The Winterthur Library

The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:         The Ephemera Society of America, Inc.                                           

Title:               Records

Dates:             1980-              

Call No.:         Col. 585

Acc. No.:        00x128

Quantity:        76 boxes, 135 volumes (ca. 35 linear feet)

Location:        26 A-B 1-6, C 1-7





The Ephemera Society of America, Inc. was established in 1980 as a non-profit organization devoted to furthering the study, preservation, and appreciation of ephemera and to serve as a link among collectors, scholars, and dealers.  Over the years the society has sponsored fairs, conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, and less formal regional meetings.  In addition, the ephemera society maintains an active publications program, including a quarterly newsletter entitled Ephemera News (ceased publication), the monthly E-News newsletter, a Journal containing substantive articles on ephemera, several monographic studies, posters and other ephemeral items, and a members only directory.  In 1994, the society published a book, Rewards of Merit: Tokens of a Child’s Progress and a Teacher’s Esteem as an Enduring Aspect of American Religious and Secular Education, by Patricia Fenn and Alfred P. Malpa.  In 2005, to help celebrate the society’s twenty-fifth birthday, there was a special week long gathering of members in England to visit collections of ephemera at Oxford University, where the John Johnson Collection is located, the Centre for Ephemera Studies at the University of Reading, London’s Guildhall, and the Museum of the City of    London.  Membership has grown from a few dozen in 1980 to a peak of about 1,000, including both individual and organizational members.  The society’s web site is at





The records of the Ephemera Society of America date from 1980, but are strongest beginning in the late 1990s and into the 2000s.  Recent acquisitions have included early society memorabilia, including posters, programs, and other items associated with the early activities of the group.  Included in the society’s records are administrative papers, copies of society publications, records and keepsakes of society sponsored events, material on ephemera societies in Great Britain, Canada, and Australia, and publications not issued by the society but which cover ephemera related topics. 





The records of the ephemera society are arranged in three series:

I.        Business papers and correspondence;

II.     Meetings and conferences of the Ephemera Society of America; and

III.  Publications. 


Publications are broken down into six sub-series:

A. Ephemera Society of America;

B. Ephemera Society (U.K.);

C. Ephemera Society of Canada;

D. Ephemera Society of Australia

E. other publications; and

F. Books.


[Auction catalogs were once part of the collection; however, at the request of the ESA, these were removed from the collection in April 2018.] 





The materials are mostly in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Records are owned by the Ephemera Society of America and are on long term deposit at Winterthur in the Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera.






Ephemera Society of America, Inc.—Records and correspondence.

Ephemera Society (United Kingdom)

Ephemera Society of Canada.

Ephemera Society of Australia, Inc.


Collectors and collecting


Printed ephemera







Series I: Business records, Correspondence, etc.


Box: 1-A


          AASLH [American Association for State and Local History]

            American Philatelic Society

          Archives of ESA


            Board of Directors

            Board of Directors meetings, 1995

            Board of Directors meeting, Mid-Year, 2005

Board of Directors meetings, 2006-2011

Board of Directors meeting, mid-year, 2011

Board of Directors meetings, 2012-2013

Board of Directors meetings, 2014 (minutes and packets)



Series I: Box 1-B:

Board of Directors meetings and conference calls, 2015

Board of Directors meetings, 2016

Board of Directors meetings, 2017

Board of Directors meetings and conference calls, with meeting packets, 2018

Board Retreat, October 2002

Board of Directors vote, 1999, 2000

            Board of Directors vote, 2007, 2009, 2015

CD’s of Ephemera 23, with letter [note: cd’s are in box with other cd’s]



Series I: Box: 2


            Correspondence, 1980s-1999

            Correspondence, 2005-2007

            Correspondence, 2009, 2014-2016

Editor’s correspondence, 1992-1995


“Ephemera Bits,” Diane DeBlois, January 1995-December 2002

            [note: see copies of Book Source Monthly and Book Source Magazine for DeBlois’ column entitled “Ephemera Bits”]

Ephemera Books

Ephemera in libraries, including cataloging of ephemera

Ephemera in libraries: PACSCL Summer Seminar on Ephemera, 1994

Ephemera in libraries: “Trade Literature Cataloguing and Classification Guidelines,” DVD issued by ARLIS, 2004

Ephemera in libraries: “Unmediated History,” program held at the Library Company of Philadelphia, Sept. 19-20, 2013

Ephemera in the Schools project, 1994

Ephemera, photocopies




Series I: Box: 3


Exhibits and shows, not sponsored by ESA

Flamingo Productions

From the President, 1999-2000

From the President, 2001-2004

From the President, 2008-


Fundraising: ESA benefit auction, 2007

Groten, Art: correspondence, ca. 1995-ca.2005

Incorporation and bylaws, and tax exemption



Jack Golden Graphics Award

Logos, etc.

