The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

Telephone: 302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:         Park Presbyterian Church (Newark, N.J.)                              

Title:               Financial documents and bills

Dates:             1868-1895, bulk 1884-1885

Call No.:         Col. 944

Acc. No.:        15x88, 16x26

Quantity:        132 items

Location:        34 J 6






Park Presbyterian Church of Newark, New Jersey, was organized in April 1848, the congregation having separated from an older church.  In 1872, the congregation built a new brown stone church at the corner of Belleville Avenue [later named Broadway] and Kearney Street.  By 1884, the 1872 church was too small for the growing congregation and the old church was enlarged, with the dedication held on April 20, 1885.


By 1945, the Park Presbyterian Church building was for sale.  Mt. Zion Baptist Church purchased the property on June 11 of that year, going through a third party because of discrimination against African Americans.  Mt. Zion Baptist Church continues to operate out of the old Park Presbyterian Church building.





A collection of bills and a few letters, most of which relate to the enlargement of Park Presbyterian Church in 1884-1885.   The architect of the project was A.C. (Albert Carl) Neumann (1835-1908).  Charles G. Campbell, whose name appears on a number of documents, was president of the church trustees during the building campaign.  The company headed by George Faulhaber of Cleveland, Ohio, was chosen to provide the new pews, but his progress was first hindered by the delay in being given copies of the new plans and then by a fire at his factory.  Local Newark workmen painted, installed windows and gas fixtures, put on the roof, and did the other building work.  The church was ventilated and carpeted, and the pews were cushioned.  Some of the bills give good details of the work done.  Also found are some utility bills (water and gas) and promises to pay.  In 1895, R.M. Caffall examined the church because of a problem with dampness.  His letter explains the problem and his recommendation for remediation.  Caffall had previously waterproofed the Egyptian obelisk in Central Park, which work is mentioned on his business card.  Almost all the documents from accession 15x88 are on printed billheads, very few of which are illustrated.





The bills are in chronological order.  The utility bills are grouped by type.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Both accessions: Gift of David Doret.






            Building trades - New Jersey - Newark.

Church buildings - New Jersey - Newark.

            Church finance.

Churches - Design and construction.

            Presbyterian church buildings.

            Receipts (Acknowledgments)

            Trade cards.






Location: 34 J 6




All bills were paid by trustees or treasurer of Park Presbyterian Church, unless otherwise noted.



Folder 1: Bonds, indenture, articles of agreement, 1876-1885; building estimates and costs, no date


16x26.1-.2       bonds from trustees and church officers to Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., July 5, 1876; 16x26.1 includes lists of payments made, 1877-1885


16x26.3           mortgage indenture between trustees of the church and Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., July 5, 1876, with note that the mortgage was paid off Sept. 15, 1885


16x26.4           article of agreement for building, June 17, 1884, between church trustees and Joseph M. Smith & Brothers for carpentry work, roofing, and painting; Van Houten & Cook for mason work; and Philip Hoenle, Jr., for stone cutting, with payment schedules


16x26.5-.6       articles of agreement for building, Nov. 14, 1884, between church trustees and J.M. Smith & Brother


16x26.7           article of agreement for building, Feb. 6, 1885, between church trustees and Albert Metz for decorative painting, with specifications for preparing surfaces


16x26.104       builders’ estimates, no date. 

Lists masons Van Houten & Cook, stone cutter Philip Hoehnle, Jr., and carpenter Joseph M. Smith; also with estimate for furnishings, &c.: seating, cushions, heating, carpets, painting, lighting, organ, flagging, architect, glass, plumbing, snow brake


16x26.105       list of payments to Van Houten & Cook, Philip Hoehnle, Joseph M. Smith and Bro., no date



Folder 2: Treasurer’s reports, correspondence, and payments to Sunday school, 1868-1885


            16x26.8           Newark Savings Institution to church treasurer, Jan. 11, 1868, requesting payment on bonds; endorsed with note payment made Jan. 31, 1868


            16x26.9           Isaac Riley, Newark, to C. G. Campbell, March 17, 1868; thanks from Riley and Dr. Parker for a payment received that morning


            16x26.10         Arabel Berry, Treasurer, Ladies Aid Society, to C. G. Campbell, April 4, 1885; encloses check from the Ladies Aid Society to help pay for north window in new transept


            16x26.11         Annie Phelps Pine, Treasurer, to Mr. Campbell, June 27, 1885, enclosing check from Young People’s Missionary Society, towards the building fund


            16x26.12-16    receipts for payments to the Sunday School, Feb. 17, March 5, April 1, June 14, 1879, and Jan. 27, 1880.  The March 5 receipt notes that the payment was for the Christmas entertainment.


