The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:         D.T. Lanman and Company.                         

Title:               Bills

Dates:             1853-1880

Call No.:         Col. 89           

Acc. No.:        80x255, 80x256, 85x97-101, 10x32.4a-b

Quantity:        49 items (1 folder)

Location:        34 K 3






D.T. (David T.) Lanman and Company, later D.T. Lanman and Kemp, and Lanman and Kemp, operated a wholesale drugstore in New York City from the early 1850s to at least 1880.  In 1857, the business was on Water Street.


David Trumbull Lanman of 6 Carroll Place, Brooklyn, was listed as a druggist in city directories.  He died April 15, 1865, age 63.  He was born in 1802 in Norwich, Connecticut, the son of Peter Lanman and Abigail Trumbull.  In 1840, David Lanman married Margaret Downing, and they had several children.  Kemp has not been identified.  David Lanman’s son George Downing Lanman (1846-1886) was also listed as a druggist, and he was the son who continued the business as Lanman & Kemp after David’s death.





 Most of the bills in this collection are from various printers and engravers for wrappers and labels.  A few bills are for business stationery, account books, drugs, ink, and varnish.  The company dealt in Florida water, amongst other things.    The business must have been fairly prosperous as it ordered 25,000 show cards and a half million small cards from L. Prang & Co. in 1879.  





The collection is arranged chronologically.    





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Robert Dalton Harris and others.





Bills from S.M. Giddings to D.T. Lanman for purchases of herbs are found in the Andrews Memorial Shaker Collection, ASC 1201.


Additional D.T. Lanman business letters are found in Andrews Memorial Shaker Collection, ASC 1128.






            D.T. Lanman and Kemp.

            Lanman and Kemp.

            Drugs - New York (State) - New York.

            Drugstores - New York (State) - New York.

            Engraving - Printing.

            Printing plants - New York (State) - New York.

            Printing - Specimens.

            Drugs - Prices.

            Wholesale trade – History - 19th century.

            Business records - New York (State) - New York.

            Bills (financial).









Location: 34 K 3


Note: all the bills include additional advertising material on them; a few also have pictures.  Pictorial billheads are briefly described.  Some bills are printed in different colored inks.  Items are in chronological order.



85x97              Renatus Bachmann & Co., manufacturing druggists & confectioners, New York, February 28, 1853. 

To Messrs. David T. Lanman & Co., for gum drops and lozenges.


80x226.2         S.S. Chatterton, mercantile job and card printer, New York, March 31, 1853.

                        To Messrs. David T. Lanman & Co., for wrappers.


85x98              A.G. Bragg & Co., sole proprietor of Mexican Mustang Liniment, New York, Aug. 5, 1853.

                        To D.T. Lanman & Co., for mustang liniment. 


80x226.3         E.B. Clayton’s Sons, printers, stationers, and blank book manufacturers, New York, Aug. 8, 1853.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for copying(?) press(?) stand.


80x226.5         Price & Sons, label manufacturers, New York, Sept. 6, 1853.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for Florida water labels.


80x226.4         E.B. Clayton’s Sons, printers, stationers, and blank book manufacturers, New York, Sept. 16, 1853.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for copying press stand.


80x225.1         John G. Lightbody, Printing Ink Manufacturer, New York, Nov. 11, 1853.

 To D.T. Lanman & Co. for book ink. 

Illustration: Lightbody’s Printing Ink Factory


80x226.6         Price & Sons, label manufacturers, New York, Nov. 15, 1853.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for labels.


80x226.7         Price & Sons, labels and wrappers, New York, Jan. 18, 1854.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for lithographic labels.


80x226.8         Price & Sons, labels and wrappers, New York, March 3, 1854.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for labels, some illuminated.


10x32.4a         Adolphus Keppelmann, [varnish, carriage lamps, etc.,] New York, March 14, 1856.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for enamel varnish and Japan gold size.


10x32.4b         Ad. Keppelmann, importer of dye-stuffs, colors, &c., price list.


80x226.9         A. Demarest, engraver & printer, New York, May 4, 1854.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for seals and engraving.

                        Blind stamped with ad for Demarest.


85x99              Timothy R. Hibbard, M.D., New York, May 27, 1854.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for Rev. B. Hibbard’s Vegetable Anti-Bilious Family Pills.


80x226.12       R. Hoe & Co., manufacturers of printing machines and hand presses, [etc.], New York, June 20, 1854.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for English blue ink.


80x225.2         Howard F. Snowden, Snowden’s Mammoth Job Printing Establishment, New York, Aug. 5, 1854. 

To D.T. Lanman & Co. for printing 1 ream of receipts in red ink. 

Three vignettes: Printing press, bee hive, scales.


80x225.3         Howard F. Snowden, Snowden’s Mammoth Job Printing Establishment, New York, Aug. 17, 1854. 

To D.T. Lanman & Co. for printing wrappers and labels. 

Printing press illustrated at top; also detailed description of services available.


