The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur
Museum, Winterthur, DE 19735
302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883
Creator: Fry & Gross.
Title: Bills
Dates: 1831-1834
Call No.:
Acc. No.: 75x212
Quantity: 95 items
Location: 34 J 3
The firm of Fry & Gross was in business in
This collection of bills documents items purchased
by the firm of Fry & Gross, as well as by Jacob Fry, Daniel Fry, Samuel
Fry, and Thomas Gross. Most bills are from businesses located in Trappe,
The bills are in accession number order.
The materials are in English.
Collection is open to the public. Copyright restrictions may apply.
Purchased from William B. Pennebaker.
Tinware -
Candy - Prices.
Liquors - Prices.
Hardware - Prices - 19th century.
Household supplies - Prices - 19th century.
Hides and skins - Prices.
Dyes and dyeing.
Ink - Prices.
Additional authors:
Fry, Jacob
Fry, Daniel
Fry, Samuel
Gross, Thomas
Location: 34 J
.1 Fry
& Gross bought of Samuel Krause of
.2 Fry & Gross bought of Samuel Krause
.3 Fry & Gross bought of Samuel Krause
.4 bill to Gross & Fry for cigars,
1832 [rest of date torn off]
.5 Jacob Fry & Thos. Gross bought of
Samuel Krause of Limerick, May 9, 1832, tin ware, tin cups, funnel,
candlesticks, measures, tin buckets
.6 Jacob Fry bought of I. Koons & Co.,
.7 Jacob Fry bought of R. A. Parrish,
Signed by John Parker or Packer
.8 J. Fry, Jr., bought of R.A. Parrish,
[no city], November 3, 1831, nails;
Signed by F. A. Com[torn]
.9 Jacob Fry bought of Isacc Koons &
Co., [no city], November 9, 1831, chocolate, indigo, salt, sugar, crackers
.10 Jacob Fry, Jr., bought of Cope & Wite
(or White),
Signed by Enos Cope
.11 Jacob Fry bought of G. Hoffman, Trappe,
November 18, 1831, various kinds of brushes: sweeping, wall, horse, clothes,
Signed G. & J. Hoffman
.12 Jacob Fry bought of I. Koons & Co.,
.13 D. Fry bought of [blank], Trappe, January
3, 1831, whiskey;
Payment received by Jacob
.14 note, Geo. Beck asks Daniel Fry to pay
the bearer Israel A. Kurtz, October 12(?), 1831
.15 Daniel Fry bought of Conrad Feger,
Trappe, December 15, 1831, whiskey
.16 D. Fry bought of S. Broom & Co.,
.17 order from Daniel Fry, Trappe, January 1,
1832, to Broom & Co., for mint sticks, secrets, horehound, rock, and other
.18 Daniel Fry bought of Geo. Hoffman, Trappe,
January 11, 1832, scrubbing brushes, paint brushes, sash tools;
Signed G. & J. Hoffman
.19 D. Fry bought of [blank], Trappe, March
13, 1832, whiskey
.20 D. Fry bought of [blank], Trappe, March
19, 1832, whiskey
payment received by Benjamin
.21 D. Fry bought of Mr. Sheffie(?), Trappe,
March 31, 1832, rakes;
Signed by [illegible]
.22 D. Fry bought of S. Broom & Co.,
Signed by C. Wells
.23 Fry bought of Jacob Schook or Lock, Lower
Milford(?), April 25, 1832, for basins, jugs, chamber pots
.24 D. Fry bought of S. Broom & Co.,
.25 D. Fry bought of John Jones for Thos.
Gross, Trappe, May 28, 1832, whiskey
.26 receipt for payment made by Samuel Gross Fry, secretary of Trappe Brass
Band, to A. T. Miller, treasurer, October 3, 1850(?)
.27 Thos. J. Gross bought of Sam. Detwiler,
Perkiomen Mills, 1831, flour
.28 Mr. Gross bought of Samuel Roeller, [no
city], October 29, 1831, cigars
.30 receipt for payment made by Jefferson
Gross to Sam. Detwiler, November 8, 1831;
Signed D. Rutter
.31 Jacob Fry bought of Berit(?) Wyman &
Signed Wm. W. Babbit
.32 T. J. Gross bought of Sam. Detwiler,
November 16, 1831, flour;
Signed by D. Rutter
.33 Th. J. Gross bought of D. Buckwalter,
Trappe, November 17, 1831, tea, muslin
.34 “amt. pd. out drawer from Sept. 6 to Nov.
20, Trapp, Nov. 20, 1831, amt. not paid”
[list of figures]
.35 T. J. Grose [sic] bought of Vail (or
Nail) & Henry,
Signed by G. Purcell(?)
