The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE 19735
302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883
Creator: Worshipful Company of Skinners
Title: Election
day orders
Dates: 1711-1779;
1711, 1728-1745, 1772, 1779 (bulk dates).
Call No.:
Acc. No.: 03x8
Quantity: 12 items
Location: 34 J 4
The Worshipful Company of
Skinners is one of the twelve great livery companies of
Twelve documents detailing arrangements for the celebration of the election of a new master and warden for the Worshipful Company of Skinners. The documents do not pertain to the election itself, but to the food and music that were provided on the day of the election, decisions about which were made at a meeting held a couple of weeks before the actual elections. Although the guild had a hall, the meetings usually took place at an inn; only a few meetings were held at Skinners’ Hall. During these pre-election meetings, the master and wardens decided which minister was to be asked to preach; who was to be hired to clean the hall, prepare the food, and serve as butler; and which church would be used for services (usually St. Antholins, but St. Stephen Walbrooke and St. Martin Outwich were also used). In addition, the quantities of wine, beer, ale, lemons, sugar, nosegays, flags, “welcomes,” and towels and linen were specified. Musicians were hired, and tickets were distributed for ladies to attend the dinner and a dance. The butler was required to furnish linens, eating utensils, and other service pieces for the dinner; specific information about what he or she was to furnish is found in several of the documents. French claret was ordered for the use of the members of the Merchant Taylors Company who attended the celebration. The documents include the names of the men (master and wardens) who attended the meetings. The following years are represented by the documents: 1711, 1727 (with a note at bottom that the same orders were given for 1728-1732), 1728, 1731, 1734, 1736, 1739, 1742, 1745, 1772, 1779 (two documents for this year).
Arranged in chronological order.
The materials are in English.
Collection is open to the public. Copyright restrictions may apply.
Purchased from Stephen and Carol Resnick.
Company of Merchant
Guilds -
Elections -
Dance -
Dinners and dining -
Tableware -
Musicians -
Party decorations.
Acc. 03x8.1: 1711, orders for Election Day
Att a meeting of ye mar. Mr. Martiall & Mr. Richardson at Mr. Harketts, May 23, 1711
Ordered yt ye use of St Antholins Church be desired for ye compa. on ye Election day & yt Mr Lasingby be desired to read prayers & to dine wth ye compa.
Ordered yt Mr Green be imployed to serve ye compa. on ye Election day wth a consort of musick of 5 men & to have £3.10.0
That Sarah Drew be imployed to clean ye hall and pewter as usuall on ye Election day
Ordered yt Mr. Manners ye Butler provide ye same things as usuall & the same number of men and to have ye same pay vizt £8.0.0
Ordered yt ye same quantities of nosegays and strowings be provided as usuall
Ordered yt ye same number of Towells be provided by the clerk as ye last yeare abt. ye same price
The same quantity of Ale & beer as the last year vizt two barrells of ale & one Barrell of Beer The same quantity of sugar to be provided as the last yeare
Mr Brown to be carver & to attend on ye Ladyes
Mr Warne to provide ye same number of fflaggs
Mr Bradshaw to provide two pounds of Tobacco candles candlesticks & ye pipes as usuall
Ordered yt the same messes of meat be provided as the last yeare but it was ordered yt a good hanck of venison and a marchpain & two gall of strawberrys be added to the Ladys mess and to have £76.10.0
Ordered yt 45 Gall. of reds, 5 Gall. of canary, 3 Gall of Rhenish, 12 Gall. of white & 5 Gall of Lisbon bee provided for ye Dinner
Mr. Hibbert 12. Gall red, 7 Gall white; Mr Harkshaw 5 Gall white, 12 Gall red; Mr Martiall 5 Gall Caney, 3 Gall Rhenish 5 Gall Lisbon, 4 Gall red; Mr Richardson 17 Gall red
[figures in margin to left of last two entries; additional figures in margin under last entry]
Acc. 03x8.2: 1727
At a meeting of Mr B. Wright & Mr. Stonehewer the wardens at the Swan & Runner in ffinsh lane the 27 day of May 1727 abt. ordering the business for Election day
Ordered yt 26 Ticketts be provided for the admittance of the
Ladies to Dinner, that 5 be sent to the mar. & 4 apeice sent to each warden
for their Ladies & friends and yt two be sent to Sir(?) Samll.
