The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:          Ernst M. Currier (1867-1936)                         

Title:               Papers

Dates:             ca.1900-1938

Call No.:         Col. 302

Acc. No.:         61x76, 70x62, 71x119

Quantity:        18 boxes

Location:        30 E 3-4






Ernest M. Currier was a silversmith and collector of silver marks.  Born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, he attended local schools before beginning a career as an engraver in Chicago, Illinois.  In 1900, he moved to New York City and founded the silversmithing firm of Currier & Roby.  The firm concentrated on making reproductions of antique silver, but Currier also designed a gold cup given to the winner of the National Amateur Golf Championship.  Currier collected silver spoons in order to amass a collection of hallmarks.


Currier married Lavina Frost in 1927.  While they lived in Greenwich Village, New York City, they encouraged the beautification of their neighborhood.  The Curriers had no children together, although Mrs. Currier had a son and a daughter from a previous marriage.  At the time of his death, Currier was working on a book on marks of early American silversmiths.  His wife had a volume published in 1938, entitled:  Marks of Early American Silversmiths with Notes on Silver, Spoon Types & List of New York City Silversmiths, 1815-1841.





The papers consist of over 250 glass-plate negatives of silvermarks; approximately 125 depictions of silver hollowware (possibly of reproductions made by Currier & Roby); handwritten and typed notes with information on silversmiths and their marks used to compile Marks of Early American Silversmiths…; extracts relating to silversmiths, goldsmiths, and jewelers taken from New York city directories, 1815-1840; and a card file with names of silversmiths and sometimes sketches of their marks.  Also included is a scrapbook compiled by Lavina Currier containing obituaries of Ernest Currier; book reviews; and letters from E. Alfred Jones, a noted writer about antique silver.





The collection is divided into four series: information about silversmiths; makers’ marks; miscellaneous notes and a scrapbook; and photographs.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





The collection came in three accessions (61x76, 70x62, and 71x119) that were brought together in 1993.  Accession 61x76 purchased from Edwin C. Whittemore of Haverhill, Massachusetts.  Accessions 70x62 and 71x119 were gifts of Dudley S. Currier, nephew of Ernst S. Currier.






            Currier & Roby.

            Silversmiths - Biography.

            Silverwork - Photographs.

            Silver ingots - Marks.


            Photographic prints.

            Silversmiths' marks.




            Manuscripts for publication.






Location: 30 E 3-4



Series I: Silversmiths’ names


Box 1


Folder 1:          Biography of Peter Van Dyck or Van Dyke


Folder 2:          Early American jewelers and silversmiths (Boxer-Candevalo), 1815-1819 (printed list)


Folder 3:          Name-occupation list (handwritten pages with address for date given, when known), 1827/28, 1834/35-1836/37, incomplete


Folders 4-5:     Name-occupation list (typed, with addresses):1815-1819 (2 copies)


Folders 6-7:     Name-occupation list (typed, with addresses):1824-1826 (2 copies)


Folders 8-9:     Name-occupation list (typed, with addresses):1827-1833 (2 copies)


Folders 10-11: Name-occupation list (typed, with addresses):1833-1837 (2 copies)


Folders 12-13: Name-occupation list (typed, with addresses): 1837-1841 (2 copies)


Folder 14:        Name-occupation list (typed, with addresses):1841-1844 (A-B only)


Folder 15:        Chart with a few of the names and their addresses, 1815-1841



Series II: Makers’ marks


Note:    There appear to be three separate lists of marks.  The first set has typed page numbers, while the remaining two are numbered in pencil.  The first set includes the name(s) on the mark above the entry, the name of the person or firm using the mark, a description of it, and some information about the silversmith(s).  A number next to the entry may correspond to plate numbers.  The second set provides a name, brief biographical information, and references to the mark and object upon which it was found.  The third set of makers' marks includes a sketch of the mark and information about the mark and the object upon which it was found. 


Box 1:


Folder 16:        Makers' marks from photograph plates


Folders 17-27: Makers' marks (set 1, 11 folders)


Folder 28-34:   Makers' marks (set 2, 7 folders)



Box 2


Folders 1-18:   Makers' marks (set 3, 18 folders)


Folder 19:        Makers' marks from photographs


Folder 20:        Touchmarks


Folder 21:        Marks to be omitted


Folder 22:        Sketches of marks



Boxes 3-5

Card file of makers' marks (arranged alphabetically)

            Some of the cards contain plate numbers that correspond to the glass-plate negatives and feature a thumbnail photo or sketch on the card.  Others have a hallmark number with the name, date, geographic location, and object made by the silversmith.




Series III: Other notes, scrapbook


Box 2:


Folder 23:        Notes on silver (typescript of a talk given by Currier at an exhibition of silver)


Folder 24:        Notes on repairing pewter and silver (typescript with photographs)


Folder 25:        Notes on spoon types (Currier's introduction and notes for a talk at an exhibition of spoons)


Folder 26:        Notes with drawings (handwritten notes with illustrations on objects and silversmiths)


Folder 27:        Correspondence (two letters)


Folder 28:        Miscellaneous notes


Folder 29:        Scrapbook



Series IV: Photographs


Box 6


Folder 1:          Advertisements for Currier & Roby (one shows a reproduction of a Scotch bowl, while the other announces an exhibit)


Folders 2-18:   Photographs: Depictions of hollowware, often with a plate number, name of maker, place of manufacture, and approximate date.



Boxes 7-18: Glass-plate negatives

            A separate listing of these has been compiled and is attached to this finding aid; contact prints are in DAPC.  Contact prints must be used before access to glass plate negatives will be given.