80x226.13       J.N. Gimbrede, card engraver & stationer, [fancy goods, wedding supplies, etc.], New York, Aug. 18, 1854.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Co., for card plate and cards.  Also a note about enclosed samples of stationery.


80x226.14       Firth, Pond & Co., manufacturers of pianofortes, dealers in … musical merchandise & publishers of sheet music, New York, Aug. 28, 1854

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for Morison’s pills.

                        Illustrated with building with sign for Morison’s Hygeian Medicines and sign for Firth, Pond & Co.


80x225.4         Thaddeus Davids & Co., First Premium Manufacturing Stationer, New York, Sept. 2, 1854. 

To D.T. Lanman & Co. for red ink. 

Front of shop Davids & Black illustrated, by Snyder, Black & Sturn.


80x226.15       Mann & Spear, stationers, blank book manufacturers, printers, & lithographers, New York, Sept. 7, 1854.

                        To Mr. David Lanman, for a book.

                        Illustrated with books, part of a book press, ink stand.


80x226.10       A. Demarest, engraver & printer, New York, Sept. 10, 1854.

                        For seals, press, stamp (not addressed to anyone)

                        Blind stamped with seal for Consulado de Venezuela en Cartagena.


80x226.11       A. Demarest, engraver & printer, New York, Oct. 2, 1854.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Co., for seal and engraving.


80x226.16       W. & H. Hagar, type founders, [etc.,] New York, Oct. 19, 1854.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for Mendian flowers, cuts, ornamental corners, metal lines.


80x226.17       Chatterton & Brother, mercantile job and card printers, New York, Nov. 3, 1854.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Co., for wrappers.


80x226.18       Charles Shields, xylographic engraver and printer, New York, Dec. 20, 1854.

                        To Mr. D.T. Lanman, to payment on account.


80x226.19       Snyder, Black & Sturn, lithographic engraving & printing establishment, New York, Jan. 1, 1855.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for labels and Spanish invoice heading.


85x100            B. Keith & Co., manufacturers of concentrated medicines, New York, Dec. 26, 1855.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for Jalapin.


80x226.20       Robertson & Seibert, practical lithographers, New York, Jan. 17, 1856.

                        To Messrs. David Lanman & Co., for printing maps of gold mines.

                        Illustrated with 2 Native American men in front of a tipi. 


85x101            Emanuel Lyon, New York, July 29, 1856.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for pills.

                        Printed form for recording purchases of flasks of magnetic powder and boxes of pills.


80x226.21       Goupil & Co., print publishers and artists’ colormen, New York, Sept. 23, 1856.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for packs and tubes of colors, and brushes.


80x226.22       Everdell & Son, engravers, job printers, New York, Feb. 8, 1857.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for wrappers.


80x226.23       L. Johnson & Co., letter foundry, Philadelphia, July 13, 1854.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., letter inquiring at what price and how soon Lanman & Co. can ship Extract of Liquorice, wanted for the Spanish market.

                        Decorated with obverse and reverse of a medal awarded to Johnson & Co. at the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, New York, 1853.


80x226.24       R.C. Valentine, stereotyping, [etc.,] New York, Feb. 24, 1858.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for pamphlets, work in creating printed documents.


80x226.25       J.H. Burnet, account book manufacturer, stationer, [etc.,] New York, June 30, 1858.

                        To Mr. D.T. Lanman, for pencils and pens.


80x226.28       Francis & Loutrel, manufacturing stationers, [etc.], New York, Jan. 2, 1858.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Co., for an assortment of ledger, journal, cash, and other kinds of accounting books, and for printing forms for invoices and bills.


80x226.14       Firth, Pond & Co., manufacturers of pianofortes, [etc.,] … publishers of sheet music, … agents for Hygeian Pills, New York, Feb. 18, 1858

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Kemp, for Morison’s pills, with note about being out of stock of another item, stocking of which is expected soon.


80x226.27       Snyder, Black & Sturn, lithographic engraving & printing establishment, New York, June 28, 1858.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Kemp, for “sundries per bill.”


80x226.32       Henry Spear, blank book manufacturer, etc., etc., New York, June 30, 1858.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Kemp, for “sundries per pass book.”


85x102            Mrs. James Irvine, manufacturer of prepared chalk, Brooklyn, July 1, 1858.  Paid by David T. Lanman & Kemp for “merchandise.”


80x226.29       Francis & Loutrel, steam job printers, lithographers and book-binders, New York, July 20, 1858.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Kemp, for ream of letter paper.


80x225.6         L. Brandeis & Co., Manufacturers of German, English and American Gold Plated Bronze Powders, Gold, Half Gold, Silver, Metal and Florence Leaf, New York, Aug. 2, 1858. 

To D.T. Lanman & Kemp for fold leaf. 

Illustration: Factory at Brooklyn.  All printing is in gold.


80x226.30       Francis & Loutrel, manufacturing stationers, [etc.], New York, Dec. 14, 1858.

