The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

Telephone: 302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:         Wild, William.            

Title:               Fretwork designs and wooden pieces

Dates:             circa 1910-1920

Call No.:         Col 1012

Acc. No.:        16x64; 2019x56

Quantity:        about 130 items (patterns and wooden pieces)







William Wild designed and printed scroll saw, or fretwork, patterns in New York City in the early 20th century.  In the 1900 census, Wild was listed as a publisher; in the 1910 census as a carved wood merchant; in the 1920 census as a publisher of sign patterns.  He died in 1929.  (New York City directories were not checked to see what he was doing prior to 1900, and he was not found in pre-1900 census records.)


Wilhelm (later called William) Wild was born in Bavaria (Germany) in 1849; emigrated to the U.S. in 1860 or 1861; and was naturalized in 1872.  He is said to have been a drummer boy during the American Civil War, and lost an eye during his service.  He married Eugenia (Jennie) Rosenfeld (1866-1939) in 1888.  She was born in Budapest, Hungary and emigrated to the U.S. in 1887.  They had three children: Helen Louise Marie (1889-1977, later Mrs. George Thomas Lavoie); Pauline (born circa 1892); and George Frederick (born circa 1900). 





A collection of scroll saw patterns or fretwork patterns, most of which were designed by William Wild, with one by Adams & Bishop and two labeled as Russell’s Designs.  Patterns are for frames, match box holders, a wall pocket, a whisk broom holder, a Swiss Cottage (to hold knickknacks), a inkstand/letter holder, a toy called the Policeman’s Puzzle, ping pong fans, and an elaborate clock.  Also found are separate designs of women in classical dress which would fit inside some of the frames.  (Most of the designs were found in catalogs for designs by William Wild, and photocopies of the appropriate catalog pages are filed with the patterns.)


Actual pieces of fretwork cut from wood accompanied the paper patterns.  The pieces were matched to design number 187, the clock (acc. 2019x56.24-.26), and also to accession 2019x56.23, which was an unnumbered pattern.  As well, some stray bits of wood also came with the collection of patterns. 





The patterns are in order by pattern number.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Accession 16x64 purchased by PBP from aGatherin’ in 1986; transferred to Downs Collection in 2016.

Accession 2019x56 transferred from PBP, September 2019.





Trade catalogs of William Wild designs are in the Printed Books and Periodicals collection; search under both H.L. Wild (which was the publisher) and Wild, William.






            Adams & Bishop.

Fretwork – Designs.

Fretwork – Specimens.

            Scrollwork – Designs.

            Brackets – Patterns.

            Clocks and watches – Patterns.

            Inkstands – Patterns.

Match holders – Patterns.

            Picture frames and framing – Patterns.

Toys – Patterns.

Wall pockets (Containers) – Patterns.









Folder 1: not all are marked William Wild, but all are attributed to him (acc. 16x64)


16x64.1-.2       silhouettes of solid pieces, marked 1 and 2;

16x64.3           eight-pointed design numbered 6, within solid silhouette numbered 3;

16x64.4           oblong piece numbered 4;

16x64.5-.6       eight-pointed design numbered 6, within solid silhouette numbered 5, plus the negative of the eight-pointed design, numbered 7;

16x64.7-.8       two oblong pieces with two cut-out sections per piece; numbered 8; part of .7 is missing, and part of .8 is torn off;

16x64.9           classical woman, holding tambourine, numbered 10;

16x64.10         oblong section, with fretwork , numbered 11;

16x64.11         classical woman, playing stringed instrument, numbered 12;

16x64.12         oblong piece, with two fretwork panels, numbered 13; part is missing;

16x64.13         classical woman holding vine, numbered 14;

16x64.14         two panels, numbered 15 and 16;

16x64.15-.16   three fretwork panels: on one sheet: one shorter, one longer, but matching; on other sheet: matching panel in different orientation; all numbered 17;

16x64.17-.18   four fretwork pieces on two sheets, all coordinated, all numbered 18;

16x64.19         sheet of small fretwork brackets, two of which are numbered 19;

16x64.20         one sheet with eight-pointed design numbered 7 [related to .3 and .5-.6 above]; and three coordinated fretwork pieces numbered 20, 24, 25;

16x64.21a-b    two sheets which were once joined, one numbered 21, the other 22, with classical women; the name William Wild appears on .21b;

16x64x22        a solid shape, numbered 23, and a bracket, numbered 27;      

16x64.23         an oblong shape with cut-out sections, numbered 26



Folder 2: not William Wild patterns, but came with the Wild patterns (acc. 2019x56)


2019x56.1       Adams & Bishop’s Design, no. 81, Swiss Cottage

                                    “A receptacle for knick-knacks, tobacco pipes, writing paper, envelopes, pens, postage stamps, rubbers, etc.”

                                    Includes recommendations for what woods to use; directions for number of pieces to cut and how to assemble; and what hinges to use. 

                                    Silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.2       Russell’s Design, no. 71, Parrot Bracket;

                                    Although this is labeled as Russell’s Design, in fact the pattern was found in the back of a catalog of William Wild designs (NK9930 W66* TC, published 1918). 

