The Winterthur Library

The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:         Crawford, George, 1764-1841                                               

Title:               Papers

Dates:             1797-1890

Call No.:         Col. 47

Acc. No.:        [various – see detailed description]

Quantity:        10 boxes

Location:        16 L 4-5






George Crawford was a merchant in Hudson and Albany, New York.  He dealt mainly in textiles and ready-made clothing and apparel.  His business also included foodstuffs and common household and farm items such as pots and pans.  A billhead for him, from the 1830s, states that he was a dealer in dry-goods, cotton yarn, teas, sugars, &c., with his business at 91 South Pearl Street, Albany.


On October 29, 1821, George Crawford, a merchant in Hudson, N.Y., married Eliza Beeckman Livingston (1794-1836), the daughter of Eliza Platner and Colonel Walter T. Livingston, of Clemont, N.Y.  Find-a-Grave web site lists two other wives for Crawford: Elizabeth Elting (1765-1808) and Mary T. Livingston.  His life dates were given as 1764-1841.  However, no other good information was found for the Crawford family.


Agnes Jane Crawford and John Hayes Crawford were probably children of George Crawford, but nothing was learned about them.





This collection consists for the most part of business papers that document purchases Crawford made from other merchants.  These receipts also include the record of payment for doctors, tuition, insurance, advertising, and newspaper subscriptions, as well as tax and postage receipts.


In the other boxes of this collection there are also quite a number of tow boat bills (1827-1839), orders (1823-1843), and promissory notes (1819-1844).  Finally, there are two boxes of miscellaneous papers, both personal and business, and two boxes of account books.  A trigonometry notebook, writing exercise, and some personal letters are found.





The bills and receipts are in boxes 1-5.  Tow boat charges and orders are in Box 6.  Boxes 7 and 8 hold a variety of personal and business papers.  Boxes 9 and 10 contain account books. 


Indexes to the names appearing in the bills and receipts in the groups with accession numbers 74x308 and 75x334 are appended to this finding aid.  The same name may appear in both groups, so both indexes should be consulted.  A partial index to the occupations represented in accession 75x334 is also available.





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from various sources.






            General stores - New York (State) - Hudson.

            Business records – New York (State) – Albany.

            Clothing and dress.

            Costume - New York (State) - Hudson.

            Textile fabrics - New York (State) - Hudson.

            Towboats - New York (State)

            Mathematics – Problems, exercises, etc.













Location: 16 L 4-5



Box 1: Bills and receipts, 1797-1827


1797, rent receipt                    55.89.3


1811                                                                                75x261.1


1814, tax receipt for carriage  57x9.2


1815                                        75x334.1-.4


1818                                        74x308.1-.2, 75x261.2


1819                                        75x334.5-.7


1820                                        75x261.5, .724


1822                                        75x334.8-.9, 74x65, 74x308.3, 75x261.6-.7


1823                                        75x334.10-.24, 74x308.4-.7, 75x261.8-.13 and .725, 60x13.5


1824                                        75x334.25-.57, 73x301.1, 74x308.8 and.10 -.16, 75x261.14-.26, .726-.730 (in two folders)


1825, Jan. 1 - June 31             75x334.58-.77, 74x308. 9 and .17-.21, 75x261.27-.35 and .731-.734


1825, July 1 – Sept. 30           75x334.78-.107, 74x308.23 -.25, 75x261.36-.40 and .735-.736,


1825, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.108-.145, 74x308.22 and.26 -.31, 75x261.41-.56 and .737-.742


1826, Jan. 1 - June 31             75x334.146-.171, 74x308.32 -.38; 75x261.57-.85, 75x334.743-.746 (in two folders)


1826, July 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.172-.204, 73x301.2, 74x308.39 - .50; 75x261.86-.117, .747-.754 (in two folders)


1827, Jan. 1 - June 31             75x334.205-.251, 74x308.51-.54; 75x261.118-.136, .755-.758 (in two folders)  


1827, July 1 – Sept. 30           75x334.252-.263, 86x75.1, 74x308.55, 75x261.137-.145


1827, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.264-.309, 79x40, 74x308.56-.57, 75x261.146-.151



Box 2: Bills and receipts, 1828-1829


1828, Jan. 1 – Mar. 31            75x334.310-.332; 75x261.152-.161 and .759-.761 (in two folders)


1828, April 1 - May 31           75x334.333-.373, 66x81.1, 86x75.2, 73x301.3, 74.308.58 -.59 and .61; 75x261.162-.174 and .762- 763 (in two folders)


1828, June 1 - July 31             74x308.62 -.65, 75x261.374-.419, 66x81.7, 74x241.1; 75x261.175-.184 and .764-.765, (in two folders)


1828, Aug. 1 – Sept. 30          75x334.420-.474, 74x227, 66x81.6, 73x301.4, 74x308.66; 75x261.185-.199 and .766 (in two folders)


1828, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.475-.536, 74x308.67 -.74; 75x261.200-220, .767-.768 (in two folders)


1829, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.537-.567, 86x75.3, 75x261.221-.229 and .769-.772


1829, April 1 - May 31           74x308.60 and .75-.78, 75x334.568-.621, 73x301.5; 75x261.230-.243 and .773-.777 (in two folders)


1829, June 1 - July 31             75x334.622-.656, 73x301.6; 75x261.244-.263, .778 (in two folders)


1829, Aug. 1 – Sept. 30          75x334.657-.702, 74x228, 66x81.8, 74x308.79-.82; 75x261.264-.279, .779-.782 (in two folders)


1829, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.703-.763, 74x308.83 -.84; 75x261.280-.295 (in two folders)



Box 3:Bills and receipts, 1830-May 31, 1832


1830, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.764-.782, 74x308.85 -.88, 75x261.296-.310 and .783-.784


1830, April 1 - May 31           74x308.89-91, 75x334.783-.833, 66x81.9, 86x75.4, 77x656; 75x261.311-.324 and .785-.787  (in two folders)


1830, June 1 - July 31             75x334.834-.866, 75x261.325-.333 and .788-.789


1830, Aug. 1 – Sept. 30          74x308.93-98, 75x334.867-.895; 75x261.334-.341 and .790-.791 (in two folders)


1830, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            74x308.99-101, 66x81.3, 75x334.896-.955, 73x301.7, 74x229-230, 74x236; 75x261.342-.360 and .792-.797 (in two folders)


1831, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.956-.974, 74x308.102-.103, 75x261.361-.366


1831, April 1 - May 31           75x334.975-.1023, 74x234, 66x81.2, 74x308.104-.123; 75x261.367-.386 and .798-.800 (in two folders)


1831, June 1 - July 31             75x334.1024-.1051, 74x233; 75x261.387-.401 (in two folders)


1831, Aug. 1 – Sept. 30          75x334.1052-.1090, 74x308.124 -.135; 75x261.402-.412 and .801-.805 (in two folders)


1831, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1091-.1141, 73x301.8 and .10; 74x51, 86x75.5, 74x308.136 -.142; 75x261.413-.420, .806-.809 (in two folders)


1832, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.1142-.1178, 74x308.143 -.144, 75x261.421-.422 and .810


1832, April 1 - May 31           75x334.1179-.1223, 74x231, 74x308.92 and .145 -.147; 75x261.423-.432 and .811-.814 (in two folders)




Box 4: Bills and receipts, June 1, 1832-1836


1832, June 1 - July 31             75x334.1224-.1243, 74x241.2, 74x308.148-.151, 75x261.433-.438 and .815-.816


1832, Aug. 1 – Sept. 30          75x334.1244-.1279, 73x301.9, 73x274, 75x261.439-.442 and.817-.821, 74x308.152-.157


1832, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1280-.1321, 74x308.158-.161, 75x261.443-.449 and .822-.828


1833, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.1322-.1333, 73x301.11, 83x45, 75x261.450-.462, 74x308.162 -.163


1833, April 1 - May 31           75x334.1334-.1353, 66x81.10, 86x123, 74x308.164 -.166; 75x261.463-.476 and .829-.832 (in two folders)


1833, June 1 - July 31             75x334.1354-.1371, 74x232, 74x308.167-.169, 75x261.477-.480 and .833-.835


1833, Aug. 1 – Sept. 30          75x334.1372-.1395, 74x308.170 -.173; 75x261.481-.494 and .836-.838 (in two folders)


1833, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1396-.1422, 74x308.174 -.176; 75x261.495-.507 and .839-.840 (in two folders)


1834, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.1423-.1443, 75x261.508-.509 and .841


1834, April 1 - May 31           75x334.1444-.1478, 73x273, 74x308.177-.180, 75x261.510-.514 and .842-.843


1834, June 1 - July 31             75x334.1479-.1494, 74x308.181, 75x261.515-.520 and .844-.847


1834, Aug. 1 – Sept. 30          75x334.1495-.1519, 74x308.182a&b -.184, 75x261.521-.528 and .848-.856


1834, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            74x308.185 -.186, 75x334.1520-.1560, 73x301.12; 75x261.529-.543 and .857-.858 (in two folders)


1835, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.1561-.1577, 74x308.187-.189, 75x261.544-.551


1835, April 1 - June 30           75x334.1578-.1601, 74x308.190 -.196, 75x261.552-.556 and 859-.860


1835, July 1 – Sept. 30           75x334.1602-.1622, 66x81.4, 74x308.197-.199, 75x261.557-564


1835, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1623-.1635, 75x261.565-.573 and .861-.862


1836, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.1636-.1649, 74x308.200, 75x261.574-.576


1836, April 1 - June 30           75x334.1650-.1660, 86x75.6, 74x308.201 -.203, 75x261.577-.581 and .863


1836, July 1 – Sept. 30           75x334.1661-.1679, 87x81, 74x308.204 -.205, 75x261.582-.591 and .864


1836, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1680-.1691, 74x308.206-.208, 75x261.592-.599 and .865- .866



Box 5: Bills and receipts, 1837-1886, n.d.


1837, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.1692-.1699, 74x308.209, 75x261.600


1837, April 1 - June 30           75x334.1700-.1714, 74x235, 74x308.210 -.215, 75x261.601-.607 and .867


1837, July 1 – Sept. 30           75x334.1715-.1728, 74x241.3, 74x308.216 -.218, 75x261.608-.613 and .868


1837, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1729-.1745, 74x308.219 -.228, 75x261.614-.624


1838, Jan. 1 - March 31          75x334.1746-.1749, 74x308.229 -.233, 86x75.7; 75x261.625-.628


1838, April 1 - June 30           75x334.1750-.1758, 74x308.234-.235 and .240, 75x261.629-.630 and .871


1838, July 1 – Sept. 30           75x334.1759-.1772, 74x308.236-.237, 75x261.631-.636 and .872-.875


1838, Oct. 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1773-.1793, 74x308.238-.239, 75x261.637-.638 and .876-.879


1839, Jan. – Dec.                    75x334.1794-.1818, 74x308.241-.244 and .247-.248; 87x13, 75x261.639-.656 and .869 and .880-.881 (in two folders)


1840, Jan. 1 - June 30             75x334.1819-.1843, 74x308.245 -.246 and .249 -.257; 75x261.656-.664 and .882-.885 (in two folders)


1840, July 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1844-.1862, 74x308.258; 75x261.665-.673 and 86-.889 (in two folders)


1841, Jan. 1 - June 30             75x334.1863-.1885, 74x308.259 -.261;  75x261.674-.683 and .890 (in two folders)


1841, July 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1886-.1899, 74x308.262-.270; 75x261.684-700 and .870 and .891-.894 (in two folders)


1842, Jan. – Dec.                    75x334.1900-.1921; 74x308.271 -.274, 75x261.701-.708 and .895 (in two folders)


1843, Jan. – Dec.                    75x334.1922-.1939, 74x308.275 -.276, 75x261.709-.714, .896-.899


1844, Jan. 1 - June 30             75x334.1940-.1951, 89x7, 74x308.277 -.279, 75x261.900


1844, July 1 – Dec. 31            75x334.1952-.1977, 75x261.715-.718, 75x261.901-.902 


1845, Jan. – Dec.                    75x334.1978-.2003; 74x308.280-.283; 75x261.719-.723 and .903 (in two folders)


1846, Jan. – Dec.                    75x334.2004-.2008; 74x308, 74x308.284 -.287 (in two folders)


1853                                                                                75x261.904


1872, 1882, 1886                    75x334.2009-.2011


n.d.                                          75x261.905-.907


Miscellaneous Bills 1821-1842          75x334.2012-.2034


Miscellaneous Bills 1823-1826          75x334.2035-.2040




Box 6: Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1827-1839; Orders 1823-1843, n.d.