            16x26.17a-b    treasurer’s report, January 11, 1869, with sources of income noted and  categories of bills paid (including salaries, fuel and gas, repairs, etc.)


            16x26.18         notes about finances, 1869 (endorsed: Statement, July 1, 1869)


15x88.11         report for year ending April 1, 1871, listing receipts, payments, and unpaid bills


            15x88.12         report for the year ending April 1, 1874, listing balance on hand, receipts, subscriptions paid in [for the new building], payments, bills paid, notes outstanding, and balance due on contracts when church is completed


            16x26.19-.23   treasurer’s reports, April 1, 1876, 1877, 1878


            16x26.24-.26   undated notes about expenses and bills, including pulpit alterations and repairs


            16x26.27         undated list of members and their subscriptions, includes names, home address, amount, and pew number.



Folder 3: Salaries: minster, sextons, musicians, 1868-1869, 1878-1880


            16x26.28-.30   receipts: Prentiss de Veuve received his salary as minister, Oct. 5, Oct. 13, Nov. 14, 1868


                                    [note: Prentiss de Veuve (1833-1889) was minister at Park Presbyterian Church from 1868-1879.  He died in Dayton, Ohio.]


            16x26.31-.37   receipts: William P. Sears received his salary as sexton, March 4, April 1, May 1, June 1, July 1, August 1, 1868, and Jan. 4, 1869


            16x26.38-.39   notes from G. W. Tomkins to C. G. Campbell to pay Richard Murray and Mrs. Richard Murray for services as sextons, Oct. 1, 1879; both endorsed by Richard Murray to indicate payment received


            16x26.40-.42   receipts: Aaron Patten received his salary as sexton, Jan. 5, Feb. 28, March 17, 1880


            16x26.43-.46   receipts: William R. Loder received payment for blowing organ (or organ blowing), Jan. 25, Feb. 29, March 28, May 2, 1868


            16x26.47a-b, ,48         receipts: Alexander Benedict received payments: Jan. 6, 1868: for salary; April 1, 1868: for [illegible]; Dec. 26, 1868: for soprano and bass


            16x26.49         receipt: Frank H. Dodd paid for services in choir, July 18, 1868


            16x26.50         receipt: Peter Jacobus paid for services as organist and for an alto, Jan. 5, 1869


            16x26.51         receipt: Edward Pierson received money for services of [illegible] Parker, July 1, 1868[?]


            16x26.52         receipt: E. A.  Paddock paid for “pulpit supply,” July 28, 1878

                                                [a supply minister is a temporary minister, serving in the absence of a regular minister]


            16x26.53         receipt: Prof. Youngman paid for “supply,” August 11, 1878



Folder 4: bills, no date, 1868-1869, 1878-1879


            16x26.57         bill for labor and materials for cold air box, no date, no name


            16x26.58         receipted bill: Runyon & Dodd paid for oak and pine boxes, coal, May 1, 1868


            16x26.59         receipted bill: W. N. Teiss paid for repairing roof, with 3 year guarantee, May 14, 1868


            15x88.1           Mechanics’ Fire Insurance Company received payment of premium for insuring Park Church, in force June 29, 1868-June 29, 1869.  [printed form]


15x88.2           promise to pay Jera Benedick, Aug. 4, 1868, stamped paid [printed form]


15x88.3           promise to pay Richard Hall, Aug. 4, 1868, stamped paid [printed form]


15x88.4a-b      receipts for payment of interest on bonds, payment received from C. G. Campbell, church treasurer, signed for by Daniel Dodd, treasurer of Newark Savings Institution, Nov. 10, 1868 [printed forms]


15x88.5           receipted bill, W.H. Drummond & Co., Newark, paid for stove and stove pipe, Nov. 13, 1868.

