The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

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Creator:         Randolph, Benjamin, d.1791.                                     

Title:               Financial records

Dates:             1763-1783

Call No.:         Col. 337

Acc. No.:        54.549; [see detailed description for photostat numbers]

Quantity:        1 box; 2 microfilm reels

Location:        17 J 3






Benjamin Randolph was one of the foremost cabinetmakers, gilders, and carvers in colonial America.  Born in Monmouth County, New Jersey, he moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, before beginning his career.  He was noted as a joiner in early transactions; however, he sold all sorts of cabinet and chair work at his shop at the sign of the Golden Eagle, on Chestnut St. in Philadelphia.  Thomas Jefferson commissioned Randolph's work, and the table upon which the Declaration of Independence was drafted has been attributed to him.  Randolph retired in 1782 and moved to Burlington County, N.J., where he held an interest in Speed Mills (or Speedwell sawmill).  He was twice married; first to Anna Bromwich (in 1762) and then to Mary Wilkinson.  He died in 1791.





 Consists of a receipt book used from 1763 to 1777, an account book (only on microfilm, Mic. 7) kept from 1767 to 1787, and two bills relating to Randolph's personal and household finances and his cabinetmaking business along with letters and orders pertaining to his interest in an iron furnace in Speedwell, N.J.  Many of the entries in the receipt book only reveal sums of money paid by Randolph.  He purchased such items as oakwood, shingles, cedar planks, mahogany boards, a watch, shoes, cows, pigs, milk, and a saddle and bridle.  He paid for hauling boards, “guns delivered to the Publick” in 1776, renting the cellar under William Milnor's house, and wages to domestic laborers.  Eight pages that were separated from the original volume have been photocopied and placed with it. 


The account book consists of monies owed to Randolph and the date and method of payment.  Little detail on what was sold or work performed is given.  Many prominent Philadelphians are mentioned in the volume.  Bills reveal that Randolph sold a desk and bookcase to George Croghan in 1766, chairs and tables in 1768, and a gilded looking glass to Levi Hollingsworth.





The items are in accession number order.  A name index to the receipt book is appended to this finding aid.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply. 





Acc. 54x549 purchased from Avis and Rockwell Gardiner.






            Furniture industry and trade - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Furniture - Prices - 18th century.

            Home economics - Accounting - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Finance, Personal.


            Wages - Domestics.

            Firearms - Prices.

            Lumber trade - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Iron industry and trade - New Jersey.

            Business records - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Retail trade - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia.

            Account books.


            Bills of sale.








Location: 17 J 3


Box 1:


Folder 1:         Receipt book, 1763-1777 (also on Mic. 1406)

                        Name index to receipt book is appended to this finding aid.


Folder 2:         photocopy of receipt book


Folder 3:         Photostats of 8 pages separated from receipt book

                        [Photostats received from Historical Society of Pennsylvania]


Folder 4:         Ph 135             receipted bills, Randolph to Levi Hollingsworth, for gilding a large looking glass, 1769


Ph 136             note, Randolph to Levi Hollingsworth, please to let Richard Sexton have 500 wt. bar iron, 1785


Ph 137             note of transaction which involved Randolph, Richard Sexton(?), Levi Hollingsworth, and Samuel Wells(?), 1785  


                        Ph 138             note from Jona. Cooper representing Speedwell Furnace to Levi Hollingsworth, 1785, please to pay the bearer John [illegible] 28 pounds and charge to Randolph.


                        Ph 139-140      sales of pig iron by Levi Hollingsworth for account of Colonel Benjamin Randolph, 1785


                        [all of the documents in folder 4 are Photostats; originals are at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; permission to reproduce must be secured from that organization]


Folder 5:         Ph 990             receipted bill, Benjamin Randolph to Colonel George Craughan [i.e. Croghan], 1765-1766, for mahogany desk and bookcase, a “comade buroe” [commode bureau] table, and a dozen mahogany chairs


                        Ph 991.1-.2      receipted bill, Benjamin Randolph to Colonel George Craughan [i.e. Croghan], 1767-1768, for walnut chairs, carved mahogany tea table, arm chairs, walnut tables, clock bracket case, mahogany arm chairs, mahogany desk and dressing table, mahogany dining tables, packing cases for some of the furniture, and for mending backgammon tables.


                        [all documents in this folder are photostats; the originals of the documents might be at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania]




Mic. 7              account book of Benjamin Randolph, 1767-1787

                        [original at New York Public Library]

                        (list of names found in the account book is appended to this finding aid)


Mic. 1406        receipt book of Benjamin Randolph

[original in folder 1; index to names appended to this finding aid]

Index to names in receipt book (acc. 54.549; also on microfilm, Mic. 1406)



Adams, Thomas 118

Akart - see Ekart

Allen, Charles Rober 154

Alston, Joseph 48

Alston, Zachariah(?) 150

Anderson, Henry  215

Anderson, Thomas 155

Andrews, Peter 198

Angell, Wm. 126

Anthony, Joseph 211

Appleby, Hanna 134

Appleby, William 133

Armitage, Benjamin  85, 103, 121, 143, 159

Ashmead, Jos. 4, 16, 45

Assheton, Thos.  41

Attmore & Peters  81, 93, 116


Bache, Richard 214

Bagnall, Samuel 167

Baker, George 124

Baker, George A. 211

Baker, Godfred 216, 221

Baker & Weiss 216, 221

Barg, Charles 179

Barnes, James 100

Barnett, Isaac 139

Bartram & Lennox 76

Bartram, George 105, 133

Bateman, Nehemiah 86

Bayard, Stephen 78

Bayney, George 136

Beagler, J[no.?]  85

Beere, Mary 212

Behan, William 7, 12, 43, 90

(This name never appears clearly.)

Bell, Ann 58, 96

Benezet, Philip 59

Bennet, Jno.  4

Bernard, Nicholas 146

Betterton, Sarah 184

Biggs(?), Peter  172

Binks, Christopher 214

Birchall, Jno.  213

Bishop, William 79

Bissell, Jno.  35

Black, Andrew  209

Black, John  217

Blanchard – see Blonshed

Blonshed [i.e. Blanchard], Peter 137

Bohean, Sibey  159

Boucher, Frances 100

Boutcher, Samuel  180

Boys, Elias  26

Bramich., William l0a

Branin, John 79, 84, 93

Brice, Rebecca 84

Bridges, Robert 71

Bringhurst, James 73, 77, 171, 201

Binghurst., John  200, 206

Bringhurst, Joseph  196

Britton, John  28

Britton, Jno.  159

Broderick, Richard  173

Brole, Lehr 120

Bromwick, William 19

Brooks, Nicholas 112, 217   

(also spelled Broocks)

Brown, David 121

Brown, Elijah 156

Brown, James 182

Brown, John 48

Brumage  21

Brumage, Wm.   17

Buck, Aaron  129

Budd & Coates 10

Budd, Levi 18

Budden, (Capt.)  59

Bunbury, Robert  181

Bure, Jonathan  184

Burge(?), Samuel  136

Burns, J.  205

Burns, Joseph  211

Burroughs, Jacob  22

Burt, William  178

Bussy, Moses  119

Byerly, Christopher 35


Call, Ebenezer 176

Calvert, Daniel 110

Cambell, John 209

Cannan, Mary 136

Carmichael, Alexander 213

Carruthers, Saml.  33

Carson, Andrew 215

Carter, Thomas 56

Carter, William 163

Cartwright, Shackler 22, 27

Cash, Thomas 55

Cass, Peter 212

Ceiret., Bernart [i.e. Bernard]  129

Chance (sloop)  132

Chambers, Dd.  31

Chapman, Hanah 176

Chevalier, John 223

Chevalier, Peter 223

Chrystler, Jacob 87

Clark, John 62, 115

Clark, Jno. 170

Clark & Wetherill 191

Claypoole, George  155

Claypoole, James  14, 44, 76, 139, 145

Clifton, James  71

Climer, Elizabeth  131

Climer, Boltas  87

Cline, Hannah  170, 190, 196, 204, 206, 210, 218, 222, 224

Clow, James 141

Coe, Robt. 28

Cole, James  5, 10, 11

Commin(?), Fritz 21

Connell, George 221

Cook, John 83

Corneals, Marey  111

Cornell, William  121

            [may be Connell]

Cortenay, Harclus – see Cotenay, H.