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1827-1828           75x334.2041-.2074


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1829                    75x334.2075-.2109, 76x216, 76x217


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1830                    75x334.2110-.2143


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1831                    75x334.2144-.2193


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1832                    75x334.2194-.2233


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1833                    75x334.2234-.2283


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1834                    75x334.2284-.2331, 76x218, 76x219, 76x220, 76x221, 76x222


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1835                    75x334.2332-.2356


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1836                    75x334.2357-.2368


Tow Boat Bills for Freight 1837-1839           75x334.2369-.2388


Bills with Letters 1825-1835                          75x334.2389-.2404


Orders 1823-1825                                           75x334.2405-.2431


Orders 1826-1828                                           75x334.2432-.2455


Orders 1829                                                    75x334.2456-.2479


Orders 1830-1831                                           75x334.2480-.2513


Orders 1832-1833                                           75x334.2514-.2556


Orders 1834-1839                                           75x334.2557-.2588


Orders 1842-1843 and undated                      75x334.2589-.2607


Orders--Dry-goods                                         75x261.908-.911


Orders                                                             75x261.922-970



Box 7: Promissory Notes 1819-1844; Miscellaneous business papers and receipts; miscellaneous personal papers


Promissory Notes 1819-1826             75x334.2608-.2635


Promissory Notes 1827-1832             75x334.2636-.2659


Promissory Notes 1833-1844             75x334.2660-.2699


Promissory Notes, 1822-1839             75x261.971-.990


Miscellaneous Business Records        75x334.2700-.2703, 75x261.1079-.1080


Miscellaneous Receipts                      75x334.2704-.2718; 75x261.1081-1092 (in two folders)


Receipt fragments                               75x261.991-.999


Accounts                                             75x261.1093-.1096


House Repairs, carpentry work          75x334.2719, 75x261.1007-.1008 and .1110


List of bills paid                                  75x261.1103


Credit Records                                    75x334.2720-.2723


Billheads for George Crawford, 183-             75x334.2724-.2725

            [on back of one is a list of men’s clothing]


Letters to Crawford                            75x334.2726-.2731, 75x261.914-.921


Letters from George Crawford           75x334.2732-.2735


Letters to Mrs. George Crawford       75x334.2736-.2737

            (Mrs. Eliza B. Crawford, Hudson, from sister Jane Livingston, Manor of Livingston)


Crawford Legal Papers                       75x334.2738-.2752, 75x261.1005


Real estate--Land papers                    75x261.1001-.1002


Account Apparently by Crawford re: Death of a Boarder     75x334.2753


Miscellaneous Agreements                 75x334.2754-.2756, 75x261.1003-.1004


Insurance Claim, 1838                        75x334.2757


Rental Agreements, 1833-1834          75x334.2758-.2759


Employment Agreement for a Clerk 75x334.2760, 75x261.1000


Transfer of Stock Shares                    75x334.2761-.2762


Dry-goods Store inventory, 1840       75x261.1097


Auction of dry-goods, 1846                75x261.1098-.1099


Re: Estate of George Crawford          75x334.2763-.2777, 75x261.1010

            (George Crawford died around 1841-1842; his executor was also named George Crawford)


Dealings with Livingston Family                   75x334.2778-.2791

            (estate of Walter Livingston, died around 1826)


Agreement, Kemp and Vaun, 1833                75x261.1078


Ten Broeck, Articles of Agreement, Insurance 75x334.2792-.2793


Inventory of goods damaged by fire, 1814     75x261.3-.4


Letter to Stephen Coffin re: Fire, 1814          75x334.2794


Letter re: Insurance, 1814                               75x334.2797


Request for Insurance Payment                      75x334.2795


Estate Inventory - George Thistleton, 1829   75x334.2796


Estate papers of Brodhead                              75x261.1104-.1105


Subscription for Surveying, 1819                   75x334.2798


Billhead of W. B. Windle, New York            75x334.2799

            [Wood-ware and Basket Store, with long list of goods available]


Bills from Hoburn & Fruh(?) and from Jeremiah Harley(?)  75x261.1101-.1102




Box 8: Miscellaneous personal papers


Miscellaneous Receipts                                  75x334.2800-.2808, 75x261.1106-.1109


Letter from A. G. Bell, Pulaski, to Dear Sister, April 9, 1855           75x334.2809


Miscellaneous Letter - Legal Matter              75x334.2810


Matters Relating to Reformed Presbyterian Church              75x334.2811-.2820


Recipes                                                           75x334.2821-.2822


School exercises: single lines of writing exercises, bundled together           75x334.2823

School exercises: booklet with poems and writing exercises 75x334.2824


School exercises: Merchant's forms, single entry, 1848                    75x334.2825-.2826

            In: Blank Books Adapted to Fulton & Eastman’s Book-Keeping by Single and Double Entry,

            printed by H.B. Nims & Co., Troy, N.Y.

            One book is marked “Journal for the Merchant” and the other “Ledger for the Merchant.”

            Covers are engraved by J.W. Orr, N.Y.


Mathematics Exercise Book: Trigonometry, 1823 (illustrated)         75x334.2827

            Also includes drawing of The Solar System; name George written on front cover


Miscellaneous Scraps and Memoranda          75x334.2828-.2858; 75x261.1006 and .1009-.1118; unnumbered (in three folders)

            (includes sheet addressed to Miss Agnes Jane Crawford,92 South Pearl, Albany; another sheet has name John Hayes Crawford, 1848; a letter to “dear brother” with torn signature, but the names Mary Brou[torn] and John Bell are present; some writing exercises; sketch of a birdhouse, etc.)




Box 9: Account Books, 1826-1890


Account Book, 1826-1828                              75x334.2863


Account Book, 1827                                       75x334.2864


Account Book, 1828                                       75x334.2865


Account Book, 1829                                       75x334.2866


Account book, 1828-1839                              75x261.912-913


Book of Small Debts, 1830-1831                   75x334.2867


Account Book, 1835-1840                              75x334.2873


Account Book, 1835-1839, 1854                    75x334.2874


Account Book, 1865-1871                              75x334.2875


Account Book: George W. Crawford to Lee & Co., 1878-1881        75x334.2876


Account Book, 1887-1890                              75x334.2877



Box 10: Indexes to account books and oversize account books


Indexes to Account books                  75x334.2859-.2862 (in two folders)


Account books, 1831-1834                 75x334.2868-2872



Index to names in acc. 74x308.1-.287


Adams, William .183

Adee & Timpson .10

Albany & New-York Line of Tow-Boats .183, .212, .227

Albany Evening Journal .95

Aldrich & Co. .275

Allen - see Baldwin & Allen

Allen, Wm .215

Allin - see Pierce, Mabbett & Allin

Andrews, James S. .118

Angell - see Cooke, Angell & Co.

Angell, Pierce & Cleveland .230


Baldwin & Allen .281

Bancroft Mesier & Co. .38

Barnes, Marquis .269

Barnes, Nathaniel .180

Becker, John .101

Beekman & Johnson .58

Black, John .261, .264, .272

Blake, Anson .13

Bleecker, G. V. S. .279

Bostwick & Peet .155

Boyd - see Pitkin & Boyd or Pitkin, Boyd & Co.

Brannan, T. .103

Brett, Theo. F., & Doremus .145

Brewer & Taylor .152, .153

Brewer, John B. .185, [.186]

Brill, David .187

Brodhead, Jas. O. .35

Brown - see Evans & Brown

Brown, Robert .109

Brown, Silas .5

Brush - see Morgan & Brush


Canine, Philip C. .188

Carhart, William .285

Carter & Prentiss .60

Cassidy - see Paige & Cassidy

Charlet, John H. .255

Chottin, Francis .99, .104

Clark, Robeson & Co. .127

Clark, D. P. .11, .18, .28

Cleveland - see Angell, Pierce & Cleveland or Pierce & Cleveland)

Cochran & Brothers .128

Cochran, Addoms & Co. .159

Cochran, A. G. & F. .110, .114

Cochran, Samuel .85

Compton - see Marsh & Compton

Conkling & Herring .98

Cooke, Angell & Co. .217, .225

Corlies, John & Jos. W. .20

Coskry, N., & Co. .111, .117, .158

Crapo, Seth .208, .274

Crawford, George .1

Croswell & Van Benthuysen .73

Crowley, Wm., & Son .253

Cummings, Franklin .108, .220

Cushman & Falconer .93, .112

Cushman, D. A., & Co. .178, .193

Cuyler, Jno. M. .67


Daily Albany Argus .73

Daughty, Robertson & Co. .86

Decker, Jeffrey .249

De Groot, Henry .39

Dewey, Calvin .72

Dillon (of Tyler & Dillon) .91

Disosway, M. & J. D. .24

Dodge & Gregory .42

Doremus (of Theo. F. Brett & Doremus) .145


Ehle - see Young & Ehle

Emmett, Richard .75

Entwistle, James .148

Evans & Brown .254


Fair, J. & G.  .45, .90, .157, .175, .195, .198, .207, .209, .213, .222, .224, .229

Falconer - see Cushman & Falconer

Fearing, Hoyt & Co. .156

Fink, Elias .180

Frazer, Donald .83

Freeland, Hoffman & Co. .231, .239, .247

Frost, P. H. & J. .96

Fuller - see Jacobs, Pierce & Fuller


Gallup, Reuben .71

Gill, Robert, & Co. .33

Gott, John .132

Graham, James, & Son .202

Greene & Williams .212, .227

Gregory (of Dodge & Gregory) .42

Grosvenor, S., & Co. .173


Haggerty - see Lockwood, Haggerty & Harris

Haggerty, Austen & Co. .4

Halsted, C. O., & Co. .78

Hammond - see Plumb, Hammond, Wiswall & Reed

Harris - see Lockwood, Haggerty & Harris

Heap, John .143

Hedges, D. .205

Herring, Thos. H. .98

Hoffman - see Freeland, Hoffman & Co.

Hoffman, Daniel .246

Hogan, Susan .284

Holbrook, Nelson & Co. .199

Hone, John, & Sons .87

Hovey, Geo. .252

Hoyt - see Fearing, Hoyt & Co.

Hudson Aqueduct Company .3

Hudson Print Works .150, .151

Hudson Tow Boat Co. .102

Hutchin - see Meserole & Hutchin


Irving & Jenkins .46


Jacobs & Pierce .248

Jacobs, Pierce & Co. .256

Jacobs, Pierce & Fuller .259, 260, .262, .266, .271

Jagger & Skidmore .107, .161

Jenkins (of Irving & Jenkins) .46

Jenkins, John F. .31

Johnson (of Beekman & Johnson) .58

Johnson, John .148, .150, .151


Kane, James .76

Kilmery, Robt. .124


Lay, R. S., & Co. .206

Leavitt, J. W. & R. .2, .6, .19, .22, .40, .44, .47, .51, .59, .74, .88, .119, .160, .164, .172, .179

Little - see Weed & Little

Livingston .35

Lockwood, Haggerty & Harris .105, .106

 Lord, Warren, Salter & Co. .283

Lorillard, Peter & George .63

Lownds, Henry O. .83

Lune, Henry .234


Mabbett - see Pierce, Mabbett & Allin

Malepar, A. .25

Marsh & Compton .52-53

Marshall - see Parish, Marshall & Co.

Marvin, R., & Co. .140, .147, .154, .162, .181, .197

Marvin, Richard, & Co. .92, .163

Matteawan Co. .77

McKinstry, R. .21

Merrill, Titus & Williams .94

Meserole & Hutchin .100

Miller, A. .237, .258, .273

Moore - see Peet & Moore

Morgan - see Stilwell, Morgan & Co.