Plate #  Acc. #              names of silversmiths                 locations           dates (1/4 century)


1          69.449             I.C. (cannot locate photo in DAPC files)


2          69.552             Johnson, Chauncey                   NY                  1825

                                    Morrell, William M      NY                  1825

                                    Pelletreau, William                    NY                  1800

                                    Roe, William                NY                  1800

                                    Roe, William                             NY                  1800


3          69.550             Abbott, J. S.                             American          unknown                                             

                                    Bailey & Kitchen                      PA                   1825

                                    Bigelow, John                           MA                  1825

                                    W. G.                                       American          1825


4          69.553             Rasch, Anthony                        LA; PA            1800

                                    Riggs, Benjamin McKenny        KY                  1825                                                   

                                    Sayre, Joel                               NY                  1800                                                   

                                    Walter, Joseph                         MD                  1825


5          69.554             Davis & Watson                       MA                  1825                                                   

                                    Evans, Henry                          NJ; NY              1850                                                   

                                    Lownes, Joseph                        PA                   1800                                                   

                                    Trott, John Proctor                   CT                   1800


6          69.555             W. Adams (William L.) NY                                         


7          69.556             M.W. (cannot locate photos in DAPC files)


8          69.557             Bowman, Elias                          NY                  1850                                                   

                                    Gurnee, Benjamin                     NY                  1825

                                    Johnson, Samuel & Godley, Richard     NY      1850

                                    Osgood, John                           MA                  1825


9          69.558             Benedict, Andrew C.                NY                  1850

                                    Brock, John                             NY                   1850

                                    Freeman & Wallin                    NY                  1850

                                    Lea, Samuel J.                          NY                  1825

                                    Shepherd & Body                    NY                  1800


10        69.559             accession book does not list name; cannot locate file


10g      68.2173           Barton & Porter                       NY                  1800

                                    Cooley, Oliver B.                     NY                  1850

                                    Huntington, Richard                  NY                  1825

                                    Osborn, John               NY                  1800

                                    Taylor, William                         NY                  1825


11        69.560             Coley, William              NY                  1775   

                                    Lownes, Edward                      PA                   1825

                                    Whittemore, William                 NH                  1750


12        69.561             Adriance, Charles Platt             NY                  1800

                                    Bedford, John                           NY                  1775

                                    Pollard, Horatio N. & Co.        MA                  1800

                                    PAR                                       NY                    unknown



13        69.562             Fletcher & Gardiner                  PA                   1850

                                    Humphreys, T. B., & Son         VA                   1850

                                    S & Y                                      NY                  unknown

                                    Wiltberger, Christian                 PA                   1800


13a      69.562a           S & Y                                      NY                  unknown

                                    PAP                                         NY                  unknown


14        69.563             Clark, Lewis                             NY                  1825

                                    Munger & Pratt                        NY                  1825

                                    Sibley, Clark                            CT                   1800

                                    Storm, A. G.                            NY                  1800



15        69.564             Butler & McCarty                    PA                   1850

                                    Keeler, Thadeus          NY                  1800

                                    Marquand, Frederick                GA; NY           1825


16        69.565             Cleveland, Benjamin                 NJ                    1800

                                    Harding, Newell                       MA                  1825

                                    House, A.                                 unknown          unknown

                                    Nichols, H.M.                          VT                   1850


17        69.566             Hale, D. R.                               MA                  1850

                                    Van Beuren, William                 NY                  1775


18        69.567             Boyce, Geradus           NY                  1850

                                    Burger, David I                         NY                  1800

                                    Moulton, Edward S.                 NH                  1800

                                    Sayre, John                             NY                    1800



19        69.568             Crawford, John                        NY                  1825

                                    Emmons, L.                              unknown          1825

                                    Gardiner, Baldwin                     PA                   1825


20 (29?)  69.578          Griffen & Son                           NY                  1825   


2          69.569             Bailey, E.E., & Co.                   NH                  1825

                                    Coleman, B.                             NJ                    1800

                                    Doolittle, Amos                        CT                   1825

                                    Howe, George C.                     NY                  1825

                                    Pepper, Henry J.                      DE                   1825

                                    Webb, George B.                     MD                  1850


22        69.570             Hutton, Isaac                            NY                  1800

                                    Mulford & Wendell                  NY                  1850

                                    Riggs, Richard                          PA                   1800

                                    Woods, Freeman                      NY                  1800



23        69.571             Giffins(?)                                  unknown          unknown

                                    I. Mc[illegible]                          unknown          unknown

                                    Roth, Nelson                            NY                  1850

                                    Warner, Caleb                          MA; ME          1825               


24        65.572             same as 69.573


24        65.572             F                                              unknown          unknown

                                    Gorham, Jabez, & Son RI        1850

                                    Jones, John B.                          MA                  1825

                                    Rudd, J., & Co.                        NY                  1825


25        69.574             D & K                                     unknown          unknown                                             

                                    Gibney, Michael, & Cox, John & James  NY    1850

                                    Gilbert, William                         NY                  1750

                                    Lewis, Isaac                             CT                   1800


26        69.575             Adams, R.                                unknown         1825

                                    Carleton, George                      NY                  1800

                                    Oppo. Old  South                     unknown          unknown                                             

                                    Willis, Andrew                          MA                  1850


27        69.576             Forbes, Collin V. G.                 NY                  1825

                                    Stebbins, T.E., & Co.               NY                  1825



28        69.577             Brock, John                              NY                  1825

                                    Forbes, John W.                       NY                  1800

                                    Martin, Peter (II)                      NY                  1825

                                    Sweeney, John                         NY                  1825

                                    [this photo is missing in DAPC files]


29        69.578             listed as #20, but looks like #29 on photo


30        69.579             Brewer, C., & Co.                   CT                   1825

                                    Griffen & Hoyt             NY                  1825

                                    Rockwell, S. D.                        NY                  1825

                                    Voorhees, A.                            NJ                    1850


31        69.580             Forbes, Collin V. G.                 NY                  1825

                                    Hascy, Alexander R.                 NY                  1825

                                    Jones, Thomas L.                     American          unknown

                                    Kinsey, Edward & David          OH                  1850

                                    Mecum, George                       MA                  1825


32        69.505             Baldwin, Ebenezer                    CT                   1800

                                    C & N.                                    American          unknown

                                    Clark, Thomas                          MA                  1775

                                    Newman, Timothy H.               MA                  1800

                                    Stevens & Lakeman                 MA                  1825


33        69.506             Bedford, John                           NY                  1825

