The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

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Creator:         Vincent & Nelson.                                         

Title:               Bills

Dates:             1806-1838

Call No.:         Col. 433

Acc. No.:        67x11, 67x125.3-5, 73x287

Quantity:        3 folders (about 135 items)

Location:        34 J 2






Abner Vincent & Abiel Nelson apparently owned a general store in Fairhaven, Bristol County, Massachusetts, in the first third of the 19th century.  Abner Vincent originally bought the business from Amos Braley in 1815 and signed on Abiel Nelson as co-owner.  Later, one of Vincent's sons, Abner Jr. or William, apparently became a partner and the name was changed to Vincent & Son.


Abner Vincent appears to be the man of that name who was born around March 1765, the son of Isaac and Hannah Vincent.  He married Phebe Stevens (1764-1825) and they had a number of children, including daughters Hannah and Almira, both of which names appear in bills.  Abner died May 4, 1849.  His son Abner Junior lived 1796-1832.  Son William lived 1791-1837.


Abiel Nelson was not identified in a genealogy website.  Several men of that name lived in Massachusetts at the same time, and not enough evidence was found to point to the one involved in these records.





This collection of bills documents the purchases made for the store operated by Vincent & Nelson between 1815-1835.  Many of the bills are from Boston or New Bedford merchants.  Evidence suggests that goods were transported by ship to Fairhaven.  Items sold in the store include such ceramic tableware as bowls, plates, dishes, and mugs; as well as hardware, food, liquor, tobacco, and sundry items like combs, pens, papers, wigs, and guns.  Repairs were also noted, most likely personal expenditures, not related to the store.  These include mending shoes, wallpapering, painting, and fixing floor boards.





Arranged chronologically.  Name indexes to the collection are part of this finding aid.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Accession 67x11 and 67x125.3-.5 purchased for N. D. Scotti. 

Accession 73x287 purchased from Harold Nestler.






            Merchant marine.

            Coastwise shipping.

            Ceramic tableware - Prices.

            Hardware - Prices.

            Food prices - 19th century.

            Firearms - Prices.


            Household supplies - Prices.

            Business records - Massachusetts - 19th century.

            Shipment of goods.





            Additional authors:

                        Vincent, Abner.

                        Vincent & Son.





Location: 34 J 2



[note: Acc. 73x287.8 is not part of this collection; acc. 73x287.12 is missing]




Folder 1:         Bills, 1806-1825 (acc. 67x11.1-.3, .20-.22; 73x287.1, .4-.7, .10, .63-.86, .108-.110; 67x125.3-.4)


73x287.1         bill, sent to Ebenezer Winslow by Abner Vincent, Dec. 1806, for broadcloth, flannel cloth, and blue plains.


73x287.64       bill, sent to John S. Nobles by Vincent & Brady, Jan.-Oct. 1812: for tea, rum, gingerbread, etc.  [handwriting difficult to read].

                                    Note on back: Vincent requests payment, Oct. 12, 1818.


73x187.63       “List of debts due on book to Vincent & Brayley, calculated  & [illegible] Oct. 23, 1815.”   

List of names, the page number on which their account appears [the volume to which this referred is not part of this collection], and the amount owed.

Many of the names on this document also appear on acc. 67x11.22.

[Bottom part of acc. 73x187.63 went missing before Downs acquired this document.]


67x11.22         document: list of notes assigned to Abner Vincent from Vincent & Braley, and a statement by Amos Braley of Freetown, Bristol County, about the accounts.  Dated Nov. 14, 1815.

                                    [see index to acc. 67x11.19-.22 for names in this document]


73x287.4         bill, to Vincent from Moses Clark, 1817, for making shoes and boots.


67x11.20         one side: “Abner Vincents Papers”;

                        Other side: note about a dead to be recorded in Stanford, Bennington County, Vermont, mentioning Cornal Wilkey’s estate;

and a note mentioning Vincent & Braley; year 1818 also written.


73x287.5         bill, Vincent owes to Hervey Sullings, Jan.-July 1820: for axe, nails, stock lock, pad lock, butts and screws.