                                    Silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.3       [Russell’s Design], no. 332: Cottage Door, for two photos;

                                    This is not labeled as Russell’s Design, but the design was found on the same page as that of the parrot bracket above.  A note on the outline tells the maker what size hinges and knob to use for the door (presumably same size was used for window).  The price of this pattern was 15 cents.

                                    Silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


Folder 3: William Wild designs (acc. 2019x56)


2019x56.4       no. 1: Wall Pocket (Italian Style)

                                    With dog chasing a stag; found in catalog (NK 9930 W66w* TC);

                                    Silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.5       no. 220 – Photo frame;

                                    With floral and foliage border; found in catalog (NK 9930 W66w* TC);

                                    Silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.6       no. 229 – Policeman’s Puzzle;

                                    Policemen hit suspect with billy clubs; found in catalog (NK 9930 W66w* TC); catalog specifies that turned clubs are included with each design, and recommends coloring them;

                                    Silhouettes of some parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.7       no. 246 – Whisk broom holder;

                                    Decorated with stag and birds; found in catalog (NK 9930 W66w* TC);

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.




Folder 4: William Wild designs (acc. 2019x56)


2019x56.8       no. 278: Inkstand and Letter Rack

                                    With birds, and a man smoking a pipe and holding a gun; found in catalog (NK 9930 W66a* TC);  the picture of the completed inkstand, as seen in the catalog, does not show the man, although the description of the design mentions “a comical figure for penholders and lead-pencil.”

                                    Silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.9       no. 284: Wooden Wedding Picture Frame and Key-Board;

                                    Includes space for two photos, a banner reading “Best Wishes,” the number 5, and an alphabet so the maker can use whatever initials are needed; the catalog description mentions that a real padlock and five key hooks can be ordered to add to the item (NK9930 W66w* TC)

                                    Whoever used this pattern substituted the initials K and K for what was printed on the sheet;

            “W. Wild Des” is on design; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.10a-b            no. 285 – Folding Pipe Rack;

                                    Decorated with birds and foliage; now in two pieces;

                                    Found in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC)



Folder 5: William Wild designs (acc. 2019x56)


2019x56.11-.12           no. 301 – Shaving Stand or Ladies’ Toilet Stand (2 copies)

                                    Decorated with birds and foliage;

                                    Found in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC);

                                    Silhouettes of parts on .11 have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.13     no. 312 – Thimble Case

                                    Decorated with scrolls; in shape of a shed; found in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC);

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design twice; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.



Folder 6: William Wild designs (acc. 2019x56)


2019x56.14-.15           no. 326 – Toilet Mirror – on two sheets;

                                    Decorated with mythical beasts, cupids, flowers and foliage; in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC);

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.


2019x56.16     no. 333 – Photo Frame;

                                    Decorated with roses and leaves; in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC);

                                    Left edge is damaged

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil; x’s have been added to blank spaces


2019x56.17     no. 398 – Match Box;

                                    Decorated with word Matches and swirls; in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC);

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil.



Folder 7: William Wild designs (acc. 2019x56)


2019x56.18     no. 419 – Ping Pong Fans – 3 different designs;

                                    Two designs include hearts; all have scrolling designs; in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC);

                                    One design has had top and side edges trimmed off;


2019x56.19     no. 446 – Match Box;

                                    Decorated with cupids, palm tree, and scrolling designs; in catalog (NK9930 W66a* TC);

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design;


2019x56.20     no. 480 – probably a photo or picture frame, horizontal in orientation;

                                    Decorated with foliage; NOT found in catalog;

                                    silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil, with missing printed areas outlined in pencil


2019x56.21     no. 494 – possibly a photo or picture frame;

                                    Decorated with cupids; NOT found in catalog; if this were a frame, it’s hard to see where the extra cupid would go, so possibly this is something else;

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design;


2019x56.22     no. 543 – probably a photo frame;

                                    Decorated with flowers and scrolls; right side partly cut off; NOT found in catalog;




Folder 8: William Wild designs, with matching wood pieces (acc. 2019x56)


2019x56.23a-s             no number on design – not sure what was to be made, but possibly parts for a clock [the doors match those depicted in no. 187 and no. 188 - see photocopy of catalog page - although other pieces do not seem to belong to either of those clocks;

                                    Eighteen cut-out pieces of wood were found to match this drawing;

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on design; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil, with some parts outlined on back of drawing; one piece has numbers written in the blank spaces


2019x56.24, .25, .26    no. 187 – Arsenal Clock

                                    See catalog page (NK9930 W66w* TC);

                                    .24a-n – includes back of clock, overlay for clock sides balcony, balcony sides, and other parts; thirteen cut-out pieces of wood were found to match this drawing;


.25a-t – includes front of clock, a gate, two outlines for belfry (or bellery, as the woodworker interpreted the spelling), and other parts; nineteen cut-out pieces of wood were found to match this drawing; [.25f – in two pieces, with a small bit broken off; .25L – in three pieces; .25 q – in two pieces]


                                    .26a-k – includes fretwork, decorative ring around face of clock, pieces for cannon carriage; ten cut-out pieces of wood were found to match this drawing [.26k – in three pieces] [note: these pieces are in a separate tray]

                                    “W. Wild Des” is on .24a and .25a; silhouettes of parts have been outlined in pencil, with some parts outlined on back of drawing;


2019x56          an envelope of unnumbered bits and pieces of wood