                                    Howell, Benoni H.                    NY                  1850

                                    Moulton, Ebenezer                   MA                  1800

                                    Warner, Caleb                          MA; ME          1825


34        69.508             D                                             NY                  1850

                                    Eaton, Isaiah (attr.)                   Vt., N.H.          1800

                                    Harding, Newell                       MA                  1825

                                    Taber, S.M., & Co.                  RI                    1825


35        69.507             Brown, Seth E.                       American           unknown

                                    Gifford, E.                              MA                    1825


36        69.509             Andrus, N., & Co.                   NY                  1825

                                    Bailey, Roswell   H.                  VT                   1825

                                    McKeen, Henry                       PA                   1825

                                    Weaver, Joseph S.                   NY                  1850


37        69.510             Jones, John B.                          MA                  1800

                                    Murdock, James, & Co.           NY                  1825

                                    Parker, Allen                            NY                  1825

                                    Shethar & Thompson                CT                   1800

                                    Wishart, Hugh                          NY                  1775


38        69.511             Foster, Thomas                        MA                  1825

                                    Guinand, F. Edward                 MD, Ohio        1825

                                    J. C.                                         American          1825

                                    Sill, H.                                      NY                  1850

                                    Z. E.                                         American          unknown


39        69.512             Davis, Edward                          American          1825

                                    Hempstead, Daniel Booth         CT                   1850

                                    Peters, J., & Co.                      PA                   1825


40        69.513             Lowell                                      American          unknown

                                    Sanborn, A.                              MA                  1850

                                    Sargeant, Jacob                        CT                   1825

                                    Targee, John & Peter                NY                  1800


41        69.514             Dana, Peyton                            RI                    1825

                                    Doyle, Daniel N.                       MA                  1800

                                    Hoyt, Seymour                         NY                  1850

                                    Moulton, William                      MA                  1825


42        69.515             Bell, Joseph                             NY                   1825

                                    Ewan, William H.                      SC                   1850

                                    Gardiner, Baldwin                     PA                   1800

                                    Shipp & Collins                        OH                  1850


43        69.516             Hannah, W. W.                        NY                  1850

                                    Hastings, B. B.                         OH                  1825

                                    Lord, T.                                   American          1825

                                    Tenney, William I.                     NY                  1850



44        69.517             Bogert, Nicholas J.                   NY                  1800


45        69.518             Burnap, Ela.                             CT                   1825

                                    Davis & Watson          MA                  1825

                                    Demilt, Andrew                        NY                  1800

                                    Lentz, George K.                      PA                   1825

                                    Scovil & Kinsey                       OH                  1825

                                    Warner, Andrew E.                  MD                  1850

                                    Wilmot, Samuel                        CT                   1800


46        69.519             Corbeth, John                           VT                   1800

                                    I. B.                                        unknown            1825

                                    Seymour, Oliver D.                   CT                   1825

                                    Seymour & Lindsley                 CT                   1875

                                    Walter, Jacob                           MD                  1800


47        69.520             Baker, George                          RI                    1825

                                    Myer, Henry B.                        NY                  1825

                                    W. I.                                       American           1825


48        69.521             Burr,   Christopher A.               RI                    1800

                                    Goddard, D., & Co.                 MA                  1850

                                    Wilson, R. & W.                      PA                   1825


49        69.522             Gale, Wood & Hughes             NY                  1825

                                    Savage, George                        Canadian          1825

                                    Vernon, John                            NY                  1800


50        69.523             Curry & Preston                       PA                   1825

                                    Dol.s, SP                                  PA (probably)  unknown


51        69.524             Richardson, Joseph, Jr.             PA                   1800


52        69.525             Blackman, Frederick Starr        CT                   1825

                                    Gilbert & Cunningham              NY                  1850

                                    Hequembourg, Charles, Jr.       CT                   1800

                                    Rapp, William D.                      PA                   unknown


53        69.526             Targee, John                             NY                  1800


54        69.527             Fellows                                    unknown          unknown

                                    Pitkin,    J. O. & W.                 CT                   1825

                                    Stebbins, Thomas E.                 NY                  1825

                                    Stout, James D.                        NY                  unknown


55        69.589             Coles, Albert                            NY


56        69.528             Thomson, William         NY                  1825


57        69.529             Farnam, R.                               NH; MA; CT  1825

                                    Gorham, Webster & Price        RI                    1825

                                    Moore & Hibbard                    unknown          1800

                                    Stockman, Jacob                      PA                   unknown

                                    Underhill, Andrew                    NY                  1800

                                    Wallace, R., & Sons, Mfg. Co. CT                   1875


58(1)    69.530             Fellows, Abraham                    NY                  1800


58        69.590             Brobes, Garret                         NY                  1800


59        69.591             Bayley, Simeon A.                    NY                  1800


60        69.592             Merriman, Marcus                    CT                   1800


61        69.593             Rockwell, Edward                    NY                  1800


62        69.594             Rockwell, Edward                    NY                  1800


63        69.595             Boyer, Daniel              MA                  1750

                                    Bradbury, Theophelus               MA                  1825

                                    Poster, Joseph                          MA                  1775


64        69.596             Brown, Samuel C.                    NY                  1825

                                    H. H.                                        unknown          unknown

                                    Hall, Charles                             PA                   1775

                                    Swan, William                          MA                  1750


65        69.597             Adams, Nathan                        MA                  1800

                                    Hanford, A.                              NY                  1825

                                    Howard, N.                              unknown          unknown

                                    Kimberly, William                     NY                  1800

                                    Mead & Adriance                    NY; MO         1850


76        69.598             Knapp, Jesse                            MA                  1825

                                    Pike, H.                                    American          unknown

                                    Wolcott, S. B.                          MA(?)              1850

                                    Woodcock, Isaac                     DE                   1800


66        69.548             Russell, Moody                                    MA                  1725


67        69.599             Tingley, Samuel                        NY                  1775


68        69.600             Kirk, Samuel                            MD                  1825

                                    Norton, Benjamin R.                 NY                  1850

                                    Quimby, M.                              unknown          unknown

                                    Reeve & Heroy                        NY                  1825

                                    Sargeant, Jacob                        CT                   1825


69        69.601             Botsford, Gideon B.                 CT                   1800

                                    Darrow, John F.                       NY                  1825

                                    Hinsdale & Atkin                      NY                  1825

                                    Olmstead, Nathaniel                 CT                   1800


70        69.602             Brasier (Brasher), Amable        NY; PA           1800

                                    Hulbeart, Philip                         PA                   1750

                                    Le Hurray, Nicholas                 PA                   1800

                                    Mitchell, William                       VA                   1825

                                    Moulton, Abel                          MA                  1800

                                    Sayre, John                             NY                    1800


71        68.4937          Crittenden,  Newton E.             NY; OH           1825

                                    Providence, R. I.

