The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

Telephone: 302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:         Hersh, Charles, 1921-                        

Title:               Research papers of Tandy and Charles Hersh

Dates:             circa 1985-circa 2005

Call No.:         Col. 934

Acc. No.:        13x124

Quantity:        25 boxes

Location:        39 I 1-6






Charles Martin Hersh and his wife Martha Tandy Smith Hersh were interested in Pennsylvania Germans, and did research, wrote books, and lectured on the subject.  Mr. Hersh was born in 1921 in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania.  He received his university degrees from Syracuse University, earning a Ph.D. in political science.  He taught at American University and then worked as a civilian for the U.S. Army, ending his career as Dean of Academic Affairs at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Penn.  He died in 2013.


Tandy Hersh was a church musician.  Both she and her husband were weavers.  Charles Hersh was of Pennsylvania German descent.


Charles and Tandy Hersh researched American textiles and Pennsylvania German material culture.   They presented lectures, curated museum exhibitions, served on historical society boards, and served in various volunteer capacities.  Together they wrote Samplers of the Pennsylvania Germans; Rural Pennsylvania German Weaving, 1833-1857; and Cloth and Costume: 1750-1800: Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.





Photographs and notes on Pennsylvania German samplers and their makers, towels, embroidery motifs, weavers, and other topics shedding light on Pennsylvania German textiles, which were collected by Charles and Tandy Hersh in the process of researching and writing their books on Pennsylvania German textiles and samplers.  Also found are copies of weavers’ pattern books and information about foreign textiles (for comparison purposes).  Tandy Hersh was planning to compile a work about embroidery motifs, and some of the papers pertain to that interest.  About half of the collection of research notes pertain to samplers made by Pennsylvania German girls.  These are arranged by date and name of maker. 





The papers are in two series.  Series I is photographs, slides, and negatives.  The photos came in albums, but have been removed from those albums and placed in folders.  Series II is research notes.


Books in the collection are separately listed in WinterCat.





The materials are in English and German.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Gift of Martha Tandy Hersh and her daughters Sarah Hersh and Winnie Hersh Coggins.






            Decorative arts, Pennsylvania Dutch.

            Embroidery \v Patterns.

            Embroidery, Pennsylvania Dutch.

Samplers – Pennsylvania.

            Weavers – Pennsylvania.

            Weaving – Pennsylvania.

            Research notes.


Additional author:


            Hersh, Tandy






Location:  39 I 1-6



Series I: Photograph albums and slides:


Box 1:


Folder 1:          Conestoga auction


Folders 2-3:     Koch collection


Folder 4:          Noll, Nancy: collection



Box 2:


Folder 1:          Towels: Allentown Art Museum

                        [see also Box 16]


Folders 2-3:     European textiles       


Folders 4-5:     Heritage Center, Lancaster, Penn.     


Folder 6:          unknown origin (quilts, cloth, clothing, embroidery)


Folder 7:          Petticoats



Box 3:


Folders 1-5:     McIlany 81-2001 (continues in next box)



Box 4:


Folder 1:          McIlany 1245-2001 (continued from previous box)


Folder 2:          Schwenkfelder study 1: no name


Folder 3:          Schwenkfelder study 1: Christina Wagner, 1778


Folder 4:          Schwenkfelder study 1: Regina Kriebelin, ca. 1790


Folder 5:          Schwenkfelder study 2: Eva Schultz, 1794


Folder 6:          Schwenkfelder study 2: Regina Hubnern, 1794


Folder 7:          Schwenkfelder study 3: Susanna Yeakel


Folder 8:          Schwenkfelder study 3: Anna Drescherin, 1797


Folder 9:          Schwenkfelder study 3: no name, 1797


Folder 10:        Schwenkfelder study 3: Christine Schultz, 1798-99


Folder 11:        Schwenkfelder study 3: Maria Schultz


Folder 12:        Schwenkfelder study 3: various names



Box 5:


Folders 1-2:     Schwenkfelder study 4: various names


Folder 3:          photographs: Sarah’s: Victoria & Albert Museum


Folders 4-6:     Hess, Clarke E.



Box 6: slides


Folder 1:          Costume


Folders 2-3:     Quilts


Folder 4:          Petticoats



Box 7: slides


Folders 1-3:     Samplers


Folder 4:          Towels [continues in next box]



Box 8: slides


Folder 1:          Towels [continued from previous box]


Folder 2:          presentation carousels


Folders 3-4:     Aprons, Handkerchiefs, Houses, Fraktur, Processes, Pillowcases



Box 9: slides


Folder 1:          Resist, Weaving


Folders 2-3:     Motifs, S.T.P.C.


Folder 4:          foreign textiles, miscellaneous


Folder 5:          Colonial Williamsburg


Folder 6:          miscellaneous



Box 10: negatives (index available – see yellow legal pads in Box 25 of Series II)


Folder 1:          foreign trip and textiles


Folders 2-5:     film rolls, 1-2xx





Series II: Research files


Box 1: Samplers, 1732-1790


Folder 1:          list of samplers


Folder 2:          towels database


Folder 3:          Diller textiles


Folder 4:          1732: Herrin, Maria


Folder 5:          1733: Wagner, C. (Germany) (Schwenkfelder)


Folder 6:          1733: ACWW


Folder 7:          1760c: MH (Maria Huberin)


Folder 8:          1766: Witmerin, Maria


Folder 9:          1768: Hockerin, Maria (Sister Petronella, Ephrata Cloister)


Folder 10:        1770: Beckin, A. Maria;

                                    Longeneckerin, Magdalena (Canada);

                                    Weisern, Anna (born 1755)


Folder 11:        1778: Wagner, Christina (Schwenkfelder)


Folder 12:        1782c: SH (Sarah Hottenstein) (eastern Berks Co.)


