Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera
Francis du Pont
Kennett Pike,
302-888-4600 or
Creator: Georgian
Lighting Shops
Title: Drawings
Dates: 1921-1950
No.: 90x56; 2017x95; 2017x134
Quantity: 15 boxes, 4 microfilm reels
Location: 42 J 1-14, and Map case D, drawer 4,
and microfilm
The Georgian Lighting Shops flourished in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, between 1921 and 1950, but unfortunately little has been learned
about the company. At this point, the
earliest documentation for the firm is a photocopied letter on the company's
letterhead dated 29 December 1921. It
carries the address
The time and manner of the firm's demise are
uncertain. Among these papers, one finds
very few clues. A very small number of
the drawings are done on the reverse of mimeographed listings (by the F.W.
Dodge Corporation) of construction contracts open for bidding, dated 1950. Neither trade catalogs nor business papers
from the firm have been located. There
is evidence, however, that the firm did work for the architectural firm of
Horace Trumbauer. An original drawing
from the firm for a light fixture at Duke University was given to Duke. (A copy of the drawing is in this
collection.) Trumbauer did work for
Ogontz College and the Land Title Bank & Trust Co. of Philadelphia, and the
collection includes a few drawings for both those institutions.
John George Lisberger (1874-1950; son of Catherine and
Edward Lisberger) was a designer; in the 1910 census, he was listed as a
manufacturer of gas fixtures. On his
World War I draft registration form, he was listed as a draughtsman for Lloyd
Garrett Co. The 1915 Philadelphia city
directory listed him as president of the American Gas Fixture Works. On his death certificate, his usual
occupation was listed as designer of electric fixtures. He married Rebecca Mae Miller (1876-1961). John G. Lisberger is perhaps the Jno. J.
Lisberger listed in the 1902 Philadelphia directory as a chandelier maker.
Carroll Griffiths Stewart (1879-1962) was the son of a
printer. He attended the University of
Pennsylvania (he began in the Class of 1903, but it is not known if he
graduated). In 1903, he married Frances
K. Brenneman. In the 1910, 1920, and
1940 censuses, he was listed as a designer, a designer for a metal company, and
a merchant for an ornamental metal works.
His World War II draft registration card listed him as working for a
company (Flutings?) in Bristol, Pennsylvania.
His death certificate gave his usual occupation as designer.
Two of the drawings in this collection are noted as
having been executed by Paul Eckard. He
was born around 1891, the son of Christiana Maria (Anna) Medinger and Christian
Eckard. He studied at the Spring Garden
Institute. In 1915, he married Margaret
M. Evans, and they had one son P. Richard Eckard (1917-1974). On his World War I draft registration card,
Paul Christian Eckard was listed as a designer for Lloyd Garrett Co., where
John Lisberger was also working. In the
1910 cenuss, he was listed as a designer of gas fixtures, as was his brother
Edwin (see below). In the 1920 census,
Eckard was listed as a designer for a department store. He died in 1920.
Edwin Frederick Eckard (1892-1961) was the brother of
Paul Eckard. He served in the army
during World War I, where he was trained in aerial photography. His World War I draft registration form
listed his occupation as a fixture draftsman for the Keystone Gas Fixture Works
of Reading, Penn. His World War II draft
registration form did not give his occupation (it merely says “free lance,”
under employer’s name), but Edwin listed John Lisberger as a contact, and a
relative has indicated that he indeed worked for Georgian Lighting Company. His death certificate gave his usual
occupation as draftsman. He was buried
in Newtown, Bucks County, Penn.
A collection of drawings, both actual drawings and
microfilmed drawings, plus a very few pieces of correspondence from the
Georgian Lighting Shops of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. These include lighting fixtures of all kinds
(both interior and exterior), decorative metal scrollwork for gates and fences,
railings for porches and stairs, fireplace equipment, and general design ideas
for the same. Although the name of the
company might imply that it produced 18th century reproductions, in
fact it designed fixtures in many styles, from medieval gothic to Art Deco. Most of the drawings are finely-done,
hand-colored pencil tracings rendered at a scale of 3 inches to a foot. The collection also includes a number of full
size shop drawings. A few sheets have
drawings on both sides. There are also
some full scale renderings and mounted photographs of lighting fixtures,
embossed with the name Sterling Bronze Company, New York, NY.
This repository holds about 700 original drawings. The microfilm collection consists of 1,927
sheets or pieces of paper on which are drawings of the Georgian Lighting Shops’
designs. Over 800 of the drawings, both
those on microfilm and the original paper copies, have numbers on them. These appear to be some sort of catalog type
numbering. The collection includes some
numbered designs for which there are multiple copies of the same drawing, as if
tracings were prepared ahead of time to distribute to prospective clients. Most of the numbered drawings are clearly marked
with a four digit number between 1000 and 5999; they are filed
numerically. The few other numbered
pieces have letters prefixed to the numbers, or are not 4 digits long.
The bulk of the drawings are not numbered. They have been organized according to design
type. For example, all the wall-mounted
lamps are together. Within the
wall-mounted fixtures, the designs with exposed light bulbs have been divided from
those with shaded or enclosed bulbs.
Within each of those divisions, the drawings have been further divided
according to the number of bulbs in the fixture, and so on. Similar designs within each filing category have
been grouped, but this effort is not infallible.
The size of the originals varies. Some of the pieces of paper measure only
about 5 centimeters square. At the other
end of the scale, at least one measures approximately 1 meter by 1/2 meter.
The owner of the original drawings
(whose grandfather and great-uncle worked at the firm) consented to the
microfilming of the entire collection.
The Downs Collection was then allowed to select 527 of the original
drawings for its collection; another 200 or so were a later gift. The originals are housed in 15 boxes; the
microfilm records are on reels Mic. 2926 to Mic. 2929.
drawings were divided into two groups: those with numbers and those
without. Those with numbers are filed in
numerical order. (A list of these
numbers is appended to this finding aid.)
The unnumbered drawings were organized by form (e.g. wall-mounted
lighting fixtures, chandeliers, railings, etc.). The detailed description which follows is a
list of what is on the microfilm reels.
The original drawings in the Downs Collection are in the same order as
they were filmed.
90x56 is in boxes 1-13.
2017x95 and 2017x134 are in boxes 14 and 15.
90x56: Gift of Donald Eckard and Lillian Eckard (son and mother).
2017x95 and 2017x134; Gift of Donald Eckard.
John G. (John George), 1874-1950.
Stewart, Carroll G.
(Carroll Griffiths), 1879-1962.
Edwin Frederick, 1892-1961.
Paul, circa 1891-1920.
Horace, 1869-1938.
Sterling Bronze Company.
and ornament -
Architectural and decorative.
- Drawings.
– Drawings.
– Drawings.
lighting – Drawings.
- Drawings.
(Decorative arts) -
Location: 42 J 1-14,
Map case D, drawer 4, and microfilm cabinet
The complete collection at time of microfilming (1990), listing the groups in the order
filmed, with number of sheets or pieces of paper in each group and the number
of sheets of originals which are in the Downs Collection. For example, there were 167 drawings numbered
in the 1xxx series, all of which were microfilmed, and of which 38 originals
are held by the Downs Collection.
Mic. 2926:
Numbered drawings, 1XXX series {167 sheets; 38 orig.}
Numbered drawings, 2XXX series {140 sheets; 36 orig.}
Numbered drawings, 3XXX series {183 sheets; 49 orig.}
Mic. 2927:
Numbered drawings, 4XXX series {154 sheets; 40 orig.}
Numbered drawings, 5XXX series {81 sheets; 23 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall mounted, exposed single bulb {88
sheets; 30 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, white
metal (silver or pewter) fixture {18 sheets; 5 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, brass or
bronze fixture {44 sheets; 17 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, painted
metal fixture {21 sheets; 14 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, wrought
iron fixture {34 sheets; 13 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, wooden
back panel fixture {6 sheets; 4 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, with
hanging glass pendants {30 sheets; 15 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, with
lyre-shaped back plate {5 sheets}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb, glass
back plate fixture {23 sheets; 5 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall-mounted, exposed double bulb,
miscellaneous full scale drawings {28 sheets; 6 orig.}
Mic. 2928
Unnumbered, wall mounted, exposed double bulb,
miscellaneous small scale drawings {20 sheets; 1 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall mounted, exposed multiple (3 or more)
bulb {36 sheets; 12 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall mounted, enclosed or shaded single bulb
{71 sheets; 20 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall mounted, enclosed or shaded double bulb
{23 sheets; 11 orig.}
Unnumbered, wall mounted, enclosed or shaded multiple (3
or more) bulb {3 sheets; 3 orig.}
Unnumbered metalwork, gates and doorways, scrollwork {74
sheets; 18 orig.}
Unnumbered metalwork, stair and porch railings {27
sheets; 3 orig.}
Unnumbered metalwork, furniture {21 sheets; 8 orig.}
Unnumbered metalwork, fireplace equipment {11 sheets; 4
Unnumbered exterior pedestal lamps {3 sheets; 2 orig.}
Unnumbered table lamps {14 sheets; 4 orig.}
Unnumbered, hanging, lantern-like, round fixtures {43
sheets; 19 orig.}
Unnumbered, hanging, lantern-like, star plan fixtures {10
sheets; 5 orig.}
Unnumbered, hanging, lantern-like, 4-sided fixtures {33
sheets; 17 orig.}
Unnumbered, hanging, lantern-like, multi- (5 or more)
sided fixtures {73 sheets; 25 orig.}
Unnumbered, hanging, lamp-like fixtures {11 sheets; 7
Mic. 2929
Unnumbered, hanging, chandelier-like fixtures {61
sheets; 15 orig.}
Unnumbered, ceiling-mounted fixtures (not hanging) {48
sheets; 18 orig.}
Unnumbered miscellaneous lighting fixtures or parts {15
sheets; 2 orig.}
Unnumbered drawings and design ideas {53 sheets}
Unnumbered decorative iron scrollwork design ideas {16
Unnumbered drawings, oriental influenced designs {10
Unnumbered drawings, seated figures {9 sheets}
Numbered drawings, done catalog fashion {7 sheets}
Oddly numbered lighting fixtures (numbers prefixed with
"GO") {22 sheets; 7 orig.}
Mounted photographs of lighting fixtures, embossed with
the name "Sterling Bronze Company,
Not drawings or photographs of lighting fixtures or
ironwork {9 pieces}
Oddly numbered lighting fixtures {29 sheets} [oversize]
Unnumbered floor lamps {31 sheets} [oversize]
Unnumbered large-scale drawings {101 sheets} [oversize]
Most of the numbered drawings are stamped Georgian
Lighting Shops, Philadelphia. Some
unnumbered drawings are also so stamped.
Scale is 3 inches to one foot, unless otherwise noted. However, the unnumbered drawings usually do
not have a scale.
Most drawings are in color; some are in pencil.
Accession numbers begin with 90x56, unless otherwise
Box 1: Drawings:
lighting fixtures with numbers (mounted on boards) (acc. 90x56)
.1 no.
1010: brass chandelier with 6 arms, 18th century style,
.2 no.
1097: ceiling fixture, “shade included” (shade has colored floral pattern and
pink trim), $40; some other notes have been partially erased and are not easy
to read, but one seems to begin 18”
Japanese, and another includes the word Room.
.3 no.
1097: ceiling fixture; shade has colored floral pattern and blue trim
.4 no.
1219: crystal or glass chandelier, with 6 arms and some color trim and drops
.5 no.
1236: chandelier, probably a white metal, with 8 arms; decoration includes a
tassel and three heads; for “Georgian Room, 2 brackets to match”
.6 no. 1242
wall fixture, front and side views, painted metal (probably iron), “South
Porch, $65.00”
.7 no.,
1283: lamp, with two arms, marble base, silhouette of a man decorates shaft of
lamp, shades roughly sketched in pencil; erased note might read Living Room
.8 no.
1284: lamp: made to resemble some 19th century oil lamps, with
urn-shaped “oil reservoir” and one arm, holding a parchment screen, for
“Library – on Book Cases”; also includes pencil sketch showing lamp in place
and an overhead view of the lamp.
.9 no.
1302: chandelier colored metal with 8 arms, for hall; includes tassel
.10 no. 1312:
chandelier: crystal or glass with blue trim and 4 arms; for Dining Room; shades
are shown but “shades not included”
.11 no. 1337:
floor lamp: hard to tell if base has 3 or 4 feet; cord comes out near top of
lamp, not from base; “Living Room” and other erased notes
.12 no. 1355:
table lamp, possibly glass, for Dining Room Table; base decorated with human
figures, “full size”
.13 no. 1377:
floor lamp/torchère: a tall light fixture, probably fixed in place, for
“Reception Room at Mantel, 5 electric”; with pencil sketch of “plan at outlet
and lights”; shown against a paneled wall – OVERSIZE – IN MAP CASE
.14 no. 1378:
chandelier: probably wrought iron, showing 4 arms; “Reception Room, 6 electric”
.15 no. 1394:
chandelier: wood and glass?, with two tiers of lights, 6 lights per tier; with
tassel decoration, “$400.00, spread 24 inches, 12 electric”
.16 no. 1412:
chandelier, light-colored metal?, with 3 arms, “Library, $150.00 – 3 E,
[illegible note]
.17 no. 1419:
chandelier, with 2 views: one of fixture as seen from below and one from side;
shows 7 exposed light bulbs; for “Banking Room”;
pencil sketch: no. 1419 ½ : alternate with chains rather than bars
.18 no. 1488:
fire screen;
1489: andirons (only one depicted);
1491: fire tolls (stand with broom and poker);
“Dining Room”
.19 no. 1557:
ceiling fixture: shade decorated with crossed golf clubs, two balls, and a
tennis racket; erased note: “Lounge Room, [illegible] Room”
.20 no. 1557:
ceiling fixture: parchment shade decorated with squirrels; “1 E – [$]12.50”
.21 no. 1557:
ceiling fixture: parchment shade bound with leather; for “Breakfast Room or Sun
pencil sketch showing what bulb looks like behind the shade
.22 no. 1557:
ceiling fixture: shade decorated with urns filled with flowers; notes: “made
12”, plain shade,” plus erased notes
.23 no. 1557:
ceiling fixture: fixture and shade decorated with pink trim
.24 no. 1598:
ceiling fixture: large light bulb in a cage, labeled “Gymnasium”
Box 2: Drawings: lighting fixtures with numbers (most
mounted on boards) (acc.