                                    Webster, H. L., & Co.             RI                    1850

                                    Winchell, V.                            MA                   1850


72        69.543             Bartlett, Israel                           MA                  1825

                                    Bradbury, Theophelus               MA                  1825

                                    Edmunds, Benjamin F.              NH                  1850

                                    Miller, Pardon                          RI                    1800

                                    Rice, H. P.                               NY                  1825

                                    W & W                                    unknown          1850


73        69.494             Colgan, T. [Thomas]                 NY                  1775


74        69.495             Beard, B. E.                             PA                   1800

                                    Dubois, Philo                            NY                  1850

                                    Johonnot & Smith                     VT                   1825

                                    Lincoln & Foss                         MA                  1850


75        69.496             Frobisher, Benjamin C.             MA                  1825

                                    Lincoln & Reed                        MA                  1825

              Moore & Brewer                     NY                  1825

                                    Shoemaker, Joseph                  PA                   1800


76        69.598             [see above, after #65]


77        69.497             Carleton & Kimball                  NY                  1825

                                    Clark, J. H                               NH                  1850

                                    Cox, J. & I.                              NY                  1825

                                    Jennings & Lander                    NY                  1850


78        69.498             Appleton, George B.                MA                  1825

                                    Dupuy, Daniel, Jr.                     PA                   1800

                                    Hall, Ivory                                NH                  1850

                                    Shepherd & Hoyt                     NY                  1825

                                    Wheelers & Brooks                  NY                  1825


79        69.499             Hindman, D. B., & Co.             PA                   1825

                                    Pearson, M & T                       ME                  1825

                                    Wilson, Robert                         PA                   1800


80        69.500             Bailey & Co.                            PA                   1850

                                    Richardson, Joseph, Jr.             PA                   1775

                                    Richmond, Franklin                   RI                    1825


80a      69.501             Bailey & Co.                            PA                   1850

                                    Richardson, Joseph, Jr.             PA                   1775

                                    Richmond, Franklin                   RI                    1825

                                    Simes, William                          NH                  1800


81        69.502             Taylor & Hinsdale                    NY                  1800


82        69.503             You, Thomas               SC                   1775


83        69.504             Schank, John A.                       NY                  1800


84        69.676             Boehme, Charles L.                  MD                  1800

                                    Curry, John                              PA                   1850

                                    Hutton, Isaac                            NY                  1850

                                    Safford, Henry-Harry               OH                  1800

                                    White, C.                                AL                    1825


Plate 85 – no photo of plate 85 in DAPC


95        69.611         Gendar, W.T. & T.V.                   NY                  1850

                                    Munro, Alex                             Canada            182

                                    Simmons & Alexander              PA                   1800

                                    Whitney & Hoyt                       NY                  1825


86(?)    69.678             Elderkin, Alfred                        CT                   1825

                                    Moore, Charles                       PA                    1800

                                    Shaver, Charles C.                   NY                  1875

                                    Smith, David                             VA                   1775

                                    Swan, Robert                          MA; PA            1825


87        69.603             Hutchinson, Samuel                  PA                   1825

                                    Lee, Samuel W.                        RI; NY             1825

                                    McCollin, Thomas                    PA                   1825

                                    T. R.                                        American          unknown

                                    Ward & Bartholomew              CT                   1800


88        69.604             Ghiselin, William                       PA                   1750

                                    I. L.                                          unknown          unknown

                                    Mather & North                       NY                  1825

                                    Weaver, Nicholas   N.              NY                  1825

                                    Welles, George                         MA                  1825


89        69.605             Dodge, Nehemiah                     RI                    1800

                                    Forbes, William   G.                 NY                  1775

                                    S. L.                                         American          1825

                                    Storrs, Nathan                          MA                  1800

                                    Wilmot, Samuel                        CT                   1800


90        69.606             Avery, John, Jr.                        CT                   1800

                                    Brasher, Ephriam                      NY                  1775

                                    Burger, John                            NY                   1800

                                    Dubois, Tunis D.                       NY                  1800

                                    Minott, Samuel                         MA                  1800


91        69.607             Ball, William                           MD                    1800

                                    Bancker, Adrian                       NY                  1750

                                    Hammersley, Thomas               NY                  1775

                                    Mathey, Augustus        NY                  1825


92        69.608             Bunker, Benjamin                     MA                  1800

                                    Griswold, William                     CT                   1825

                                    Kimball, Lewis (or Leverett; attr.) MA              1850

                                    Wakefield & Woodward          NH                  1850


93        69.609             Barrows, James M.                  CT                   1825

                                    Coles, Albert                           NY                   1850

                                    Matson, Newell                        NY                  1850

                                    Vaughan, George C.                 NY                  1850


94        69.610             Christensen                               American          unknown

                                    Dodge, John                             NY                  1825

                                    Le Tellier, John             PA, DE, VA     1800

                                    Town, Ira Strong                      VT                   1850


95        69.611             see plate 85 - plate 95 listed as plate 85 in error


96        69.612             Alexander, Isaac          NY                  1850

                                    Barrows, J. M.                         CT                   1825

                                    Pell, Emmet T.                          NY                  1825

                                    Welles, Alfred                          CT                   1800


97        69.613             Gerrish, Timothy                       NH                  1775

                                    Freeman, Joseph M.                 VA                   1850

                                    Moulton, William                      MA                  1750

                                    Platt & Bros.                          NY                    1825

                                    Rockwell, Edward & Samuel S.NY                  1825


98        69.614             Abbott, J.                                 NH                  1850