Folder 13:        1784: Steinerin, Elisabeth


Folder 14:        1785: Burkholder, Barbara


Folder 15:        1785c: Maria Magtalena ? (maybe Franconia)


Folder 16:        1786: Berin, Barbara;

                                    Schitzin, Elisabeth;

                                    Wilms, Christina Elisabeth


Folder 17:        1787p: no name (vorschrift sampler)  (Berks Co.)


Folder 18:        1788: EM;

                                    Rilmin, Catherina


Folder 19:        1790: Bergin, Maria;

                                    HCH darning sampler;

                                    Kriebelin, Regina (Schwenkfelder);

                                    No name (Warwick)



Box 2: Samplers, 1791-1797


Folder 1:          1791: Laubachsen, Magdalena;

                                    No name (Der Wind) (Franconia);

                                    Stauffer, Barbara


Folder 2:          1792: Rudisilin, Anna Maria;

                                    Ebin, Salome


Folder 3:          1793: no name;

                                    Kaufemnnin, Fronica;

                                    Baumeni, Magdalena


Folder 4:          1794: Bechtelsin, Anna;

                                    Gerberin, Elisabeth;


                                    Hegesin, Elizabeth;

                                    Huebnern, Regina


Folder 5:          1794: Kafmenni, Barbara;

                                    No name (alphabet);

                                    Schaltz, Eva


Folder 6:          1795: Hinnelwright, Sarah


Folder 7:          1796: Habecker, Estir;

                                    Yeakle, Susanna


Folder 8:          1797: Fluri, Barbara;

                                    Muhlenburg, Hetty;

                                    Drescherin, Anna;

                                    Hackman, Esther;

                                    Walker, Mary;

                                    Witmerin, Ana;

                                    No name



Box 2: Samplers, 1798-1808


Folder 1:          1798: EF;

                                    Grasin, Feronica;

                                    Schultz, Christina;

                                    Schultz, Maria;

                                    Yeakle, Agnes


Folder 2:          1799: Bixlern, Esther;

                                    Katz, Mary;

                                    Yeakle, Lydia


Folder 3:          1800: Hackman, Esther;

                                    Hernerin, Anna Maria;

                                    Schottin, Hanna;

                                    Witwerin, Magdalena


Folder 4:          1801: Bauerin, Elisabeth;

                                    Histand, Barbara;

                                    Schultz, Christina;

                                    Smith, Mary Ann


Folder 5:          1802c: Kriebel, Salome


Folder 6:          1803: Histand, Susan;

                                    Sansinich, Elisabeth


Folder 7:          1804: BKH;

                                    Kriebel, Hanna;

                                    No name


Folder 8:          1805: Histand, Feronica


Folder 9:          1806: Landes, Maria;

                                    Lehman, Deborah;

                                    Mack, Bali


Folder 10:        1807: Rickenbach, Anna;

                                    Witmer, Anna


Folder 11:        1808c: Eby, Elizabeth


Folder 12:        1808: C.K.;

                                    Fisacher, Elisabeth;

                                    Landes, Anna



Box 4: Samplers, 1809-1821


Folder 1:          1809: Schultz, Rosina


Folder 2:          1811: Fisler, Maria;

                                    Reif, Susana;

                                    Smitin, Maria


Folder 3:          1812: Bergin, Fronica;

                                    Sautere, Magdelena


Folder 4:          1814: Histand, Elizabeth


Folder 5:          1815c: Miller (mother)


Folder 6:          1816: Brubaker, Barbara;

                                    Kulp, Elisa


Folder 7:          1817: Landes, Mary;



Folder 8:          1817: Oberholtzerin, Elisabeth;

                                    Waner, Elisabeth


Folder 9:          1818: Conear, Catharine D.;

                                    Konig, Sara;

                                    Landes, Magdalena;

                                    Leathermen, Ester & Ann (Franconia)


Folder 10:        1819: Cence, Maria;

                                    Henrichin, Elisabeth;

                                    Landis, Mary;

                                    Petery, Mary


Folder 11:        1819c: Kunsin, Christina;

                                    Mosser, Elisabeth


Folder 12:        1820: Anders, Lidia;

                                    Frank, Catharina;

                                    Fretz, Catharine;

                                    Meck, Susanna;

                                    No name


Folder 13:        1820c: Eby, Susanna


Folder 14:        1820p: Weber, Abraham


Folder 15:        1821: Beckerin, Susanna;

                                    Brubacher, Maria;

                                    Dillir, Cadarina;

                                    Dillir, Elizabeth;

                                    Shenk, Rachel



Box 5: Samplers, 1822-1828


Folder 1:          1822: Brubacher, Maria;

                                    Deturck, Anna;

                                    Eshleman, Ann;

                                    Happel, Mary;

                                    Kriebel, Susanna


Folder 2:          1823: Bohn, Anna Maria;

                                    Brubacher, Barbara;