.25 no. 1625:
ceiling fixture, with ceiling mount: three bulbs in etched shades, with blue
decorated ceiling mount; note: “blue flash with cutting,” for “Bed Room #1”
.26 no. 1640:
wall sconce/bracket, with two exposed bulbs and decorative back (glass or
light-colored metal); note: “[$]50.00 simpler arms”
.27 no. 1674:
floor lamp: light-colored metal with pink trim, shade with pink trim, for
“Master Bed Room”
.28 no. 1704:
wall bracket: dark metal with brass trim, three views: front, side, and a
profile[?]; for “Outside Entrance”
.29 no. 1711:
ceiling fixture: bare bulb in decorative fixture; a note has been erased
.30 no. 1813:
chandelier: colored metals, with 5 arms, for “Breakfast Room”
.31 no. 1831:
ceiling fixture with ceiling mount: bare bulbs with crystal or glass drops
.32 no. 1841:
ceiling fixture: very plain glass shade, for “Servants Room”
.33 no. 1847:
chandelier: light-colored metal with brass trim, two tiered, 4 arms per tier;
notes: “1851 - $80.00”; another note has been erased
.34 no. 1879:
ceiling fixture, with two views: as seen from below and as seen from side;
holds 3 bare bulbs; has a tassel suspended from bottom
.35 no. 1886:
ceiling-mounted light fixture for a Laboratory; the light fixture is mounted on
a cord and could presumably be raised and lowered as needed; also a pencil
sketch of something
.36 no.
1942: hanging lamp: with 9 bulbs, made
with clear and plate glass, with tassel hanging from middle of bottom of
fixture; a note is not entirely clear but seems to read “Banking Space”
.37 no. 1946:
a light fixture for an Entrance, made from two colors of metal
.38 no. 1971:
wall bracket fixture, labeled Driveway Entrance, Main Entrance; the fixture
includes the figure of a walking man wearing a frock coat and top hat; also
includes pencil sketch of plan of fixture
also no. 3999, acc. 2017x134.19: same male figure but the other details of the
lanterns differ]
.39 no. 2004:
chandelier: gold, green, and pink , with a tassel, and four arms shown
.40 no. 2036:
chandelier: brass or gold-colored, two tiered, with multiple arms shown, and a
tassel suspended from bottom
.41 no. 2103:
mirror with frame (possibly wrought iron, with some color added), and a pencil
sketch of plan; for “Outside Living Room, Oper 174”
.42 no. 2188:
hanging lamp: two-toned metal with glass, five bulbs, also labeled “662 – 1st”
.43 no. 2214:
chandelier: blue metal with gold trim, four arms, shades on bulbs; a note has
been erased
.44 no. 2226:
chandelier: blue metal with gold trim, shows three arms, but note says “4
lights - $150.00”; for “Breakfast Room”
.45 no. 2237:
chandelier: gold metal with crystal or glass drops, two tiers, but the
decorative glass ornaments on the top tier are probably just decorations, not
shades for bulbs (there is, however, a bare bulb in the middle of the
chandelier on that top tier); a note has been erased
.46 no. 2246:
lantern attached to wall bracket; note erased
.46 no. 2251:
lantern attached to wall bracket; in antique bronze; for “Entrance,” with note:
“Best design, CHh[?]”
.48 no. 2281:
chandelier: seven bulbs shown, pink and gold fixture; two views, as seen from
below and from side; note erased
.49 no. 2315:
wall sconce, with two arms, bare bulbs: black and white full-size sketch
.50 no. 2345:
floor lamp/torchère: pedestal is probably stone, top includes vase of flowers
under what appears to be a glass tent decorated with prisms, for “Living Room”
.51 no. 2346:
chandelier: dark metal with gold trim and glass or crystal drops; top part
resembles a crown; includes chains as part of the assemblage; also includes
view labeled “plan of bottom” with note “clear plate glass with stain cutting”;
a word written in pencil might be Void;
for “Living Room”
.52 no. 2382:
ceiling fixture, with two views: a side view and a view of the ceiling mount as
seen from below; with note “silver or otherwise to fit color scheme, make[?]
modern[?]”; for “Third Floor Front Elevator, Entrance Dining Room, Side Hall”;
name written on the sheet of paper: N. Guest
Box 3: Drawings: lighting fixtures with numbers (most
mounted on boards) (acc.
.53 no. 2390:
hanging lamp, with two views: side view and “plan of bottom”’ the fixture
included leaded glass and was made for “Conference Room over table”
.54 no. 2441:
mirror, with brown frame, topped with acorn finials and a floral shape; also a plan
of the mirror; for “Entrance Outside”
.55 no. 2517:
ceiling fixture for the “Passage to Stair Hall”; includes two views; side and
from below; full scale drawing
.56 no. 2577:
lamp with two arms, bare bulbs, originally for a living room and so perhaps may
have been intended for a mantel; probably a marble base, two colors of metal,
crystal or glass ornament
.57 no. 2616:
lamp with two arms, bare bulbs, for “Dining Room at Mantel”; base probably
marble, two colors of metal, crystal or glass ornament; includes pencil sketch
of variation of base; a note in pencil (difficult to read), the word omit, and the number 175, perhaps the
.58 no. 2632:
wall sconce, full scale design: two views: wall plate of the sconce (possibly
glass, with a design), and a side view of the sconce, showing one arm with a
bare bulb
.59 no. 2641:
wall sconce, full scale design: two views: wall plate of the sconce (possibly
glass, with a floral design), and a side view of the sconce, showing one arm
with a bare bulb
.60 no. 2654,
without decoration: wall sconce, full scale design: two views: wall plate of
the sconce (seems to be glass and metal, with a floral design on the metal
part), and a side view of the sconce, showing one arm with a bare bulb; note
pointing to part of decoration on wall plate reads “omit decoration”
.61 no. 2661:
lamp, ¼ size; made to look like a hurricane shade (etched) on a chamber stick
style candle holder; includes details of base and handle
.62 no. 2668:
lantern with bracket to be attached to wall: probably antique bronze; two
views: one of the lantern from the front, and a profile view showing the
.63 no. 2690:
chandelier: metal with glass or crystal flowers and drops, showing four arms,
for “Dining Room”
.64 no. 2699:
lantern attached to wall with brackets, two views: from front and from side,
for “Entrance”
.65 no. 2700:
chandelier: two tiered, with varying numbers of arms, in light-colored metal,
18th century design; “alternate for Banking Room”
.66 no. 2720:
floor lamp/torchère: a tall light fixture with stone base, mostly dark metal
with brass trim, four bare bulbs; price is written on back: $225 ea
board with .68; .67 is in its own folder]
.67 no. 2741:
chandelier, with two tiers of lights (bare bulbs), green with gold trim, with
note to “return to Georgian Lighting Shops”
.68 no. 2749:
ceiling fixture, for “Library”
board with .66; .67 is in its own folder]
.69 no. 2785:
floor lamp/torchère: a tall light fixture, with base probably of stone, red
shaft with gold trim, includes a little statuette and glass or crystal drops;
for “Great Hall”
board with .72; .70 is in its own folder and .71 was not found]
.70 no.
2806: lantern with wall bracket,
probably wrought iron; the wall bracket includes a lion holding a flag, marked
with the note “back in, right & left”
.71 no. 2851:
chandelier, in dark metals, probably with six sides (only three shown, three
sockets per side), suspended with chains from a crown-like circle, no scale
.72 no. 2857:
ceiling fixture, with lead – seedy glass; for “English Hall”
.73 no. 2935:
ceiling fixture, with glass or crystal drops; two views: side view and either
as seen from below or a detail of the wall mount; for “Banquet Room”
.74 no. 2938:
ceiling fixture, for “Smoking Rooms, Lounging Room, Librarys [sic], Reception
Rm 108, Ante Rooms, Parlors, Sectrary [sic] Rm., Candidates Recpt. Rm.,
Vestibules 312, Tyler Rms.”
.75 no. 2945:
chandelier: red and gold metal, glass or crystal drops and other decoration;
includes two bulbs attached to ceiling mount in addition to the arms of the
.76 no. 2960:
chandelier, decorated with multi-colored birds and flowers; two views: as seen
from side and either a view as seen from below or a detail of the ceiling
mount; for “Blue Lodge Room #519”
.77 no. 3002:
wall lantern, in bronze with glass cylinder inside, decorated with a small
pennant at top; includes side view, detail of a ring hanging from bottom, and
detail of wall mount, for “Outside Main Entrance”
.78-.79 no.
3010: ceiling fixture: two versions of a utilitarian fixture; the version
without a shade for “Boiler Room, Dumb Waiter, Back Boiler”; the version with a
shade for “Kitchen over range” (other notes beneath that have been erased);
a third version of this fixture is accession 2017x95.4y]
.80 no. 3036:
wall lantern, with two views: side view (with note to “omit palmettos”) and
detail of the wall mount; for “Entrance”
.81 no. 3082:
wall lantern, of lead, with two views: from front and looking down on top; for
“Terrace Entrance”
.82 no. 3123:
chandelier, gold or brass metal with piers of glass or crystal drops and prisms,
with candle-shaped bulbs; note that was for Dining Room has been erased
.83 no. 3126:
hanging lantern: brass and glass, with bare bulbs, also labeled 662 – 1st;
note about scale has been erased
Box 4: Drawings: mostly lighting fixtures with numbers (most
drawings mounted on boards) (acc.
.84 no. 3127:
chandelier, brass, 18th century style, with 10 arms; measurements
penciled in
.85 no. 3142:
wall sconce: 2 arms, bare bulbs, wall plate probably mirrored, with stylized
fleur-de-lis at top, full size
.86 no. 3200:
window grille: wrought iron, with 3 finials, scale is 1.5” to 1 foot
.87 no. 3201:
window grille: wrought iron, with finial and an urn full of flowers in the
middle of the grille; with two additional sketches, one probably a plan, the
other unclear; the word under “Window Grill” is difficult to read; scale is
1.5” to 1 foot
.88 no. 3202:
wall lantern? Three views: item from front, profile of bracket, and the wall
plate for the bracket
.89 no. 3209:
wall sconce and ceiling fixture: three views: sconce from front (with one
bulb); the ceiling fixture (with two bulbs and a tassel), and the ceiling mount
for this; drawn on brown paper and not marked Georgian Lighting Shops;
back: rough sketch of something else
.90 no. 3220:
floor lantern/torchère: bases is labeled wood tripod, the iron shaft is dull
red, and the actual lantern part antique brass; for “Living Room at Mantel,
board with .92; .91 in its own folder]
.91 no. 3233:
ceiling fixture with three bare bulbs; two views: as seen from side and as seen
from below, showing details of ceiling mount; dark metal; for “Bedroom”, on
brown paper; a partial rough sketch on the back
.92 no. 3308:
chandelier: appears to be made of wood with iron and brass arms and decoration,
8 arms shown, tassel handing from bottom
board with .90; .91 in its own folder]
.93 no. 3334:
light fixture, full size, with sketch of plan; to be antique brass, no color
(although the drawing shows color); unclear how this was to be mounted, but was
possibly a sconce
.94 no. 3358:
gate post lantern for Ogontz Girl’s College; sketch of lantern, with indication
that it was gift of Class of 1921, with a pencil sketch of plan; note: “I favor
this design of which there are to be two – one for 1921 and one for 1923. V. McLean”
also acc. .323, a different design for this project]
School for Young Ladies was at this time in Rydal, Abingdon township,
Montgomery County, Penn. A junior
college was added in 1938. Horace
Trumbauer was chief architect for the school when it moved to the Rydal
.95 no. 3367:
ceiling fixture: mostly glass, with brass ceiling mount; ball at bottom was “to
be cut glass instead of smooth”; measurements added in pencil; for “Living
.96 no. 3368:
chandelier dark metal and wood, with four exposed bulbs, a pine tree decoration
attached to wall mount, and a tassel hanging from bottom; two views: one from
side, the other a view from below, showing leaf shapes as part of the
decorative scheme; for “Club Room 12”
.97 no. 3396:
wall lantern: dark metal (probably wrought iron), decorated with pine trees
(colored green); show fixture from front and also a plan of the fixture; the
outlet side is indicated; for “Entrance – Outside”
.98 no. 3535:
electric candlestick holder: brass; for “[illegible] hall[?] – alternate,
console table”
board with .100; .99 is on its own board]
.99 no. 3538:
floor lamp: dark metal with brass trim, seven bulbs shown; “alternate”; scale
is 2.5” to 1 foot; in addition to name of Georgian Lighting Shops, also stamped
“From Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., 1736 Commercial Trust Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.”
Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. made railroad cars.]
