock of Furniture on hand in shop 340.00
Stock of Boards veneers hardware &c 125 65
Stock of provisions wood &c in the house 96 00
Timepieces 9 at $13 Each 6 at NY 117 00
Waggon 50 and sleigh harness & Bills 81 00
Cash Due by Lemuel my Brother 116 00
Cash “ by Albert Ford 12 00
“ “ AB & C 9 00
Cash on hand 24 00
This is Exclusive of Tools & stove in shop $920 65
Due by me To Capt
James Jones 10 00
Humphries & Nash 11 50
Warren Clark 100 00
Grandmothers Estate 347 00
Stephens Estate 30 00
My Mother 15 50
Mr Robins 7 00
Mr Wilder 14 00
Sundry people 2 00
$560 00 560 00
Ballance in my favor 360 65
June 1st 1835
I have been hard at work in the shop
for these last 12 months have lost but two
days during the year excepting about one
weeks sickness when I was confined to the
House my Busness however has been
very difrent from what I expected
when I began as well as the profits arising
from my work. I worked until the 8th
of April on Cabinet work when I Rcd
a Letter from my Brother Lemuel wishing me
to comenc making Cases for him such
as are used for surgicle Instruments
I comenced and have been to work on
them ever since
have also employed a hand at Melten?
the most of the Time I have made since
the 8th of April about 1650 Cases for which
I am to have 1 00
a piece Deliverd at
this has been a very fortunate job for me
for my health though not good enough
to alow me to work on any hard work
it has enabled me to work constantly
on this light and easy work and as I found
it profitable I have probably devoted more
Time to work than any other person in this
Town for the past year, I have now made an
estimate of my work for the last year and
find it amounts to seven hundred 730 00
and thirty Dollars this is much better
than I ever done before.
as I have not setled up my bills for
the last year I cant tell what my
Expenses have been
March 1st
having setled my bills I find that my
Expenses have amounted to much more
than I expected and a great deal more
than they have for past years I have
kept a girl but expected that two Boarders
at 10/6 per week would about ballance her
but I find my mistake my whole bill
of Expense for the
year amounts to 300
this sum deducted from the above leaves 430 00
a Ballance of Clear profit to the amount of 30 00
400 00
I must however deduct 30 Doll Intrest which I am paying
now had I continued on Cabinet work and been
able to sell as much as I could make at
prices that I calculated to sell for I should not
made one Dollar more than my expences
although I had worked as many days as
I have done on the 1st of Jan my Brother
owed me about 750 Doll but since that he has
pade me the most of it and I stil keep to
work for him and expect to make at least
five or six hundred Cases more for him
May 1st 1835
Made an arangement with my
to take the farm the three years that he had to improve
it from the above date on the following Conditions
I have agreed to pay his taxes 20 50
also to find him in wood all cut at the door including 15 Cord pine Cost 22 72
and furnish him with 20 bushels of Corn 20 00
15 de potatoes 5 25
200 lbs beef 9.50
150 de pork 9.00
50 de Shugar 5 00
20 de Coffee 2.20
2 de Tea 75
10 gall Malases 4.00
1 Barell Flour 7.00
also to keep him a Cow
and to find him a horse to go to meeting $141.92
and for him and his family to ride when they pleas
he is to have one half of the fruit that grows on
the place, My
or pay me 25 cents per day Calling 300 Days a year
when I get the above articles I shall carry out what it has cost me
for the year and on the oposite page I shall set down
the income of the place
May 10th 1836
I have setled up all my last Years afairs in regard
to the farm with my father and all other persons
I shall set down the result of one years Expirement
in farming I have hired the work done as well
as I knew how
I have paid out for work done on the place 105.05
Cash paid for
Articles that I agreed to git my
Taxes for the farm for the year 20.50
for horse shoeing 4 00 grain for horse 6 00 10.00
paid 4 Dol for pine wood for Pah 4.00
paid for 8 00 hay of J White & my father 8.00
also 1 ½ Tons of hay on my lot worth standing 16.00
of the
40 bushels of Potatoes @ 33 13.20
one half of Pears & Apples 15.00
Salt grass sold to Capt Loud 16.00
work and Boxes by
the keeping of a Cow a year 36.00
all I have for this sum in the keeping of 65 85
a horse worth to me prehaps 20 Dollars
though prehaps the improvements on the place
last year are worth 10 Doll
Written faintly right
side up:
Feb 20 Have on hand
4 Bls Cuyler? 10 75
Written upside down:
May 14 Recvd Seventy Five dolls 75 00
May 2 “ “ 90 00
June 10 “ “ 75 00
July 11 “ “ 100 00
Augt15 “ “ 60
“ 18 “ “ 127 10
Agt 29 “ “ 30 00
Sept 9 “ “ 40 00
Oct 3 “ “ 60 00
10 “ “ 40 00
17 “ “ 40 00
24 “ “ 45 00
27 “ “ 25 00
Nov11 “ “ 75 00
[p. 69]
Written upside down:
1854 Cash recvd of H Cushing
Feb 21 Recvd Twenty Five dollrs 25 00
March 8 “ “ 50 00
21 “ “ 25 00
Apr 8 “ “ 20 00
23 “ “ 75 00
May 3 “ “ 17 00
19 “ “ 85 00
June 5 “ “ 50 00
Jun 9 “ “ 54 75
23 “ “ 95 00
July 26 “ “ 65 00
Sept 15 “ “ 125 00
Oct 17 “ “ 160 00
Nov 17 “ “ 150 00
24 “ “ 100 00
Dec “ “ 70 00
Jan 24 “ “ 125 00
Feb 19 “ “ 100 00
28 “ “ 30 00
March 11 “ “ 50
April 10 “ “ 100
April 25 75
June 7th 1835
Bot a horse of Mr. David Pierce for which I paid $110 00
He is six years Old this spring and I know him
to be a good horse I have also Bot a good
Chais of Mr Ansyl Pratt for which I have
paid after having it put in good Order 100 00
also a Harness of Mr Reuben Tower paid 45 00
also a Bufalo Robe 6 00
also a first rate Cow of Reuben Tower paid 30 00
and a Second hand Cart of Capt W Loud after
repairing it it stands me with out the harness 20 00
[page 71 is blank]
January 1st 1836
I began and worked the first seven months of the last year
as usual but on the first of August by overdoing I caused
a bleeding at my lungs which very nigh Cost me my
life after laying housed six weeks I got about again
but never since have I been able to do anything of
any consequence except lineing boxes up to this date
I have made this last year about 1000 Boxes
and find that I have done much better than I expected
for on making an estimate of what I have done
I find it amounts to five hundred Dollars 500.00
my whole Expense of Cloths and board have
probably amounted to 200.00