Couch, David  82

Courtenay, H. [Hercules]  87, 119

Coward., Mr. 68

Coward, John  31, 53, 609 66

Coyle, William  209

Coxe & Furman 95

Craess, John 151

Craig, Andrew 210

Craig & Morrell 158

Craig, William 66, 68

Cramer, Israel 55

Creemer, Cristan 66

Cressen, James 216

Cresson, Jeremiah  137

Cresson, John  116

Culp, Barbara  16


Daly, Mary 188

Davidson, William  164, 173, 197

Davis, Samuel  64

Dea[illegible], Henry  93

Deakin, Robt.  130

Delany, William 197

Devine, Susanna 157

Diana (ship)  115

Dicas, Thomas 142

Dickinson, Cadr.   9, 44, 79, 103, 128

Dickinson, Mary 113

Doddridge, Mary 167

Donaldson, Joseph  211

Donnell, Nathaniel  152, 162, 175, 196, 216

Donnelly, Mary  192

Dorsius, John  112

Douglas, George 174

Dowell, Wm.  23, 29

Doz, Andrew 60

Drinker   211

Duell, John  104, 108

Duffield, Edward   106

Dunfield & Hendricksons  94

Dunlap, John   222


Easton, Ed [Elnathan]   133

Easton, Robert  194

Eavenson, Thomas  102

Ekart, Adam  6, 8, 91

(also spelled Akart)

Elliott, John, Jr.  212

Elmslie, John  10b, 35, 116

Elmley, John  83

England, Jane  46

Erwin, Rob 156

Evans, Peter  6

Everett, Jeremiah  105, 107

Evrat – see Everett

Ewan, John 40

Ewing, Thos.  209


Farn, Thomas  56

Farns, John  39, 49

Fawcet, Nathan  42

Fawkes, Richard  46

Ferguson, Richard  149, 162, 164

Ferguson, Samuel  36

Field, Nichlus 49

Field, Nicholas 89

Figener, Andrew  225

Finley & Taylor 53

Fitzgerald, Thomas 210

Fitzrandolph, Isaac 219, 223

Fleming, Benjamin 195

            (name might be Heming)

Fletcher, Jane 82

Fletcher, Robert 125

Flinn, Daniel   111, 117, 128

Flower, Jno.  5

Folks, Stephen - see Foulk

Footman, Peter  186

Forman, Aaron  90

Forman, Samuell  10b

Forsberg, Nichol  [no page number given]

Forsythe, Andrew  [no page number given]

Fortere, Thos. 12

Foulk, Stephen 48, 64, 78

            (also spelled Folks)

Foulke, Judah  163

Foulke, Mary  196

Fowler   206

Frank, George  24

Frailey, Jacob  220

Frederick, Miles 199

Frinke(?), Gottfried   4

Fry, Alexander  136

Fullerton, George  105, 155

Fullton, James  38

Fulton, James  108

Futtler, James  140


Garretson, Cornelious  137

Garrits, Lawrence  161

Gebler, Godfrey  224

Georgia Packet (brig)  141

Gibbon, Abel  50, 89, 97, 117, 122

Gibbons, Joseph  76

Gibson, John  41

Gibson, William  56

Gilbert, Thomas  98

Gisbor & Hendrickson  94

Gitts, Mil. [Michael]   97, 146

Glinn, John  158

Goebel, Andrew  187

Goldsmith, Maurice  102

Gollen., Samuel  227

Gordon, Harry (Capt.)  67

Gordon, Thomas  196, 200

Gosling, John   104, 108

Granger, Henry   32, 138, 140, 141

Granger, John  2

Gray, Mary  86

Gray, William  86

Greaves, Robert  88

Greer, Andw.  21

Greig, David  125

Greiner, Jacob  216

Guy, Margaret  178

Guy, William  178

Gyger, George 108, 111


Hagerty, Paul 115

Haines, Ephraim 123

Haines, Jonathan  153

Haines, Mary 153

Halere, John  96

Hall, Jacob  62

Hall, Samuel 126

Hall & Sellers  221

Hall, William    207

[of Franklin & Hall?] 

Hamilton, James   41, 151

Hamilton, William  208

Hammond, Chas.   224

Handlyn, John  144, 178, 192

Harper, Ebneazer  61

Harper, Thomas  76

Harris, Fras.  101

Harris, George  139, 141, 152, 156, 184

Harrison, Benjn. (Colonel)  210

Harrison, Thomas  68

Havaland, John  118

            (i.e. Haviland)

Hayes, John  135

Hazelton, Sarah  184

Heming – see Fleming

Henderson, John   71

Hendricks, Abraham 106, 108, 147

Hendrickson, John   52

Henke, Gottfried  10a

Herbergre, Christopher  214

Herley, Mr. 182

Heron(?), Ann  55

Hew, Robert  61

Hewes, Danl.  5, 25, 75

Hewes, Jonah   211

Hight, Joseph, & Co.  165

Hill, John   59

Hill, Robt.  122

Hobart, Enoch  88

Hobart & Pratt  50, 88

Hockenhull, John   208, 217

Hodge, McCulloch and Bayard  78

Hodgkinson, Peter  120

Hogeland, Benjamin   1

Hollingsworth, Levi  155

Hood(?), John  34

Hopkinson, Francis 112, 120

Hornin(g), Catrena  22, 27

Hornor, Benjn.  27

Hospital, Pennsylvania  19

Howard, John 119, 123, 166

Howard, Peter  101

Howard, Thos 119, 123

Howlan, Michael 94

Huff, Abby 179

Hull, John 140

Hume, James 171

Humphreys, Benjamin 137

Hutch, Zachariah 150


Jacobs, John  181

Jacobs, Jos.  16, 77

Jaffrey, Charles 184

James    211

Jarvis, John  140

Jenkins, James  204

Jenkins, Morgan  204

John, [smeared], Jr.   99

Johnis, Stephan  40

Johnson  Curnell(?), Jr.  138

Johnson, Lawrence  74

Johnson, Nichlos  30

Johnson, Nicholas  19

Johnson, Samuel  57

Johnston, Joseph  219

Jones, J.  70

Jones, Jehu  59, 72

Jones, John  3, 8, 10b, 11, 17, 21, 25, 27, 33, 35, 37, 56, 70

Jones, Lewis   207

Jones, Thomas  194

Joseph   68, 69

Josiah, Emanuel  58, 85

Josiah, Robert  58, 85

Justin & Marshall  124, 128, 130


Kemble, Geo.  18

Kennedy, Geo.  1

Kennedy, Mary  88

Kessler, Jossam  75

Kineman, Susanah   220

King, Dan  205

Kinsey, Abraham  62, 151

Knorr, Fuller  130, 132, 135

Knowles, John  123

Knowles, Jno.  186


Lahea, Alener [i.e. Eleanor]  177

Landers, Cuthbert  192

Laught, Sebastian  171, 180

Lawrence, John, Jr.  149

Lawrence, Thos.  16, 74, 192

Laycock, John  185

Leacock, John   177, 207

Leaton  - see Seaton

Lee, Gershom   96

Lesley - see Leslie

Leslie, Peter  207, 215, 218

Lewis, (Esquire)  38

Lewis, Ellis  115

Lewis, John  176

Lewis, Robt.  115

Lewis, Squire  65

Ley, Hannah 63

(surname might be Lees)

Lightfoot, James   195

Linn, Cliveley(?)  137

Lloyd, Robert   90

Lockerman, Mr.  182

Londey, Daniel   154

Londers, George   94, 154

Long, Malken  148

Longstreet, Daniel  106

Lorley, Peter 137

Lort, John  113

Losh(?), George   26

Lounsburg(?), Benjn.  53

Loxley, Abraham  197


Maddock, Abraham 152

Magg, John  218

Mags, John  109

Maguire, Matt   213

Major, Dan  95

Marple(?), George   3

Marshall, Ralph  138, 153

Martin, William  149, 182, 184

Martin, John  102

Martin & Row   224

Martin, Wm. 2

Mason, Richard  183

Mathews, James  223

Mathews, William  149

Mathieson 117

McCalesters, Michael  181

Mcall, Archd.  127, 132

McCarde(?), John   42

M’Crakin, Jno.  10b

(i.e. Jonathan McCracken?)