                                    Bailey, William, Jr.                    PA                   1825

                                    Clark, Joseph H.                      NH                  1850

                                    Coleman, Samuel                      NJ                    1800


99        69.615            Abbott, John W.                       NH                  1825

                                    Buel, Samuel                            CT                   1775

                                    Hill, James                                MA                  1775

                                    G & C (Gilbert & Cunningham, prob.)  NY      1850


100      69.616             Hays & Adriance                      NY                  1825

                                    Peck, A. G.                             OH                   1825


101      69.626             C & Co.                                   American          unknown


102      69.627             cannot locate name or file in DAPC; possibly the Canadian Laurent Amiot


103      69.628             Brown, William            MD (prob.)      1800

                                    E. W.                                       American          1800

                                    Jones & Peirce                         MA                  1800

                                    Richards, Thomas                     NY                  1825

                                    Wedge, Simon                          MD                  1800

                                    Wilson, H. & Co. (Hosea)        MD                  1800


104      69.629             Bailey, Loring                           MA                  1800


105      69.630             Kirk, Samuel                            MD                  1850

                                    Reed, Stephen                          PA                   1850

                                    Roe, William                             NY                  1800

                                    Wenman, Bernard                    NY                  1800


106      69.631             Baldwin & Jones                      MA                  1800

                                    Brown, D.                                PA                   1800

                                    Thaxter, Joseph    B.                 MA                  1850


107      69.632             De Forest & Co.                      NY                  1825

                                    Peters, James                           PA                   1825

                                    Pitman, Saunders                      RI                    1800


108      69.633             Downing & Phelps                    NJ                    1800

                                    Marshall, T. H.                         NY                  1825

                                    Whitney, M.                             NY                  1825


109      69.634             Downing & Phelps                    NJ                    1800

                                    Enos, Gunn                               CT                   1800

                                    Keeler, Thaddeus                     NY                  1800

                                    Rath, Frederick                        NY                  1825


110      69.635             Coles                                       NY                  1850

                                    Lincoln & Reed                        MA                  1825


.111     69.636             Downing & Phelps                    NJ                    1800

                                    Hughes & Hall                          NY  (poss.)      1850

                                    Willard & Hawley                     NY                  1850


112      69.637             Hayes, Peter P.                        NY                  1825

                                    Olmsted, Nathaniel                   CT                   1850

                                    Rath, Frederick                        NY                  1825


113      69.638             Keeler, Thaddeus                     NY                  1800

                                    Reeves, James Joseph (poss.)   NY                  1850

                                    Tenney, William                        NY                  1850


114      69.639             Beach                                       CT                   1825

                                    Foster, John                             NY                  1800

                                    Hyde & Nevins                        NY                  1800


115      69.640             Tenney, William I.                     NY                  1850

                                    Willard & Hawley        NY                  1850


116      69.641             R.B.S. & B.F.K.                      unknown          unknown         

                                    Rumsey, Charles                       NJ                    1825

                                    White, William Wilson              NY                  1825


117      69.642             Dunbar, Rufus Davenpor          MA; Ohio        1850

                                    Fairchild, Joseph                       CT                   1825

                                    Hart, W.                                   PA                   1825


118      69.531             Candell, Charles                       NY                  1800

                                    Canon, George                         RI; MA            1825


119      69.532             Levy, Jonaes                            NY                  1850

                                    Staniford, John                         CT                   1800

                                    T. H.                                        unknown          unknown


120      69.533             Carson & Hall                          NY                  1800

                                    Leonard, Jacob                        VA; DC           1825

                                    Parkman, John                          MA                  1750


121      69.534             Brown, William                         NY                  1850

                                    Kendall, S.                               unknown          unknown                                             

                                    Striker, George                         NY                  1850


122      69.581             Milne, Thomas                          NY                  1800

                                    Tisdale, B. H.                           RI                    1825

                                    Van Riper, Tunis                       NY                  1825


123      69.582             Salisbury, Henry                       NY                  1825


124      69.547             E.B. [Bogardus, Everadus]       NY                  1700


125      69.583             Hutton, Isaac                            NY                  1800


126      69.584             Bradley, Zebul                          CT                   1800

                                    Brown, Liberty                         PA                   1800

                                    Dikeman, Aaron                       NY                  1825


127      69.585             Coe, L. P.                                NY                  1850

                                    Dubois, Tunis D.                       NY                  1800

                                    Wilmot, Samuel                        CT                   1800


128      69.586             Adams, Pygan                          CT                   1750

                                    Sawyer, H. I.                          NY                    1850

                                    Ward, James                            CT                   1800


129      69.587             Gibbs, John                              RI                    1800

                                    Garroch, A.                              unknown          unknown                                             

                                    Hale, J. R.                                unknown          1825


130      69.713             Benedict & Squire                    NY                  1850

                                    Le Hurray, Nicholas, Jr.            PA                   1825

                                    Rogers, William & Son             CT                   1850


131      69.714             I. T.                                          unknown          unknown         

                                    Reeves, J. F.                            MD                  1850

                                    Taft, R.                         unknown          1900


132      69.715             E. B.                                        unknown          unknown         

                                    Riggs, George W.                     MD                  1850


133      69.716             Berwell, F. W. (?)                    unknown          unknown

                                    Gafkins, J.                                RI                    1825

                                    Osgood, John, Jr.                     MA                  1825

                                    Wedge, Simon                          MD                  1800


134      69.717             Davis, Elias                               MA; ME          1825

                                    Simmons, James & Abraham    NY                  1825

                                    Swan, Robert                           MA; PA           1825


135      69.643             Fales, I.                                    unknown          1825

                                    Simmons, Anthony                    PA                   1800


136      69.644             Syng, Daniel (attributed)           PA                   1750


137      69.645             Beach & Ward                         CT                   1800

                                    Eastman, Seth                           NH                  1825

                                    Town, Ira S.                             VT                   1825


138      69.646             Adam, I.                                   unknown          unknown

                                    Perry, Thomas                          RI                    1875

                                    Pollard, William                        MA                  1725


139      69.647             Adams , Nathan                       MA                  1800