That 36 Ticketts be provided for the admittance of Gentlemen & Ladies to dance on Election day ye 1st of June 1727 at six of the clock in the evening whereof 5 to be sent to the master & 4 a peice to each warden for their friends & 3 to Mr. Russell and the rem 12 to be disposed of as occasion shall require
That 4 men besides a cellar man be appointed to attend for the service of the compa. on the Election day
That no Baskets be permitted to be carried out of the hall without being first inspected by Mr Renter(?) warden or his order
That each of the 12 Westphalia Hams doe weigh 161b apeice at least
The same orders for ye year 1728, Ditto for 1729, Ditto for
ye year 1730, Ditto for ye year 1731, Ditto for ye year 1732
Acc. 03x8.3: 1728 - Orders abt.
Election day
At a meeting of Mr. Broughton Wright Mar., Mr. Wm. Myers
& Mr. Geo. Unwin(?), wardens, at the Swan & Runner in ffinch Lane,
Ordered that the use of
That the Reverend Mr. Ptolomy James be desired to preach before ye compa on yt day.
Mr. Christopher Manners to provide twelve men & a sufficient quantity of such things as is usually provided by him and to be paid eleven pounds for the same provided he pleases ye mar. [master] otherwise to submit to such deductions as the mar. shall think fit.
That Susanna Blackwell be imployed to clean ye hall & scour the pewter agt. ye election day
That 56 gallons of red, 24 gall. of white, 4 gall. of Rhenish, 12 gall of old hock & 4 gall of canary be provided for the said election day
Mr. Henry Green to provide six skillful musicians to play three hautboys, two bassoons, and a trumpet & yt each of the six musicians shall bring a violin to play thereon when directed and to play to the ladies as long as the mar. & wardens shall think fit
The same quantity of nosegays and strowings to be provided as usuall
Mr. Thos. Blakeslee a member of this company to provide the same number of flags or welcomes(?) as the last year
Two barrels of ale & one barrel of beer to be provided
The same quantity of sugar to be provided as the last year.
The same numbers of towells about the same price to be provided as the last year
Two dozen of lemons to be provided for the ladies in the dancing(?) room
Ordered that Mr. Bowler Miller do prepare a list or an amount of each dish of meat & other provisions & things usually provided by this compa. for their election dinner and yt he do marshal the several dishes in the same order they are to be set on each(?) table and that the price of value of each dish be set agt. ye same and that he do deliver the set(?) amount to this (committee?) at their next meeting wch is appointed to be on Tuesday, ye 11 of June instant at six in the evening at this house
Acc. 03x8.4: 1731, Orders for Election Day
At a meeting of the master & Mr. Onesiph(?) Leigh, Mr.
Thos. Browne, & Mr. Timothy Mathews, wardens,
Mr. Bowler Miller to provide the best of all sorts according to the bill by him signed & to have one hundred pounds for the same
Ordered that the use of
That the Reverend Mr. [blank] Padington be desired to preach before ye compa on ye day
Mr. Christopher Manners to provide twelve men & a sufficient quantity of such things as is usually provided by him, to be paid eleven pounds for the same provided he pleases the mar. otherwise to submit to such deductions as the mar. shall think fit
Mr. Henry Green to provide six skillful musicians to play three hautboys, two bassoons, and a trumpet & yt each of the six musicians shall bring a violin to play thereon when directed and to play to the ladies as long as the mar. & wardens shall think fit & to have 4# for the same and Mr. Green is to provide a go[word is torn – probably “good”] voice to sing when required for which he is to be paid what [torn] master shall think fit
That 56 gallons of red, 24 gall. of white, 4 gall. of Rhenish, 12 gall of old hock & 4 gall of canary be provided
That the same quantity of ffrench claret be provided for the entertainment of the merchant tailors as the last year
The same quantity of nosegays and strowings to be provided as usuall
Mr. Thos. Blakeslee a member of this compa to provide the same number of flags or welcomes(?) as the last year
Two barrels of ale & one barrel of beer to be provided
The same quantity of sugar to be provided as the last year.
