The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, DE  19735

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Creator:         Yockel, Charles, 1834-1916                          

Title:               Papers

Dates:             1875-1905

Call No.:         Col. 481

Acc. No.:        75x182, 16x70.33

Quantity:        36 items

Location:        34 J 3






According to his own billheads and advertisements, Charles Yockel worked at engraving, die sinking, and lettering; however, his primary trade seems to have been in the manufacture and sale of molds for jars, bottles, and other glass items.  Yockel's business was located at 235 Broad St. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Charles Yockel was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, on May 12, 1834 (according to his death certificate) and emigrated to the United States by 1855.  His wife Mary was also born in Hesse-Darmstadt.  Charles died on July 20, 1916.  His death certificate listed his occupation as machinist and pattern maker.  Children included Charles, Henry, William, Frederick, and daughters Mary, Matilda, and Ottilie.





These bills and letters document the glass mold manufactory of Charles Yockel, 1875-1905.  Two items are his own advertisement and billhead.  Most pieces are letters, placing orders for molds for bottles, jars, vials, fire extinguishers, light bulbs, and lampshades.  Many letterheads depict glass objects or factories.  Other documents concern the payment of accounts.  One letter is from the glass manufactory firm of Hall, Pancoast, and Craven (whose papers are also in this repository).





The letters are in chronological order.  A name index is appended to this finding aid.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Accession 75x182: purchased from E. Moore.

Accession 16x70.33: purchased from Stephen and Carol Resnick.






            Business records - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Glass manufacture - Molds.


            Glass lampshades.

            Fire extinguishers.

            Light bulbs.

            Glass containers.








Location: 34 J 3


[all accession numbers begin with 75x182, unless otherwise indicated; all items are addressed to Charles Yockel, unless otherwise indicated]


Folder 1:



.1         receipted bill from Stephen A. Ashman, machine and general blacksmith, Philadelphia, January 20, 1877, for steel dies, iron collar, steel reamer;

                        Printed billhead


.2         receipt for iron castings bought of Ruhland, Rebmann & Co., Girard Iron Foundry, Philadelphia, November 6, 1877;

                        Printed form


.3         ad for Charles Yockel, machinist and glass mould maker, engraving, die sinking, lettering, [etc.], established 1855; written on back: 1880 July 1880;

                        Lists different kinds of bottles and glassware for which he could make patterns; printed ad


.4         Hall, Pancost & Craven, Salem Glass Works, Salem, New Jersey, Dec. 1, 1875, ordering a flask mold to have the name Park & Tilford, New York;

                        Printed letterhead


.5         Chicago Glass Manufacturing Co., Druggists Prescription Ware, Chicago, Ill., November 17, 1887, ordering molds with S inside a diamond;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s building


.6         Eugene P. Reed & Co., Rochester Glassworks, Rochester, New York, January 26, 1888, ordering molds; reply added in red ink;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.7         Rudolph Bloesir, Scranton, Penn., February 18, 1888, about a check and an unsatisfactory order;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with pictures of glass jars


.8         Maring, Hart & Co., Window Glass & Flint Bottles, [etc.], Bellaire, Ohio, February 22, 1888, ordering molds for G.W. Lewman & Bro., Druggists, Jeffersonville, Ind., one to have just lettering, and the other to have a design (picture of design included)

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s building, and picture of various kinds of bottles


.9         Eugene P. Reed & Co., Rochester Glassworks, Rochester, New York, January 26, 1888, ordering mold; reply added

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.10       Binghamton Glass Works, Vials and Bottles of Every Description, Binghamton, New York, March 21, 1889, ordering soda molds for R. Klein & Co., Brooklyn; order noted as sent;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.11       Marion Flint Glass Co., Prescription-vials, flasks, brandies, pickle-ware, &c, Marion, Indiana, April 26, 1889, dissatisfaction with mold; reply (dated May 3, 1889) on back;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.12       Binghamton Glass Works, Vials and Bottles of Every Description, Binghamton, New York, March 21, 1889, ordering molds to be lettered Joseph Sheridan, Troy, N.Y.

