The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:          Mechanic (Sloop)                                

Title:               Bills of the Mechanic (Sloop), Benjamin Hallet, Master

Dates:             1821

Call No.:         Col. 514

Acc. No.:         78x206

Quantity:        41 items

Location:        34 K 4






Captain Benjamin Hallet commanded the sloop Mechanic, and Stephen Herrick, a grocer from New York City, was a part owner of the vessel.





This collection of 41 items, dating from 1821, documents repairs to and supplies needed for the sloop Mechanic.  Repairs included sail mending and making, burning of the bottom, varnishing and painting, and the addition of stanchion fittings and winch heads.  Supplies mentioned include mattresses; pillows; blankets; compasses; cutlery; such tableware as cups, saucers, and plates; tumblers; cabin curtains; cupboard locks; and fish lines





The bills are in chronological order.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from The Manuscript Company of Springfield, Virginia.






            Hallet, Benjamin.

            Herrick, Stephen.



            Ship's papers.

            Ships - Maintenance and repair.









Location: 34 K 4


Note: all accession numbers begin with 78x206; all bills addressed to Mechanic, Benjamin Hallet, or Stephen Herrick



.1         bought of Daniel Berry, New York City, March 5, 1821, mattress and pillow, pillow cases, sheets


.2         bought of Robert Walker, New York City, March 6, 1821, iron pipe


.3         bought of S. Allen & Son, New York City, March 7, 1821, 4 pieces of duck [cloth]


.4         bought of John & Jos. Corlies, New York City, March 7, 1821, cups and saucers, plates, tumblers, etc.


.5         bought of David Stillwaggon, New York City, March 8, 1821, sign(?), putty, boards, labor, endorsed on back: bill making squeal boom, etc.


.6         bought of R. T.(?) Beekman, New York City, March 10, 1821, 4 blankets


.7         bought of Robert Walker, New York City, March 10, 1821, leadwood


.8         bought of John Andrews, [Boston,] March-August 1821, sail making and mending


.9         bought of Edward Longley, Boston, March 20, 1821, hooks, bolts, hammer, etc.


.10       bought of D. Baker, Boston, March 22, 1821, two compasses


.11       bought of Seaman & Warner, New York City, March –April 1821, making square sail, bolt rope, thimbles, twine, duck cloth, etc.


.12       bought of B. M. Brown, New York City, April 7, 1821, tea kettle, knives


.13       bought of Thomas Green, no place, April 14, 1821, staple, block, old and new spikes


.14       bought of F. Holmes, no place, April 17, 1821, labor for burning bottom and false keel, planks, use of ways


.15       bought of E. Jeffers, Boston, April 20, 1821, varnish, verdigris, white lead, putty, etc.


.16       bought of Saml. Emmons & Son, Boston, April-June 1821, signal color, bellows


.17       bought of J. Ripley, Boston, May 19, 1821, [illegible]


.18       bought of Wallis & Foster, Boston, April-May 1821, for unspecified work, planing boards, screws, etc.


.19       bought of Fessenden Clark, Boston, June 6, 1821, 28 yards furniture(?)


.20       bought of John Snelling, Boston, June 9, 1821, “landing(?) down decks” [on back: caulking]


.21       bought of John Stocker, Boston, June 14, 1821, fitting cabin curtins


.22       bought of Ebenr. Jeffers, Boston, June 8, 1821, boiled oil, white lead, paint, putty


.23       bought of John F. Miller, New York City, June 21, 1821, for carving a pair of trail boards


.24       bought of Youle & Sabbaton, New York City, June 28, 1821, [illegible, but on back: bill of stove]


.25       bought of Robert Green, New York City, June 29, 1821, to cutting two scuppers


.26       bought of Robert Walker, New York City, July 2, 1821, funnel, leading 2 hawser holes


.27       bought of B. M. Brown, New York City, July 8, 1821, knives, forks, cork screw, spoon, etc.


.28       bought of Robert Green, New York City, July 31, 1821, winch heads, stanchions


.29       bought of John & Jos. W. Corlies, New York City, August 23, 1821, sundry crockery and tumblers


.30       bought of John Smith, New York City, August 27, 1821, iron, mending and repairing pumps


.31       bought of John Snelling, Boston, September 6, 1821, repairs on rudder


.32       bought of B. M. Brown, New York City, September 19, [no year, on back: 1822], cupboard locks, etc.


.33       bought of William Heschell, New York City, September 19, 1821, receipt for payment


.34       bought of S. Schermerhorn & Son, New York City, June-October 1821, for deck light, rosin, tar, paint colors, mop, lines and leads, cod hooks, brushes, turpentine, deck bucket, etc.


.35       bought of Francis H. Nicoll & Co., New York City, October 11, 1821, ship chandlery


.36       bought of Schermerhorn & Son, New York City, November 10, 1821, draw bucket


.37       bought of Schermerhorn & Son, New York City, December 3, 1821, pump hammer, nails, paint


.38       bought of Francis H. Nicoll & Co., New York City, December 5, 1821, relaying cable


.39       bought of Schermerhorn & Son, New York City, December 13, 1821, spikes


.40       receipt signed by Jos. Leonard, no place, for tax, E. [illegible] license, hospital money


.41       wrapper for bills listed above




Index to Col. 514 (acc. 78x206.1-.41)


Allen, S., & Son  .3

Andrews, J. (sail maker)  .8


Baker, D.  .10

Beekman, R. T.(?)  .6

Berry, Daniel  .1

Brown, B. M.  .12, .27, .32


Clark, Fessenden  .19

Corlies, John & Jos. W.  .4, .29


Emmons, Samuel, & Son  .16


Foster (of Wallis & Foster) .18


Green, Robert  .25, .28

Green, Thomas  .13


Heschell, William  .33

Holmes, Francis  (shipwright)  .14


Jeffers, Ebenr.  .15, .22


Leonard, Jos.  .40

Longley, Edmund  .9


Miller, John F.  .23


Nicoll, Francis H.  .35, .38


Ripley, J. .17


Schermerhorn, S., & Son  .34, .36, .37

Seaman & Warner (sail maker)  .11

Smith, John  .30

Snelling, John  .20, .31

Stillwaggon, David  .5

Stocker, John  .21


Wallis &Foster (ship joiners)  .18

Walker, Robert  .2, .7, .26


Youle & Sabbaton  .24