The same numbers of towells about the same price to be provided as the last year
Two dozen of lemons to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room
That the same number of tickets be provided & distributed for the ladies dinner & dancing and the same orders observed as were made the last year
Acc. 03x8.5: 1734
(note: the word agreed appears in the left margin next to some of the paragraphs; when this occurs, the word has been added to the end of the paragraph, and written in capital letters)
At a meeting of Mr. Thos. Browne mar. Mr. Wm. Tow, Mr. Wm. Swan, & Mr. Hen. King, wardens, the 27 of May 1734 at ye Swan in Storks Market
Mr. Bowler Miller to provide the best of all sorts according to the bill by him delivered and ye alteration made for which he is to have one hundred & four pounds provided he pleases the mar. otherwise to submit to such deductions as he shall think fit – AGREED
That the Reverend Mr. John Withers be desired to preach before ye compa on election day ye 13 of June next
Mr. Green to provide six skillful musicians to play four hautboys & two bassoons, each of the six musicians shall bring a violin to play thereon when directed and to play to the ladies as long as the mar. & wardens shall think fit & to have 4# for the same and in [illegible] Mr. Green is to provide a very good voice to sing when required & he is to be paid a guinea more – AGREED, NO VOICE
The company being provided with a sufficient quantity of red & port. That 24 gall of white Lisbon at 7-8 per gall, 4 gall of Rhenish at 8-8, & 4 gall of canary at 8-8 be provided by Mrs. Jackson and 12 gall of old hock by Mr. Honley for ye election dinner
That Mr. John Lilly, Mr. Manner’s son in law Jos. Medley(?) be imployed as butler for this compa on Election day & that they be provided twelve men & a sufficient quantity of such things as was used to be provided by Mr. Manners for wch they are to be paid eleven pounds provided they please the mar. & wardens, otherwise to submit to such deductions as the mar. & wardens shall think fit – AGREEED
Ordered that the use of St. Stephen Walbrooke’s Church be desired for this compa. on the next election day being ye 13 of June - AGREED
That the same quantity of ffrench claret be provided for the entertainment of the merchant tailors as the last year, vizt three dozen - AGREED
That Ann Day be employed to clean ye hall and apartments and scour the pewter agt. election day – AGREED
The rest of the orders as last year
The same quantity of nosegays and strowings to be provided as usuall – AGREED
And also the same number of welcomes as last year - AGREED
Two barrels of ale & one barrel of beer to be provided as the last year - AGREED
The same quantity of sugar as the last year to be provided. - AGREED
Two dozen of lemons to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room - AGREED
The same numbers of towells about the same price to be provided as the last year – AGREED
That the same quantity of biscuits & cakes to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room as last year – AGREED
Ordered that 24 ticketts be provided for the admittance of the ladies to dinner, that five be sent to the master and four a piece sent to each warden for their ladies and friends and three be given to Mr. Russell and his friends – AGREED
That 26 ticketts be provided for the admittance of gentlemen and ladies to dance on election day the 13th of June 1734 at six of the clock in the evening whereof 5 to be sent to the master & four apiece to each warden for their friends and three to Mr. Russell and the remaining 12 to be disposed of as occasion shall require – AGREED
That 4 men besides 2 cellar men and a buttery man be appointed to attend for the service of the company on the Election – AGREED
That no baskets be permitted to be carried out of the hall without being first inspected by Mr. Renter warden – AGREED
Acc. 03x8.6: 1736
(note: the word agreed appears in the left margin next to most of the paragraphs; when this occurs, the word has been added to the end of the paragraph, and written in capital letters)
At a meeting of Mr. Wm. Swan, master, Mr. Robert Bishop,
& Mr. Richd. Knollys, wardens, the 1st day of June 1736 at ye Three
[illegible] & Runner in
Mr. Bowler Miller to provide the best of all sorts according to the bill by him delivered for which he is to have one hundred & four pounds provided he pleases the mar. & wardens otherwise to submit to such deductions as they shall think fit – AGREED
That the Reverend Mr. ffinch be desired to preach before ye compa on election day ye 24 of June instant
Mr. Green to provide six skillful musicians to play four hautboys & two bassoons, each of the six musicians shall bring a violin to play thereon when directed and to play to the ladies as long as the mar. & wardens shall think fit & to have 4 pounds for the same - AGREED