                                    Hochstittir, Susan


Folder 3:          1824: Brackbill, Susanna


Folder 4:          1825: Benner, Maria;

                                    Cassels, Elizabeth;

                                    Dresher, Rebecca;

                                    Nisly, Nancy;

                                    Witmer, Lidya;

                                    Yeakle, Leah


Folder 5:          1826: EJ;

                                    Freed, Lydia;

                                    Freed, Mary;

                                    Hosteter, Elizabeth;

                                    Landis, Susanna;

                                    M., Barbara;

                                    Schwartz, Susana;

                                    Shreiner, Leah


Folder 6:          1827: Faust, Sarah;

                                    Greb, M.A.;

                                    Habecker, Esther;

                                    Hershey, Elizabeth;

                                    Kolb, Anna;

                                    Kreider, S.;

                                    No name (Koch);

                                    Landes, Susanna;

                                    Landis, Barbara;

                                    Mann, Esther;

                                    Schultz, Sara


Folder 7:          1827: Shaub, Susan;

                                    Wallace, Grace;

                                    Yeakle, Leah


Folder 8:          1828; Anders, Anna;

                                    Denig, Henryetta;

                                    Garman, Leah;

                                    Koehler, Catherina;

                                    Marsteller, Catharina;

                                    Miller, Elesabeth;

                                    Schultz, Saline;

                                    Schultz, Sara;

                                    Weiser, Rachel



Box 6: Samplers, 1828p-1833c


Folder 1:          1828p: Heebnerin, Susanha


Folder 2:          1829: Graeff, Susan;

                                    Hochstittir, Martha;

                                    Rosenbarger, Elizabeth;


                                    R.S. (Schultz, Regina);

                                    LeVan, Willy


Folder 3:          1830: Babbar, F. Ewa;

                                    Beck, Maria & Heller, Ester;

                                    Graybill, Mary E.;

                                    Kriebel, Elisabet;

                                    Stauffer, Mary Ann;

                                    Weiser, Harriet


Folder 4:          1830c: Hessin, Maria


Folder 5:          1831: Boyer, Julyann;

                                    Garb(er), Mary;

                                    Hershey, Anna;

                                    Landis, Fianna;

                                    Roland, Louisa;

                                    Rupp, Fianna;

                                    Segrist, Sarah & Mary


Folder 6:          1832: Brenneman, Maria;

                                    Buswell, Miriam;

                                    Carle, Anna;

                                    Dick, Elizabeth;

                                    Hoch, Catherine;

                                    Hoch, Maryann;

                                    Kolb, Anna;

                                    Kreider, Anna


Folder 7:          1832; R.P.;

                                    Rohrer, Ann & Barbara;

                                    Schwartz, Lidi


Folder 8:          1832c: R.M.


Folder 9:          1832p: no name


Folder 10:        1833: Bechtel, Elizebeth (Boone);

                                    Bechtel, Elisabeth;

                                    Buhs, Anna Dorothe;

                                    Hoch, Mary Ann


Folder 11:        1833: Kurtz, Elisabeth;

                                    Kurtz, Magdalena;

                                    L.S. (Lydia Schultz);

                                    Schultz, Maria;

                                    Siegrist, Sarah


Folder 12:        1833c: Miller, Ana Mary;

                                    Resser, Hannah




Box 7: Samplers, 1834-1840


Folder 1:          1834: Gingrich, Veronica;

Kreibel, Maria;

Schoch, Maryann;

Yeager, Elizabeth


Folder 2:          1835: Barndt, Elizabeth;

                                    Denlinger, Elizabeth & Anne;


                                    Martin, Catharine;

                                    Moyer, Elisabeth;

                                    Schultz, Regina;

                                    Wenger, Susanna


Folder 3:          1835c: Hacker, Mary Catherine;

                                    Reiff, Hannah;

                                    Witmer, Susan


Folder 4:          1836: Anders, Sarah;

                                    Demain, Margaret;

                                    Geisinern, Susana;

                                    Hessin, Elisabeth;

                                    Hoch, Catherine;

                                    Kind, Sarah;

                                    Nisley, Fanny;

                                    Stuck, Leah


Folder 5:          1837: Balmer, Elisabet;

                                    L.S. (Lydia Schultz);

                                    Sellers, Elizabeth;

                                    Yoder, Hannah S.


Folder 6:          1838: Ebz, Meri (Mary Eby);

                                    Kreibel, Salome;

                                    Kurtz, Magdalena;

                                    MK (Maria Krieble)


Folder 7:          1838: Reiff, Hannah;

                                    Schultz, Lea;

                                    Sister Paulena;

                                    Stoltzfusz, Maria;

                                    Weidner, Catharine


Folder 8:          1839: Enck, Anna;


                                    Diffenderfer, Juliann G.;

                                    Grater, Catharine;

                                    Iaekel, Agnes;


                                    Miller, Christina


Folder 9:          1839: Minnich, Catharine;

                                    Musselman, Mary;

                                    Nissley, Fanny;

                                    Nissley, Mary;

                                    Reinhard, Anna Maria


Folder 10:        1840: Diener, Catherine;

                                    Fretz, Eliza;

                                    Fried, Sara;

                                    Herr, Elisabeth;

                                    Hoover, Anna;

                                    Kriebal, Salome;

                                    Landes, Elizabeth;