                                                Printed billhead: stoves and tin ware, pumps, enameled ware, fluid lamps, shovels, cooking, parlor and office stoves, &c.


15x88.6           receipted bill, Langstroth & Crane, Newark, paid for latch, keys, lock repair, Nov. 24, 1868.

                                                Printed billhead: lock manufacturers and brass founders, illustrated with picture of a latch


15x88.7           receipted bill, Nath’l C. Ball & Co., Newark, paid for window glass and installation, Dec. 24, 1868.

                                                Printed billhead: house and sign painters, dealers in paints, oils, glass, putty, varnishes, brushes &c.


15x88.8           receipted bill, W.H. Drummond & Co., Newark, paid for stove and stove pipe, Nov. 13, 1868.  [printed billhead]


15x88.9           receipted bill, Wm. F. Littell, Newark, paid for registers, pipes, frame, door, Feb. 13, 1869.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of tin, sheet-iron & copper ware; sells stoves, tin wares, and well and cistern pumps


15x88.10         receipted bill, M.W. Dodd, New York City, paid for “Temple Melodies,” Feb. 20, 1869.

                                                Printed billhead: publisher and bookseller


            15x88.13         receipted bill, Hastings & Wilson, Newark, paid for printing notices, May 22, 1878.

                                                Printed billhead: book and job printers.


            15x88.14         promise to pay Theo P. Howell, Aug. 7, 1878; marked paid. [printed form]


            15x88.15         receipted bill, Meeker & Hedden, Newark, paid for unspecified work, Sept. 30, 1878.

                                                Printed billhead: builders, sash, blind, and door manufacturers, [etc.]


            15x88.16         receipted bill, A.P. Littell, Newark, paid for pipes, furnace grates, shaker, labor, Nov. 1, 1878.

                                                Printed and illustrated billhead: plumber, steam and gas fitter, copper and tinsmith, [etc.], illustrated with picture of Rossmore Range


            16x26.60         receipted bill: Prentiss de Veuve was paid for repairing the church’s grass cutter and chapel windows.


            15x88.17         receipted bill, A. Stephen Holbrook, Newark, paid for printing subscription cards, circulars, envelopes, benevolent cards, offering envelopes, etc., bill dated March 1, 1879, for printing done in 1877-1878.

                                                Printed billhead: steam book and job printer.


            15x88.18         receipted bill, A. Stephen Holbrook, Newark, paid for printing subscription cards and envelopes, March 21, 1879.

                                                Printed and illustrated billhead: steam printer, [etc.], illustrated with view of a library, portrait of Benjamin Franklin, and picture of a printing press.


            16x26.61         receipted bill: S. J. Meeker paid for broom, duster, shavings, wood, lighters, paid April 1879 for materials supplied April 1878-March 1879.


            15x88.19         church promises to pay C. G. Campbell, May 15, 1879; note marked paid.

                                                Printed and illustrated form: woman in classical dress, with train behind her.


            15x88.20         receipted bill, Hatfield Hopper, Newark, paid for repairing slate roof, June 1879.

                                                Printed billhead: American roofing slate; tin and gravel roofing.


            16x26.62         receipted bill: S. J. Meeker paid for broom, coal, shavings, Aug. 30, 1879; materials supplied April-May


            16x26.63         receipted bill: W. S. Carter paid for labor, walnut boards, hardware, sash weights, etc., Sept. 6, 1879.


            15x88.21         church promises to pay C. G. Campbell, Sept. 18, 1879; marked paid. 

                                                Printed and illustrated form: woman in classical dress, with train behind her.


            16x26.64         receipted bill: George W. Tomkins paid for cutting grass, keys, tacks, whisk brooms, a glass, door screen (called wire cloth), feather duster, broom, lamp chimneys, and labor of workers, paid Nov. 14, 1879, for materials and work done May-Sept.


            16x26.65         receipted bill: W. S. Carter paid for labor, pine boards, brads, Nov. 25, 1879.


            15x88.22         receipted bill, Wm. Browe & Son, Newark, paid for 62 [?], Dec. 16, 1879.