That Mr. John Lilley & Mr. Joseph Medley(?) be imployed as butlers for this compa & yt they do provide twelve men & a sufficient quantity of such things as were used to be provided by Mr. Manners for which they are to be paid eleven pounds provided they please ye master and wardens, otherwise to submit to such deductions as the master & wardens shall think fit – AGREEED
Ordered that the use of
That three dozen of ffrench claret be provided for the entertainment of the merchant tailors compa - AGREED
That Ann Day be employed to clean ye hall and apartments and scour the pewter agt. election day – AGREED
The same quantity of nosegays and strowings to be provided as usuall – AGREED
And also the same number of welcomes(?) as the last year - AGREED
Ordered that forty gallons of red port, twenty gallons of
Two barrels of ale & one barrel of beer to be provided agt the election day - AGREED
The same quantity of sugar as the last year to be provided as the last year - AGREED
Two dozen of lemons to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room - AGREED
The five [“same number of” is crossed out] towells abt the same price to be provided as the last year – AGREED
That the same quantity of biscuits & cakes &ca to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room as last year – AGREED
Ordered that 24 ticketts be provided for the admittance of the ladies to dinner, that five be sent to the master and four apiece to each warden for their ladys and friends and three to Mr. Russell the clerk for his friends – AGREED
That 36 ticketts be provided for the admittance of gentlemen and ladys to dance on election day the 24th day of June [illegible] 1736 at six of the clock in the evening whereof 5 to be sent to the master & four apiece to each warden for their friends and three to Mr. Russell and the remaining 12 to be disposed of as occasion shall require – AGREED
That four porters besides two cellar men and a buttery man be appointed to attend for the service of the company on the Election day – AGREED
That no baskets be permitted to be carried out of the hall without being first inspected by Mr. Renter warden – AGREED
[There follows a list of quantities of wine and the numbers on the tickets assigned to Wm. Swan, Nath. Arnold, Robt. Bishop, Thos. Nash, and Richd. Knollys]
Acc. 03x8.7: 1739: orders at election day
(note: the word agreed appears in the left margin next to most of the paragraphs; when this occurs, the word has been added to the end of the paragraph, and written in capital letters)
At a meeting of Mr. Deputy Nash master, Mr. Warden Skinner, Mr. Jona. Harrison, ye 29th day of May 1739 to order the election dinner
That the Reverend Mr. Nicholson be desired to preach before ye company on election day ye 21st of June next
Mr. Bowler Miller to provide the best of all sorts according to the bill delivered(?) by him for which he is to have one hundred & four pounds provided he pleases the master & wardens otherwise to submit to such deductions as they shall think fit – [ILLEGIBLE] IN RESPECT TO YE DEARNESS OF PROVISIONS [this phrase crossed out], 113(?) [illegible] IS ALLOWED IN
Mr. Green to provide six skillful musicians to play four hautboys & 2 bassoons, and that each of the six musicians shall bring a violin to play thereon when directed and to play to the ladys as long as the master & wardens shall think fit & to have 4 pounds for the same - AGREED
That Mr. Jno Lilly be employed as butler for this company & that he do provide twelve men & a sufficient quantity of such things as were used to be provided by Mr. Manners (that is to say) Damask linen, white knives & forks for the upper tables, diaper linen & black knives & forks for the rest of the tables, glasses and crowits [cruets], spoons, salts, flaggons & pitchers, bread of all sorts, sweet water, loss & hazard of these goods, for which he is to be paid eleven pounds provided he pleases the master and wardens, otherwise to submit to such deductions as the master & wardens shall think fit – AGREEED
Ordered that the use of
That three dozen of French claret be provided for the entertainment
of the merchant
That Mr. Russell do take care that the hall & apartments be cleaned and the pewter scoured agt. the election day – AGREED
The same quantity of nosegays and strowings to be provided as usuall – AGREED
And also the same number of welcomes as the last year - AGREED
Two barrels of ale & one barrel of beer to be provided agt the election day - AGREED
The same quantity of sugar as the last year to be provided as the last year - AGREED
Two dozen of lemons to be provided for the ladys in the dancing room - AGREED
Five towells about the same price to be provided as the last
That the same quantity of biscuits & cakes &c to be provided for the ladys in the dancing room as last year – AGREED
There being a sufficient quantity of port wine, ordered that ten gallons of old hock be provided by Mr. Russell of Mr. Onbey and that 20 gallons of white Lisbon, three gallons of Rhenish, and three gallons of canary be likewise provided for the use of this company agt. their election day by the master & wardens