73x287.6         receipted bill, Vincent paid Leonard & Lucas, New Bedford, June-Oct., 1822, for nails


73x287.65       bill: Vincent & Nelson bough of Abner Vincent, August 1822: large and small scales, English measures[?], cider, etc.


73x287.66       receipted bill: Vincent & Nelson paid Homer and Homer, Boston, Nov. 28, 1822: for brushes, cocks, chest locks, pad locks, hook, whip thongs, buttons, pen knives, cases of knives and forks, butts, screws, wood saw, etc.


73x287.67       receipted bill: Vincent & Nelson paid Seth Peirce, Nov. 28, 1822: for sundries.


67x11.1           bill, Vincent & Nelson, Fairhaven, from S.H. & E.G. Parker, Boston, Nov. 29, 1822: for plates, muffins, dishes, bowls, mugs, wash basins, cups and saucers, tea sets, tumblers, etc.


73x287.108     Abiel Nelson to Abner Vincent: money amounts about bill of stock.  Nov. 30, 1822.


73x287.7         receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Jeremiah Taber 2d, Fairhaven, Dec. 24, 1822, for boiled oil.


73x287.68       Timothy Tripp’s account with Vincent & Nelson, Jan. 1823-Nov. 1826.  Includes a lot of rum and tobacco.


73x287.69       bill of Elery Tomkins with Vincent & Nelson, Jan. –Dec. 1823.  Includes corn, meal, gin, rum, etc.  On back: notes about payments, last dated June 26, 1828.


73x287.70       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Samuel Allen, Feb. 3, 1823: for clover seed.


73x287.71       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Cole & Grey, Fairhaven, Feb. 11, 1823: for freight.


73x287.72       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Capt. Joseph Irish, June 13, 1823, for freight on corn and other goods.


73x287.73       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Isaac Vincent, for brad heads[?], July 11, 1823.


67x11.21         Agreement betwixt Vincent & Nelson, merchants, and Capt. Isaac Tubbs, farmer in Fairhaven, Aug. 23 1823: agreement for the merchants to sell some items for Tubbs in payment for a debt; items include dishes and other things


73x287.74       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid David Lawrence, New Bedford, Nov. 15, 1823, for rye.


73x287.75       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Alden Macomber, New Bedford, for cheese, Nov. 15, 1823.


73x287.76       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Seth Peirce, Boston, Dec. 6, 1823, for plaid and shawl.


73x287.109     bill, Abiel Nelson had Jabes Delano mend tea pot, quart pot, cup, thimble, shell comb.  “Entered on the company books, 1823.”


67x11.3           receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid H. & D. Sullings, New Bedford, April 21 -May 3, 1824: for shovels and freight.


73x287.77       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Peleg Gray, June 25-Nov. 1, 1824.


67x11.2           receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Capt. David Jenney, July 27, 1824.


67x125.3         bill: Barthuel Turner, Jr. to Vincent & Nelson, Sept. 4, 1824: for pins, combs, polish.


73x287.78       bill, Vincent & Nelson bought of Abiel Washburn, Boston, Nov. 19, 1824: mittens, textile fabrics (calico, broadcloth, cassimere, etc.), gloves, bandannas, buttons.


67x11.4           receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Seth Peirce, Boston, Nov. 19, 1824: for handkerchiefs, bandannas, twist, and textile fabrics.  Payment received by Cheever Peabody.


73x287.79       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Capt. Joseph Irish, Jan. 1, 1825, for flour and pork.


73x287.80       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Coombs & Crocker, New Bedford, Jan. 31, 1825: for snuff and tobacco.


73x287.10       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Silvanus Ames, April 15, 1825.


73x287.81       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid H. & D. Sullings, New Bedford, May 4, 1825: for glue, etc.


73x287.82       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Coombs & Crocker, June 7, 1825, for snuff.


73x287.83       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Brown[?] and Hackell, June 8, 1825, for corn.


73x287.110     receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid H. Smith, Fairhaven, June 91, 1825, for linings[?]


73x287.85       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid M. & H.R. Sarwin[?], Boston, June 30, 1825, for molasses, rum, salt, freight, etc.


