The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Henry Francis du Pont
5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur,
Delaware 19735
Telephone: 302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883
Creator: Miller, George L., 1942-
Title: Professional papers
Dates: circa 1966-2013 [bulk
Call No.: Col. 911
Acc. No.: 13x1; 13x36; 15x40; 15x72
Quantity: 12 boxes
Location: 17 J and K 6
George L. Miller is an archaeologist with a
particular interest in ceramics. He was
born in Detroit, Michigan. His interest
in archaeology grew under the tutelage of Arnold Pilling and Gordon L.
Grosscup, two of his professors at Wayne State University. He served as laboratory person for J. C.
(“Pinky”) Harrington during his excavations at Nauvoo, Illinois, and learned
much from this experience. Miller worked
at various sites before landing his first full-time archaeology job in 1972 at
St. Mary’s City, Maryland. Other jobs
followed, at Parks Canada in Ottawa, Colonial Williamsburg, the Center for
Archaeological Research at the University of Delaware, and URS Corporation in
New Jersey, from which he retired in 2008.
Over the years, Miller authored or co-authored a
number of articles, chiefly on ceramics and glass. One of his best known articles is
“Classification and Economic Scaling of 19th Century Ceramics,”
which has been republished several times.
He received NEH grants to further his studies of ceramics found in
American archaeological sites. Equally
important, Miller has been a mentor to budding archaeologists and has assisted
graduate students in their studies. He
has given his talk on “An Introduction to English Ceramics” to many groups. In retirement, Miller continues to study
ceramics and glassware, and also studies the use of cobalt.
Miller was a charter member of the Society for
Historical Archaeology, and served on its executive board and its editorial
advisory committee. He has given many
papers at its meetings, several of which have been published. In 2012, the society awarded George Miller
its J.C. Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology in recognition of his
pioneering work and lifetime contributions to scholarship in historical
George Miller is married to Amy Earls, who shares
his deep interest in ceramics.
The bulk of the collection is correspondence with fellow
archaeologists, chiefly about ceramics and archaeological work. Of chief interest is Miller’s correspondence
with Arnold R. Pilling and J. C. Harrington (Miller’s mentor). Also found are copies of papers by George
Miller and others.
Arranged by surname of correspondent. Most of the letters are organized by the
personal name of the correspondent, not by the name of the institution for
which that person worked.
The materials are in English.
Collection is open to the public. Copyright restrictions may apply.
All accessions: Gift of George L. Miller.
Harrington, J. C. (Jean
Carl), 1901-1998.
Arnold R.
Archaeologists –
Archaeologists – United States.
Archaeology –
Archaeology – United States.
Location: 17 J
and K 6
Box 1:
Folder 1: A:
Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(E. Adams, W.H. Adams, J.M.
Allen, R. Allen, J.S. Alexandrowicz, , W.B. Anderson, S.C. Andrews, D.
Armstrong, W. Askins, Association of
Professional Archaeologists; J. Austin, R. Avallone, J. Ayers)
Folder 2: Adeney, John (13x36)
Folder 3; American Ceramic Circle
Folder 4: Ames, Kenneth L. (15x72)
Folder 5: Australia: Port Arthur project (15x40)
Folder 6: B: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(L.E. Babits, M. Bacon;
A. Bader; P.J. Baker, S.G. Baker, U. Baram, M.B. Barber, T. Bastian; C. Bates; E.M.
Bayly, M.J. Becker, L. Beckett, L. Bellais, A.D. Bennett, C. Bensch, G. Bently,
D.L. Berger, A. Bickford, B. & B. Bigony, A. Black; M. Blake, E.E. Blevins;
M. Bograd; Bonsecours Antiques Reg’d; A. Borgens; J. Bowen; B.A. Bower, M.
Bradshaw, W.T. Brandon; M.C. Branstner; J. Brathwaite; D. Brauner, R. Bray; E.
Breen, S. Brighton, British Museum (Wilson); N. Broeder; S. Brookner, A.
Brooks, R. Brooks, D. Brose; G.L. Browne; M. Bruns, E.D. Bryan, F. Burchill, C.A. Burke, P. Burnache, W. Burton; J. Busch, F. Bush, J. Bush; B.
