The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:          Coddington, Moses                             

Title:               Account book

Dates:             1824-1827, 1832-1834, 1848-1850

Call No.:         Doc. 665

Acc. No.:         68x109

Quantity:        1 volume

Location:        31 F






Moses Coddington was a brickseller in New York City.  John Hagadorn was listed as an agent in New York City directories.  Nothing is known about Jacob Schatzel, although he seems to have owned property in New York City and a farm in Rhinebeck, New York.





Lists sales of bricks, to whom they were sold (primarily masons), buildings and sites where bricks were delivered, and the cartmen who delivered the bricks from 1824 to 1827.  The back of the volume features accounts for the estates of Moses Coddington and Jacob Schatzel with John Hagadorn from 1832 to 1834 and from 1848 to 1850 respectively.  Entries document expenses associated with the estates, taxes, bills paid, etc.   The accounts for Jacob Schatzel include names of his heirs.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.                                                            





Purchased from N. David Scotti.






            Schatzel, Jacob.

            Hagadorn, John




            Brickworks - New York (State) - New York.

            Buildings - Maintenance.

            Decedents' estates - New York (State) - New York.

            Business records - New York (State) - New York.

            Account books.

            Estate records.









Location: 31 F



Name index to Doc. 665 (acc. 68x109):


Note: Names on pages 1-151 were part of Coddington’s account book.  Names on pages 154-176 are part of the Hagadorn estate accounts.  These latter page numbers were penciled into the account book by the indexer of the volume.




Ackerman, Abraham 116

Ackerman, Lary 100, 116

Adams, William  inside front cover, 17

Allen, James  inside front cover, 113, 123

Allen, John 50

Allen, William  inside front cover, 29

Alsted? or Olsted? [Olmstead?] 3

Alston, George 85, 121

(see also Vanalsten)

Althiser, Garrey [Garret?] 96

Ames 9

Anders(?)  134

(see also Andiers)

Andiers(?)  16

(see also Anders)

Armstrong, Ellen 169, 175

Ars, John  inside front cover, 12, 36, 94, 105

A[ylmar, Peter 84


Babcock, Samuel 135

Baham(?), James 14

Baker 63

Baker, Daniel 165

Baker, Mikel 83

Baley 2, 3, 35

Baley, William 113

Ball, David H. 173

Ball, David Henry 169

Ball, Jesse Van D. 173

Ball, Jesse Van Duser 169

Ball, Margaret 169, 175

Ball, Mary A. 169, 175

Ball, Mary E. 173

Ball, Mary Elizabeth 169

Ban[e], Peter 118

Banta, Jacob 95

Baratoe 15

Barns 61, 74

Barns, William 69

Barretto - see Baratoe

Barto 23

Bath [New York] 145

Beach 146

Beach, Robert 127

Beach, Robert R.  inside front cover, 100, 136

(also spelled Bech)

Beatty 155

Bech - see Beach

Becket, Thomas 35, 53, 68, 107

Beckwith, Thomas 25, 74

Beebe, James 165

Bell   inside front cover, 61, 93

Bell, Richard 55

Berdsale, N. 48

Berran, William - see Berrian

Berrian, Jefferson  inside front cover, 44

Berrian, William 44, 33

Berret(?) 103

Bertin[e], Peter 10

Berwick 20, 86

Berwick, William W.  inside front cover, 20, 86, 137

Bibmodout(?) [illegible] 48

Bigler, David 169

Birbank - see Burbank

Birdsall - see Berdsale

Black 67, 79, 87, 112

Black, John 157, 159

Blackledg[e] 28

Blackledge (of Stout and Blackledge) 58

Blanch and Buscirk 63

Blanch, John 63

Blanch, John T. 63

(also spelled Blansh)

Blansh 84

Blansh, John T. - see Blanch

Blauvelt, James C. 78, 134

Blauvelt, John C.   138

Bleecker Street Church  39, 78

Bleecker, Anthony J. 167

Bleecker, James, & Sons 159, 161

Bliss, Dr. 157

Blomfild - see Bloomfield

Bloodgood, Uzziah 159

Bloomfield 135

Bloomfield, Smith  inside front cover, 33, 43,  76, 124

Blovelt, James C. - see: Blauvelt

Blumfild - see Bloomfield

Bogardus, Robert   100

(spelled Bargardes)

Bogart, C. 43

Bogart, Carinus (spelled Crines) 76, 108

Bogart,  John P. 92

Bogert   126

Bogert,  Peter  inside front cover

Bogert,  Peter J. 83

Bogret - see: Bogert, Bogart

Bolmer, Walter 157

Bolton, William 154, 156, 158

Bonker   150

Bonsal   3, 125

Bonta - see: Banta

Bonter(?), William 68

Boorem, Richard 110, 113

Boorem, Timothy 110, 113

Boorum, Timothy T. 110

Borden, Anna E. 169

Braden, James 128

Bradford 59

Bradford, William 93

Branden, James  16

(spelled Brandon)

Brasher 62

Brennan, John 166

Brewin - see Bruen

Brian(?) 12

Brit[t]en, Edward 49

Broadway Church  79, 87

Brock, Jasper 3, 10, 33, 65, 69, 75, 80, 83, 91, 100, 144

Bronson, S. 164, 165

Bronson, Saml.  164, 165

[Brooklyn] White Lead Company [Factory] 40

Broun - see Brown

Brower 22

Brown  inside front cover, 53

Bruen 2

Brues? [Bruce?] 11

Brush, J. & B. D. 157

Brush, Jacob 146

Buchan, David C. 157

Bulger, Mikel 56

Bullwinkle 10, 40, 74, 80

(spelled Bulwincal, Bulwinkel)