                        To Messrs. D.T. Lanman & Kemp, for manifold(?).


80x226.31       J. Thoubboron, velvet show card & fancy printer, [etc.], South Brooklyn, March 30, 1858.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp, for cards for Spanish sarsaparilla and Florida water.


80x225.5         Francis Hart & Co., Printers & Stationers, New York, June 1858. 

To Lanman & Kemp for printing advertisements. 

Illustration of printer at work type-setting.


80x226.33       Lovejoy & Son, electrotypers & stereotypers, New York, June 27, 1864.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp for plates.


80x226.34       E.S. Dodge & Co., printing and stationery, New York, May 1868.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp for electrotyping plates, almanacs (Australian, Brazilian, others), labels, etc.


80x226.35       E.S. Dodge & Co., steam job printers, stationers and lithographers, New York, July 29, 1868.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp for tokens, California.


80x226.36       V. Quarré, lithographer and manufacturer of gas and lamp shades, Philadelphia, June 27, 1872.  Signed by N.(?) C. Blumner(?), Jr.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp, letter asking for price of Florida water.


80x226.37       L. Prang & Co., art and educational publishers, New York, Nov. 22, 1876.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp, letter acknowledging receipt of order for show cards and small cards.


80x226.38       W.D. Wilson, & Co., printing ink manufacturers, New York, Jan. 17, 1880.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp, letter inviting them to consider selling Wilson’s ink in Cuba.

                        Illustration: Wilson factory in Long Island City.


80x226.39       Albert Metz & Co., commercial printers, New York, June 11, 1880.

                        To Messrs. Lanman & Kemp, letter concerning binding of a catalog.



Index to acc. 80x225.1-.6


American Institute  .6


Black – see Synder, Black and Sturn

Brandies, L., & Co.  .6


Davids, Thaddeus, & Co.  .4

DeVinne, Theo. L.  .5

Hart, Francis, & Co.  .5


Lanman & Kemp  .5

Lanman, D.T., & Co.  .1-.4

Lanman, D.T., & Kemp  .6

Lightbody, John G.  .1

Lightbody’s Printing Ink Factory  .1


Snowden, Howard F.  .2-.3

Snowden’s Mammoth Job Printing Establishment  .2-.3

Synder, Black and Sturn  .4

Sturn – see Synder, Black and Sturn

Index to acc. 80x226.1-.41


Black - see Snyder, Black & Sturn

Black, James .19, .27


Chatterton & Brother .17

Chatterton, S. S. .2

Church, Peter .40

Clayton, E. B., & Sons  .3-4


Demarest, A.     .9-11

Dodge, E. S., &.Co.  .34-35


Everdell & Son    .22


Firth, Pond & Co.  .14, .26

Francis & Loutrel  .28-30


Gimbrede, J. N.    .13

Goupil & Co.  .21


Hagar, W. & H. .16

Hoe, R., & Co.   .12


Johnson, L., & Co.  .23


Kemp, Ed.   .40


Lnman & Co.     .11, .13, .17

Lanman, D.T., & Co. .2-9, .12, .14, .16, .19, .20-.24

Lanman, David T.    .15, .18, .25

Lanman, D. T., & Kemp   .26-32

Lanman & Kemp   .33-39

Loutrel - see Francis & Loutrel

Lovejoy & Son   .33


Mann & Spear    .15

Metz, Albert, & Co.   .39-40


Plate Printers Union    .41

Pond – see Firth, Pond & Co.

Prang, L., & Co. .37

Price & Sons       .5-8


Quarre, V.         .36


Robertson & Seibert     .20


Sarony & Major    .14

Seibert - see Robertson & Seibert

Shields, Charles    .18

Snyder, Black & Sturn  .19, .27

Snyder, George  .19, .27

Spear, Henry  .32

Spear - see Mann & Spear

Sturn, Herman - see Snyder, Black & Sturn


Thoubboron, J.  .31

Tripp, Ervin B.  .1

Tripp's Card Press Office.  .1


Valentine, R. C.    .24


Wilson, W. D., & Co.   .38




Agent .14, .26

Artist   .21

Bookbinder .29

Druggist .2-40

Engraver .7-11, .13, .18, .20-23, .27

Grocer   .18

Importer   .15

Lithographer .15, .19-22, .25, .27-33, .35-36

Printer .1-11, .15, .17-22, .25, .27-32, .34-35, .39-41

Perfumer .5, .7, .18

Publisher .14, .21, .37

Stationer .13-15, .25, .28, .30, .32, .34- .35

Index to names on other items in collection:


Bachmann, Renatus, & Co.  acc. 85x97

Bragg, A. G., & Co.  acc. 85x98


Hibbard, Timoty R., M.D.  acc. 85x99


Irvine, Mrs. James    acc. 85x102


Keith, B., & Co.  acc. 85x100

Keppelmann, Adolphus   acc. 0x32.4a-b


Lyon, Emanuel  acc. 85x101