.100 no. 3585:
ceiling fixture, with glass or crystal drops and prisms; includes plan of
ceiling mount, labeled “mirror plan”; price: $120.00; note with more
information has been erased
board with .98; .99 is on its own board]
.101 no. 3594:
lantern fixture: hand-colored photograph of green and gold lantern, with single
bulb inside; also marked with number 50426; stamped on back: Bond Brothers,
Photography, Phila., Pa.
.102 no. 3629:
wall lantern, dark metal and brass, with detail of bracket, for “Front terrace”
.103 no. 3639:
chandelier: dark metal and brass, with red tassel; two tiers of arms, 4 arms
per tier, for “Stair tower”
.104 no. 3643:
wall lantern: dull brass, with stylized fleur-de-lis design; includes pencil
sketch of plan, which indicates two lanterns were to be used, also includes a
sketch with measurements, probably showing placement; for “stair tower hall”
board with .106]
.105 no. 3664:
table lamp, blue vase-like base, with gold decoration, outline of shade, calls
for 50 watt lamp [bulb], full size drawing; on back: pencil sketch of some
circular thing
.106 no. 3692:
ceiling fixture, with glass or crystal prisms and drops; includes view of
ceiling mount
board with .104]
.107 no. 3694:
table lamp, with shade and glass or crystal beads, [$]30.00, “not wanted”
.108 no. 3698:
chandelier: red, green, and dull yellow, with balls (or bulbs?) hanging here
and there, for “Palm Room [illegible] ceilings” [another Palm Room drawing:
.109 no. 3706:
wall lantern: black, profile view, with rough pencil sketch of similar lantern
hung closer to wall; $110, “cheaper,” for “Side entrance”
.110 no. 3738:
ceiling fixture: carved wood, with lions and unicorns on either side of
shields, bare bulbs, tassel hanging from bottom; also pencil sketch labeled
“section band,” showing carved thistles
.111 no. 3773:
chandelier: wood with iron and brass arms, two tiers, 7 arms shown in bottom
tier, 4 arms in top tier; tassel hanging from bottom, with pencil sketch with
measurements and a note about a beam; another note as well, for “Big Room”
.112 no. 3776:
hanging lantern: green metal hanging from inverted heart shape, with rough
pencil sketch, perhaps a plan sketch; for “Card Room”
.113 no. 3778:
probably a wall lantern: dark metal with brass knob on top; with design of a
person in plus-fours swinging a golf club; for “Locker Room Entrance, Squash
Court [ditto marks]”
.114 no. 3793: street
lamp on pedestal outside a building: cast bronze, with rough sketch of human
figure to give scale
.115 no. 3797:
chandelier: in pewter, with four arms, bare bulbs, with note: “OK, Mrs.
Grissom[?] for Mrs. Biddle”
.116 no. 3800:
ceiling fixture: pewter & brass, engraved on glass, for “Directors office”
.117 no. 3806:
ceiling fixture: green and dull yellow metal, with glass or crystal prisms and
drops; includes detail of ceiling mount; for “Dining Room Porch, alternate” but
the word out is circled
.118 no. 3826:
ceiling fixture: brass with one large round bulb; full size, [$]18.00, for
“Basement, Land Title & Trust Co.”
also no. 3829, acc. 2017x134.16]
Land Title Bank & Trust Co. of Philadelphia was located at 1400 Chestnut
St. The original building was erected in
1898 and was designed by Daniel Burnham.
In 1902, Burnham and Horace Trumbauer designed an addition to the original
building. This fixture was perhaps
designed for this company during a later remodeling, perhaps when Trumbauer executed
such work in 1928.]
Box 5: Drawings: mostly lighting fixtures with numbers
(most drawings mounted on boards) (acc.
.119 no. 3841:
chandelier: Early American in style, wooden middle, metal arms (5 shown, with
bare bulbs), $8E-90.00
.120 no. 3848:
chandelier: Chinese in style, red metal, with six arms and balls (perhaps
additional bulbs) hanging down
.121 no. 3856:
ceiling fixture, with rays of glass radiating from central portion; the bulbs,
apparently were above the rays of glass; for “Alternate first floor stair
.122 no. 3878:
wall sconce, girandole style, with two arms and an eagle atop the round wall
plate; [$]28.00; for “Living Room”
.123 no. 3879:
chandelier: red metal, star-shape, with tassel hanging from bottom, includes
view of the star-shape which forms the base on which the light bulbs sit; for
“Breakfast Room”
.124 no. 3895:
wall lantern: dark metal with dull brass knobs; includes drawing of plan (how
fixture looks from below, attached to wall); $220.00 each; for “Terrace”
.125 no. 3906:
chandelier, rustic style, wood and metal, two tiers (4 arms shown in upper, 7
arms in lower tier); presumably the red object behind one of the lights is a
tassel hanging in the middle of the chandelier; with initials HD, with a
measurement, for “Lounge”
.126 no. 3966:
chandelier: wood and dark metal, with four arms; for “Living Room”
.127 no. 3972:
chandelier: mostly dark metal but with two prancing lions in brass as
decoration; for “Solarium”
.128 no. 4020:
wall sconce, in glass or crystal, with prisms, two arms, [$]100.00
.129 no. 4[rest
of number is torn off]: probably hanging lantern, glass and metal, with extra
drawing probably of the plate which forms the bottom of the fixture
.130 no. 4027:
wall light: single bulb on a bracket attached to a wall; with drawing of the
wall plate and some rough pencil sketches
.131 no. 4040: wall
sconce, glass wall plate with two brass arms, [$]75.00
.132 no. 4063: wall
sconce, with two arms, wall plate decorated with a scallop shell, with extra
pencil sketch; probably full size although scale is not given
.133 no. 4076:
mantel lamp: metal and crystal or glass, with blue and white decoration
(labeled Wedgwood) on base of lamp; also a drawing showing two of these lamps
sitting atop a mantel; for “Lobby at Mantel”
board with .137; .134-.136 in own folders or on own board]
.134 no. 4136:
probably wall sconce or lantern, green with yellow trim and a basket of
flowers, perhaps full size (no scale given)
.135 no. 4142:
chandelier: bronze with 4 plates of 3 lights shown, but a note reads “24 lights
around” so there would be 8 plates of lights; for “Main Banking Room,” shown ¼
full size
for the Land Title Bank & Trust Co., for which the firm of Horace Trumbauer
did some work in 1928]
.136 no. 4164: table
or desk lamp: pencil sketches of three views of the lamp
.137 no. 4183:
mantel or table lamp, the pedestal is probably stone, the main part is green
and bronze with glass or crystal drops and prisms, two arms
board with .134; .134-.136 in own folders or on own board]
.138 no. 4186:
floor lamp: mostly dark metal, shade is a bronze-colored half-dome, includes a
small table area, three or four feet
no. 5060 for variation]
.139 no. 4214:
chandelier almost identical to no. 4142 (acc. 90x56.135); this is a more
accomplished drawing; includes the same note about the 24 lights; is not marked
for any project, scale is 3 inches to 1 foot
.140 no. 4259:
probably a wall sconce, with two arms, and lots of foliage decoration, also
marked C.W. 2884; probably full size (scale not given)
.141 no. 4316:
chandelier: green metal with bronze ornaments and glass or crystal prisms, with
detail of “1/2 plan at bottom looking up, engraved glass” (actually, probably
quarter of plan, since only a quarter circle); drawing shows four arms; for
.142 no. 4401:
ceiling fixture, dark metal and glass, for “over Billiard Table”
.143 no. 4402:
table lamp, glass, with shade
.144 no. 4403:
table lamp, glass, with shade
.145 no. 4408:
chandelier: green metal with bronze stars as decorations, only 4 arms shown but
note reads “6 elect.”, for “alternate Dining Room”
Box 6: Drawings: mostly lighting fixtures with numbers
(most drawings mounted on boards) (acc.
.146 no. 4429:
ceiling fixture, with note: “in place of your #3; [$]5.--”; for “Corridors,
Wards, etc.”
board with .148; .147 is on its own board]
.147 no. 4433:
hanging lantern dark metal (probably wrought iron) in gothic style, with
colored glass; a note reads “addition to present fixture”; a pencil sketch
shows the “panel toward pulpit” at a different scale from the main drawing;
also a rough pencil sketch of something else; the bottom part of this drawing
is attached to upper part with a brad and a clip
.148 no. 4435:
ceiling fixture: with what must be glass with floral designs; two views: one
from long side and one a profile;
board with .146; .147 is on its own board]
.149 no. 4496:
wall sconce, with three arms, probably in antique bronze; bare bulbs look like
candles; for “Hall #1, right & left”
board with .151; .150 is in its own folder]
.150 no. 4533:
ceiling fixture: green metal, for “Bowling alley, over pins”
.151 no. 4561:
chandelier: showing four arms, probably in antique bronze; a note pointing to
upper shaft says “too heavy”
board with .149; .150 is in its own folder]
.152 no. 4588:
probably wall sconce, with two arms: blue metal with yellow designs, shades
over bulbs; shown full size
.153 no. 4611:
Chandelier: crystal or glass, with two tiers of arms: upper tier has 4, and
lower tier 8, both designated as being “elec[tric]”; with prisms and drops
board with .155; .154 is on its own board]
.154 no. 4624:
hanging lantern, possibly in wrought iron and antique bronze, in a gothic
style; for “Chancel”
.155 no. 4665:
chandelier: made of wood, with bare bulbs resembling candles; two views: from
side and detail of the base section of the chandelier
board with .153; .154 is on its own board]
.156 no. 4674:
wall sconce, with two arms, bulbs resemble candles, with flower decoration at
top; for “Closet”; full size drawing
.157 no. 4728:
wall sconce, with one arm, bulb resembles candle; the wall plate is decorated
with a bird; two drawings: one of wall plate, the other the sconce in profile;
full size drawing
are different on no. 4728 and no. 4728-A, but the wall plates are the same
.158 no.
4728-A: wall sconce, with one arm, bulb resembles candle; the wall plate is
decorated with a bird; two drawings: one of wall plate, the other the sconce in
profile; full size drawing
are different on no. 4728 and no. 4728-A, but the wall plates are the same
.159 no. 4729:
wall sconce, with one arm, bulb resembles candle; the wall plate is decorated
with a bird; two drawings: one of wall plate, the other the sconce in profile;
full size drawing, “right & left”
is almost identical to that on no. 4728-A, but the wall plates are slightly
different in design]
.160 no. 4749:
ceiling fixture: fancy glass, for “Dressing room”
board with .162; .161 is in its own folder]
.161 no. 4767:
hanging lantern, with several views being shown, including front view and side
view; it appears that the lantern could be hung in different ways or else it
was attached in more than one place
.162 no. 4792:
chandelier wrought iron, with five bowls each holding seven arms of light bulbs
(bulbs resemble candles, a note reads “35 electric”), red tassels hang from
bowls; scale 1.5” to 1 foot
.163 no. 4793:
floor lamp/torchère: with seven arms arranged to resemble a candelabra; bulbs
have small shades; probably made from wrought iron, shown standing in front of
a paneled column, scale 1.5” to 1 foot
.164 no. 4804:
wall sconce: crystal or glass, two arms with bulbs that resemble candles; with
note: “reproduction of Waterford glass”; another note has been erased
.165 no. 4855:
ceiling fixture: with two bulbs, attached to a carved beam, for “Landing, 1st
board with .167; .166 is in its own folder]
.166 no. 4918:
chandelier in form of a hanging lantern with arms (four shown), in brass; a
note next to one of the candle-like bulbs reads “Luminart Lamp w/ transformer”;
“1 wanted” for “Vestibule #101”
.167 no. 4933: chandelier
or ceiling fixture: includes a vase as part of the shaft; in green metal with
brass or bronze decorations; two drawings: one from side, the other as seen
from bottom, with note “plain bottom”
[on board with .165; .166 is in its
own folder]
.168 no. 4950:
chandelier: with three tiers of bulbs (18 in top tier, 30 in middle, 36 in
bottom, all electric), and a ring of human figures as part of top decoration;
includes a “1/4 plan showing lights”; for “Reading Room, 3800 watts”, scale
1.5” to 1 foot
.169 no. 5001:
ceiling fixture, with two drawings: one from side, the other from bottom
(showing that the fixture is square, not round); with note: “crystal bowls,
satin finish or crystal plain frostell or antique”; for “Marble Show Room”
.465 uses a similar shade, although the rest of the design is different]
.170 no. 5004:
ceiling fixture: in brass or bronze and engraved glass; two views: from side
and as seen from bottom; notes indicate parts which are glass and glass with
engraved design; for “alternate for front lounge”
.171 no. 5060:
floor lamp, with half-dome shade; includes measurements and a sketch of bulb
placement under the shade; marked “o.k., M. T[illegible]”; for “Terrace,
H.V.C.C.”; scale 1.5” to 1 foot
4186 is a similar design]
.172 no. 5090:
wall lantern: with three drawings: one from side, one from top, and one from
front; with note “Corner of garage, reproduced from Independence Square
.173 no. 5141:
table lamp: dark metal with brass or bronze trim; for “Check desks”
.174 no. 5274:
ceiling fixture, with three arms holding hurricane shades, with note “to be
lengthened with chain”; price 3 E – [$]42.__
.175 no. 5295: wall
sconce with hurricane shade; two views: side and front; $30.00; for “3rd floor
game room”
.176 no. 5314:
chandelier: blue metal with brass trim, four arms shown but note indicates “8
electric”; two views: from side and from
bottom, showing glass base, part of which was clear and part of which has a
design sunk into the glass
board with .183; .178-.182 are in their own folders]
.177 no. 5327:
wall sconce, with three candle-like bulbs coming out of a spray of flowers,
full size drawing, for “Living Room”
.178 no. 5328:
wall sconce, with flower attached to wall plate and two arms; bulbs resemble
candles; a few other sketches also appear but it is not clear what they
represent; the number 5363 is also written on the paper; for “Stair Hall”; full
size drawing
.179 no. 5349:
wall lantern, with two drawings: from side and detail of the bracket; the
number 5365 also appears; for “Terrace”
.180 no. 5365:
wall lantern: as seen from side and with sketch labeled plan; marked OK; for
.181 no. 5388:
wall sconce? Not clear what this design
represents, but the wood for it was supplied by the owner; full size drawing
.182 no. 5412:
wall sconce, with wood back and two arms; bulbs resemble candles; [$]35.00; “made
right & left”; full size drawing
.183 no. 5411,
5413, 5414, 5421, 5422: wall sconces, all with a single bulb; wall plates
either mirrored or shiny metal; no. 5411 was for “Living room”; no. 5413 was
for “Bed rm. #1”; no. 5414 was an “alternate” design; no. 5421 was for “bed rm.
