The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





            Creator:         Melcher, Gershom F.  (Gershom Flagg), 1831-1876                         

            Title:               Papers

            Dates:             1865-1875

            Call No.:         Col. 4 

            Acc. No.:        68x75, 79x122, 88x118, 99x39, 11x52

            Quantity:        5 folders (ca. 205 items)

            Location:        34 K 2






Gershom F. Melcher was listed as a watchmaker in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, directories for at least the years 1856-57 and 1860-61.  From the contents of this collection, it is plain that his business included selling silver and jewelry, as well.  As confirmation of this, we note that Melcher ran an advertisement on page 159 of The Portsmouth Guide Book ... (Portsmouth: Joseph H. Foster, 1876) which reads "G.F. Melcher, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, &c., No. 7 Congress St., Portsmouth, N.H." [Winterthur call number F44 / P85f]


Gerhom Flagg Melcher was born on May 22, 1831, the son of Daniel and Nancy Y. Folsom Melcher.  In the 1850 census, Melcher was listed as living with watchmaker Albert Wakefield of Somersworth, New Hampshire.  Melcher married Abbie Underwood Vennard on July 26, 1871.  She was the daughter of Andrew B. and Ariadne Locke Vennard of Portsmouth.  Sadly the marriage was a short one as Melcher died on Nov. 17, 1876.  Abbie remained a widow until her death on Jan. 1, 1905.





The collection primarily documents Melcher’s purchases of goods to sell in his store.  It includes printed billheads, bills, drafts, and receipts, which indicate a wide trade with firms in most of New England, and in New York.  Melcher purchased such items as knives, cuff pins, coral amulets, ring boxes, chains, earrings, pins for fraternal orders, candlesticks, Parian pitchers, rings (some set with stones), jet jewelry, thimbles, coffin plates, ladles, scissors, buttons, watch fobs, tea sets, goblets, vases, and an assortment of similar goods.  Some of the invoices give a description of the goods being purchased.  However, many of the invoices include catalog numbers or abbreviations, so it can be difficult to learn what has been ordered.   A couple of the bills were for services, such as painting and laying carpet.






The bills and receipts are in chronological order. 


In 1968, the Downs Collection acquired a number of these bills and printed billheads directed to Gershom F. Melcher (68x75).  Three further accessions of overlapping similar material supplemented these items in 1979 and 1988 (79x122.12-90; 88x118; 99x39).  All the loose bills, receipts, and so on have been interfiled during final processing. 





The materials are in English.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Purchased from Timothy Trace; William B. Pennebaker; David Scotti; Avis and Rockwell Gardiner; and Charles Apfelbaum.


Acc. 11x52 purchased from aGatherin’. 





The Downs Collection also holds a group of papers related to the Vennard family, Col. 85.  However, nothing in this collection pertains directly to Gershom Melcher or his wife Abbie Vennard Melcher.


A bill addressed to Melcher is taped inside an invoice book of John Sise, in Col. 88 in this repository.  A photocopy of that bill is included in this collection.  Melcher is also mentioned in a letter sent to Sise.






                        Silverwork - New Hampshire.

                        Silverwork - Connecticut.

                        Silverwork - Maine.

                        Silverwork - Massachusetts.

                        Silverwork - New York (State).

                        Silverwork - Rhode Island.

                        Jewelry trade - New Hampshire - Portsmouth.



                        Bills (financial).










Location: 34 K 2



All bills are addressed to Melcher, unless otherwise noted.



Folder 1: Bills and receipts for G. F. Melcher, 1867-1868

                        (acc. 68x75.1-.17, 79x122.12-.19, 88x118.3-.9)


            79x122.12       bill from D.C. Percival, Jr. & Co., Boston, Dec. 30, 1867.  For knives and picks, buttons, cuff pins, safety pins, coral armlets, chain, rings, ring boxes, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: dealers in gold jewelry and silver goods.  The principals were D. C. Percival, Jr., D. Morris, and H. T. Salisbury.


            79x122.13       receipted bill, from Aug. Morgan, Boston, Jan. 8, 1868.  For cut top enameled item.


            88x188.3         receipted bill, Rufus Dunham, Portland, Jan. 18, 1868, paid for candlesticks.  With note about plated candlesticks.

                                                Printed and illustrated billhead.  Manufacturer and wholesale dealer in Britannia and plated ware, [etc.].  Illustrated with picture of a cruet stand.

                                                [note: additional bills from Rufus Dunham, all addressed to John Sise, another Portsmouth merchant, are found in Col. 88 in this repository.]