Bulwincal - see Bullwinkle

Bulwinkel - see Bullwinkle

Burbank   inside front cover, 18, 48, 80, 84, 97

Burbank, George 10, 91, 97

Burbank Furnace 10, 18, 48, 80, 84, 97

Burck, Thomas - see Burk

Burk, Thomas  102

(also spelled Burck)

Burns, Mikel 14

Burrell, Samuel 166, 167

Burtis, Arthur 18

Buscirk (of Blanch & Buscirk) 63

Buscirk, Andrew  inside front cover, 63

(Buskirk?, see also Vanbuseirk)

Butler, A. J. W. 157, 159, 161


Cadmes 100

Cadmes, Abraham 3, 95

(also spelled Codmes)

Cadmus - see Codmes, Cadmes

Cambell, James 155, 157


Camel [Campbell?] 32, 72

Cane, James 106

Carney, Charley  18

Carns, Matho 114

Carr, Susan 175

Carr, Susan T. 167

Carter 45

Catholic Church, Bishop of the 114

Catlin 31

Celley, William - see Kelly

Champlin, Hazard 171

Charlton, Thomas 43

Chemical Bank (spelled Cimokel) 64

Ches[s]man, Doctor 71

China Factory(?)  74

Christie, David 106

(spelled Cristey)  

Church, Bleecker Street 39, 78

Church, Broadway 79, 87

C[h]urch, Du[t]ch I

Church, [Presbyterian] Laight Street 74

Church, Saint John's 33, 96

Church, St. Paul's 114

Cilley - see Kelly

Cimbel - see Kimball

City Bank  77

[City] Brid[elwell, [New York] 49, 77

City Hall [New York] 34, 77, 80

City Hotel [New York] 16, 22

(spelled Setey)

Clapp (spelled Clap?) 106

Clark  inside front cover, 66, 146

Clark, Benjamin 40

Clark, David 84

Clark, Jacob 2, 40, 48, 51, 61, 63, 68, 69, 90, 91, 93, 141

Clark, James and Thomas 59

Clark, Ezarel?  66

Clores(?), John  51

Cloyd, James 10, 24, 83, [p. 24]

(also spelled Coyd)

Cochran 20

Cockes 16

Codington, Abraham 91, 113

Codington, George 154

Codington, George F. 25, 106, 113, 119, 144, 156, 157

Codington, John 65

Codington, Moses 31b, 154-156, 158, 160

Codington, Uzziah 53, 85

Codmes, Abraham - see Cadmes

Coffin and Croel [Crowell] 94

Coffin, Jeremiah  inside front cover, 94, 139

Cohen, Ann M. 173

Cohen, Ann Maria 167

Colburn, Joshua  134

(spelled Joshaway Corlburn)

Cole, Ann M. 173

Cole, Ann Maria 167

Coles(?) 141

Coles, Willet 157

College [i.e. Columbia?]  53, 85, 121

(spelled Coledg)

[College of Physicians and Surgeons] 106, 150

(called Doctor's College)

Commercial Advertiser 165

Cook  54

(spelled Cuck)

Condon, Sarah 167, 173

Conklin 49, 74, 146

Conklin, John 59

(spelled Conclin)

Conklin, Josiah 155, 157, 159, 160, 161

Conley, John 81, 93

Conlin 61, 68

Conlin, John 81

Connor, John 68

Conor - see Connor

Conry, John  68


Constellation (steamboat) 83

Constitution (steamboat)  26, 83, 93, 116, 127

Cooper 143

Cooper(?) 155

Cooper, George 32, 72, inside front cover

Corment(?)  142

Corporation Yard  77

Cory, John 81

Coster 90, 142

Coster, John G. 62

Coplip(? or Cotlip?)  119

Courier & Inquirer 159

(see also Morning Courier & New-York Inquirer)

Coutant, Gilbert 159

Coyd, James - see Cloyd

Cran[e], Doctor 103

Cran[e], Joseph 55, 71, 103

Crapser, B. 170

Cregier, Augustes  inside front cover, 4

Crestoy(?) 74

Crigur - see Cregier

Cristey - see Christie

Croel  - see Crowell

Croo, Charles 14, 52

(Crew or Crow?)

Crooel - see Crowell

Crossman, Gilbert 31b

(also spelled Grosman)

Crowell 78

Crowell (of Coffin and Crowell) 94

Crowell, David C. 101, inside front cover

Crowell, Edward 87, 100, 102, 112, 122

Crowell, William 94, 139, inside front cover

Crowell, William, and Jeremiah Coffin 94

Crum, Laurence 80

Cruttenden, Captain 93

Cuck - see Cook

Cummins    26

Cunnin[g]ham 80

Cunningham, Samuel A. 102, 127

(spelled Cunnenham)