McKim, Tho.  22

McLane, Samuel  226

McLaughlan, Felix  133, 134

McWilliams, George  191

MacLeane(?( & Stuart  43

Mendenhall, Robt.  7, 36

Meredith(?), Daniel   29

Meredith, Reese 149

Micham, Thomas 94

Middleton, Aaron 127, 158, 179

Middleton, Rebecca 24

Miencken, Morris 197

Mifflin 127

Mifflin, Samuel  155, 170

Miller, Alexander  200

Miller, Ann  14

Milne, Edward 130

Milnor, William  30, 32, 38, 41, 49, 62

Mitchie Jno.   22

M’Nilleam, John 15

Moore, William 162

More, John  84

More, Joseph  9

Mogan, John 65

Morris, Anthony  157

Morton, John  88

Morton, Samuel 88

Mosely, George 131, 154

Mount, Elizabeth 10b

Muirheid, Andrew  114

[perhaps supposed to be Morehead]

Murgatroyd, Thos. 44

Musgrove, Jn. 100

Mushett, Thomas 183., 187


Nast & Browne 65

Neal, Mary 118

Neff, Thos. 13

Neille, Sarah  220

Nevill, Daniel  92

Newbold, Daniel  227

Nigloskan, Felix  114


Ogden & Hewes  10

Ogden, Joseph  161

Ogle, John   24, 32, 80

Oliphant, Hosea  81, 82

O’Neaill, Daniel  122, 126

Onill(?), Danl.  199

Onger, Cristan  80

Ord, John  47, 109

Owen. Edward  101


Packer, Daniel  200

Palmer, Jacob  219

Palmer, John  219

Parr, William  62

Parrish, Isaac  17

Parsons, Sarah  172

Parsons, Seth  173

Paschall, Isaac  13, 110

Paschall, Joseph  13, 110

Peare, Richard  226

Pecock, Adoniga  79

Peirse, John  80

Pemberton, Charles  110

Pennsylvania Hospital   19

Phides, S(?)  130

Philp, James  99

Phipps, Stephen  214

Plesants, Samuel  110

Polard, John  67, 71

Pollard, John  57

Pollard, William 194

Potts, David  53, 92

Prankerd, John  157

Predmore, John  117

Preston, Rachel   1, 164

Pusey, William  199, 225

Pyusell, John  109


Quigley, Aaron  170


Randolph, Daniel  14, 55, 67-69, 72, 79, 100, 105, 114, 198, 227

Randolph, Daniel & Benj.  105

Randolph, James  15, 120

Randolph, Stephen 73

Rayn, Petter [Peter]  225

Renaudet, Dr. 177

Rice, James 210

Richards, David 87

Richardson, Wm.  9

Rickhor, Adrian  153

Ridgway, Henry  129, 135

Ridgway, Solomon  129

Riley, Edwd.  205

Rings, Thomas  121

Rissett, Christian  98

Ritter, Jacob  211

Ritter, Wilhelm 119

Roadge, Thomas 74

Roberts, Edward  63, 64

Roberts, George  63

Roberts, Hugh  19, 63, 64

Robins(?), Cornelius(?)  45

Robins, Esek   50

Robinson, Cornelius  39

Robinson, Daniel  191

Robinson, William, Jr.  161

Rock, William  75

Roo(?), John   26

Rose, J. L.  81, 90

Rosen, David, Jr.  175

Ross, Dr.  161

Ross, John  150, 193

Rundle, Danl.   44, 60

Rundle, Richard, Jr.  60

Rush, William  152

Rush, William, Jr.  152


Saltar, Jno.  165

Saltar, Joseph 165

Sansom, Samuel, Jr.  148

Saunders, Peter  195

Savage, Thomas  20, 141, 143

Scotch Presbyterian Church  160

Scott, John    219

Scrivner(?), James  100

Seaton, Rebecca  20

[surname might be Leaton]

Sewell, R. 16

Sewell, Rd.   74

Shaeos, William  67

Shafer, Borbuy  189

Sharp, William  92

Shearman, John  6

Shield & Bradford  131

Shiney, Michael  172

Shiney, Lorrance  172

Sho, William   65, 79

Shockelea, Albartus  5, 95, 98

Shoemaker, Geo. 38, 54

Shoemaker, Jacob, Jr.  70

Shoemaker., Jona.   10

Shoemaker,  Thomas   95, 136, 143

Sims, Egek Robins [Robinson’s?]   97

Sitgreave, Wm.  28

Skillman, Thomas  46

Smith, Christopher  188

Smith, Daniel  148, 210

Smith, Isaac  43

Smith, James  39

Smith, Robert  70

Smith, Robert, Jr.   91

Smith, Thos.  6, 8, 57, 101, 226

Smith, William  86, 97, 104, 107, 161

Smith, William D.   186, 197

Snowden, Isaac   40

Sparhawk, John  220

Standley & Jacob  77

Stansbury, Joseph  168

Stapler & Smith  74, 80, 88, 106

Stause, George  120

Steward, George  124

Stewr., Samuel [Stewart or Steward]   63

Stille, John  73, 102, 225

Stone, William  89

Stonem[atz?], Daniel  212

Stonematz, Jacob 194

Story, E.  75

Stout, John 62

Stout, Joseph  67

Stout & Stout   2

Stretch, Peter  205

Sutton, Susanna  190

Swain, Samuel  194


Taggart(?), Robt.  33

Tatnal, Robt.  27

Taylor, Benjamin   14, 118, 120, 121, 134

Taylor, George  47, 190

Taylor, Isaac  118

Taylor, Josiah  165

Taylor, Samuel  133

Taylor, Sarah  134

Thackwray, Francis  111

[i.e. Thackeray?]

Thomson, George  185, 195

Thomson, Rebecca  171

Tiltinghart, Joseph  125

Tisson, Edward 23

Todd & Dickinson 109

Todd, John  191

Toland, John 65

Tomlisson, James 8

Tonlay, Nathaniel 120

Torman – see Forman

Torrence, Charles  193, 201

Treczer [sic], Joseph  112

Trimble, Jno.  36

Trimble, Joseph  199, 47

Trimble, Samuel  48

Trimble, Wm.  36, 47

Truman, Richard  185, 215

Trumble, Francis  5, 10a

Trumble, Joseph  10a

Tryon, David   52, 58, 91, 199

Tryon & Gordon   72

Tuley, Abraham  50

Turnbull, William   76, 174, 209

Turner, William  52, 107, 123

Tybout, James 11

Tyler, Ann 125


Uber, David   188

Urion(?), Miles   2


Vallance, Robert  189

Vandike, Charles   49

Van Sciver, Jacob  81

Vanwinkle, Sarah  176

Varet, Richard  148

Vhares, William 14, 65, 67, 79


Wade, Francis  194

Walker, Margaret  208

Wall, John 64

Wallace, Joshua M.  127, 132

Walsh, John  144

Walton, Samuel  151, 153

Ward, Andrew  158

Watkins, Joseph  148

Watkins, Joseph, Jr.   147, 151, 155

Watkinson, William 128

Watts, Arthur 19

Webb, John  140

Webber, Thomas  198

Webster, John  150, 156, 160

Wells, Richard  188

Welpher, Frederick   204

Wetherill, Saml.   11

White, Jno.    174, 175

Whitelock, John  l60

Wickersham, Robert  165, 166

Wikoff, Isaac  106

Wikoff, John  108

Wilkinson, Anthony  122

Williams, John  157

William(s), Saml.  7

Williams, Samuel  181, 183

Willing, Morris & Co.  1, 126

Willis, Jona.   223

Wilson, Robert  132

Wilton, John  71

Winter, John  39, 61

Wood, Jos.  12

Wood, Sacheveral 163

Woodrow, Henry 20

Woodrow, William 178

Wynkoop, Abrm.  59


Yarnall, Mary 185

Yoricke, Daniel 109

York, Jonathan 180

Young, Ellenore 204


Zane, Joel 187

Zane, Jonathan 182

Zantzinger, Adam 174


Index to names in account book, Mic. 7, with dates covered by entries:

Note: additional notes about some of the people were added by an unknown person; page numbers were not listed for some entries


Abbot [or Abbott], John   171, 223  (1773-1782)

Adams, Thomas   3, 29, 33, 43, 48  (1768-1769) 

(joiner, 1772 Tax list, p.42, South Ward)

Adventures to Charleston, Honduras, and London – see under place name

Affleck, Thomas   126, 138, B126  (1770)

(Philadelphia cabinetmaker, joiner, Phila. Tax List, 1772, p. 27, Dock Ward)

Allen, Isaac  (of Trenton)   107 (1770)

Allen, James, esq.   141 (1771)

Alston, Joseph   36, 76, 85, 86 (1768-1770)

Alston, Joseph, Jr.  1, 84, 227 (1769-1775)

Alston, Joseph, Sr.  1, 3, 8, 151, 180 (1768-1773)

Anderson, Henry  218, 236, 247 (1776-1779)

Anderson, Joseph  78, 90, 246 (1769-1779)

Anthony, Hewes(?)  247, 250  (1786)

Anthony, Joseph  35, 257, 260  (1786-1787)

Argo (brig)   245, 247

Armitage, Benjamin  3, 58, 163, 167, 252  (1768-1785)

Atkins - see Bloomfield & Atkins


Bache, Richard   62, 190  (1770-1774)

Bacon, Daniel  258  (1786)

Bagnal, Samuel  157, 166 (1772-1773)

Bailey, John  7  (1768)

Baion(?), Daniel  250  (1786)

            [i.e. Bacon?]