73x287.86       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Coombs & Crocker, Oct. 3, 1825, for port.


73x287.84       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid M. & H.R. Sarwin[?], Boston,, Nov. 30, 1825, for goods per bill.





Folder 2:         Bills, 1826-1828 (acc. 67x11.4-.10, .13; 73x287.2-.3, .9, .11, .13, .15, .35-.45, .87-.104; 67x125.5)


73x287.87       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid            Coombs & Crocker, New Bedford, Jan. 24, 1826, for snuff.


73x287.88       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Capt. Levin Stutt, Feb. 10, 1826: for bedstead.


67x11.9           receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid James Wing, March 14, 1826, for boards.


73x287.89       bill, Vincent & Nelson bought of Macomber, Sawin & Hunting, Boston, April 19, 1826: [difficult to read]


73x287.90       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid H. & D. Sulling, New Bedford, April 21, 1826: for knobs, hinges, locks, bolts, screws[?].


73x287.91       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Eleazer Allen, April 22, 1826, for labor on a boat performed by Allen & Delano.  The bill was addressed to “Boat & Oners [owners]”


73x287.92       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Alexander Gibbs, May 19, 1826, for a beer.


67x125.4         receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Alvin Crosby, New Bedford, June 2, 1826, for powder.


73x287.11       receipt, Vincent paid Nathan Allen on account, June 17, 1826.


73x287.93       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Eliakim Cannon, July 17, 1826, for flour.


67x11.5           receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid C. Sherman & Co., Sept. 9, 1826, for cheese.


73x287.94       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Daniel Chace, Sept. 6, 1829, for jugs and other black[?] wares.


73x287.95       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid D. Perry, jr., New Bedford, Sept. 28, 1826, for flour[?]


73x287.2         receipted bill, Vincent paid L. J. Wilson, Nov. 9, 1826, for soap.


73x287.96       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Oliver S. Irish, Fairhaven, Nov. 11, 1826, for flour, corn, walnuts.


73x287.3         account of Moses Clark with Abner Vincent, Sept. 1817-Nov. 1826: mentions payments, beef, hay, wood, potatoes, etc.


67x11.6           statement: Vincent & Nelson in account with Macomber, Sawin & Hastings, Boston, April-Dec. 12, 1826; also mentions Howard & Sawin.


67x11.7           receipted bill: Vincent & Nelson paid Homes & Homer, Boston, Dec. 13, 1826: for Jew’s harps, awls, tacks, locks, iron wire, quills, buttons, knives, screws.


67x11.8           receipted bill: Vincent & Nelson paid Isaac Davis, Boston, Dec. 14, 1826, for shell combs.

                                    On printed billhead: Isaac Davis, at the Boston Comb and Jewelry Store, No. 52 Cornhill.


73x287.97       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Alexander Gibbs, Dec. ww, 1826-Jan. 6, 1827, for flour.


73x287.98       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Bradford & Fuller, May 14, 1827, for rivets.


73x287.99       receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Macomber, Sawin & Hunting, Boston, July 6, 1827, for molasses, rum, tea, figs, scythes, wrapping paper, etc.


73x287.13       receipted bill, Vincent paid Ralph Arnold, Fairhaven, July 11, 1827, for cow hides.


73x287.101     receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid Nathaniel Daniel, May 21, 1827, for thread.


73x287.102     receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid [illegible], Fairhaven, Oct. 12, 1827, for cheese.


67x125.5         receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Homes & Homer, Boston, Nov. 20, 1827, for knives and forks, pen and pocket knives, copper shoe points, pencils, tinned harps, skates, snuff, etc.


73x287.100     receipted bill, Vincent & Son paid Thatcher & Haskell, Nov. 21, 1827, for merchandise.


73x287.35       receipted bill, Vincent & Son paid Macomber, Sawin & Hunting, Boston, Nov. 22, 1827, for molasses, gin, alum, mackerel, tea, sugar, brandy, salt, copperas, raisins, brooms, a keg of powder, cheese, etc.


73x287.36       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Thatcher & Haskell, Boston, Nov. 23, 1827, for textile fabrics (olive cloth, satinet, serge, duck), braces, mittens, Scotch caps.


