The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

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Creator:          Miller family                                         

Title:               Bills and receipts

Dates:             1805-1843

Call No.:         Col. 462

Acc. No.:         74x301

Quantity:        231 items

Location:        34 K 1






The Miller family resided in Worcester, Massachusetts, during the first half of the 19th century.  The 1829 Worcester city directory lists Henry W. Miller as a chairmaker and fire engine manufacturer at 86 Main Street.  By 1842, Henry owned a hardware business; he also sold window glass and manufactured cook stoves.  Miss Lucy A. Miller was a “tailoress” in 1842.





This collection contains bills and receipts collected by the Miller family of Worcester, Massachusetts, between 1805-1843.  Most record the personal expenses of Henry Miller, who purchased a wide array of products: china and glassware; silverware; such textiles as calico, silk, cambric, and Irish linen; curtains; carpets; saddles; boots and shoes; food; spices; books and magazines; and a gold watch.  Other bills are for household repairs.  Henry also bought furniture, including a mahogany bureau, a Grecian dining table, a mahogany French bedstead, a center table, and a mirror made by furniture maker John Doggett.  Two personal expense books in the same hand show other similar purchases and also include tickets to theater productions and lectures, as well as records of contributions to charity and family members.  The second account book notes the purchase of hardware, but it is unclear if the hardware was used in conjunction with Miller's business or for home repairs


The bills relating to John Miller and his estate document household repairs, paper hanging and white washing, as well as the purchase of hardware, lumber, barrels, shingles, cider, English brown glass, and window blinds, and the painting and varnishing of sleighs and wagons.  The bills from other family members show expenses for apothecary items, school, coffins, bricks, sign making, newspaper advertising, and house repairs





Arranged by family member.  Subarranged chronologically.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from N. D. Scotti.





            Doggett, John, 1780-1857.



            Furniture - Prices - 19th century.

            Clothing and dress - Prices.

            Lumber - Prices - 19th century.

            Food prices - 19th century.

            Dry-goods - Prices - 19th century.

            Dwellings - Maintenance and repair - Massachusetts.

            Hardware - Prices - 19th century.

            Carriages and carts.

            Books – Prices.

            Pottery - Prices - 19th century.

            Carpets - Prices - 19th century.

            Toilet preparations - Prices - 19th century.

            Magazines - Prices - 19th century.



Promissory notes.


Receipts (Acknowledgments).







Location: 34 K 1


Box 1:


Folder 1:          Henry Miller bills and receipts, 1821-1829 (acc. 74x301.1-.25)


For boarding Lucy Miller, textiles, carpentry work, laying a hearth, china, a looking glass and carpeting (both purchased from John Doggett & Co.), Grecian work table and other furniture, silverware, picture frames, food, table linens, wallpaper, a lamp, and other household items


Folder 2:          Henry Miller bills and receipts, 1830-1831 (acc. 74x301.26-.79)


For china, oak coal, carpeting, work on wagon, curtains, food, furniture, shoe and boot repair, clothing, medical expenses, lumber, taxes, books (titles given), plated forks, instruction in dancing, labor, flowers (possibly bulbs), trees and shrubs, etc.


Folder 3:          Henry Miller bills and receipts, 1832-1835 (acc. 74x301.80-.152)


For shingles, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, watch, clothing, coal, wood, shoe and boot repair, furniture, medical expenses, food, rope, labor, textiles, taxes, lamps, flowers (possibly bulbs), silverware, trees and shrubs, marble grave stone for a child, etc.


Folder 4:          personal expense book, 1826-1832 (acc. 74x301.153)


No name in book; was kept by a man, but the expenses do not match bills sent to Henry Miller in folders 1-2; bought a wide variety of goods, including clothing, books, hair cuts and shaves, trips, food, concert and lecture tickets, tooth powder, fire poker, etc., etc.; he also paid dues for the Worcester Harmonic Society, taxes, and gave alms; some items were noted as being given to friends or to relatives (wife, sisters, mother, aunt, grandfather)


Folder 5:          family expense books, 1829-1834, no date (acc. 74x301.154-.157)


these books record the same sort of expenditures as in .153; many of the expenses in .154 are also recorded in .153 above


Folder 6:          John Miller and estate of John Miller, bills and receipts, 1805-1829 (acc. 74x130.158-.198)


                        A number of these bills are from John Miller to his clients, including Isaiah Thomas.  John Miller painted, varnished, whitewashed, and did other labor for various clients.  Miller purchased hardware, milk, timber, etc.  Also found is an agreement that Miller is to paint the house occupied by Jacob Miller (white house with green doors).  Beginning in 1828, the bills are addressed to John Miller’s estate.


Folder 7:          Miss Lucy Miller, Miss Mary Miller, bills and receipts, 1829, no date (acc. 74x301.199-.201)


                        Bills for silk fabric, setting(?) stone; and a record of expenses incurred by Miss L. Miller in New Salem, including meals, books, shoe laces, and school tuition.