Long-range Plan, 1999



Series I: Box 4:

            Maurice Rickards Medal

Member news

            Membership forms and ads for new members

Membership Initiatives

Membership meeting, 2009: minutes

News from the Ephemera Society of America


Nominating Committee, 1999

Non-society pamphlets and advertising         

Philip Jones Fellowship for the Study of Ephemera, and “A Service of Celebration & Tribute: Philip H. Jones, Jr., 1918-2015”

            Public relations: Kathy Alpert



Stegall, Ron: files, 1978-2007


World Philatelic Exhibition, Washington, DC, 2006

World Stamp Show, New York City, 2016: program for presentation by ESA



Series I: Box 5:  Tax returns; financial information


Tax returns, 1997-2004


Budget summaries

Cash flow report, 2009

Certificate of deposit

Financial information



Series I: Box 6: Web site


Life 360 web site

            Web site pages, 1999

            Web site, April 1999-June 2000

            Web site, July 2000-Sept. 2002

            Web site 2002 printout (3 folders)

            Web site redesign, 2002



Series I: Box 7: Other ephemera societies

[see also Series III, Publications]


Ephemera Society of Australia

Ephemera Society of Canada

University of Reading and Ephemera Center

UK Ephemera Society

            UK Ephemera Society: handbook, 2000, and associated ephemera

            UK Ephemera Society: handbook, 2001-2003, 2004-2006

            UK Ephemera Society: handbook, 2007, 2010

            UK Ephemera Society: handbook, 2012, 2014

UK Ephemera Society: 25th anniversary meeting, 2000

UK Ephemera Society: 40th anniversary meeting, 2015



Series I: Box 8-A: Publication information and publications

[see also Series III, Publications]


“He Who Is Blessed” (DVD)

            Encyclopedia of Ephemera

Ephemera Journal

Ephemera Journal: copyrights

Ephemera Journal: Williamsburg symposium, pre-production

Ephemera Society Monographs: Cameo Cards & Bella Landauer, 1992

            Ephemera Society Monographs: An Atlantic Telegraph…, 1994

Ephemera Society Monographs: The Before and After Trade Card, 1995

Ephemera News

            Ephemera News, vol. 18 no. 1, Dew illustrations

Ephemera News, vol. 18 no. 2, Finley illustrations

Ephemera News, vol. 19 no. 1, Galley proof

Ephemera News, vol. 19 no. 4, Shortz illustrations

Rewards of Merit and Oak Knoll Books



Series I: Box 8-B: Publication information and publications

see also series III, Publications]


            Rewards of Merit: mock-up of book



Series I: Box: 9 (small items)


            Ephemera 20 keepsakes (mug and pin-back buttons)

            Ephemera 21 keepsake (black and red garter)

            Ephemera 35 keepsakes (mug and two packs of playing cards)

            Pin-back button celebrating 25th anniversary of ESA

            Ephemera Society Board meeting tapes, 1999 (4 tapes)

            Computer disks with text and images for the society's Website, 2000 (index to disks inside box)

            England trip keepsake, 2005 (box which held a memento for a banquet  honoring the president of the Cameroon Republic held at the Guildhall in 1963; box now empty)

            Roll of labels for Archives, Ephemera Society of America  

            Pad of notepaper for Barr’s Post Card News and Ephemera, Vinton, Iowa, with 2011 calendar as part of design



Series I: Box 10 (oversize):


Book review of Rewards of Merit… from Antiques and the Arts Weekly, March 3, 1995

 “Civil War Ephemera,” by Thomas Gordon, Jr.

“Las Damas de Paris,” a calendar with fashion drawings (done in 1913) and book plate designs by Ismael Smith, calendar for 2007-2008

Fenway Park Celebration, 1987: souvenir folder                  

Memory Lane Calendar, 1970, published by American Heritage

“News from the Ephemera Society of America,” column in Northeast Journal of Antiques and Art, November 1999-July 2004

Miscellaneous newspaper articles

Pepys Medal ceremony presentation to Peter Jackson, 2002



Series I: Box: 11 (oversize)


Ephemera Society of America logos

Ephemera Society of Canada, The Ephemera of Change poster

Graphic Americana poster, 1992 (exhibit at Princeton University)

Poster: “The Valentine, a Tribute to Love,” created for the 1990 Ephemera Journal, published by the Ephemera Society of America

Posters: Ephemera Society of America, Ephemera Society, ephemera exhibits, book jacket, etc.



Series I: Box 12 (oversize)


Deluxe edition of: Rewards of Merit: Tokens of a Child’s Progress and a Teacher’s Esteem as an Enduring Aspect of American Religious and Secular Education, by Patricia Fenn and Alfred P. Malpa, published by the Ephemera Society, 1994.  2 copies.

Trade edition of Rewards of Merit… 2 copies



Series I: Box 13 (oversize)


            Cynthia Hart’s Victoriana Calendars, 1998, 2000; with Garden Design article

Ephemera: envelopes and folders printed with name of Ephemera Society of America

Ephemera 20 keepsake (plastic bags)

Ephemera 25 keepsake (star)

Ephemera Canada: The Journal of the Ephemera Society of Canada, vol. 1 no. 1 Spring 1991-vol. 12 no. 1, Fall 2003.  (in a scrapbook with other publications issued by the Ephemera Society of Canada.)