Folder 7: Barka, Norm (Colonial Williamsburg) (
Folder 8: Baugher Perlin, Sherene [New York City
Landmarks Preservation Commission] (13x36)
Folder 9: Beaudry, Mary (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 10: Belokrinicev, Brenda (13x36)
Folder 11: Berge, Dale L. (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 12: Bermuda Maritime Museum (13x36, 15x40)
Folder 13: Blaszeyzk, Reggi (15x72)
Folder 14: Bleed, Peter and Christopher Schoen:
Lincoln Pottery Works paper (15x40)
Folder 15: Burton, Cara Jane (13x36)
Folder 16: C: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36; 15x40)
(D. Canter, L.F.
Carnes-McNaughton, J. Carlson; M. Carney; L.G. Carr, R. Carrillo; K.C.
Carstens, T.C. Castillo, F. Celoria
[Gladstone Pottery Museum], J. Chapman, R.J. Charleston, R. Charpentier, R.
Clapperton, P. Clark, W. Cockrell, R. Cohen, E. Comer [née Anderson]; B.J.
Conroy, J.E. Conway, T. Conway, R.M. Cory, J.L. Cotter, R.D. Cotter, Council
for Northeast Historical Archaeology; J.E. Courtney; P. Courtney, A.W. Coysh;
O. Cresson, M.A. Crickman, T. Crom; R. Cromwell, E.A. Crowell; C. Cumberpatch,
K. W. Cunningham, J. Custer)
Box 2:
Folder 1: Carlisle, Ron
Folder 2: Carpentier, Don (15x72)
Folder 3: Carson, Cary and Barbara (13x36,
15x40): correspondence and papers
Folder 4: Chace, Paul G. [Paul G. Chace &
Associates] (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 5: Cheek, Charles D. (13x36)
Folder 6: China Students’ Club of Boston, Inc.
[Mrs. Robert Wolff] (13x36)
Folder 7: Claney, Jane P. (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 8: Cleland, Charles (acc. 15x40)
Folder 9: Collard, Elizabeth and Edgar (13x1,
Folder 10: Colonial Williamsburg (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 11: Comer, Douglas C. (13x36)
Folder 12: Cook, Lauren J. (13x36)
Folder 13: Copeland, Robert
Folder 14: Costello, Julia (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 15: Cotz, JoAnn [with paper by J. Cheney]
Box 3:
Folder 1: Cressey, Pamela (13x36)
Folder 2: D: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(L. d’Albis, T.
Davidson, B.F. Davis, A. Davison, G.L. Day, K. Deagan; E. A.Y. Decter, L.A. De
Cunzo, M. & G. Deikes, R. W. Deiss, J.P. Delgado, S. Demeter, L. Derry, J.K.
des Fontaines; P. Desjardins, Dethlefsen; S. Devoe; N.S. Dickinson, J-P. Dion,
P. Donahue; C. Dorner, D.M. Douglas; M.B.
Folder 3: Denker, Ellen and Bert (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 4: Doroszenko, Dena [with paper by J.
Hallett] (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 5: E-F: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36,
(J. Eastman, K. Edmonds;
A. Edwards, M. Egnal, J. Ehringer, D.V. Ellis; R. Emmerson, E. Eubanks;)
(C.H. Fairbanks; S.W.
Falcey, J. Fairello, P. Farnsworth, G. Farris, A. Farry; L. Felton; D.L.
Fenicle, K.H. Fiegel, M.L. Fields; R.E. Fike, D. Flavin, Flowerdew Hundred
[Deetz], B. Fontana; Ford & Kehne; R. Forsythe; A.A. Fox; P. Fox, I. Frank,
A.D. Franklin; N.W. Franklin, A. Friedlander, B. Fry, R. Fryman; C. Futter)
Folder 6: Elia, Ricard J. (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 7: Elwood, Marie (13x36)
Folder 8: Enders, Don (15x72)
Folder 9: Ewins, Neil M.D. (15x72)
Folder 10: Fine, Gordon (15x72)
Folder 11: Furniss, David A. (15x72)
Folder 12: G: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(F. Gaitan, M.C.E.