#2”; and no. 5422 was for “Dining room” and its wall plate is labeled as
board with .176; .177-.182 are in their own folders]
Box 7: Drawings: mostly lighting fixtures, some with
numbers but most unnumbered (most drawings mounted on boards) (acc. 90x56)
.184 no. 5439:
floor lamp/torchère: dark metal with brass trim, with two finials and a small
swag decorating the top; for “Dining room, 2 wanted”; scale: 1.5” to foot
board with .186; .185 on its own board]
.185 no. 5442:
wall sconce; wall plate probably mirrored, 3 arrows are behind the wall plate;
two arms, with bulbs that resemble candles, for “Dining room”; full size
.186 no. 5507:
chandelier: brass, 18th century in style, with two tiers of arms;
for “Offices # 2, 3, 4”
board with .184; .185 on its own board]
.187 no. 5549:
chandelier, 18th century in style, not colored but possibly brass;
for “Dairy & Creamery Bldg, lobby 123”
.188 no. 5551:
chandelier: not in color; for “Home Economics Bldg. Lobby 101”
.189 no. 5614
and 5615; two mirrors; no. 5614 is flanked by two shaded candle-like bulbs; no.
5615 includes a plan drawing; the lights for this mirror are presumably hidden
in the columns on either side of the mirror; the scale is 1.5” per foot
.190 no. 5655:
street light fixture, to sit on a wall; with lantern top, flower design near
base, shows the fixture sitting on a wall, includes a plan, probably of the
also no. 5594, acc. 2017x134.67: similar design]
.191 no. 5949:
ceiling fixture: with two tiers of rays of glass, but light bulbs are only
shown as being above the lower tier of rays; for “Living room”; “8 L 385, 4 L
260” which might mean that with 8 lights, the fixture cost $385, and with 4
lights cost $260
.192-.220: wall sconces, all with a single bulb (some
resemble candles), no shades; not numbered:
“green – antique [illegible], Aney’s[?] Dressing Room”;
includes a pencil sketch of the plan;
the wall plate might be mirrored or of shiny metal;
brass, with eagle decoration;
an elaborate design with baubles and probably a mirrored back;
.197: wall
plate includes fleur-de-lis decoration;
two drawings: one from side and one of mirrored wall plate; marked OK, 4/9/32,
W.R[illegible], 6 re[illegible];
sconce on a wall bracket, with pencil sketch of plan;
with green metal and mirrored wall plate; two drawings: from side and from
round wall plate, medieval looking; dark metal;
two views: from side and from front; the wall plate seems to be decorated with
a small portrait;
.203: single
“candle” on a brass arm;
two views: from front and from side; decorated with brass flowers;
wall plate in dark metal, medieval in design;
full size drawing, with decorative bracket in addition to wall plate; includes
tassel in design;
two drawings: from side and plan of arm;
two drawings: wall plate and from side; also two pencil sketches: different
wall plate and sconce design; “1 E/15--” (presumably this means $15 for one
two drawings; detail of wall plate and sconce from side;
.210: two
drawings; detail of wall plate (with floral design) and sconce from side; note:
“ackground [background] [illegible]”;
wall plate decorated with star and topped with an eagle;
wall plate is decorated with painting of a rose;
made from dark metal; bulb resembles a candle;
three pencil drawings: some details of the wall plate and outlet box; a side
view, showing crystal drops and concealed electric; and a front view; scale is
1.5” = 1 foot;
torch-like wall sconce
front view only, probably a full size drawing;
.217: two
views: side and wall plate; the diamond-shaped wall plate was to be made from
black vitrolite [pigmented structural glass]; for “Baths”; probably full size
front and side views of green and gold sconce, with a pencil sketch of plan;
probably full size drawing;
side view and detail of wall plate, which is decorated with two flying birds;
probably full size drawing;
sconce or wall torch; view from side, detail of wall plate, and another sketch,
probably a plan; with a measurement of length;
.221: wall plate
for sconce or other wall-mounted light fixture; design includes rose and thistles
under a gothic arch; probably full size drawing;
.222-.237: wall sconces with two arms, so two bulbs
(some resemble candles), no shades, no numbers:
light colored metal, design includes two human heads;
light colored metal, design includes a crown;
design in an 18th century style;
wall plate might include a mirror; light colored metal;
wall plate might be of glass, design includes a flower;
antique bronze, hurricane shades lightly penciled in;
dark metal with brass or bronze trim; wall plate is a design of flowers and
acorns in a vase;
design in brass or bronze;
probably in antique bronze; wall plate surmounted by a two-handled cup shape;
design based on 18th century styles;
probably bronze;
probably antique bronze;
wall plate includes a coat of arms;
round wall plate includes a bearded face;
.236: two
drawings: view from front and side elevation; design includes a swag;
wall plate is an eagle on top of a ball
Box 8: Drawings: lighting fixtures, unnumbered (most
drawings mounted on boards) (acc.
.238-.300: wall sconces with two arms, so two bulbs
(some resemble candles), no shades, no numbers:
wall plate decorated with a string of fish;
round wall plate with eagle and stars in middle;
oval wall plate with sunburst in middle;
wall plate of scroll work, with note :back overall”;
octagonal wall plate, blue in middle with two-handled covered bowl as
round wall plate has the silhouette of a man in the middle;
red metal wall plate, with shepherd’s crook; two views: from front and from
pink and yellow sconce;
green and gold, with two dolphins and a trident decorating wall plate;
pink and pale yellow, with two large and two small round bulbs; ram’s head at
round wall plate has a painting in the middle;
.249: round
wall plate with star in middle, surmounted by an eagle holding arrows;
.250: green
and gold sconce with flowers and ribbons;
.251: round wall plate with stars in border, surmounted
by an eagle;
wall plate decorated with vase of flowers;
wall plate created to look like a vase of flowers;
green and gold sconce, with wall plate shaped like an urn; with note “ hand
wall plate in shape of an oak leaf, with red berries, but also with pencil
sketch of an acorn;
wall plate includes silhouette of a person;
dark metal with brass trim and floral knob of top;
medieval design in dark metal;
dark metal with stylized scallop design;
wall plate includes stylized fleur-de-lis, in dark metal;
dark metal with bronze trim; wall plate is lyre-shaped; (see also .294 – full
size drawing of same design);
dark metal and bronze, stylized leaf form part of wall plate;
dark metal and bronze, with flowers;
“twin” sconces;
gothic design, dark metal, maybe on wood; with crown;
wall plate is surmounted by a bird, dark metal;
medieval rectangular wall plate;
medieval design, medium-toned metal with brass trim;
medieval design, with antique brass trim and w. iron [wrought iron?];
.270: sconce
with wood back;
sconce, probably wood wall plate, surmounted by an eagle;
.272: probably
wood wall plate, decorated with flowers, eagle on top;
wood back, with black metal arms; “see 4228” [that drawing is not part of this
collection; is reminiscent of no. 5412, however];
round wall plate, with silhouette of person in middle, topped with vase of
glass or crystal flowers, with drops and prisms;
“amethyst glass back, cutting on back silvered, $100.00”;
.276: round wall plate has painting in middle,
suspended from chain with glass or crystal beads and drops;
octagonal wall plate, with silhouette in middle and glass or crystal prisms;
wall plate probably glass or mirror, with prism drops and a design of foliage
in a basket;
wall plate probably glass, topped with colored glass flowers and glass or
crystal drops;
green and gold sconce decorated with glass or crystal beads, flowers, and
green and gold sconce decorated with glass or crystal beads, flowers, and
perhaps a gilded wrought iron design, with flowers;
blue and red sconce, with arrow attached to wall plate; includes prisms;
wall plate probably glass, painted with flowers, includes glass flowers and
glass wall plate with glass or crystal prisms;
metal sconce with glass or crystal drops;
leaded glass wall plate, with two prisms;
[.288: missing
or number not used];
“mirror back, design painted on back,” design is of a sailing ship flying
French flag;
wall plate is a frame around “old macaroni colored print”;
wall plate with design in blue, arms in dark metal with brass trim; small swag
at bottom of fixture;
wall plate probably etched glass, with rearing lions and a thistle;
glass or mirrored wall plate, with floral and swag design painted on it, for
“Dining Room”; [on board with .297 and .300, filed towards end of box];
most of the number has been cut off this drawing, which is full size drawing of
sconce with lyre-shape back plate; includes knob on top; also pencil sketch of
#3246; (see also .261 – smaller drawing of same design);
full size drawing, spray of three flowers, and a fourth flower in middle of
wall plate; note: “does not cover[?]”; rough pencil sketch shows a shade over a
light bulb; on brown paper;
full size drawing, wall plate includes a mirror, design also includes glass
flower and drops;
brass with clear and colored glass prisms, drops, and flowers; [on board with
.293 and .300; filed at end of box];
.298: wall
fixture: possibly a full size sketch; also includes “plan of lights,” which
indicates placement of “black glass w/ beveled lines”;
rough sketch of a sconce with round wall plate surmounted by an eagle;
light colored metal with only part of the design on the wall plate indicated;
includes two cupids; (on board with .293 and .297);
Box 9: Drawings: lighting fixtures, unnumbered (most
drawings mounted on boards) (acc.