            Ephemera Journal, vol. 9, color illustrations

Journal of the Print World, vol. 24 no. 1, 2001 (3 sections)

Newspaper articles

            Poster: “Miniature Portraits Taken with the Daguerreotype…”



Series I: Box 14: CDs


Ephemera 23 (9 CDs; see also letter in file: CDs of Ephemera 23)

Ephemera 27 (2007) (8 CD’s, one for auction, others for presentations)

Ephemera 28 (5 CDs)

Ephemera 29 (5 CDs)

Ephemera 30 (10 CDs, speakers’ slideshows)

Ephemera 31 (7 CDs, 3 for auction);

Ephemera 36: print materials;

Ephemera Journal, v. 10 (3 CDs); v. 11; v. 12 (2 CDs); v. 14, no. 2 and 3; v. 15, no. 1 and 2; v. 16, no. 1-3; v. 17, no. 1-3; v. 18, no. 1-3; v. 19, no. 1-2;

Ephemera News, fall 2003 [v.21]; v. 22, no. 2; v. 25, no. 3; v. 25 [no issue number]; vol. 26, no. 2-3, and spring and summer 2008

John Grossman photo

New York Public Library photo

Rolling Stones, July 13, 1975

Star pdf files

Saul Zalesch (2 CDs)

Miscellaneous: ESA fall 2011; playbills 1 & 2; Sheaff 1:30 Sunday; ABC article; unlabeled

“Porseleinkaarten – Cartes Porcelaine – Porcelaincards: An Illustrated catalogue of 600 tradecards circa 1840-60”

World Stamp Show symposium, 2016



Series I: Folder 1 (oversize)


            Early Ephemera Society of America ephemera pasted together

            Message board for Ephemera 80




Series II: Meetings and conferences of the Ephemera Society of America


Box 1:


Regional meetings

            Rochester meeting, proposed, 1999

            Washington, DC, meeting, 1999

            SPNEA meeting, 2000

            New York City meeting, 2002

            England trip, 2005

            San Francisco, 2011

            San Francisco tour, 2013

            Pasadena tour, 2014

            Seattle tour and meeting, 2016


Series II: Box 2:


            Presentations at conferences and symposia, 1-35 (1980-2015)

Ephemera 1

            Ephemera 1 business cards, etc.

            Ephemera 2-16

Ephemera 17

            Ephemera 17 & 18 keepsakes

Ephemera 18

            Ephemera 19: Board and Membership meetings

            Ephemera 19: Fair

Ephemera 20: Banquet

Ephemera 20: Board of Director’s meeting

Ephemera 20: Conference


Series II: Box 3:


Ephemera 20: Fair

Ephemera 20: Membership meeting

Ephemera 21: Board of Director's meeting

Ephemera 21: Conference

Ephemera 21: Fair

Ephemera 21: photographs

Ephemera 22

Ephemera 23: Auction Catalog

Ephemera 23: Board of Director’s Meeting

Ephemera 23: Conference, Fair, Exhibits

Ephemera 24

            Ephemera 25



Series II: Box 4:


Ephemera 26-38 (2006-2018)



Series II: Box 5:


Ephemera 39- (2019-)



Series III: Publications:


Series III. A. Ephemera Society of America


Box: 1


            “Using Ephemera in the Classroom,” a teaching unit developed by Laura Hand Donahue in association with the Ephemera Society of America, 2011

Membership directories (Directory of Members), 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986-1988

            Membership directories (Directory of Members), 1990, 1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1994-1995, 1996



Series III. A.: Box: 2

Membership directories (Directory of Members), 1997-2005



Series III. A.: Box 3-A

            Membership directories (Directory of Members), 2006-2015



Series III. A.: Box 3-B

            Membership directories (Directory of Members), 2016-2019



Series III. A.: Box 4-A:

Ephemera E-News, 2008-2011

E-News, 2012-2016

            [note: this replaces Ephemera News]


Series III. A.: Box 4-B:

E-News, 2017-

            [note: this replaces Ephemera News]



Series III. A.: Box: 5


            Abstracts of articles in Ephemera Journal, vol. 8-17, abstracted in America: History and Life

Ephemera Journal, vol. 1-9, 1987, 1989-2001



Series III. A.: Box 6-A

            Ephemera Journal, vol. 10-18, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010-2015/2016



Series III. A.: Box 6-B


Ephemera Journal, vol. 19-21, 2016/2017-2018/2019



Series III. A.: Box: 7

Ephemera News, 1981-1982, 1983-1984

Ephemera News, vol. 4-12, 1985-1994



Series III. A.: Box: 8

            Ephemera News, vol. 13-18, 1994-2000



Series III. A.: Box: 9

            Ephemera News, vol. 19-23, 2000-2005



Series III. A.: Box: 10


            Ephemera News, vol. 24-27, 2005-2009

Ephemera News, vol. 28, no. 2-4, 2010

Ephemera News, vol. 29, no.1-4, 2010-2011

[note: this title ceased publication, replaced by monthly E-News, which see]


