The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

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Creator:         Cowperthwait & Bros.           

Title:               Bills

Dates:             1854-1856

Call No.:         Col. 478

Acc. No.:        81x467.1-.60

Quantity:        58 items

Location:        34 J 3






The Cowperthwait brothers owned a general store, perhaps in or near Bordentown, Burlington County, New Jersey, in the mid-19th century.  The brothers have not been identified.  No Cowperthwaits were listed in the 1850 census as living in Bordentown, although there were men of that name living elsewhere in the county.





This small collection of bills documents the purchase and transportation of goods for a retail store owned by Cowperthwait & Bros.  Items mentioned include textile fabrics, ribbons, millinery goods, brushes, brooms, lumber, boots, shoes, Panama hats, gloves, clothes, hosiery, Colgate soaps, hammers, knives, screws, nails, food, wine, pails, chains, tobacco, stationery, and blotting paper.  Also included are bills for freight charges from Philadelphia or New York to Bordentown, New Jersey.  The bills had been in a flood at some point, causing the ink to fade, and some are therefore difficult to read.





The bills are in chronological order, not accession number order.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Balish.





Clothing and dress - Prices.

            Food prices - 19th century.

            Freight and freightage - Rates.

            Hardware - Prices.


            Household supplies - Prices.

            Merchants - New Jersey.

            General stores - New Jersey.







Location: 34 J 3


All accession numbers 81x467.


.7         bill for freight from New York to Bordentown, via Camden and Amboy Rail-Road and Transportation Company, Nov. 29, 1854.

                        Printed form, with name: Charles Fish, agent, South Amboy, N.J.


.5         bill for freight from New York to Bordentown, via Camden and Amboy Rail-Road and Transportation Company, June 28, 1855.

                        Printed form, with name Charles Fish, agent, South Amboy, N.J.


.6         bill for freight from New York to Bordentown, via Camden and Amboy Rail-Road and Transportation Company, June 28, 1855.

                        Printed form, with name Charles Fish, agent, South Amboy, N.J.


.9         bill for freight from Philadelphia to Bordentown, via Camden and Amboy R.R. and Transportation Company, for hats, brooms, kegs, cheese, cans, etc., July 6, 1855.

                        Printed billhead, dated Bordentown.


.31       from G. W. Hickman & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., July 6, 1855, for tobacco.


.34       from William Jackson, Philadelphia, Pa., July 6, 1855, for textile fabrics, including linen, Marseilles, cassimere, duck;

                        Printed billhead: CLOTH STORE, N. W. corner of Market & Second Streets.


.18       from Dilworth, Branson & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., July 6, 1855, for knives, shears, snuffers, Quinnebaug [sic] rifles, hammers, hatchets, locks, screws, tea and table spoons, fish hooks, etc.

                        Printed billhead: Hardware House.


.56       from William Whitaker, New Egypt, [New Jersey,] July 12, 1855, for purchase of goods (ropes and lines?  too faded to read).


.46       from J. J. Richardson & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., July 17, 1855, for 100 lemons(?).

                        Printed billhead, with description of goods sold (gum Arabic drops, jelly cakes, cream chocolate, [other candies], and foreign fruits).


.60       from Q. [illegible], Philadelphia, Pa., July 17, 1855, for a lamp.


.38       from C. P. Knight & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for cheese.

                        Printed billhead: Commission Merchants, and dealers in fish, cheese, and provisions generally.


.32       from G. W. Hickman & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for tobacco.


.35       from William Jackson, Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for cloth.

                        Printed billhead: CLOTH STORE, N. W. corner of Market & Second Streets.


.10       bill for freight from Philadelphia to Bordentown, via Camden and Amboy Rail-Road and Transportation Company, July 17, 1855, for stools, chairs, a demijohn, and other items.

                        Printed billhead, dated from Bordentown.


.17       from Dacosta & Brother, Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for glass buttons, embroideries, tapestry needles, edging, etc.

                        Printed billhead: trimmings, hosiery, gloves, embroideries, & fancy small wares.

                        Illustrated with slogan “Remember to look for THE RED 5 ½”;

                        Printed by Torr


.19       from Dilworth, Branson & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for wine, butter, a shoe punch, tobacco knife, a pocket knife, and other goods.

                        Printed billhead: Hardware House


.23       from Thomas Estlack, Jr. & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for “fluid.”

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, …, Fluid, Camphine, &c., &c.


.24       from Thomas Estlack, Jr. & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for E. Salts [Epsom salts], cinnamon, copperas, Ven. Red [Venetian red], etc.

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, …, Spices, Fluid, Camphine, &c., &c.


.25       from D. S. Freeland & Son, Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for Panama hats.