Mr Copeland & Clark with Mariah French
left me last August and since that Time
my family Consists of myself wife and
three Children
I have expended this last year in finising my room
bedroom sink room & butry with the walk 110.00
all of which are now in good order
on the next page I shall set down how I stand
in the world in regard to property exclusive
of the farm
January 1st 1836
Furniture on hand in the shop 380 00
Seven Timepieces
Pine boards $19 birch Do & joist 9 Doll 28 00
Mahogany boards 15 veneers 10 25 00
23 yds velvet 10 hardware 10 20 00
Two stoves 10 & 4 Doll with funel 14 00
Tools in the shop worth prehaps 14 00
Laith hand screws &c 15 00
Horse 100 cow 15 Doll 115 00
Chais 100 harness 30 130 00
Waggon & harness 40 Cart & harness 22 62 00
Sleigh Bufalo & Bells 30 00
Pew in Mr Philips Meeting house 105 00
Due me by my
Brother Lemuel at this Date 832
92 1854 92
Due by Myself
to my mother a Note $600 Intrest $21 Due bill $31/652.00
“ my
also on account of Stephens Estate about 18.00
Due Lemuel for freight on Boxes about 15 00
J Jones $10 J Loud 4 E Bates 4 16.00
713 00 815 00
Due Warren A Clark 102 00 1039 92 815.00
January 1st 1837
Another year has roled on and I still find
myself amongst the living I worked but about
a month at the comencement of the last year
before I was atacked with a cough that confind
me to the House till May and when I got out
I was so feble that I was not able to do any
thing I underwent much pain through my breast
I lingered
through the
which Time I went
Sister Betsey on here who was then to all apearances
in a Consumption hopeing that the change might
restore her to health but it was not so to be for
after staying with us a few months she left us
on the (blank) of Nov and I hope for a better world
as her health failed mine seemed to improve
so that on the first of October I began to
do a litle in the shop and since that Time I
have continued to improve so that at this date
I am better than I have been for two years
and much better than I ever expected to be
though my disorder is no doubt seated so as never
to be removed
As I never expected to do any more
work in the shop I sold all the Furniture
and stock that I had on hand at Auction
it was sold very well for more than I priced
it at Mr Clark left me and went to work
on Racks, after I got so as to be able to do any
thing I tried to think of some light work that
I might do I at first thought of taking hold
of the Shoe business and proposed to take hold
with Capt Norton Pratt and we began to make
arrangements for the business but a suden pressure
in the Trade caused us to pospone it for a while
I then agreed to get some stock for looking Glass
frames with Mr Clark if he would come and
try the experiment of makeing some, which he
did and we have been makeing them since
the first of Oct and if we find a market
for them we shall continue to work on them
it being as good work as any I know of
I find stock and pay him Eight seventienths
for his work so that now Pah Warren and
myself work in the shop the same as we used to do
on the next page I shall set down how I stand in the world
January 1st 1837
Horse 90 Chaise & harness 125 215.00
Waggon & harness 40 Cart & Do 20 60.00
Sleigh Bufalow & Bells 30.00
Pew 105 Stoves & funell 14 119 00
Tools in shop 15.00
Looking Glass Frames done in shop 100.00
Veneer Varnish and other stock 50.00
Pine plank 17
Boards for
Note against William Humphrey with Intrest 615.00
De “ Isaac Blanchard 65.00
De “
De “ Jeremiah
Demand “ Joseph my Brother 150.00
De “ Oliver White for 2 Timepies 23 00
Note “ Humphrey & Nash 18 00
Due my mother a Note with intrest 413.00
“ Warren A Clark 62.00
“ My
“ Docter Fifield prehaps 10 00
“ Loud Carter & Rhines for lumber 66 00 623.00
“ in small Bills prehaps to the amount of 16 00 925.00
623 00
Written up the left margin:
February 13th was born
Betsey Babcock White at 3 oclock PM
During the last year it appears that I have
run in the rear one hundred & fourteen
Dollars this is much better than I expeted
I have prehaps Earnt one hundred & thirty
Dollars dureing the last year and I have
spent for a Secatary Looking glass & what
Clothes I have bot all of one hundred
Doll, I have lived verry Economical this
last year as I know I had not much to expect
so I meant to make the most of what I
had I have spent but 2 Doll for pleasure
though I have rode a considerable I obtained
for stock when I soldit prehaps 50 Doll
more than I prized it at and have
now about the same sum as income from
the horse & Cariages with the Cash that I
have let this together with a Cow the
milk of which has been verry serviceble
in the family, has caried me through
the year quite Comfortable I am in hopes
to do a little better this year if my health
will permit
May 1st 1837
Sold to Christopher Webb Esq. the Old
Orchard Containing 4 ¼ acres also the Easterly
part of the locust pasture to a line runing from
the Northwest Corner of Capt Norton Pratt land
north in nearly a strait line to the Orchard
Containing 2 ½
acres at 60 Dollars per
the whole are 6 acres & 3/4 of the amount is $405
1837 November 1st
I have now converted my shop into a Grocery Store
and Comenced in the Shoe Business with a Determination
to stick to it if my health will admit of it
during the the last year I have not been able
to do anything of any Consequence I have made some
Cases for my Brother of few frames but dont find
any market for them I have also worked on
the Barn a considerable which now is in good repair
I have expended on it one hundred & forty
My health Continues about the same as it has been for
years past and as I see no prospect of my ever
being able to do any hard work or even to work Cabinet
Making I have at last after much thinking Come
to the Conclution of trying my luck at a new
Trade altogether and hope to make a living at it
on the next page I shall set down the way
I stand in regard to property
November 1st 1837
Amount of Notes & Demands Due me at this Date
1 Note against William Humphrey 550.00
1 Note against Cristopher Webb Esq 150.00
1 Do against Isaac Blanchard 45 00
1 Do against
an Account against L B White 227 00
Do against Oliver White for two Timepeas 20 00
De against My Mother 26 00
1 Note against Josiah White 12 00
Stock of Frames & Mahogany on hand 77 00