                                    Ewan, J.                                   SC                   1800

                                    Ewan, William H.                      SC                   1850


140      69.648             G. H.                                        unknown          1775

                                    Hall,   David                             PA                   1775

                                    Stanton, William P.& H.           NY                  1825


141      69.649             Arnold, Thomas                        RI                    1800

                                    Blackman, J. C. & Co.             CT                   1825

                                    Brock, John                              NY                  1850


142      69.650             Henderson, A.                          PA                   1850

                                    Hill, William F.             NY                  1800

                                    Kirk, Samuel                            MD                  1850


143      69.651             Barton, Benjamin         VA                   1825

                                    Haskell, V. W.                         MA                  1850


144      69.652             Cutler, A.                                 MA                  1850

                                    Fales, I.                                   unknown           1825

                                    Pitman, Saunders                      RI                    1775


145      69.653             Henderson, A.                          PA                   1850

                                    Robinson, John F.                     DE                   1850


146      69.654             I. D.                                       unknown            unknown

                                    Moulton, William                      unknown          unknown

                                    Storrs & Chubbock                  NY                  1850


147      69.655             Schaats, Bartholomew              NY                  1700


148      69.656             Jones, Albert (attributed)          MA                  1825

                                    Lang, N.                                   MA                  1825

                                    Pitkin, John O.                          CT; MO           1825

                                    Shaw, J. A.                              RI                    1825


149      69.657             Davis, Palmer & Co.                MA                  1850

                                    Kinsey, David                           Ohio                 1850

                                    Taylor & Hinsdale                    NY                  1825


149 (detail)       72.3052           T&H (Taylor & Hinsdale)


150      69.658             Howard, John                           NY                  1825


151      69. 659            Haight, Nelson                          NY                  1850

                                    Jacobs, Abel                            PA                   1825

                                    Osborn, William                       unknown          unknown


152      69.660             Moulton, Joseph                       MA                  1800

                                    Oakes & Spencer                     CT                   1825


153      69.661             Benjamin & Co.                       CT                   1825

                                    Haselton & Co.                        unknown          unknown

                                    Villard, R. H. L.                        DC                   1825


154      69.662             I. B.                                       PA                     1825

                                    Perkins, Joseph                        RI                    1775


155      69.663             Baldwin, I.                                NH                  1800

                                    Chapin, S.                                NY                  1850


156      69.664             Cornell, Walter                         RI                    1775

                                    MN                                          unknown          1750


157      69.665             G S B                                       unknown          unknown

                                    J. W. P. (attri.: John W. Phillips)PA                  1850

                                    Merriman, Marcus                    CT                   1800


158      69.666             Bell, S.                                     PA                   1825

                                    Oakes, Henry                           CT                   1800

                                    Pitman, William R.                    MA                  1850


159      69.667             Adriance, Charles Platt             VA                   1825

                                    J. C.                                         unknown          unknown

                                    SMT                                        unknown          unknown


160      69.668             Benjamin, E., & Co.                 CT                   1825

                                    Bicknell, Francis                       NY                  1825

                                    Tanner & Cooley                      NY                  1850


161      69.669             Dixon, Isaak                             PA                   1850

                                    Munroe, James                         MA                  1850

                                    Shepherd & Boyd                    NY                  1825


162      69.270             Nixon, Richard                         PA                   1850

                                    S. B.                                        unknown          unknown


163      69.671             Dunbar & Bangs                       MA                  1850

                                    Story, S. N.                              MA                  1850


164      69.672             Davis Palmer & Co.                 MA                  1850

                                    Lyman, R.                                unknown          unknown                                             

                                    Wood, J.                                  unknown          unknown


165      69.673             Akerly & Briggs                       NY                  1850

                                    Haight, N. (Nelson?)                unknown          unknown

                                    Lowe, J. (Joshua?)                   NY                  1825


166      69.674             McMullin, John                         PA                   1825

                                    Salisbury, Henry                       NY                  1825

                                    Savage, William M.                  KY                  1825


167      69.675             Arnold, H. B.                           NY                  1850

                                    Foster, Nathaniel & Thomas     MA                  1850

                                    Whitney, Eben                          NY                  1825


168      69.677             Cook, Benjamin                       MA                  1875

                                    Lescure, Edward                      PA                   1850

                                    Spear, T.                                  unknown          unknown


169      69.732             Griffen & Son                           NY                  1825

                                    Motts’ N. York                        NY                  1825

                                    Wilson, Robert                         PA; NY           1825


170      69.733             Davis & Brown                        MA                  1800

                                    Ginochio, J. B.                          NY                  1825

                                    Sayre, Joel                               NY                  1800


171      69.734             Hall & Bliss                 NY                  1825

                                    Megear, Thomas J.                   DE; PA            1825

                                    Pryse, Charles                          MD                  1825


172      69.735             Hastier, Marguerite                   NY                  1775

                                    Shaw & Dunlevy                      PA                   1825

                                    Taber, Samuel (attributed)        RI (poss.)         1825


173      69.736             I. B.                                         unknown          unknown

                                    Mannerback, W.                      PA                   1825

                                    Coles, Albert                            NY


174      69.737             Burger, Thomas           NY                  1800

                                    Lowe, Joshua                           NY                  1825

                                    Snow, Jeremiah, Jr.                  MA                  1800


175      69.738             Denham, D. C.            NY                  1825

                                    Gazlay, S.                                 unknown          unknown

                                    Goodhue, John                         MA                  1825


176      69.739             Newton & Reed                       unknown          unknown

                                    Nichols, J. Bassett                    RI                    1825

                                    Pitkin [William or Walter] & Newton & Reed 

                                                                                    CT; TN            1850

                                    Webb, George W.                    MD                  1825


177      69.740             Garrett, Philip                           PA                   1800

                                    Osborn, William                       RI                    1850                                                   

                                    Willard & Hawley                     NY                  1850


178      69.741             Hayes & Adriance                    NY                  1825

                                    Moore, H.                                PA                   1825

                                    Tinkham, F., & Co.                  NY                  1850


179      69.742             Evans, Robert                           MA                  1800


180      69.743             Dorrance, Samuel                     RI                    1800