Cupar  - see Cooper

Cuper -  see Cooper

Curles, Georg(e] 24, inside front cover

Curles, William 27, inside front cover

Cuttin 128


Dash 26, 98

Davason - see Davidson

Davidson [Store] 52

Davidson, George 27

Deboyes 7

Declin - see Decline

Decline, Barney 3, 56

Declin[e], Young(?)  3

Deforest, Charles 125

Deklyn  - see Decline
Demar  1

Demarest, Albert 58

Deneeke, William 157

Denies, Mical  1

Depew, Joseph 16, 96, 128, inside front cover

Depey - see Depew

Depue - see Depew

Derrey, James 116

Derussy, Major 93

Devoe, Benjn. 157

Dewitt 80

Dibble, Jonathan 18

Dibel - see Dibble

Diwit - see Dewitt

Dixon, Sameul 155

Dobens - see Dobbins

Dobbins, Samuel 84

Dobbins, Samuel S. 106, 113 (spelled Dobens)

Doctor's College  106, 150

Doekwood or Doykwood(?) 20

Doil - see Doyle

Donal[d]son 33

Dowey, James 140

Doyle 40, 45

Doyle, Dennis 14, 52, inside front cover

Doyle, James 52

Doyle, Lewis 52, 118, 150, inside front cover

Doyle, Patrick 76

Drak[e] 61, 116, 119

Drak[e] , Doctor 27

[Dry] Dock 76

Duffey 112

Dummer, George, & Co. 83

[glass house at New Jersey]

Dun[n], Josiah 50, 74, 84

Dutch Church 1


Edgar 66, 103, 150

Edgar [Store] 18

Edgar, Thomas 2, 11, 33, 50, 66, 84, 95, 101, 113, 125

Edgbert [Egbert?] 65

Edger - see Edgar

Eagle Distillery  28

(spelled Egel)

Eldredge, Joseph  - see Eldridge

Eldridg[e], Joseph  2, 11, 47, 71, inside front cover

(also spelled Eldredge)

Eldrid[ge], Richard 80

Emary 118

Ennes 61, 105

Essex (steamboat) 91, 97

(spelled Essecks)

Evan, Joseph 15

Evaret 84

Evaret, James 106, 109, 148, inside front cover

Evens 28

Evens, Jimmy 28


Fairchild, George E. 164, 166

Fargason, James 32

Ferragoo - see Perego

Ferris 14

Ferris, Benjamin 19

Fife - see Phyfe

Finasey, Nicklus  1

Fish, Cornel [Colonel?] 10

Fisher, Charles 144

Fletcher & Hagadorn 165, 167

Fletcher, Caroline 167, 175

Fondlin(?) 68

Forres(?) 119

Fort Lafa[y]ette 93

Foster 90

Foundry(?) 48

Founten, Captain 56, 61

Foy(?) 130

Fredrick 52

Freeman 3, 40, 45

Freeman, A[s]her 3, 14, 18, 26, 98, 100, 31

French, Richard 89

Frost 100, 113

Fuller, Georg[e] 4

Fuller(?), Thomas 7

Fulton Bank 6

(spelled Fulten)

Furman 14


Gale & Westervelt 159

Gansey 33, 40, 85, inside front cover

Gansey & Vanalsten 53

Gantes, J. 83

[Ganse, Gantz(?)]

Gardner 25

Garnes 106

Gwans(?), J. 109

Gason(?) 137

Gathright(?) - see Garthwaite

[Garthwaite] 100

Garthwaite, Jothem 141

Gibson 18

(spelled Gipson)

Gibson and Dores 48, 50, 59, 61

Gifford 32

Gillaen(?) 20

Gillen, John 62, 90

Gillen, William 46, 51

Gilman, Henry 75

Gin - see Ginn

Gin[n], John 37, 42

Gipson - see Gibson

Glaspey, John 34, 77, 80

Glaspey, Patrick 86

Godwin and Rogers 59, 65, 80, 83, 93, 103, 113, 125, 132, inside front cover

Godwin, David 59

Go[e]let 106

Gold, Henry and John 6

Gold, John 6

Gordon, Francis P. 169, 173

Gordon, Matilda C. 169, 173

Gordon, P.? 169, 173

Graem 83

Gray 93

Gray, John 103, 106

Green, John 55, 93, 109, 130

Green, William 39, 116

Greenwood 48

Gridley and Martin 141

Grinell 119

Griswill 119

Groo(?), Henry 93

Grosman - see Crossman


Hadley and Sherman 14

Hagadorn, Eliza 169, 173

Hagadorn, J. F. 161

Hagadorn, Jane F. 161

Hagadorn, John 155, 157, 159, 161, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175

Hagadorn, William 157, 167, 173

Haight, John P.(?) 158, 159

Haley, Patrick 20

Halick - see Hallock

Hall, Asey [Asa] 134, 141, 144, 145

Hall, Elsey 175

Hall, Elsey Ann 169

Hall, Fornum 61

Hallock, Richard   75 

(spelled Halick)

Hambelton 11

Hammelton 140

Hammelton, Patrick 18

Hamson, John 6

Hance, A. B. 161

Hance, Anselm B. 159

Hance, E. 161

Hance, Ellen 161

Hanes, Isaac 18, 42, 54, 68, 84, 85

(also spelled Hans)

Hans, Isaac - see Hanes

Harmaney  - see Harmony

Harmony 14, 52

Harmony, Peter 14

(spelled Harmaney)

Harret - see Harriot

Harriot, Edgar  3, 18, 66, inside front cover

(also spelled Harret)