Garden, Gardiner Museum [Canada], P. & B. Garrow, W.C. Gates; J. Gaynor,
J.H. Geismar; R.A. Genheimer, L.E. Gerhauser, R.H. Gerrard; M. Gettys; J.G. Gibb, P. Gibble, P. Glumac, G. Godden; A.
Goldberg; M. Goodby, C.E. Gordon; R.R. Gradie, III; G. Graffam; D.L. Grantz;
M.A. Gray [Gray & Pape]; R.S. Greenwood; L. Grigsby, S. Groot, G.L.
Grosscup, G. Grosso, B.L. Gums)
Folder 13: Geldermelsen: article: correspondence
Folder 14: Getty
Art History Information Program: Art and Architecture Thesaurus (13x36)
Box 4:
Folder 1: Goldweitz,
Harriet (13x36)
Folder 2: Goodrich,
Tara (13x36)
Folder 3: Greer,
Georgeanna H. (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 4: Ha-He:
Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(R. Hagger, Hagley
Museum; M.M. Haley, J. Hallam, M. Handler, J. Hanes, C. Hannah, L.H. Hanson,
Jr.; D. Hardesty, T.M. Harper, Harpers Ferry (Archaeology Field Office); F.
Harrington; E. Harris, D. Harvey; H. Haskell, D.F. Hawes, V.S. Hawes, P.A.
Hawks; C.F. Hayes; B. Heath, A. Helms, H. Henderson, B.A. Henley, R. Henn; B.
Herman, E. Herold, E. Herscher, W.D. Hershey; D. Herst)
Folder 5: Hi-Hu:
Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(L. Hillis, Historic
Annapolis (Wright); M.E. Hodges, M. Hofer, M.& T. Holdaway, S.C. Hollander,
J. Horn, A. Horvath, W.W. Houkes; D.S. Howard, S. Howard-Carter, C. Huddleston,
C. Hudgins, L.R. Hudgins, R. Hunter; S.D. Hurry; B. Huser, K. Hutchins)
Folder 6: Hamilton, Jennifer (13x36)
Folders 7-8: Hammell, George R.: correspondence and
papers (13x36)
[folder 1 of 2;
continues in next box]
Folder 9: Harbin, Beau (13x36)
Folder 10: Harrington,
J.C.: correspondence, 1966-1997 and no year
Box 5:
Folder 1: Harrington,
J.C.: obituary written by George Miller
Folder 2: Harrington,
J.C.: papers and other writings
Folder 3: Harrington,
J.C.: photographs
Folder 4: Harrington,
Virginia (Mrs. J. C.)
Folder 5: Hays,
Donald R.: correspondence, papers (15x40)
Folder 6: Henderson,
Jason (15x72)
Folder 7: Henry,
Susan (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 8: Hinks,
Stephen, including thesis about buttons (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 9: Historic
St. Mary’s City; St. Mary’s City Commission (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 10: Huey,
Paul R. (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 11: I-K:
Correspondence (13x1, 13x36; 15x40)
Inashima; L. Innes; S. Isaacs)
(L.M. Jackson, M.
Janowitz, H. Jarvis, John Milner Associates; R. Johnson, J.K. Johnston, P.F.
Johnston, O. Jones; E. Jorgensen; J. Jouppien)
(A.M. Kanter; K.
Karklins, R. Keeler, S. Keen, W.M. Kelso (includes Monticello), J. Kent; R.
Kimmel, J.A. King, W.D. Kingery, J.I. Klein, T. Klein, J. Kline, T. Klinger; C.
Kneupper; J. & C. Knorr; R.A. Knott, L. Koenigsberg, A. Kowalsky, B. Kranichfeld;
D. Kullen)
Folder 12: Ima Hogg Ceramic Circle and Round Top
Festival Institute (13x36)
Folder 13: Ingersoll, Daniel W., Jr.: part of
thesis: “Settlement Archaeology at Puddle Dock” (13x36)
Box 6:
Folder 1: Jackson, Louise: correspondence and
class papers (13x36)
Folder 2: Jamestown (Colonial National
Historical Park) (13x36)
Folder 3: Jensen, Harold (15x40)
Folder 4: L:
Correspondence (13x1, 13x36)
(S. Laidacker; D.