Morgan & Brush .115

Morrell, E. A. .228

Morrison, Nancy .17

Morrison, Wm.  .1 7

Mott & Gorham .7


Nelson - see Holbrook, Nelson & Co.

Nesmith, Smith & Co. .57

Nesmith, J. P. & I. .170

New-York Statesman .60

New-York Times .192

Nichols, J. & C. .23

Noble, S. .242


Packard, B. D., & Co. .95

Paddock, Judah, & Co. .8, .34

Paige & Cassidy .135, .139, .141

Pardee, D. I. .15

Parish, Marshall & Co. .120

Peck, D. .211, .214, .236

Peck., Danl. .216, .218, .221, .226

Peet - see Bostwick & Peet

Peet & Moore .43

People’s Line Steam Boats .280

Pierce - see Angell, Pierce & Cleveland

Pierce - see Jacobs & Pierce; or Jacobs, Pierce & Co.; or  Jacobs, Pierce & Fuller

Pierce & Cleveland .244-245, .250-251, .257, .265

Pierce, Mabbett & Allin .263, .267, .270, .271a

Pitkin & Boyd .26, .30

Pitkin, Boyd & Co. .81

Pitkin, John R. .171

Plumb, Hammond, Wiswall & Reed .55

Potter, Ellis, & Co. .121, .126, .136

Prentiss – see Carter & Prentiss


Reed - see Plumb, Hammond, Wiswall & Reed

Rhoades & Weed .133, .138

Righter - see Tanner & Righter

Robertson - see Daughty, Robertson & Co.

Robeson - see Clark, Robeson & Co.

Robins, J. & N. .49

Rockland (steamboat)  .215

Rogers, Wm. (Jr.)  .9

Rumsey, J. W. .277

Ryer - see Vreeland & Ryer


Salter -see Lord, Warren, Salter & Co.

Skidmore - see Jagger & Skidmore

Smith – see Nesmith, Smith & Co.

Smith & Strong .165-167, .169, .176

Smith, C. & U. J., & Co. .243

Smith, Daniel .142

Smith, Edward .12

Staats, A. S. .241

Stilwell, Morgan & Co. .84

Stoddard, A. .3

Strain, Joseph .65, .125

Strong - see Smith & Strong

Swiftsure Line of Tow-Boats .211, .214, .218, .221, .226, .236, .269


Talman, Jno.  .32

Tanner & Righter .182

Tappan, A., & Co. .41

Tappan, Arthur, & Co. .66, .69, .79-80, .122, .129, .146, .168

Tappan, Arthur .14

Taylor - see Brewer & Taylor

Taylor, Edward, & Co. .204

Timpson - see Adee & Timpson

Titus - see Merrill, Titus & Williams

Townsend, T. & E. .89, .97, .133, .134, .190, .232

Townsend, T. & E., & Co. .144

Tuffs, Joshua .174, .200

Tyler & Dillon .91


Underhill - see Waring & Underhill

Underhill, J. S. & A. .219, .223, .233

Union Line Towboats .196


Van Alstyne, Laurence .184

Van Benthuysen - see Croswell & Van Benthuysen

Van Ingen, Philip S. .189

Van Sickler, R. M., & Co. .276, .278, .282

Van Wyck, C. H. .203, .210

Van Wyck, C. H. & W. .191

Vreeland & Ryer .29


Wardell, R., & Son .130, .137, .177

Wardell., Robt. .36, .48

Waring & Underhill .27

Warren - see Lord, Warren, Salter & Co.

Waterman, S. .149

Waterman, Stephen .149

Watts, Geo. .201

Webb, Henry L. .54

Webb, John H. & Henry L. .54

Weed - see Rhoades & Weed

Weed & Little .37, .61, .123, .131

Weed,, N. & H., & Co. .16, .50

Wescott, Saml. .268

White, Philip .1

Whiting, Mary Ann .240

Whittelsey, H. E. & P. D. .235, .238

Wier, John .70

Williams - see Greene & Williams

Williams - see Merrill, Titus & Williams

Wilson & Wright .82

Wilson, A. W. .220

Wiswall – see Plumb, Hammond, Wiswall & Reed

Woodburn, L., & Co. .194

Wright - see Wilson & Wright


Young & Ehle .56, .64, .68, .116

Index to names in acc. 75x334.1-.2858


Abbot, J. .2805

Abbott, Thos. .2801

Abernathy, M. J. .2714

Acly, Harry [i.e.Ackly?] .1727

Adams, E. .27

Addoms - see Cochran, Addoms & Co.

Adee, David .134, .137

Albany Daily Advertiser .1228, .1312

Albany Evening Journal .1169

Albany G. School .1332

Albany Quarterly .1201, .1346, .1347

Albany & Canal Line Tow Boats .1933, .1959, .2372, .2382

Albany & N.Y. Line Tow Boats .1308, .1772, .2134, .2270, .2360, .2385, .2387

Albany Insurance Company  .2794-2795, .2797

Albright, E. .2714

Alden, A. G. .2714

Alden, John .2714

Aldrich - see McCurdy & Aldrich

Alexander & Mullen .385

Alexander, H. .2714

Alexander, J. & R. .6, .7

Alexander, James .778, .2710

Alexander, Joseph .2749

Allaire, J. P. .304

Allen, Jos. W. .267, .522

Allen, O. W.? .854

Allen, Wm.  .715

Allin – see Pierce, Mabbett & Allin

Allin, Geo. .2730

Allison, Wm. N. .1345

American Christian Exposition .1091

Ames, Jonathan .2761

Angell - see Cooke, Angell & Co.

Angell & Co. .1952, .1956, .1970, .1985, .1986, .1992, .1996, .2001, .2002, .2702

Angell, Pierce & Cleveland .1681, .1749, .1758, .1762, .1763, .1766, .1768, .1770, .1771, .1773, .1782

Angell, Job .1947, .1968, .2857

Anthony – see Cooke, Anthony & Co.

Artcher – see Simmons & Artcher

Artcher, H. .2714

Artcher, Michael .2711

Ashton, R. .466

Ayers & Martin .2787


Badgley, Wm .1208, .1678, .1876

Bagley (of Yates & Bagley) .1645

Bailey (of Gray & Bailey) .1922

Bailey & Remsen .49, .212

Bailey, Amos .2499, .2500

Baker, Joseph .2748

Baldwin (of Kellogg & Baldwin) .161, .819, .1001

Bame, Jeremiah .11, .776, .1712

Bancroft, Mesier & Co. .175, .184, .208, .242

Bank, Commercial (Albany) .2028

Baringer, Abram G. .975

Barker, James, & Son .176

Barker, P. B. .2651

Barker, Peter .2651

Barklie, Robert .2836

Barlow, John .2494

Barnard - see Burchsted & Barnard

Barnard, F. J., Co. .972

Barnard, R. .343

Barnes, A. H. .1888

Barnes, N. .1735

Barnes, Nathaniel .1007, .2666, .2676

Barnes, Samuel S. .1593

Barnett, Thos. .282

Barney & Moore .1318, .1326

Barney, J. .1495, .1544, .1572, .1667, .1744

Barney, Jervis .2714

Barnum, George G. .2711

Barnum, Samuel G. .1713, .2711, .2714

Barringer .2789

Bate (of Lee, Savage & Bate) .241

Bates (of Cropsey & Bates) .1234

Bates, D. F. .2559, .2703

Baumer, David .1237

Bayley (of McMillan & Bayley) .287

Beate, Wm .2714

Beattie, James M. .2711

Beaumont & Wallace .1595

Becker, Evert .2710

Becker, Francis .2714

Becker, R. .2714

Becker, Richard .2710

Beekman (of Livingston & Beekman) .2792

Beekman  & Johnson .248, .269, .355, .366,  .381, .383, .397, .465, .533, .651,  .732, .733, .903, .924, .997, .1003,  .1064, .2448

Beekman, R. V., & Co. .1211

Beekman, C. .1930, .1935

Belding, C. .1145, .1561

Belding, Chester .58, .541, .543

Belding, Samuel .2748

Bell, A. G. .2809

Bell, J. W. .2799

Benedict & Brown .1861, .1862

Benedict & Roby .1190

Benner, Samuel .1477

Bent & Savery .2019, .2629

Bent, Thomas .344

Berrien, D. .460, .517

Bessac, H. W. .1716, .2571, .2573, .2576, .2578

Best, Angaline .252

Best, Eve .252

Best, Henry J. .2752

Best, Jacob J. .2739

Birch (of Warriner, Birch & Whittemore) .1501

Bishop (of Wolfe, Bishop & Co.) .943

Bishop (of J. D. Wolfe, Bishop & Co.) .928, .995, .1037, .1303, .1405, .1499, .1541

Black, John .1910, .1916

Blackall, J. .1088, .1366

Blackman, John .2714

Blake, Rachel .2455

Bleecker .2710, .2855

Bleecker (of Wilder & Bleecker) .1665, .1789

Bleecker, G. V. S. .960, .1115, .1348, .1551, .1943, .2663, .2664, .2703, .2710, .2714

Bleecker, William E. .1899

Bliss (of Williams & Bliss) .2800

Bloodgood & Peck .388

Booraem, H., & Co. .87, .97, .925, .1281

Booraem, H. .16, .2612

Bostwick (of Hillyer, Bostwick & Co.) .808, .1219

Bostwick & Peet .707

Bowman, Nathl.  .2430

Bowman, P. E. .1661

Boyd (of Pitkin, Boyd & Co.) .748, .811, .2475

Boyd (of Pitkin & Boyd) .155, .163, .185

Boyd & McCulloch .312, .371

Boyd & Phelps .246

Boyd, David .2711

Boyd, Robert .2661

Boyd, Thomas .2711

Brayton, J. P. .2714

Brett, T. F., & Doremus .1578, .1580

Brett, Theodore F., & Co. .680, .745

Brett, Theodore F. .190, .392, .572

Brewer & Taylor .1233, .1290

Brewer, J. B. .1398, .1612

Brewer, John B. .1400, .1412, .1455, .1464, .1521, .1536, .1550, .1557

Briant, John  .2581., .2703, .2714, .2720

Brintnall & Phelps .1703

Brodhead .2777

Brodhead, (Dr.) .2789

Brodhead, Thos. (Dr.) [no number given]

Bronk, Peter .2710, .2714

Bronk, Wilhelmas .2710

Brooks & Plato - see Brooks & Plattc

Brooks & Platto .969, .1121

(also spelled Brooks & Plato)

Brooks, Ann .2714

Brooks, Peter .2714

Brown –see Benedict & Brown

Brown & Hone .1341

Brown, Silas, & Co. .516, .579, .1296

Brown, E. P. .1044, .1382

Brown, Mary R. .2711

Brown, Silas .98, .101, .1397, .2623

Brown, Thomas .1797, .1831

Browning – see Crissey & Browning)