                                                Printed billhead: chandeliers and gas fixtures.


            15x88.23         receipted bill, Albert Ridler & Son, Newark, paid for installing window glass and painting, Dec. 20, 1879.

                                                Printed billhead: house, sign, and ornamental painters; also installs window glass


            15x88.24         receipted bill: Van Houten & Cook, Newark, paid for masonry and plastering work, Dec. 20, 1879.

                                                Printed billhead: masons and builders.


            16x26.66         receipted bill: George W. Tomkins paid for cutting grass, matches and oil, cord and tassels, autumnal decorations, broom, cleaning cellar, sponge, hardware, carpenter work, lumber, putting up storm doors, and other work and materials, Dec. 22, 1879, for materials and work done Sept.-Dec.



Folder 5: bills, 1880, 1882, 1884


            15x88.25         receipted bill: Sandford Brothers, Newark, paid for gas pipe, fittings, labor, Feb. 27, 1880.

                                                Printed billhead: tin and sheet iron workers, copper smiths, gas fitters, plumbers, dealers in heaters, ranges, and stoves


            16x26.67         receipted bill: W. S. Carter paid for labor, door knob, lock, keys, April 3, 1880


            16x26.68         receipted bill: George W. Tomkins paid for pails, matches, labor, broom, moving seats for funeral, feather duster, cutting wood, lantern, candles, soap, whisk broom, repairing step ladder, and other goods and labor, April 3, 1880


            15x88.26         printed circular: to the members of the congregation of the Park Presbyterian Church from the trustees, asking for contributions to pay off church’s mortgage, May 1, 1882.


            15x88.27         letter, from Joseph M. Smith & Bros., Newark, to A.C. Neumann, architect, June 9, 1884.  Bid on carpenter’s work for planned alterations to Park Church.

                                                Illustrated stationery: picture of factory of Jos. M. Smith & Bros., builders, manufacturers of church furniture, &c.


            16x26.69a-b    note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees, certifying them to pay Van Houten & Cook for mason work; and a receipt from that company that it had been paid, Aug. 23, 1884


            16x26.70         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay P. Hoehnle for stone work, Sept. 4, 1884


            16x26.71         receipt: Philip Hoehnle, Jr. received part payment for stone work, Sept. 15, 1884.


            16x26.72         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay J. M. Smith & Brother for carpenter work, Sept. 16, 1884.

                                                On back: Joseph M. Smith & Brother acknowledge receipt of payment, Sept. 17, 1884


            16x26.73         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Van Houten & Cook for mason work, Sept. 16, 1884.

                                                On back: Van Houten & Cook acknowledge receipt of payment, Sept. 20, 1884


            16x26.74         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Van Houten & Cook for mason work, Sept. 25, 1884.

                                                On back: Van Houten & Cook acknowledge receipt of payment, Sept. 29, 1884


            15x88.28         bill from J.M. Bonnel, Son & Co., Newark, Oct. 1, 1884, for labor.

                                                Printed billhead: plumbers and gas fitters, [etc.]


            16x26.75         receipt: A. C. Neumann acknowledges payment on account, Oct. 7, 1884


            16x26.76         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay J. M. Smith & Brother for carpenter work, Oct. 14, 1884.

                                                On back: Joseph M. Smith & Brother acknowledge receipt of payment, Oct. 15, 1884


            15x88.29         letter, Geo. Faulhaber, Cleveland, Ohio, to C. G. Campbell, Newark, Oct. 24, 1884.  Bid for furnishing pews for Park Church.  Describes two styles of pews.

                                                Printed stationery: manufacturer of church furniture, circular pews a specialty.


            15x88.30         letter, A.L. Middlebrook for  H.D. Ostermoor & Son, New York, to trustees of Park Church, Oct. 29, 1884.  Bid to furnish cushions for pews.  Gives prices for leather or damask.

                                    Endorsed on back with note about how long job will take.

                                                Printed stationery: manufacturers of patent elastic felt.


            16x26.81         postcard, A.L. Middlebrook for H.D. Ostermoor & Son, no date.  Bid to fill old cushions with new felt “and make them into a good shape….”


            16x26.77         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay P. Hoehnle for stone work, Nov. 13, 1884.