Series III. B.  Ephemera Society [United Kingdom]


Box 1


            The Ephemerist, 1975-2000


Series III. B.: Box 2


            The Ephemerist, no. 112-127: 2001-2004

            The Ephemerist, no. 128-135: 2005-2006, also index no. 1-135

            The Ephemerist, no. 136-147: 2007-2009



Series III. B.: Box 3

            The Ephemerist, no. 148-171: 2010-2015



Series III. B.: Box 4

            The Ephemerist, no. 172-175: 2016

            The Ephemerist, no. 176-177: 2017


Series III. C.  Ephemera Society of Canada


Box 1


Ephemera Canada, v.1-6, 1991-1997

Ephemera Canada, v.7-12, 1997-2003







Series III. D.  Ephemera Society of Australia


Box 1:


Ephemera News [Australia], no. 14-15, 26, 28-29, 46-48

Who, What and Why of Collecting: conference proceedings, 1993


Box 2:

Ephemera Journal of Australia, no. 2, 3 (Jan. 2016, April 2018)

Ephemera Newsletter & What’s On, no. 4 (April 2016)
Series III. E. Other publications - see also list of books


Box 1

AASLH Technical Leaflet 116: “Post Card Collections in the Local Historical Society”

AASLH: other publications

            AB Bookman’s Weekly ephemera articles, 1981-1986

            AB Bookman’s Weekly ephemera issues, 1982-1985

            AB Bookman’s Weekly ephemera issues, 1987-1989

            AB Bookman’s Weekly ephemera issues, 1989-1992, 1995, 1996, 1998

The Advertising Trade Card Quarterly, Spring 1994, Fall 1999-Summer 2000

            [continues in next box]



Series III. E.: Box 2-A

The Advertising Trade Card Quarterly, Fall 2000-winter 2002

            [continued from previous box]

Aleph-Bet Books, Children’s Books and Illustrated Books, 2002, 2003 [catalogs]

American Country Collectibles, vol. 6 no. 4, 1998

            American Philatelist, 2008-2011 (4 folders)



Series III. E.: Box 2-B

            The American Stamp Dealer & Collector, 2008-2009 (2 folders)

“Antique Label Collecting”

            [The Antiquer – see separate oversize box]

            Antiques & Collecting Hobbies, vol. 92 no. 4, 1987

            “Ardent Spirits: Ephemera of Alcohol, Temperance, & Prohibition,” a catalog from aGatherin’

            Art Libraries Journal, vol. 37 no. 4, 2006

Bally Mfg. Co., annual report, 1986 [includes images of lottery tickets]

            Bark, no. 25, Winter 2003, with article about images of dogs on ephemera

            Barr’s Postcard News, 2008

Blu, issue 2 (2009), with article about travel posters

[Book Source Monthly and Book Source Magazine – in separate boxes]

Buddenbrooks, catalog

Card Talk, vol. 26 no. 1, Fall 2005

Christie’s, “Historic Card and Games”

“Christmas Curiosities,” ad for the book by John Grossman

Cigar Label Art Digest

Cohen, B.M., articles about macerated paper and marbles


Series III. E.: Box 3

            Collectibles: Flea Market Finds, vol. 5 no. 1, 1997

            The Collector, no. 934, 1989

            Collector’s Showcase, vol. 7 nos. 1-3, 1987-1988

Collectors’ Showcase, vol. 7 nos. 4 & 5, 1988

            Collectors’ Showcase, vol. 7 no. 6, vol. 8 no. 1, 1988

Collectrix, no. 21, 1989

Country Living Collecting, special edition 2006

            Dorothy Sloan—Rare Books: sales catalog

The Gilded Lily, vol. 3, no. 1, 2

            Instone, Inc., sales catalogs

International Auctioneers Magazine, 2006, 2008

International Vintage Poster Fair

Isenburg, Matthew R.  “The Making of a Daguerreotype” (2001)

J.W. Jung Seed Co., “Jung: Celebrating 100 Years of Growing”


Series III. E.: Box 4

James S. Jaffe Rare Books, undated catalog, but 2011 or later

Jo Anne Riesler, Catalogs, 60, 61      

Journal of the Letterpress Guild of New England, vol. 16

            Juvenile Miscellany, vol. 24 no. 2, 1997

LaBarre Galleries, Catalogs

            Manchester [Mass.] Historical Society Newsletter, Spring 1991

Martha Stewart Weddings, Fall 2003

Mature Outlook, May-June 1990

Merry-Go-Roundup, 2009-2010

Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Directory of the J. R. Burdick Collection: Trade and Souvenir Cards and Other Paper Americana

Museu della Figurina

National Library of Medicine, “To Your Health,” exhibit catalog

            NAWCC Bulletin, vol. 32 no. 3, 1990

[New England Antiques Journal, “Ephemera Detective” column – in oversize box]

New York Botanical Garden, “America’s Cornucopia,” exhibit catalog

New York Public Library, “A Cabinet of Curiosities,” exhibit catalog (2 copies)   