Brush (of Morgan & Brush) .832, .891, .937, .1087, .2706

Buchanan, J[ohn] .573

Buckley (of M. Wilbur & Buckley)  .1389

Bulger, Thomas .639

Bulkley (of Cutter, Bulkley, Merrit & Co.) .1889

Bullock, Abel .1819

Bunt (of Deuell & Bunt) .1615

Burchsted & Barnard .2422, .2482-2484

Burger, P. .812, .846

Burham, H. H. .2714

Burham, John V. L. .2710

Burling, C. S. & J. .520, .695, .1175

Burnham, G. .356

Burton .2703

Burton (of Russ, Burton & Co.) .1564

Bush (of Smith, Kain & Bush) .826

Bush, John T. .2703

Bushans, David .2693

Bussing, E. & J. .335

Butler (of Wilson & Butler) .389


C & Mason .2857

Caines, Geo. .3, .4

Campbell (of Huntington & Campbell) .1216

Campbell, Elizabeth J. .2770, .2771

Campbell, J. .56

Campbell, Margaret .1927, .1988, .2770, .2771, .2776

Campbell, Robert .2711

Cany (of Chesterman & Cany) .1297

Capron (of Root & Capron) .1742

Capron, A. .2764

Carey, R. .2714

Carhart, R. D. .2714

Carhart, T. D. .2714

Carhart, Thomas D. .2583

Carknard, George .497

Carl (Mrs.) .2715

Carle, Josiah .2738

Carley, John .2714

Carpenter, Ames .2757

Carpenter, C. .1840

Carpenter, Caleb .1658

Carpenter, H. & A. .1799

Carpenter, Jacob .23

Carr, Wm. W. .1309

Carrique, P. Dean .165

Carswell, A. .558, .568, .2458, .2460, .2461

Cary, I. H., & Co. .652, .705, .746

Cary, Isaac H., & Co.  .448, .521, .610

Cassard, F.  .295

Cassidy – see Paige & Cassidy

Cauldwell, Thomas E.  .500

Cavert, John  .2748

Cavert, William  .2748

Cavert, William (Jr.)  .2748

Cebra & Cuming  .696, .2708

Cessford, William  .2710

Chambers, D.  2714

Chapin – see Rathbone & Chapin

Chapman & Sargent  .1566, .1568, .1577

Chapman, Sargent & Co.  .824, .866, .976, .1019, .1056

Chapman, Wm., & Co.  .1611

Chapman, Charles  .1148, .1158, .1184, .1195, .1235, .1253, .1331, .1383

Chapman, Levi  .1361

Chapman, Wm.  .1556

Chesebrough, Satterlee & Co.  .301, .904

Chesebrough, R. & H. .1528

Chesterman & Cany .1297

Chichester & Van Wyck .642

Chittenden, Geo.  .2427

Chottin, F. .298, .743

Chrystie, Jas.(Rev.)  .1605

Church, Consistory of 1st Reformed Dutch .1655, .1709, .1801, .1802

Church, Consistory of Reformed Presbyterian  .869, .878, .914, .915, .958, .1010, .1150, .1151,

.1199, .1200, .1288, .1292, .1411, .1685, .1693, .1752, .2033, .2744, .2811-2820

Clapp, Revel  .2710

Clark – see Sage & Clark

Clark – see Weyman & Clark

Clark & Dimmick  .1753

Clark & Fox  .1230

Clark, D. P. .63, .69, .82, .102, .151, .2630

Clark, J.D. & Hunt  .1594

Clark, Jas. .959

Clark, James, & Son  .225, .379, .830

Clark, Jas. B., & Co. .80

Clark, Nathan .382

Clark, William .2711

Clarke, F. A. .2609

Cleveland  -see Angell, Pierce & Cleveland

Cleveland – see Pierce & Cleveland

Cleveland & Mason .1855, .1924, .1945, .1951, .1954, .1978, .1999

Cochran & Brothers .1030

Cochran, Addoms & Co. .1256

Cochran, Saml., & Co. .1186

Cochran, A. G. & F. .901, .916, .1002

Cochran, C. S. .112

Cockburn, Eli .2710

Coelus, J. W. & H. P. .932

Coffin, Alexander .79

Coffin, Geo. B. .1679

Coffin, Shubal B. .171

Coffin, Stephen .2794

Coffin, Wm. H. .790, .1155, .1322

Cole, E. A. .2000

Cole, Jacob S. .1330, .1437, .1576

Cole, John O.? .2714

Coley (Mrs.) .2714

Collar, George .2714

Colwell, John .2798

Commercial Bank (Albany) .2028

Comoy (of Jacobs, Comoy & Co.) .1825

Condit, Samuel H. .2798

Conine, Phip C. .2714

Conkling & Herring .831

Conner, James .1319

Convers (of Woolsey, Poor & Convers) .1075

Cook, Dr. .2857

Cook, Geo. W. (Dr.)  .2768

Cooke, Angell & Co. .1718, .1730

Cooke & Muno .463

Cooke, Anthony & Co. .1781

Coonley, Leonard .2670

Coonley, Peter .2710

Cooper, Jacob .252

Cooper, Peggy .252

Corlies (of Stephens & Corlies) .894

Corlies, J. & J. W., & Co. .2633, .2641

Corlies, Mabbett & Co.   .540

Corlies, J. W. & H. P.    .1222

Corlies, John & Jos. W.   .35, .191

Corlnelle(?), John .2719

Cornell, L. .2714

Corning, Erastus, & Co.    .751

Coskry, N., & Co. .187, .354, .456, .490, .518, .578, .623, .653, .711, .744, .880, .918, .1072, .1101, .1255, .1338, .1357, .1387, .1401, .1523

Covey .2703

Cowles, Amasa (Jr.) .2036

Cragin, M., & Co. .1143

Cragin, M. .1317

Crannell, John .2714

Crannell, John W. .2710

Crapo, S. .1583, .1601, .1634, .1635

Crapo, Seth .1567, .1684, .1774, .1790, .1919, .1921, .1937, .1939, .2711, .2712

Crapser, John .1852

Crawford & Van Allen .2532

Crawford .2824

Crawford, Agnes Jane .2835

Crawford, Eliza  .2577, .2740, .2775

Crawford, Eliza B. (Mrs.)  .2737

Crawford, Frances M. .1979

Crawford, George .1-.2777, .2779, .2780, .2784, .2786, .2790, .2792-2794, .2796, .2798, .2816, .2817,  .2821, .2838, .2841

Crawford, George (Jr.) .2703

Crawford, George, Jr., & Co. [no number listed]

Crawford, George and Eliza .2740

Crawford, Hayes .1625

Crawford, Jno. .2857

Crawford, John .306, .323, .341, .549, .618, .621, .628, .774, .804, .828, .1144, .1223, .1330, .1352, .1437, .1438, .1481, .1576, .2665, .2685, .2699, .2710, .2721, .2726, .2727

Crawford, John and Margaret .2740

Crawford, John H. .2830

Crawford, Margaret .2740, .2775

Crawford, Nancy .1643

Crawford, Walter T. L. .2788

Creble, Francis .2703

Crew, John T. .2677, .2680, .2683, .2714

Crissey & Browning .2765

Crissey, John .2026

Crocker, David, & Co. .693

Cromwell & Underhill .1944

Cropsey & Bates .1234

Crossman, S. E. .1734, .1778, .1834, .1864, .1880

Crowley, Wm., & Son .1874

Crumby - see Downer & Crumby

Culbert, John .1267

Cuming (of Cebra & Cuming) .696, .2708

Cuningham, J. .2714

Currie, John R. .2005

Curtiss, C. .966

Cushman & Falconer .280, .292, .503, .542, .688, .785, .847, .852, .934, .1069, .1073

Cushman, D. A., & Co. .1404, .1457, .1498, .1524, .1537, .2668

Cutter, Bulkley, Merritt & Co. .1889


Davison & Van Pelt .1077

Davison, J. M. .1941

Day, Asa .985

Day, Cornelius .2714

Day, John .2714

Dean (of Mesick & Dean) .2675

De Bail, H. .2714

Decker, Richard .1892

Degraff(?) (of Wemple & Degraff) .2479

Degraff, O. .2714

DeGraff, S. .1903, .1918, .2032

DeGroot, Henry, & Co. .820

Delamater, J. E. .1689

Delong(?), J. .2714

Demming, Martin .878

Denison, Jos.  .370, .409

Denney, Mary  .825

(see also Mary Denney Scott)

Denniston, James .1563, .1625, .1664, .2514, .2710

Derby, Moses  .1351

Deuell & Bunt .1615

Develt, John L.(?)  .975

Dewey, C. .2442, .2459, .2540

Dexter (of McClure & Dexter) .1380

Dexter, C. .1980

Dey Ermand (of Woodburn & Dey Ermand) .1990

Dibblee (of Stebbins, Dibblee & Co.) .1040

Digraffe, John J. .2595

Dillon, C., & Co. .1454, .2558, .2560

Dillon, C. .2714

Dimmick (of Clark & Dinmick) .1753

Disosway (of Vanantwerp & Disosway) .899, .1277

Doan, A. .809

Dodge & Gregory .178

Doolittle, Tracy .970

Doremus (of T. F. Brett & Doremus) .1578, .1580

Doremus, Suydam & Nixon .1339, .1504, .1579

Door, Elisha .967

Doson, William .1365

Douse(?) (of Warner, Douse & Russell) .1989

Downer & Co. .827, .2135

Downer & Crumby  .19, .31, .42, .62, .70, .138, .154, .174, .179, .183, .186, .229, .258, .265, .274, .303, .333, .334, .351, .426, .566, .742, .2853

Downing, D. B. .1314

Duesler, Daniel .307, .317, .570, .730

Dugan, Andrew .2711

Dunspaugh, Elizabeth .2607

Dunspaugh, Harry .252

Duryee & Heyer .339

Dutcher, Salem .974

Dyer, T. H. .2714


Eastman (of Fulton & Eastman) .2825-.2826

Edwards, W. W., & Co. .458

Edward, Wm. W., & Co. .277

Ehle (of Young & Ehle) .239, .310, .326, .402, .425, .440, .538, .965

Ehle, John A. .500

Eights, Jon. (Dr.) .2022

Elliott, H. H. .569

Elliott, Henry H. .664

Ellis & Murdock .153, .2632

Entwistle, Elizabeth .1473

Evans, R. W. .1891

Evans, Robt. .1165, .1492, .1923

Everts, John T. .1428


Faeling, S. .2805

Failing, Simeon .2800-2802

Fair, J. & G. .584, .694, .886, .1193, .1278, .1306, .1336, .1447  .1450, .1462, .1483, .1515, .1517: .1535, .1542, .1552, .1586, .1621, .1650, .1651, .1663, .1666, .1675, .1687, .1764, .1838, .1851, .1865, .1894, .1913, .2584, .2586

Falconer  (of Cushman & Falconer) .280, .292, .503, .542, .688, .785, .847, .852, .934, .1069, .1073

Fanning, H. .99, .644, .672, .2456, .2457

Farmers’ Fire Insurance and Loan Company .123, .182, .1289

Farmers & Troy Turnpike .2762

Felt, D. .1659

Ferguson, J. .2714

Ferguson, William .2711

Ferris (of Ketcham, Ferris & Woodward) .1669

Felthousen, B. & J. .320, .321, .481, .592

Findley (of Paddock & Findley) .311, .2637

Findley, Alexander .565, .765, .793, .968, .979, .1020, .1061, .1141, .1167

Fitch (of Penniman & Fitch) .1333, .1378

Fitch, Goodwin & Co. .1210, .1213, .1337

Fitch, Sandford .2761

Fitzsimmons, James .2687

Fitzsimmons, John .2687

Fleming, James .2534

Folger(?), Benj. F. .2798

Folger, F. F. .987

Ford, T. W., & Son .1050

Forge, H., & Co. .998

Fowler, Gilbert C. .1806

Fox (of Clark & Fox) .1230

Frary & Rosman .1274

Frary, N. G.(?)  .2767

Freeland - see Plumb, Freeland & Co.