Harriot, James 35, 107, 140, inside front cover

Harris, John 6

Harsen - see also Harson

Harsen, Isaack - see Harson

Harsen, Mikel 68

Harsen, Timothy 85

Harson, Doctor 25

Harson, Isaack 50, 113, 116

Harson, John 6

Harson, Patrick 64, 70, 82

Harson, Thomas 91

Hart 7

Has(s)elton, Jimmee 125

Hatfild - see Hatfield

Hatfi[e]ld, Isaack 134

Hatfi[e]ld,  Isaac and Jonathan 9, inside front cover

Hatfield, J. & C. 9

Hatfi[e]ld, Ned  2

Haven, Samuel 93

Heath 91

Hed[d]en 84, 125

Hedden 155

Hedley 142

Henry 100

Henry, John 100

Heiser, Christopher 174, 175

Hermann, Andrew J.  170

Herren, Patrick 64

Herren, William 46, 51, 141, inside front cover

Hickes - see Hicks

Hicks, Thomas  44, 109, 125

(spelled Hickes)

Higgins, George 165

Hiler(?)   33, 46

Hiler(?), John 73, inside front cover

Hill, David 54

Hinton & Moor[e]  1

Hitchcock, David 65  

Hobert, Bishop 22

Hoboken Bank  6

(spelled Hobucken; [New Jersey Manufacturing and Banking Co.?] )

Hoboken Ferry 84, 95

Hoe 40

Hoe, Richard 33

Holladay, S. 127

Holladay, Samuel 74

Holsey? 46

Holt 50, 59, 103

Hone 20, 57

Honey 127, 144

Hope Insurance Co. 160

Hopper 106

Hosey(?), Leger H. 113

Hospital [New York] 48, 113

Hospital, Penitentiary  8

[spelled Ospite, Pennatensheryl

How[e], Thomas 100, 116

Howne - see Hone

Hoy(?) 130

Hudson (steamboat) 97

Hudson River Rail Road 174

Huffman 83, 93, 116, 127, 145

Hufman and Vanburen 26

Humbert, Jonas 10

Hunt 116

Hunt & Tripp 158-161

Hunt(t)er, Doctor 52

Hurles [Hurley?] 147

Hussex(?), Doctor 62

Hutchinson, T.  7


Independence (steamboat) 145

Ierland  - see Ireland

Ireland, George   134, 10, 33, 113, 141

(also spelled Ierland, Irland)

Ireland, William 156

Ireland, William  H. 48

Irland, George - see Ireland


J., Patrick 80

Jackes(?) - see Jaques

Jackson, A. P. 160, 161

Jackson, Ann P. 161

Jacobs 127

Jakes -  see Jaques

Jakewish -  see: Jaques

James 50, 106

Jaques [85,] 101, 145

Jaques, Doctor 106, 48, 144, 146

(spelled Jakess, Jakes)

Jaques, John? 130

[Jefferson] Insurance Company 33

Jenkins, Benjamin F. 169

Jenkins, Harmon 167

Jenkins, J. Shatzel 167, 173

Jenkins, James C. 167, 173

Jenkins, Maria 167

Jenkins, William 167, 173

Jennes(?), James 17

Jennings, James 17, 69, 83

Jessup, Silas 54

(spelled Siles Jessop)

Jewett, David 91

Jewett, Jonathan 26

Jinnens - see Jennings

Johnson  41, 84

Johnson, David 47

Johnson, John 93, 95, inside front cover

Johnson, Maria 167, 173

Johnson, Michael 43

Jones 86, 107, 118, 137

Jones, Augustus Smith 86

Jonsen - see Johnson

Jonson, Gilbert, and Cornelius Winnens [Winant] 134

Jorneay, Albert - see Journeay

Journal of Commerce 159

Journeay, Albert 155, 159

(also spelled Jorneay)

Joyat or Joyeat - see Jewett


Kalan, John 51


Kane, Francis 10

Kelley, Evert - see: Kelly

Kelly  57, 112

(also spelled Cilley)

Kelly, Evert  49, 61, 64, 80

(spelled Celly, Kelley)

Kelly, William 16

Kemble 40, 50

Kemble, W. 48

Ketchum & Tenbroeck  56

(spelled Ketcham & Tenbruck)

Keyes, Christopher 144

(spelled Kes)

Kidney, Abraham 3

Kidney, John 14, 25, 60, 83, 89, 116, 119, 146

Kidney, Richard 25, 60, 89, inside front cover

Kiley, E. 166

Kiley, Elizabeth 164

Kimball   4

[spelled Gimbel]

Kimbel - see Kemble

King, William 37, inside front cover

King's Bridge  137

Kingsland 105

Kinsey 91

Kip 22

Kissam 32

Kitney - see Kidney

Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Co. 165, 167, 171


Lafayette Furnace(?)  18

(spelled Lafoyatt Furnes)

Laight Street [Presbyterian] Church  74

Lam [Lamb?] 26

Lando [Landau?] 80

Lanes(?) 66

Laney 45

Laralord - see Lorillard

Laun[e], Charles  5, inside front cover

Lauralard - see Lorillard

Lawrans - see Lawrence

Lawrence 4, 12, 31

La[w]son, William 18

Leary, Catharine 173

Leary, Catharine M. 169

Leggat (of Scott & Leggat) 159

Lehigh Coal Company 48, 59

Lenard - see Leonard

Lenox 140

Lent, James 30

Leonard, John 44

Leonard, Thomas 70

Lerhun(?), William 113

Lesher, John  67

Levenston(?)  3, 18, 43, 48

Levensworth 90

Leveridge, J. & J. W. C. 175

Lewis, Cornel 12

(spelled Lues)

Lewis, Daniel  18, 100, 104, inside front cover

(spelled Lues)

Lewis, G------ 69

Lewis,  General  105

(spelled Lewis?)