73x287.37       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Howland & Co., Fairhaven, Dec. 26, 1827, for snuff.


73x287.38       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Z. McAllen [or Z.M. Allen], Jan. 24, 1828, for flour.


73x287.103     receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid John A. Gifford, April 12, 1828, for axes and hoes purchased in 1826 and 1827.


73x287.39       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Alexander Gibbs, New Bedford, July 23, 1828, for grass and clover seed.


73x287.40       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Joseph Irish, Fairhaven, May 15, 1828, for beer[?]


73x287.41       bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of Coombs & Crocker, New Bedford, June 23, 1828, for tobacco.  [acc. 73x287.42 is the receipt for payment of this bill]


73x287.42       receipt, Abner Vincent & Son paid Coombs & Crocker, New Bedford, Aug. 8, 1828, for goods sold on June 23.  [acc. 73x287.41 is the bill which is being for paid]


73x287.43       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Coombs & Crocker, Aug. 12, 1828-Jan. 26, 1829: for sugar and N.E. [New England?] rum.


 73x287.15      receipt: Abner Vincent, Jr., paid A. Washburn, Boston, Oct. 16, 1828, for demands against Vincent & Nelson.  Receipt signed by Jos. A. Hyde.


73x287.44       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid I.H. & E.G. Parker, Boston, Oct. 17, 1828: for plates, muffins, chambers, basins, tea sets, jugs, bowls, dishes, happies, salts, tumblers, decanters, lamps, etc.


73x287.104     receipted bill, Vincent & Nelson paid George Hitch for freight of goods on the sloop Be[illegible], Oc.t 1828.  The goods shipped included molasses, brooms, butter, coffee, tea, sugar, etc.


73x287.45       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Cole & Gray, New Bedford, Oct. 23, 1828, for freight of tea from Boston.


67x11.13         receipt, Abner Vincent & Son paid Bradford & Fuller, Fairhaven, Dec. 19, 1828-Feb. 25, 1829, for floor boards.


73x287.9         receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Chls. F. Thatcher, Fairhaven, Oct. 15, 1824-Dec. 6, 1828, for coffee, textile fabrics (plaid, bocking, calico, cambric, muslin), pepper, molasses, tea, tobacco, brandy, thread, pins, logwood, cherry bedstead, oragned, potatoes, etc.  Some of the textiles were purchased for Hannah Vincent.


67x11.10         receipted bill, A. Vincent paid Abraham Bogert, New York, Dec. 10, 1828, for apples.




Folder 3:         Bills, 1829-1836 (acc. 67x11.11-.12, .14-.19; 73x287.14, .16-.34, .46-.62, .105-.107)


73x287.16       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Allen Thatcher, Fairhaven, Feb. 13, 1829, for tea, sugar, cloth, stockings.  Receipt signed by Chls. F. Thatcher.


73x287.14       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid James Stubbs, Oct. 1828-April 25, 1829, for blacksmith work, boards, oak wood, etc.


73x287.18       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Joshua Drew, Fairhaven, May-June 1829, for cutting and thread.


73x287.46       bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of Macomber, Sawin, & Hunting, Boston, Aug. 13, 1829, for tea, tobacco, and trucking.


73x287.105     receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Nathaniel Allen, Fairhaven, Aug. 18, 1829, for making barrels.


73x287.47       bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of J.H. & E.G. Parker, Boston, Nov. 13, 1829, for muffins, bowls, chambers, jugs, tea sets, mugs, nappies, plates, etc.


67x11.12         bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of James Lawrence, Fairhaven, Dec. 15, 1829, for making and mending boots and shoes


73x287.17       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid James Stubbs, Aug. 1829-June 17, 1830, for blacksmith’s bill: mending chains, shoeing horses, plow iron, siting wagon lines, etc.


73x287.48       bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of J.H. & E.G. Parker, Boston, June 18, 1830, for chambers, cups, basins, teapots, nappies, tureens, tumblers, lamps, salts, etc.


73x287.49       bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of Thatcher & Feany[?], Boston, July 1, 1830, for [illegible], with note about having to pay a little more for the item.