Landon; A.E. Lange, L. Larcombe; E. Larson; R. Latté; F. Lautenburg, M. Lavoie,
S. Lebo, L. Lepine, J. Levin, A-E. H. Lewis, J. Lewis; M.S. Licht; W.
Liebeknecht, E.H. Lipford, C. Litwinek; E. Lofstrom, M. Lucyk, P. Lurito; J.
Luth; K. Lyding, C. Lynford, E. Lyon)
Folder 5: Larkin, Barbara: papers
Folder 6: Leone, Mark P. (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 7: Light, John D. (Parks Canada) (13x36)
Folder 8: Lockett, Terence A. (15x72)
Folder 9: Logan, George (15x40)
Folder 10: Louis Berger & Associates, Inc.
Folder 11: Lowery, William (15x40)
Folder 12: Lunn, Kevin (Parks Canada) (13x36)
Folder 13: Lyon, T. Edgar (Nauvoo Restoration)
Folder 14: M: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(P. Madrigal; B.H. Magid, S.
Maguire; J.V.G. Mallet, F. Mansberger, A. Manucy, E. Mark, E. Marsh, B. Mason, Massachusetts
Historical Society; J.H. Mathews, B.A. May, K.A. McBride, S. McBride; M.M.
McCullen, B.C. McEwan, L. McFaden, J. McFarlane, P. McGuff, R.H. McGuire, L.
McKee, K.A. McLeod; R. Menard, Rita Michael, J.L. Michel, J.L. Michie; S.E.
& D. Miller, R. Mills, W.L. Minnerly; Mint Museum of Art; J.R. Mitchell,
G.R. Moat, R. Moeller, A.S. Moghanam, R. Moore; G. Moran, E.M. Morin, J.
Morris, P. Mount, J.B. Mouri, S.
Mrozowski; J. McC. Mudge, V. Myles, J. Mynett)
Box 7:
Folder 1: Madsen, Andrew (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 2: Majewski, Terry
Folder 3: Marketing History conference
(Historical Research in Marketing)
Folder 4: Martin, Ann Smart
Folder 5: Martin, Delores (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 6: Martin, Patrick (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 7: Maryland Historical Society (13x36)
Folder 8: McKendrick, Neil (15x40)
Folder 9: Michael, Ronald L. (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 10: Miller, George: article in Winterthur Portfolio, 1984
Folder 11: Miller, George: articles, reports, book
proposals, seminars (13x1, 13x36)
Includes “A Summer in
Staffordshire,” presented at a Festscrift in honor of Pat Halfpenny, 2013
Folder 12: Miller, George: articles, reports, etc.
Folder 13: Miller, George: “Changing Consumption
Patterns” (15x72)
Folder 14: Miller, George: “A Chronology of English
Shell Edged Peal and White Wares,” 1989
Folder 15: Miller, George: “Classification and
Economic Scaling of 19th century Ceramics”: correspondence
Box 8:
Folder 1: Miller, George: “Classification and
Economic Scaling of 19th century Ceramics”: letters in response to
his article, 1979-1984
Folder 2: Miller, George: College of William and
Mary graduate school
Folder 3: Miller, George: Colonial Williamsburg
Folder 4: Miller, George: George Washington
University graduate school (15x72)
Folder 5: Miller, George: job applications
Folder 6: Miller, George: letters by him (15x72)
[note: most
letters by Miller are filed under name of correspondence]
Folder 7: Miller, George: resume; J.C.
Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology citation; business card with patent
(13x1, 15x40)
Folder 8: Miller, George: seminar on ceramics,
1994 (15x40)
Folder 9: Miller, George: Winterthur fellowships
Folder 10: Miller, George, and Martin, Ann Smart:
“A Guide to
English Refined Earthenwares in the Wallace Gallery” [Colonial Williamsburg]
(acc. 13x1); and
“Eighteenth Century Ceramic Classification: The Potters’,
Merchants’ and Consumers’ Terminology” (ac. 15x40)
Folder 11: Miller, Henry (15x72)
Folder 12: Miller, J. Jefferson (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 13: Monticello (Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Foundation) 9acc. 15x40)
[see also correspondence
with W. Kelso]
Folder 14: Mountford, Arnold R. (15x72)
Folder 15: Mulligan, William H., Jr. (13x36)
Folder 16: Myers, Susan (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 17: N-O: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(Nebraska State
Historical Society (Carlson and Steinacher); F.D. Neiman, C.H. Nelson, N.R.