Lewis, Silvester, and Griswill (Grinell?)  119

Lewis, William 69

Limburger 26, 98

Linch - see Lynch

Lippencott, John  125

(spelled Lipen Cot)

Lockwood 107, 140

Loosey, Adam  inside front cover

[Lossee, Lossey, Lossy?]

Lord 145, 146

Lorillard 17, 134

Lorilord - see Lorillard

Losey 88

Losher 133, 141

Losher, John 113

Lott, Catharine 164, 166

Louralard - see Lorillard

Lowe (of Martin & Lowe) 157

Lowerree, William 155, 157

Lowralard - see Lorillard

Loyd 112, 120, 144

Ludlow, Ezra  19, inside front cover

(spelled Esary Ludloo)

Ludlum, Edward 165

Lues - see Lewis

Luff 52

Lukus [Lucas?] 50

Lynch, John 9

Lyneck(?) 21


Mabey  56

(see also Maybie, Maby)

Maby, Michael 3, 33

Maybie, Abraham P. 1, 22, inside front cover

Mackbrid[e] - see McBride

Mackdirmet - see McDermot

Mackeartey - see Macartey

Macutchin - see M'Cutchan

Macartey [M'Carty?]  2, 61, 32, 72, 118

Macartey, B. 32

Macartey, Terrens or Tarens [Terrence?]  32, 61, 62, 68, 72

Magahen, Samuel  81

(also spelled Maganen, Maghen, Mahen, Mahaen)

Maganen  - see Magahen

Magee, Daniel 2, 9, 23, 25, 40, 41, 47, 62, 90, 119, 142, 143, 146, 150, 151

Magee, Miller 90

Maghen - see Magahen

Magouen - see: M’Gowan

Magoun - see: M’Gowan

Mahaen - see Magahen

Mahen - see Magahen

Mackie    119

Mackkee - see Mackie

Mackkiney - see M’Kinney

Mackmullen - see M’Mullen

Macknell, Peter 94


Macoley, John - see: McAuley

Magill -  see M’Gill

Magrohan(?) 68

Magunagin,  John  57


Mal[l]oy, John 16

Man[n] 140

Man[n], John 93

Manroo - see Munroe, Monrow

Marchant and Jones 69

Marshall  29

(spelled Marshil)

Martin and Gridl[e]y 141

Martin & Lowe 157

Martin, Henry 165

Martin, John 66

Martin, M. L. 170

Martin, Samuel 157

Marton, Lueel 114

Masen - see Mason

Mash, William 95, 110

Mason   65

Mason, John 10

Masonic Hall 134

(spelled Masaunick)

Mathes - see Mathews

Mathe[w]s 11, 100

McAuley, John 51, 55

McBrennan, P. 170

McBride, James 84

M'Cutchan, Joseph  111, inside front cover

(spelled Macutchin) 

McDermot, Peter 27

M’Gill, Mikel (Michael] 118

M’Gowan, James 94

M’Gowan, Patrick 36, 70

M’Gowan, Peter 105

M’Gowan, Samuel 108, 139

McIntosh, Dr. 157

M’Kee(?), Alexander 99

M’Kinney 65

M'Mullen 119

McWheney, John 99, inside front cover

Mead, Doctor 74

Mead, Catharine S. 169, 173

Mechanic Bank 154

Mechanic Hall  34

(spelled Macaneck)

Meliaes(?), Henry 51

Merrawel, John 103

Merrick., I. 127

Military House  148

[spelled Milatary]

Miller, P. 171

Miller, Steven 9, 145

Milles - see Mills

Mills 52

Mills, Henry 51

Mitchel, Charles 59

Mocee(?) - see M’Kee

Moffet, Richard 35

Monrow 35

Montfort, James 170, 171

Moor - see Moore

Moore 92

Moore, Doctor 57

Moore, Enoch 50, 66, 69, 84

Moore, Joseph  8-10, 18, 21, 23, 29, 33, 34, 36, 39, 41, 48, 50, 56, 61, 66, 68, 78, 84, 86, 93, 94, 98, 114, 159

Moor[e], Henry 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 19-21, 23, 25, 29, 36, 39, 49, 53, 61, 69, 74, 78,  81-85, 90, 93, 95, 96, 144

Moore, Martin   39

Moores - see Morris

Morning Courier & New York Enquirer  171

            (see also: Courier & Inquirer)

Morrell, Susan A. 167, 173

Morris  1

Morris, John P.  93

Morris, Joseph  90

Morris, Joseph P.  2, 3, 12, 32, 36, 39, 100

Moortin - see: Morton

Mors, John 65

Morten - see Morton

Mortin - see Morton

Morton    140

Morton, Alexander 50, 51, 55, 59, 61, 65, 69, 74, 84, 91

(spelled Mortin, Moortin)

Moot - see Mott

Moss, John 74, 61

Mott 23

Mott, William 24

Mummf(?), Thomas S.   125

Mun[n], Steven B. 42

Munroe, Peter J.  25

(spelled Manroo)

Munson (of Westerwelt & Munson) 40

Murphy, James 105

Murray 3, 33, 40, 53, 85, 121

Murr[a]y, James  93, 127

Murr[a]y, John R.  85

Murry - see Murray

Musser 12, 36, 105, inside front cover

Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 155, 159

Myerholtz, H. 166

Myerholtz, Henry 164

Myers, David 170


[New Jersey Manufacturing and Banking Co.?]  -  see Hoboken Bank

New-York Commercial Advertizer 171

[New York] Dying and Printing Establishment  56, 61

New York Hospital  48, 113

New York Insurance Company 4

New-York Schuylkill Company 59, 61, 67, 81

New York Standard 157

New York Sugar Refining Company? 90

[listed as Sugar House]