Folder 8:          Messrs. Rice & Miller, order for goods, no date (74x301.202)


                        Order mentions tin pans, dippers, scoops, canisters, tea kettle, caddies, coffee pot, enameled dishes, lamps, looking glass, etc.


Folder 9:          Levi Smith and John Homes, bills and receipts, 1816, 1817, 1824 (acc. 74x301.203-.205)


                        Two bills to Lei Smith for a vest and fabric; bill from John Homes to Center School District for work on school buildings


Folder 10:        Messrs. Miller & Smith, bills and receipts, 1816-1817 (acc. 74x301.206-.225)


                        Bills for coffin plates, a table, leather, house repairs, textiles, gold leaf, oats, flour, white vitriol, bricks, making signs, and for advertising the dissolution of their partnership


Folder 11:        miscellaneous items, 1810-1843 (acc. 74x301.226-.231)


                        2 bills involving Joseph Patch, John Lincoln, and Peter Kendall, 1810-1815; charge between Messrs. Sutton and Charles Phelps, 1816;  promissory note, Artemas Ward to Daniel Clap (1816); bill, sent by Nath. L. Williams to unknown person, for textiles; bill mentioning Westminster and The Committee, for repairing house, cupola, and desk, 1823








Index to Col. 462, acc. 74x301.1-.231


Adlington, Arthur .206


Ballard & Prince .38

Ballard, Jos. H. .38

Bancroft, C. P. .127

Bancroft, T. W. .127

Barber, W. &   S.  .114, .141, .147, .151

Barber, Wm. &  Silas .141

Bartlett (of Prentis & Bartlett) .67

Bartlett, J., Jr., & Co. .1

Bigelow .182

Bigelow, T.(?) .143

Bigelow, Walter .109

Blake & Kittredge .124

Blake, Charles .124

Blake, Elizabeth .178

Boardman, Charles .196

Bond, John .160

Bond, John (Capt.) .161

Borman, Chars.  .184

Boyd, James .3

Brown, W. & A. .50, .137, .146, .148

Brown, Willard .66

Bryant, N. .4

Burnett, Luther (Jr.) .45, .69

Burrill, John .95

Burt & Merrick .201

Butman, B., & Co. .5, .34, .136

Butman, Benjamin, & Co. .101


Carter, H. L. .100

Center School District  .205

Chase (of Earle & Chase) .207

Childs, Zachh.  .103

Churchill, Collamore & Co. .16, .31, .39

City Hotel .125

Clap, Daniel .229

Clark, John F. .73

Cole, Elisha .204

Collamore (of Churchill, Collamore & Co.) .16,  .31, .39

Colman, Wm. A.    .62

Colton, S. H. & Co. .82, .194

Congdon, Saml.     .139

Corbett, Otis     .195

Cunningham, J. L. .14, .40

Cutting, Dea. Jona. .184


Darby, Calvin .150

Dexter, Peter .212

Doggett, John, & Co.   .10, .17, .41

Dorr & Howland .86

Dudley, John .175


Earle & Chase .207

Elder, Clark  .96, .116, .132, .142

Elder, John (Jr.) .209

Elliot(t), Carter  .168, .171

Estabrook, Jones  .72


Fearing, Albert, & Co. .99

Fiske, G. .128

Flagg, Asa  .164, .166

Flagg, E. & E. .211

Flagg, Elisha .211

Flagg, Enoch .189

Flagg, Enoch & Elisha .211

Flagg, Joel .89

Foster, A. D. .36

Foxcroft, John .219, .223


Gardiner, Baldwin .63, .118

Garfield, Moses .126

Goddard D., & Co. .129-130

Goddard, Benj.  .220, .221

Goddard, Stephen .174, .208

Goulding, Prudence .49

Green & Heywood .51, .93, .213

Green, James, & Co. .59

Green, Jas.  .51

Gulliver, John .29


Hamilton, A. .61

Hanah or Harah .98

Harris, C. .76

Harris, Clarendon .81

Heywood (of Green & Heywood) .51, .93, .213

Heywood, Benjn. F. .88

Heywood, Daniel .57

Holmes, John B. .98

Holt, Joab S. .92

Homer, John .28, .70a, .205, .214

Hotel, City .125

Hotel, Washington .119, .152

Howe, Jackson & Co. .52, .77

Howland (of Dorr & Howland) .86

Humphreys, J. W. .6


Jackson, S. R., & Co. .104

Jacobs, Benjamin (Jr.) .11

Johnson, Gilman .184

Johnson, Jos. (Sen.)    .184

Jones, John B. .15, .83-84


Keith, T. & W. .21

Kendall, Caleb .46

Kendall, Peter .22, .199, .226-227

Kendall, S. .59

Kettell, J. P., & Co. .26, .71

Kimberly, Thompson .198

Kittredge (of Blake & Kittredge) .124


Lang, W. B. .140

Lee, Artemas .184

Leggat(e), Wm .27

Lincoln, Isaac .78

Lincoln, John W. .173, .226-227

Lincoln, Levi .217

Lodge, Adam .12


Manning, William .222

The Massachusetts Spy .82, .194

Merrick (of Burt & Merrick) .201

Merrick, Thornton A. .24

Merrifield, Alpheus .7

Miller (of Rice & Miller) .28, .46, .80, .99, .102, .202

Miller & Smith .206-225

Miller & Wood .35, .91

Miller, Henry W.   .1-6, 7-152, .197

Miller, Jacob    .189

Miller, John   .78, .158-198

Miller, Lucy   .6, .103, .199, [.200]