                                                On back: Philip Hoehnle acknowledges receipt of payment, Nov. 15, 1884


            16x26.78         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Van Houten & Cook for mason work, Nov. 15, 1884.

                                                On back: Van Houten & Cook acknowledge receipt of payment, Nov. 17, 1884


            16x26.79         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay J. M. Smith & Brother for carpenter work, Dec. 18, 1884.

                                                On back: Joseph M. Smith & Brother acknowledge receipt of payment, Dec. 23, 1884


15x88.31         receipt: A.C. Neumann acknowledged receiving payment from Charles G. Campbell, treasurer, Dec. 24, 1884, for services as architect for alterations to Park Church.

                                                Illustrated receipt, with Japanesque design, printed by H.B. Thistle, stationer, Newark.


            15x88.32         P. Hoehnle, Jr.’s order to pay Wm. A. Righter, Dec. 24, 1884, for work done on Park Church.

                                                Illustrated form: eagle on mountaintop


16x26.80         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Van Houten & Cook for mason work, Dec. 30, 1884.

                                                On back: Van Houten & Cook acknowledge receipt of payment, Jan. 10, 1885



Folder 6: bills: 1885: January-April


            15x88.33         letter, Geo. Faulhaber, Cleveland, Ohio, to Chas. G. Campbell, Newark, Jan. 14, 1885.  Needs floor plans to continue with work on pews.

                                                Printed stationery: manufacturer of church furniture, circular pews a specialty.


            15x88.34         bill from Earl B. Chase [sic] & Co. [formerly] Chace & Cooper, agents for J.F. Pease Furnace Company, New York, Jan. 17, 1885, for combination steam and warm air heater.

                                                Illustrated billhead: manufacturers of economy furnace, illustrated with two different furnaces.

            16x26.82         receipt: Earl R. Chase & Co., New York, paid for heater, Jan. 22, 1885


            16x26.83         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay P. Hoehnle for stone work, Jan. 22, 1885.

                                                At bottom: Philip Hoehnle acknowledges receipt of payment, Jan. 23, 1885


            16x26.84         receipt: Joseph M. Smith & Bros. paid for carpenter work and materials, Jan. 27, 1885


16x26.85         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Van Houten & Cook for mason work, Jan. 28, 1885.

                                                On back: Van Houten & Cook acknowledge receipt of payment, Feb. 4, 1885


            15x88.35         letter, from Joseph M. Smith & Bros., Newark, to Chas. G. Campbell, Feb. 2, 1885.  Bid on sash doors and head light in partition.

                                                Illustrated stationery: picture of factory of Jos. M. Smith & Bros., builders, manufacturers of church furniture, &c.


            16x26.86         receipt: Joseph M. Smith & Bros. paid for carpenter work and materials, Feb. 4, 1885


            15x88.36         receipted bill: United State Express Co. paid for freight on boxes and crates sent from Brooklyn, Feb. 9, 1885.

                                                Printed form.


            15x88.37         receipted bill: Newark Marble Works, Newark, paid for tile hearths, marble mantels, fire brick, and repairs, Feb. 11, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: monuments, headstones, mantels, marble and granite work in general, [etc.]


            16x26.87         receipt: Joseph M. Smith & Bros. paid for new ceiling, Feb. 14, 1885


            16x26.88         receipt: A.C. Neumann received payment for services as architect, Feb. 16, 1885.


            15x88.38         receipt for paying for advertising in the New-York Evangelist, Feb. 17, 1885.

                                                Printed form.


            15x88.39         receipt for paying for advertising in The Independent, New York, Feb. 17, 1885.

                                                Printed form.


            15x88.40         receipted bill: Albert Smith, Newark, paid for brackets, etc., Feb. 17, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: Iron raling [sic] manufacturer, [etc.]


            15x88.41         letter, Geo. Faulhaber, Cleveland, Ohio, to Chas. G. Campbell, Newark, Feb. 19, 1885.  Expect to ship work around March 1.

                                                Printed stationery: manufacturer of church furniture, circular pews a specialty.


            16x26.89         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Payne & Peine for stained glass windows, Feb. 26, 1885.