Newsletter of the Decorative Arts Society, spring 2005


Series III. E.: Box 5

Northeast Antiques Journal, Jan. and Feb. 2008, Oct.-Dec. 2010, Jan. 2011

The Numismatist, vol. 102, nos. 2 & 3, 1989

            The Numismatist, vol. 102, no. 4, vol. 103, no. 1, 1989-1990
            Oak Knoll Press, catalog

“Old Glory: A Beloved National Symbol …,” from the U.S. Postal Service

Pacific Currents, issued by Pacific Book Auction Galleries

The Paper and Advertising Collectors’ Marketplace, April 2009, Nov. 2010his

            Perspectives, vol. 4 no. 1, 1984

            The Photographic Historian, vol. 8 nos. 1 & 4, 1987-1988

            The Pipe Smoker’s Ephemeris, 1997, 1998, 2000

            The Pipe Smoker’s Ephemeris, 2001, 2004

Princeton Architectural Press, catalogs


Series III. E.: Box 6

Saturn Press, catalogs

            Scripophily, March 1998

            Sentimental Times, vol. 1 no. 1, 1990

Slocum & Gebhardt, Puzzles, 1997

            Souvenir Card Journal, vol. 6 no. 4, 1986

            Storyboard: The Disneyana Magazine, vol. 1 no. 2, 1988

            Sun Hill Press, catalogs

            Tacoma City Arts, Aug. 2008, with article about an ephemera collector

Thomas Nast Society Journal, vol. 2 no. 1, 1988

Timeline, vol. 19 no. 2, 2002.

Turnstock Collectables, Ephemera, Maps & Books, catalog

University of Toronto, “Memories from a Vanished Past,” exhibit catalog

Windmillers’ Gazette, vol. 15 nos. 3 & 4, 1996

Wolfson Collection, “Brave New Worlds,” exhibit catalog

Wolfson Collection, “Italy—1900-1945,” exhibit catalog

Wolfson Collection, “Light Opera,” exhibit catalog

Wolfson Collection, “Public Works,” exhibit catalog

Wolfson Collection, “Style of Empire: Great Britain, 1817-1947,” exhibit catalog

Wolfson Collection, “Uncommon Clay,” exhibit catalog

Wolfson Collection, “Weapons of Mass Dissemination: The Propaganda of War,” exhibit catalog



Series III. E.: Box 7 (oversize)


            The Antiquer, June-July 2002

            The Antiquer, Aug.-Sept. 2002

            The Antiquer, Oct.-Nov. 2002

            The Antiquer, Dec. 2002-Jan. 2003

            The Antiquer, Feb.-March 2003

            The Antiquer, April-May 2003

            The Antiquer, June-July 2003

            New England Antiques Journal, “Ephemera Detective” column, 2011-2012



Box 8: Book Source Monthly and Book Source Magazine, 1985-1996

[Note: these magazines include a column entitled “Ephemera Bits”]



Series III. E.: Box 9: Book Source Monthly and Book Source Magazine, 1997-2004

[Note: these magazines include a column entitled “Ephemera Bits”]



Series III. E.: Box 10: Book Source Monthly and Book Source Magazine, 2005-May/June 2013

[Note: these magazines include a column entitled “Ephemera Bits”]



Series III. E.: Box 11:

Between the Covers.  Catalog 201: Photography (2015);

Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies: v. 19, no. 2 (fall 2015), v. 20, no. 1 (winter 2016);

Wm. Frost Mobley.  Catalogs 1, 3 (1980, 1995)


Series III. F. Books: (on shelf)


Apkarian-Russell, Pamela E. Armenians of Worcester. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2000.


Apkarian-Russell, Pamela E. More Halloween Collectibles. Atglen Pa.: Schiffer, 1998.


Apkarian-Russell, Pamela E. The Tastes & Smells of Halloween: a Cookbook-Bogie Book. Winchester, NH: Trick or Treat Trader Pub., 2000.


Apkarian-Russell, Pamela E. Washday Collectibles. Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer, 2000.


Arluke, Arnold, and Bogdan, Robert.  Beauty and the Beast: Human-Animal Relations as Revealed in Real Photo Postcards, 1905-1935.  Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2010.


Barjau, Santi and Victor Oliva. Els cartels més petits del món: les vinyetes publicitàries = The Smallest posters in the world: Poster stamps. Barcelona, 2003.


Berman, Susan Warshaw. Affordable Art Deco Graphics. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub. Ltd., 2002.


Bogden, Robert, and Todd Weseloh.  Real Photo Postcard Guide: The People’s Photography.  Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2006.


Bowers, Q. David. The Treasure ship SS Brother Jonathan: Her Life and Loss, 1850-1865. Wolfeboro, NH: Bowers and Merena Galleries, 1998.


Brown, Jane E., and West, Richard Samuel.  William Newman: A Victorian Cartoonist in London and New York.  Easthampton, Mass.: Periodyssey Press, 2008.