Baker, William   36, 93, 126, 144, 163, 179, 246 (1768-1779)

Ball, William   221, 226  (1775)

Barclay, Thomas  162  (1772)

(merchant, 1772 tax list, Dock Ward); Adam Hoope’s estate

Barnes, Lambert  7 (1768)

Barnet [or Barnett], Isaac  124  (1770-1771)

Barrett, Timothy  149, 198, 205  (1771-1775)

[also spelled Barut]

Barrow, Joseph   162 (1772-1773)

Barrow, Samuel  1, 144, 246  (1773-1779)

Bartram, George   62, 144, 165, 178  (1770-1774)

Bartram, Robert   165  (1772-1773)

Batchelor, Edward   38, 50  (1768-1771)

Bayard, James (Dr.)  92  (1769-1770)

Bayard, John  152  (1771)

Beck, John  8, 144, 265  (1768-1787)

Bell, Henry   202, 218  (1774-1779)

Benezet, David   80  (1769)

(merchant, 1772 tax list, p. 113, Mulberry Ward)

Berberie, Peter (of Perth Amboy)   242 (1776)

Berry, Abley   221, 231  (1777-1779)

Betsy (sloop)   1

Biddle, Clement   181 (1775-1783)

Biggs, Peter   1, 151 (1771)

Binks, Christopher   238, 248  (1776-1779)

Bird, Mark  58, 154, 162, 246  (1771-1779)

            [same person as Mark Burd?]

Bishop, William   237, 247, 250  (1776-1786)

Black, James   7, 43, 85  (1768-1769)

Blair, Samuel (Rev.)   208  (1774-1775)

Bland, Major   231, 247  (1777-1779)

Bloomfield & Atkins   218, 229  (1775-1776)

Bloomfield, Joseph   249  (1784-1787)

Bloomfield, Thomas  247, 250  (1786)

Bolden & Starr  1  (1786)

Bond, Phineas (Dr.)  61  (1768)

Bond, Thomas  8, 23, 85  (1768-1769)

Bonham, Abraham  144  (1773)

Bonham, Ephraim  155, 183  (1772-1776)

Boucher, Francis  149  (1771)

Bradford, William  81  (1769)

Branning, Elizabeth   3, 36, 144, 179 (1768-1780)

Branning, John   1, 35, 88, 156, 169, 177, 218, 246 (1774-1776)

            [surname also recorded as Brann and Branin]

Branning, Joseph  47, 180  (1768-1779)

            [surname also recorded as Brannin and Branin]

Branson, Day   151, 246  (1771-1779)

Branson, Jacob  193  (1774)

Bridges, Robert  8, 45  (1768)

Brig Argo  245, 247  (1779-1787)

Brig Recovery  244, 248  (1778-1779)

Bringhurst, James  1

Bringhurst, John  204, 247  (1774-1782)

(Germantown chairmaker, 1772 Germantown Tax list, p.220)

Broderick, Richard   144, 194, 213, 214, 246  (1774-1779)

            [surname also spelled Brodrick]

Bromall, Thomas   179, 234, 247  (1775-1779)

            [surname also spelled Bromel]

Brooks, David   1, 4, 154  (1768-1771)

Brooks, Nicholas  181  (1775-1782)

Brooks, William   169, 247  (1773-1779)

Brown, John   218, 232  (1775-1779)

Brown, Margaret  1, 37, 55, 144, 160, 161, 169, 221   (1768-1779)

Brown, Nicholas  1

Bruk, Aaron  35  (1768)

Bunting, William B.  186  (1773-1775)

Burchall, Anne  1, 3, 55, 81  (1768-1769)

            [surname also spelled Burchill, Burchalt]

Burchalt, John  189  (1773-1787)

Burd, Mark  158  (1772-1773)

            [same person as Mark Bird?]

Butts, Richard   1, 32, 35, 247  (1768-1778)

Byrne, James   151  (1771)


Cadwalader, J. & L.  18, 36, 49  (1768)

Cadwalader, John  1, 4, 18  (1768)

Cadwalader, Lambert  18  (1768)

Cahill, John  1, 43  (1768)

Calla, J. W.(?)  144  (1774)

Canell, Samuel  260  (1787)

Caner, Michael  263, 270  (1787)

Cannan, Jonathan  203  (1774-1776)

Cannon, Mary   3, 83  (1768-1769)

Caradine, Thomas

Carker, Ludwick  9, 46, 221, 154  (1768-1782)

            [surname perhaps should be Barker?]

Carnan – see Carman

Carman, John  221, 240  (1776)

Carson, Robert  62  (1770)

            [or Carsen]

Cartwright, Shackerly  9, 81  (1768-1769)

Cash, Thomas  125, 144, 158, 221  (1771-1779)

[includes estate of Thomas Cash] 

Chambers, David  9  (1768)

Charles & Petit  250  (1786)

Charleston, adventure to  35, 248, 260, 263, 264  (1786-1787)

Chevalier, John & Peter  243, 247  (1768, 1779)  [surname also spelled Shevalier]

Chevalier, Peter  206  (1774-1775)

Chryster, Jacob  193  (1785-1787)

            [surname also spelled Christer, Chrisler]

Cisle(?), Charles  254, 260  (1768)

Clarke, John (Captain)   49, 54  (1768)

Claypoole – see Dunlap & Claypoole

Claypoole, George  10

Claypoole, James   1 

(Philadelphia cabinetmaker, p. 10; Oct. 1, 1768 - Debtor to Randolph)

Clifford, John  247, 250, 255, 260, 263, 271  (1786-1787)

Clime, Andrew(?)  144  (1774)

Cline, Hannah   48, 179, 213  (1775-1779)

Cline, John  144, 213  (1774-1775)

Clowe, James   246  (1779)

Clymer, Baltis  1, 36, 81, 88, 144  (1768-1771)

Coates, Isaac   1, 94, 223  (1769-1775)

Coats, William  202  (1774) 

Cobb, Thomas  221 (1779)

Cockshot, John  1, 267  (1787)

Coker, Thomas  81  (1769)

Collins, Abraham   158  (1772) 

Collins, Edward  250, 251  (1785-1786)

            [first name on p. 250 might be Edmund]

Collins, Robert (Capt.)  144, 158  (1772-1774)

Committee of Safety  234  (1776)


Condy, Benjamin  157  (1772-1773)

Conover, Peter  87  (1769)

Conrad, John  1, 221  (1782)

Cook, Jonathan  1

Cook, Jos. & Co.  254  (1785-1787)

Cook, Nathan  139, 247  (1771-1782)

Coombe, Thomas  78, 246  (1770-1779)

 (brother-in-law of Randolph, married Hilda Fitz Randolph, sister of B.R.)

Coradine, Thomas  1, 184  (1773-1774)

Coufman, Jacob  269  (1787)

Courtenay, Hercules  3, 10, 43, 81, 91  (1768-1769)


Coward, John  1, 93, 179  (1771-1779)

            [surname also spelled Cowardly]

Cowell, Samuel (Capt.)  179, 185  (1773-1777)

            [surname also spelled Covell]

Crachit, Ann   197, 247  (1774-1779)

            [surname might be Crackit]

Craig, Andrew  217  (1774)

Craig, William   58, 144, 163, 182  (1771-1787)

Crane, Richard  36, 81  (1768-1769)  [surname spelled as Crain]

Crawford & Thompson  143  (1771)

 (possibly cabinetmaker Jacob Crawford?)