Ordered that 24 ticketts be provided for the admittance of the ladys to dinner, that five be sent to the master and four apiece to each warden for their ladys and friends and 3 to Mr. Russell the clerk for his friends – AGREED
That 36 ticketts be provided for the admittance of gentlemen and ladys to dance on election day the 21st of June at six of the clock in the evening whereof 5 to be sent to the master & four apiece to each warden for their friends and three to Mr. Russell and the remaining 12 to be disposed of as occasion shall require – AGREED
That four porters besides two cellar men and a buttery man be appointed to attend for the service of the company on the Election day – AGREED
That no baskets be permitted to be carried out of the hall without being first inspected by the renter warden – AGREED
Acc. 03x8.8: 1742: orders at election day
(note: the word agreed appears in the left margin next to most of the paragraphs; when this occurs, the word has been added to the end of the paragraph, and written in capital letters)
At a meeting of William Selwyn, Esq., the master, Mr. Warden Leapidge & Mr. William Goodgroome at Skinners Hall, the 21st day of May 1742 to order the election dinner
That the Reverend Mr. Nicholson be desired to preach before ye company on election day the 17th of June 1742
Mr. Bowler Miller to provide the best of all sorts (except sweetmeats & marchpanes which are to be provided by Mr. Darter in Paul churchyard at the company’s expense) according to the bill delivered by him for which he is to have ninety six pounds & agree to submit himself to the master & wardens as to their making him any further allowances or deductions from the sd. sum according as he shall please them – MILLER TO PROVIDE YE SWEETMEAT & TO HAVE 104
The company having a sufficient quantity of port wine, ordered that twenty gallons of white wine, three gallons of Rhenish, ten gallons of old hock, and three gallons of canary be likewise provided for the use of the dinner - AGREED
Mr. Sleep to provide six skillful musicians to play four hautboys & two bassoons, and that each of the six musicians shall bring a violin to play thereon (when directed) to the ladies as long as the master & wardens shall think fit & to have 4 pounds for the same - AGREED
That Mr. John Lilly be employed as butler for this company & that he do provide twelve men & a sufficient quantity of such things as were used to be provided by Mr. Manners (that is to say) Damask linen, white knives & forks for the upper tables, diaper linen & black knives & forks for the rest of the tables, glasses and crewitts [cruets], spoons & salts, flagons & pitchers, bread of all sorts, sweet water, loss & hazard of these goods, for which he is to be paid eleven pounds provided he pleases the master and wardens, otherwise to submit to such deductions as the master & wardens shall think fit – AGREEED
Ordered that the use of
That three dozen of French claret be provided for the
entertainment of the merchant
That Mr. Russell do take care that the hall & apartments be cleaned and the pewter scoured against the election day – AGREED
The same quantity of nosegays and strowings to be provided as usuall, (vizt) eight dozn at 1 d. a piece & 3 large flaskets for strowings– AGREED
And also the same number of welcomes as the last year, (vizt.) three dozen large & small - AGREED
Two barrels of ale & one barrel of beer to be provided agt the election day - AGREED
The same quantity of sugar as the last year to be provided as the last year - AGREED
Two dozn of lemons to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room – AGREED
Fifteen ells of
That the same quantity of biscuits & cakes &c to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room as last year not exceeding twenty & six shillings in value – AGREED
Ordered that 24 ticketts be provided for the admittance of the ladies to dinner, that five be sent to the master and four apiece to each warden for their ladys and friends and 3 to Mr. Russell the clerk for his friends – AGREED
That 36 ticketts be provided for the admittance of gent. and ladies to dance on election day the 17th of June at six of the clock in the evening whereof 5 to be sent to the master & four apiece to each warden for their friends, & three to Mr. Russell, the remaining 12 to be disposed of as occasion shall require – AGREED
That four porters besides two cellar men and a buttery man be appointed to attend for the service of the company on the Election day – AGREED
That no baskets be permitted to be carried out of the hall without being first inspected by the renter warden – AGREED
Acc. 03x8.9: 1745: orders at election day
(note: the word agreed appears in the left margin next to most of the paragraphs; when this occurs, the word has been added to the end of the paragraph, and written in capital letters)
At a meeting of Mr. Tim Mathews, master, Mr. Saml.