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale and Retail Hat and Cap Manufactory.  Beaver, Moleskin, Silk & Fur Hats, [other hats], buffalo robes, muffs & boas, cloth and fur caps.


.28       from Hendry, Cooper & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for Morocco Lace Boots and other kinds of boots, including those for children and boys.

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Boot, Shoe, Bonnet & Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse.

                        Illustrated with image of storefront.


.51       from R. K. Stewart, Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for dress trimmings.

                        Printed billhead: Ladies’ Dress Trimmings Store. Ladies’ Stamped Collars, Bands & Spencer Manufacturer.  (Late A. White & Co.)


.33       from J. Hollowbush, Philadelphia, PA., July 31, 1855, for books, a receipt book, blotting board, and a scrap book.

                        Printed billhead: Blank & School Book, Paper & Stationery Store.


.8         bill for freight from New York to Bordentown, via Camden and Amboy Rail-Road and Transportation Company, August 1, 1855.

                        Printed form, with name Charles Fish, agent, South Amboy, N.J.


.58       from M. Wilson, New York, Aug. 1, 1855, for stocks [men’s clothing].

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Manufacturer of Shirts, Stocks & Collars.

                        Illustrated with image of store in the Gilsey Building.


.42       from Francis Lasher, Philadelphia, PA., Aug. 8, 1855, for gingham(??).

                        Printed billhead.


.47       from J. J. Richardson & Co., Philadelphia, PA., Aug. 8, 1855, for 50 lemons(?).

                        Printed billhead, with description of goods sold (gum Arabic drops, jelly cakes, cream chocolate, [other candies], foreign fruits).


.29       from Hendry, Cooper & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1855, for brogans, goat boots, gaiters, shoes, bloomer juliens, and other goods.

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Boot, Shoe, Bonnet & Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse.

                        Illustrated with image of store building.


.49       from Smith, Murphy & Co., Philadelphia, PA., Aug. 14, 1855, [bill is too faded to read.]

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and American Dry Goods.


.2         from William C. Allen, Philadelphia, PA., Aug. 15, 1855, for a pail, a duster(?), etc. [difficult to read]

                        Printed billhead: Cheap Broom, Wood and Willow Ware Store.

                        Illustrated with image of man weaving baskets.


.12       from Chambers & Johnson, Philadelphia, PA., Aug. 15, 1855, for silk gloves, woolen socks, ladies’ hosiery, leather belts, lace buttons, English pins, shoe laces, and other accessories.

                        Printed billhead: Dealers in Staple and Fancy Trimmings. Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Threads, Needles, Ladies’ Dress Trimmings, etc.


.39       from C. P. Knight & Co., Philadelphia, PA., Aug. 24, 1855, for cheese and other goods. [difficult to read]

                        Printed billhead: Printed billhead: Commission Merchants, and dealers in fish, cheese, and provisions generally.


.15       from William Colgate & Co., New York, Aug. 29, 1855, for candles and soap.  [difficult to read]

                        Printed billhead: Starch, Soap and Candle Manufacturers.


.36       from Wm. D. Jones and Co., Philadelphia, PA., Dec. 11, 1855, for silk, thread, yarn, muslin, etc. [difficult to read]

                        Printed billhead.


.16       from George W. Cowperthwait, Tom’s River, N. J., Dec. 17, 1855, for flour(?), with message written at bottom of page (too faded to read).

                        Printed billhead: The People’s Store! Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Paints & Oils, Flour & Feed, Boots & Shoes, Stoves & Tin Ware, Charcoal & Lumber.


.37       from Wm. D. Jones & Co., Philadelphia, PA., Jan. 17, 1856, for gingham and other goods (too faded to read).

                        Printed billhead.


.26       from W.E. Garrett & Son, Philadelphia, PA., Jan. 18, 1856, for snuff.

                        Printed billhead: Extensive Manufacturers of Scotch & Rappee Sunffs, warranted of very Superior Quality.  Successors to Levi Garrett & Sons.


.52       from Charles D. Thum, Philadelphia, PA., Jan. 18, 1856, for shaving compound, scrub, and tools.

                        Printed billhead: Brush Manufacturer;

illustrated with images of brushes, and medals from the Franklin Institute.


.59       from S. S. Wyckoff & Co., New York, Jan. 18, 1856, for coffee(?).

                        Printed billhead.


.21       from Wm. Eastwood, Philadelphia, PA., Jan. 18, 1856, for pails.

                        Printed billhead: Cotton Yarn Warehouse.  Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Yarns, Wood & Willow Ware, Brooms, Buckets, etc.

 (Blue advertisement  on bill has been glued onto the paper.)