Bruce Museum. Play your cards: the Stuart and Marilyn R. Kaplan playing card collection. Greenwich, Conn.: The Museum, 1996.  (3 copies)


Bunnelle, Phyllis M., researcher and compiler.  The Lutz-Kiler Collection of Calling Cards plus Reward of Merit and Scripture Cards.  By the author, 2003.


Burns, Edward.  Beer.  (Ed’s Trade Mark Series, no. 1.)  Alloa, Great Britain: by the author, 2003.


Buster, Larry Vincent. The Art and history of black memorabilia. New York: Clarkson Potter, 2000.


Cagle, William R. American books on food and drink: a bibliographical catalog of the cookbook collection housed in the Lilly Library at the Indiana University. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press, 1998.


Carallo, Valerie.  Collecting Rock’n’Roll Sheet Music of the 1960s.  Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Publishing Co., 2006.


Cartorama. [Catalog]. Krombach, Germany: Cartorama, [2001?]


Centre for Ephemera Studies. Register of ephemera collections in the United Kingdom. Reading, Eng.: The Centre, 2003.


Cheadle, Dave.  Victorian Fairies and the Enchanting Little People of a Romantic Age.  Nashville: Premium Press America, 2004.


Cheadle, Dave and W.H. Lee. Soapine did it!: an illustrated history of Kendall's 19th century soap advertising campaign. Englewood, CO: TCCA Books, 2000.


Christie, Victor J.W. The Gutman & Gutmann artists: a published works catalog. Ephrata, Pa.: Science Press, 2001.


Clouse, Doug, and Angela Voulangas.  The Handy Book of Artistic Printing: A Collection of Letterpress Examples, ….  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.


Datawala, Shahid.  Match Book: Indian match book labels.  [N.p.]: Tara Pub., 2007.


Davis, P. Preston, jt. comp. A History of the Delaware Bibliophiles, 1977-1987: and an exhibition of printed ephemera from members’ collections, Wilmington Library, April 4-25, 1987. Wilmington, Del.?: the Bibliophiles, 1987.


Dawson, Tom and Judy. American playing cards price guide: based upon the Hochman encyclopedia of American playing cards. Stamford, Conn.: U.S. Games Systems, 2000.


Dawson, Tom and Judy. The Hochman encyclopedia of American playing cards. Stamford, Conn.: U.S. Games Systems, 2000.


DeSimone, Russell J. A Survey of 19th Century Rhode Island Billheads. Middletown, RI: Bartlett Press, 2001.


Ethridge, James M. Antiquarian, specialty, and used book sellers: a subject guide and directory. Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1997.


Fairchild, Gordon.  Local Tickets of Global Lands.  Berga, Germany: Barteld, 2008.


Franchi, Rudy & Barbara. Miller’s Movie Collectibles. London: Octopus Pub. Group, 2002.


Franklin, Linda Campbell. 300 years of housekeeping collectibles. Florence, Ala.: Books Americana, 1992.


Fusco, Tony. Posters: identification and price guide. New York: Avon Books, 1994.


Ganz, Cheryl R.  The 1933 Chicago World’s Fair: A Century of Progress.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2008.


Garrett, Wendell, gatherer.  Another Quire of Quotes.  North Brookfield, Mass.: The Sun Hill Press, 1998.


Garrett, Wendell, gatherer.  The Ultimate Quire of Quotes.  North Brookfield, Mass.: The Sun Hill Press, 2000.


Garvey, Ellen Gruber. The Adman in the parlor: magazines and the gendering of consumer culture, 1880s-1910s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.


Goodfellow, Caroline. A Collector’s guide to games and puzzles. Secaucus, NJ: Chartwell Books, 1991.


Gordon, Beverly.  The Saturated World.  Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2006.


Griffenhagen, George. History of Drug Containers and Their Labels. Madison, WI: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 1999.


Grossman, John.  Christmas Curiosities: Odd, Dark, and Forgotten Christmas.  New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2008.


Grossman, John.  Labeling America: Popular Culter on Cigar Box Labels: The Story of George Schlegel Lithographers, 1849-1971.  East Petersburg, Penn.: Fox Chapel, 2011.


Halperin, Jim, and Hector Cantu, editors.  Collectible Movie Posters: Illustrated Guide with Auction Prices.  Atlanta: Whitman Publishing, 2010.


Harris, Moira F., and Leo J. Harris.  Minnesota on Paper: Collecting Our Printed History.  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006.  (2 copies)


Hart, Cynthia, with Lisa Samson.  The Oral History Workshop: Collect and Celebrate the Life Stories of Your Family and Friends.  New York: Workman, 2009.


Helfand, Jessica. Reinventing the Wheel. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.


Helfand, Jessica.  Scrapbooks: An American History.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.


Heller, Lilian Bell.  Heller Scraps: The History.  By the author, 2008.


Herrick, George Gardner. Winter rules: a commonplace book. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications, 1997.


Hickman-Robertson, Patrick.  How to Dispose of a Collection.  Middlesex, England: The Ephemera Society, 2011.


Hicks, John Alan. Civil War era occupational licenses, 1863-1873. Morristown, NJ: The Author, 2004.