Freeland & Hoffman .1174, .1178, .1197, .1273, .1275, .1334, .1369, .1393, .1446, .1448, .1452, .1485, .1514, .1553, .1555, .1588, .1672, .2401, .2402, .2672

Freeland, Hoffman & Co. .1653, .1671, .1702, .1708, .1729, .1739, .1809, .1828, .1843, .2689

Freeland  (of Kuln & Freeman) .849

French - see Gill, French & Webster

French & Webster .455, .2016

French, Webster & Co. .1224, .1241

Friday, A. B. .2710

Frisby, Cynthia .1119

Frisby, E. .1987

Frost, B. C. & J. .788

Fry, Daniel .1435., .1443

Fry, Wm. G. .948, .961, .1137, .1138

Fuller - see Jacobs, Pierce & Fuller

Fulton & Eastman .2825-2826

Furniss, H. .273


Galpin, Geo. .1189

Gardiner, John .2009

Gardner, Jacob J. .2669

Gaster, H. F. .361

Gaul, Wm.  .1746

Gay, W. & C. .1844, .1845, .1848, .1856

Giffen, William .1426

Gifford, E., & Co. .1442

Gilbraith, W. M. .372

Gill, French & Webster .595, .641, .681, .716, .718, .755, .756, .857, .859, .908; .939, .953, .1023, .1035, .1043, .1109, .1112, .2018

Gill, Robert, & Co. .115, .130, .149, .158, .165, .188, .338, .210, .211, .259, .270

Gilmar, John .2714

Goffer, W. .2714

Golt, John .1048

Goodale (of Pomeroy & Goodale) .33

Goodwin (of Fitch, Goodwin & Co.) .1210, .1213, .1337

Gott, John .223

Gray & Bailey .1922

Green, Daniel G. .2594

Greene, Mary B. .2020

Greenway & Henry .1538

Gregory (of Dodge & Gregory) .178

Gregory - see Marvin & Gregory

Gregory   & Co.   .1694, .1776

Gregory, W. M., & Co. .266, .294, .327

Gregory, B. .1307

Gregory, D. E. .547

Gregory, S. B. .2714

Grier & McKenzie .631

Griffith, C. .1962, .1976

Griffith, Chas.  .1965, .1991

Griswold, A. S. & F. .48

Griswold, J. L. & N. L. .816, .1271

Griswold, Z. .52, .276, .613, .616, .673, .986, .1502

Groesbeeck, C. W., & Co. .395

Gunn & Sampson .5

Gunn, Stephen .2587, 2697, .2698, .2798, .2810


Haggerty (of Lockwood, Haggerty, & Co.) .1301

Haggerty (of Lockwood, Haggerty & Harris) .2656

Haight, D. L. & J. E., & Co. .117

Haight, D. .2714

Haight, David L. .2610

Haines - see Halsted & Haines

Haines - see Halsted, Haines & Co.

Hall (of Sinclair, Walsh & Hall) .1129

Halleck & Moore .1390

Hallett (of Nelson & Hallett) .173

Hallowell, Dan  .1632

Hallowell, Don  .2651

Halsted & Haines .189, .200, .218, .249, .390, .583, .1079

Halsted, Haines & Co. .1171

Halsted, C. O., & Co. .14, .271, .941, .980, .1104, .1182

Halsted, C. O. .8

Hamilton .1981

Hamilton, [S.] .1875, .2714

Hamilton, Samuel .1938, .1971, .1975, .2485, .2593, .2596, .2598-2601, .2605-2606, .2710

Hammon .2822

Hance, R. C. .192

Hannah, W. W. .2763

Hard, Martin .677

Harder, George M. .11

Hardy, Edwd.  .893

Harnes, Jane .2714

Harris (of Lockwood, Haggerty & Harris) .2656

Harris, A. .1179

Hart, J. B. .113

Hart, Urbane .2710

Hart, William .549, .774, .1144

Hastings - see Wilder, Hastings & Co.

Haswell, Cyrus .2710

Haswell, John & Cyrus .2710

Hatch, A. M., & Co. .1221

Haviland, Capt. .67

Hawes, Wm.  .1546

Hawley, W. M. .47

Hawley, Wm. M. .18

Hazard - see Jenkins & Hazard

Henry (of Greenway & Henry) .1538

Henry, J., & Co. .1454

Hermann (of McDougall, Hermann & Co.) .1059

Herriman & Suydam .243

Herriman, Olmsted & Co. .168

Herring (of Conkling & Herring) .831

Hewlett, O. T. & J. .386

Heyer (of Duryee & Heyer) .339

Hill, Nicholas C. .1170

Hillyer & Robbins .429

Hillyer, Bostwick & Co. .808, .1219

Hindman, A. G. .1036

Hodges (of Thornton & Hodges) .491

Hoffman - see Freeland & Hoffman

Hoffman - see Freeland, Hoffman & Co.

Hoffman (of Packard, Hoffman & White) .1169

Hoffman. Daniel .1813

Hoffman & White .1531, .1532

Hogan, Susan .2710

Hogeboom (of Meadowcroft & Hogeboom) .1857

Hogeboom, Peter .1820

Holbrook, L., & Co. .513, .605, .645, .669, .678, .881, .993, .1029, .1185, .1373, .1379, .1459

Holbrook, Nelson & Co. .1596

Holden, John (Jr.) .677

Holliday, J. H.(?)   .2714

Holmes & Spencer .1028

Holmes, Becher .2472

Hone (of Brown & Hone) .1341

Hood, John .377

Hopkins, Lansing P. .2545

Hosmere, John (Mrs.) .2735

Houghtaling, Elizabeth .2602

Houghtaling, Henry .2710

Houghtaling, Wilhelmus W. .2803

House & Sawyer .1408

Hovey, Geo. .1750

Howe & Watson .1668, .1705

The Howell Works Co. .347

Hoyt (of North, Manning & Hoyt) .1362

Hubbard, Enoch S. .1637, .2501

Hubbel, Henry .313, .398, .422, .443, .505, .589

Hudson (of Tileston & Hudson) .991

Hudson Aqueduct Company .28, .220, .1832, .2027

Hudson Gazette .1657, .1940

Hudson River Steam-Boat Association .2265, .2375

Hudson Tow Boat Co.  .141, .144, .260, .261, .308, .314, .318, .324, .346, .378, .406, .410, .441, .473, .493, .494, .525, .528, .531, .545, .546, .626, .689, .736, .754, .757, .760, .764, .777, .801, .910, .1017, .1097, .1106, .1130, .1133, .1227, .1262, .1329, .1344, .1372, .1425, .1438, .1478, .1487, .1506, .1511, .1547, .1590, .1599, .1682, .1707, .1712, .2023, .2041-2133, .2136-2240, .2242-2264, .2267-2269, .2271-.2279, .2281-2297, .2299-2359, .2361-2370, .2388, .2526, .2790

Hudson, William .123, .182, .1289

Hull, W., & Son .482

Humphrey & Co. .414

Hunt (of J. D. Clark & Hunt) .1594

Hunter, John .2711

Huntington & Campbell .1216

Hurdis & Springsteed .1950


Iggett, John .1024, .1098, .1128

Ingham, James .2453, .2687

Ingham, Thomas .2687


Jackson (of Moore & Jackson) .1376

Jackson, Henry .2574

Jacobs & Pierce .1815, .1824, .1827

Jacobs, Comoy & Co. .1825

Jacobs, Pierce & Co. .1829, .1835, .1837, .1841, .1844, .1845, .1848, .1854

Jacobs, Pierce & Fuller .1867, .1895, .1904 .1908-1909

Jacobus, Lyman A. .1756

Jagger & Skidmore .810

Janes, Elishama .703

Janes, W. .1893

Janes, Wm. .971

Jeffords, John .2719

Jenkins & Hazard .232, .237, .401, .468

Jenkins, Robert, & Co. .2614, .2617

Jenkins, Alexr.  .357

Jenkins, John F. .10, .111, .125

Jenkins, Joseph .181, .198

Jewell, H. L. .1192

Johnes (of Munt, Johnes & Co.) .708

Johnson - see Beekman & Johnson

Johnson, J. C., & Co. .1340

Johnson, John .2523

Johnson, Michael J. .2747

Johnston, M. J. .2714

Johnston, Michael J. .2711

Jones, John .2757

Jones, Sam. .2714

Jones, Susan (Mrs.) .2711

Joy & Monteath .1933, .1959


Kain (of Smith, Kain & Bush) .826

Kay, James .2440

Keeler, D. D. .2714

Keeney, B. M. .2030

Kellogg & Baldwin .161, .819, .1001

Kellogg, Langdon .1285

Kelly, J. & W. .436, .449

Kenney, B. M. .1732

Ketcham, Ferris & Woodward .1669

Ketcham, R. .1570, .1784

Kilbourn - see Wright & Kilbourn

Kimmey,  D. .2714

Kimmey,  J. J. .2557

Kinmey,  J. F. .2714

Kimmey,  Jacob F. .2710

Kimmey,  Jacob J. .2695

Kimmey, John .2652, .2659, .2694, .2703

Kimmey, P. .2714

Kinmey, R. .2554

Kimmey, Richd. .2714

King, Hugh, & Co. .96

King, R. H., & Co. .1793

King, James .2703

Kingsbery, L. .257, .375

Kingsland, R., & Co. .118, .353, .581, .738

Kingsland, Richd., & Co. .471, .603

Kinney & Townsend .2810

Kirby, R., & Co. .898

Kirby, L. & V. .1500

Kissam, Samuel .2532

Kittle, D. S. .495

Kittle, Daniel S. .659

Kittle, N. .1780, .1814, .1816

Klock (of Wood & Klock) .2802

Koonz, A. .2714

Kuln & Freeman .849

Kuln & Synes .53


Lacey, E. A. .1204

Laing, H. .818

Lamson, N. .2634

Lane, Alfred .2492

Lane, Andrew .55, .73, .2406, .2443

Lansbury, David F. .2714

Lasher, John .2710

Lasher, Joseph .2591, .2703

Lasher, Marcus (Jr.) .2710

Lathrop (of Lusk, Lathrop & Co.) .1172

Lay & Winne (Drs.) .874

Lay, Z. W. (Dr.) .1493, .1551, .2714

Leask, John .2711

Leavitt, J. W. & R.  .15, .26, .84, .95, .100, .104, .114, .156, .227, .236, .247, .256, .291, .332, .433, .434, .464, .523, .571, .607, .611, .636, .706, .749, .752, .762, .763, .784, .786, .821, .841, .851, .882, .902, .929, .942, .944, .977, .994, .1033, .1039, .1065, .1070,  .1094,  .1095,  .1103, .1105, .1134,  .1183,  .1187,  .1218, .1261, .1377,  .1402,  .1409,  .1418, .1458, .1503,  .1519,  .1522,  .1540, .1582, .1597,  .2024,  .2389,  .2398, .2399, .2615, .2619-.2621, .2628, .2631,  .2638, .2639, .2642, .2644, .2645, .2650

Lee, Savage & Bate .241

Lee, Wm. M. .807

Leech, Samuel .1006

Leeds, Henry H. .585

Leggett, A., & R. C. Hance .192

Leland, Henry .1463

Lester, John .2711

Lewis, Wm. E. .577

Lightbody, James .2760

Linn, Michael .2678

Little – see Weed & Little

Livingston & Beekman .2792

[Livingston], Betsey .2789

Livingston, C., & Co. .1683, .1777

Livingston, Cathn. .2716, .2779-2780, .2784  

Livingston, Crawford .1439

Livingston, Edward (Hon.) .2732

[Livingston], Eliza .2778, .2782, .2785, .2786, .2788

Livingston, H. .2777

[Livingston], Helen .2785, .2788

Livingston, Henry (Genl.)  .2012

Livingston, Jane .2568, .2577, .2736, .2737, .2778

Livingston, John .2034

Livingston, M. .2280, .2445

Livingston, Margaret .2020, .2785, .2788

[Livingston], Margaret and Eliza  .2782, .2786

[Livingston], Matilda .2779

Livingston, P. F., & Co. .1660, .1699, .1700, .2403

Livingston, Peter R.  .2568, .2577, .2785, .2788, .2789

Livingston, P. W. .2610

[Livingston], Peter .2788

Livingston, Peter W. .2611, .2787

Livingston, Robert R. .2792

Livingston, W. T. .2790

Livingston, Walter J. .2430

Livingston, Walter R. .2781-2783, .2785, .2788, .2791

Livingston, Walter T. .2740

Llawson, Sillick .2703

Lloyd, James .447

Lockwood & Co. .1972, .1993

Lockwood, Haggerty, & Co. .1301

Lockwood, Haggerty & Harris .2656

Lockwood, John & Walter .1445, .1484, .1512, .1587, .1589, .1607, .1619, .1659, .1686

Lockwood, Walter .1445, .1484, .1512, .1587, .1589, .1607, .1619, .1659, .1686

Long, J. .2714

Loomis, Allyn, & Co. .290

Lord & Pierson .216

Lord & Stebbins .1767, .1783

Lord, Stebbins & Co. .1973

Lord, Warren, Salter & Co. .1994

Lounds(?), Henry C. .2575

Lovett, A. H. .2720

Low, (Mrs.) .2714

Luke, Philip .2450

Lusk, Lathrop & Co. .1172

Luyster, A. R. .470

Lyall, Andrew .2711



M., E. .2855

Mabbett (of Corlies, Mabbett & Co.) .540

Mabbett – see Pierce, Mabbett & Allin)  