.301-.319: wall sconces with three or more arms, no
an ornate wall fixture, with pencil sketch of plan (showing 5 bulbs), topped
with a krater, shown mounted on a paneled wall; marked: “drawn by Paul Eckard”;
.302: an ornate wall fixture, with drawing of plan
(showing 5 bulbs), design includes a two-handled vase with a flower;
back of this sconce is probably mirrored; includes prisms; two views: from
front and from side;
bronze or brass, with urn shape on wall
plate; “ 3 elect.; #5”; (on board with .309, .310, and .313, and filed under .309);
.305: wall
sconce in form of a torch; two views: side view and detail of wall plate;
dark metal and brass or bronze; shown on a paneled wall;
wall sconce in form of a torch; two views: side view and detail of wall plate;
arm of sconce in form of spray of flowers; two views: side view and detail of
wall plate;
.309: wrought
iron, with two views: front and pencil sketch of side elevation;
.310: a
large wrought iron fixture, with two views: front and lower section of the
fixture from the side;
.311: a
green and gold sconce, with a stylized shell behind the middle bulb; [on board
with .301-.303, and filed under those numbers]
.312: sconce
in form of spray of flowers, with bulbs coming out of roses; (on board with
.314-.318 and filed under those numbers);
dark metal fixture, wall plate includes fleur-de-lis design; (on board with
.309, .310, and .304, and all filed under .309);
simple 18th century style sconce;
rough pencil sketch of sconce to include flowers, with measurements for
ceil[ing] and outlet, “W.22-25, 10 E.”; scale 1 ½ = 1’; includes plan; on back:
rough pencil sketch of another sconce;
pencil sketch of sconce with snowflake design, and a partial sketch of
something else;
sketches front and back, probably related to .315, see description there;
this sconce, roughly sketched on yellow paper, is horizontal in design, with
basket in middle and flowing ribbons;
pencil sketch of a medieval style sconce, with some measurements and a not to
flatten on part;
.320-.352: mostly wall mounted fixtures; many of the
bulbs have shades
dark metal and brass lantern attached to brick wall, with views from front and
side; (on board with .322; .321 in own folder)
Exit sign (letters in capitals on red background), with dark metal surround,
includes drawing of plan;
bkt. Lantern, dark metal with floral design and acorns; includes view from
front and a drawing of the plan, showing wall line and outlet, scale of plan is
1 ½” = 1 foot (on board with .320; .321 in own folder);
“Gate post bracket lanterns, Ogontz Girls College,” with Class 1921 included as
part of the design; front view and plan; (see design no. 3358 for another
design for the same project and for information about Ogontz Girls College);
wall fixture: bronze with glass shade with molded pattern, tassel suspended
from bottom; “Room” written in lower left corner;
green wall fixture with shade: two views: front and side;
modern style wall fixture with black glass wall plate: two views: front and
wall lantern, with three-quarter view and plan showing wall line;
wall lantern, with front view and pencil sketch of plan;
wall sconce with “stretched silk screen (color to sample)” covering bulb and
the wall plate to have “painted” design in “(center)”;
.330: wall
sconce with hurricane shade;
wall sconce, two views: detail of wall plate and fixture from side; although
the wall plate is labeled “plain back plate,” in fact it is painted with a
human figure and is decorated with prisms; the fixture includes a pleated
green fixture with prisms; two views: detail of wall plate and from side; includes
a shade over the bulb and prisms on the wall plate;
.333: a
modern style wall sconce, with views of front and side;
wall sconce with shade over the bulb, the shade includes a design of a vase of
flowers, probably a painted design; includes two rough pencil sketches;
.335: a
glass sconce, including a floral design, mirrored glass, and beveled edges;
front and side views;
.336: a
brass or bronze fixture with etched glass shade, the etching to include gothic
wall sconce with hurricane shade, from side and with detail of wall plate which
was “blue flash glass with cutting on back silvered”; for “B.R., [illegible]”;
board with .339-.341; .338 in own folder)
medieval style wall lantern, shown from side and with a pencil sketch of the
wall sconce with three leaves springing from top; front view and plan;
light colored metal sconce with two arms and a shade with coat of arms (which
is probably painted on shade);
.341: a
long wall fixture made with “moulded glass,” an alternate design for “Public
space at columns,” includes drawings of front and side views and pencil sketch
of plan;
two drawings (probably front and plan) of a sconce with shingled glass and
metal frame; not easy to discern which way is up;
green and gold fixture, two arms, hurricane shades;
front and side views of a contemporary wall fixture utilizing spread clips;
front and side views of a fixture with glass front (probably molded glass);
contemporary light fixture, probably chrome and glass, with side view and detail
of wall plate;
wall sconce with two arms, shades over bulbs, vase of flowers as part of wall
Early American style wall sconce, with two arms, etched glass shades, and eagle
on knob attached to wall plate;
.349: full
size, but not completed, drawing of a wall sconce with two arms, one showing
etched glass shade and prisms, and a covered urn as part of wall plate;
wall sconce with colored wall plate, which includes leaves, and arms;
wall sconce in form of basket of flowers, with flowered shades;
wall fixture: light fixture hanging from a bracket, with prisms and small
Box 10: metal work and light fixtures (acc. 90x56)
.353-.387: mostly metal work (gates, banisters, grilles,
furniture, fireplace equipment):
gate with brass leaves;
gate with urn-shape in middle, brass leaves;
gate with brass leaves;
gate with brass leaves;
gate with brass elements; scale 1 ½ “ = 1 foot
:suggestion – wrought iron gates,” with measurements, note that should be
hinged to swing in or out, plan of opening;
design for wrought iron “columns” on either side of an opening (no gate shown,
but two human figures stand in the opening), showing placement of a flower pot,
and a detail of part of the scroll work;
six designs for gates or fence panels;
five designs for gates, fence panels, or staircase balustrade, with
measurements, plus two designs for wrought iron panels for a staircase, with
eleven designs for gates, fence panels, or staircase balustrade, some with
measurements, plus three diagonal lines of designs for staircase balustrades;
gates, 5 variations of a design incorporating two flamingoes, palm trees, and
the initials F S; (.364 includes two designs on one sheet);
details of wrought iron work, mostly incorporating leaf motifs, probably for
bottom portions of gates or grilles; designs are on front and back of sheets;
on the back of .370 is also found a plan drawing;
.371-.373: details of wrought iron work, mostly
incorporating leaf motifs, probably for top portions of gates or grilles;
designs are on front and back of sheets; .372 is marked “Detail. F.S. – ‘C’”;
eleven designs for gates, fence panels, or balustrades for staircases;
design, probably for communion rail, with measurements;
design for a staircase, with plan, and note: “S.E.[illegible]. Ent.[?]”; drawn
on back of page from The Dodge Bulletin,
with notices for Philadelphia dated August 1950;
“Console table suggestion,” with side view; wrought iron base, top probably
stone, with measurements;
not labeled, but a variation of the table in .377;
mirror (with wrought iron frame) hanging above a console table, a variation of
those above, with measurements (writing and numbers are backwards); [for
related design, see acc. 2017x134.225];
twelve wrought iron designs, all variation for sides of console table;
measurements given;
table: wrought iron base, top perhaps of stone, scale 1 ½” = 1 foot;
colored wrought iron table, with flower growing from base; green top; scale 1
½” = 1 foot; (on board with .378-.381; was numbered .383 but another drawing
has that number as well);
“radiator screen grille,” showing present wood frame, with measurements; scale
¾” = 1 foot; (on board with .383);
pencil sketch, incomplete, with a crouched and winged female figure and other
Renaissance designs, on what could be a chest or a heavily carved table, with
measurements and numbers; on back: more measurements;
designs for modern andirons, with side and front views, and with measurements;
designs for medieval style andirons and stands for fireplace tools;
design for andiron;
designs for andiron and fireplace tools: with notes: Mobiliere Provencal,
Edit.[?] ch. Masseur[?], Paris, Museé Arlaten;
.388-.410: light fixtures:
lantern fixture for top of a pillar, wrought iron with brass knobs;
lantern fixture for top of a pillar, wrought iron with brass knob and trim,
shown on top of brick pillar;
table or desk lamp: green with Renaissance style decoration, lyre-shape in
middle, two arms; with small detail done in pencil;
desk lamp, shown on top of a desk, with green shade on moveable arm;
table lamp, with glass shade and prisms; various parts of the shade are to be
made from frosted or clear glass and the design is to be done in “colonial
hanging light fixture with mica shade, green and gold metal;
hanging light fixture with glass shade, probably molded glass;
hanging lantern, glass and brass, with view from side and view of bottom;
hanging light fixture, probably in antique bronze, with glass shade;
hanging lantern, “w/ ship on glass” (probably etched);
hanging light fixture with glass shade and metal trim;
hanging “lard oil lantern with nail-head glass”;
hanging light fixture, probably with glass shade, done in pencil;
.401: hanging
light fixture with glass shade; decorated with flower sprigs and glass prisms
and drops;
.402: hanging
light fixture, mostly glass shade, with clear glass ball at bottom;
hanging light fixture, metal gazebo with glass shade; includes view from side
and plan of bottom;
hanging light fixture in shape of a drum, with arrow decoration and glass
hanging light fixture, mostly glass;
hanging light fixture with glass shade (etched or molded);
hanging light fixture with glass shade and metal trim;
hanging light fixture, green and gold metal with glass shade (etched? design),
and glass drops;
hanging light fixture with glass shade (etched? design), metal trim, and glass
hanging light fixture with glass shade, metal trim, glass drops;
Box 11: light fixtures, not numbered (acc. 90x56)
.411: lantern with hanging ring, including a detail of
the profile of ring;
hanging light fixture, with medieval style metal trim, and a plan of the
similar to .412, also with plan; this one is for Stairwell”;
hanging light fixture, with blue and gold metal trim, glass drops;
hanging light fixture, with metal trip and a “crown” on top;
hanging light fixture, also with a “crown” on top, and a plan of the lights;
hanging lantern, attached in three places, with “plan of the lantern”; the
original number on this drawing has been cut off;
side and front views of a hanging lantern; the side was made of wood, but the
front and back were made from tin; a leather strap attached the lantern to a
chain; within a circle is a question: 1 large bulb to hang from top, glass or
open bottom?
hanging light fixture, front view and pencil sketch of plan;
hanging lantern, with hook at top, and plan of lantern;
side and front views of a hanging lantern;
hanging lantern, brass trim;
hanging lantern, with plan (view from bottom);
hanging light fixture
hanging light fixture, side and front views, modern style, with “engraved glass
similar to .425; indicated “engraved glass,” includes view from bottom, showing
placement of two 100 watt light bulbs;
hanging light fixture, in form of two electric candles on an iron frame, with
front and side views;
hanging light fixture, in form of four electric candles on an iron frame;
hanging light fixture (although no light bulbs are included in the drawing),
metal work frame, with a canopy, but “no glass,” for “Foyer” with 9 ft. ceil[ing];
hanging lantern, with silhouettes of men as decoration on glass;
hanging lantern, with sprig and berry decoration, includes pencil sketch of
hanging lantern, mostly red metal with glass, includes measurements;
hanging lantern, plain metal frame with glass;
hanging light fixture decorated with flowers;
hanging light fixture with etched glass and canopy;
.436: wall
lantern, with plan; the identifying note has been erased and is written
backwards but appears to read “wall pocket lantern” (in own folder);
hanging lantern, medieval in style, with note “light at top”; (on board with
hanging lantern, medieval in style;
hanging light fixture, with flowers and leaves and tassels hanging from bottom;
two hanging lanterns, one in medieval style, and the other a simpler metal
frame (no bulbs shown on this one);
hanging light fixture, with some medieval style trim;
.442: hanging
light fixture, with pierced brass and dark metal trim;
hanging light fixture, single bulb inside glass and metal case;
hanging light fixture, mostly glass, at top is a “ball mirrored inside &
cut design”; the main part of the fixture has “engraved panels”; and at the
bottom is another “ball mirrored inside & cut design”;
hanging lantern, brass or bronze and dark metal trim, with a clock;
hanging lantern, with gothic arches and a ring at the bottom;
.447: hanging
light fixture, with pillars on sides topped with points;
hanging light fixture, modern in style, an octagon in shape; with view from
hanging light fixture, narrow, marked “made for Ogontz School”; part of another
note has been trimmed off;
hanging light fixture, with “plan of bottom” showing 5 electric bulbs;
hanging lantern, with tassel at bottom and a sketch of “plan and bottom of
Box 12: light fixtures, not numbered (acc. 90x56)
.452: lantern, unclear whether hanging or wall, with
birds’ heads as decorations on part of it; glass is probably etched; includes
“1/2 plan lantern”; number and note about placement have been cut off, but was
for “Public & [missing]”;
hanging light fixture, with glass canopy;
hanging light fixture, gothic decoration (with crosses, perhaps for a church);
hanging light fixture, gothic decoration, perhaps for a church; notes: “3
chains,” “bent art glass,” “art glass,” “hexagonal,” “white flashed special
diffusing glass” (this was for glass at bottom of fixture);
hanging light fixture, with “crown” at top and conical decorations, and tassel
at bottom, includes pencil sketch of plan; for “Palm Room” [another Palm Room
drawing: .108];
hanging light fixture, glass sides decorated with flowers; includes glass balls,
and a pink tassel at the bottom;
.458: hanging
lantern or chandelier: wrought iron with brass trim, suspended from a cross and
with trefoil designs so perhaps meant for a church; no bulbs are shown, just
the “cage” for the fixture, OVERSIZE –
.459: ceiling fixture with three shades hanging down;
ceiling fixture with “glass sunburst” shade, in two sizes, one for “living
room” and a smaller one for “conference rm.”;
ceiling fixture with gold and green silk shade and glass ball and prisms
handing down;
ceiling fixture, including dragon heads and stylized scallop shells as part of
hanging light fixture, a combination of a space ship and an amusement park
hanging light fixture with three shades hanging down, two of which are topped
by shades pointing upwards; also, a lantern hanging from a hook has been
partially erased from the design;
ceiling fixture, with “square (glass)” shade and crystal balls; [acc. .169 uses
a similar shade, although the rest of the design is different];
.466: chandelier
which includes a ball that is “glass, gold mirrored inside, [with] cut design”;
the chandelier includes prisms and glass beads and at least 7 arms;
chandelier, probably in antique bronze; two views: from side and from bottom,
showing human faces on bottom part of platform which holds the bulbs (of which
there are 8); for “Board Room”;
chandelier, only partially drawn, to have 3 chains, with rack of prisms in
middle and a “clear glass plate [with] engraved design] forming the bottom;
includes view from side and view from bottom;
chandelier: green middle with brass trim, statuette in the middle, with glass
or crystal beads and drops;
chandelier, green with brass trim, two tiers of lights (but lights at various
heights); glass reflectors behind the top-most lights;
chandelier: glass or crystal, with two tiers of arms and glass or crystal
.472: chandelier:
glass or crystal, with glass or crystal prisms and areas of etched or cut
chandelier: glass, with glass prisms and areas of etched or cut glass;
chandelier: light colored metal with “glass rods” and “2 electric inside” [the
rods]; includes side view and view from bottom showing “engraved design” on
bottom glass; four light sockets shown, but plan indicates there were six;
design includes modern elements with older decorative motifs;
chandelier: body probably wood, with metal decoration, and a tassel suspended
at bottom;
chandelier: metal frame, with parts hooked together;
chandelier: metal frame, with three tiers of lights (two tiers start on same
level but one set is raised higher than the other);
hanging light fixture or small chandelier: metal, with leaf decorations and
“wool tassel” suspended from bottom;
hanging light fixture: green metal with glass or mirrors; two views: from side
and as seen from bottom;
hanging light fixture: with basket of fruit in middle, glass drops, 6 lights;
Box 13: light fixtures, not numbered (acc. 90x56)
.481: wall lantern and a rustic chandelier; the drawing
of the wall lantern shows side view and detail of wall plate; the chandelier is
a circle of metal with light fixtures attached, with chains used to hold the
circle in place;
ceiling fixture, with “6 electric” bulbs hidden by prisms; includes side view
and detail of the ceiling mount, with note: “mirror cut on back, gold mirror
& bevel edge,” for “Dining Room alternate”;
ceiling fixture: bulb in decorative metal fixture; two views: from side and
ceiling mount from below; for “First Floor Passage”;
.484: ceiling
fixture: glass shade, cut or etched with a pattern;
ceiling fixture: hexagonal shade, with lead trim;
ceiling fixture: cut or etched glass shade within a “cage”; also a pencil
sketch which more closely resembles the design in .484;
ceiling fixture with clear and green glass prisms and beads; two views: one
from side and one a “plan of mirror” used for the decorative ceiling mount;
ceiling fixture: bulbs in green metal fixture with wool tassel suspended from
ceiling fixture: dark metal; two views: from side and a detail, not of the
ceiling mount but of the canopy over the bulb, which has cut-out designs filled
with something red;
ceiling fixture: dark metal; two views: from side and a detail of the ceiling
mount, which has cut-out designs filled with something red; includes a tassel
suspended from middle;
ceiling fixture: dark metal; two views: from side and a detail of the ceiling
ceiling fixture: dark metal; two views: from side and a detail of the ceiling
mount, which has cut-out designs filled with something red, but with note:
“color as selected”;
.493: ceiling
fixture: bulb screwed into green fixture decorated with stars; (on board with
ceiling fixture with prisms; two views: from side and detail of ceiling mount,
part of which might be mirrored;
.495: ceiling
fixture, with pink metal arms and glass ceiling mount and what appears to be a
prism suspended from middle;
ceiling fixture in a modern design, two views: angled from below and from side,
showing bulb within a ring of glass; this also gives a measurement;
ceiling fixture: bulb in “glass, light amber” ceiling mount;
ceiling fixture: partial colored sketch: bulb in green socket, partially hidden
by prisms and drops; also a detail of the ceiling mount showing that part of it
was mirrored;
ceiling fixtures: two designs: 1 and B; the shade on Design 1 was a “metal bowl
(painted lines); the shade on Design B was “glass bowl added to present owner’s
fixture”; the “present owner’s fixture” is indicated in pencil;
designs for ten light fixtures, including ceiling fixtures, wall light, and
floor lamp, for living room, 2d floor hall, entry, living room at mantel,
baths, bed rooms, entrance, and kitchen; the kitchen and bath ceiling fixtures
are simple and utilitarian; the living room ceiling fixture and floor lamp
include designs of a ship; the 2d floor hall is a ceiling lantern (this design
has 2 drawings: as seen from side and as seen from below); the entry has a
simple two-bulb sconce and a candlestick form of a table lamp; the entrance
wall light is shown from the side; the ceiling fixtures for the bedrooms
include a pleated shade; the ceiling fixture in the lower right corner, with
prisms hiding the bulb, is also perhaps for bedrooms;
board with .493);
metal work: bracket, with measurements, and part to be “castg brass”; several
views; no light fixture attached so the bracket could have been for something
chandelier: metal with glass shades facing downwards; labeled “GO – 9924 –
67403”; also written on paper: “Plain, List, Etcher”;
chandelier: metal with glass shades facing downwards; labeled “GO – 9938”;
chandelier: metal with glass shades facing downwards; labeled “GO – 9927 –
67402”; also written on paper: “Plain, List, Etcher”;
chandelier: metal with glass shades facing downwards; labeled “Go – 9940 –
chandelier: metal, with candle-like sockets (but round bulbs), labeled: “GO –
9939 – 16192”; with notes mentioning plain etched, 3 elec. Is++ and 4 elec.