Sydbotham, Mr. Henry King, & Mr. Wm.(?) Physick, Wardens, Mr. Gorson’s(?)
the three inns & Runners(?) in
That the Reverend Mr. Anthony [illegible] be desired to preach before the compa on election day next the 13th day of June
Mr. Bowler Miller to provide the best of all sorts (except sweetmeats & marchpanes which are to be provided by Mr. Cooke at the comp’s expense) according to the bill delivered by him for wch he is to have ninety six pounds & agree to submit himself to the master & wardens as to their making him any further allowance or deductions from ye sd. sum according as he shall please them – 105 TO PROVIDE ACORDING TO THE BILLS DELVD. WCH YE [illegible]
That Mr. John Lilly be employed as butler for this company & that he do provide twelve men & a sufficient quantity of such things as were used to be provided by Mr. Manners (that is to say) Damask linen, white knives & forks for the upper tables, diaper linen & black knives & forks for the rest of the tables, glasses and crewitts [cruets], spoons & salts, flagons & pitchers, bread of all sorts, sweet water, loss & hazard of these goods, for which he is to be paid eleven pounds provided he pleases the master and wardens, otherwise to submit to such deductions as the master & wardens shall think fit – A 4th(?)
Ordered that a hogshead of port wine be bought for this comp’s use, and that [“ten gallons of mountain” crossed out], twenty gallons of Lisbon, [“three gallons of canary” crossed out], ten gallons of old hock, & three gallons of Rhenish be all(?) provided for the use of the comp.
That three dozn of French claret be provided by Mr.
Gonson(?) for the entertainment of the merchant
Ordered that the use of
That Mr. Russell do take care that the hall & apartments be cleaned and the pewter scoured against the election day – AGREED
The same quantity of nosegays and strowings to be provided as usuall, (vizt) eight dozn at 1 d. a piece & four dozn at 1½ d. a piece & three large flaskets for strowings– AGREED, NOSEGAYS AT 2 d. A PIECE
And also the same number of welcomes as the last year, (vizt.) three dozen large & small - AGREED
Two barrels of ale & one barrel of beer to be provided against the election day - AGREED
The same quantity of sugar as the last year to be provided as the last year - AGREED
Two dozn of lemons to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room – AGREED
Mr. Philip Cooke agreed to provide six [illegible] of the best sweetmeats at 1:11:6 & 4 marchpanes at 7/6 each [illegible], for the election day – MR. CARTER, 5 MARCHPANES
Mr. Gonson(?) agreed to provide a hogshead of the best old port of the comp.’s use on the election day for the sum of twenty pounds
Fifteen ells of
The same quantity of biscuits & cakes to be provided for the ladies in the dancing room as last year not exceeding twenty & six shillings in value – MR. CARTER
Ordered that 24 tickets be provided for the admittance of the ladies to dinner, that five be sent to the master and four apiece to each warden for their ladies and friends and 3 to Mr. Russell the clerk for his friends – AGREED
That 36 tickets be provided for the admittance of gent. and ladies to dance on election day the thirteenth day of June next at six of the clock in the evening whereof 5 to be sent to the master & four apiece to each warden for their friends, & three to Mr. Russell, the remaining 12 to be disposed of as occasion shall require – AGREED
Ordered that coffee & tea be provided for the ladies & that Robt. Jack do find tea boards, cups, boilers & all things necessary for drinking coffee & tea & two persons to attend to fill [or “fit”] it out - AGREED
That four porters besides two cellar men and a buttery man be appointed to attend for ye service of the compa on the Election day – AGREED
That no baskets be permitted to be carried out of the hall without being first inspected by the renter warden – AGREED
Acc. 03x8.10: 12th June 1772: orders for the day
for Swearing in the new Master and Wardens