Roll Cloth 22 00
Cash 80 00
Amount Due by me To James White 16.80
“ Freman Whitmert 15 00
“ Doct Fifield 29 00
To Rhem Carter & Loud 7 00
J Robbins 70 00
Warren A Clark 64 00
Hosia Pratt 27 00
Humphrey & Nash 15 00
Ann White 40 00
Small Bills 10
00 317 00
$904 00
This Constitutes my Capitol for Business
November 17 1837
Bot a Carriall Of Rev John C Philips
for which I am to pay him one hundred Dollars
the Cariage Cost him 200 Dollars 2 years since
I now have now setled with
all acounts Concerning the farm for the three
years that he was to improve it
the seasons have been very unfavorable for me
so that I have made a considerable loss
the first year the loss was 65.85
the second 48.11
this last year 77.22
I have this last year Expended on the Barn
by puling a part of it down and repairing the rest 140.00
Whole Expense for three years $331.18
this last year I planted 2 Acres and
raisd but 15 bushels corn & 60 De potatoes
the worms destroyed the most of the Corn
I intend to try my luck again if I live
this next season and hope for better luck
November 1st 1838
904 00
It is now one year since I comenced 52 00
in the Shue line I have found it to be 852 00
the most perplexing Buisness that
I ever thought of and how I now
stand I Cannot tell for I have shoes
scaterd all round the County but hope
if I ever get returns from them I shall
make out a living at the Trade
I made a mistake in my acount with
my brother Lemuel in my favor of 52 00
the Cariall that I have bot is also 100
I have let Joseph have 75 00
this Deducted from what 227 00
I thought I had at the Comencment
of the shue Business leaves only 677 00
November 3
Lost a Cow that I paid 48 Doll for this
last spring she died with the hornale
May 1839
Bot a Cow of Elias
September 10
lost a hog weighing 8 scores? Died
in Consequence of a stopage
[p. 83 - This page is
written upside down]
67 03
James Thomas Bill for meet 53 93
Blanchard “ “ Coal 20 25
Joseph Loud for Coal 7 50
Cash 15 00
W T Thigh for Pork 22
H Cushy Ham 64 87
Loud & Eq? Bill 12 62
196 17
57 03
Cole 31 00
Pork 24 00
Pollan? 5 00
Cash 15 20
338 40
520 0
360 00
1840 December 1st
It is now three years last month since I comenced in the
shoe Business and during all this Time I have not
known exactly how I have stood on acount of the
long Time that it has required to sell my shoes
and get returns I give up the shoe trade a year
ago last
three thousand Dollars out and in stock I then
Comenced making Looking glass frames with
Mr Clark and
during the last
been to Plimouth
Lynn Marblehead and
in order to find a market for frames but have
not succeded so as to make it any Object
and for these six months I have been in a great
quandary to know what to do Mr Clark is in
the same condition, he has ofered to work for me
for 67 cts per day and found and in case I did
not hire him he
has concluded to leave
as I have heard from and setled for the most of my
shoes I have mad up my mind to hire him for
a year and to try my luck again in the shoe
Trade as I see nothing Else that I can do
Mr Clark is to work on frames and I have
made arangements
with a man in
nother in
be able to sell all that he makes
I have been fortunate to regard sickness for the last
three years with my family my whole Expenc for
doctor Bill wont amount to two dollars
until the midle of september last when my trials
in sickness and death came with double force
on a sunday night
sept 18 at twelve oclock
taken with a fit she had three in the cours of
six hours Joel went for the doctor my sister Ann
was called and she
stood over
Cloths she and Joel both had a cold before this
but seemingly they aded to them this night for they
grew worse until the fourth day from this they
were both by the doctor pronounced to have a nother
Typhus fever Lucy Ann although on this night
apeared to be well she was taken with the same
fever at the same Time Ann was sick in the
west chamber Lucy Ann in the East and Joel
up garret we had from three to five watches per night
until October the 7th when Death entered our house and
took from among us my Sister yes my only Sister
Ann she that was seemingly the only stay an suport
she that was instructor of my Children and the Chief
Companion of my wife and my self yes she who if
we could judge by her looks should think that her Constitution and health was such that she could withstand any atack
from fever or any other disease, but Gods ways are far
above our ways he spoke and Death obeyd his sumons
and took her away never to be with us no more in
this world she now sleeps aside of our sister Betsey
Ann had no sences for a week befor
she died the last lines that she wrote were ocasiond by hearing 100 guns fird
by the whigs when they thought
they had gaind the state of
[Page 87 is blank]
after Anns Death Joel and Lucy Ann began to get
better on the 15 of Oct Jane and I moved into the front
Chamber where we intended to sleep and dispens with
watches for Lucy Ann but our Trials wer not over
for on the 17 day Jane my wife was taken with the
same fever and Joels sisters Almire who came to
asist in taking care of Joel, was taken also so that insted
of two we had four sick and all need watches
the doctor has been here from one to three time a day
for Ten weeks
December 1st 1840
On this page I shall set down how I stand
Due Robert Clark 30.00 stock on hand an demands Due
Warren Clark 11.00 stock in shop 60.30
J D Pratt 15.00 Frames 68 50
C Humphrey 10.00 Furniture in shop 18 10
J Loud 12.00 Dry goods on hand 20 00
J Copeland 3 00 Leather 15 00
Freman Whitmarsh 3 00 hardware 8 00
Anns Estate 123 00 19 Looking glasses at salem75.00
My mother 70 00 note against Mr Meril 150 00
Stephens Estate 120 00 demand against LRW 150 00
Parish Tax 8 80 de do Joseph W 70 00
405.80 De W Cofen 120 00
De Quincy Hunt 7 00
De Josiah White 8 00
Nemas Tory 16 00
Erne Leach 5 00
Nathanel Stodad 10 00
6 cases of shoes with Mr Whittems New Orleans 300 00
Cash on hand 210 00
1310 80 405 80
905 00
December 1st 1841
Another year has roled on and in regard to health
myself and family have enjoyed it as well as we
the year but as they are not so severe as at first
we hope that she will out grow them
As to the shoe Business I have found it more perplexing
if posible than when I first began and I have come
to the conclusion to give it up again I have disposed