Mabbett, Seneca .284

Mabbett, W. J. .2730

Macy, A. C. .1870, .2766

Macy, Aaron .1785

Macy, F. W. .144, .314, .318, .324

Macy, H. & H. '.1647

Macy, Hiram .1733, .1798, .1808, .1964, .1975, .1984, .2757

Macy, Richard .1929, .2772

Malone, Lewis .2714

Malone, M. (Dr.)  .662

Manhattan Fire Insurance Company .1887

Manning (of North, Manning & Hoyt) .1362

Manning, J. J. .45

Marshall, D. P. .230

Martin (of Ayers & Martin) .2787

Martin, David .1015, .1052, .1113, .1244, .1433, .1461

Martin, Jacob .1496, .1543

Martin, S. .2487-2488

Martin, Samuel .1118, .2714, .2758-2759

Martin, William .1168, .2579

Marvin & Gregory .359, .399, .405, .418, .438, .444, .446, .469, .487, .499, .510-511, .530, .535, .547, .550, .552, .556, .563, .597, .602, .615, .632, .638, .650, .655, .660, .661, .666, .713, .724, .725, .741, .767, .794, .835

Marvin, A. S., & Co. .432, .676, .685, .981

Marvin, R., & Co. .1123, .1132, .1154, .1161, .1205, .1229, .1231, .1232, .1239, .1250, .1294, .1304, .1423, .1467, .1470, .1475, .1476, .1480, .1505, .1507, .1509, .1518, .1549, .1649

Marvin, Richd., & Co. .1124, .1238, .1245, .1246, .1247, .1287, .1466

Marvin, Chas.  .235, .250

Marvin, Geo. .547, .836

Mason (of C. & Mason) .2857

Mason (of Cleveland & Mason) .1855, .1924, .1945, .1951, .1954, .1978, .1999

Maxwell, E. A. (Miss)  .2711

Maxwell, Walter K. .2009

McArthur, C. .1803

McArthur, Chas. .1981

McBain (of Tabor & McBain) .1983

McBain, Daniel .2711

McBain, George .2711

McCabe, R. .1648

McCall, Edwd.  .484

McCandless, John .2452

McClanan, Jas.  .2728

McClure & Dexter .1380

McClure, J. & A.  .912, .1027, .1055, .1057, .1083, .1263

McCormick, William D. .2590, .2710

McCorty, J. .2714

McCrossin, John .2714

McCulloch (of Boyd & McCulloch) .312, .371

McCune, David  .2711

McCurdy & Aldrich  .217, .815

McDougal, H. & G.  .199, .363, .437, .475, .502, .553, .564, .625, .633, .634, .637, .668, .873, .1046, .1082, .1116, .1180, .1236, .1284, .1624, .1721, .1736, .1737, .2646, .2690, .2692

McDougall, Hermann & Co. .1059

McDuffie, Angus .2703

McDuffy, Angus .2703

McElroy, Thos. .1153

McEntosh, (Mrs.) .2711

McGee, John .656

McHarg, A. .2710

McHarg, Alexr. .1108

M’Intyre, John, & Co. .384

McIntyre, John .2496

McKeenan, Peter .2813

McKenzie (of Grier & McKenzie) .631

McKinney, E. S. .640, .670, .2710, .2711

McKinstry, George .2795, .2797

McKinstry, Henry .2740, .2782, .2789

McKinstry, Justus .4

McKinstry, R. .146

McKinstry, Robert .2740, .2782, .2789

McLaren, John F. .1160

McMahan, Jos. .1849

McMillan & Bayley .287

McMillan & Watkins .411, .412, .416, .439, .445, .467, .488, .498, .536, .539, .544, .554, .555, .557, .567, .590, .596, .614, .624, .629

McMillan, James .536

McNamee, Henry .2714

McPherson, Geo. .527, .627, .692, .712, .758, .770, .772, .834, .952, .1286

Meade, H. W. .1873

Meadowcroft & Hogeboom .1857

Meadowcroft, Robert .2451

Mellen & Punderson .325, .1632

Merchant, L. .2814

Merchant, Lansing .878, .2812

Merrill, Nathaniel .1795

Merritt (of Cutter, Bulkley, Merritt & Co.) .1889

Merritt (of Mott, Wood & Merritt) .699, .1084, .1092, .1472

Mesick & Dean .2675

Mesick, Henry H. .2608

Mesier (of Bancroft, Mesier & Co.) .175, .184, .208, .242

Miller, A. .1884, .1897

Miller, Nathaniel .234

Miller, Peter W. .323, .618, .628, .804, .828, .1223, .1481

Miller, Phebe .1833

Milson, A. M. .1473

Milwaine, John .2710

Mitchell, A. C., & Co. .1738

Mitchell, Chas. .1125

Mix, J. B. .1554

Moak, Nicholas .497

Monteath (of Joy & Monteath) .1933, .1959

Montgomery, Jesse .2714

Montgomery, William .2710

Monthly Repository .970

Moore (of Barney & Moore) .1318, .1326

Moore (of Halleck & Moore) .1390

Moore & Jackson .1376

Moore, E. J., & Co. .349

Morange, James .710

Morgan (of Stilwell, Morgan & Co.) .617, .635, .1810

Morgan & Brush  .832, .891, .937, .1087, .2706

Morgan, John .1796

Morrel, Tunus .1117

Morris & Trotter .1533, .1534, .1545

Morris, W. R. .1414, .1432

Morrison, W. & G., & Co. .1355

Moseley, Harriet A. .1979, .2006

Mosier, Eli  .24, .107, .147, .319, .548, .697, .1149, .1800, .2424, .2425, .2431, .2433, .2454, .2497, .2503, .2512, .2544, .2565, .2674

Moss (of Squires, Moss & Co.) .2029

Mott, Wood & Merritt .699, .1084, .1092, .1472

Mott, Saml. .699, .1084, .1472

Mott, Wm. F. & Saml. .699, .1084, .1472

Mull, Cornelius .479, .2462

Mullen (of Alexander & Mullen) .385

Muller & Wyckoff .704

Muno (of Cooke & Muno) .463

Munt, Johnes & Co. .708

Murdock (of Ellis & Murdock) .153, .2632

Murdock, B., & Co. .740

Murdock, E. .476, .501, .950, .1120, .1191, .1395, .1465, .1490

[Myer], Rachel .2480

Myer, Walter .2480


Nash (of Tobey & Nash) .1786, .1839

Nash, Thomas B. .1882

Nash, W. .483

Nellagan, Asa B. .1320

Nelson (of Holbrook, Nelson & Co.) .1596

Nelson & Hallett .173

Nesmith, Smith & Co. .245, .457, .478

Nesmith, J. P. & J. .643, .844, .1214, .2647

Nesmith, John, & Co. .897

Netterville .2703

Nevins, Peter J. .46, .67, .85, .2722

The New-York Standard and Statesman .1259

New-York Statesman .150

New-York Times .1629

Newton, Mary .2711

Nichols, J. & C. .13, .17, .2010, .2613, .2616, .2618, .2622

Nims, H. B., & Co. .2825-2826

Nixon (of Doremus, Suydam & Nixon) .1339, .1504, .1579

Nixon, James .1468

Norbert, Yilden A. .709

Nordin, Wm.  .1493, .1494

North, Manning & Hoyt .1362


Obrien, Ellen (Mrs.) .2753

Odell, T. B. & J. .1955

O'Hanlon, Michael .1324

O'Hara & Phelps .1723

Olcott, Josiah .268, .362, .403, .658, .1209

Oliver, Richard .2710

Olmsted (of Herriman, Olmsted & Co.) .168

Orr, J. W. .2825-2826

Orr, Matthew .2711

Orr, Samuel .2711

Osborn, Charles .305

Osborn, John .1680

Ostrom, Daniel H. .2009

Ottignon, C. .348

Outwater, P. .2781

Owen, James .2007

Owens, Mathew .331


P. R. & Co. .56

Paddock & Findley .311, .2637

Packard, Hoffman & White .1169

Paddock, J., & Co. .38, .78, .88, .90, .93, .105, .109, .110, .120, .121, .124, .127, .128, .132, .142, .143, .145, .172, .197, .201, .204, .206, .214, .233, .238, .251, .253, .254, .1614, .2037-2040

Paddock, Judah, & Co. .20, .25, .54, .65, .66, .74-.76, .86, .89, .94, .103, .126, .129, .205, .215, .1397, .2627

Paddock, Lawrence .1396

Paddock, S. .2714

Paddock, Stephen .330, .684, .823, .954, .1063, .1067, .1146, .1298

Paige & Cassidy .1022, .1042, .1226, .1311 .1353

Pardow, George .119

Parker, William .500

Patten (of Spear & Patten) .1358, .1363, .1403, .1410

Patterson, R. .2434

Patterson, Robt.  .2436-.2438, .2543

Patterson, Robert (Jr.)  .2546

Patton, Robert  .2710

Patton, William  .2710

Paucher, Jacob .2798

Paul, C.  .1794

Peake – see Wier & Peake

Peck – see Bloodgood & Peck 

Peck, D. .2857

Peet – see Bostwick & Peet

Pelling, Richard  .2569

Penniman & Co.  .1310

Penniman & Fitch  .1333, .1378

Penniman, S. J.  .1436

Penniman, Silvanus J.   .1558, .1592

Pents & Pomeroy  .674

People’s Line  .2373, .2378, .2380, .2381

Phelps – see Boyd & Phelps

Phelps – see Brintnall & Phelps

Phelps – see O’Hara & Phelps

Phillip, Jonas  .2675

Phillips, Levi  .620, .1139, .1147, .1268, .1269, .1325, .1724, .1725, .1748, .1751, .1755, .1779, .1787, .2688, .2691

Pierce – see Angell, Pierce & Cleveland

Pierce – see Jacobs & Pierce; or Jacobs, Pierce & Co.; or Jacbos, Pierce & Fuller

Pierce & Cleveland  .1818, .1826, .1836, .1842, .1850, .1856, .1858, .1866, .1871, .2589

Pierce, Mabbett & Allin .1080, .1900, .1901, .1905-1907, .1912, .1932, .1946, .1948, .1953, .1974, .1982, .1995, .2698, .2723, .2745, .2810, .2857

Pierce, E. A. .2730

Pierson (of Lord & Pierson) .216

Pierson, J. G., & Bros.  .162

Pitkin & Boyd .155, .163, .185

Pitkin, Boyd & Co. .748, .811, .2475

Pitkin, John R. .922, .945, .1406

Pittinger, A. .2463, .2703, .2714

Pittinger, Abram .1875, .2592

Plato (of Brooks & Plato) .969

Platt, Charles E. .2845

Platt, E. .2714

Platt, Eleanor .1695, .1696

Platto, James A. .2714

Ploss, J. W. .2808

Plumb, Freeland & Co. .587, .1004

Pomeroy (of Pents & Pomeroy) .674

Pomeroy (of Spencer & Pomeroy) .57

Pomeroy & Goodale .33

Pomeroy & Sergeant .30

Pomeroy, Asa E. .1207

Poor (of Woolsey, Poor & Convers) .1075

Poor, Benjamin, & Co. .40

Porter, Henry .2757

Potter, Ellis, & Co. .136, .281, .387, .608, .649, .679, .723, .779, .787, .814, .843, .853, .885, .926, .1000, .1031, .1066

Powell, Ezra .911

Power, George H. .1872

Power, Isaac  .122, .855, .935, .947, .1005, .1349, .1371, .1616

Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh .775, .1359, .1386, .1419, .1571, .1584, .2662

Pruyn, John .286, .2014

The Publishing Society .1267

Pulver, Coonrod .621, .804, .1223, .1352

Punderson (of Mellen & Punderson) .325, .1632


Rainey, Robt.  .1662, .2405

Rand, Silas .2798

Ranney, Edward  .1618, .1624, .2553, .2570-2574, .2576, .2578, .2751, .2755

(also spelled Ronney)