Newbold 150

Newgin - see Nugent

Newman, John 97

Newton, John 4

Nextdon(?) 15

Nibloo [Niblo?] 45, 48

Nichols   106, 118, 147

Nichols, John 14, 40, 52, 118, 141, 146

Nichols, William 93, 117, inside front  cover

Nichols, William, and Brown 117, 147

Nickels - see Nichols

Nickkils - see Nichols

Nickols, A. H. 154

Niel, John 154, 156, 158-160

Nikels  - see Nichols

Nikils - see Nichols

Nixon and Woodhull (spelled Woohul) 18

Nolten - see Nolton

Nolton 65 [119]

Nolton, Daniel 5, 14, 18, 33, 38, 40, 45, 48, 52, 118, 131, inside front cover

Nolton, James 8, 14, 38, 39, 40, 45, 48, 52, 59, 61, 131

Nooley, J. P. 168

Nooly(?), Joseph P. 164

Noores  - see Norris

Norris 10, 18

(spelled Nooris)

North River Bank 49

Noten - see Nolton

Nugent, John 1, 18, inside front cover


Oakley 79, 130

Oconer - see Connor, O'Conner

O'Conner, Ann Maria 173

O'Con[n]er, John 69, 74

O’Conner, Joseph 41, 57, 114, 143, inside front cover

O'Conner, Maria 169

Old Alms House 49

Olive Branch (steamboat)  18

Oliver  20

(spelled Olover)

Oliver (of Storms & Oliver) 159

Oliver & Brother 171

Onderdonk, Garret  73, 96, 113, 145

(spelled Underdunk)

Orphan Asylum 57

Orr 103


Pacific Insurance Company 23

(spelled Phisifick)

Palden      117

Pangborn 84

Parker 76, 90, 91

Parker, Samuel 33

Parker, William 103

Parmer    117

Parmer and Clap 117

Parmer, Paul 127

Patason - see Patterson

Patten 31a

Patterson, Robert 24

Patterson, Thomas 24, 75

Paulding 147

Peck, Gideon 3, 28, 31, 53, 58, inside front cover

Peck, Nathan 33, 40, 69, 80, 88, 123, inside front cover

Peel, Edmon 10

Penitentiary(?)  18

Penitentiary Hospital  8

[spelled Ospite, Pennatensheryl  

Perego, Lewis 133, [93, 113, 119, inside front cover

            (spelled Lues Perragoo)

Perego, Moses 133

Perragoo - see Perego

Pers - see  Pierce

Person - see Pierson

Pey - see Pye

Philips   151

Philips, Barto 21

Philips,  William 2, 4,  15, 18, 33, 40, 43, 62, 84

(spelled Philipes)

Philips, Wright 81

Philips, Young(?)  90

Phyfe (of Turnbull & Phyfe) 62

Pierce 118

Pierce (of Wood and Pierce) 69, 74, 80

P[i]erson 107

Pierson, Doctor (spelled Person) 133

Piner(?) 89

Piner (ferry boat)  95

Pinkney, William 9

Plat[t] 93

Playhous[e]  15

Polden - see Paulding

Pope & Sons 155

Popem - see Popham

Popum - see Popham

Popham 40, 65, 91

(spelled Popum)

Popham  159

Post, Doctor 57

Post, Francis 6, 73, 91, 102, 112, 116, 139, 145, 146

Post, W. (Dr.)  141

Post, William 4, 7, 17, 22, 29, 33, 44, 53, 56, 71, 73, 74, 81, 85, 90, 106, 130

Post Office [New York] 79

Poter - see Potter

Potter 79, 130

Pot[t]er and Bristol 67

Pot[t]er, Edward 30, 67, 79, 87, 112, 114, 120, 125

Pratz, George 168, 170

Prier 137

Prin[ce]? 137

Pulis, D. 155

Pulis, Loranah 159

Pultz, Jacob S. 170

Purdy, Samuel 56

(spelled Purdey)

Py[e], William 18, 56, 65, 119, 145


Quackinbush, Doctor 134

Quin, Jay 79


Rabineau, Allen A. 157

Radway & Raynor 158

Randolph, Stuart 50, 66

Rankin 90, 142

Rapylee 154

Raynor (of Radway & Raynor) 158

Read 22

Reed, Mary 169, 175

Reque, John 127

Reynolds, John 103

Rhinelander 33

Rhinelander, William 10, 18

(spelled Rilander)

Rich 140

Richmond, Julia 175

Richmond, Julia A. 167

Rier, William [Ryer?] 50, 57, 66

Right - see Wright

Riker, John 154, 1583 159

Riker, John J. 154

Rilander - see Rhinelander

Riley, James 1

Riter - see Ritter

Rit[t]er   14, 23

Roberson   2

Robins, Caroline M. 167, 173

Robinson 155

Robinson, James 48

Rochester House 118

Rodman 103

Rogers 2, 6, 90

Rogers (of Godwin & Rogers)   inside front cover

Rogers, Captain 87

Rogers, Doctor 20, 86

Rooney, Thomas 12

Rosenstein, Jacob J. 166

Ross 80

Ross, Azariah 54, inside front cover

(first name spelled Axirah, Azziriah)