                                    No name;

                                    RESC [Regina Schultz];

                                    Reist, Anna;

                                    Stahr, Martha Ann;

                                    Wahl, Susana;

                                    Yoder, Susana



Box 8: Samplers, 1841-1859


Folder 1:          1841:   Forrey, Fanny;

Histed, Esther E.;

                                    Hough, Elizabeth Pamelia;

                                    Kriebel, Susana;

                                    Kriebel, Sarah;

                                    Matter, Sarah Ann;

                                    Meyer, Susanna;

                                    Shopf, Mary;

                                    Wakefield, Martha


Folder 2:          1842: RK (Rosina Kriebel);

                                    Leatherman, Elizabeth;

                                    Scholl, Sarah


Folder 3:          1843: AB (Bauer);

                                    Eberly, Frances;

                                    Hoch, Catherine;

                                    Snyder, Elizabeth;

                                    Wenger, Louisa;

                                    Young, Lydia M.


Folder 4:          1844: Kriebel, Susannah;

                                    LK (Lydia Kurtz);

                                    Schweinfurth, Barbara;

                                    Swartley, Susanna


Folder 5:          1845: CK;

                                    Wisler, Elizabeth


Folder 6:          1846: Bechtel, Mary;

                                    Good, Susanna;

                                    Herr, Anna;

                                    Hoover, Anna;

                                    Initials (MPL);



Folder 7:          1849: Buckman, Louise;



                                    Webbert, Mary Jane


Folder 8:          1850-1853:

                                    1850: Stambaugh, Mary E.;

                                    1851: Ruth, Elisa;

                                                Schultz, Levi;

                                    1852: Good, Elizabeth;

                                                Wonderlich, Mary Elizabeth;

                                    1853: Bull, Susanna;

                                                Kreider, Anna S.;

                                                Lapp, Fronica


Folder 9:          1854: Bachman, Magdalena;

                                    Bucher, Fanny;

                                    Kauffman, Susanna;

                                    Long, A.M.;

                                    Moyer, Catharine;

                                    Weigner, Anna


Folder 10:        1855-1859:

                                    1855: Zug, Barbara;

                                    1855c: Heilman, Beata;

                                    1856: Krieble, Phoebe;

                                                Peters, Susanne Y.;

                                    1857: Heebner, Mary;

                                    1858p: CR LM;

                                    1858: Fretz, Mary



Box 9: Samplers, 1860-1949, no date, A-S


Folder 1:          1860s:

                                    1860c: Schelly, Sarah S.;

                                    1860p: Weaver, Lydia;

                                    1861: Iotter, Magdalena;

                                    1862: Hohmann, Elizabeth

                                                Hohmann, Kunie G.;

                                    1863: Byler, Catharine;

                                    1864: BE (Barbra Ebersole);

                                                Jagger, Ellen;

                                    1865: Byler, Lydia;

                                                Peterscheim, Anna;

                                    1867c: Oberholtzer, Elizabeth


Folder 2:          1875-1896:

                                    1875: RGS;

                                                Schultz, Regina G.;

                                    1876: Godshalk, Henry;

                                    1877: Schultz, Mary N.;

                                    1880: Gochnaur, Martha A.

                                    1881: JMB;

                                    1882: MS;

                                    1883: King, Katie;

                                    1885: Bucher, Mary B.;

                                                Lapp, Rebecca;

                                    1887: Fisher, Susanna;

                                    1888: F.S.;

                                    1889: Fisher, Sarah;

                                    1890c: King, Sarah B.;

                                    1894: Bucher, Martha B.;

                                    1896: AB


Folder 3:          1907-1949:

                                    1907: Smoker, Annie E.;

                                    1910: Bucher, Mary H.;

                                    1913: Beiler, Fannie L.;

                                                LS (Lydia Smoker);

                                    1916: Beiler, Lydia L.;

                                    1920: Stoltzfus, Malinda F.;

                                    1922: Fisher, Lizzie;

                                    1923: SF;

                                                Kauffman, Katie Emma;

                                    1927: Lapp, Katie F.;

                                    1928: King, Elizabeth;

                                    1939: no name;

                                    1949: Kine, Lydia


Folder 4:          no date: A.A.;

                                    Beiler, Barbara;

                                    Bergey, Sarah;

                                    Bower, Elizabeth;




Folder 5:          no date: Clayton, Mary A.;



Koch, F.;

Gingrinch, Feronica;

Grabil, Sarah;

Grosh, Emma;



Folder 6:          no date: Kendrick, Hety;


                                    Langenecker, Elisabeth;

                                    Myers, Rebecca;




Folder 7:          no date: Rupert, Rebecah;



                                    Sauder, Mary (2 sections);

                                    Schaitzer, Elizabeth;

                                    Shuman, Eliza;

                                    Stib, Susanna;

                                    Stolsfus, Cadarina;





Box 10: Samplers: no date, W-Z, no name; samplers not in book, 1717-1799


Folder 1:          no date: Weaver;

                                    Weber, Maria;

                                    Wiand, Hedia;


                                    Yeagley, Sarah;

                                    Yoder, Katie;



Folders 2-3:     no date, no name


Folder 4:          not in book: 1717-1787:

                                    1717: Sinderbee, Mary;

                                    1747: Herbein, Sara;

                                    1750: L.B.;

                                    1751: Watson, Rebecca;

