The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur
Museum, Winterthur, DE 19735
302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883
Creator: Zieske, Faith H., 1951-2005
Title: Faith Zieske conservation records
Dates: 1978-ca.2005
Call No.:
Acc. No.: 08x151
Quantity: 14 boxes (4.5 cu. ft.)
Location: 15 E 3-5
Faith Helane Zieske was an art conservator,
specializing in conserving works on art on paper. She worked at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
for 22 years prior to her death in November 2005. She was born on May 5, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Zieske, and grew up in
collection documents the entire span of Faith Zieske’s conservation career,
from her pre-program work in
Although not formally arranged into the series, the
papers are arranged thusly: general files, including the files on pressure sensitive
tape; WUDPAC files; treatment reports for private clients; and files on
The materials are in English, with a very few in
Collection is open to the public. Copyright restrictions may apply.
Gift of Jack Dobbins, husband of Faith Zieske.
Cézanne, Paul, 1839-1906.
Henry Francis du Pont
Art restorers.
Art – Conservation and restoration.
Art – Conservation and restoration – Study and teaching.
Museum conservation methods.
Watercolor painting – Conservation and restoration.
Location: 15 E 3-5
Folder 1: American
Institute for Conservation (AIC): Photographic Materials Group
Folder 2: Art
Institute of
Folder 3: Correspondence,
1978, 1980
Folder 4:
Folder 5: Job
Folder 6:
Folder 7: Kress
Foundation conservation fellowship, 1983
Folder 8: National
Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) fellowship:
Folder 9: National
Museum Act (NMA) grant application, 1982
Folder 10:
Folder 11: Treatment
notes: Pomerantz (1978) and Barb Hall (1979)
Folder 12: Smithsonian:
Conservation Analytical Laboratory
Folder 13: Smithsonian:
National Museum of American History (NMAH): treatment reports
Folder 14: Smithsonian: National Museum of American
History (NMAH): Debbie Hess Norris visit
Folder 15: Smithsonian:
negative storage and conservation survey
Folder 1: Smithsonian: Warshaw Collection of
Business Americana: final report of phase I: storage survey
Folder 2: Drying
experiment: alternate methods of drying paper
Folder 3:
Folder 4: Old
Masters Drawings Seminar
Folders 5-6: Photographic
Folder 7: Zieske,
Faith: sketchbook from
Folder 8:
Folder 1:
Folder 2: Princeton
Preservation Group
Folder 3: Tape:
rosin esters: working notes
Folder 4: Tape:
pressure sensitive tapes: general
Folder 5: Tape:
pressure sensitive adhesives, rosin tackifiers
Folders 6-7: Tape:
pressure sensitive adhesives, rubber-based adhesives
Folder 8: Tape
deterioration: Feller/Encke article
Folder 9: Tape
Folder 1: WUDPAC:
first year and pre-conservation portfolio
Folder 2: WUDPAC:
class handouts/notes, 1979/80, 1980/81
Folder 3: WUDPAC
treatments: slides
Folder 4: WUDPAC:
photograph treatment reports, under Jose Orraca
Folders 5-6: WUDPAC:
treatment portfolio
Folders 1-2: Treatment
portfolio, to 1983
Folder 3: WUDPAC:
summer internship, Cambridge Historical Society (
Folder 4: WUDPAC:
summer internship, Cambridge Historical Society (
Folder 5: WUDPAC:
internship at National Gallery of Art (1981-1982)
Folder 1: WUDPAC:
internship at National Gallery of Art: Rembrandt prints paper analysis
Folder 2: Zieske,
“The Technical Examination of Papers
used by Rembrandt for Prints”
Folders 3-4: WUDPAC:
internship with Christa Gaehde: treatment portfolio
Folder 1: Forms
and notes
Folder 2: Insurance:
Folder 3: Treatment
reports: Allan; Atkin; Bailey
Folder 4: Treatment
reports: Baltimore Museum of Art
Folder 5: Treatment reports: Barnes Foundation,
Folder 6: Treatment reports: Grace, Grimes,
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Howard, Joiner, Kaiserman, Katz, Keene
Folder 7: Treatment
reports: Kocher, Korman, Lee, Lewis, Linsenberg, Loudon Collection
Folder 1: Treatment