of all the frames that I have made with some other
work in the Cabinet line I have worked about half
of my time on frames how I shall come out in
the shoe line Time must tell for I have a considerable
fortune? out I have been very unfortunate on a small
scale this last year I have lost a Cow worth 40 00
also a hog worth 14 00
also about 17 Doll by Norman Tory failing 17 00
on a lot of glass left at
also on shoes in Mr Whitliman hands about 40 00
This year I have built a nother cistern part out of 123.00
the old one that with new pump Cost free of pump 8 0032 00
a boat with w
52 00 175 00
In regard to the farm I have not spent anything
but what was necessary to get a crop up I let out
one acre to Mr Philips Carter I found manure and seed
he done all the work and had one half it turned out well
I have kept a runing acount on the farm and I find it
has turned me about 100.00
I have let my horse and Cariages for the year 50.00
on the next page I shall sett down how I stand 150 00
as near as I can
the above nearly balances my loss
thus far but how I am coming out in
regard to stock of shoes and other thing
that I have on hand I cant tell
at present Time must decide that
December 1st 1841
Amount of stock and Demands Due me at this Time
whole amount of goods in shop 111.00
frames unfinished 51 in number worth 52 00
furniture 14 Doll veneer 16 Doll Plates 10 Doll 40.00
Pine Boards & planks on hand 32.50
Shue stock partly manufactured 355.36
Looking glasses A. J. Pierces Boston 200.00
2 mahogany Desks at Humphrey & Webb Boston 70.00
Due me by Josiah White 14 00
Levi Terill 2.37 J D Pratt 1.07 Plaster 5 00 8 44
Caleb Stetson for Case Bags? sold 78.00
William Cofen for shoes 850.00
Robert Clark 8 50 W Loud 5 50 14.00
My father 7 00 James White 8.00 15.00
Lemuel B White 160.00
Joseph C White 70.00
Cash on
hand 36 00
1001 00
Due by me to
Nathaniel Stodard 40.00
Caleb Stetson for shoe stock 68.00
Humphrey & Dudley for goods 40.00
Warren A. Clark a Note of 125.00
on acount 110.00
Daniel Cain a Note of 32.00
Benton & Lory 40 00
Charles W Bates 8 00
Humphrey & Webb 27.00
Esq Humphrey a Note of 53.00
Nancy Webb 10.00
Doctor Learnd 18 00
J Loud 10 00
J Loud Jr. 35 00
Humphrey & Nash 40 00
Anns Estate 130.00
Stephen Estate 120.00
My mother 85.00
people 10
December 1 1841
It is now about 4 years since I comenced in the shoe
line and admiting that all my demand prove good
I shall have made about 200 Dollars ading the Cost
of my Cariall It will be about 300 Dollars I supose
the little improvements that I have made will just
about make every thing good I have thought long back
that I had much to Complain of in sickness and bad
luck in Business but now coming to sum up the
whole and learning how I stand I have much to
be thankful for and ought not to complain
I see many around me who a short Time
since seemed to be prospering in Buisness and
sailing along finely who now are failing and
loosing all they ever had amongst the worst is Esq
Webb who has lately built him a palace and
owned his fathers Estate and the most of my
are distributing his lands amongst his Creditors and
very posibly will turn him out of his house
May 1st 1842
it is now five years since I sold to Mr C Webb
the orchard and farm adjoining it has since pased into
Doctor fifields hands for Debts and it now has got back
in to my hands again where it seems it ought to be
for it is land that my grandfather worked on more
and longer than any other piece that he had for more
than 70
years he worked on it and recd more income
from the trees he set out
there than he did from
all the rest of his farm at least I should think so
it lays adjoining me and is all in sight of our house
the improvements on it sinc Mr Webb bot it are
many he has walled the whole of the two lots
with a complete wall he had dug out almost every
rock and stone the Orchard was laid down to grass
in 1840 the other piec is all ready to lay down
I should think he had expended on those two lots
more than two hundred Dollars
when I learnt that the Doctor had it in his posesion
I felt very anxious to get it back again
I went to see him and learnt that I could get
for four hundred and twenty six Dollars which is only
twenty one Dollars more than Mr Webb paid me for it
I did not hesitate a moment to make the bargain
and now the land is once more mine and I
now intend to sett out fruit trees on the 2 ½ acre lot
and keep an acount of all expens and see what
it returns me I believe it will pay mor than
six per cent at the price that I paid for it
I sold it for 60 Doll per acre and gave 62 ½ for it
Mr James Jones has bot the rest of grandfather land about
40 Acres for which he paid at Auction 33 Doll per acre
with the incumbranc of the wives right of dower
and also the right of redemtion for three years
January 1st 1843
On this New Years day myself wife and
four children wer all at Church in good
health and fine spirits
January 2nd at 2 oClock in the afternoon my wife
presented me with a fine Boy who we
named Stephen B White
Jan 7th My Dear Jane has left me I hope and
trust for a better world than this
she was thirty four years old last
December the twenty sixth Day
she died on saturdayfriday
morning at
7 o clock
Jan 10th Stephen B. White died at 6 oclock
in the afternoon aged Eight Days
and he now sleeps with his mother
beside my sisters Betsey and Rachel Ann
in the Tomb that I have built this
Ann lent me before her death
100 Doll it was apropriated for this use
by the Consent of my
Jan 12th 1843
This last year I have worked out on the farm a part of the Time
and in the shop on frames the rest of the time and for the last
six months I have been alone excepting Joel for finding
nothing to do Mr Clark left after staying about 17
years with me he is now at
in the shoe trade I cast up my acounts on the last day
of December last and find I stand just the same
as I did on the first of Jan 1836 seven years ago
in regard to property with the exception of the improvements
on the farm and barn my conserns stand as follows
Due Me Jan 1st 1843 Due by Me
by Humphrey Webb & Co----------160.00 Stephens Estate 125 00
L B White ---------------------------140.00 my mother 40 00
Capt N Pratt -------------------------235.00 Charles Bates 7 00
C L Sampson ----------------------85.00 Joseph Loud 17 00
