The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and
Printed Ephemera
Creator: Bangor Stone Ware Co.
Title: Papers
Dates: 1893-1903
Call No.:
Acc. No.: 85x60
Quantity: 1 box
Location: 14 C 3
The Bangor Stone Ware Company operated in
These papers shed
much light on the operation of this
The papers consist of bills, orders, receipts, and letters received in
the course of doing business. They
include short notes from firms supplying clay, specifications for pieces
ordered, prices, utility company receipts, illustrated billheads, and so on.
The Bangor Stone Ware Company papers are filed alphabetically in one
sequence, with one folder of unsorted (due to difficulties in reading the
names) papers at the end of the box.
The collection was
partially processed upon receipt in 1985.
At that time, most of the names in the following list were extracted
from the documents to facilitate entering them in the library's Termatrex
indexing system. Eleven more names were
found when the collection processing was completed in 1989. Those 11 are marked below with an asterisk.
Researchers will need to bear in mind the following caveats about this
list: the members of the manuscript library staff who did the preliminary
processing of the collection usually inverted corporate names based on personal
names. That gives us "Goodrich, B.
F. & Co." rather than "B. F. Goodrich & Co." The entries were also made exactly as they
appeared on the cards, so that we get "McLeod, Nichlos" and later
"Nichols & McLeod" which probably refer to the same firm.
Purchased from
the Paper Tiger,
Pottery industry -
Location: 14 C 3
Folder 1: Branin,
M. Lelyn. “The Stoneware Manufactory at
Folder 2: Adams & Wilder
Aiken, F. B.
Allen, C. & Son
Allen, F. W., &
Folder 3: Bailey, W. E.
Bangor Gas Light
Bangor Stone Ware Co.
Barthlett, W. R.
Bellatter, A. L.
Bird & Hart
Boch [Bock?], Chas. W.
Bock, C. W.
Bodwell Granite Company
Boynton, Fred W.
Bryant's Wharf
Buck, A. R.
Bull, Geo. W.
Burbank, Douglass &
Burns & Rimcy
Burrowes, E. T. &
Folder 4: Carle & Jones
Carleton, Pascal &
Cary & Son, L. K.
Chesley, O. H.
Clark, Samuel
Cleveland, Scott*
Collins, Edwin
Collins House
Conant, C. M. Co.
Conary, W. C.
Cooper, W. A.
Corey, R. W.
Coughlin, J. B.
Crabtree & Havey
Crane, C. W., &
Cummings, F. A. &
Cunningham, Chas. H.
Cushman, A. F.
Folder 5: Daigh, A. B.
Dakin, A. K. P.
Danah, J. G.
Dane, A. P.
Danforth & Co.*
Darrah & Salisbury
Darrah, F. G.
Daugherty, A. C.
Dexter Coop Store
Dickey, W. P. & Co.
Dingley, John &
Dinsmore, J. R. &
Doyle, A. B.
Duffy, James H. &
Dunning, H. T.
Dunning, R. B.
Folder 6: Ellsworth Hardwood Supply Co.
Emery & Co.
Empire Clay Mining Co.
Ernst, Alfred O.
Farwell, O. Y. & Son
Favor, Eugene S.
Field, A. S.
Finson & Loane
First National Bank of
Fletcher, A. W.
Folder 7: Gagnon, H. A.
Gagnon, Michel A.
Gammon, C. J.
Gannett, E. F.
Gardner, E. B. & Co.
Garnett, R. J.
Gay, J. T. & Son
Genther, B. T.
Gerry, O. P.
Getchell, & Co.
Gifford, Sylvester
Gilbert, A. C.
Gillin Brothers
Goodhue, H. N.
Goodrich, B. F. &
Gove, E.
Grant, C. O.
Green, H. S.
Greenleaf, C. D.
Griffiths, B. L.
Grimes, E. P.
Grindal, C. H.
Grover, G. C.
Grover, Henry
Folder 8: Hadlock, Chas. W.
Hall & Knight
Hardware Co.
Hamilton, C. G.
Harmon & Harris Co.
Hart, G. H.
Haskell, Geo. B. Co.
Haskell, Geo. H.
Hassard, W. B.*
Hayes, F. H.*
Herrick, Smith & Co.