Cresson, Jeremiah   54, 156  (1770-1775)

 (Philadelphia joiner & chairmaker, 1772 Tax list, p. 57, Middle Ward)

Cribs, John  1, 153  (1771)

Cristler – see Chryster

Cromfield, Joseph B.   247 (1785)

Cross, Peter  1, 93  (1769)

Cullen, Thomas   151, 174  (1773-1775)

Cummings, Morris  35  (1768)

Curry, Robert   228  (1776-1787)


Davids, John  250, 261  (1786)

Davidson, William   161, 165, 170, 180  (1772-1774)

Davis, Polly (Miss)  148  (1771)

Davis, William (Captain)  81, 146, 153  (1769-1771)

Dawson & Snowden  260, 269  (1787)

Dawson, David  259  (1786-1787)

Dawson, William   61  (1768)

Daymon, Francis   178, 1789, 209, 210  (1774-1777)

            [surname also spelled Dayman]

Deakin, John  49  (1768)

Deakin, Robert  49, 52, 53, 55, 78, 80, 81, 85  (1768-1769)

            [surname also spelled Deaking]

Dean, Joseph   162  (1772)

Dearnalle(?), Alverino  246  (1779)

Delano(?), Thomas  1

Delong, Peter  221  (1775)

            [surname might be Deshong]

Denormandie, Anthony  3, 81, 218  (1768-1779)


DeNormandie, Dr.  249, 268  (1785-1787)

Deshong, Harry  236  (1776)

Deshong, Peter  144, 200  (1774-1776)

Devine, Mrs.  217  (1775)

Dickinson, John  1, 3, 35, 81, 247  (1768-1782)

Dobson, Thomas  260, 265  (1787)

Donal, Grace  189  (1774)

            [possibly same as Dowal]

Donnel, Nathaniel   54, 144, 153, 156, 187, 221, 224  (1771-1776)

            [surname also spelled Donnell]

Donnells, Alverin  15  (1775)

Dootman, Richard
Dor [i.e. Dors?], Andrew   35, 37  (1768-1769)

            [surname might be Doz]

Douglass, Alexander  171  (1773-1774)

Dowal, Grace  180, 246  (1774-1779)

            [surname also spelled Dowall; possibly same as Donal]

Drinker – see James & Drinker 

Duncan, Ann   228  (1776)

Duncan, Elliot  1

Duncan, James   144, 156  (1771-1773)

Dunlap & Claypoole  107  (1773)

Dunlap, John  259  (1786)


Easton, Robert   205, 218, 222  (1769-1779)

Egerly, Lawrence  1

Eldridge, Abraham  179, 243  (1778-1779)

Elliott, John   1, 35, 126, 138  (1768-1776)

(Philadelphia cabinetmaker, described as "Looking Glassmaker," paid in full Sept. 30, 1769; in 1772 Tax List, p. 41, in South Ward) 

Elmsley, John  35  (1768)

Emanuel, Josiah  21  (1768)

Emlen, Caleb  1

Emlen, George, Sr.  38, 178, 218, 228  (1768-1775)

Emlen, George, Jr.  15, B6335, 79  (1768-1769)

[large debtor to shop in 1768]

Emlen, Sally (Miss)  143  (1771)

Emlen, Sarah  1, 124, 154, 247  (1771-1779)

Evans, David  15  (1768)

Evans, Samuel   222  (1777)

[of New Jersey]


Faries, James  141  (1771)

Faulk, Adam  35, 248, 260, 262  (1768-1787)

            [surname also spelled Faulke]

Fearis, John  223  (1775)

Fishbauger, Siemon  263, 264  (1787)


Fisher, Samuel  16, 109, 144, 145, 233  (1768-1787)

Fisher, Thomas  164, 223  (1775)

Fitzbaugh – see Fishbauger

Fitzgerald, Thomas  250, 253, 256, 263  (1786-1787)

Fitz-randolph, S.  260, 264  (1787)

Fiz, John  212, 218  (1775)

Fleeson, Plunket  16, 81, 108, 219, 239  (1768-1787)

[upholsterer, 1772 lax list, p.60, Middle Ward]

Fling, John  1, 42  (1768-1770)

[Joiner, 1772 Tax list, p.60, Middle Ward]

[surname possibly Flinn]

Flinn, Daniel   1, 37, 43, 85, 179  (1768-1779)

Flock, Philip   1, 3, 27, 35, 40, 88, 89  (1768-1769)

            [surname possibly Flockly]

Flower, Samuel  17  (1768)

Folwell, John  126  (1770)

[Philadelphia, p.94]

Footman, Moore(?)  1

Footman, Peter   144, 150, 154, 160, 180, 200, 247  (1771-1779)

Footman, Richard  184  (1773)

Forster, Moses  1, 15  (1768)

Fort, Madame  247  (1786)

Fortune, Anthony  1, 35, 84, 144, 221, 247  (1768-1782)

Fowell – see Folwell

Fox, Joseph   170, 246  (1773-1779)

Francis, Philip  158 (1772)

Francis, Turbutt (Esquire)   162, 247  (1772-1779)

Frazer, Joseph  1, 16, 43, 45, 47, 81  (1768-1771)

Fuller, Benjamin  84, 86  (1769)

Fulton, James  15, 81, 209  (1768-1774)

Furman, Moore  50  (1768)

Fustian – see also Tristin & Marshall

Fustain, Thomas  1, 4, 247  (1768-1779)

Fustian, John   56, 153, 160, 172  (1771-1776)

            [surname might be Fustain]

[joiner, 1772 Tax list, p.57, Middle Ward]


Galloway, Joseph (Esquire)   77, 91  (1769)

Gamber, John  270  (1787)

Gardner, John  246  (1779)

Gatts, Michael  4, 17, 85, 144, 154, 197  (1768-1774)

[surname possibly Gatz]

Gebler, George  221  (1775)

Gebler, Godfrey   144, 163, 182, 213, 218, 221, 238, 247, 253  (1773-1787)

Genchman, John  1

Gibbons, Abel  1, 246  (1779)

Gibson, John (esquire)  146  (1771-1777)

Gill, John  17, 154  (1768-1773)

Granger, Henry   30, 81, 139, 143, 144, 153, 154, 159, 170, 246  (1768-1779)

Grasbury, Joseph  17  (1768)

Grass, Peter  93  (1771)

Gray, Mercy  1, 3, 87, 247  (1768-1779)

Gregg, David   86  (1769)

Gribble, Andrew  155, 223  (1772-1775)

Griffin, Samuel   54, 207  (1774-1776)

Grigeston, Thomas   220, 248  (1776-1779)

            [surname also spelled Grigson]

Grinney(?) – see Gurney

Gross, Peter  145, 246  (1771-1779)

Gualdo, John  18, 43, 81  (1771-1779)

Gunther, George  270  (1787)

Gurney, Henry (Esquire)  179, 230  (1776-1777)

Guyer, Casper  170  (1773)


Haines, Ephraim   92  (1769)

[cabinetmaker, p.119, 1769]

Haines, Jonathan   1, 126, 247  (1770-1779)

Hale, Thomas   143  (1771-1782)

Hall & Sellers, Messrs. 231, 248  (1777-1779)

Hall, William  144, 162, 184  (1773)

Hall(?), Thomas  247  (1782)

Hallowell, Joseph  19  (1768)

Hamilton, Andrew  20  (1768)

Hamilton, William  81  (1769)

Hancock, Hugh   61, 62  (1768-1769)

Hanlin, John   1, 8, 37, 57, 59, 108, 125, 218  (1768-1779)

[possibly Hanlan or Hanlon; turner, 1772 Tax list, p. 50, South Ward]

Harbeson, Benjamin  18, 35, 47, 148, 201  (1768-1776)

Harminson, Jonathan  201  (May 28, 1774)

Harris, George  218  (1775)

Harrison, Benjamin (Colonel)   178, 179, 198, 209, 221, 226, 247  (1774-1779)

Harvey, William   176  (1773)

Haskins, George  1

Hasslehurst, Isaac, & Co.  267  (1787)

Haughton, George [or John]  232  (1775-1782)

Hawke, Captain  83  (1770)

Hawkins, George  155, 246  (1772?-1779)

Hayes, Mary  1, 183, 221  (1773-1779)

            [surnamed also spelled Hays]

Hayes, Morris   1, 158, 183  (1772-1773)

Hays, John  49, 51  (1768-1769)

Helmsley, William  49, 77, 85  (1769)

[of Queen Anne County, Md.]