Hinrichs, Kit and Delphine Hirasuna. Long May She Wave: A Graphic History of the American Flag. Berkeley, Cal., and Toronto: Ten Speed Press, 2001.


Hinrichs, Kit, collector and designer; text by Delphine Hirasuna. 100 American Flag: A Unique Collection of Old Glory Memorabilia.  Berkeley, Cal., and Toronto: Ten Speed Press, 2008.  Autographed by Kit Hinrichs


Hoffman, Robert C. Postcards from Santa Claus. Garden City, NY: Square One Pub., 2002.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons. Official 2002 Blackbook price guide to United States coins. New York: Crown, 2001.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons. Official 2002 Blackbook price guide to United States paper money. New York: Crown, 2001.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons. Official 2002 Blackbook price guide to United States postage stamps. New York: Crown, 2001.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons. Official 2002 Blackbook price guide to world coins. New York: Crown, 2001.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons.  Official 2003 Blackbook Price Guide to United States Coins.  New York: Crown, 2002.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons.  Official 2003 Blackbook Price Guide to United States Paper Money. New York: Crown, 2002.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons.  Official 2003 Blackbook Price Guide to United States Postage Stamps. New York: Crown, 2002.


Hudgeons, Marc and Tom Hudgeons. Official 2003 Price Guide to World Coins. New York: Crown, 2002.


Hudson, Graham.  The Design and Printing of Ephemera in Britain and America, 1720-1920.  London: The British Library; New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press, 2008.


John Margolies’ Lost America Postcards.  New York: Dial Press, 1982.


Kaplan, Stuart R. The Encyclopedia of Tarot. Stamford, Conn.: U.S. Games Systems, 1978-2005. 4 vols.


Kirwin, Liza.  Lists, To-dos, Illustrated Inventories, Collected Thoughts, and Other Artists’ Enumerations from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art.  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010. (2 copies)


Kirwin, Liza.  More Than Words: Illustrated Letters from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art.  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005.


Koppel, Lily.  The Red Leather Diary.  New York: HarperCollins, 2008.


Kovel, Ralph and Terry. Kovel’s yellow pages: a resource for collectors. New York: Random House, 2003.


Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price List.  39th ed.  New York: Random House, 2007.


Kreider, Katherine. One hundred years of valentines. Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer, 1999.


Krieder, Katherine. Valentines for the eclectic collector. Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer, 1999.


Kreider, Katherine. Valentines with values. Atlgen, Pa.: Schiffer, 1996.


Lasansky, Jeannette. The History and magic of honeycomb. Lewisburg, Pa.: Oral Traditions Project of the Union County Historical Society, 1997.


Levine, Barbara, and Jensen, Kirsten M.  Around the World: The Grand Tour in Photo Albums.  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007.


Lupton, Ellen. Letters from the avant-garde: modern graphic design. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1996.


Margolies, John. Fun along the Road: American Tourist Attractions. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1998.


Margolies, John. Home away from Home: Motels in America. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1995.


Margolies, John.  Roadside America: Architectural Relics from a Vanishing Past. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2010.


Margolies, John, and Eric Baker.  See the USA: The Art of the American Travel Brochure.  San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2000.


McKinstry, E. Richard.  Charles Magnus, Lithographer: Illustrating America’s past, 1850-1900.  New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press and Winterthur Museum, 2013.


Miller, M. Stephen.  From Shaker Lands and Shaker Hands: A Survey of the Industries.  Hanover: University Press of New England, 2007.


Morison, Samuel Eliot.  Those Misunderstood Puritans.  North Brookfield, Mass.: The Sun Hill Press, 1992.


Mulvaney, Jay, and Paul De Angelis.  Dear Mrs. Kennedy: A World Shares Its Grief, Letters, November 1963.  New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2010.


Musée de l’imprimerie de Lyon. Ephemera: les imprimés de tous les jours, 1880-1939. Lyon: The Museum, 2001.


Nestler, Harold. More Adventures of an Antiquarian Bookman. No place: The author, 2004.


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Norman, Dean. Studio cards: funny greeting cards and people who created them. Cleveland and Victoria, BC: Beaver Creek Features & Tafford Publishing, 2004.


O’Neill, Vivienne.  Carter’s Yesterday’s Paper: Collecting Ephemera in Australia.  New South Wales: John Furphy Pty.: 2007.


Orcutt, Georgia and John Margolies. Cooking USA: 50 favorite recipes from across America. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2004.


Overstreet, Robert M. Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. New York: Crown, 2002.


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Phillips, Tom. The Postcard century: 2000 cards and their messages. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2000.


Porter, Marianetta, in collaboration with Susan Skarsgard.  Stories Told in Sunday School.  Ann Arbor, Mich.: the author, 2013.  (2 copies)


Preston, Caroline.  The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt: A Novel in Pictures.  New York: HarperCollins, 2011.  This is an uncorrected proof printing. 


Reed, Robert. Paper advertising collectibles: treasures from almanacs to window signs. Norfolk, Va.: Antique Trader Books, 1998.


Reed, Robert. Paper collectibles: the essential buyer’s guide. Radnor, Pa.: Wallace-Homestead Book Co., 1995.