                                    Hempstead, Daniel                   CT                   1850

                                    J. Q.                                         PA                   1850


181      69.744             Babbitt, Charles                        MA                  1825

                                    Grant, Thomas                          MA                  1750

                                    Moulton, Enoch                        ME                  1800


182      69.745             Myers, Myer                            NY                  1750


183      69.746             Burt, Benjamin                          MA                  1775

                                    Long, N.                                  American          unknown


184      69.747             Chittendon, Ebenezer                CT                   1775

                                    Gilman, John Ward                   NH                  1800

                                    W. G.                                       American          1775


185      69.748             Little, William (attributed)          MA                 1775

                                    Walraven, John                         MD                  1800


186      69.749             Brigden, Zachariah                    MA                  1775

                                    Halsted, Benjamin                     NY, PA; NJ     1775

                                    Kendall, Jesse                          DE                   1850


187      69.679             Moulton, William         MA                  1775

                                    Olmsted, Nathaniel                   CT                   1850

                                    Owen, John                              PA                   1825


188      69.680             Guthre, James                           DE; PA            1800

                                    Hughes, Edmund                      CT                   1800

                                    Pitman                                      unknown          unknown

                                    Sayre, Paul                               NY                  1775


189      69.681             A G F                                      unknown          unknown

                                    Anthony, Joseph, Jr.                 PA                   1800

                                    Dorsey, Joshua                         PA                   1800

                                    J.A                                         unknown            unknown


190      69.682             Doll, W.                                   NY                  1825

                                    Lander, Tobias D. (attri.)          NY                 1825

                                    Lewis, J. I.                               unknown          1825

                                    Sill, H. & W. R.                        NY                  1850


191      69.683             Albany                                                        

                                    Burger, John                             NY                  1800

                                    Burger, Thomas & John            NY                  1800

                                    Fries, John                                PA                   1850


192      69.684             Burnett, Charles A.                   VA                   1800

                                    Erwin, Henry                            PA                   1825

                                    King, R.                                   American          1800


193      69.685             C:G                                          unknown          1825

                                    Hart, Eliphaz                             CT                   1850

                                    Hitchcock, Eliakim                    CT                   1800


194      69.686             Griffen & Son                           NY                  1825

                                    Lord, Jabez C.                         NY                  1825

                                    Murdock, John                         PA                   1775


195      69.687             Armstrong, Allen                      PA                   1800

                                    Judson, Hiram                          NY                  1850

                                    Mood, J & P                            SC                   1800


196      69.688             Elliot, H (Hazen?)                     MA                  1825

                                    Griffen & Hoyt                         NY                  1825

                                    P & P                                     unknown            unknown

                                    Smith, Floyd                             NY                  1825


197      69.689             Benjamin, Barzillai        CT                   1825

                                    Coleman, Nathaniel                  NJ                    1825

                                    Sargeant, Henry                        MA                  1850

                                    Walraven, John (?)                   MD                  1800


198      69.690             Hollingshead, William                PA                   1750


199      69.691             Beebe, J.W., & Co.                 NY                  1850

                                    Hall, Hewson & Brower           NY                  1850

                                    Hyman, H.                                KY                  1800

                                    Speer, Isaac                             NJ                    1825


200      69.692             David, John, Jr.                        PA                   1775

                                    Downing & Baldwin                 NY                  1825

                                    Minton, Joseph B.                    VA                   1850

                                    Pelletreau, William S.                RI                    1825

                                    Rogers, William                        CT                   1850

                                    Simpkins, William                     MA                  1775


201      69.693             Savage & Lyman         CANADA       1850


202      69.694             McMullin, John                         PA                   1800


203      69.695             Boehme, Charles L.                  MD                  1850

                                     J. H.                                        unknown          unknown

                                    M & M                                   unknown           unknown

                                    White, Samuel, & Co.              NY                  1825


204      69.696             Heath, John                              NY                  1750

                                    I. B.                                         NY                  1825

                                    Little, William (poss.)                MA                  1775

                                    Rice, Joseph T.                         NY                  1850

                                    Whittemore, William (attri.)       NH                  1750


205      69. 697            Bessac, H. W.                          NY                  1825

                                    Huyler, George                         NY                  1825

                                    Ladomus, Jacob                       PA                   1850

                                    Neall, David                             DE                   1825

                                    P & H                                      NY                  1850

                                    Stone & Ball                             NY                  1850


206      69.698             Austin, Josiah                           MA                  1775

                                    Edwards, Joseph, Jr.                MA                  1775

                                    Homes, William                        MA                  1775

                                    I. L.                                        unknown            unknown

                                    N. G.                                       American          1775


207      69.699             Bailey, Loring                           MA                  1800

                                    Bird, Joseph                             unknown          unknown

                                    Fletcher, Thomas                      PA                   1825

                                    Lockward, L. or I.                    unknown          unknown

                                    Loring, Joseph                          MA                  1800

                                    Munsell, G. C.                          MA                  1825


208      69.700             Darrow, John F.                       NY                  1825

                                    David, Peter                             PA                   1750

                                    J. B.                                         unknown          unknown

                                    Safford, H.                               OH                  1800

                                    V & R                                    unknown            1800?


209      69.701             Boehme, Charles L.                  MD                  1850

                                    Johnson                                    unknown          unknown

                                    V & R                                    unknown            1800

                                    Wenman, Bernard                    NY                  1825


210      69.702             Bush, George (attributed)          PA                   1825

                                    I. D.                                        unknown           unknown


211      69.703             G. Boyce                                  NY

                                    A.E. Warner                                                                                                                

                                    Ball                                          NY

                                    But no photo in DAPC with this number


212      69.704             Jennings, Jacob                         CT                   1800

                                    Jones, James                           PA                    1800

                                    Rumrill, A. & Co.                     NY                  1850

                                    Walker, Nelson                        Canadian          1850


213      69.705             Baldwin, J. & S.                      NY; NH            1800

                                    C. C. or C. G.                         Canadian           unknown

                                    Cary, I.H., & Co.                     MA                  unknown

                                    Cooke, John B.                        VA                   1850

                                    Fellows, Ignatius W. & James K.          MA      1825


214      69.706             Ewan, John                               SC                   1800