I.E.++, incl. candles, scale 3 inch;
ceiling fixture: single glass shade attached to metal ceiling mount; labeled GO
9937-67398; includes notes about plain, 1 elect., etch, etc.;
wall sconce: light colored metal, 2 arms, oval wall plate with design on it;
GO-9931-23166, with those plain, elec., etc. notes, also “pull switches”;
Sterling Bronze Company photographs, all are blind
embossed: “This design is the property of Sterling Bronze Company, New York,
who reserved the sole right to manufacture same”:
hanging lantern: enhanced photograph, labeled X-30971, SPR-9 in, and signed
wall sconce: two arms, diamond-shaped wall plate; labeled X-43694, SPR 6
chandelier: metal with prisms, labeled X46302 SPR. 18 in., with price
wall sconce: two arms, fairly simple oval wall plate; labeled X-48352, SPR. 6 ½
wall sconce: two arms, fairly simple oval wall plate; labeled X-48348, SPR. 6
in.; in addition to the blind embossing, this is also stamped with name of
Sterling Bronze Company, including company’s address;
wall sconce: two arms, 18th century style wall plate; no. X048694,
SPR 6 ½ in.;
wall sconce: two arms, fairly simple oval wall plate, no. X-36026, SPR 7 in.;
not embossed;
.516: wall
sconce: two arms, with vase-shaped wall plate; no. X-37046, SPR 6 in.;
wall sconce: two arms, wall plate is probably mirrored, includes a floral
design; no. X-37789, SPR 7 ½ in.;
chandelier: metal with glass or crystal drops and beads; no. X48948, SPR 17 ½
hanging light fixture: lantern-style, with glass canopy; no. X-35199, SPR 14 ½
in ov.all.;
wall sconce: two arms, wall plate in design of a ribbon, no. X-35479, SPR 7 in;
[$]35.00; also numbered 1665;
wall sconce: two arms, with urn-shaped wall plate; no. X-35484, SPR 8 ½ in.;
table electric candlestick: two arms, with prisms, shades penciled in over
bulbs; no. X-35885, HTH – 14 ½ in ov.all.;
wall sconce: two arms, urn-shaped wall plate, no. X-37046, SOR 5 ½ in.
wall sconce: two arms, with mirrored wall plate, decorated with prisms; no.
X-37161, SPR 6 in. ov.all.; also stamped with name and address of company;
wall sconce: two arms, with mirrored wall plate, shades over bulbs; no.
X-38722, SPR 7 in.; [$]55.00;
table electric candlestick: two arms, with prisms; no. X-39841, SPR – 10 in;
Drawings of lighting fixtures, no numbers:
floor lamp, with four feet and a downward pointing shade; dark metal with brass
or bronze trim; labeled W.24836, for “Library”;
ceiling fixture: bulb in metal fixture with points; labeled W563, for “2nd
wall sconce: with metal hood and shiny metal or mirrored back; three views:
from front, from side, and from bottom; number has been cut off; the word out has been circled;
board with .532-.533, and filed under those numbers)
wall lantern A, shown from side, with plan penciled in; #26576, [$]360.00l ¼
full size;
hanging lantern, with plan penciled in, labeled 26978;
chandelier: colored metal or wood, with flowers, and a large tassel suspended
from bottom, #26172, ¼ full size;
.533: chandelier:
darkish metal, with two tiers of arms, #25941, [$]450.00; although it says full
size, it is obviously not and the left hand side of the paper has probably been
Box 14: mostly light fixtures (not mounted) (acc.
Folder 1:
.1 no.
1199[? last digit is partly cut off]: hanging ceiling fixture, dark metal with
brass trim, tassel suspended from bottom
.2 no.
1676: wall sconce: dark metal with gold trim
.3 no.
1783: andirons;
1784: fire screen, with pencil sketch of plan, showing hinge placement;
1785: tall lamps/torchères, all grouped around a fireplace, all dark metal with
brass trim, all for “Living Room”
.4 no.
1894: hanging ceiling fixture, dark metal with brass trim and glass drops, with
tassel suspended from middle of bottom
Box 14: Folder 2:
.5 no.
2170: hanging ceiling fixture: with Egyptian-style papyrus blossom motifs, blue
shade, pink flowers; for “Sitting Room”
.6 no.
2600: terrace lantern or street light: dark metal, brass or bronze trim, shows
sitting atop a short column; scale: 2” = 1 foot;
,7 no.
2651: terrace lantern or street light: similar to no. 2600; shown in gray,
scale: 2” = 1 foot
.8 no.
2757: wall lantern, probably in antique bronze, with leaf motifs as decoration
Box 14: Folder 3:
.9 no.
3125: wall lantern, in dark metal with grass knob on top, includes pencil
sketch of plan, and two sizes, one for “Main Entrance” and a smaller size for
“Side Entrance”
.10 no. 3427:
wall lantern, in dark metal; for “South Entrance, Dining Room Entrance”
.11 no. 3735:
wall sconce, with two arms, bulbs in shade of candles; wall plate is round with
eagle in middle, surrounded by stars and laurel wreath
.12 no. 3792:
metal work over a walkway, with hanging lantern in middle, with front and side
views, and a human figure to provide scale; the metal work is attached to short
columns; scale: ½” = 1 foot
.13 no. 3814:
wall lantern, decorated with arrows, as seen from side and with a detail of the
wall plate, for “Piazza”
.14 no. 3821:
wall lantern, in antique bronze with brass trim; as seen from front and as seen
from side
.15 no. 3824:
ceiling fixture: as seen from side and with detail of the ceiling mount; the
word Laut is written on the paper,
and “1 E/ 12—[$12.00]”
.16 no. 3829:
ceiling fixture, for “Basement, Land Title & Trust Co., [$]12.00”; includes
some alterations made in pencil;
also no. 3826, acc. 90x56.118, for same project; notes about the building are
found under the entry for no. 3826]
.17 no. 3831:
wall sconce, with two arms, round bulbs; wall plate is round (perhaps mirrored
in center), with eagle perched on top, for “alternate Hall or Dining Rm,”
.18 no. 3916:
floor lamp: with two arms holding chamber sticks, dark metal, brass trim,
probably four feet, with height: 5’ 4 5/8” overall (might be 7 5/8”)
.19 no. 3999:
wall lantern, front and side views, from front has figure of walking man in a
top hat, for “Driveway entrance”
also no. 1971, acc. 90x56.38: same male figure but the other details of the
lanterns differ]
Box 14: Folder 4:
.20 no. 4018:
wall lantern, for “Main Terrace Entrance, Dining Room Bay”
.21 no. 4024:
ceiling fixture, two views: from side (showing a tassel suspended from center)
and a detail of the fixture as seen from below, sowing thistle design, for
“Living Room”
.22 no. 4088:
two floor lamps/torchères, shown in the Living Room setting for which they were
intended, standing on either side of a carved wooden chest, with a large
painting or tapestry above it; two human figures to one side give scale; scale:
¾” = 1 foot
.23 no. 4154:
ceiling fixture: with three views: from side, showing use of glass panels; a
plan of the bottom plate of engraved glass, and a plan of the ceiling plate, an
alternate for “foot of stairs, front of officers space, 2nd stair
hall & ceiling over mezz[anine]”; scale: 1 1/2” = 1 foot [see also no. 4158
.24 no 4158:
a ceiling fixture, similar to no. 4154 above; with three views: from side,
showing use of glass panels; a plan of the bottom plate of engraved glass, and
a plan of the ceiling plate, for “foot of stairs, front of officers space, 2nd
stair hall & ceiling over mezz[anine]”; scale: 1 1/2” = 1 foot
.25 no. 4254:
a ceiling fixture, with side and bottom view (bottom view reveals the fixture
to be a triangle in shape); for “Stairs”[?]