Ranney, Reuben .2562

Rathbone & Chapin .255

Rathbone, F. W.  .562

Redman, Saml. .152

Redmond, Saml .195

Reed, Watson & Co. .582

Reed, Wm.  .714

Reid, Rufus .1642

Remsen (of Bailey & Remsen) .49, .212

Requa, G. & J. P., & Co. .293

Rhoades & Weed .923, .983

Rhodes, G. .2714

Rhodes, John .2710

Rice & Richmond .1911

Rice, N., & Co. .532, .598

Rich, Lewis .2423

Richards (of Steele, Wolcott & Richards) .919, .1196

Richmond .2478

Richmond (of Rice & Richmond) .1911

Richmond, E. .1885

Ridley, Matilda F. S. .2716, .2780, .2784

Robbins (of Hillyer & Robbins) .429

Roberts, H. .1091

Robinson & Vanderbilt .1162

Robinson., J. B. .2711

Roby (of Benedict & Roby) .1190

Rockefeller, John N. .2405

Roe, Richard .2699

Rogers, I., & Co. .1270, .1722, .1886

Rogers, D. .2411, ,2413, .2417

Rogers, David .2421

Rogers, F. .2508, .2511, .2517, .2519-2522, .2528, .2530, 2531, .2541

Rogers, Franklin .2509, .2516, .2518, .2524, .2533, .2535, .2536, .2538-39, .2567

Rogers, Wm. (Jr.) .59, .194, .2407, .2408-2412, .2414-2416, .2418-2420

Roggen (of Slack & Roggen) .374, .514, .588

Roney, M. .1598

Ronney, Edward - see Ranney

Root & Capron .1742

Root & Spencer .863, .876

Root, Elias .720, .721, .726, .771, .798, .1089, .1159, .1206, .1225, .1327

Root, James .309, .376, .415, .474, .561, .593, .1047, .1090, .2636

Root, M. B. .1811

Rosman (of Frary & Rosman) .1274

Rossman (of Van Valkenburgh & Rossman) .1822

Rouney, Peter .1240

Russ, Burton & Co. .1564

Russell (of Warner, Douse & Russell) .1989

Russell, D. .2588


Sage & Clark .560, .728, .2471

Salisbury, C. .2714

Salter (of Lord, Warren, Salter & Co.) .1994

Sampson (of Gunn & Sampson) .5

Sampson & Tisdale .140, .304, .358, .400, .489, .600, .1181, .1257, .1295, .1415

Sanders, John .2783

Sanders, John (Jr.) .2727, .2740

Sargent  (of Chapman & Sargent) .1566, .1568, .1577

Sargent  (of Chapman, Sargent & Co.) .824,  .866, .976, .1019, .1056

Satterlee (of Chesebrough, Satterlee & Co.) .301, .904

Satterlee, E. R. & E. .2021

Satterlee, John .2714

Saunders, John .2537

Saunders, John (Jr.) .2789

Saunders, John B. .2714

Savage (of Lee, Savage & Bate) .241

Savery (of Bent & Savery) .2019, .2629

Savery, John, & Co. .2626

Savery, P. B. .663, .2648

Savery, Timothy .1530

Sawyer (of House & Sawyer) .1408

Sayle, Charles .1676

School District No. 9, Charlton, New York .2011

Schoonmaker, H. J. .2710

Scott, Mary Denney .825

Seely, C. .340

Sergeant (of Pomeroy & Sergeant) .30

Shadick, Samuel S. .2673

Sharp & Tuttle .275, .462

Sharp, James R. .1391

Sharp, Nancy .2710

Shaw, E. B. .1807, .1859, .2031

Shaw, L. & D. D. .594, .686, .796, .895, .1008, .1081, .1122, .1264, .1265, .1272

Shaw, Mylard(?)  .263

Shaw, Robert .170

Shaw, Royal .2498

Shear, B. P. B. .2710

Shepherd .2703, .2714

Shutter, John .1431

Sickles, John P. .2703

Sigourney (of Stone & Sigourney) .44, .61, .71, .83, .157, .164

Simmons & Artcher .1110

Simmons, Daniel .442, .630, .667

Simpson, R. .2714

Sinclair & Walsh .537, .862

Sinclair, Walsh & Hall .1129

Skidmore (of Jagger & Skidmore) .810

Skidmore & Wilkins .430

Slack & Roggen .374, .514, .588

Slack, J. & R. F. .622, .719, .727, .800, .805, .839, .840, .864, .870, .872, .890, .913, .946, .963, .1041, .1096, .1136, .1142, .1188, .1249, .1266, .1427, .1609

Slack, Jno. & Robt. F.  .1013, .1049, .1114, .1424

Slingerlandt, Isaac .2792

Sloat, John L.  .1560

Smith - see Stryker & Smith

Smith - see Woodburn, Smith & Co.

Smith & Strong  .1360, .1399, .1413, .1417, .1430, .2025

 Smith & Swift  .845

Smith & Wheeler  .606

Smith & Wright  .845

Smith, Ira, & Co.  .817

Smith, Kain & Bush  .826

Smith, Danl.  .1434, .1444, .2515, .2564, .2566

Smith, Edward   .36, .1076

Smith, George  .177, .345, .1604, .1613, .1623, .1626-.1628, .1631, .1633, .1636, .1726

Smith, J. .1639

Smith, J. (Jr.) .1646

Smith, John  .1602, .2711, .2714

Smith, John S. .1053

Smith, O. .2714

Smith, Thomas S. .2711

Smith, Truman .1606, .1630

Snyder, F. .1715

Snyder, John (Jr.) .252

Snyder, John L. .2561, .2703

Solomons, Levy .837

Soragan, J. & P. .1018

Soragan, P. .1018, .2549

Soragan, Patrick .1054

Spalding, G. R., & Co. .1847, .1878

Spalding, G. R. .1706, .2556

Spawn, A. .2714

Spawn, J. M. .2714

Spear & Patten .1358, .1363, .1403, .1410

Spencer (of Holmes & Spencer) .1028

Spencer (of Root & Spencer) .863, .876

Spencer & Gates .2681

Spencer & Pomeroy .57

Spickerman, John .2428

Springsteed (of Hurdis & Springsteed) .1950

Squire (of Williams & Squire) .1812

Squires, Moss & Co. .2029

Stafford, Spencer .2714

Stagg, Jno. P., & Co. .729

Stagg, John P. .34, .51

Stanton, G. W. .480

Stebbins (of Lord & Stebbins) .1767, .1783

Stebbins (of Lord, Stebbins & Co.) .1973

Stebbins, Dibblee & Co. .1040

Steel, H. .1442, .2547, .2550, .2580

Steel, Hezekiah  .159, .367, .2555, .2757

Steele, Wolcott & Richards .919, .1196

Sterritt, James .1, .2

Stephens & Corlies   . 894

Stevens, F. H., & Co. .766

Steward, John, Jr., & Co. .580, .848

Stewart, James .1429

Stewart, John .50

Stewart, William .2654

Stickle, Simon .1565

Stilwell, Morgan & Co. .617, .635, .1810

Stiman, Henry .2714

Stone & Sigourney .44, .61, .71, .83, .157, .164

Stone, S. A. .1791

Strain, Joseph .219, .222, .231, .289, .322, .328, .329, .369, .424, .452, .486, .508, .512, .682, .737, .768, .773, .802, .803, .921, .951, .962, .1021, .1058, .1135, .1152, .1194, .1203, .1252, .1280, .1291, .1316, .1367, .1381, .1421, .1441, .1479, .2527, .2529, .2657, 2703

Strong - see Smith & Strong

Stryker & Smith .1217

Sturtevant, P. .148, .2432, .2435

Suydam (of Doremus, Suydam & Nixon) .1339, .1504, .1579

Suydam (of Herriman & Suydam) .243

Suydam & Boyd .1177

Suydam & Wilson  .22, .91, .108, .131, .167, .180, .193, .196, .203, .213, .283, .297, .337, .360, .407, .419, .428, .453, .504, .509, .515, .542, .591, .604, .647, .722, .782, .822, .856, .889, .978, .1034, .1071, .1107, .1254, .1282, .1302, .1559, .2392-2397, .2400, .2404, .2439, .2449, .2643

Suydam, Henry .1581

Suydam, L. & C.  .576

Sweeney, John   .461, .2013

Swift (of Smith & Swift) .845

Swiftsure Line of Tow-Boats .2241, .2266, .2298, .2371, .2374, .2376, .2377, .2379, .2383, .2384, .2386

Synes (of Kuln & Synes) .53


Tabor &  McBain .1983

Tappan, A., & Co. .160, .209, .244, .279, .394, .485, .524, .683, .702, .747, .753, .780, .781, .883, .990, .1248

Tappan, Arthur, & Co. .352, .365, .396, .506, .519, .526, .612, .646, .813, .842, .887, .900, .920, .933, .996, .1011, .1032, .1093, .1173, .1212, .1220, .1260, .1300, .1343, .1394, .1407, .1456, .1471, .1525, .1539, .1595

Tappan, A. .81, .139, .262, .2391

Tappan, Arthur .37

Taylor (of Brewer & Taylor) .1233, .1290

Taylor, Edward, & Co. .1585

Taylor, Edwd.  .202

Taylor, John  .1354, .1526, .1569, .1573, .1603, .1638, .1641, .1743, .1765, .1775, .1817, .2714

Teal, Jacob H. .2742, .2743, .2750

Tefft, James  .2513

Ten Broeck, Dirck W. .2792

Ten Broeck, Jeremiah .2793

Ten Broeck, Leonard  .2732, .2733

Ten Broeck, Leonard W.  .2734

Ten Broeck, Samuel (Genl.)  .2732, .2733

Terry, Wm. .2857

Thistleton, George .2796

Thompson, T.  .2703

Thompson, Thomas  .315, .420, .492, .657, .868, .940, .2476, .2481, .2490, .2640, .2653, .2658

Thomson, David  .2711

Thornton & Hodges  .491

Thornton, Thomas  .2714

Throckmorton, J. .39, .116, .368

Tileston & Hudson .991

Tillinghast, J. J. .1877

Tisdale (of Sampson & Tisdale) .140, .304, .358, .400, .489, .600, .1181, .1257, .1295, .1415

Tobey & Nash   .1786, .1839

Tobey, Seth .2754

Tobey, Silas W. .1714, .1747, .2756

Tobey, Wm. H.   .2773

Tompkins (of Wilbur & Tompkins) .391

Townsend (of Kinney & Townsend) .2810

Townsend, T. & E., & Co. .1276, .1279, .1335, .1368, .1392, .1449, .1453, .1486, .2665

Townsend, B. M. .1156

Townsend, R. W. .2730

Townsend, T. & E. .454, .586, .892, .984, .989, .1078, .1293, .1388, .1510, .1513, .1516, .1608, .1620, .1652, .1670, .1673, .1925, .1701, .2563, .2582, .2585, 2667, .2671

Traver (of Whitney & Traver) .759, .1166

Traver, Jacob .1692

Traver, Mary Ann .761

Treat, Saml. S. (Dr.) .2022

Treeda, Anthony .2710

Tremoin, Judge .2798

Trotter (of Morris & Trotter) .1533, .1534, .1545

Trumbull, R. .2710

Tuffs, Joshua .1574, .1575, .1610, .1644, .1677, .1698, .2660, .2679

Tuffs, J. .956, .1012, .1051, .1085, .1126, .1140, .1243, .1251

Turner, J. & A. .973, .1062

Turnover, Timothy .2699

Tuttle (of Sharp & Tuttle) .275, .462

Tweeddale, Edward .2711

Tyler & Dillon .671


Underhill (of Cromwell & Underhill) .1944

Underhill (of Waring & Underhill)  .1527

Underhill, J. S. & A.  .413, .1717, .1757, .1769, .1804, .1883, .1896, .1914

Underhill, T. N. .1853, .1902, .1926

Utica (steam-boat) .2373, .2378, .2380-2381


Van Alen, Adam -  see Van Allen

Van Alen, John (Jr.)  .2447, .2489, .2649

Van Allen  .1288, .1364, .2554

Van Allen – see Crawford & Van Allen

Van Allen, A.  .1546, .1564, .2703

Van Allen, Adam    .1150, .1199, .1495, .1544, .1572., .2758-2759, .2803, .2811, .2815