Reklame.  Alemanya Anys 20.  [Calendar, no year.]


Rickards, Maurice. The Encyclopedia of ephemera: a guide to the fragmentary documents of everyday life for the collector, curator, and historian. London: British Library, 2000.


Rickards, Maurice. The Encyclopedia of ephemera: a guide to the fragmentary documents of everyday life for the collector, curator, and historian. New York: Routledge, 2000.


Rickards, Maurice. This is ephemera: collecting printed throwaways. Brattleboro, Vt.: The Gossamer Press, 1977. (Signed by the author and others.)


Roberts, Bruce D. Clipper ship sailing cards.  Privately printed, 2007.


Rodgers, Patricia H. Three for a Nickel: Martha’s Vineyard Postcards, 1900-1925. Cambridge, Mass.: Aqua Press, 2002.


Rodriguez, Jason, ed. Postcards: true stories that never happened. New York: Villard, 2007.


Rosenberg, Chaim M., Goods for sale: products and advertising in the Massachusetts industrial age. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 2007.


Ross, Pat. The Kinship of Women: A Celebration of Enduring Friendship. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1997.


Roylance, Dale.  Graphic Americana: the art and technique of printed ephemera from abecedaires to zoetropes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Library, 1992.


Ryan, Edward. Paper soldiers: the illustrated history of printed paper armies of the 18th, 19th & 20th centuries. London, Eng.: Golden Age Editions, 1995.


Schnitzspahn, Karen L. An album of animal companions: a collection of turn-of-the century photographs and ephemera. Red Bank, NJ: Coast and Pines Press, 1995.


Sheppard’s international directory of ephemera dealers. Farnham, Eng.: Richard Joseph Publishers, 1996.


Slocum, Jerry.  The Cube: The Ultimate Guide to the World’s Bestselling Puzzle.  New York: Black Dog & Leventhal, 2009.


Slocum, Jerry, and Dic Sonneveld.  The 15 Puzzle: How It Drove the World Crazy.  Beverly Hills: Slocum Puzzle Foundation, 2006.


Smith, Doug.  Davenport. (Postcard History Series.)  Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2007.


Snapshot Chronicles: Inventing the American Photo Album.  Barbara Levine and Stephanie Snyder, curators.  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006.


Solley, Thomas T.  Prestige, Status and Works of Art: Selling the Luxury Car, 1888-1942.  Boston: Racemaker Press, 2008.


Steir, Sarah. A Bit of Brundage: the illustration art of Frances Brundage. Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer, 1999.


Taylor, John M., ed. The Autograph collector’s checklist. Burbank, Cal.: The Manuscript Society, 1990.


Totaro, Lawrence.  Fisching for Forgeries.  s.l.: Thinkers’ Press, 2007.


Tucker, Susan, Katherine Ott, and Patricia P. Buckler, eds.  The Scrapbook in American Life.  Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.


Tuttle, Craig. An ounce of prevention: a guide to the care of papers and photographs. Highland City, Fla.: Rainbow Books, 1995.


Twyman, Michael. Printing, 1770-1970: an illustrated history of its development and uses in England. London: British Library, 1998.


University of Oxford. Bodleian Library. A Nation of shopkeepers: trade ephemera from 1654 to the 1860s in the John Johnson Collection. Oxford, Eng.: The Library, 2001.


Van Diggele, Gejus.  “American Ball Invitations on Playing Cards in the 18th-19th century.  Computer print, version 07.2012.


Van Diggele, Gejus.  Kleine kaartjes, grote verhalen = Small cards, great stories. Hazerwoude, Netherlands: Wist jij dat Foundation, 2005.


Weaver, William Woys.  Culinary Ephemera: An Illustrated History.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010.


Weinstein, Amy.  Once Upon A Time: Illustrations from Fairytales, Fables, Primers, Pop-ups and Other Children’s Books.  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005.


Welch, Naomi. American & European postcards of Harrison Fisher, illustrator. La Selva Beach, Cal.: Images of the Past, 1999.


Welch, Naomi. The Complete works of Harrison Fisher, illustrator. La Selva Beach, Cal.: Images of the Past, 1999.


West, Richard Samuel. The San Francisco Wasp: an illustrated history. Easthampton, Mass.: Periodyssey Press, 2004. (Review copy)


Whitehill, Bruce. Americanopoly: l’Amèrique au travers de ses jeux; America as seen through its games; Amerika im Spiegel seiner Spiele. [Vevey, Switz.]: Musée Suisse du Jeu, 2004.


Williams, Anne D. The Jigsaw puzzle: piecing together a history. New York: Berkley Books, 2004. (2 copies, including an uncorrected proof for limited distribution.)


Wolff, Laetitia, ed.  Real Photo Postcards: Unbelievable Images from the Collection of Harvey Tulcensky.  New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005.


Zweig, S. Morton and Roberta Teitel. Advertising ink blotters: comprehensive collectors guide and price list … 1852 to 1972. Chattanooga, Tenn.: iGuide Media, 2004.