Nestler; D.L. Newlands, New-York Historical Society, J. Niccols, C.M. Niquette,
I. Noël Hume; Nova Scotia Museum, J.J. Nueste)
(Old Sturbridge Village,
R. Oldenzeal, D.L. Olds, M.T. Ordonez, D.E. Ormerod, D. Orr, C. Orser; P. Ort)
Box 9:
Folder 1: NEH grants and proposals [National
Endowment for the Humanities] (13x36, 15x40)
Folder 2: National Geographic Society: grant
Folder 3: Noel Hume, Ivor (15x40)
Folder 4: P: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36)
(Pacey & Drakich, J.
Papay, A. M. Pappalardo, S.E. Patrick, D. Pattent, L. Paul, S. Perdikaris
(Hunter College Anthropology Club), P. Perrot, B. Perry, B.A. Perrygo, T.K.
Perttula, C. Peterson; J.S. Phillippe, G. Piedalue, N.H. Pitman, B. Pittman, D.J. Pogue, M. Polk, R. Polk, R.
Pomfret; P. Potter, S.R. Potter, T.J. Powell, M. Praetzellis, P. Priess, M.
Purser; B. Pykles)
Folder 5: Palmer,
Arlene/Schwind, Arlene Palmer (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 6: Parks
Canada (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 7: Peabody
Museum (15x72)
Folder 8: Pepper,
Kathleen: report on tavern artifact assemblage, 1988
Folder 9: Pfaltzgraff
Seminar, 1990
Folder 10: Phillips,
Martin (University of Keele) 915x72)
Folder 11: Pilling,
Arnold R.: Correspondence
Folder 12: Pilling,
Arnold R.: obituary, tributes, bibliography, photographs
Box 10:
Folder 1: Pilling,
Arnold R.: publications and articles
Folder 2: Pomfret,
Roger (15x72)
Folder 3: Pottery
price fixing, Staffordshire
Folder 4: Q-R:
Correspondence (13x1, 13x36)
Quimby – see also Winterthur Museum)
(R. Christopher Goodwin
& Associates; B.L. Rauschenberg, M.B. Reed; E.J. Reitz, Research
Publications; C. Ricciardi, B. & M. Riggan, C. Ring; T. Riordan; W. Roberson,
D.G. Roberts, G.B. Roberts, M. T. Roberts; T. Robinson; C. Rock; D. Rockwell;
S. Rogers, J.G. Romeo, R.S. Ross, M. Rossillon; L. Roth, D.L. Rotman, B.
Rottenberg, Round Top Festival [Texas], Royal Ontario Museum, Rumford Chemical
Co., T. Runyan, J. Russo, T.M. Ryan)
Folder 5: Restuccia, Nancy and Dave (13x36)
Folder 6: Rickard, Jonathan (15x72)
Folder 7: Riebel, Daniel (Old Economy Village)
Folder 8: Rivers, Loretta J. (15x72)
Folder 9: Rock, Jim (13x36)
Folder 10: Rosenberger, Lyle: correspondence and
articles (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 11: Ross, Lester (13x36)
Folder 12: Sa-So: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36,
(R.C. Sanderman, H.
Sandon; D.W. Sanford, W.H. Sapan; W.R. Sargent, T. Sawyer, K. Schamel, D.
Schavelzon; P.A. Schenien, M.B. Schiffer, T.J. Schlerath, R. Scholnick, School
of American Research, J. K. Schultz; R. Schuyler, D. Scurlock, P.A. Shackel,
P.A. Shackel & B.J. Little, M. Shaffer, E. Shlasko, K. Shure, F. Sibson, W.