                                                On back: Payne & Peine acknowledge payment, Feb. 27, 1885


            15x88.42         receipt: Earl B. Chace & Co., New York, received payment for heaters, Feb. 28, 1885.

                                                Printed form.


            15x88.43         letter: Geo. Faulhaber, Cleveland, O., to C.G. Campbell, March 1, 1885.  Burglars, unsuccessful in their attempt to break into his company’s safe, set fire to the factory.  Park Church’s goods have slight smoke damage so will need to be unpacked and cleaned; therefore, shipment will be delayed a few days.


            15x88.44         bill from J.M. Bonnel, Son & Co., Newark, March 2, 1885, for pipes, supplies (such as oakum and putty), trap, damper, labor, car fare, ferrule, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: plumbers and gas fitters, [etc.]


            16x26.90         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Albert Metz for painting, March 3, 1885.

                                                At bottom: Metz acknowledges receiving payment


            15x88.45         receipted bill: C.H. Herzog Newark, paid for roofing and repairs, March 4, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: slaters, dealers in roofing slate.


            15x88.46         bill from George Faulhaber, Cleveland, O., March 6, 1885: for seating.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of church furniture.


            15x88.47         receipted bill: New York, Lake Erie & Western Rail Road Co. paid for shipping church furniture from Cleveland, March 6, 1885.

                                                Printed form.


            15x88.48         receipted bill: Citizens’ Gas Light Co., Newark, paid for a cooker, March 10, 1885.

                                                Printed form.


            15x88.49         receipted bill: Sandford Brothers, Newark, paid for repairing gutter, supplies, labor, pipes, etc., March 11, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: tin and sheet iron workers, copper smiths, gas fitters, plumbers, dealers in heaters, ranges, and stoves


16x26.91         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay Van Houten & Cook for mason work, March 12, 1885.

                                                On back: Van Houten & Cook acknowledge receipt of payment, March 17, 1885


            16x26.92         receipt: Joseph M. Smith & Bros. paid for carpenter work and materials, March 17, 1885


            16x26.93         note from architect A. C. Neumann to church trustees certifying them to pay A. Metz for decorative painting, March 19, 1885.

                                                At bottom: Metz acknowledges receiving payment


            15x88.50         receipt: A.C. Neumann received payment for services as architect, March 21, 1885.


            15x88.51         receipted bill: Archer & Pancoast Mfg. Co., New York, paid for 12 jet coronas, March 25, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of gas fixtures, polished brass goods, artistic bronzes, church metal furniture.


            15x88.52         letter: Geo. Faulhaber, Cleveland, O., to C.G. Campbell, March 26, 1885.  Will attend to the dissatisfaction with the dividing of the seats on his next trip East.

                                                Printed stationery: manufacturer of church furniture; circular pews a specialty; hardwood house interiors.


            15x88.53         receipted bill: John Jelliff & Co., Newark, paid for ironing table, towel racks, rocker, shoe chair, and repairs to chairs and desk (including description of work done), March-April 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of parlor, library, dining and chamber furniture, beds and bedding.


            16x26.94         receipt: Philip Hoehnle, Jr. received payment for stone work, April 1, 1885.


            16x26.95         receipt: Earl B. Chace & Co. received payment for furnaces, piping, etc., April 4, 1885


            15x88.54         receipted bill: H.D. Ostermoor & Son, New York, paid for leather cushions, April 8, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of patent elastic felt mattresses, church & car cushions, bolsters, pillows, comfortables, etc.


            15x88.55         letter: Geo. Faulhaber, Cleveland, O., to C.G. Campbell, April 10, 1885.  The problem with the seating is that the architect did not include division lines.

                                                Printed stationery: manufacturer of church furniture; circular pews a specialty; hardwood house interiors.


            16x26.96         receipted bill: W. M. Deutch paid for heater, etc., April 11, 1885


            15x88.56         receipted bill: Hecla Bronze and Iron Works, New York, paid for bronze mantels, April 18, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: with names Poulson and Eger.


            15x88.57         receipted bill: U.S. Lighting and Ventilating Co., New York, paid for silver glass brass reflector corona, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers and contractors for lighting and ventilating


            15x88.58         receipted bill: Louis Beyer, Newark, paid for repairs to cushions, April 21, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: upholsterer, decorator, dealer in lamps, crockery, oil clothes, shades, &c.