            (also spelled Van Alen)

Van Allen, Wm .1202

Van Alstyne, Abraham .778

Valstyne, Laurence .1420

Vanantwerp & Disosway .899, .1277

Vanauler, G. .1162

[Van] Buren, D. .2714

Van Buren, H. B. .2710, .2714

Van Buren, P. & H. B. .2714

Van Buren, Richard .1697

Vandenbergh (of Winne & Vandenbergh) .791, .871

Vanderbilt (of Robinson & Vanderbilt) .1162

Van Der Zee, Tunis .2504, .2703

Van Deusen .1643

Van Deusen, Derick(?)  .1323

Van Deusen, H. B.  .938, .1821, .1830, .1846, .1860, .1879, .1881

Van Deusen, James .2798

Vandike, Nancy .2491

Van Dyck, L. .2774

Van Guysland, Peter .2710

Van Ingen, (Mrs.) .2711

Van Natten, William .1562

Van Ness, Jacob .1791

Van Ness, John P. (Gen.)  .2732

Vanneter, William .2803

Van O'Linda (Doct.) .2015

Van O’Linda, M. .2710

Van O’Linda, P. .797, .2473, .2474

Van Patten, C. .2714

Van Pelt (of Davison & Van Pelt) .1077

Van Rensselaer, K. .2710

Van Sant, David    .2710

Van Sant, John   .2710

Van Sickler, R. M., & Co. .1934, .1942, .1949, .1957, .1961, .1963, .1966, .1969, .1997

Van Sickler, R.  M. .1915, .1917, .1960

Van Valkenburgh  & Rossman .1822

Van Valkingerg, Jeh[illegible]. .2798

Van Wyck, A. .221

Van Wyck, C. H. .1508, .1654

Van Wyck, C. H. & W. .1176, .1451, .1622

Veeder, J. P. .1202, .1364

Veeder, John P. .1198, .2542, .2548, 2551

Vespasian, Titus   .2699

Vosburgh - see Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh


Waddel, Samuel .1150, .1151, .1199, .1200, .1288, .2811

Wagoner, A. .1719, .1823

Waggoner, H. .2714

Waggoner, John .2710

Waggoner, William .2710

Wait, Betsey .1313

Wait, Wm. T. .1163, .1385

Waldo, H., & Co. .896

Wallace (of Beaumont & Wallace) .1595

Wallace, J. B. .2703

Wallace, Moses .2710

Wallace, W. .2714

Walsh (of Sinclair & Walsh) .537, .862

Walsh (of Sinclair, Walsh & Hall) .1129

Waltermire, (Widow) .2493

Waltermire, J. M. .1754

Waltermire, Rachel   .2495, .2510

Ward, Henry .1520

Wardell, R., & Son  .207, .226, .278, .296, .302, .336, .393, .404, .427, .451, .575, .601, .675, .700, .907, .992, .1100, .1258, .1299, .1356, .2390

Waring & Underhill .1527

Warner, Douse & Russell .1989

Warren (of Lord, Warren, Salter & Co.) .1994

Warriner, Birch & Whittemore .1501

Waterman, Barnabas .2719

Waters, Barbay .2714

Watkins - see McMillan & Watkins

Watkins, Isaac .536, .654

Watson (of Howe & Watson) .1668, .1705

Watson (of Reed, Watson & Co.) .582

Watson, J. & J.  .72, .77

Watt, James .2711

Watts, Geo. .1674, .1690, .1704, .1967

Weaver, Philip .2710

Weaver, Zebulon .1741

Webb, H. & C., & Co. .833

Webb, Henry L. .224

Webb, J. H. & H. L. .373

Webb, John H. & Henry L. .224

Webster - see Gill, French & Webster

Webster (of French & Webster) .455, .2016

Webster (of French, Webster & Co.) .1224, .1241

Weed & Little   .133, .166, .228, .272, .300, .350,  .421, .431, .477, .507, .574, .609,  .648, .687, .734, .735, .783, .850,  .884, .888, .905, .906, .927, .930,  .982, .988, .999, .1038, .1068, .1102, .1215, .1242

Weed, N. & H., & Co. .364, .1688

Weed, N. & H. .9, .21, .32, .43, .68, .2035, .2429, .2624, .2625

Weed, Maltbie .1342, .1375

Welles, Geo. W. .240

Wells, P. .2804

Wemple & Degraff(?)  .2479

Wemple, A. J. .2604

Wemple, Abraham J. .2746

Wemple, John D. W. .2004

Wemple, Peter J. .2703

Wescott, S.  .1469, .1711, .1740, .1761

Wescott, Saml. .1656

Westcot, V. R. .106

Westervelt, A. .2710, .2714

Westervelt, Albert .2710

Westervelt, John J. .2506

Westervelt, Peter .2710

Weston, Hercules  .64, .92

Weyman & Clark  .435

Wheeler (of Smith & Wheeler) .606

Wheeler, W. H.  .1938

White (of Hoffman & White) .1531, .1532

White (of Packard, Hoffman & White) .1169

White & Wright .41

White, Andrew .2747

White, Chandler .304

White, John G. .2008

White, P. .60, .2426

White, Philip .12

White, Wm. .789

White, Wm., & Co. .957, .1099

Whitney & Traver .759, .1166

Whitney, Charles .2465

Whittelsey, Philo D. .1805

Whittemore (of Warriner, Birch & Whittemore)  .1501

Wier & Peake .1792

Wier, John .917, .1074, .2682, .2684, .2729

Wier, Martha .2003

Wier, T. J. .1920, .2857

Wilbur, M., & Buckley .1389

Wilbur & Tompkins .391

Wilbur, Marcus .299, .450

Wilder & Bleecker .1665, .1789

Wilder, Hastings & Co. .316, .342, .380, .496, .691, .1640, .1691

Wilkins (of Skidmore & Wilkins) .430

Williams & Squire .1812

Williams & Bliss .2800

Williams, B. .29

Williams, C. .2769

Williams, E. .2782, .2786

Williams, Elisha .169, .2635, .2798

Williams, Grosvener .6

Willson, J. R. .1201, .1346, .1347

Willson, Jas. N. .2817

Willson, S. M. .1332

Wilson - see Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh

Wilson (of Suydam & Wilson) .22

Wilson & Butler .389

Wilson, A. .2714

Wilson, A. W. .123, .1759, .2804  

Wilson, Robert .1752, .2711

Wilson, William .1890

Wiltre, J., & Co. .2441

Windle, W. B.  .2799

Winne .2710

Winne (of Lay & Winne (Drs.)) .874

Winne & Vandenbergh .791, .871

Winne, Abraham H. .497

Winne, Adaline .2710

Winne, D. D. & W. .1157

Winne, Jacob .2710

Winslow, L. .1482

Winslow, R. .288, .877

Winslow, Richard .551, .665

Witbeck, C. V. .2714

Witbeck, W. C. .2714

Witbeck, Walter .1497

Wolcott  (of Steele, Wolcott & Richards) .919, .1196

Wolf, J. T. .2714

Wolfe, Bishop & Co. .943

Wolfe, J. D., Bishop & Co. .928, .995, .1037, .1303, .1405, .1499, .1541

Wolfe, C. & J. D. .459, .731

Wolfe, Chas. & J. D. .135

Wood (of Mott, Wood & Merritt) .699, .1084, .1092, .1472

Wood and Klock  .2802

Wood, Barnabas .2714

Woodburn & Dey Ermand .1990

Woodburn, L., & Co. .1591, .1617, .1728, .1788, .1898, .2686

Woodburn, Smith & Co. .1928, .1931, .1936

Woodruff & Young .1958

Woodruff, Saml. M. .2748

Woodruff, Simeon(?)  .2748

Woodward (of Ketcham, Ferris & Woodward)  .1669

Woolsey, Poor & Convers  .1075

Wright (of Smith & Wright) .845

Wright (of White & Wright) .41

Wright & Kilbourn  .698, .792, .1016, .1026, .1350, .1384

Wright, E. .2446, .2468, .2469, .2477, .2505, .2701, .2703, .2714

Wright, Ebenezer .2467, .2470, .2486, .2703

Wright, J. .2552

Wright, Justus .416

Wright, William .2464

Wyckoff (of Muller & Wyckoff) .704


Yale College    .2856

Yates & Bagley .1645

Yates, C. .1869

Yates, J. W.    .2794

Yates, John W.     .2797

Young (of Woodruff & Young) .1958

Young & Ehle .239, .310, .326, .402, .425, .440, .538, .965


Index to occupations mentioned in acc. 75x334.1-.985, plus a few after that

[please note that this is only a partial occupation index to the collection]


American goods        .699

Attorney & counselor .3, .4

auctioneer   .540, .832, .891, .937, .1087, .2706


baker   .311, .330, .447, .684, .765, .793, .823, .954

basket maker    .348

basket store  .298, .743

brass & iron foundry .304

brush manufacturer  .460, .517

builder         .177


calico factory   .2451

cartman     .656

china, glass & earthenware .224, .373

cider & wine merchant . 11

comb store   .448, .610, .705, .746

commerce    .79

commission merchant .245, .457, .478, .540, .643, .844, .897, .1214, .2647

cordage store .594, .686

cotton & woolen factory  .377

crockery merchant  .833


distiller   .309, .376, .415, .474, .720, .721, .863, .876

druggist   .791, .871

dry goods  .273, .812, .846, .886, .898, .901, .916


fabric merchant      .8

fancy & staple dry goods  .413

fancy basket store  .298, .743

flour & provision store  .411, .412, .439, .445, .467, .484, .488, .498, .536

flour merchant .288, .551, .665, .877


grocer & flour store     .234

grocer & ship chandler .370, .409

grocers (see Slack, J. & R )  .294, .800, etc.


hardware        .704

hardware & military goods  .459, .928, .943

hardware merchants .414, .455, .595, .641, .681, .716, .718, .755, .756, .857, .908, .939, .953, .1023, .1035, .1043, .1109, .1112

hardware store    .181, .198

hatter    .159

holloware & nail merchants .140, .355, .366, .381, .383, .397, .465, .533

hosier   .187, .354, .456, .490, .518, .578, .623, .653, .711, .744, .880, .918


importer of hosiery      .893

importers of hardware, cutlery, saddlery .718

iron works    .347

iron and cut-nail store .162


joiner   .122


looking-glass store  .461


merchants (papers are predominantly merchants)  .20, .54, .74-.76, .78, .84, .86, .88, .89, .93-.95, .100, .103-.105, .109, etc., .387, .513

merchant/tailor  .307, .317, .570, .730


needle manufacturer. & importer   .119

needle manufacturer  .282


physician  .662, .797

potter   .671

printer  .1595, .1659

provision store  .320, .321, .448, .481, .592


saddle & harness maker  .759

ship chandler  .594, .686, .796, .895, .1008

shoe black manufacturer .315, .420, .492, .550, .602,.638, .657

shoemaker     .27, .252, .917

shoe repair   .24, .107, .147, .309, .548, .697, .1149, .1800

silk goods  .37, .81, .139, .209, .244, .262, .279, .352, .365, .394, .396, .485, .506, .519, .524, .526, .611, .646, .683, .753, .780, .781, .813, .883, .990

soap & candle manufacturer. .219, .222, .231, .289, .322, .328, .329, .369, .424, .452, .486, .682, .737, .768, .773, .802, .803, .921


tailor     .12, 60

tallow chandler     .482, .573

tavern   .169, .483

teacher   .2011, .2020

tin factory    .492, .659

tobacco & segar [cigar] factory  .476, 501, .770, .948, .950

tobacconist    .385, .527, .627, .692, .712, .758, .772, .834, .837, .952


umbrella maker   .36, .152, .195, .466, .1076

upholsterer    .710


victualler     .824, .866


warehouse   .347

woolen drapers     .384


yarn, (knitting & cotton)   .207, .278