            68x75.5           bill from Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn., Jan. 28, 1868.  For candlesticks.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated ware; illustrated with picture of a building, possibly the showroom on Broadway, New York, rather than the factory.


            68x75.1-.2       bills from S. & J. Myers, Boston, Feb. 4 and 6, 1868.  For key stone pin, Masonic, Odd Fellows, and Templars pins, gold wires, plated buttons; convex and concave glasses; etc.

                                                Printed billhead: watches, watch materials, tools, jobbers of jewelry, illustrated with view of store, which was in Transcript Building.


            68x75.6           bills from Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn., Feb. 17, 1868.  For sugar, creamer, egg goblets gilt, extinguishers.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated ware; illustrated with picture of a building, possibly the showroom on Broadway, New York, rather than the factory.


            68x75.3-.4       bills from S. & J. Myers, Boston, Feb. 25, and March 2, 1868.  For armlets, gents pins, rings, a satchel, gold bars, vest hook, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: watches, watch materials, tools, jobbers of jewelry, illustrated with view of store, which was in Transcript Building.


            68x75.13         bill from Palmer, Bachelders & Co., Boston, March 3, 1868.  For pin box.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers and dealers in swords, sabres, belts, sashes, armor, rifles, pistols, rich embroidery; agents for Pond’s Revolvers.  Illustrated with picture of eagle on shield, American flags in background, swords in foreground. 

                                                The company reused an old Palmers & Bachelders billhead.  The s in Palmers and the ampersand were crossed out, and & Co. was written in.


            68x75.7           bill f rom Meriden Britannia Co., goods of Rogers Brothers’ Manufacture, West Meriden, Conn., March 13, 1868.  For forks, table and tea spoons, butter knives.

                                                Printed billhead: waiters, spoons, forks, ladles, [etc.; other goods mentioned].  Illustrated with picture of the prize medal won at the Exhibition of 1853 [location not given, but probably New York City, not Dublin].  Partners were William, Asa H., and Simeon S. Rogers.


            Photocopy of bill in 69x35     bill from Mt. Washington Glass Works, Boston, March 19, 1868, for round and oblong dishes.

                                                Printed billhead: William L. Libbey [proprietor or agent].


                                                Original bill is taped inside Invoice book, acc. 69x35, in Col. 88, John Sise papers, in this repository.  Although this bill addressed to Melcher was in the invoice book, in fact the book was kept for Sise’s business.  


            68x75.9           bill from Redfield & Rice Manufacturing Company, New York, May 8, 1868.  For dishes, chased pie knife, berry spoon, oval twist butters, etc.                        Printed billhead; illustrated with picture: tray holding various kinds of articles available, including goblets, covered pitcher, cup and saucer, cruet sets, coffee pot, sugar bowl, cann, etc.


            88x118.4         receipted bill, Brown & Russell, Boston, May 16, 1868, paid for plating olive table forks and tea knives.                                          

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of German or nickel silver plated ware, baskets, casters, tea services, waiters, wine coolers, butter coolers, pitchers, &c.


            79x122.14       receipted bill, I. Sturn, New York, May 28, 1868.  Paid for handkerchief[?] boxes, cuffs, brooch, watch [box?], etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer and importer of jewelry, silver-ware and watch boxes, &c.


            79x122.15       receipted bill, A. Bernhard & Co., New York, June 8, 1868.  Paid for a set, pin, ring, chain.

                                                Printed billhead: hair jewelry, charms, diamond work, solid work.


            68x75.10         bill from Redfield & Rice Manufacturing Company, New York, June 11, 1868.  For baskets, pitcher, ivory table [knives?], etc.  With note about delivery of the knives.

                                                Printed billhead; illustrated with picture: tray holding various kinds of articles available, including goblets, covered pitcher, cup and saucer, cruet sets, coffee pot, sugar bowl, cann, etc.


            79x122.16       receipted bill from W. B. Colby, no place but probably Portsmouth, N.H., April 27-July 2, 1868.  For painting, putty, work. 

                                                With revenue stamp.


            68x75.11         bill from Redfield & Rice Manufacturing Company, New York, July 2, 1868.  For dessert and table knives, and a pair of carvers.

                                                Printed billhead; illustrated with picture: tray holding various kinds of articles available, including goblets, covered pitcher, cup and saucer, cruet sets, coffee pot, sugar bowl, cann, etc.


            68x75.14         bill from Palmer, Bachelders & Co., Boston, Aug. 25, 1868.  For  bracelets, flat and oval.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in diamonds, watches, clocks, bronzes, sterling silver ware, jewelry, military and regalia goods.  Illustrated with view of the store in the Parker Building.