67x11.11         bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of Macomber, Sawin, & Hunting, Boston, Nov. 12, 1829-Aug. 19, 1830, for coffee, sundry goods, trucking, wine.


73x287.50       bill, Abner Vincent & Son bought of Bradford & Fuller, July 23-Nov. 18, 1830, for tin pot, etc.


67x11.15         bill, Abner Vincent & Son, Fairhaven, bought of Macomber, Sawin, & Hunting, Boston, Dec. 14, 1830, for molasses, various liquors, raisins, tobacco, starch, coffee, tea, cheese, shot, sugar, saltpeter, butter, etc.  The goods were delivered by Capt. Crowell.


73x287.51       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Isaac A. parker, Boston, Dec. 15, 1830, for tumbrels, lamps, cruets, sets of tea ware, plates, bowls, jugs, creamers, sugars, flower pots, plated inkstands, chambers, etc.


73x287.52       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Homes & Homer, Boston, Dec. 15, 1830, for knives and forks, pen and pocket knives, pencils, buttons, shaving brushes, bellows, Dutch quills, beads, tumblers, pins, locks, awls, iron tablespoons, darners, sail needles, almanacs, hooks and eyes, German harps, etc.


73x287.54       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Coombs & Grinnell, New Bedford, July 1829-April 25, 1831: for sugar, gin, snuff, pork, tobacco, cigars, flannel, stockings, codfish, coffee, raisins.


73x287.19       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Joseph Irish, Fairhaven, May 5-10, 1831, for beer, flour, walnuts, and freight.


73x287.55       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Nathan Allen, Fairhaven[?], Sept. 13, 1831, for making barrels, etc.


67x11.14         bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Peleg Crowell, for freight charges on the sloop Traveller, June 1830-Sept. 16, 1831, and for wharfage in Boston.  The shipped goods included shovels, brush handles, tobacco, coffee, rum and other liquors, tea, rifles, shot, scythes, brooms, raisins, etc.


73x287.22       receipted bill, [illegible], Fairhaven[?] paid  Keith & Jenny’s bill for boats, payment received by A. Vincent, Nov. 19, 1831.


73x287.53       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Joseph Stetson, Fairhaven, Dec. 31, 1830-Jan. 1832, for piece of cloth, for Almira.


73x287.56       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Silas Allen, Fairhaven, March 29, 1832, for freight on sloop Rosetta[?]; goods shipped included brooms, mackerel, butter, coffee, molasses, tea, etc.


73x287.57       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Benjamin Coombs & Co., April 1832-Jan. 1833, for rum, gin, brandy.


73x287.58       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid Nathan Smith, Fairhaven, May 18, 1832, for 1600 [illegible].


73x287.59       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid E. Sawin & Co., Fairhaven, Aug. 13, 1832, for pork.  Receipt signed by C.F. Stewart.


73x287.61       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid N. Leonard & Co., New Bedford, Sept. 19, 1832, for ale.  The bill was paid by Mr. Howe.


73x287.62       receipt, Abner Vincent & Son paid B. Coombs & Co., New Bedford, Sept. 21, 1832, payment on account.


73x287.21       receipt, Abner Vincent paid B. Coombs & Co., New Bedford, Nov. 27, 1832, for rum.


73x287.23       note, Bethuel Landus, Fairhaven, Dec. 28, 1832, requests Ruteen[?] Irish[? maybe Fish?] to pay Abner Vincent.  Note also mentions Jeremiah Mills.


73x287.26       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Keith & Jenny, Fairhaven, Jan. 3, 1833, for shoes.


73x287.106     receipted bill, William Vincent paid Keith & Jenny, Fairhaven, Aug. 29, 1831-Feb. 20, 1833, for pumps [shoes].


73x287.60       receipted bill, Abner Vincent & Son paid N. Leonard & Co., New Bedford, Sept. 1832-Jan. 8, 1833, for ale and pork.


73x287.20       receipt, Abner Vincent paid Bradford & Fuller, Fairhaven, Nov. 1, 1832-March 18, 1833, for boards.


73x287.107     receipted bill, William Vincent paid A.H. Seabury, April 1833, for flour.  Receipt signed by F. Bannan.