                                    Nelson, Mark                           NH                  1750

                                    Nichols, H.                               unknown          1900

                                    Pollard, N. H.                           unknown          1900


215      69.707             D                                             NY (prob.)       1850

                                    ES                                            unknown          unknown

                                    Hookey, William                       RI                    1750

                                    J. S.                                         unknown          unknown

                                    Moseley, David                        MA                  1800


216      69.708             Dennis & Fitch                         NY                  1825

                                    Garland, William                       unknown          1850

                                    GS & S                                   unknown           unknown

                                    Mead & Adriance                    NY; MO          1850

                                    Moulton                                  unknown            unknown


217      69.709             Cleveland, Benjamin                 NJ                    1775

                                    Evans, Robert                           MA                  1800

                                    Storrs & Cooley                       NY                  1825

                                    Twedy & Barrows                    unknown          unknown

                                    Wolf, I.                                    PA                   1825


218      69.710             Brevoort, John                          NY                  1775

                                    Burger, John                             NY                  1800

                                    Ghiselin, William                       PA                   1750

                                    IBV(?)                                    unknown            unknown

                                     T. S.                                        unknown          unknown


219      69.711             Fellows, Abraham                    NY; RI             1825

                                    Howe, George C. & Co.          NY                  1825

                                    Raynes, Joseph                         MA                  1900

                                    Silliman, Hezekiah                     CT                   1800

                                    Whitlock, William H.                NY                  1825


220      69.712             Amiot, Laurent                         Canada            1800

                                    Champlin, John                         CT                   1800

                                    Marius Groen, Jacob                NY                 1750

                                     TH                                          unknown          1775

                                    Tingley, Samuel (possibly)         NY                  1775


221      69.718             J B (John Black?)                     American          19thc.

                                    Lewis, Isaac                             CT                   1825

                                    Tisdale, B. H.                           RI                    1825


222      69.719             Jenkins, I. & H.                        NY                  1825

                                    Kedzie, John, & Co.                 NY                  1850

                                    W                                            unknown          unknown


223      69.720             Clark, Joseph                           CT; NY           1800

                                    Downing & Phelps                    NJ                    1800

                                    J. B.                                         unknown          unknown


            224      69.722             Aiken, George                          MD                  1825

                                    Alexander & Riker                   NY                  1800

                                    Lenhart, G.                               KY                  1800

                                    Mood, Peter, Sr.                      SC                   1800

                                    Warford, Joseph                       NY                  1800


225      69.721             Clark, Joseph                           CT; NY           1800

                                    Downing & Phelps                    NJ                    1800

                                    Griffen & Hoyt                         NY                  1825

                                    J. B.                                         unknown          1825


226      69.723             Davison, Clement                     NY                  1825

                                    Moulton, Joseph                       MA                  1800

                                    Mumford, Henry G.                  RI                    1825

                                    Plummer, J. F.                          unknown          unknown

                                    Thibault, F. &  F.                      PA                   1825


227      69.724             Le Telier, John                          PA; DE; VA     1800

                                    Parrott, T.                               MA                   1775


228      69.725             Edwards, Samuel                      MA                  1750

                                    Henchman, Daniel                     MA                  1775

                                    Pelletreau, Elias                        NY                  1800

                                    Shields, Thomas                       PA                   1750

                                    Soumain, Simeon                      NY                  1750


229      69.726             C R (?)                                     unknown          unknown

                                    Parmele, Samuel                       CT                   1800

                                    Symmes, John                          MA                  1750

                                    Van Rensselaer,   Nicholas       NY                  1775


230      69.727             Black, I. (James or John)          PA                   1800

                                    N. Orleans                                           

                                    Parrott, T.                               MA                   1775


231      69.728             Burr, Ezekiel                             RI                    1825

                                    EPL                                         American          unknown

                                    Fisher, Thomas A.                    MD; PA           1800

                                    Hanford, A.                            unknown            1825

                                    Hedges, Daniel                         NY                  1800


232      69.729             Roosevelt, Nicholas                  NY                  1750

                                    Ward, Jehu & W. L.                 PA                   1850


233      69.730             Billings, Andrew                       CT                   1800

                                    Hotchkiss, David                      NY                  1850

                                    Lawrence, Martin M.                NY                  1850

                                    Lukey, Joseph                          PA                   1825

                                    Storrs & Cooley                       NY                  1825



234      69.731             Goodwin, Benjamin                  MA                  1775

                                    Munger, A.                               NY                  1825

                                    Rockwell, Edward & Samuel S. NY                 1825

                                    Thomson, F.                             unknown          unknown


235      72.3053           Williamson, Samuel                   PA                   1800

Additional Currier Silver




            69.544             Collins, Seldon, Jr.                   NY                  1825

                                    Shaver, Charles C.                   NY                  1850

                                    Storrs & Cooley                       NY                  1825

                                    Tanner, Perry G.                       NY                  1850


            69.545             Bailey & Bros.                          NY                  1850

                                    Leach, Almon                           NY                  1850

                                    Storrs & Chubbuck                  NY                  1850

                                    Taylor, W.S., & Co.                 NY                  1875


            68.789             [?] & Davis (?)                         unknown          unknown

                                    Hawley & Leach                      NY                  1850

                                    Roth, Nelson                            NY                  1850


            69.551             Collins, Seldon, Jr.                    NY                  1825

                                    Murdock & Andrews               NY                  1825


            68.792             Brooks, Benjamin Franklin        NY                  1850

                                    Farr, Joseph                            NY                   1825

                                    Seymour, Joseph                      NY; OH           1825

                                    Storrs, Charles                         NY                   1825


            68.788             Bradley, Horace   S.                 NY                  1850

                                    King, R.                                   PA                   1825

                                    Reeder, Abner                         PA; NJ             1800

                                    Terry, William (Jr.) (attributed) NY                   1800


            68.2172           Bailey, Thomas                         NY                  1850

                                    Christian, Nathan M.                NY                  1850

                                    Farr, John S.                           NY                    1825

                                    Murdock and Andrews             NY                  1825