Hemmins, Benjamin  123, 221  (1775-1779)

            [surname also spelled Hemmings]

[turner, 1772 tax list, p.9, Dock Ward]

Hendrickson, William  44, 56  (1768-1769)

Henry, Hugh  19, 93, 248, 260, 266, 268  (1768-1787)

Henry, John  255  (1785-1786)

Henry, Samuel  250, 252, 253  (1785-1787)

Henry, William  18, 35, 171  (1768-1773)

Hertrog, Andrew   144, 170, 218, 224, 230  (1772-1782)

            [surname also spelled Hartrog]

Hewes & Anthony  258  (1786-1787)

Hewlings, William   156  (1772)

[of Burlington]

Hickingham, Amos  263  (1787)

Hicks, Charles  206  (1774)

Hill, Jonathan  144  (1774)

Hill, Robert   94  (1769)

Hillie, Jonathan  260, 263  (1787)

Hinslewood, Anne  19, 43, 81  (1768-1769)

Hiorn, William  1, 10, 85, 247  (1768-1779)

Hiselman(?), John  250  (1785)

Hockenhull, John   139, 142, 144, 153, 160, 163, 170, 192, 218, 235  (1771-1779)

            [surname also spelled Harkenhull]

Hodge, Andrew  217  (1775)

Hodgson, John   150, 155  (1771-1772)

Honduras, adventure to  93, 246  (1769-1779)

Hood, John  260, 262  (1787)

Hood, Thomas (Esquire)  157  (1772)

How, Samuel  51, 52  (1768-1770)

Howard, John   1 

[Joiner, 1772 Tax list, p.51, Middle Ward]

Howell, Joshua   54  (1768)

Hudson, Susannah  1

Humphreys, James  18  (1768)

Humphreys, Joshua  142  (1771)

Humphreys, Whitehead  19  (1768-1770)

Hunt, John  37  (1768)


Jacobs, Elizabeth   20, 81  (1768-1769)

James & Drinker  80  (1769)

Jeffreison, Thomas (Esquire)  227 (1775)

[i.e. Jefferson]

Jeffries, Charles  228, 248  (1775-1779)

Jeffreys, Samuel  216, 246  (1774-1779)

            [surname also spelled Jeffries]

Jervis, John, Jr.  1, 52  (1769)

            [surname should be Jarvis?]

Jewell, Robert   80  (1769-1770)

[joiner, 1772 Tax list, p.13, Dock Ward]

Johns, Stephen  20, 56  (1768-1770)

Johns, Stephen, Jr.  156  (1773-1777)

[possibly a cousin; N.J.; see Iverson list]

Johns, Stephen, Sr.  1, 156  (1773-1777)

Johnston, John   21  (1772)

Johnston, Mary  61, 246  (1768-1779)

Johnston, Thomas   1, 107, 247  (1769-1779)

Jones, Blathwaite  35, 141  (1768-1771)

Jones, John   20, 81  (1768-1769)

Jones, William  84  (1770)

Josiah, Emanuel  46, 179  (1768-1779)

Josiah, Robert   172, 246  (1773-1779)

Justin, Rachel

Justin, Thomas


Keen, Matthias  81, 179  (1769-1779)

Keen, Reynold   53  (1770-1772)

Kelly, John  22, 81  (1768-1769)

Kendall, Benjamin  3, 21, 179  (1768-1773)

Kendall, Joseph  139  (1771)

Kennedy, Andrew  267  (1787)

Kennedy, George   179, 193, 221  (1774-1778)

Kennedy, Robert   40, 43, 218, B514  (1768-1779)

Keppele, Henry, Jr.  142, 144, 247  (1771-1782)  [merchant, 1772 Tax list, p. 59]

King, Daniel   21, 168, 171, 176  (1768-1787)

King, Joseph   22, 46  (1768-1773)

Kirk, Sam.  214  (1776)

Kizelman, Fredrik  251  (1785)


Lane, Jacob  34, 189  (1768-1776)

Lane, Jonathan  1, 194  (1774)

Lantzinger, Adam – see Zantzinger

Lasley, Peter  175  (1773-1782)

Latemore, George  1, 32, 37, 63, 75, 85, 91, 144, 153, 161, 169, 198, 215, 218  (1768-1779)

Lawrence, John (Esq.)   266  (1787)

Lawrence, Thomas   22  (1768-1773)

(upholsterer, High Street Ward)

Lawrence, Thomas, Jr., Esq.  1, 22, 81  (1768-1769) 

Lea, Thomas  1, 8, 23, 44  (1768-1773)

Leacock, John 260, 263, 264  91787)

Lechen, Joseph  1

            [surname possibly Ledren]

Library Company  23  (1768)

Lightfoot, James   212  (1774)

Lillie, Nathaniel  210, 224, 225  (1774-1775)

Linn, Charles  203  (1774-1775)

Lloyd, Gilbert   43, 77, 81  (1768-1770)

[of London]

Lock, George   163  )1772)

Lockerman, Vincent   23  (1768)

Lockwood, James, & Co.  211 (1774)

London, adventure to  261  (1787)

Long, Melchor   87, 246, 247  (1769-1779)  (Cabinetmaker, Savannah?)

Long, Walker  146, 246  (1771-1779)

Lowry, James   1

Ludwig, George  59, 94, 246  (1769-1779)

[surname also spelled Ludwick]

Lukens, Jasper  23, 43  (1768)


Maag, Catherine   53  (1768)

            [surname possibly Maggs]

Macken, Thomas   156  (1772)

Maddock [or Maddox], Abraham  25  (1768-1770)

Maggs, Jacob   1, 139, 147  (1771)

            [surname possibly Maag]

Maggs, John   218, 220  (1775)

            [surname possibly Magg or Muggs]

Mangany(?), Alexander  143, 156, 170, 174, 199, 214  (1772-1776)

Marcer, George  1

            [surname possibly Mancer]

Marchenton, Phillip  247, 257, 260, 268  (1786-1787)

Markoe, Abram   230, 247  (1775-1779)

Markoe, Uran  180  (1773)

Marks, Levy   188  (1773-1774)

Marminson, Jonathan

Marriott, Philip  233  (1775-1776)

Marshall, Benjamin  1, 4, 24, 43, 62, 79, 81, 123, 145  (1768-1772)

Marshall, Charles  24  (1768)

Marshall, Christopher  149 (1772)

Marshall, Ralph  174  (1773)

Martin, William  1, 15, 83  (1769)

[also spelled Marton; Upholder; upholsterer, 1772 Tax list, p. 156, Upper Del. Ward]

Mason, Richard   179, 185, 217, 247  (1773-1779)

[joiner, 1772 Tax list, east Part of Northern Liberties; p. 25 debtor "To Stock," 1768; paid May 16, 1769, in cash]

Masters, Elizabeth (Sally)  25, 85  (1768-1769)

Matherson, Peter  229, 246  (1775-1779)

Mathews, Samuel  1, 43, 179  (1768-1779)

            [surname also spelled Matthews]

Maxfield, John   24, 81  (1768-1769)

Mayse, James   173  (1773)

McAlister, Michael   89  (1775)

McCaben, James  194  (­1774-1775)

McCall, Ann (Widow)   1

McCalla, .John   193  (1774)

McCraley, John  173, 175, 219  (1773-1787)

            [surname might be McCraby]

McCubbin, James   147  (1771)

McCullogh, Hugh   25, 148  (1768-1773)

McDonough, Peter   18, 144, 171  (1771-1773)

            [surname might be McDonaugh]

McDowell, William  214  (1774)

McGuire, Mathew   218, 243  (1777-1787)

McKean, Thomas (Esquire)  148  (1775)

McKim, Thomas  178, 209  (1774-1776)

            [possibly same person as McKean?]

McLaughlan, Felis  25  (1770)

McNeal, Bryan  35, 43  (1768)

McPherson, John (Capt.)  246  (1779) 

McRane, Thomas (Esquire)  81, 89, 94, 173, 178, 180, 206, 221, 247  (1769-1779)

Mears, John  204  (1775)

Melcher, Isaac  179  (1779)

Meredith, Reese  144, 191  (1774)

Meyer, Henry  1

Meyers, Jacob  263, 266  (1787)

Middleton, John    255  (1785-1787)

Mifflin, Samuel (Esquire)   24, 81  (1768-1769)

Milenburg, Michael   160, 167  (1772)

Milne, Edward [or Edmund]  82  (1769)

Mitchell, John  53  (1770)

Mitchell, Randle  179, 230  (1775-1777)

Montgomery, Alexander   50  (1768)

Montgomery, Dorcas   93, 152, 154  (1771-1774)

Montgomery, John & William  152, 181  (1771-1775)

Moody, John   260, 269  (1787)

Moore & Chestnut   82, 139, 147, 180  (1769-1773)

Moore, Joshua   26  (1768)

[cabinetmaker, 1775 Constables Return of Dock Wards; His own house landlord - Nehemiah Allen - Ground landlord - had 3 apprentices and 5 children aged 1 – 15; 1772 Tax list, p. 16, Dock Ward - listed as a joiner]

Moore, Thomas (Capt.)  26  (1768)

Moore, William  25  (1768)

Morgetwright(?)  Morgeltright(?)  (widow)  169  (1773-1775)

Morrell, James   1, 77, 246  (1769-1779)

Morris, Anthony  24  (1768)