.36 J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
Perkiomen Mills, December 3, 1831, flour
.38 T. J. Gross bought of Sam. Detwiler,
Perkiomen Mills, December 25, 1831, flour, etc.;
Signed by D. Rutter
.39 receipt for payment made by Jefferson
Gross to Sam. Detwiler, December 26, 1831, signed by D. Rutter
.40 J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
Perkiomen Mills, January 20, 1832, flour
.41 [blank] bought of S. Broom & Co.,
Philadelphia, January 23, 1832, rock candy, licorice, mint sticks, lemon sticks
.42 T. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
February 4, 1832, flour
.43 T. J. Gross bought of E. P. Cooke,
Philadelphia, [month torn] 9, 1832, knives, forks, Wilson’s shoe knives, iron
candlesticks, sewing awls, locks, Barlow knives, screws, hinges, thumb latches,
Signed by Jas. H. Ha[torn]
Signed by John F. Addington
.45 receipt for payment made by Jefferson
Gross to Sam. Detwiler, March 26, 1832,
signed by John F. Addington
Signed by John F. Addington
.47 receipt for payment made by T. J. Gross
to E.(?) F. Learning(? Leaming?), April 27, 1832;
Signed by James C. Do[torn]
.48 Thos. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
Perkiomen Mills, April 14, 1832, flour;
Signed by John F. Addington
.49 T. J. Gross bought of Wm. H. Davis,
.50 T. J. Gross bought of. J. E. Hagert,
.51 T. J. Gross bought of Lowery(?) &
Wall(?), [no city], Dec.(?) 27, 1832, bed cords, cow hides
.52 Thos. J. Gross bought of Wm. H. Davis,
.53 Mr. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
Perkiomen Mills, May 14, 1832, flour
.54 Thos.
.55 Thomas J. Gross bought of R. A. Parrish,
[no city], May 28, 1832, nails, scythes, etc.;
Signed by John Narkes(?)
.56 Thos. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
June 6, 1832, flour;
With note from John F. Addington
.57 T. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
September 15, 1832, flour
.58 Thos. J. Gross bought of R. A. Parrish,
Philadelphia, June 18, 1832, scythes, black [illegible], sun glasses, fish
hooks, scythe stones, etc.;
Signed by B. Williams
.59 T. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
June 29, 1832, flour;
Signed by John F. Addington
.60 Mr. Gross bought of J. Rubincam,
.61 T. J. Gross bought of R. A. Parrish, [no
city], June 29, 1832, nails, bed screws;
Signed by F. A. Combs (or Comly)
.62 Thos. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
July 4, 1832, flour, etc.;
Signed by John F. Addington
.63 receipt for payment made by Thos.
Jefferson Gross to Sam. Detwiler, July 5, 1832,
signed by John F. Addington
.64 Thos. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
July 4, 1832, flour;
Signed by John F. Addington
.65 Thos. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
July-October 1832, flour, mackerel;
Signed by John F. Addington on
November 21, 1832
.66 Thos. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
October 11, 1832, flour
.67 Thos. J. Gross bought of Saml. Detwiler,
September 15, 1832, flour;
Signed by John F. Addington
.68 T. J. Gross bought of R. A. Parrish,
.69 Th. J. Gross bought of Jno. Patterson
& Son,
.70 Thos. J. Gross bought of Samuel Krause of
.71 Thos. J. Gross bought of Samuel Krause of
Limerick, October 27, 1832, tin ware, oil cans, colanders, boilers, tin kettles
.72 Thos. J. Gross bought of Sam. Detwiler,
October 29, 1832, flour, etc.;
Signed by John F. Addington
.73 Thos. J. Gross bought of Sam. Detwiler,
November 21, 1832, flour
.74 torn document; one side reads: “1832 of
Mr. T. J. Gross/ a/c nails to be delivered/ F. Leaming(?), by James C.
Other side reads: “Rec’d. Philada.
M/ T.J. Gross twenty one/ of a [illegible] nails March/ $21.75/100”
.75 Mr. T. J. Gross bought of Frederick Klett
& Co., Philadelphia, September 2, 1833, white lead, glass, varnish,
turpentine, lamp black, putty;
Signed by J. W.(?)
.76 Tho. J. Gross bought of Jacob Brent(?),
Dec. 3, 1833, children’s boots
.77 J. Gross bought of P. & A. Rovandt,
.78 Thos. J. Gross bought of Jonas Rambo,
Trappe, December 24, 1833, beef
.79 T. J. Gross bought of Israel D. Kurtz,
.80 Thomas J. Gross bought of Bancroft Koons
& Co.,
“We have given you credit for
[amount] paid by Mr. Beard.”
.81 Thos. J. Gros bought of Waterman &
.82 Thomas J. Gross bought of R. A. Parrish,
Signed by B. Williams
.83 T. J. Gross bought of Joseph [torn],
November 27, [date missing], putty, rosin, madders, cloves;
Signed J. Rea[illegible]
.84 bill for tin buckets and wash basins, no
date; name on back: Krause
.85 bill headed at top: Gross, April 25,
signature on back illegible; for razor strops, glasses, saws, shears, combs,
blacking, knives, waiters, bolts, ink powder, etc.
.86 bill for cigars and something else, no
date, name on back: Luciani(?)
.87 William Goodwin bought of Henry Grove,
.88 John Watt bought of Th. J. Gross, Trappe,
January 7, 1832, whiskey, linseed oil, candles, etc.;
Signed by John Watt
.89 [torn] Patterson bought of Wilmer &
.90 A. Sonder bought of Alexander Cook, [no
city], April 5, 1832, candles;
Signed by Jno. McMullan
.91 Saml. N.(?) Skin(?) bought of H. Lintz(?
Leutz?), April 18, 1832, mackerel
.92 order to S. Broom,
.93 [blank] bought of Thomas Rhodes,
.94 order from Thoas. J. Gross to Grigg &
.95 Anthony Custer bought of [Detwiler – name
on back], no date, wheat, flour, including 2 barrels of flour for Th. J. Gross,
signed by D. Rutter