.50       from Edward Snowdon, Philadelphia, PA., Feb. 5, 1856, for glass nappies, can and dolphin candlesticks, painted teas, edged plates, white granite tea set, etc.

                        Printed billhead: Importer and Dealer in Queensware. China and Glass.

                        Illustrated with image of pitcher.


.27       from Hall, Ruckel & Co., New York, March 7, 1856, for goods (too faded to read).

                        Printed billhead: Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Manufacturers of Superior Friction Matches. Agents for Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers, Hummel’s Essence of Coffee, Jenny Lind Chewing Gum, etc.


.45       from Miller, Powers & Hedges, New York, March 8, 1856, for boots, men’s heavy rubbers, men’s’ sandals, ladies’ overshoes, infant socks, etc.

                        Printed billhead: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes, and Brogans, of every description.


.53       from Charles D. Thum, Philadelphia, PA., March 10, 1856, for scrub and other brushes.

                        Printed billhead: Three First Premiums Awarded by Franklin Institute: C.D. Thum, Manufacturer…of Brushes, and Dealer in Combs, etc.


.54       from Charles D. Thum, Philadelphia, PA., March 14, 1856, bill too faded to read.

                        Printed billhead: Brush Manufacturer;

illustrated with images of brushes and medals from the Franklin Institute.


.13       from Chambers & Johnson, Philadelphia, PA., March 24, 1856, for agate and pearl buttons, hosiery, combs, English pins, etc.

                        Printed billhead: Dealers in Staple and Fancy Trimmings. Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Threads, Needles, Ladies’ Dress Trimmings, etc.


.40       from C. P. Knight & Co., Philadelphia, PA., March 24, 1856, for mackerel and cheese.

                        Printed billhead: Commission merchants, and dealers in fish, cheese and provisions generally.


.30       from Hendry, Cooper & Co., Philadelphia, PA., April 7, 1856, for goods (too faded to read).

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Boot, Shoe, and Straw Goods Warehouse.

                        Illustrated with image of store building.


.55       from Charles D. Thum, Philadelphia, PA., April 9, 1856, for brushes and other items.

                        Printed billhead: Brush Manufacturer;

illustrated with images of brushes and medals from the Franklin Institute.


.1         from B. Abeles, Philadelphia, PA., April 10, 1856, for ribbons and other goods.

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Dealer in Embroideries, Ribbons, Gimps, hosiery, Gloves, Millinery Goods, etc.


.4         from John Borden, Philadelphia, PA., June 18, 1856, for women’s gaits, children’s boots, and Panama hats.

                        Printed billhead: Wholesale Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Straw Goods.


.22       from Wm. Eastwood, Philadelphia, PA., June 18, 1856, for fancy and corn brooms, 20” churn, cedar pails, etc.,

with another bill attached: from Joseph W. Howell, June 18, 1856, for books and other items.

                        Printed billhead for Eastwood: Cotton Yarn Warehouse.  Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Yarns, Wood & Willow Ware, Brooms, Buckets, etc.  (The blue advertisement is glued to the printed bill.)


.3         from W.H. & G.W. Allen, Philadelphia, PA., June 26, 1856, for gun parts(?).

                        Printed billhead: Hardware, Cutlery and Guns.


.14       from Chambers & Johnson, Philadelphia, PA., June 26, 1856, for fringe (?) and other items (too faded to read).

                        Printed billhead: Dealers in Staple and Fancy Trimmings. Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Threads, Needles, Ladies’ Dress Trimmings, etc.


.44       from Martin & Wolff, Philadelphia, PA., July 17, 1856, for linen, muslin, spools of thread (white and colored), etc., with note written at bottom of page regarding linen and drab cotton.

                        Printed billhead: Importers & Wholesale Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods.


.41       from C. P. Knight & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 22, 1856, for mackerel and cheese.

                        Printed billhead: Printed billhead: Commission merchants, and dealers in fish, cheese and provisions generally.

                        Illustrated with images of a fish and a pig.


.20       from Dilworth, Branson & Co., Philadelphia, PA., July 14, 1856, for keg of nails.

                        Printed billhead: Hardware;

illustrated with image of a lock.


.48       from E. Robinson, Philadelphia, PA., date illegible, for window dressings(?).  [difficult to read]

                        Printed billhead: Window Shade Manufacturer. Every description of Plain and Ornamental mental Window Shades; Steamboat, Wire Gauze and Store Shades…etc. [also sign writing and exhibition transparencies]


.11       bill for freight from Philadelphia to Bordentown, via Camden and Amboy Rail-Road and Transportation Company, date illegible, for coffee, brooms, and other items (too faded to read).

                        Printed billhead, dated from Bordentown.