Glasses at J Pierces-------------------200.00 Nimbal & Phelps 12 00
119 frames on hand worth-----------206 00
Stock of pine on hand -----------------20 00 Ribeca White 20 00
Shoe stock on hand 20 00 My
Goods in shop on hand 15 00 Warren Clark 40 00
Veneers on hand 10 00 283 00
Due from
283 00
826 00
[Page 99 is blank]
Jan 12th 1843 an acount of the last sickness
and death of my beloved wife and child
Jan 2d on Monday morn at 2 oclock I went for the doctor and
at 2 in the afternoon she was confind with a fine Boy and
to all apearances was doing well Tuesday she continued
comfortable but on Wednesday she was in a considerable pain
and on that Evening Jane Augusta had a nervous fit I sent
for the doctor and after he had helped her I told him
I wanted him to see my wife and see if he could not
give her something to relive her pain, he apeard to be
suprised to think that I wanted help for her I went to
her Chamber directly after him and soon discoverd that
her simtoms were alarming he left her medicin for
the night it was then 10 o Clock he was to come again
in the morning but as she apeard no better I went
for him Early on Thursday morn he came and
bled her in both arms and orderd Eight leaches
to be aplied on her bowels whence there apeard to be
a hard sweling Jane at this time apeard to be
sinsible of her Critical situation and spoke of her Children
and asked what would becom of them without a mother
I told her if it was God will that she must leav us
she must trust her children with me and her God
And they would be provised for her mind apeard to be in
a wandering state after this the doctor came at noon and at
night the sweling had deminished a considerable but her pult was
very quick 140 per minute Mrs James White & Mrs Philip Bates
were her watches on this Thursday night they thought as I had
not much sleep for some Time that I had better try to
get a little I laid down at 10 and at 11 Jane sent for me and
wanted me to lay with her as she said that that would be the last
night that I ever should be with her in this world I went
and laid on the bed but she said I must get in with her
and put my face to hers I did and took her hands in
mine and we exchanged kisses for the last Time she apeared to
be calm and more free from pain and I felt hapy in
being so near to her and by praying to god for her restoration
to health I laid with her there on four hours she had some
sleep which seemd to refresh her but when ever she awoke
she would fix her Eyes on mine in such a way that it
made me tremble for her safty the next day friday
the doctor called found that her Bowels were sweling all over
he told me that he had no hopes of her life being spared
but just at that moment David Humprehy came in with Doctor
Reynolds Burton who after a consultation with doctor fifield
gave me some hopes that she might still be spared
they ordered 6 more leaches to be aplied to her bowels the doctor
came again at night and found not withstanding there had been
so much blood taken from her her pult had increased to
150 per minut he then ordered 6 more leaches and they
were aplied he then left her medicine for the night but
she would not take it after trying every expedient
I sent for the doctor at 10 but he suceeded no better
than me she said the word had gone forth that she would
not take it and it never would be resolvd the doctor
then ordered an injection to be given which was done
though he said he thought that she was beyond the
reach of medicin she continued in a restless state
in a considerable pain until four oclock when she
became quiet and never moved her limbs after
wards she apeared to utter these word very indistinctly
for some time before she died, God have Compassion
have mercy on me, she lived in this state of quiet
till 7 oclock when her spirit took its flight without
a strugle or a groan, and can I doubt but what
she is now in heaven with her
kindred spirits god forbid
the child laid from its birth to the Time it died as though
it knew it had lost its mother it lay asleep the most
of the Time and when it awok it made but litle noise
for the last day and a half befor it died it swalowed
no nourishment and on the 10th the day after its
mother was buried it breathed its last in the same
easy way that his mother did at 6 oClock
in the Evening
November 5th 1843
My mother who has been in very feble state of health
ever since the Death of Ann has this day left
us, at 5 oclock in the afternoon I read a letter from
Aunt White who
is now at
she apeared pleased to hear from her and
apeared as well as usual she went to bed
for Mrs Pratt she went in and I with her
when Mother observed that she felt dredfuly
I asked her how she felt but she answerd not
after a few convulsive turns she seemed mor
easy laid with her Eyes open breathed free for
about 20 minuets when her spiret
left without a strugle or a groan she was in
her 70th year
March 5th 1844
Death took a bad Cold in the cours of a month
after her deth he failed very fast at first
but continued in a low state for three months
haveing watches the whole time to this Date
I went into his room as usual about six
in the morning he apeared to be in a quiet sleep
after inquiring of the watches how he had been
through the night and learning that he
had been as comfortable as usual I went with
them to the door returned and as I stood
back to the fire looking at him I noticed
that cloths did not rise as much as usual
by his breathing I went to the bed and spoke
but death had laid his hand on him in five
minuets he breathed his last without one strugle
just four months to a day after my Mother
he was 78 years Old
[Pages 106-107 are
blank ]
September 16th 1846
I have lived almost four years without a
Partner and as Time has nearly removed those feelings
that I thought would always prevent me from
getting another wife I have been looking around for
another for I find it is not good to live alone
neither is it fitting for my children to live without
a Mother after an acquaintance of three weeks
I was united to Miss Mary Anne Fowler of
her age is thirty three and mine is forty three
I maried her not for money for she had none
neither did I marry her for her Beauty although
she posesses a fair share of it but I took her
for the many good quality that I think