            15x88.59         receipted bill: Payne & Peine, paid on account and for wire cutting, April 25, 1885.

                                    Printed billhead: stained glass and hard painted tiles.


            15x88.60         letter: U.S. Lighting and Ventilating Co., New York, to Chs. G. Campbell, April 28, 1885.  Acknowledges receipt of check.

                                                Printed stationery: Chas. F. Jacobsen, expert in lighting and ventilating; manufacturers of chandeliers, reflectors, illuminated signs, street lamps, etc.


            15x88.61         receipted bill: Sisserson & Nuessle, Newark, paid for making plates, April 29, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: engravers.



Folder 7: bills: 1885: May-October; 1888


            15x88.62a-b    receipted bills: Albert Metz paid for decorating front of organ pipes, minister’s room and vestibule, wall and side arch, side pipes, etc., with extra charge for scaffolding, May 1, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: artist in fresco; house and sign painting


            15x88.63         receipt: Albert Metz acknowledges payment on account of bill for decorations, May 2, 1885


            16x26.97         receipt: Philip Hoehnle, Jr. received payment for work as a stone cutter, May 2, 1885.


            15x88.64         bill from George Faulhaber, Cleveland, O., May 8, 1885, for merchandise.

                                                Printed billhead.


            15x88.65         receipted bill: Carr & Ball, Newark, paid for steps, May 14, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: stone cutters


            16x26.98         receipted bill: George W. Tomkins paid for labor, cleaning church, box for books; lists names of people who worked for him, including several women; May 18, 1885


15x88.66         receipted bill, Wm. Browe & Son, Newark, paid for gas lighter, bronzing fixtures, tube, plates, etc., May 20, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: chandeliers and gas fixtures.


            15x88.67         receipted bill: Passmore & Meeker, Newark, paid for labor taking down a tablet, May 20, 1885 [work done in 1884].

                                                Printed billhead: steam marble and granite works.


            15x88.68         receipted bill: Van Houten & Cook, Newark, paid for a long list of masonry and plastering work, including patching and rebuilding walls, lathing and plastering attic, setting tablet, painting, removing ashes from cellar, installing ventilators, etc., May 22, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: masons and builders.


            15x88.69         receipted bill: Van Steenbergh & Clark, Newark, paid for flagstones and resetting curb, May 25, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: dealers in blue stone, flagging, curbing, window sills, &c.


            15x88.70         receipted bill: Isaac N. Doty & Co., Newark, paid for carpets and linoleum, sweeper, matting, May 25, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: dry goods, carpets and upholstery 


            15x88.71         bill from J.M. Bonnel, Son & Co., Newark, June 1, 1885, for burners, lights in attic, nozzles, labor, car fare, supplies, pipes, brackets, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: plumbers and gas fitters, [etc.]


            16x26.99         receipted bill: Frederick Gerhardt paid for sewing and utting down carpet and matting, June 5, 1885


            15x88.72         receipt: Edward Hunt received payment, June 6, 1885.

                                                Illustrated form: aesthetic design with plants and birds.


            15x88.73         letter: Geo. Faulhaber, Cleveland, O., to C.G. Campbell, June 9, 1885.  Acknowledges receipt of check.

                                                Printed stationery: manufacturer of church furniture; circular pews a specialty; hardwood house interiors.


            15x88.74         receipted bill: Sandford Brothers, Newark, paid for altering ventilating pipes, supplies, labor, June 11, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: tin and sheet iron workers, copper smiths, gas fitters, plumbers, dealers in heaters, ranges, and stoves


            16x26.100       receipted bill: Edward Hunt paid for furnishing and laying sod, June 13, 1885


            15x88.75         receipted bill: N.M. Baldwin, Newark, paid for paint, window panes, varnish, labor, June 17, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: house, sign and ornamental painter


            16x26.101       receipt: Van Houten & Cook paid for extra work and materials, June 20, 1885


            15x88.76         receipted bill: Isaac N. Doty & Co., Newark, paid for ingrain carpet and duck, June 27, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: dry goods, carpets and upholstery 