E. Simmons; J.E. Skerry, R. Skowronek, D.B. Smith, L. Smith, L.I. Smith, S.D.
Smith, Smithsonian Institution, D. Snow, E. Snow, R. Somerwell; South Street
Seaport Museum)
Folder 13: Sp-Sz: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36,
(T. Spivey; L.F.
Sprague, R. Sprague, Stafforshire County
Council, D. Starbuck, J.L. Steele, M. & B. Stensland; M. Stern, M. Sterner,
P. Stetler, R.M. Stewart; L.F. Stine, Stoke-on-Trent City Museum; R. W.
Folder 14: Salwen, Burt (15x40)
Folder 15: Samford, Patricia (13x36)
Folder 16: Sciscenti, James (13x36)
Folder 17: Seifert, Donna J. (13x36)
Box 11:
Folder 1: Smith, John [of England] (15x40)
Folder 2: Smith, Mary Hilderman
Folder 3: Society for Historical Archaeology
Folder 4: Society for Historical Archaeology: reader:
Approaches to Material Culture
Research for Historical Archaeologists
Folder 5: South Africa: University of Cape Town
Folder 6: South, Stanley: with “Bartlam’s
Creamware” and a copy of G. Miller’s and S.D. Hurry’s “Ceramic Supply in an
Economically Isolated Front Community”
Folder 7: Spencer-Wood, Suzanna (13x36)
Folder 8: Stanford, Karen (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 9: Steen, Carl (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
Folder 10: Stewart-Abernathy, Skip (Leslie) (15x40)
Folder 11: Stone, Garry Wheeler (15x40)
Folder 12: Sussman, Lynne (15x40)
Folder 13: T-V: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36)
(R.D. Taylor, T. Taylor,
R.A. Thomas, T.A. Thompson, M. Thomson; D. Thornton, M.D. Thurman, J. Townes; A. Trent, M. Trinkley, P.M.
Tucker, Tull & Morin [see also E. Morin] S.P. Turnbaugh, Ty [no surname]; R.
(University of Delaware,
University of the West Indies; University Press of New England)
(S. Van Arsdel, T.M. Van
Bueren, E. Vander Porter, A. Venovcevs; Vestigios;
G. Vincent)
Folder 14: Teller, Barbara (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 15: University of Keele (Staffordshire)
[see also
Martin Phillips]
Folder 16: Urban
History Newsletter, autumn 1987 and 1988 (second series, no. 3, 5)
Folder 17: Vanderlaan, Stanley (15x40)
Box 12:
Folder 1: Vegotsky, Allen (15x40)
Folder 2: Virginia, Commonwealth of (including
Research Center for Archaelogy); and Archeological Society of Virginia
Folder 3: Wa: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36,
(J. & R. Wagner; C.
Wakeling; I.C. Walker,; T. Walker; L.A. Walsh; J. Walthall; A.E. Ward, G.W.R.
Ward; R.A. Ward (Pippen & Ward); A.H. Warren)
Folder 4: We-Wu: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36,
(G. Weatherby, L.
Weatherill; D. Weaver; C. Weeden; P. Wegars; M. Weiss; C. Wells; D.L.
Wentworth; R.W. Wharton; R. Whate; T.R. Wheaton; E.C. White, J.R. White; J.P.
Whittenburg, C. Wilcoxen; D. Williams; M. Williams; M.R. Williams, S.R.
Williams, K.M. Wilson, J. Witham, M. Wittkofski, J.C. Wizorek, A.Y. Wolfe, I.
Wolfe; R. Wright)
Folder 5: Wall, Diana (15x40)
Folder 6: Webster,
Donald Blake (15x40)
Folder 7: Wedgwood
International Seminar, 1985-1987 (15x72)
Folder 8: Wedgwood
Museum (15x72)
Folder 9: Winterthur
Museum, including 1989 Winter Institute (13x1, 13x36)
Folder 10: Wurst, LuAnn: correspondence and paper
(13x36, 15x40)
Folder 11: Y-Z: Correspondence (13x1, 13x36, 15x40)
(Yale University Press)
(G. Zern; G.
Ziesing; C. Zusy)
Folder 12: Yamin, Rebecca: correspondence and paper
Folder 13: Yentsch, Ann E.: correspondence and
Folder 14: Zimmerman, Dean (15x72)