Morris, John (Esq.)  1, 164  (1772)

Morris, Margaret   156  (1772)

Morris, Paul   1, 56, 126  (1770)

Morris, Robert  1, 26, 27, 61, 62, 85  (1768-1769)

Morton, William  54, 86  (1768-1777)

Mosley, George   218  (1777)

            [surname might be Morsely]

Mount, Michael  1, 17, 41  (1768-1770)

Moyes, John  32, 221, 247  (1768-1780)

            [surname might be Moyse]

Mullen, Joseph  34, 153  (1769-1771)

Mullen, Thomas   80  (1769)

            [surname might be Mullan]

Mullony, John (Capt.)  256  (1785)

Murgatroyd, Thomas   175  (1773)

Murray, Alexander  87  (1769)

Musgrove, Aaron  25  (1768)


Needham, John   26  (1768-1769)

Nevill, James  174, 246  (1773-1779)

Nevil [Nevill or Neville], Thomas  183  (1773)

Newlings, Abraham  1, 15, 35, 43, 47, 49, 93, 109, 140, 223  (1768-1775)

Nicola, Lewis  254  (1785)

Nixon, John  57  (1769)

Nolings, Michael  149, 154  (1771-1774)

Norcross – see Sterling & Norcross 

Norton & West  26, 81  (1768-1769)

Noxon, Benjamin   267  (1787)


Oakall (widow)  16, 27, 81  (1768-1769)

Olden, Benjamin  1, 246  (1779)

Ormes, Jane (widow)  92  (1769-1770)

            [surname might be Osborne]

Orr, James  246  (1776)

Orr, Robert  246  (1779)

Osborne, Jane – see Ormes

Osborne, William   176, 246  (1773-1787)


Palmer, John  27, 81  (1768-1769)

Palmer, Thomas  247, 252, 253, 260  (1785-1787)

Paschall, Beulah   247  (1785)

Paschall, Isaac & Joseph   197  (1774)

Paschall, Joseph  94  (1771-1773)

Patterson, Thomas   227, 250  (1775-1786)

Paul, Richard  27, 40, 250, 261, 263, 268  (1768-1787)

Pearson, Ruth  91  (1769)

Pemberton, John  236  (1776)

Pemberton, Joseph  1, 27  (1768-1773)

Pendleton, Edward   124, 178  (1775)

Penn, John  224, 244  (1775-1779)

Peters, Reese  177 (1773)

Peters, Richard (esq.)  246  (1779)

Petit, Charles & Andrew  220 (1776)

Phile, Frederick (Dr.)  253, 258, 263  (1786-1787)

Philips, Thomas  172  (1773)

Physick, Edmund (Esq.)  1, 144, 168  (1771-1772)

Piles, John  1, 110, 247  (1769-1779)

Pinkerton, John   1, 93  (1769)

[turner, 1772 Philadelphia Tax list, p. 2, Dock Ward]

Pleasant, Samuel   15, 38  (1768-1787)

Plim, George, Jr.   78  (1769-1775)

Polk, Johophat  32, 39, 43  (1768)

Polk, Thomas  253, 257  (1786)

Pollard, John   250  (1786)

[carver, 1772 Tax list, p.57, Middle Ward]

Poor, John (estate of)  3, 18, 38, 43, 57, 77, 79, 93, 123, 144, 153, 207, 218  (1768-1779)

            [surname might be Poors]

Porter, Alexander  170, 191, 208, 246  (1773-1779)

Potts, David   142  (1771)

Potts, John  38, 81, 88  (1769)

Powal, Grace

Power, John (estate of)  1, 51, 153, 157  (1771-1772)

Power, Thomas   144  (1774)

Prankard, John   218, 238  (1776-1779)

            [surname also spelled Prankhard]

Preston, Rachel   1, 160, 246  (1772-1779)

Preston, Robert   242, 248  (1777-1779)

Pringle, John  221  (1777)

Pritchard, John  263, 265  (1787)

Prowle, Lawrence   42  (1768)

Pusey, William   179, 221, 234  (1776-1779)


Randle, Isaac  221, 242  (1777)

Randolph - see Iverson list

Randolph, Daniel  221  (1776)

Randolph, Isaac  4, 8, 43, 44, 47, 56, 88, 198, 205, 247  (1768-1779)

Randolph, James   55, 56, 126, 221, 240  (1768-1787)

Rawle, Benjamin  38, 43, 179  (1768-1779)

[surname possibly Rowle]

Read, Charles  154, 178  (1771-1774)

Read, Charles (esq.)  154, 163  (1771-1772)

Read, John   247  (1779)

Read, Joseph  211, 220  (1774-1775)

Reary, Jacob  144  (1774)

            [surname possibly Reavy]

Recovery (Brig)  244, 248  (1778-1779)

Redman, John (Dr.)   1, 4, 109, 246  (1768-1779)

Redman, Joseph   28, 33, 144, 247  (1768-1775)

Redwood, William  27  (1768-1775)

Reed, Joseph (Col., Esq.)  204  (1775)

Renaudet, Peter (Dr.)  211, 237  (1775-1777)

            [surname possibly Renault]

Renshaw, Richard  144, 180-182, 246  (1773-1779)

Reynolds, James  9, 144  (1772-1773)

Rich, John   37, 218  (1769-1779)

Richards, Daniel  1, 28  (1768-1771)

Richards, William   246  (1779)

Richardson, John   60  (1768-17772)

Richardson, Sarah   152  (1771)

Ringold, Thomas (Esq.)  141  (1771)

Risk, Charles  110, 147  (1771)

Ritchards, William – see Richards

Ritenhouse, David – see Rittenhouse

Rittenhouse, D.    172  (1773)

Ritter, Jacob  195  (1774)


Riyan, Peter   269  (1787)

[i.e. Ryan?]

Roach, Thomas (Capt.)  218, 242  (1776-1779)

Robenson, Daniel  86, 88, 213  (1769-1774)

Roberdeau, Daniel  221  (1775)

Roberts, Daniel   28, 180  (1768-1773)

Roberts, Hugh & Geo.   212, 216  (1774-1775)

Roberts, William   28, 35  (17698-1769)

Robeson, Peter   52, 88  (1769)

Robins, Moses   28  (1768-1770)

[brother-in-law, married Rhoda Fitz]

Robinson, Daniel  144, 153, 172, 178, 183  (1771-1773)

Robinson, Henry  218  (1779)

Robinson, William  177, 195, 221  (1773-1779)

Rodman, Person  81, 223  (1769-1775)

Rogerson, John (Esq.)  256, 268, 271  (1785-1787)

Rogerson (widow)  1, 3, 28, 29, 55, 85, 90  (1768-1772)

Ross, James & John  218  (1779)

Ross, John (estate of)  55  (1768)

Ross, John, Jr.  51, 91, 179  (1769-1777)

Rusk, David   175, 218  (1773-1775)

Ryan – see Riyan


Safety, Committee of   157  (1772-1773)

St. Paul's Church   250  (1786)

Salmon, Charles   218, 241  (1777-1779)

Sandyford, Dr.   3, 58, 81  (1768-1769)


Sartain, John (Capt.)  190  (1774)

            [also spelled Sortain]

Saunders, Peter   16, 27, 89, 93, 246  (1768-1779)

Savage, John  210, 225  (1774-1775)

            [spelled Savadge]

Savage, Robert  153  (1771)

Savage, Thomas   153  (1771)

            [spelled Savadge]

Savery, William   30, 47, 84, 93, 170, 246  (1768-1779)

[Philadelphia cabinetmaker; chairmaker in 1772 Tax list, p.67, Chestnut Ward]

Savord  - see Savery

Schooner Hummingbird  1, 29, 53, 186, 218  (1768-1779)

Scull, John   244, 247  (1779)

Searle, James   139  (1771)

Sears, Joseph (estate of)   78  (1769)

Sewall, Robert (Capt.)  37, 179  (1769?-1779)

            [surname might be Sewell]

Sharrold, Josiah   232  (1775)

            [also spelled Sharald]

Shee, Bertles  31, 179  (1768-1779)

Shepherd, Thomas  1, 246  (1779)

Shepper, John   1

Sherman, John  (Shearman?)  140, 145, 166, 173, 201, 218, 231  (1771-1779)

[turner, 1772 Philadelphia tax list, p.6, Dock Ward]

Sherwell, Stephen   243  (1777)

            [surname might be Shewell]

Shevalier, John & Peter – see Chevalier

Shippen (Miss)  211  (1774)

Shippen, Joseph  30, 49, 123, 155, 218, 221  (1768-1775)