                                    1763: Jo_it, Elisabeth;

                                    1768: Elisabeth (no name);

                                    1777: Resin, Elisabet;

                                    1784: Keim, Esther;

                                    1786: Hiester, Catherine;

                                    1787: Meyerin, Elisabeth


Folder 5:          not in book:1788-1795:

                                    1788: Langin, Elisabeth;

                                    1789-1809: Landis, Barbara;

                                    1789?: Miller, Maria;

                                    1790: Macage;

                                                Schel, Cadarina;

                                    1792: Cadarina;

                                    1793: Muselmenin, Maria;

                                    1794: Preston, Martha;

                                    1795: Leigheiser;

                                                Herschisin, Barbara;

                                                Kaufmeni, Ester;

                                                Iaekelin, Esther


Folder 6:          not in book: 1796-1799:

                                    1796: Funk, Elizabeth;

                                                Yeakle, Susanne;

                                    1797: Owerholserin, Ana;

                                    1798: Hegesin, Maria;

                                    1799: Bergir, Mabara (Barbara Berger);

                                                Reed, Magdalene



Box 11: Samplers not in book: 1800-1834


Folder 1:          not in book: 1800-1807:

                                    1800: Hager, Louisa;

                                    1801: Kreb, Rahel;

                                    1802: Laubachin, Elisabeth;

                                    1803: Barnitz, Mary;

                                    1805: Ritter, Sara;

                                    1806: Schencken, Maria;

                                                Skiles, Rachel and Elisabeth;

                                    1807: R.B.;

Fox, Cadarina


Folder 2:          not in book: 1810-1818:

                                    1810: Yekle, Anna (2 sections);

                                    1811: Kinig, Frene;

                                    1812: Thomas, Elizabeth;

                                    1813: McCoy, Elizabeth;

                                                Nell, Cristna;

                                    1816: Konig, Sara;

                                    1817: Witmer, Magdalean;

                                    1818: Deliben, Magdelina;

                                                Gerhert, Anna



Folder 3:          not in book: 1820-1822:

                                    1820: no name (Amy);


                                                Fretz, Elizabeth;

                                                Schrack, Sara;

                                                Stull/Shull, Rachel;

                                    1821: Meyer, Elizabeth;

                                    1822: Steinerin, Feronica


Folder 4:          not in book: 1824-1826:

                                    1824: Fittrow, Ann;

                                                Miller, Ester;

                                                Schwartz, Susanna;

                                    1825: Hoffman, Elizabeth;

                                                Rutt, Mary;

                                                Stouffer, Elizabeth;

                                    1826: Borgholder, Catharina;

                                                Kriebel, Elisabeth;


                                                Moyer, Dennis


Folder 5:          not in book: 1828-1830:

                                    1828: Bertolet, Mary;

                                                Burkholder, Mary;

                                                Hallacher, Finanna;

                                                Rittenhouse, Martha;

                                    1829: Hiland, Margaret;

                                                Hostetter, Magdalena;

                                                Yoder, Elisabeth;

                                    1830: H.H.;

                                                Wolff, Elisabeth


Folder 6:          not in book: 1831-1834:

                                    1831: Cassel, Catharine;

                                    1832: Boyer, Elizabeth;

                                                Hoover, Elizabeth;

                                                Landis, Mary;

                                    1833: Royer, Cristina;

                                                Tyson, Hannah;

                                                Grobb, Caderina;

                                    1834: Huber, Ann;

                                                Meldram, Grace Anna;

                                                Morrison, Amanda;

                                                No name (Elisabeth R.);

                                                Raysor, Elizabeth



Box 12: Samplers not in book: 1835-1995, no date


Folder 1:          not in book: 1835-1836:

                                    1835: Bernhard, Anny;

                                                Meck, Eliza;

                                                Hershberger, Leah;

                                    1836: Imboden, Maria;

                                                Lorah, Catharina;

                                                Scanlan, Hanora



Folder 2:          not in book: 1837-1842:

                                    1837: Anganey, Anna;

                                                Yerger, Rebecca;

                                                Yoder, Mary;

                                    1838: Ritter, Ester;

                                                Stetler, Caroline;

                                    1839: Steinbach, Elisabeth;

                                    1840: Meily, Nancy;

                                                WL ML;

                                    1841: Hough, Elisabeth Pamela;

                                    1842: Shearer, Sarah;

                                                Vonneida, Margaret;

                                                No name


Folder 3:          not in book: 1843-1849:

                                    1843: Snook, Elizabeth;

                                                Brenneman, Mary;

                                    1844: Neidig, Mary Ann;

                                                Reed, Lovina;

                                                Zuck, Leah;

                                    1845: Donges, Elmanda;

                                                Hougendobler, Barbara;

                                                Landis, Frances;

                                                No name;

                                    1847: miscellaneous;

                                    1848: Fisher, Leah Y.;

                                                Knauer, Faithful;

                                    1849: Faust, Sarah;


Folder 4:          not in book: 1850-1859:

                                    1850: Herr, Magdalena;

                                    1851: Huber, Anna;

                                    1852: Risser, Fanni;

                                    1853: Baker, Anna;

                                    1854: Anders, R.