reports: Mangel, Manning, McNeil, Marklin,
Folder 2: Treatment
reports: Perakis, Robbins,
Folder 3: Treatment
reports: Somlyo, Stroud, Tatnall, Temkin, Vanderselt, Vink, Walker
Folder 1: Zieske,
Faith, “The Conservation of Two Sketchbooks by Paul Cézanne”
Folder 2: Zieske,
Faith, “Paul Cézanne’s Watercolors: His Choice of Pigments and Papers”
Folder 3: Cézanne:
AIC talk and paper
Folder 4: Cézanne:
Folder 5: Cézanne:
correspondence about
Folder 6: Cézanne
in Aix and the
Folder 7: Cézanne:
“Les Dessins de Paul Cézanne,” par Adrien Chappuis (1962)
Folder 8: Cézanne:
miscellaneous information
Folder 9: Cézanne:
oil paintings
Folder 10: Cézanne:
PMA symposium talk
Folder 11: Cézanne:
Folder 12: Cézanne:
Folder 1: Cézanne:
Folder 2: Cézanne:
Folder 3: Cézanne:
analysis of watercolors (assorted notes)
Folder 4: Cézanne:
catalog: chronology and essay
Folder 5: Cézanne:
paper for swatches for computer enhancement
Folder 6: Cézanne:
technique of late watercolors
Folder 7: Cézanne:
Folder 8: Cézanne:
watercolor talk at
Folders 9-10: Cézanne:
Folder 1: Cézanne:
watercolors: Louvre, Courtauld [Zieske’s notebook]
Folder 2: Cézanne:
watercolor photos:
Folder 3: Cézanne:
watercolors: papers
Folder 4: Cézanne:
watercolor paper analysis
Folder 5: Cézanne:
paper: fiber analysis
Folders 6-7: Cézanne:
watercolors: paper making
Folder 8: Cézanne:
watercolors: various photos
Folder 9: Cézanne: Aeneas Meeting Dido; and Arbres
formant une voute [“Trees forming an arch”]
Folder 10: Cézanne:
“Aix Cathedral”
Folder 1: Cézanne:
“The Balcony”
Folder 2: Cézanne: Broussailles [“Undergrowth”], and Chemins, Arbres, Murs [“Paths, Trees, Walls]
Folder 3: Cézanne:
“Carafe and Knife” and “Metal Bed”
Folder 4: Cézanne: Chemin sous bois [“Forest Path”]; and Etude de crane [“Study of a skull”]
Folder 5: Cézanne: La Fontaine, Place de la Mairie… [“Fountain”]; and Maisons
en haut du Chemin des Lauves [“The Turn in the Road”]
Folder 6: Cézanne:
“House on a Hill”
Folder 7: Cézanne:
“Landscape with Trees” or “Rocks and Trees”
Folder 8: Cézanne:
Maison en
Folder 9: Cézanne:
Folder 10: Cézanne:
Folder 11: Cézanne:
Parc du Chateau Noir; and Le Citerne au parc de Chateau Noir
Folder 12: Cézanne:
Rochers de Bibemus; and Sois Bois [“Forest Interior”]
Folder 13: Cézanne:
“Still Life”; and Trois Poires
[“Three Pears”]
Folder 14: Cézanne:
“Trees and Rocks #1”
Folder 15: Cézanne:
“Trees and Rocks”
Folder 16: Cézanne:
works at Art Institute of Chicago
Folder 17: Cézanne:
works at the Courtauld
Folder 18: Cézanne:
watercolors in the Louvre
Folder 19: Cézanne:
works at
Folder 20: Cézanne:
works at National Gallery of Ireland
Folder 21: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: PMA: fiber analysis
Folder 22: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: PMA: notes
Folder 1: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: PMA: paper analysis
Folder 2: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: PMA: solvents
Folder 3: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: PMA: tape adhesive analysis
Folder 4: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: PMA: XRF and x-ray diffraction
Folder 5: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: PMA: FZ research
Folder 6: Cézanne:
sketchbook research; and adhesive notes
Folder 7: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: tape adhesive and carrier analysis, FTIR Spectra plots
Folder 8: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: Art Institute of
Folder 9: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: Louvre
Folder 10: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: photocopies of pages [location of original not noted]
Folder 11: Cézanne:
sketchbooks: Thaw Collection
Folder 12: Media:
pigments, general
Folder 1: Paper
Folder 2: Paper:
French paper history
Folder 3: Pigments
Folder 4: Trade
catalogs of artists’ materials, 19th century [photocopies]
Folders 5-6: Watercolor
Folder on
Emgrn xrd patterns [10 long narrow strips of x-ray