Shippen, William (Dr.)  152  (1771)

Shippen, William, Jr. (Dr.)  1, 208  (1768-1776)

Shoemaker, Jonathan   1, 149  (1771)

[Cabinetmaker, p.199, p.30, p. 143]

Shoemaker, Philip  1, 30, 35, 143, 179, 218  (1768-1777)

Shoemaker, Thomas   35  (1768)

Sill, Thomas   31, 45, 82  (1768-1775)

Silverman, Moore(?)  31  (1768-1775)

Simmons [or Simmonds], John  3  (1768)

Sisdal, Thomas  148  (1771)

Sloop Betsy   187  (1773-1777)

Smith, Daniel   1

Smith, James (J.)  171  (1770-1773)

Smith, William  250, 260, 261  (1787)

Smith, William Drewet (Dr.)  221, 233, 248  (1775-1779)

Smither, James  250, 252, 253  (1785-1787)

            [surname also spelled Smithers]

Snowden, Anthony  1, 31, 79, 123, 246  (1768-1779)

Snowden, Isaac   35  (1768)

[cousin - see Iverson list]

Snowden, Jedediah   1, 4, 18, 30, 35, 56, 81, 153, 164  (1768-1773)

[cabinet & chair maker, Philadelphia, p. 205; cousin - see Iverson list; joiner - 1772 Tax list, p.68, Chestnut Ward]

Snowden, John  180, 198  (1768-1775)

Snowden, Miles  187  (1773)

            [probably a cousin]

Solings, Michael

Solomon, Charles  163  (1772)

Solomon, Thomas   1

Souder, Charles  7, 35  (1768-1770)

Souder, Jacob  185  (1773)

Spashall(?), Joseph  185  (1773)

            [surname possibly Paschal]

Stangston(?), George  1, 35, 78, 81  (1768-1771)

Stantin, John   219  (1782)

            [surname possibly Stanlin]

Sterling & Norcross  60  (1768-1769)

Steward, George   255 (1785-1786)

Stilley, John   92  (1769)

Stockenmuller, Jacob  56, 144  (1768-1787)

Stogdon, Abraham  259  (1786-1787)

Stonemetz, Jacob  221, 250, 251  (1785-1786)

Stote, Thomas  46, 179, 223  (1775-1779)

Stout, Joseph (Capt.) (estate of)  223  (1782)

Stoutage(?), Andries  53, 186  (1770-1773)

Sweene, Cornel (i.e. Colonel?)  221  (1782)   

Taries, John – see Faries

Taylor, Benjamin   184  (1773)

Taylor, John  1, 39, 43  (1768)

Thomas, Edward   160, 173  (1772-1773)

Thomas, Moses   32, 81  (1768-1769)

Thompson (Capt.)  32  (1768)

Thompson, Charles  1, 165  (1772)

Thompson, George (Capt.)  144  (1771)

Thompson, James (Capt.)  216, 247  (1774-1779)

[Tavernkeeper, 1772 tax list, p.l]

Thompson, John  208  (1774-1782)

Thompson, Thomas   218  (1779)

Tilghman, Francis J.  32, 81  (1768-1769)

Tilghman, James (Esq.)   110  (1771)

Tisdal, Thomas [Tisdale?]   87  (1769)

Todd, John  218, 221  (1777)

Tomkins, Thomas   1, 144 (1771)

Tomlinson, James  164  (1772)

Topham, Daniel   196  (1774)

Tristin & Marshall  60  (1768)

            [surname possibly Fustain]

Tristin, John  1

Tristin, Rachel  29, 38, 42, 93, 164, 196  (1768-1771)

Tristin, Thomas  182  (1773-1775)

            [see also Fustain]

Trumble, Francis   43, 83  (1768-1773)

[Philadelphia cabinet & chair maker, p.221; Joiner - 1772 Tax list, p. 410, Southwark]

Tryon, David   60  (1769)

Turner, Joseph  8, 45-47  (1768-1769)

Turner, William   1, 81, 144, 149, 153, 168, 211  (1769-1774)

Tybout, Andrew   1, 31  (1768-1773)

Tyler, Ebenezer   3, 32, 142, 144, 205  (1768-1777)

Tyler, John  1, 8, 29, 30, 43, 49, 50, 51, 60, 61  (1772-1773)


United States of America  160, 173  (1772-1773)


Vallance, Robert   47, 231  (1777)

            [surname also spelled Vollace]

Van Lier, Dr.  93, 170, 175, 188, 213, 246  (1771-1779)

Vandike, James  250, 262  (1787)

Vanwinkle, Sarah  206  (1774)

            [surname also spelled Vonwinkle]

Vasse, Ambrose  142, 169  (1772-1774)

Vendue, goods purchased at  266  (1787)


Wade, Francis  243  1778)

[Brewer, 1772 Tax list, Dock Ward]

Wagenar, John  1, 169  (1772)

Waggaman, Henry   260, 270  (1787)

            [name also spelled Wageman]

Waggaman, John  1, 51, 247  (1771-1779)

Walker, George (Capt.)  142, 144  (1771)

Walker, Margaret   34, 85  (1768-1769)

Walker, Robert  1, 168  (1772-1782)

Walker, Thomas   33, 110  (1770-1772)

Wallace, James   33, 110  (1768-1770)

Wallace, Josiah  162, 246  (1772-1779)

Walton, Samuel   249  (1785-1786)

[Philadelphia cabinetmaker; Constables Return list of 1775, Dock Ward; Israel Pemberton his house and ground landlord]

Ware, David   1, 39, 43, 81, 93, 144, 148, 157  (1768-1772)

Warner, William   212  (1774-1775)

Washington, (Genl.)  34, 81  (1768-1769)

Wayne, Humphrey   221, 226, 247  (1775-1779)

            [also spelled Wayn]

Webster, John  32  (1775)

Webster, Peletiah  144, 221  (1771-1779)

Welch, John (Capt.)  202  (1774)

Wescot, John  88  (1769)

West – see Norton & West 

West, Richard  259, 263  (1786-1787)

Wetherspoon, John (Dr.)  246  (1779)

Wheeler, Samuel  41  (1775)

White, John   262  (1787)

[Joiner, 1772 Tax list, p. 334, East Part, Northern Liberties]

White, John, Jr.  186, 191, 195, 218  (1773-1779)

White, John Sr.  221  (1779)

White, Townsend, Sr.  245, 247  (1779)

White, Townsend, Jr.  191  (1774-1779)

White, Townsend & John  190  (1774-1779)

Whitehead, John  217  (1774-1782)

Whitman, Richard   1

Wickenham, Amos  33, 43, 48, 144, 179  (1768-1779)

Wikoff, Peter   253, 265, 268  (1787)

Wilkinson, Bryan   110  (1769)

Williams, Daniel, & Sons   53, 78  (1768-1772)

Williams, Edward  151, 174  (1772-1775)

Williams, John   28, 33, 200  (1768-1774)

[two men, one a carpenter, the other a saddler]

Williams, Samuel  1, 33  (1768)

Willing & Morris   218  (1777)

Willing, Richard  51, 54, 90, 179, 207, 218  (1768-1779)

Willing, Thomas  1, 44  (1768)

Willson, Henry  1, 33  (1768)

            [surname possibly Wilson]

Willson, James  83  (1769-1776)

            [surname possibly Wilson]

Wilson, Robert  1, 44, 56  (1768)

Winney, John   1, 107, 247  (1769-1779)

Wittman, Nathaniel   1, 141, 246  (1771-1779)

Wolley, Richard  204  (1774)

Wood, John   1, 79  (1770)

Wood, Joseph  1, 81, 149  (1769-1771)

[Carolina, debtor, 1773, 1775]

Wood [i.e Mood?], Patrick   176, 247  (1773-1779)

Woodron [Woodrow?], William   40, 81  (1768-1779)

Woodville, John   172  (1773)

            [surname might be Woolville]

Woolley, Richard

Worrell  221, 222, 247  (1771-1779)


Yard (Mrs.)  216  (1774)

Yard, Sarah  218  (1777)

Yarnal, Mary   179, 203, 221  (1774-1777)

Yates, Joshua [or Joseph]  182  (1773-1775)

Young, John  1, 34  (1768-1773)

Young, John, Jr.  34  (1768)

Young, John, Sr.

Young, Nathan [or Nathaniel]  143, 221  (1771-1779)

Young, Robert  167, 183  (1772-1774)


Zane, Isaac, Sr.  246  (1779)

            [surname might be Lane]

Zankinger, Adam – see Zantzinger

Zantzinger, Adam  39, 180, 246  (1774-1779)