she posess and may God grant that I
shall not be disapointed
[pages 109-110 are
blank ]
[Written upside down
Feb 20th 1856 Flour? on hand?
4 lb Cuyler? 10 75 43 00
5 “ Beach 10 60 53 00
½ “ in Bags 5 28
Jun 5 ½ “ “ cugh in bags 11 00 55 00
an acount of money Rcd and how apropriated
from the Estate of my Brother Stephen
Expence of going out to Calvert Co first Time 70 00
My fee for services 100 00
Expens of second Time 8 00
fee for servic 10 00
Expens for last Time 40 00
Fee for the service 40 00
Paid for Ann at the Hospital 154 60
Paid Lemuels Note against Stephen 30 00
Paid Mother Bill against Ann 10 00
Paid W A
Clark on Ann acount 1 00
Paid Josiah Copeland forCash
taken by Ann 89
Paid Aunt White & Mother on acount
of Stephen Note to Grandmother 1198 00
Paid my father 23 00
Paid for Exchanging Bills 12 75
Paid for Postage 11 42
1798 01
Cash Rcd up to 1850 Jun 1 1760 00
Due Me at this Date $38 01
I also hold two Notes against Mr Duke the
administrator of 500 Each Dated Sept 1846
1856 Feb Rcd 568 Doll for one Note
Paid Aunt White out of it 100.00
My bill 5 38
568 00 138.00
3 | 430 00|143.33
The amount Due L B White is 143.33
Paid Mr Nash on his acount 5.00} 105
1850 Decem sent him by letter 100 00}__________
38 33
The amount Due J C White is 143 33
1850 Feb 18 Paid him 111.00}
also a looking glass 4 00} 117 50
Cinque 2 50}
25 83
May 1st 1850 I now have Rcd of Aunt N
White 140 Dollars which belongs to us
three Equaly in Case no one gets it from me
within 13 years the intrest I shall pay to L B
& J C for three percents
Amount of Furniture in the house Jan 1st 1847
In the west Room lately bot sofa 25 Chair 35 Carpet 20 80.00
looking glass 7 Stove 7 Table 10 Lamp 5 19 00
in the East Room Secretary 25 two tables 8 work Do 3 36.00
Chairs 8 Timepiece 15 stove & fireframe 8 Carpet 7 38 00
rug 3 Ruget 5 glass 3 11 00
kitchen Cupboard 4 tables 4 sofa Bedsted 8 Chairs 2 stove 5 23 00
two Bedrooms below Clock 10 Bed 7 Chair 2 Tables 3 22 00
East Chamber stove 5 Bedsted 7 Bed 10 Desk 15 wardrobe 12 49 00
Glass 4 table & wstand 3 Chairs 3 10 00
West Chamber Beauro 10 Bed 10 Glass 3 Carpet 4 Chair 3 30 00
Wash stand 2 table 2 4 00
East Bed room Desk 5 Bedsted 7 Bed 10 Chair and Glass 2 Table4 28 00
West Do 2 Beauros 8 Bed 7 15 00
Midle Do Bed 7 Cupboard 3 10 00
Joels Do Bed 5 Chests 10 15 00
Crockery 10 00
Silver ware 20 00
Earthen ware 7 wooden ware 5 12 00
Beding 25.00
Amount Expended on the farm and buildings from
Jan 1st 1845 to Jan 1st 1847
1845 June paid Mr Simpson for hauling stone and building
32 rods wall at 80 cts per rod on the west End of the
lot South of Orchard 25.60
also for my part of wall between me and Capt
Norton Pratt 9 00
also between me and Capt W Loud 5 00
Cost of fence front of house & shop built by S Toy 123.38
moveing Corn Burn and other jobs 8 00
finishing Back Chamber shingleing Cinque room 26 00
I have paid within 2 years for trees and
setting the same 150 00
Cost of painting the house & shop 75 00
Cost of painting the house inside and papering 25 00
Cost of 19 new windows and painting the same 35 00
Cost of well with pipe 60 00
Cost of fence leading from shop to back lawn? 18 00
Sum total 559 98
1847 Jan 1st an Estimate of what I am worth at this Date
Due to the folowing persons Due me by the folowing persons
Capt Norton Pratt 152.00 Jacobs Randolphs Note 1330.00
Charles Humphrey 116 00 Glasses at J
David Lovell 90 00 Stock on hand in shop 259 00
Warren A Clark 60 00 from Stephen Estate 333 00
Joel Pratt 230.00 Nathaniel Stodard 18 00
Elnathan Bates 8.50 Urban Rice 21 00
James Blanchard 8 37 Fisher A Kingsbury 17 00
William Thayer 7 00 from the Town 35 00
John Holbrok 2.62 Due and I hope to get
Adorom Clapp 8.87 by J Pers & Alen Boston 50 00
Charles Kreggs 28.00 stock of provisions on
Joseph Loud 3 00 hand in the house 125 00
Ansyl Bunell 15 00 stock in shop 2282.00
Mr Kembol Boston 28 00 two stoves 10}
Mr Barltet Do 50 00 hand screws 8} 28 00
Mr Carver Do 32 00 tools 10} 2310 00
William Humphrey Do 4 50 843 86
$843.86 1466.14
Amount brot up 1466.14
House 1500 00
Shop 500 00
33 acres of land at about 60 Doll per acre 2000 00
One and a half pew 150 00
horse 100.00
Cow 25 Cariall & harness 40 65.00
Chaise and harness 30 sleigh 18 48.00
Cart plough & harness 25.00
5 tons English hay at 15 75.00
2 ½ Do salt Do @ 8 20.00
furniture in the house 457.00
May Sold to the
Road Comp 1 acre & 114 Rods
of land for the sum of $425
also subscribed for 10 Shares of stock
at 50 Doll per Share 500
Sept 1848
In Consequence of the Rail Roads runing through my
land seeing the water privileges at the Neck? that may
be conected with it I have thought of the project
of going in to a speculation and have bot the folowing
pieces of
with about 4 acres of land which including
the repairs I have made on the house cost 1100.00
also of James Jones about 9 acres @ 60 per acre 531 00
also 10 acres bot of Warren Loud nexto N Pratts 150 00
the 7 acres below my Orchard is owned by J Jones
C Humphrey and myself Equally and I have agreed
to give C Humphrey the privilege of a road from
the rail Road to the lot owned by us he on his
part agreeing to build one half of the fence
when ever a road may be made by us
I have also bot in Company with C Humphrey Capt
Warren Louds home place ½ house 30 acres of land two Barns shop for $4000
of Mrs Webb about 4 acres for 175 00
of Mrs Burell? About 5 acres for 220 00
We have finished a road from town farm to
and partially
finished it to the
I have also
finished one from
1849 June 1st
Thinking the prospect looks rather Bleak for making
money out of the project at present and not wishing
to pay so much intrest money I have sold out all
the above to C Humphrey on these Conditions
he is to refund to me all Expenses that I have been
at he also agrees to finish the road from Com St
to the
he also agrees to pay me 75 Doll for two lots 4 rods
by 10 Each next to the road laid
out side of the
and fronting this new st he is to make
Esq Humphrey wrote the Deed and by mistake which was
not discoverd untill the Deed was recorded I have sold
out right to C Humphrey a road from
land below of 40 feet in width he C H however pledges
himself to give me a bond to make it as I have
stated that it was on the other page
For the last two years I have not set down how