73x287.25       receipt billed, Abner Vincent paid A.H. Seabury, April 10, 1833, for flour and spices. 


73x287.27       receipted bill, William Vincent paid Alfred Gibbs & Co., April 25, 1833, for flour.  Receipt signed by Abm. H. Leonard.


67x11.19         receipted bill, Abner Brownard[? on back, the name more closely resembles Brownel] paid Abner Vincent, Sept. 1832-May 8, 1833, for  gin, eggs, rum, etc.  Receipt signed by William Vincent.


73x287.24       account of Abner Vincent with Joseph & Gideon Harding, April-May 1833, for unspecified work.  On back: note, June 15, 1833: receipt signed by Joseph Harding, Jr., that payment was received for the work done.


67x11.16         receipt, Abner Vincent paid Bradford & Fuller, Fairhaven, Oct. 16, 1833, for nails.


67x11.18         receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Fish and P[illegible], Sept. 22, 1834-Dec. 23, 1834, for boards and joists. 


67x11.17         receipted bill, Abner Vincent, Sr., paid Ingrahan & Purrington[?], Fairhaven, March 6, 1835, for various paint colors, wallpaper and borders, paint, labor, panes of glass, putty, blinds.


73x287.28       bill, Abner Vincent bought from Nicholas T. Brownell, Jan.-June 1835: blacksmith work: removing shoes, fitting plough point, nut on axle, etc.


73x287.29       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Nicholas T. Brownell, July 1835-Jan. 25, 1836: for blacksmith work: removing shoes, etc.


73x287.31       receipted bill, Almira Vincent paid Chls. F. Thatcher, Fairhaven, July 5, 1836: for calico and yard.  Abner Vincent paid the bill on her behalf.


73x287.30       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid Nicholas T. Brownell, May-Sept. 1836: for blacksmith work: removing shoes, fitting hames, mending fork, etc.


73x287.32       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid J. Dunbar & Co., Sept. 13, 1836: for steel.


73x287.33       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid A.P. Willcox, Oct. 7, 1836: for andirons, shovel and tongs, bake kettle and cover, teapot, waiter, spiders.


73x287.34       receipted bill, Abner Vincent paid M.B. Palmer, Dec. 12, 1836, for stove and pipe.






Index to 67x11.19-.22 in Col. 433


Allen, Rebecca  .22

Ashley, Abraham  .22

Ashley, Bishup  .22

Ashley, James  .22

Ashley, John  .22

Ashley, Parseval (Sr.)  .22

Ashley, Thomas  .22

Ashley, William  .22

            [son of Abraham Ashley]

Atsatt, John  .22

Atsatt, Thomas  .22


Barstow, Gideon  .22

Beachman, William  .22

Bennet  .20

Bennet, Jonathan  .22

Bennet, Joseph  .22

(see also Bennett)

Bennet, Rhoda  .22

Bennett, Jacob  .22

Bennett, John  .22

Bennett, Joseph  .22

(see also Bennet)

Bisbee, Ezra  .22

Blackemar, James  .22

Blackemar, John  .22

Blackemer, Salesbury   .22

Bowls, Benjamin  .22

Braley, Abner  .22

Braley, Amos  .22

(also spelled Brayley)

Braley, Elijah  .22

Braley, Ezekiel  .22

Braley, Stephen  .22

Brayley, Amos - see Braley

Brightman, Devenport  .22

Brownwel, Abner  .19

Bumpas, Eddy  .22


Cathel, James  .22

Chace, Benjamin  .22

Clark, Barnabas  .22

Clark, Cornelius  .22

Clark, Reuben  .22

Clark, Robert    .22

Cook, Paul  .22

Cornell, Meriba  .22

Cory, Taber  .22

Crapo, Mary  .22

Crapo, Nicholas  .22

Cushman, Alerton  .22

Cushman, Ezekiel  .22


Davis, Aaron  .22

Davis, Abraham  .22

Davis, Abraham (Sr.)   .22

Davis, Eliza  .22

Davis, Jethro  .22

Davis, Walter  .22

Delano, Mary  .22

Delano, Richard  .22

Delano, Samuel S.  .22

Downing, John  .22

Downs, Temperance  .22


Eddy, Sylvanus  .22

Ellis, Benjamin  .22


Foster, Lydia   .22


Gammans, John  .22

(see also Gammonds)