Skinner Hall, 12th June 1772, At a meeting of Mr. Warden Taylor, Mr. Warden Pugh, to order the dinner for swearing in the new master on Thursday the 25th of June 1772
Ordered That Mrs. Dent be employed as butler and that she do provide as usual, with Damask linen, silver handled knives and forks and all the goods usually found by the butler with bread and sweet water, and also 5 men and particularly to stand behind and wait upon the master and wardens of the Merchant Taylors Company over and above what may be necessary for other purposes for which she is to be paid £4:0:0 in case she gives satisfaction or else to submit to such deductions as the master & wardens shall think proper
That Mr. Birch the cook provide according to his bill of fare this day settled for which he is to be paid £ [blank] but in case there should be any fault found with any part of his provisions he is to submit to such deductions as the master & wardens shall think fit
That Mr. Wilder provide 4 dishes of sweetmeats and some ice creams
That Mr. [blank] provide [blank] dishes of fruit at [blank] per dish and [blank] dozen lemons
That 6 dozen claret, 6 dozen hock be provided by Mr. Kennett(?)
That Mr. Gregg provide 1 barrel of small beer
That wax candles be provided as usual.
Acc. 03x8.11: 26th May 1779: Orders for election
At a meeting of Mr. Wells the master, Mr. Warden Paul, Mr. Warden Nutt, Mr. Warden Piggott and Mr. Warden Hancox at the London Tavern on Wednesday the 26th day of May 1779 to order the dinner &c for the 3d day of June next being election day
Ordered that the Rev. Mr. Walker be desired to preach before this company on election day next.
Ordered that Mr. Birch the cook do provide breakfast at the hall, for the livery(?) to consist of new cheese, reddishes [radishes?], and butter
Order that Mr. Laforest do provide a dinner for the company in the great room at the London Tavern at [blank] per head with some addition for the court of assistants table (for which he submitted to be paid as the master and wardens) agreeable to the bill of fare delivered in and approved of – Fruit and other expenses to be included in that sum and that he do also provide a dinner for the beadles and music as settled
Ordered that Mr. Evans do provide a hogshead of
Ordered that Mr. Ashley provided 2 French horns and 2 hautboys to play on election day as they shall be directed for which he is to be paid £ [blank]
Ordered that Mr. Shuttleworth & Co. provide same quantity of nosegays and stewings as usual, viz. 12 dozen at 2 d. each, also 3 large flaskets for strewings and 4 rough bow potts(?), likewise 3 dozen of lemons.
Ordered that the use of St. Antholins Church be desired for the company that day and that the Rev. Dr. Desalis be invited to dine with the company at the London Tavern
Ordered that Mr. Hayes provide 4 dozen of welcomes large and small
Ordered that fifteen ells of
Ordered that Mr. Trelawny do provide gloves as usual
Ordered that no person whatever be admitted to dine with the company at the London Tavern except the livery without being introduced by some gentleman of the court of assistants and that the beadles be ordered to attend at the door of the room before dinner to see this order carefully obeyed
Ordered that the usual number of pieces of beef be sent to
the almshouses at Mile End and
Acc. 03x8.12: 26 May 1779, Orders for the dinner on swearing
in the new master
At a meeting of Mr. Wells the master, Mr. Warden Paul, Mr. Warden Nutt, Mr. Warden Piggott and Mr. Warden Hancox at the London Tavern on Wednesday the 26th day of May 1779 to order the dinner on swearing in the new master on Thursday the 10th day of June 1779
Order that Messrs. Laforest & Co. do provide a dinner for the court of assistants of this company and the master and wardens of the Merchant Taylors Company in the in the best dining room at the London Tavern at [blank] per head agreeable to the bill of fare delivered in and approved of [blank] for the desert [i.e. dessert], and that they also provide a dinner for the beadles of this company and for the beadles of the Merchant Taylors Company as settled