I stood when the year come round for I know
that I was runing in the rear although my health
has been such that I have not required a physician
more than once I have been laid up several times
for a week at a time and last may being knocked
down by my horse and run over by him and the
Cariage with my wife and Lucy Ann in it I
was so bruised that I done nothing for three month
My horse was stoped after Capsizing the Cariage
and strang as it may seem neither my wife
nor Lucy Ann were in the least injured
this hapened in
My children have been rather expensive for the last
two years
I hoped to prepare for School keeping Lucy Ann
has been to the Charlestown Seminary at her
Uncle Charles Expense Charls has been to
they are now all at home and as yet have
not a Dollar neither for me nor themselves
but I hope they will soon see that they are much
better able to Maintain themselves than I am
to do it for them for I feel as though I had
done my share of work in this world at any
rate I feel on acount of my health that I never
shall do much more hardwork
Jan 1st 1850 for the last two years I have hoped
to make something by buying land and selling hous
lots I in consequence of the
my land and as I have thought I had the best
prevalidg for business owing to the water priveledg
at the Neck I have mad the folowing purchases
I bot of Capt N Pratt his place adjoining me
about 4 acres hous Barn & shop for 1025 Doll
I have expended 75 Doll on it now stands me 1100
bot of Jame Jones about 11 acres 6 ¼ acres back
of Capt Pratts lot also 1/3 of 7 ½ acres north
of my Orchard owned now by C Humphrey
Jame Jones and myself jointly the cost of the
whole 11 acres @ 60 Doll per acres is 530 00
I have bot of Warren Loud the house lot west
of Isaac Williams for which I paid 150 Doll
I have also bot with C Humphrey Capt W Louds
home place house Barns and 30 acres of land
for which we paid 4000 Doll
also 5 acres of Mrs Burell paid 225 Doll
also 4 acres of Mrs Webb paid 185 Doll
Sold the ½ of house to Capt J Loud for 1350
C Humphrey and I comenced making roads
we finished the one from town farm to
when last June seeing that the prospect was not
so great as I antisipated for making money by
the speculation and wishing to get clear of a part
of the hevy debt I owed I sold out to C Humphrey
the whol of our purchase of W Loud Mr Webb
and Mr Burell so that I lost nothing by the trade
and in case there is anything ever done here
by bringing this property into the market
it will be a great advantage in selling mine
as to my farm insted of a gain from it I believ
it runs me in debt the last year has been very
unfavorable I had but 35 bushels corn and 70 Do
potatoes of of 4 acres hay I never knew short aples
I had none my business has fallen of one third
so that I should not thout frames worth making
if I could get any thing els todo my health is no
better than it has been my family have enjoyed
very good health for the year past Joel & Wimina
still continue with me and also C Humphrey
Charls my Boy is now at work shoe making
on the next page I shall set down how I stand
June 1st 1850 Due the following Persons Due me
Mr Ansyl Pratt 1272 00 Francis Tenell 714.00
Joel Pratt 330 Rail Road Stock
Aunt Nancy White 260 10 shares as it now sells 250 00
Capt Warren Loud 68 Glasses at Pieres 24
James Jones 530 Note against Piere 46
Cpt E Humphrey 22 from Stephen Estate 130
Dea E Bates 18 Stock of Frames in shop 102
Mr Thomson 10 Glass plates 25
Charles Briggs 22 Boards 16
2532 stoves tools &c 28
from C C sampson 88
House 1500 00
Shop 500 00
31 acres land 2000
1 ½ Pew 150
horse 50
Cow 25 Cariall & harness 45 70
Chaise & harness 25 sleigh 14 39
Cart plow & harness 20
5 Tons English hay 75
3 Do Salt and whete grass 25
furniture in house 457
Provisions in house 123
11 acres land bot of J Jones @ 60 530
Place bot of Capt N Pratt 1100
lot Bot of
6789 00
8212 00
5680 00
1851 Due the folowing Persons Due Me
Ansyl Pratt 1200.00 Francis Tenell 714 00
Joel Pratt 300 00 10 Share RR Stock 250 00 Norton Pratt 100 00 C Sampson 25 00
James Jones 531 00 C Humphry Due Bill 38 00
Do Intrest about 25 00 C H White 48 00
Charles Humphrey 150 00 Nahum Brown 10 00
L B White 87 00 Nathaniel Pratt 4 00
J C White about 73 00 Naman Tory for rent 30 00
James Blanchard 6 00 Glasses at Quinsy 55 00
Mr Thomson about 5 00 Do at Torblis? 55 00
Dea E Bates 5 00 Do
Sundry others 10 00 Do at Hary Louds 48 00
2567.00 77 frames in shop 112 00
15 glasses in shop 36 00
veneers & varnish 9 00
lumber in shop 9 00
Cash on hand 35 00 1616 40
this last year has been Expended on house shop
and fence in painting and repairing 70 Dollars
House shop & barn 2000.00
31 acres land 2000 00
1 ½ pew 150 00
horse 100 00
3 cows 60 Cariall & harness 45 105 00
Chaise harness & sleigh 30 00
Cart plow & harness 15 00
5 Tons English hay 60 3 Do Blackgrass 21 81 00
furniture in house 457 00
Provisions in house 113 00
land bot of J Jones 530 00
Do of Norton Pratt 1100 00
8447 00 2567 00 5880 00
[Pages 128-135 are
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upside down]
1850 Valuation given in
Real Estate House shop & Barn 13 75
7 acres Salt Marsh 2 80
7 acres Old Orchard 2 50
7 acres Mowing 2 80
10 acres Pasture 2 50
1/3 of an acre bot of W Loud 50
lot containing House & Barn bot of N Pratt 6 50
11 acres bot of J Jones 2 75
33 10
Cow 25\
Chaise & Wagon 35 \
stock in trade 250 \ 4 10
Rail Road Stock 100 /
[This page is written
upside down]
My property as it stands on the valuation
Book 1845 the personal as given in by me this year
but the Real is as it has been for years past
it stands thus House shop and Barns 1375 00
7 acres English mowing $71 per a 500
7 Do including the two Orchards 36 250
7 Do Salt Marsh 40 280
10 Do pasturing 25 250
Hors 40 2 Cows 40 80
Chaise 25 Cariall 35 60
Money at Intrest 1000
Stock in Trade 400
[pages 138-141 are
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upside down]
1845 Commenced setting out Trees
in the Old Orchard where my Grandfather
comenced in 1763 he then set out 55 fine aples
Trees he was 27 years Old and continued to sett them
out until he had the 4 ¼ acres coverd with Trees
and in my Opinion he derived more profit
from this Orchard than all the rest of his
farm there is now standing 2 full pear Trees
and a few aple Trees in a bearing state probaly