            68x75.8           bill from Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn., Aug. 28, 1868.  For forks, knives, soup and oyster ladles, preserve shells, child knives and forks, tea spoons, mustard and salt spoons.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated goods.  Illustrated with picture of factory, engraved by F. Bolles.  Includes text of trademarks.


            88x118.5         receipted bill, Daniel L. Tirrell, Boston, Sept. 8, 1868, paid for olive pie knife and something else.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of plain and ornamental silver spoons, forks, knives, &c.


            79x122.17       receipted bill, Harwood Brothers, Boston, Sept. 9, 1868, paid for bottles of oil, tags, black chains, leather guards, leather vest chains, pearl buttons, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of watches, watch glasses, tools & materials, dealers in clocks, clock trimmings, jewelry, spectacles, plated ware, &c.


            88x118.6         receipted bill, Redfield & Rice Manufacturing Company, New York, Sept. 23, 1868.  Paid for casters, waiter, child’s set, rings, grape tea spoons, olive picks, twist butters, etc.

                                                Printed billhead, illustrated as described above, with tray of items.  With revenue stamp affixed.


            68x75.15         bill from Palmer, Bachelders & Co., Boston, Oct. 4, 1868.  For gold toothpick, cuff pins, bar pins, drops, guards, ivory charms, napkin rings, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in diamonds, watches, clocks, bronzes, sterling silver ware, jewelry, military and regalia goods.  Illustrated with view of the store in the Parker Building.


            79x122.18       receipted bill, H. Weber, Boston, Oct. 7, 1868, paid for earrings, chains, pins, pearl buttons, etc.


            88x118.7         receipted bill, Banfield, Forristall & Co., Boston, Oct. 9, 1868, paid for steel spects.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in foreign and domestic fancy goods, clocks, cutlery, toys, &c.


            68x75.12         bills from Redfield & Rice Manufacturing Company, New York, October 27, 1868.  For “olive and grape twist oyster,” cake knives, etc.

                                                Printed billhead; illustrated with picture: tray holding various kinds of articles available, including goblets, covered pitcher, cup and saucer, cruet sets, coffee pot, sugar bowl, cann, etc.


            79x122.19       receipted bill, C.M. Hills, New York, Nov. 16, 1868, paid for hoops, drops, sleeve buttons, gents pins, keys, collar buttons, chain, etc.

                                                Revenue stamp affixed.


            88x118.8         receipted bill, Ketcham, Brother & Co., New York, Dec. 8, 1868, paid for thimbles.

                                                Printed billhead: gold and silver thimble manufacturers.  Principals in company: Edward W. and Ebenezer P. Ketcham and Hugh M’Dougall.


            68x75.16-.17               bills from Palmer, Bachelders & Co., Boston, Dec. 10 and 26, 1868.  For Parian jugs and pitchers, Parian bust, gold case, gold chain bracelet, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in diamonds, watches, clocks, bronzes, sterling silver ware, jewelry, military and regalia goods.  Illustrated with view of the store in the Parker Building.


            88x118.9         receipted bill, Daniel L. Tirrell, Boston, Dec. 30, 1868, paid for table spoons, dessert forks.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of plain and ornamental silver spoons, forks, knives, &c.



Folder 2: Bills and receipts for G. F. Melcher, 1869-1870

                        (acc. 79x122.20-.39, 88x118.10-.16, 99x39.4-.13)


            99x39.4           receipted bill, Warren & Richmond, Boston, Jan. 1, 1869, paid for drops, pearl ring, cross, garnet ring, hair ring, gents pins, other rings, napkin ring.

                                                Printed billhead: goldsmiths and manufacturing jewelers.  The principals were George A. Warren and Edwin Richmond.


            99x39.5           receipt, John J. Armour, New York, Jan. 4, 1869, received payment from Melcher.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer and dealer in fine jewelry and diamonds.


            79x122.20       receipted bill, H. Weber, Portsmouth [sic, although on other bills, his address is Boston; in this case, the Portsmouth probably refers to Melcher’s location], Jan. 27, 1869, paid for sets, chains, split rings.


            99x39.6           receipt, Dennison & Co., Boston, Feb. 1, 1869, paid on account.

                                                Printed form: monthly statement: tags, jewelers’ boxes, &c.


            79x122.21       receipt: Towle & Jones, Newburyport, Mass., Feb. 5, 1869, received  old silver and coin from Melcher.

                                                Blind embossed: silversmiths


            79x122.22       receipted bill, C.M. Hills, New York, Feb. 15, 1869, paid for jet set, hoops, drops, gents pins, studs, guard chain, hair chain, sleeve buttons, seal ring, Masonic pin, etc.