            15x88.77         receipted bill: Joseph M. Smith & Bros., Newark, paid for a long list of items, including coal shuts, window shutters, doors, attic stairs, kitchen sink, book case, locks, water closet, kitchen dresser, clothes closet, picture mold, lumber, scroll sawing, hardware such as hasps and nails, labor; also some repairs and alterations, last entry dated June 23, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: builders and manufacturers of church furniture


            16x26.102       received bill: Edgar B. Ward paid for disbursements, etc., Sept. 15, 1885


            15x88.78         receipted bill: Albert Metz paid for decorating and repairing door, Oct. 3, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: artist in fresco; house and sign painting


            15x88.79         receipted bill: Sandford Brothers, Newark, paid for repairs, supplies (such as solder and cement), and labor, Oct. 20, 1885.

                                                Printed billhead: tin and sheet iron workers, copper smiths, gas fitters, plumbers, dealers in heaters, ranges, and stoves


            16x26.103       receipted bill: S. P. Hinds paid for 5 copies of Church & Home, Feb. 17, 1888



Folder 8: letter and trade card: 1895


            15x88.80a-b    letter: R.M. Caffall, Stone and Brick Waterproofing Company, New York, to S. J. Meeker, Newark, Dec. 6, 1895.  Results of examining church for dampness, and suggestion for solving the problem.

                                    Printed and illustrated stationery: lists services, officers; illustrated with picture of the Egyptian obelisk in Central Park


            15x88.80c       trade card for Stone and Brick Waterproofing Company, New York, illustrated with picture of the Egyptian obelisk in Central Park; on back: description of what the company does; the process was called the “Caffall process,” and had been used on the Egyptian obelisk in Central Park



Folder 9: bills from Newark Aqueduct Board, Newark Daily Advertiser; and Citizens’ Gas Light Company; receipts from Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company


            15x88.81a-c                three receipted bills:  Newark Aqueduct Board paid for water, dated Oct. 1, 1867, April 1, 1868, and Oct. 1, 1868.

                                    Printed forms


            16x26.56a-c    three receipted bills:  Newark Aqueduct Board paid for water, dated Oct. 1, 1878, April 1, 1879, and Oct. 1, 1879.

                                    Printed forms


            15x88.82a-d                four receipted bills: Newark Daily Advertiser paid for notices and advertising, 1878-1880

                                    Printed forms


            15x88.83a-v                receipted bills from Citizens’ Gas Light Company, for gas used April-Dec. 1878; Jan.-Nov. 1879, Jan.-Feb. 1880.

                                    Printed forms


            15x88.83w-x               receipted bills from Citizens’ Gas Light Company, for laying pipes and connections, Aug. 23, 1884, and March 4, 1885

                                    Printed forms


            15x88.84a-e                receipts for payment of interest on bonds held by Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Newark.  Interest was paid by Charles G. Campbell, treasurer of Park Church



Folder 10: promises to pay Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, 1884-1887


            15x88.85a-e                Park Presbyterian Church promises to pay Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, dated Sept. 30, Nov. 15, and Dec. 23, 1884, all with seal of church, and all stamped paid.


            15x88.86a-g                Park Presbyterian Church promises to pay Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, dated Jan. 10, 23, 27, 31; Feb. 3; March 3, 17-18, 31; April 25; May 19; June 2, 5, and 20, 1885, all with seal of church, and all stamped paid.  Three groups are pinned together, two with notes about renewal, and one group marked “paid with cash received from mortage [sic] to the Prudential Ins. Co.” 


            16x26.54         Park Presbyterian Church promises to pay Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, dated Oct. 23, 1885, with seal of church, and stamped paid.  Numbered on back: 3639.


            15x88.87a-e                Park Presbyterian Church promises to pay Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, dated Feb. 26, March 26, June 29, Nov. 1, and Dec. 2, 1886, all with seal of church, and all stamped paid.


            16x26.55         Park Presbyterian Church promises to pay Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, dated July 29, 1886, with seal of church, and stamped paid.  Numbered on back: 5304.


            15x88.88         Park Presbyterian Church promises to pay Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, dated April 5, 1887, with seal of church, and stamped paid.