Gammans, William  .22

(see also Ganmonds)

Gammonds, John  .22  

(see also Gammans)

Gammonds, William  .22

(see also Gammans)

Gifford, Mary  .22

Gifford, Thomas  .22 

Gifford, William  .22


Hammet, Shubel  .22

Hammond, Alden  .22

Hammond, Lucy  .22

Haskel, Deborah  .22

Haskins, Abigail  .22

Haskins, John  .22

Haskins, Levina  .22

Hathaway, David  .22

Hathaway, Hannah  .22 

Hathaway, Noah  .22

Hathaway, Polly  .22

Hathaway, William  .22

Hawl, Lydia  .22

Hawl, Solomon  .22

Hillar, Experience  .22

Holmes, Polly  .22

Howland, Daniel  .22

Howland, James H.  .22


Jenne, Joseph H.  .22

Jenne, Thomas  .22


Keen, Ebenezer (Jr.)  .22

Keen, Ebenezer (Sr.)  .22

Keen, Reuben  .22


Lawrence, Huldah  .22

Lawrence, John  .22

Lawrence, John (Jr.)  .22

Lawrence, Sarah  .22

Lewis, Lathrop  .22


Macocn(?) Daniel  .22

Mendall, Timothy  .22

Merrehew, Peter  .22

Millar, Jeremiah  .22

Millar, Robert  .22

Morton, Abraham  .22

Morton, Deborah  .22

Morton, Ebenezer  .22

Morton, Job  .22

Morton, Nathaniel  .22

M[illegible], Part [?] Ma[illegible]   .22


Nelson  .21

Nobles, John S.  .22

Nye, Barnabas  .22


Oliver, Nathan  .22

Omans, Job  .22

Omans, Otheneal  .22

Omey, John  .22

Omey, Milburn  .22


Omey, Philip  .22


Parker, John  .22

Parker, Mary  .22

Parker, Parriot  .22

Peats, Samuel  .22

Pope, Freeman  .22


Randall James  .22

Randall, Sarah  .22

Rider, Rebecca  .22

Rochester, Nicholas Davis  .22

Roggers, Tabathy  .22

Rounseval, Hannah  .22

Rounseval, Thomas  .22

Rounseval, William  .22


Sampson, Edward  .22

Sears, John  .22

Sears, Nathaniel (Jr.) .22

Sears, Nathaniel (Sr.) .22

Severence, Joseph  .22

Shearman, Eliza  .22

Shearman, John  .22

Shearman, John (3d)  .22

Shearman, Seth  .22

Simmonds, James  .22

Skiff, Abraham  .22

Skiff, Almy  .22

Skiff, William  .22

Smith, Benjamin  .22

Smith, Isaac  .22

Snow, Nicholas  .22

Spooner, David  .22

Sprague, Samuel  .22

Stephens, Michael  .22

Swift, Reuben  .22


Taber, Amos  .22

Taber, Jacob  .22

            [son of William Tabor]