                                    1856: Wiegner, Ann;

                                    1856: Yoder, Mary H.;

                                    1859: Armitage, Lydia


Folder 5:          not in book: 1861-1995:

                                    1861: MacMullin, Lydia;

                                    1863: Lapp, Malinda;

                                                Mohr, Christiana Louisa;

                                    1866: Gerhard, Sarah S.;

                                    1868: Newcomer, Lydia;

                                    1879: Garges, Hettie;

                                    1884: RL;

                                    1894: CS;

                                    1896: ALA;

                                    1994: Leah;

                                    1995: BEH


Folder 6:          not in book: no date:


                                    Acker, Nenze;

                                    Alderfers, Susanna;


                                    Barker, Marthay;

                                    Brehm, Polly;

                                    Burkholder, Anna;


                                    Lankake, Catharine;

                                    Leatherman, Leah (2 sections)



Box 13: Samplers not in book: no date; other files on samplers


Folder 1:          not in book: no date:

                                    Schultz, Susana;

                                    Shafer, Elizabeth;

                                    Snider, Susanna;

                                    No name (10 sections)


Folders 2-3:     Samplers: miscellaneous


Folder 4:          Museums:

                                    Bayler, Rebecca (1827);

                                    Ruesink, Cindy;

                                    No name (Steinerin?)


Folder 5:          Museums: miscellaneous samplers


Folders 6-7:     Sources for new samplers



Box 14: Foreign museums, by country


Folder 1:          Foreign museums: Austria


Folder 2:          Foreign museums: Denmark


Folders 3-4:     Foreign museums:  Germany: Altona, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Krefeld, Nuremburg, other


Folder 5:          Foreign museums: Great Britain: Donald King, Victoria and Albert



Box 15: Foreign museums, by country


Folders 1-2:     Foreign museums: The Netherlands: Arnheim, Leeuwarden, Shipper van Lottum


Folders 3-4:     Foreign museums:  Switzerland: Basel, Bern, Zurich, Linen-St. Gallen


Folder 5:          U.S. museums: Allentown Art Museum

                                                American Philosophical Society;

                                                Berks County Historical Society



Box 16: American museums; towels


Folder 1:          U.S. museums: Cumberland County Historical Society;

                                                Dauphin County Historical Society;

                                                German Culture Museum;

                                                Germantown Historical Society;

                                                Heritage Center of Lancaster;

                                                Hershey Museum


Folder 2:          U.S. museums: Historical Society of Pennsylvania;

Lancaster County Historical Society;

Landes Valley Farm Museum;

Metropolitan Museum of Art;

Moravian Museums;

New-York Historical Society;



Folder 3:          U.S. museums: William Penn Museum;

                                                Winterthur Museum

                                                York Historical Society;

                                                Booklet: “Had On and Took With Her”: ads for runaway servants


Folder 4:          Towels material: “on Charles’s desk, 7-13”


Folder 5:          Towels: The Story of Samplers (Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1971)


Folder 6:          Towels: Stickmustertücher (Kataloge des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, 1980)


Folder 7:          Towels II: Allentown Art Museum

                        [see also Box 2]


Folder 8:          Towels II: Brandt, Franica: Winterthur towel


Folder 9:          Towels II: Hench Stephen



Box 17: towels; foreign textiles


Folder 1:          Towels II: Heritage Center towel exhibit, 19--


Folder 2:          Towels II: LaBacksen, Katarine, 1774


Folder 3:          Towels II: McIlnay, Mary Ann


Folder 4:          Towels II: motifs on towels


Folder 5:          Towels II: [photos only]:

 Stauffer, Maria (1835);

 Gabel, Susanna (1844); and

dresser scarf


Folder 6:          Towels II: Tandy Hersh’s indices of towels, before and after publication of “This is the Way I Spend my Time”


Folder 7:          Towels II: Weiser, Frederick


Folder 8:          Towels II: Winterthur photocopies


Folder 9:          Foreign textiles:

Bricker, Fanny;

Byerin, Susanna;

Canada; Canadian;

Kuepfer, Maria;

Lichti, Katarina


Folder 10:        Foreign textiles:




Folder 11:        Foreign textiles: European: Hamp’s pelican


Folder 12:        Foreign textiles: German


Folder 13:        Foreign textiles: German: German Textile Museum


Folder 14:        Foreign textiles: Mexican samplers



Box 18:


Folder 1:          Foreign textiles: Netherlands


Folder 2:          Foreign textiles: Leszner, Eva Maria: sampler book translation


Folder 3:          Textile research: OEH – East Germany


Folder 4:          Textile research: child’s gown: helping Lynn Edgar with her research, 2006


Folder 5:          Textile research: 2001: dyeing formula: photos of historic book


Folder 6:          Textile research: Fred A. Pennington: 16 harness patterns


Folder 7:          Textile research: Tauberlander-Dorfmuseum handkerchief, 1986 trip


Folder 8:          Textile research: translations for sampler book


Folder 9:          Textile research: Heisey: checklist of weavers


Folder 10:        Textile research: Abraham Serff pattern book and account book: Abel article


Folder 11:        Textile research: Linda Eaton: Jacquard looms


Folder 12:        Textile research: township analysis


Folder 13:        Textile research: Lycoming County Historical Society: Pennsylvania needlework samplers, May 1994


Folder 14:        Textile research: articles: Leigh Ashton, Davida Deutsch, Betty Ring


Folder 15:        Textile research: Freg HD12 Conestoga star [coverlet pattern]