Heywood, D. E.
Hill, W. A.
Hillmann & Co.
Hillmann, F. A.
Hincks & Co.
Hodgdon, G. A.
Hodgkins, J. F.
Hollis, W. W.
Hooper, Havey &
Howes, A. A. Co.
Hoxie, C. M. & Co.
Humphrey Bros.
Hunter, McMaster &
Huxford, T. I.
Folder 9: Industrial Journal, The
Ironside, C. N.
James & Abbot
Jeffords, J. E. &
Jenkins, Abbie L.
Johnson, M.
Jones, H. E.
Kellogg, Horace
Kendall & Whitney
Keuffel & Esser Co.
Kimball, F. L.
Kroc, Jos.
Kuig, H. B. & Son
Folder 10: Lamb, J. C.
Landerkin, Charles
Lawrence, Herbert
Lawry, Chas. A.
Lawry, S. T.
Leibley, C. O.
Leighton & Haines
Liby, John
Littlefield, C. E.
Loder, Mrs. A. J.
Lombard, C. W.
Loud, B. & Son
Lowell & Engel, Dr.
Folder 11: Mahan, G. W.
Maine Central Railroad
Manley, S. B.
Martin, E. S. & Son
Martin, Jos. & Son
Mathews, Roy & Co.
Mathisen, Christian*
Maxcy, Sawyer, & Co.
Mayo, A. H.
McIntyre, L. B.*
McLellan, H. A.
McLeod, Nichlos
McNally, James
Meally, E. H.
Merriam, H. E.
Merrill, Geo. T.
Mildon's Variety Store
Millar, John A.
Milmore, J. C.
Momeault, Charles
Morneault, F. R. &
Morrill, H. L.
Morse & Anderson
Muller, J. B.
Mulvany, J. D. & Co.
Mutual Ice Co.
Folder 12: Neally, E. H.
New England Pottery Co.
Newell, Thos. C. &
Nichols & McLeod
Nickerson & Damm
Norton Emery Wheel Co.
Noyes & Miller Mfg.
Folder 13: Packs, A. H.
Page, Mrs. C. P.
Page, Spearing &
Parks, A. H.
Paul, William A.
Peaks, J. B.
Pearl & Dennett
Peirce, Albert J.
Pendleton, F. P.
Penobscot Exchange
Percy, David T. &
Perry, H. A.
Persson, Anders
Philadelphia City
Pottery Co., Inc., The
Pitman, L. J.
Porter, C. C. Fish Co.
Portland Pottery Company
Pratt, C. F.
Price Brothers
Folder 14: Rankin, Isaac
Rice & Miller
Rich, J. C.
Richards, F. M.
Richardson, G. W.
Ridley & Jones
Ripley, Eva
Robinson, S. H. &
Ross, George W.
Russell, E. J.
Ryder, E. C.
Folder 15: Saunders & Co.
Sawyer, C. O. & Co.
Sawyer, Charles H.
Sawyer, F. W.
Sawyer, Nancy
Sawyer, Otis
Schlotterbeck & Foss
Seymour, H. A.
Shannon House
Shaw, R. A.
Sherwood, L. J.
Smith, M. C.
Smith, Mrs.
Spencer, H. O.
Staples, Geo. A.
Stevens, E. W.
Stillman - Armstrong
Stockwell, A. G.
Stokoe, G. H.
Stratton, G. F.
Swift & Paul
Sylvester & Gifford
Folder 16: Taylor & Mitchell
Taylor, C. H.
Thoron, Casimir
Trafton, C. W.
Trenton Potteries Co.,
V. Tyler Gay & Son*
Vanceboro [
Folder 17:
Ward, M.
Ward, Plummer & Ward
Warwick, O. H.
Washburn, C. A.
Weatherbee, E. A.
Wentworth, Hartley E.
Weymouth, Myron J.
White & Ruig
Whiting Brothers
Whitney & Cameron
Willard Kitchen &
Williamson, John N.
Wilson, Chas. H.
Wilton, Lewis C.
Windsor Hotel
Winslow, A. & Co.
Withall, C. W.
Woodcock, A. H.
Woodman, C. & Co.
Woodman, J. L.
Folder 18: Unsorted [names hard to read]