Miller, Mary   .201

Mills, Richard .2

Minott, J. & J. .185

Montagu, Elijah .113

Mower, Ephm. .74, .180, .190


New England Coffee House .123

New England Glass Company .18

Newton, Rejoice .186

Niles, H. .112

Niles' Register     .112

North Schoolhouse  .205


Page, Kilby .13

Papanti, L. .65

Parni, Gardiner    .55

Partridge, E. G.  & A.   .23, .37

(also spelled Patridge)

Patch, Joseph .115, .226-227

Patridge, E. G. & A.- see Partridge

Patterson (of Wells & Patterson) .87

Phelps & Whittemore .70b, .107

Phelps, Azer(?) (Capt.)  .210

Phelps, Benjn.  .203

Phelps, Charles .228

Phillips, Edwin .33

Pike, A. & J. .77

Poor, J. M. .184

Pratt, J. & J. B. .149

Pratt, John & Jotham B.   .149

Pratt, Nymphas .225

Prentice & Bartlett  .68

(see also Prentis)

Prentis & Bartlett .67

(see also Prentice)

Prince (of Ballard & Prince) .38


Reed, Wm.  .176, .177

Rice & Miller  .28, .46, .80, .99, .102, .202

Rice & Sweetser  .110, .138, .145

Rice, Benjn. P.  .75, .121, .133, .135

Rice, Geo. M.  .102

Rich, Peter  .54

Robson, John  .119

Rogers, Nathan  .30

Russell (of Withington, Russell & Co.) .85

Russell, J.B.  .79


Sanger, E. & R. .105, .108, .111, .117, .134

School District, Center .205

Schoolhouse, North .205

Scott, S. B.  .90

Simonds, Saml.  .184

Skinner, A. .36

Slater, Peter .169

Smith (of Miller & Smith) .206-225

Smith, Levi .203, .204

Stiles, Tristram .182

Stone, Daniel .183

Stout, Jno. B., & Co. .120

Stowell, Samuel .192

Studl[e]y, Zenas .19

Sutton, T. & J. .228

Swan & Williams .42, .47, .58

Swan, W H. .131

Sweetser (of Rice & Sweetser) .110, .138, .14


Taylor, Saml.  .187, .210, .215

Thayer, Stephen  .60

Thing, Saml.  [no number listed]

Thomas, Isaiah .163

Thomas, Isaiah (Jr.) .165

Torry, Joseph .20

Trumbull, Geo. H. .216

Tucker, Enos .162, .218

Turner, J. G. .43

Turner, Joseph T. .9, .191, .193

Tyler, Thos.  .188


Upham, Daniel  .25


Waldo, Daniel  .181

Ward, Artemas  .167, .170, .179, .229

Ward, Samuel  .197

Wares  .184

Warfield  .48

Warfield, Elihu P.  .64, .97

Washington Hotel  .119, .152

Wells & Patterson  .87

Wetherby, Oliver  .80

Wheeler, Gershom  .32

Whittemore (of Phelps & Whittemore)  .70b, .107

Whittemore, James  .44

Wilder, Joel  .8

Wilder, John  .106

Williams, J. D. & M.  .122, .144

Williams, Montague  .158, .159, .172

Williams, Nath. L. .230

Winship, Messrs.(?) .143

Withington, Russell & Co. .85

Wood (of Miller & Wood) .35

Wood, Jon. .56

Worthington, James .94



OCCUPATIONS (List)  (most of these do not have numbers)


Auctioneer .14, .25, .40



Bookseller .62




Carpet merchant .10, .12, .17, .38

China and glass merchant .16, .31, .39   

China importer .145

China merchant .145

Crockery merchant .145                    




Engraver .120


Furniture repair


Glass manufacturer .18



Hotel .119, .125, .152



Importer .63, .118



Jeweller .15, .83-84



Linen maker

Looking glass maker

Looking glass merchant .10, .17, .41



Mason, marble

Merchant .63, .118

Merchant, commission .14, .40

Musician, 65




Print seller .62                        

Printer      .120                           

Professor of music - see Musician







Silverplate manufacturer .15


Tailor .50







Wallpaper manufacturer .13

Wallpaper merchant .145