Folder 16:        Textile research: correspondence with Eliza Brown, re short gowns, 1995


Folder 17:        Textile research: Brenda Heindl (UD student)


Folder 18:        Textile research: Lynne bassett, 2005


Folder 19:        Textile research: Lorraine Mootz: Cella, Germany


Folder 20:        Textile research: An Moonen: Netherlands


Folder 21:        Textile research: Ute Bargmann article


Folder 22:        Textile research: research notes, 1997: searching Snowhill account books for mention of textiles


Folder 23:        Textile research: signature motifs: black and white samples


Folder 24:        Motifs book: miscellaneous


Folder 25:        Motifs book: geometric squares; geometric squares on point; geometric squares with flowers; geometric octagons; geometric four hearts


Folder 26:        Motifs book: geometric stars; stars “don’t use”; geometric crosses; heart base; flowers motif; crown/heart



Box 19:


Folder 1:          Motifs book: other; 4-2ay; research Schwenkfelder one-motif, 1794-1840; motif database working papers; stiff leg birds; new hearts outline; extra cuttings; motifs database: signature motifs


Folder 2:          Motifs book: motifs reviews; unknown [no folder title]; Berks lists; heart corners


Folder 3:          Motifs book: heart cartouche; small geometric motifs; heart shapes; corner motifs; 4 hearts; motifs


Folder 4:          Motifs book: hearts free-form drawn work; used in diagraming; diagram for database; heart and birds; hearts; motifs: deer


Folder 5:          Motifs database: title, purpose, audience; motif book: ideas; book: photos to text; German embroidery (web); symbols/motifs model books


Folder 6:          Motifs database: families; motifs: clues; book: motifs; motif book: list of motifs in database;  motif diagram: sources (in computer); database: extra papers


Folder 7:          Motifs database: notes on ideas; motifs to diagram; Tandy’s motif study



Box 20:


Folder 1:          Review motifs: history of embroidery: German; includes German stitches


Folder 2:          Review motifs:  eastern Pennsylvania Mennonites map


Folder 3:          Hearts & OEH: Charles: motif book draft: chapter: Hearts


Folder 4:          Hearts & OEH: Hearts: pamphlet: noble heart


Folder 5:          Hearts & OEH: Salome Kriebel


Folder 6:          Hearts & OEH: heart with 7 drooping flowers


Folder 7:          Hearts & OEH: theme: 1 sample: towel


Folder 8:          Motifs: early work: 3 pendulous tulips; alphabets; Amish; Chester County;  Corner motifs/band motifs


Folder 9:          Motifs: early work: Old texts heart study; Heart in other motifs; Heart study; Heart in flower tree; Heart in winepress; Heart in star; Heart chapter: old


Folder 10:        Motifs: early work: Lancaster Manor signature motifs; Lancaster Warwick signature motifs; OEH; Source OEH (Hesse); old motif information


Folder 11:        Motifs: early work: Pelican; Schwenkfelder sects: 1988 not used; Schwenkfelder sects: family; Schwenkfelder – group II; Schwenkfelder – AWCW


Folder 12:        Motifs: early work: Schwenkfelder motifs; Schwenkfelder; Spinning monkey; Fred Weiser; Wide base crown; Wine press; Wreath


Folder 13:        Sources: Geometric octagon and diamonds; Symbols/patterns; Betty Ring: samplers in Pennsylvania; Betty Ring: Balch School



Box 21:


Folder 1:          Ideas for research: ball tree; book sampler trends; cartouche and drawn work; complex square; crowns; crown over heart; Dillier article


Folder 2:          Ideas for research: Edmunds reprints – embroidery notes; flower garden; heart base flowers, single tree; low branching 7 flowers; Mercer Museum, 23 Sept.; motifs – diagonals [cross stitch patterns]


Folder 3:          Ideas for research: motifs: material not used; new study of samplers; oak tree; octagon; other – circle?; peacocks


Folder 4:          Ideas for research: potential; sampler miscellaneous; sampler schools – Lancaster/Harrisburg; Schweitzer custom and contracts, colonial household economy; Shipper-van Lottum book; sqaure


Folder 5:          Bibliographies


Folder 6:          Bibliography: 3 Tower; Fabian’s book; Nina Gocherell’s book; OEH; textile books: notes; Victoria and Albert Museum


Folder 7:          Bibliography: Williamsburg: research notes; libraries; textile department


Folder 8:          Bibliography: Winterthur Museum: library, DAPC; Maryland textiles, also Scranton, Griffin; block printing [includes various articles]


Folder 9:          Davison, Marguerite Porter: Pennsylvania German Home Weaving [photocopy]


Folder 10:        Hilts, Patricia: articles on German weaving traditions



Box 22:


Folder 1:          Hilts, Patricia: workshop in reading and interpreting old weaving notation


Folder 2:          Weavers’ pattern books: lists


Folder 3:          Weavers’ pattern books: Bent, Timothy   [photocopy]


Folder 4:          Weavers’ pattern books: Biesicker, Jacob: notes and photocopies


Folder 5:          Weavers’ pattern books: Blakeman, Philo: The Weaver’s Assistant  [photocopy]


Folder 6:          Weavers’ pattern books: Boschor, Heinrich (1819)  [photocopy]