Ross, Henry 48, 144, 146

Ros[s], John 12, 32, 42, 43, 53, 56, 65, 80

Ross, Moses 8

Ross, Noor [Noah?]  42, inside front cover

Ross, Noah B. (spelled Noor) 42

Ross, William 149

Royer 45, 134, 144, 145

Ruckel, Samuel 145

Runwil(?) 91

Rusel - see Russell

Russell 76

Rus[s]el, Theophilus 119

Ryley, David 100, 106, 113, 115, inside front cover


Saint John's Church  33, 96

St. Paul's Church  114

Sandford 9, 119

Sandford, Abraham 96, 100, 144, 145

San[d]ford, Joseph 12, inside front cover

Sandford, William 96, 116, 119

Sandford, William D. 10

Sands, A. B. 165

Sands, Alfred B. 167

Scamahorn - see Schermerhorn

Schermerhorn 86

Schermerhorn, Peter (spelled Scamahorn) 20

Schoolhouse 89

Scott & Leggat 159

Scudder, John 8, 11, 25, 34, 36, 39, 40, 77-79, 81, 84, 93-95, 106, 116, 127, 134

Scuder - see Scudder

Scudder and Weeks inside front cover

Scudder, Solomon C., and Weeks (spelled Weeakes) 15

Sebriskey, David 95

Secor, Gilbert 40

Secor, Jonathan 73, 116

See 128, 145

See, Steven 16, 84, 106, 111, 135, 141

Seyers(?) 36

Shanklin, James 27, 51, 75, 80, 99

Shanklin, Joseph 51

Shatzel, Alice 167, 175

Shatzel, Ann Matilda 173

Shatzel, Benjamin 169, 175

Shatzel, Caroline 167, 173

Shatzel, Euphemia 169, 173

Shatzel, Jacob 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176

Shatzel, John M.  167, 169, 173, 175

Shatzel, Maria 175

Shatzel, Matilda Ann 169

Shatzel, William 167, 169, 173

Shaw 71

Sherman (of Hadley and Sherman) 14

Shinkels 37

Shultz, Peter J.  170

Silcock, Valentine 157, 159

Simms, Thomas S. 127

Sinclair, John 102, inside front cover

Sinclear - see Sinclair

Sincier -  see Sinclair

Smith    3, 10, 11, 18, 20, 91, 137

Smith, Arther 61, 134

Smith, Augustus(?) 86

Smith, E. 137

Smith, H. 155

Smith, Jacob 31, 31a, inside front cover

Smith, John 28, 54, 114

Smith, Joseph 159

Speir, Robert 100, 116

Sper - see Speir

Springsteen, Harmon 80

Stansbery, Jonas 125

Stansbery, Tort(?) 3

Stanten - see Stanton

Stanton, Georg[e] 8, 45, 48, 52, 81

Stanton, William  92, 98, 112

Stevens 79, 84, 959 103, 127, inside front cover

Stiles 33

Stillwaggon, David H. 169, 173

Stillwaggon, Mary E. 173

Stillwaggon, Mary Elizabeth 169

Stillwaggon, William 169, 173

Stormes - see Storms

Storms & Oliver 159

Storms, Fredrick 40, 48, 75

Storms, Sad (or Fad?) 11, 32

Storms, Peter 20, 95, 106

Stout and Blackledge 58

Strong 1, 90

Stroung - see Strong

Stuard - see Stuart

Stuart 62, 87

Sulaven - see Sullivan

Sullivan 48

Suydam and Wyckoff  130

            (spelled Sidam and Vicoff)

Swan 23, 62

Swartwout 68

Swartwout, John 28

Swartwout, Joseph   3, 26, 81

(spelled Swothout)

Sweeny, Doctor 57

Swen - see Swan

Swinney - see Sweeny

Swon - see Swan

Swothout - see Swartwout


Taler - see: Taylor

Tap[p]en,  Doctor  11

Tarney, Patrick  21, 49, 64, 82

Tarney, Peter 49

Tayler - see Taylor

Taylor   1

Taylor, Abel R. 157

Taylor, John  94, 96, 101, 127

Taylor, Thomas   inside front cover, 23, 62, 90, 142, 151

Tenbroeck (of Ketchum & Tenbroeck)  56

Tharp, Mash(?)  81, 101

Theological Seminary 112, 120, 130

Thomas  4

Thompson 17

Thomson  86, 114

Thomson, Pries[t] and Rogers  6, inside front cover

Thomson, Samuel  125

Tier, Robert 56

Tiffany (of Whiting and Tiffany)  68, 81, 108

Tiffeney - see Tiffany

Timnen, Patrick 44

Timnen(?), Patrick, and John Green 93

Timney(?), Peter 116

Tingley, George 134

Tison see Tyson

Toe - see Tohuy

Tohuy, Patrick 81

Tomkins 127

Topen - see Topping

Toppen - see Topping

Topping 48

Top[p]in[g], Irah  51, 75, inside front cover

Torboss  137

(spelled Torbus)

Torbus - see Torboss

Townsend, Henry  87

Track House(?)  76

Tripp (of Hunt & Tripp) 158-161

Trinity Church 167

True Sun 165

Trumbull., Maria H. 169, 173

Tucker 87

Tucker (of Westerwelt and Tucker)  8

Tucker; Gideon 34, 38, 77, inside front cover

Tucker, Henry 34, 38

Tucker, John 3, 18, 38, 65, 80, 91, 92, 98, 126, 144, 145, inside front cover

Tucker, John C. 38

Tucker, Joseph 30, 67, 79, 87, 110, 112, 120, 130, 149, inside front cover

Tucker, William 110, 126, inside front cover

Turnbul and Ketcham 59

Turnbull & Phyfe 62

Turner   56, 59

Turner, Daniel 119

Type(?) Factory 78

(spelled Tipe)