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.13       Marion Flint Glass Co., Prescription-vials, flasks, brandies, pickle-ware, &c, Marion, Indiana, no date, page 2 of a letter, about damage in shipping;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.14       S. W. Pancoast & Sons, Olean Glass Co., Olean, N. Y., June 11, 1894, dissatisfaction with order; penciled reply;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with picture of various kinds of bottles


.15       Charles Yockel, Moulds for glass, patent presses, etc., for glass works, Philadelphia, to Messrs. Rohrbacher & Hormann, no place, August 31, 1891, about putting a hole in a mold; with Rohrbacher & Hormann’s reply

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with picture of a mold


.16       Clark Bros. Lamp, Brass & Copper Co., Trenton, N.J., August 4, 1891, about changes to be made to a lamp mold;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings and a picture of a lamp


.17       S. W. Pancoast & Sons, Olean Glass Co., Olean, N. Y., August 8, 1891, about changes to molds; with penciled reply;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with picture of various kinds of bottles


.18-21  James J. Murray & Co., Murray Flint Glass Works, Philadelphia, August 12, 1881; August 21, 1891; April 30, 1895; May 14, 1895; about a fount mold, a lantern mold, an incandescent bulb mold, and a large round shade mold;\

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.22       Johns Brothers, Manufacturers of … Beer Bottles, Minerals, Fruit Jars and Oil Cans, Fairmont, W.Va., May 16, 1895, ordering mold for Black Diamond Bottling Works, Fairmont, W.Va.;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with picture of a glass jar labeled The Columbian


.23       S. Twitchell, Manufacturing Chemist, Importer of and Dealer in Bottlers’ Supplies, [etc.], Philadelphia, May 23, 1895, needs molds at once for McCall Star Bottling Co., Bridesburg, Phila., Pa. and Chr. Pfaff, Philada. Pa.;

on back: ad for Twitchell’s standard bottlers’ extracts, including various kinds of ginger ale, lemon soda, sarsaparilla, pear champagne, birch and other beers, etc.;

Printed and illustrated letterhead; with pictures of various kinds of bottles and bottlers’ supplies


.24       handwritten reply to Twitchell letter above, May 27, 1895; on back: circular letter from Charles Yockel advising customers of his new location, corner of Canal and Lawrence St., above Girard Ave., no date;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with picture of a glass mould


.25       Trenton Lamp Company, Manufacturers of Fine Decorate Lamps and Specialties in Metal Goods, Trenton, New Jersey, June 12, 1895, send finished product to Gill & Co.;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings and pictures of two kinds of lamps


.26       Mr. Durand, Montreal, Canada, July 19, 1895, ordering mold for a new fire extinguisher; with penciled reply; reply added in pencil;

Mr. Durand used printed letterhead stationery of Canadian Fire Extinguisher Co., illustrated with fire extinguishers


.27       Union Glass Company, Somerville, Mass., September 13, 1895, ordering hyacinth glasses, with reply of September 17 in red ink;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.28       California Glass Co., Manufacturers of Flint Bottles, Lettered Ware, Milk Jars, Private Mould Work, California, Penn., January 31, 1896, encloses shipping receipt;

                        Printed letterhead


.29       L. & M. Goldsticker, barroom glassware and supplies, [etc.], New York, February 10, 1896, ordering molds; on back: penciled reply of February 11;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with picture of decanters and wine glasses


.30       American Lamp & Brass Co., Manufacturers of lamps in metal, onyx and porcelain, Trenton, N.J., February 12, 1896, about change in price; the letter is noted as being “dictated to and transcribed from the new graphophone”;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings and a picture of a lamp; also notes that the company succeeds Swann, Whitehead & Clark and Clark Bros. Lamp Brass & Copper Co.