Taber, Samuel  .22

Terry, Benjamin (Sr.)  .22

Terry, Thomas  .22

Tripp, Samuel (Jr.)  .22

Tripp, Stephen (Jr.)  .22

Tubbs, Isaac  .21


Vincent & Braley  .20, .22

Vincent and Nelson  .21

Vincent, Abner  .19-.22

Vincent, Amanda  .21

Vincent, Joshua  .22

Vincent, Wm.  .19


Washburn, Israel  .22

Weaver, Timothy  .22

Weston, Jenne  .22

White, Hannah  .22

White, Phinehas  .22

White, William (Jr.)  .22

Wilkey, Cornal  .20

Willcox, Jonathan  .22

Wing, Philip  .22

Winslow, Lemuel  .22

Winslow, Micah  .22



Index to receipts, acc. 73x287.1-.112, Col. 433


Akin, Benjamin  .12

Allen, Eleazer  .91

Allen, Nathan  .11, .55, .105

Allen, Samuel  .70

Allen, Silas  .56

Allen, Z. M.  .38

Alney, Benjamin D.  .8

Ames, Silvanus  .10

Arnold, Ralph  .13


Bedford (sloop)  .104

Bourn(?) & Haskell  .83

Bradford & Fuller  .20, .50, .98

Brayley (of Vincent & Brayley)  .63-64 Brownell, Nicholas T.  .28-30


Cannon, Eliakins  .93

Chace, Daniel  .94

Clark, Moses  .3, .4

Cole & Gray  .45, 71    

Coombs & Crocker  .41, .42, .80, .82, .86, .87 Coombs & Grinnell  .54

Coombs, B., & Co.  .21, .62

Coombs, Benjn., & Co.  .57

Crocker (of Coombs & Crocker)  .41-.43, .80, .82, .86, .87


Daniel, Nathaniel  .101

Delano, Jabez  .109

Drew, Joshua  .18

Dunbar, Jos., & Co. .32


Fuller (of Bradford & Fuller)  .20, .50, .98


Gibbs, Alexander  .39, .92, .97

Gibbs, Alfred, & Co.  .27

Gifford, John A.    .103

Gray (of Cole & Gray)  .45, .71

Gray, Peleg  .77



Harding, Gideon  .24

Harding, Joseph and Gideon  .24

Haskell (of Thatcher & Haskell)  .36, .100 Henry (sloop)  .12

Hitch, Geo.  .104

Homer (of Homes & Homer)  .52, .66

Homes & Homer  .52, .66

Howard (of Macomber, Howard & Sawin) .84, .85

Howland, J., & Co.  .37

Hunting (of Macomber, Sawin & Hunting) .35, .46, .89, .99


Irish, Capt.  .79

Irish, Joseph  .19, .40, .72, .79

Irish, Oliver S.  .96


Keith & Jenney  .22, .26, .106

Kittredge & Wyman  .102


Landus, Bethuel  .23

Lawrence, David (Jr.)  .74

Leonard & Lucas  .6

Leonard, N., & Co.  .60, .61

Lucas (of Leonard & Lucas)  .6


Macomber, Howard & Sawin  .84, .85 Macomber, Sawin & Hunting  .35, .46, .89, .99

Macomber, Alden  .75

Miller, Jeremiah  .112


Nelson (of Vincent & Nelson)  .65-105 Nelson, Abiel  .108, .109

Nobles, John S.    .64


Palmer, M. B.  .34

Parker, I. H. & E. G.  .44, .47, .48

Parker, Isaac H.  .51

Peirce, Seth  .67, .76

Perry, D. (Jr.)  .95


Rosetta (sloop)  .56


Sawin (of Macomber, Howard & Sawin)  .84, .85

Sawin (of Macomber, Sawin & Hunting)  .35, .46, .89, .99

Sawin, E., and Co.  .59

Seabury, A. H.  .25, .107

Sherman, Jesse  .111

Smith, Nathan  .58

Smith, T. H..  .110

Stetson, Joseph  .53

Stubbs, James  .14, .17

Stutt(?),Levin (Capt.)  .88

Sullings, H. & D.  .81, .90

Sullings, Hervey  .5


Taber, Jeremiah  .7

Thatcher & Feany[?]  .49

Thatcher & Haskell  .36, .100

Thatcher, Allen  .16

Thatcher, Chls. F.  .9, .16, .31

Tomkins, Elery  .69

Tompson, John M.   .112

Tripp, Timothy   .68


Vincent & Brayley   .63-.64

Vincent & Nelson   .65-.105, .110

Vincent, Abner   .1-.34, .65, .108

Vincent, Abner, & Son   .35-.62

Vincent, Isaac   .73

Vincent, Wm.   .27, .106-.107


Washburn, A.   .15

Washburn, Abiel   .78

Willcox, A.P.   .33

Wilson, L.T.   .2

Winslow, Ebenezer   .1

Wyman (of Kittredge & Wyman)   .102





Note: description of documents and index to documents were prepared by different people, and they have not been checked against each other.