Tyson, John  141

(spelled Tison)


Underdunk – see Onderdonk


Vanal[l]en, Peter   39, 53, 56

            (see also Vanaulen)

Vanalsten  inside front cover

Vanalsten (of Gansey & Vanalsten)   53

Vanalsten, George      53

(see also Alston)

Vanarsdal[e], Doctor 88

Vanaulen, Peter     95, 110

(see also Vanallen)

Vanbeuren, Sim (Simeon?] 26, 98, inside front cover

Vanbrick, Samuel 6, 69

Vanbuscirk 141

Vanbuscirk and Blanch 63

Vanbuscirk, Andrew 48, 63

(see also Buscirk)

Vanbuscirk, David 63

Van Buskirk, Lawrance 155, 157

Vandenburg[h], James 76, 135, inside front cover

Vanderhogen 2

Vanderhoof 119

Vanderhuff - see Vanderhoof

Vanderpool, John 32, 44

Vanderpul - see Vanderpool

Vanderpus(?) 71

Vandolsen, John [Vandolson?] 1, 22

Vanderruff(?) 125

Van Dusen, Catharine 169, 173

Van Dusen, Jacob 167, 173

Van Dusen, John 167, 173

Van Dusen, Peter 169, 173

Van Dusen, Susan 169, 173

Van Dusen, William 167, 173

Van Dusen, William J. 173

Vannalen(?), Joseph 3

Vantwarp 112

Varick 90, 113

Varick, Richard 90, 142

Vinburen - see Vanbeuren

Van Waganen, Benjn. 167, 168, 170, 174, [164, 166]

Vanwagenen, Garrit 73

Valk - see Volk

Vilk - see Volk

Volk, Abraham  30

(spelled Valk, Vilk)

Vogner, Garret [Wagner?] 144

Vores - see Voorhis or Voorhees

Voorhis 9

Voorhis, Charles 9


Walker, John  7, inside front cover

(spelled Woker)

Wallace 91

Wallace, William 59

Warack - see Varick

Ward, James 91

Warick - see Varick

Warrack - see Varick

Warner 46, 73

Warren, John G. 32

Washin[g]ton Hall, The 11, 139

Washington Insurance Co. 155

Water Works  45

 [New York Water Works Company or Manhattan Waterworks?]

Waters, Henry 9

Watson 89

Way 45

Way, Walter 29, 44, 105, 108

Way, William 15

Wayman 31

Weeakes - see Weekes, Weeks

West Point Foundry 40, [48]

Wedg(?), James 118

Weekes, H. 145

Weeks, Ezra 30

(spelled Weeakes)

Weeks, Henrietta F. 169

Weeks, Henriette 175

Welsh 50

Westervelt (of Gale and Westervelt) 159

Westervelt and Munson 40

Westervelt and Tucker 8

Westervelt, Dan[i]el 10, 59, 73, 96, 116, 128

Westervelt, David 21, 49, 64, 70, 82, inside front cover

Westervelt, Dower 73

Westervelt, John 35, 53, 56, 60, 74, 78, 100, 107, 140

Westervelt, Major 146

Westervelt, William 8, 39, 78, 138, inside front cover

Westerwelt - see Westervelt

Westover, John 35

White 59

White, Steven 15, 56

Whitehead, I. R. 155

Whiten - see: Whiting

Whiting and Tiffany 68, 108

Whiting, Samuel 61, 68, 59, inside front cover

Whiting, Samuel, & Tiffany 81

W[h]itney 120

W[h]itney, Steven 79, 87

Wicoff - see: Wyckoff

Wight - see White

Wighten - see: Whiting

Wighting,  Samuel - see: Whiting

Wilkason,  Esarel(?) 66, 127, 144

Wilkerson, Esarel(?) - see: Wilkason

Willes(?) 52

William Penn (steamboat)  3

Williams, Henry 56, 59

Winans 155

Winans, Jacob 103, 122, inside front cover

Winans, Moses 38, 66, 110, 112, 113, 126, 127, 130, 134, 135

Winans, Samuel 2, 113, 115

Winant, Cornelius 134

Winant, R. B. & D. M. 155

Winnens - see: Winant, Winans, also 17

Winter, [Lawyer] 4

Witen - see: Whiting

Witherspoon, James 155

Witmoor  48

Woker - see Walker

Woles - see Wallace

Wood and Pierce 69, 74, 80

(spelled Pers)

Wood, Jonas 9, 87, 146

Wood[h]ul[l]  71

Woodruf[f] 33

Woodruf[f], Thomas 50

Woodruff, Timothy [33], 84

Wooker(?), Henry 57

Woolf 78

Worner - see: Warner

Worrenner - see: Warner

[Wlright 71

Wright, Grove  141

(spelled Right)

Wyckoff 65, 80

Wyckoff, Abraham 169, 173

Wyckoff, Elsey A. 167

Wyckoff, Elsy 175

Wyckoff, William 169, 173


Young, J. 157


Zimmerman, Andrew  80

(spelled Simmarman)


Two names indecipherable:

Dour, M---  45

Qunadlen(?), Petter 68