.31       Charles Leng, Glass House Blow Pipes, Moulds, Tools of Every Description, Pittsburgh, Penn., February 12, 1896, requesting payment of bill; with note that check sent on February 13;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with picture of a rose


.32       Sydenham Galss Co., Manufacturers of Bottles & Fruit Jars, Beer & Mineral Bottles a Specialty, Wallaceburg, Ontario, March 6, 1896, requesting that mold be sent to W.H. Hamilton & Co. in Pittsburgh; with penciled reply;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings, and a Canadian flag with a beaver


.33       J.T. & A. Hamilton, Manufacturers of Flint Glass, Prescription Vials, Bottles, Flasks, &c., Pittsburgh, Penn., March 13, 1896, requesting molds;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead; with view of the company’s buildings


.34       Geo. Palmer, Secretary, San Francisco & Pacific Glass Works, writing from Bingham House, Philadelphia, March 12, 1896, requesting representative of company to call on him; with penciled reply;

                        Printed letterhead of the hotel


.35       Dyottville Glass Work, estate of Henry B. Benners, Kensington, Philadelphia, April 1, 1896, please send bill;

                        Printed letterhead


.36       Massillon Bottle & Glass Co., Manufacturers of Bottles, Massillon, Ohio, September 22, 1902, to Chas. Yockel & Sons, requesting information about what to do with rusting molds, with penciled note that this was answered;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead, with picture of a green bottle


16x70.33         Karl Hutter, patentee of the “Hutter-Porcelain” and “Lightning” Bottle Stoppers and “Economy” bottle stopper rubber, dealer in bottlers’ supplies, New York, Jan. 11, 1905, to Charles Yockel & Sons: about lettering on molds for Rising Sun Brewing Co. and dissatisfaction with a mold for Wieland Bros.;

                        Printed and illustrated letterhead, with picture of bottle stoppers

Index to Col. 481, acc. 75x182.1-.36


American Lamp & Brass Co. .30

Ashman, Stephen A. .1


Baltimore Litho Co. .18-19

Benners, Henry B. .34

Bingham House .36

Binghamton Glass Works .10, .12

Black Diamond Bottling Works .22

Bloeser, Rudolph .7

Brooks, Lyman B. .27


California Glass Company .28

Canadian Fire Extinguisher Co. .26

Chicago Glass Manufacturing Co. .5

Clark Bros. Company .16

Clark Bros. Lamp, Brass & Copper Co. .16, .30

Craven (of Hall, Pancoast & Craven) .4


Dunston, G. H. .25

Dyottsville Glass Works .34


Fire Extinguisher Co. .26


Gill & Co. .16

Girard Iron Foundry .2

Globe Lamp Works .16

Goldsticker, L. & M. .29


Hall, Pancoast & Craven .4

Hamilton, J. T. & A. .33

Hart (of Maring, Hart & Co.) .8

Hofstetter Bros. .30

Hormann (of Rohrbacher & Hormann) .15

Howard Bros. .9

Hutter, Karl    16x70.33


Johns Brothers .22

Johns & Co. .33


Klein, P., & Co. .10


Leng, Charles .31

Lewman, G.W., & Bro. .8


Maring, Hart & Co. .8

Marion Flint Glass Co. .11, .13

Massillon Bottle & Glass Co.    .35

McCall Star Bottling Co. .23

The McLewee Brass M'fg. Co. .16

Murray, James J., & Co. .18-21


Neumer    16x70.33


Olean Glass Co.  .14, .17


Pancoast (of Hall, Pancoast & Craven) .4

Pancoast, S. W., & Sons .14

Park & Tilford .4

Pfaff, Chr. .23


Rebmann (of Ruhland, Rebmann & Co.) .2

Reed, Eugene P., & Co. .6, .9

Rising Sun Brewing Co.  16x70.33

Rochester Glassworks .6, .9

Rohrbacher & Hormann .15

Ruhland, Rebmann & Co. .2


Salem Glass Works .4

San Francisco & Pacific Glass Works .36

Schall Bros. .1

Sheridan, Joseph .12

Swann, Whitehead & Clark .30

Sydenham Glass Co. of Wallaceburg .32


Tilford (of Park & Tilford) .4

Trenton Lamp Company .25

Twitchell, S. .23-24


Union Glass Company .27

Wieland Bros.  16x70.33