they are 80 years old.
I shall sett down the Expenc incurd on the
lot it is all fenced with a hevy stone wall
I Consider to be worth now the 4 ¼ acres
at 70 Doll per acre $300
paid for plowing strips 3 00
April12 50
40 Rusetts 40 \ 38 00
10 Greenings 35 /
Oct 80 Baldwins Rusets & greenings @ 33 26 40
May 1 15 Mamouth Pipin at 27 cts 4 05
Setting out the above and plowing 9 00
1847 set out 180 Peach trees Cost 9 380 45
396 75
[p. 143]
[This page is written
upside down]
Income from Old Orchard 1844 7 00
1845 hay worth standing 7 00
1846 hay sold standing 7 00
1847 finding that the trees were sufring from being
eat by grandmice I this year plowed up
4 acres and planted it the result is as folows
25 tons rockweed all spread 30.00
32 Cow manure 30 00
Cost of planting and howing 54
Diging potatoes 10
124 00
Income 60 bushels corn $
80 ct s 48 00
40 bushels potatoes @
75 30 00 78 00
78 00 46 00
I lost 100 Bushel of potato by the rot
which will leve me minus 46 00
[This page is written
upside down]
In the two and a half Acre lot that I bot of Esq Webb
joining my grandfathers old orchard I have
comencd setting out an Orchard beliveing that part
of farming to the most profitable
the cost of the fence, geting out rocks, finishing up and building wall
while Mr Webb had it I will call 100 00
it cost me 63 doll per acre 157 50
it has also cost me to get it redy 60 78
1842 May 1 bot 30 Aple trees Rusets Baldwins
and Greening @ 60 cts per peas 18 00
1843 May bot 30 Aple trees @ 33 ½ 10 00
1844 April 20 45 Do @ 2/ Rusets Baldwins Greenings 15 00
I have and shall continue to 361 28
Cultivate the field round the Trees
and raise potatos but shall call
the trouble Equal to the land
1847 set out 50 Peach trees Cost 9 cts 4 50
[This page is written
upside down]
1844 Income from the farm
30 hundred hay worth standing 12 00
1845 30 hundred Do worth standing 15 00
1846 30 hundred Do 15 00
1847 30 hundred 15 00
1848 40 hundred 16 00
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1840 Town & County 13.07 Parish 8.34 highway 6 00 27 41
1841 Town & County 13 99 Parish 5 50 highway 6 00 25 49
1842 Town & County 13.96 Parish 6 34 highway 6 87 27 17
1843 Town & County 15.00 Parish 7 00 highway 6 00 28 00
1846 Town & County 24.62 Tax for fire District 4 29 49 42
Parish 13.37 highway 7 14
1847 Town & County 21.92 Parish 14 00 highway 7 00 55 87
1848 Town & County 22.86 Parish 15 33 highway 7 28 45 47
1849 Town & County 25 Parish 16 00 highway 8 00 49 00
This page is written
upside down:
Amount of Taxes paid begining 1822
1822 County Town Parish & highway Tax 1 70
1823 State County Town Parish & highway Do 2 00
1824 County Town & highway 1 50 Parish 60 2 10
1825 State County Town & highway 2.00 Parish 70 2 70
1826 County Town & highway 2.50 Parish 70 3 20
1827 County Town & highway 3.27 Parish 93 4 20
1828 State County Town & highway 3.67 Parish 1 89 5 56
1829 State County Town & highway 3 70 Parish 2.07 5 77
1830 State County Town & highway 4 10 Parish 2 50 6 60
1831 State County Town & highway 5.21 Parish 3 96 9 17
Do for the place Do______________15 70 Parish 4.48 20 18
also the Tax paid for the four years past since I have
owned the place at the same rate amounts to 80 72
1836 County & Town 14.47 Parish 6.86 highway 6.67 28 00
1837 County Town & Parish Tax 22 39 highway 6 56 28 89
1838 County Town & Parish 23 40 highway 6 56 29 40
1839 Town County 18.33 Parish 9 11 District 13 96 highway 6 50 47 90
this is to be deducted from my Tax
[p.149: This page is
scribbles and may not be Enos White’s handwriting:
Jy 5 Mrs White Mr SPear ½ day 63
Handerson ½ 63
[p.150: This page is
written upside down and is difficult to decipher; it might not be in Enos
White’s handwriting]
Geog griar Agt 5/h/50
L. Dunbar Oct
C. Brigg Mach
“ “ Mach
“ Sept 26 /53
$162 83
Name index to Doc. 746
(acc. 63x54)
B & C 62
Charles 98
Charles W. 93
E. 56, 73, 124, 126
George 28
John 28, 46
Jonothan 116
Philip (Mrs.) 101
& Lory 93
Capt. 28
Blanchard 83
Isaac 76, 80
Blanchard, James 116, 126
(Mr.) 52
William 28
Charles 116, 124
Nahum 126
Mrs. 119, 122
Ansyl 116
Daniel 93
(Steam Boat) 22
Adoram 116
Robert 89, 92
W. A. 112
Warren A. 54, 73, 76, 80, 93, 116
W. 89
William 92
J. 89
Josiah 41, 56, 61, 72, 112
Capt.-Master 32
H. 69
P. 92
Philip 91
and Dumb Asylum 26
(Doct.) 80, 95, 101
Albert 62
Enos 8
Jeremiah 76
Mary Ann 108
Mariah 72
William 9
Edward 44
W. T. 83
John 116
S. 98
& Bicknell 52
Charles 41
James 56
Humphrey, Jane 1, 7
Sally 51
Esqr. 93
& Dudley 93
& Nash 62, 76, 80, 93
& Webb 92, 93
Webb & Co. 98
C. 89, 118, 119, 122, 123, 126
Charles 116, 126
David 101
E. 124
William 76, 80, 116
Quiry 89
Hotel 25
J. 118, 125, 127, 136
James 62, 96, 118, 122, 124, 126
& Phelps 98
Fisher A. 116
Elias 82
Ezra 89
Doctor 93
James 4
Henry 126
Loud, J. 73, 89, 93
J. (Capt.) 49
J., Jr. 93
Joseph 98, 116
& Co., Jos(e)ph(?) 83
W. 92, 123, 136
W. (Capt.) 49, 70, 115, 122
Warren 98, 118, 119, 122, 125-127
Warren (Capt.) 62, 124
David 116
(steamboat) 26
House 25
Ney (ship) 32, 33
Mr. 89
Mr. 113
Abner 13, 20, 32, 355-37, 40-43
Abner P. 27
Hotel 22
Insurance Co. 53
(Mr.) 23
John 23
Peirce 124
A. J. 92
David 70
J. 98, 116
& Alen 116
(Mr.) 73
John C. 80
(Mrs.) 104
Ansyl 70, 8 [sic], 124, 126
Hosia(?) 80
J. D. 89, 92
Joel 116, 124, 126
N. 118, 136
N. (Capt.) 49, 98, 122, 125
Nathaniel 126
Norton 115, 118, 126, 127
Norton (Capt.) 75, 78, 116
(steamboat) 22
Jacob 116
(Dr.) 101
Custer & Loud 80
Urban 116
(Mr.) 62
J. 80
Stephen (Capt.) 14, 16-18, 20, 21
C. 126
C. C. 98, 124
Jason 4
Caleb 92, 93
Nathaniel 89, 93, 116
Francis 124, 126
Levi 92
William 116
(steamer) 22
James 83
124, 126
Naman 89, 90, 126
Reuben 9, 70
(steamboat) 13
Bala 11
Josiah 22
Webb 47, 123
(Esqr.) 94, 144
(Mrs.) 119, 122
C. 95
Cristopher (Esqr.) 48-51, 78, 80
Samuel 126
Ann 80, 85, 86, 89, 93
Betsey 97
Betsey Babcock 77
C. H. 126
Charles 120, 123
Charles Augustus 56
J. C. 113, 126
James 49, 80, 92
James (Mrs.) 101
Jane 88
Jane Augusta 10, 100
Joseph 76, 89
Joseph C. 92
Josiah 41, 80, 89, 92
L. B. 80, 98, 113, 126
Lemuel 2, 4, 18, 24, 62, 63, 73, 82, 112
Lemuel B. 89(?), 92
Lucy Ann 41, 85, 88, 120
Nancy 124
Oliver 52, 76, 80
Rachel Ann 97
Ruben 98
Stephen 21, 89, 93, 112
Stephen B. 97
Elbridge 51
Freman 80, 89
Whittemore(?) 89
Benjamin 52
(Mr.) 62
(Mr.) 51
Aaron 44
Penn (steamer) 22
Isaac 122