Folder 7:          Weavers’ pattern books: DeLong, Benjamin: notes


Folder 8:          Weavers’ pattern books: Dienner, Christian, and Smith, Jacob  [photocopy]


Folder 9:          Weavers’ pattern books: Diller, Peter A.  [photographs]


Folder 10:        Weavers’ pattern books: Endy, Benjamin   [photocopy]


Folder 11:        Weavers’ pattern books: France, Joseph: The Weaver’s Complete Guide or the Webb Analyzed  [photocopy]


Folder 12:        Weavers’ pattern books: Grimes, William C.  [digital photos]


Folder 13:        Weavers’ pattern books: Hargrove, John: The Weavers Draft Book and Clothiers Assistant   [photocopy]


Folder 14:        Weavers’ pattern books: Kirschbaum, J. Michael (1771)   [photocopy]


Folder 15:        Weavers’ pattern books: Knisely, Tom: notes


Folder 16:        Weavers’ pattern books: Longs, John (John Bechtel) (1815)  [photocopy]


Folder 17:        Weavers’ pattern books: Leysy, Joseph (1783)  [photocopy]


Folder 18:        Weavers’ pattern books: Marsteller, Jesse (1829)  [photocopy]


Folder 19:        Weavers’ pattern books: Morath, Christian (1784)  [photocopy]



Box 23:


Folder 1:          Weavers’ pattern books: Snowhill patterns: sample weaving and photographs


Folder 2:          Weavers’ pattern books: Stauffer, Peter: article about


Folder 3:          Weavers’ pattern books: Uhler, Cyrus  [jpegs]


Folder 4:          Weavers’ pattern books: Whitehead, John  [disk]

                                    [see also book about John Whitehead, in Box 25]


Folder 5:          Weavers’ pattern books: Zinck, Johan Caspar: notes


Folder 6:          Weavers’ pattern books: Model Buchen: notes and photocopies


Folder 7:          Weavers’ pattern books: Model Buchen: photographs


Folder 8:          Weaving patterns: notes


Folder 9:          Weavers: Family Heir-Loom Weavers (Red Lion, Penn.) (Kline)


Folder 10:        Weavers: notes: Cornett family; Peter A. Diller and Peter Slothower; William Ervin; Frey; Joseph Kittinger; Jacob Knepper; Philip Scranton; Jacob Snively and Jacob Hershberger


Folder 11:        Weavers and weaving : notes



Box 24:


Folder 1:          Weaving: Adams County coverlet


Folder 2:          Clothing and dress: notes and articles


Folder 3:          Embroidery: notes


Folder 4:          Embroidery books at Clark Art Institute: bibliography and notes


Folder 5:          Samplers: notes


Folder 6:          Tapestries of the Upper Rhine


Folder 7:          Textile fabrics: notes and articles


Folder 8:          Textile fabrics in stores: analysis of Cumberland County stores


Folder 9:          Various textile arts: notes


Folder 10:        Folk art notes


Folder 11:        Disks for Hersh book



Box 25: oversize materials, plus printed books and periodicals


Folder 1:          Index to Hersh textile negatives in Series I, Box 10


Folder 2:          Weavers’ pattern books: Biesinger   [photocopy]


Folder 3:          Weavers’ pattern books: Frey, Christian   [photocopy]


Folder 4:          “Kelledicher” implement cloths, from Fred Weiser, 1992  [photocopies]


Folder 5:          Samplers and towels, from Fred Weiser, 1992  [photocopies]



Books and periodicals:


Abel, Isabel I.  Multiple Harness Patterns from the Early 1700’s: The Snavely Patterns.  York, Penn.: the author, 1979.


Brown, Barbara J., transcriber.  John Whitehead: Yorkshire Weaver to Illinois Farmer.   Macomb, Ill.: BrownHouse Publications, 2002.


Chester County Historical Society.  Coverlets in the Collection of the Chester County Historical Society.   West Chester, Penn.: the society, 1976.


Crosson, Janet Gray, and Kerr, Ruth S.  The Repp Family Memorandum & Weavers’ Book, 1735-1831.  Homer, N.Y.: R.S. Kerr, 1990.


Handweaver’s Bulletin.  (published by Shuttle Craft Guild.)  v. 29, no. 3 (March 1952), v. 31, no. 9 and 10 (Sept. and Oct. 1954)


Hood, Adrienne Dora.  “Organization and Extent of Textile Manufacture in Eighteenth-Century, Rural Pennsylvania: A Case Study of Chester County.”  San Diego: University of California, 1988.  (facsimile copy of dissertation)


Newall, Kathryn.  Needlework Patterns from Renaissance Germany: Designs Recharted by Kathryn Newall from Johan Sibmacher’s Schon Neues Modelbuch, 1597.  Boulder, Colo.: Costume & Dressmaker Press, 1999.


Shuttle Craft Guild.  “Home Study Course in Handweaving, part III.”  Includes woven samples.


Smith, Robert J.  Penn Township: 125 Years.  Newvile, Penn: Penn Township Supervisors, 1985.             (this Penn township is in Cumberland County, Penn.)


Tate, Lou.  Kentucky Coverlets.  Louisville, Ky.: the author, 1938.


Trickey, Edith Logan, and Lillich, Barbara Barnitz, compilers.  Historical Sketches of Dickinson Township.   No place, no publisher: 1985.

(Dickinson township is in Cumberland County, Penn.)