.26 no. 4291:
chandelier: in dark metal with bronze trim, and exposed round bulbs
2017x95.3: draft of a letter, dated Sept. 28, 1928, regarding fixtures proposed
for the Hotel Carolina in Pinehurst, North Carolina; this chandelier design is
mentioned, to be finished in painted
antique iron and gilt, and to cost $600]
.27 no. 4309:
wall lantern, in dark metal with brass knob, apparently attached to wall in 3
places; for “Rear Entrance (adapted to conditions)”
.28 4417:
chandelier, with long chain, in dark metal, with trefoil and cross decorations
(possibly for a church) – OVERSIZE – IN
,29 no. 4445:
wall sconce, one arm green metal with yellow or brass decoration, two views:
one from side and the other a detail of the wall plate, shown full size,
.30 no. 4577:
candelabrum: glass or crystal, with two arms (presumably an electric table
lamp, rather than a candelabrum for candles)
.31 no. 4598:
chandelier or hanging ceiling lantern: dark metal, bronze, and glass, with a
tassel suspended from bottom; the name Ford
is written on the paper
.32 no. 4604:
chandelier, in 18th century style, with 8 electric candles
.33 no. 4612:
ceiling fixture, shown with blue ceiling mount and lamp shade but both are
noted as being available in “color as desired”; “[$]30.00 – 1 E”
Box 14: Folder 5:
.34 no. 4620:
wall lantern, gothic decoration, shown from front and with pencil sketch of
plain, for “Main Entrance”
.35 no. 4622:
wall lantern, gothic style, with three views: from side, with detail of wall
mount, and a plan, for “Outside Main Entrance”
.36 no. 4626:
ceiling fixture, with brass trim and etched or engraved glass bottom; two
views: from side and detail of the bottom glass plate (as seen from below); for
.37 no. 4627:
ceiling fixture fairly utilitarian in style; a long note about the fixture has
been erased
.38 no. 4629:
platform fixture: a simple light fixture, with a beam shining down, for
.39 no. 4644:
wall lantern: dark metal, for “Main Entrance, alternate”
.40 no. 4652:
wall lantern: in antique bronze, two views from front and from side, showing a
hurricane shade inside the lantern; for “Main Entrance Outside”
.41 no. 4661:
wall sconce, round wall plate surmounted by an eagle, with stars decorating the
plate; only one arm is shown but probably there were to be two (one on either
side of wall plate), includes a detail of the star decoration and other details
of the fixture
.42 no. 4670:
wall lantern, for “gate posts”
.43 no. 4672:
full size drawing of a plan for something (apparently not a wall or ceiling
mount as there are hinges on the left side), above this drawing is a sketch of
something showing location of “holes for vent”; everything was to be in the
“Dining Room” – OVERSIZE – IN MAP CASE
.44 no. 4675:
wall lantern, with two views: from front and a side view of the arm holding the
lantern in place, for “Porch steps”
.45 no. 4814:
wall fixture: two views: from front and pencil sketch of plan; the fixture
appears to include etched or molded glass panels, for “Public and work
space” [see also no. 4817]
.46 no. 4817:
wall fixture: a variation of .4814 above; only shows the front view; for
“Public work space, C-E”
.47 no. 4951:
chandelier: with two tiers of lights; includes plans of upper and lower tiers;
for “Entrance Halls – C10-C19, 600 watts”
.48 no. 4969:
torchère or floor lantern: made with sandstone base and several areas of
lights; the fixture was to have one 500 watt bulb in the center, then a ring
with eight 100 watt bulbs, then a ring with 8 25 watt bulbs and a ring with
sixteen 25 wall bulbs; also includes plan of rings A and B; for “Exhibition
Gallery C 15, 1900 to 2100 watts”; scale 1 ½” to 1 foot
Box 14: Folder 6:
Note: some of the drawings in this folder are for a
skyscraper (22nd-25th floors are mentioned); unnumbered drawings for the
same project are in folder 7 in this box
.49 no. 5094:
ceiling fixture with shade in three colors (brown, pale yellow, light gray),
for “Arcade,” “OK”
.50 no. 5098:
ceiling fixture, with molded or etched glass side, to be a square, for
“Elevator lobby, 24th floor”
.51 no. 5106:
ceiling fixture, with hexagonal bottom decorated with a star; calls for 32”
diameter hole in ceiling and a hole in upper glass for renewal of lamps; 1
wanted, for “Reception hall, 25th floor):; to have eight 50 watt bulbs, for total of 400 watts; scale
1 ½” = 1 foot
.52 no. 5108:
ceiling fixture, side and end views, in various lengths (2-10 feet) and widths
(7-14 inches) to be used in various places (22nd floor corridor and
public space, private elevator vestibule, and 23d floor corridor), part of the
fixture was to be mirrored, wattage varied according to length; scale 1 ½”= 1
5109 and 5111 are similar and are for same
.53 no. 5109:
ceiling fixture, side and end views, for “public elevator lobby, 22nd
floor”; to have 400 watts in all; scale 1 ½” = 1 foot
5108 and 5111 are similar and are for same
.54 no. 5111:
ceiling fixture: side and end views, similar to 5108 and 5109, for corridor,
private elevator vestibule, and reception room on 24th floor, in
different lengths; scale 1 ½” = 1 foot
.55 no. 5114:
ceiling fixture for recessed light, with measurements, location of hinge; for “under
entrance hood”
.56 no. 5146:
ceiling fixture, with front and end views and plan (view from bottom), includes
Art deco details; scale: 1 ½” = 1 foot
.57 no. 5195:
ceiling fixture, with side and end views; two tiers of bulbs: upper tier to
have 4 and lower tier to have 8; total of 1200 watts; for “Mr. Watson’s Office”;
scale: 1 ½” = 1 foot
.58 no. 5240:
ceiling fixture: with engraved lines on glass and heavy plate glass; includes
side and end elevations, and part of plan of bottom; available with 8 or 16
.59 no. 5240
1/2: ceiling fixture: with engraved lines on glass and heavy plate glass;
includes side and end elevations, and part of plan of bottom; available with 4
or 8 lights
.60 no. 5241:
ceiling fixture: with engraved lines on glass; includes side and end
elevations, and part of plan of bottom; scale: 1 1/2” = 1 foot
.61 no. 5242:
ceiling fixture: with sunk lines on glass; includes side and end elevations,
and part of plan of bottom; available with 8 or 16 lights
.62 no. 5242
½: ceiling fixture: with engraved lines on glass; includes side and end
elevations, and part of plan of bottom; available with 4 or 8 lights
.63 no. 5246:
wall lantern, hexagonal in shape, side view, with ¼ plan of bottom drawn in
blue pencil; “style of 5185” [no drawing with that number in this collection];
full size drawing, with some measurements - OVERSIZE – IN MAP CASE
.64 no. 5280:
wall lantern, in antique bronze, hexagonal in shape, with rayed flowers as
decorative elements on the sides; includes view from front and pencil sketch of
plan; for “Outside Court”
.65 no. 5292:
wall lantern: front and side views, for “Outside main entrance”
.66 no. 5489:
chandelier: with wood body and wool tassel suspended from bottom; four arms
shown, with bulbs resembling candles
.67 no. 5594:
street lamp/outdoor lantern, with lantern-style top and flower design in column
of fixture, includes pencil sketch of plan of base
also no. 5655, acc. 90x56.190: similar design]
.68 no. 5704:
ceiling fixture: side and end elevations, with plan (showing fixture as seen
when looking up at ceiling), for “Board Room – 24th floor”; scale 1
½” = 1 foot
Box 14: Folder 7: unnumbered drawings for light fixtures
for a skyscraper
Note: the drawings in this folder are for a skyscraper
(22nd-25th floors are mentioned); numbered drawings for the same project are in folder 6 in this box
.69 ceiling
fixture: side and end elevations and plan, with engraved glass inserts; in
different lengths, for “Executive Dept.”
.70 ceiling
fixture: side and end elevations, showing opaque engraved glass; and with
bottom plan, showing engraved diffusing glass panels; approximate length: 44
feet; “23rd floor stock board room” has been crossed out, and the
word OUT has been written on the
.71 ceiling
fixture: end elevation, showing opaque glass panels on sides and end and
diffusing glass panel on bottom; also some other diagrams; “23rd
floor stock board room” has been crossed out, and the word OUT has been written on the paper; scale 1 ½” = 1 foot
.72 ceiling
fixture: side and end elevations, showing gold mirrored glass with a design;
and with bottom plan; to be 42’ 6” in length; “23rd floor board
room” with other notes; scale 1 ½” = 1 foot
.73 ceiling
fixture, side view and view from bottom; for Private office on 22nd
floor; Mr. Hunter’s and Mr. Thayer’s offices (both 23rd floor) conference room,
syndicate department and special partners, all on 24th floor
.74 ceiling
fixture: seems to be a recessed light; shows side and bottom views, for “Board
Room over customers men’s desks, and Executive Dept. alcoves”; scale: 1 ½” = 1
.75 ceiling
fixture: side and bottom views; for “Public Elevator Lobby – 23rd
floor”; scale: 1 ½” = 1 foot
.76 ceiling
fixture: side and bottom views, showing use of engraved glass, silvered; for
“Hall – 25th floor”; scale 1 ½” = 1 foot
.77 chandelier:
side view and plan; chandelier has 3 tiers of lights, plus bulbs near the
ceiling; for “24th floor, Mr. Watson’s office” – this has been
crossed out; also written: “out, see 5150” [no drawing with that number is in
this collection]; scale: 1 ½” = 1 foot
.78 chandelier:
side view and plan; chandelier has 1 tier of lights, plus bulbs near the
ceiling; for “Mr. Watson’s office, 24th floor”; scale: 1 ½” = 1 foot
Box 14: Folder 8: unnumbered drawings, divided by
fixture type
.79 wall-mounted
hanging lantern, with flagpole, front and side views, and measurements of the
side of the building to which it was to be attached; American flag flying
.80 wall-mounted
hanging lantern: front and side views and a plan; part of a sketch is on the
right side of the page (colors are done on back of sheet, but show through to
the front)
.81 wall
sconce: light colored metal, oval back, single exposed bulb, side view
.82 wall
sconce: dark metal with brass trim and design; single bulb with glass shade,
side view and detail of wall plate
.83 wall
sconce: light metal arm with “mirror cutting and back” for pointed oval wall
plate; single bulb with glass shade, side view and detail of wall plate
.84 wall
sconce: light metal arm and wall plate, with two bulbs, one in back of the
other; side view
.85 wall
sconce: two arms, light colored metal, with wall plate in form of an urn,
marked “Drawn by Paul Eckard” (probably so marked at a later time than the
.86 wall
sconce: two arms, antique bronze, wall plate in shape of a baluster
.87 wall
sconce: two arms, antique bronze, wall plate in shape of an escutcheon
.88 wall
sconce: two arms, red metal with brass decoration and trim, vaguely Chinese
.89 wall
sconce: two arms, partly painted metal, partly glass, wall plate in form of
basket with spray of flowers; includes tassel suspended from bottom and two
suspended glass balls
.90 wall
sconce: two arms: wrought iron with bronze trim; wall plate includes vase with
thistle and roses
.91 wall
sconce: two arms: wrought iron wall plate, with bulbs in tub-like holders
.92 wall
sconce: two arms, bronze or possibly wooden wall plate, including two thistles
in the design
.93 wall
sconce: two arms; wall plate probably wood, but arms are iron; bulbs are in
tub-like holders
.94 wall
sconce: two arms: wood wall plate with iron parts; bulbs are in tub-like
.95 wall
sconce: two arms: wood wall plate with iron arms
.96 wall
sconce: two arms: glass wall pate, with molded or etched designs, glass or
crystal prisms and drops, probably full size drawing
.97 wall
sconce: two arms: metal wall pate incorporates an arrow and ribbon in the
design, glass or crystal prisms and beads, probably full size drawing
.98 wall
sconce: two arms: mirrored back plate, incorporating red or pink glass as well
.99 wall
sconce: two arms: mirrored back plate with etched design, topped by a section
with blue background and gold-colored basket of flowers
.100 wall
sconce: two arms: mirrored back plate, with columns and swags
.101 wall
sconce: two bulbs: mirrored back plate within a metal holder topped with an
eagle; in addition to view from front, there is a rough pencil sketch of the
.102 wall
sconce: two arms: diamond-shaped etched mirrored (or glass) back plate, topped
with a small flower, tassel suspended from bottom, also includes prisms, cost
Box 14: Folder 9: unnumbered drawings, divided by
fixture type
.103 wall
sconce: two arms, shaded bulbs: green metal, wall plate in form of vase,
includes prisms [some substance mars part of paper]
.104 wall
sconce: two arms, shaded bulbs: brass with glass shades and prisms
.105 wall
sconce: two arms, shaded bulbs: green and bronze metal with shaded bulbs and
.106 wall
sconce: only shows two arms but the plan shows that there were three bulbs;
with large wall plate, upper part of which includes two-handled vase with
flower; includes view from front and a plan
.107 wall
sconce: three arms, wood or painted metal, with acorn at bottom, glass drops
.108 wall
sconce: three arms, wrought iron, with stylized thistle at top of wall plate,
includes pencil sketch of part of plan
.109 wall
sconce: three arms, wrought iron and light-colored metal, view from front and
as seen from below
.110 wall
sconce: two tiers of lights (2 in upper, 3 in lower tier), antique bronze, 18th
century style; fixture shown attached to a wall
.111 table
lamp, pencil drawing; with metal shade, available with 2 or 3 bulbs, the word Record is also written on the sketch
.112 table
lamp[?] (possible a wall fixture): three tiers of light bulbs coming out of a
colored box-like base
.113 hanging
lantern: rectangular brass lantern, with view from side and plan of bottom
.114 hanging
lantern: wrought iron, hexagonal or octagonal
.115 hanging
lantern: pink metal with brass trim, hexagonal or octagonal
.116 hanging
lamp: brass and glass, with glass “roof” and glass drops
.117 hanging
lamp: brass and glass, with glass “roof”
.118 hanging
lamp: light colored metal and glass, with design in black, possibly full size
.119 hanging
lamp: as per note, the finish was available in “pewter & gold or weather
old brass or black & gold”; included a clear cylinder shade and 3 electric
bulbs; includes eagles as part of metal work
.120 hanging
lamp: glass and antique bronze, with stylized fleur-de-lis and other
decoration, for “Stair Lobby”
.121 hanging
lamp: glass and colored metal trim, with stylized scallop shells, glass drops,
and glass ball suspended from bottom; includes plan of bottom, labeled #8,
.122 hanging
lamp: glass dome with glass “roof,” tassel suspended from bottom
.123 hanging
lamp: glass dome with glass “roof,” metal trim, acorn suspended from bottom,
cost $75.00
Box 14: Folder 10: unnumbered drawings, divided by
fixture type
.124 hanging
light fixture: glass and colored metal fixture, with roses and a large prism
suspended from middle of fixture
.125 hanging
light fixture: in antique bronze, with circular tiered shade
.126 chandelier:
pencil sketch of an elaborate fixture with round globes; the sketch was in
pieces and someone taped it together and taped it to cardboard so this is in
distressed condition (do not remove from archival polyester sleeve without
permission from library staff)
.127 chandelier:
a five-arm fixture, black metal with brass trip, includes an eagle perched atop
the ball from which the arms extend
.128 chandelier:
light colored metal or glass, shows 4 arms, bulbs resemble candels
.129 chandelier:
antique bronze ring with bulbs inside sockets resembling oil lamps with metal
shades; 4 “lamps” shown
.130 chandelier:
wrought iron, gothic in style, possibly for a church or Jacobethan style home
.131 chandelier:
pencil sketch of a large, elaborate fixture, the candle-like bulbs have small
shades; a large tassel is suspended from the bottom
.132 ceiling
fixture: brass and glass, with “cut glass on bottom”; side view and view as
seen from looking up; for “First floor main hall”; a number has been cut off at
the bottom of page
.133 ceiling
fixture: antique bronze and mirror, with multi-colored tassel; side view and
detail of ceiling plate, marked OK
.134 ceiling
fixtures: 4 different sizes and shapes, but all gothic-inspired in frosted
glass and wrought iron
Box 14: Folder 11: metal work
.135 plans for
double swing door, meeting stiles, and door jamb; and section drawings through
jamb, sill, and transom bar; “all shapes shown aluminum”; unknown project
.136 details of
metal work, possibly a light fixture, noted as being ½ front view; various
details are shown
.137 details of
metal work, possibly a floor lamp, with various notes, including measurements
and “to give tapered look hammer corners”
.138 details of
metal work, perhaps radiator grills or parts of balustrades
.139 details of
metal work, possibly a floor lamp or andiron
.140 details of
metal work, possibly an andiron -
.141 floor
lamp: pencil sketch and details of metal work, with some measurements - OVERSIZE – IN MAP CASE
Box 14: Folder 12: metal work
.142-.179 sketches
for metal work, chiefly for gates and fences, but some could be for grilles, or
sketch for gate, in color, on back of an announcement for the Eastern
Manufacturers and Importers Exhibit to be held at the New Palmer House,
Chicago, Feb. 1-13, no year (but circa 1926; the new Palmer House was built
sketches down on the backs of pages of The
Dodge Bulletin for 1950;
two sided; sketch on one side mentions kitchen break[fast] nook and din[ing]
two sided sketch, with what appears to be a fence on one side, but the other
side includes a plan of a staircase;
.180a-d four
sketches for the same gate, one of which is in color; two sketches have
measurements and indicate the scale is ¾” = 1’
.181a-j sketches
for a gate with a sun; .181a does not include the sun, but is related to the
rest of the designs, which do; three of the sketches are on the backs of pages
of The Dodge Bulletin for 1950;
.182-.203 sketches
chiefly for balustrades and stair rails, some with scale and measurements, some
pages have sketches on both sides; some are on the backs of pages of The Dodge Bulletin for 1950;
.204a-c sketches
for balustrades and other grill work; many of the designs incorporates a Star
of David motif, so perhaps these were done for a synagogue
.205-.211 sketches
for fireplace equipment: andirons, shovels, pokers, and stands for fireplace
tools; some pages have sketches on both sides; some are on the backs of pages
of The Dodge Bulletin for 1950;
page of sketches, including the fireplace in the living room, a damper rod,
screen, log grate; includes measurements
.212-.225 sketches
for furniture with metal frames, including chairs and tables; some pages have
sketches on both sides; some are on the backs of pages of The Dodge Bulletin for 1950;
.216, .219-.221: chairs;
.223-.224: tables;
bench, or perhaps a fender for a fireplace;
mostly chairs, but also includes a light fixture;
chair, table, and outline of a hand; also a sketch on back;
mirror and console table, with identification written backwards [for related
design, see acc. 90x56.379];
Box 14: Folder 13: furniture and miscellaneous
.226 pencil
drawings of extension table and buffet, both to be made of mahogany with white
holly inlay; includes front and side elevations and details; scale 1 ½” = 1
.227 pencil
drawings of arm and side chairs and a drop-leaf table, with front and side
elevations and some details, including plan of inlay for the “front face leg
only”; some of the details of these pieces match details of the pieces in .226
.228 color
drawing of gable end of a building with a wide entranceway, with fanlight over
the doorway, wall lanterns and plants in buckets on either side of door, some
measurements indicated; also shows woman entering doorway;
back: rough sketches, including what looks like a niche with a fountain
2017x95.4a-y “Lighting
Fixture Suggestions, Mr. M. A. Bruner, Bryn Mawr Farms”:
with suggested light fixtures for porte cochère (hanging lantern, no. 5694);
service entrance and entrance outside reception hall (ceiling fixture, no.