            99x39.7           receipted bill, David Stone, New York, Feb. 15, 1869, paid for horn sets, jet sets, bracelets, steel sets, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: jobber in jewelry and all kinds of fancy goods.


            79x122.23       receipted bill, V. Brandly & Co., Boston, March 30, 1869, paid for ring.

                                                Printed billhead: fine hair jewelry.  Principals were Vincent Brandly and Fred. Blocklinger.


            79x122.24       receipted bill, Lyman Haskell, Boston, April 4, 1869, paid for printing plate[?].

                                                Printed billhead: practical engraver, engraving on jewelry and silverware, name plates, [etc.]


            79x122.25       receipted bill, E.K. Josselyn, Boston, April 12, 1869, paid for repairing comb.


            79x122.26       receipted bill, E. A. Stevens, [no place], April 13, 1869, paid for carver and fork.


            79x122.27       receipt, Rufus Dunham, Portland, April 16, 1869, paid on account.

                                                Printed billhead, “in acc’t with Rufus Dunham.”


            79x122.28       receipted bill, H. Weber, Boston, April 22[?], 1869, paid for chain, pins, studs, earrings, etc.


            79x122.29       receipted bill, V. Brandly & Co., Boston, April 24, 1869, paid for ring.

                                                Printed billhead: fine hair jewelry.  Principals were Vincent Brandly and Fred. Blocklinger.


            79x122.30-.31             receipted bill and receipt for payment, Hirsh & Oppenheimer, New York, May 7, 1869, paid for rings (some with stones: emerald, onyx, moss agate, pearl),  studs, sleeve buttons, earrings, jet cross sets.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of watches and jewelry.  Principals were H. Hirsh and S. Oppenheimer.


            99x39.8           receipted bill, Carr, Earl & Co., Boston, May 7, 1869, paid for shell  sets, jet sets, shell bracelets, jet leontines[?], gilt vest chain.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of gold, plated, and jet jewelry.  Agents for Goldthwait’s patent boot buttoner.


            99x39.9           receipted bill, Geo. H. Chapman, Jr. & Co., Boston, May 14, 1869, paid for combs and thimbles.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in French, English, German and American fancy goods.  Principals in firm were George H. Chapman, Jr., Homer Sanders, and S. P. Croswell.


            79x122.32       receipted bill, J.N. Hopkins, Portsmouth, June 2, 1869, paid for tongs, plated wire, button backs, swivels, collar studs, earrings, etc.


            79x122.33       bill from S.S. Stowe & Co., Portsmouth, July 7, 1869, for silver and gold rings, guard pins, gold set.


            79x122.34       receipted bill, J.N. Hopkins, Portsmouth, Aug. 4, 1869, paid for hair chain, coral earrings, studs, catches, etc.

                                                Hole cut in bill.


            99x39.10         receipted bill, G. Dessauer, New York, Aug. 9, 1868, paid for chain necklace, rings, buttons, leonteen, locket, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importer of watches and jewelry.


            99x39.11         receipt, Dennison & Co., Boston, Sept. 1, 1869, paid on account.

                                                Printed form: monthly statement: tags, jewelers’ boxes, &c.

                                                [bill is addressed to G.F. Belcher, but Melcher was meant.]


            79x122.35       receipted bill, H. Weber, Portsmouth, Oct. 25, 1869, paid for earrings, studs, etc.


            79x122.36       receipted bill with note, J.N. Hopkins, Providence, Nov. 1, 1869, paid for snap tongues, rings, satchels.  

                                                Note: can’t get single enamels so has substituted double, but he can exchange later if preferred.  Also information about snap tongues.


            79x122.37       receipted bill from S.S. Stowe & Co., Nov. 22, 1869, paid for eye glass springs, keys, hands, main springs, swivels, hooks, and other watch supplies.


            79x122.38       receipted bill, G.M. Bodine, New York, Dec. 9, 1869, paid for thimbles, garnet rings, pearl and garnet rings, globe and compass charm, opera glass charm, garnet pin, earrings, rubber paragon pencil, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: gold and silver watches, jewelry, gold chains, &c.; agent for Stephens’ lathe; gold pens, American watches, watch cases.


            99x39.12         receipted bill, Carr, Earl & Co., Boston, Dec. 10, 1869, paid for lava crosses, horn crosses, cube drops, plated pendants, chain bars, sleeve buttons, gold split rings, paste ear drops.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of gold, plated, and jet jewelry, fancy back combs, &c.  Agents for Goldthwait’s patent boot buttoner.



            99x39.13         receipt, Dennison & Co., Boston, Jan. 31, 1869, paid on account.

                                                Printed form: monthly statement: tags, jewelers’ boxes, &c.