5692); garage entrance (hanging lantern, no. 5693); outside garage (wall
lantern, no. 5419); first and second floor halls (chandelier or sconce, no.
4863); living room over mantel (sconce, no. 5689); library (sconce, no. 4121);
living room (probably a sconce, no. 5691); stairwell (hanging lantern, no.
5684); dining room (glass sconce, no. 5696); first floor passage (simple
ceiling fixture, no. 5642); basement recreation room (ceiling fixture, no.
5676); recreations room and basement hall (ceiling fixture, no. 4216); master
bed room (two sconces, no. 5426 and 5427; also ceiling fixture, no. 5699);
alcove in master bed room (ceiling fixture, no. 5644); M.F. and M.B. bedrooms
(ceiling fixture, no. 5647); back bed room (large ceiling fixture, no. 5371); master
bathroom (ceiling fixture with mirror, no. 5697); bathroom and master bath room
(sconce with mirror wall plate, no. 5698); kitchen (simple wall mounted
fixture, no. 1859); lavatory, coat room, and cold room (simple ceiling fixture,
no. 3783); kitchen and pantry (ceiling fixture, no. 5545); and garage (simple
ceiling fixture, no. 3010; this version is slightly different from those
depicted on acc. 90x56.78-.79);
information was found about M. A. Bruner or Bryn Mawr Farms.
Box 15: miscellaneous (letter size box)
Folder 1: metal work (acc. 2017x134)
profiles of items available in cast iron, types E, F, G, H, apparently
available from V. Blum, New York City;
profiles of bronze handrails (no. 2845-2848, 2850-2854, 2866, 2869), bronze
cove mouldings (no. B2814, B2815, B2818); and aluminum channels (no. 4900-4908,
4912-4914), available from #34 catalog [unknown company], with some
pencil drawings of old hinges, door handles and pulls, casement fastening, bell
pull, with notes, mostly English;
pencil drawings of door handles “used by colonist along Atlantic[?] seaboard”;
pencil drawings of Spanish metalwork;
Folder 2: sketches, mostly calligraphy
floral designs;
“Merry Christmas, 1949”:
“It’s Christmas! Greetings”:
“Greetings and Best Wishes for Christmas!”;
“Greetings and Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year”;
“Here’s Wishing Your All the Season’s Greetings”:
“The Seasons Greetings” (.242p has some added initials);
envelope which held the above items;
alphabet, numbers, &, random letters, the word Bronze twice, and “The Seasons Greetings” [this was not in the
envelope with the smaller items]
Folder 3: notes, chiefly about metal safety treads and
floor plates (acc. 2017x134.245)
Folder 4: magazine articles
“Stairs,” from The House Beautiful,
with photos, no date;
“Decoration, 1630-1947,” about the book American
Interior Design by Meyric Rogers, from Newsweek,
Dec. 22, 1947;
pictures of stairs from various publications, all attached to the table of
contents page of The House Beautiful,
May 1923
Folder 5: advertisements for Georgian Lighting Shops,
photocopied from various publications, 1920s (but the publications’ names were
not recorded) (acc. 2017x134.249a-d)
to the ads, the company offered “lighting fixtures in period styles, andirons,
antiques, clocks, lamps.” Later ads also
mention gates and grills, and “wrot [sic] work in iron and brass.”
Folder 6: hanging lantern for faculty house at Duke
University (copies only) (acc. 2017x134.250a-c)
donor sent the original drawing of this to Duke University, where apparently
the lantern still hangs.)
Folder 7: first year certificate A issued to Paul
Eckard, 1907, from the Art Schools of the Spring Garden Institute: this
certified that Eckard had completed certain studies (which are indicated on the
list on the certificate) during the 1906-1907 school term, and that his work
was excellent; signed by President Addison B. Burk and Principal Wm. A. Porter;
blind embossed with seal of the institute; certificate printed by Spangler
& Davis, Printers, Philadelphia. (acc. 2017x134.251)
College Institute was founded as a technical training school in 1851. It eventually became a degree-granting
college but closed around 1990.]
Folder 8: Edwin F. Eckard: cartoons: most stamped with
his surname on the front, and with his name and address on the back; most have
captions affixed to back, but some captions are now missing (acc. 2017x134.252-.265)
three men in suits talking across a table or counter, not marked with name, no
woman giving pants to hobo; “Madam – are you sure you can spare them?”;
bellboys in lobby, one carrying a tray; caption missing;
two men at a lunchroom counter, with diner worker behind the counter; caption
teacher at her desk, facing her classroom; caption missing;
.257: crowd of people, including two
sailors, on subway platform; “Willie has a bright idea – he suggest filling it
with water!”
policeman talking to man in a car parked next to fire hydrant; caption missing;
two hobbies talking, with a third in background, and a train going by; “When
better models come rolling along – I’m leaving!”
a couple looking out window at two painters working on a skyscraper; “Dear –
doctor orders a high altitude for me – and look, those men just naturally acquire
crowded subway car; “Always our luck Mom – never a seat, why don’t they build
bigger cars?”
another crowded subway car: “Mother – now you see why I always wanted a cain
[sic, i.e. cane]!”
elderly man talking to physician; “There’s one thing that worries me Doc – my
next birthday 101?”
soldier looking at a woman’s back; “Make up your mind soldier – and remember –
there still a navy?”
woman talking to boy carrying a pail: “When you get my age – you’ll learn soon
enough about, gimmie – gimmie!”
Folder 9: Correspondence, 1921, 1928, 1930 (acc.
C. G. Stewart, Georgian Lighting Shops, December 29, 1921, to Sterling Bronze
Co., New York City, attention of Mr. Rolls: encloses sketch of wall sconce no.
1449, which apparently is a copy of a fixture on exterior of a bank and was
furnished by Caldwell of N.Y.; needs price for bracket for this fixture; sketch
shows side view of sconce and includes section of part of bracket
draft of letter, not signed, dated Sept. 28 – 28, to C. B. Keen, So. Smedley
St., Philadelphia: sending sketches for light fixtures for Hotel Carolina in
Pinehurst, N.C. [sketches are not with the draft]: no. 4292, lanterns, and no.
4291, chandelier; includes description of how fixtures were to be finished and
gives prices
drawing for no. 4291 is acc. 90x56.26]
Richard B. Moodie, Georgian Lighting Shops, March 6, 1930, to Charles L. Baker,
New York City: “I am glad to substantiate through this letter the fact that you
have explained to me a principle that you have worked out for throwing color
through glass on to sandblasting on the face of the glass.” (The rest of the letter explains how this was
to be done.)
Georgian Lighting Shops: Numbered Drawings
This is a list of the numbers on the sheets which have
been designated as the “numbered drawings.”
It contains all the numbered drawings in the collection at the time of
microfilming. Please note the
following: 1) The drawings are in
numerical order, but clearly there are gaps in the sequence. 2) When there are multiple copies of a
drawing this is noted in parentheses. 3)
Some sheets contain more than one numbered drawing; in these cases the list
ties these together by adding “(with ####)” so that the numbers appear in
proper sequence even though the sheet was only filmed once. 4) Some odd numberings are #### ½ or ####B
(which reflect the numbering as found on the drawing), or ###? (which indicates
that a digit has been obscured or torn off before we received the collection
for filming).
Numbers marked with an asterisk (*) are available in
paper copy as part of accession 90x56; numbers marked with a plus sign (+) are
available in paper copy as part of accession 2017x134.
Numbers in bold
indicate drawings added to the list in 2017; these might not be on the
microfilm. (Most of these drawings are
from acc. 2017x134.)
1002 (2nd copy)
1002 (3rd copy)
1002 (4th copy)
1002 (5th copy)
1002 (6th copy)
1002 ½
1049 (2nd copy)
1057 (2nd copy)
1057 (3rd copy)
1086 (2nd copy)
1086 (3rd copy)
1097* (2nd copy)
1140 (2nd copy)
1146 (2nd copy)
1146 (3rd copy)
1146 (with 1859)
1153 (2nd copy)
1153 (3rd copy)
1170 (2nd copy)
1170 (3rd copy)
1170 (4th copy)
1170 (5th copy)
1315 (2nd copy)
1383 (2nd copy)
1414 (2nd copy)
1414 (3rd copy)
1414 (4th copy)
1488* (with 1489)
1489* (with 1491)
1491* (with 1488)
1492 (with 1493)
1493 (with 1494)
1494 (with 1492)
1505 “with crystals”
1557* (2nd copy)
1557* (3rd copy)
1557* (4th copy)
1557* (5th copy)
1557* (6th copy)
1566 (2nd copy)
1641 (2nd copy)
1643 (2nd copy)
1643 (3rd copy)
1697 (2nd copy)
1784+ (with 1783)
1785+ (with 1783)
1831 (2nd copy)
1840 (2nd copy)
1840 (with 1146)
1841 (2nd copy)
1841 (with 1840)
1859 (with 1841)
1859+ (not with
1901 (with 1902)
1902 (with 1901)
1969 (2nd copy)
1971 (2nd copy)
2024 (2nd copy)
2314 (2nd copy)
2479 (2nd copy)
2597 (2nd copy)
2720 (2nd copy)
2846 (2nd copy)
2866 (with 2867)
2867 (with 2868)
2868 (with 2866)
3010* (2nd copy)
3015 (2nd copy)
3015 (3rd copy)
3015 (4th copy)
3015 (5th copy)
3015 (6th copy)
3062 (with 3063)
3063 (with 3064)
3064 (with 3065)
3065 (with 3062)
3200(different design)
3258 (2nd copy)
3258 (3rd copy)
3258 (4th copy)
3367 (2nd copy)
3556 (2nd copy)
3673 (2nd copy)
3673 (3rd copy)
4087 (2nd copy)
4169 (with 4424)
4192 (2nd copy)
4192 (3rd copy)
4192 (4th copy)
4366 (separately)
4366 (with 4410)
4410 (with 4366)
4424 (with 4169)
5112 (with 5118)
5118 (with 5112)
5240 1/2+
5242 ½+
5314 ½
5358 (2nd copy)
5363 (2nd copy)
5364 (2nd copy)
[lists continues on next page]
5365 (2nd copy)
5411* (2nd copy, with 5413 2nd copy)
5411+ (with other
5413* (with 5414)
5413 (2nd copy, with 5414 2nd copy)
5413+ (with other
5414 (with 5415)
5414* (2nd copy, with 5421, 2nd copy)
5414+ (with other
5415 (with 5421)
5421 (with 5422)
5421 (2nd copy, with 5422 2nd copy)
5421+ (with other
5422* (with 5413)
5422 (2nd copy, with 5411 2nd copy)
5422+ (with other
5614* (with 5615)
5615* (with 5614)