            88x118.12       receipted bill, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn., March 31, 1870, paid for goblets, pitcher, butters, basket, castors, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of electroplate, also castor, wine & pickle bottles.  Illustrated with trademark of the company.


            88x118.10       receipted bill, Guild & Delano, Boston, April 12, 1870, paid for Masonic ring, marking cup.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers, jewelry and silver ware at retail.  Illustrated with picture of their building, with names of other occupants.  Principals were Henry Guild and C.H. Delano.


            11x52.6           receipted bill, Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn., May 11, 1870.  For set, sugar, creamer, water, slop, goblet.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated goods.


            88x118.17       receipted bill, Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn., Aug. 3, 1870.  For sugar, cream caster, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated goods.


            88x118.13       receipted bill, Reed & Barton, Taunton, Mass., Aug. 31, 1870, paid for spoon cup.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of Britannia, albata, German silver, and silver plated ware; spoons, forks, ladels, &c.


            11x52.11         receipted bill f rom Meriden Britannia Co., West Meriden, Conn., Sept. 23, 1870, paid for casters, butters (chased, fern, etc.), etc.

                                                Printed billhead.


            88x118.11       receipted bill, Redfield & Rice Manufacturing Company, New York, October 12, 1870.  Paid for casters, basket, etc.

                                                Printed billhead; illustrated with picture: tray holding various kinds of articles available, including goblets, covered pitcher, cup and saucer, cruet sets, coffee pot, sugar bowl, cann, etc.




            88x118.16       receipted bill, Adams, Chandler & Co., New York, Oct. 27, 1870, paid for fruit item, caster, pickle, butter, communion set.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of electro-plated ware.  Principals were John P. Adams, H. S. Chandler, M. Ormsbee, H. W. Ormsbee, M. Moore.


            79x122.39       receipted bill, Trier & Co., New York, Nov. 1, 1870, paid for charms, Whitby drops; also a note about opera glasses.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of French, English and Germany fancy goods, musical instruments, &c.


            88x118.14       receipt, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn., Nov. 1, 1870, paid on account.

                                                Printed billhead.


            88x118.15       receipted bill, Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn., Nov. 8, 1870.  For coffin plates (oak leaf, tulip, heavy), baskets (including chased and gilt).

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated goods.



Folder 3: Bills and receipts for G. F. Melcher, 1871-1872

                        (acc. 79x122.40-.52, 88x118.3-.9, 99x39.14-.17)


            88x118.18       receipt, Gorham Mfg. Company, Providence, R.I., Jan. 21, 1871, paid on account.

                                                Printed form: manufacturers of silver ware and electro plate


            99x39.15         receipted bill, Frederick V. Dinzey, Boston, Jan. 27, 1871, paid for e. drops, s. buttons, gold c. pin, black pin, flat neck chain, plain flat rings, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: dealer in gold and plated jewelry, &c.


            99x39.14         receipted bill, C.M. Hills, New York, Jan. 27, 1871, paid for studs, drops, pins, seal rings, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of jewelry and gold pens.


            99x39.16         receipted bill, James N. Hopkins, Providence, R.I., Feb. 3, 1871, paid for pearl studs, swivels, earrings, catches, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of and dealer in jewelry.


            99.39.17          receipted bill, M. Adler, New York, Feb. 9, 1871, paid for gents gold self winder.

                                                Printed billhead: importer of watches and jewelry.


            79x122.40       bill from Miller Bros., New York, Feb. 9, 1871, for gold set, pin, ring, collar buttons, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers.  The principals were James W. and Isaac M. Miller.


            79x122.41       receipt, estate of Robert Gray paid for rent of store, Feb. 12, 1871.  Payment received by Sarah E. Gray.


            11x52.7           bill from Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn., Feb. 20, 1871.  For oyster ladle, flat tea knives, salt sh., ice pitcher, baskets, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated goods.


            99x39.18         receipted bill, James N. Hopkins, Providence, March 10, 1871, paid for pin tongues, ear wires, bracelet snaps, snap tongues, joints, catches, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of and dealer in jewelry.


            79x122.51       receipt, Thayer & Guppy, Portsmouth, N.H., paid for subscription to Daily Evening Times, March 16, 1871-1872.


            99x39.19         receipt, Tucker & Margoff, New York, paid on account, April 13, 1871.                 Printed form: manufacturing jewelers


            99x39.20         receipted bill, Joshua Thaxter, Boston, April 13, 1871, paid for chain tray, bracelet tray.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of pocket books, cases for silver ware, and all kinds of fancy Morocco work.


            88x118.19-.20             bills from Towle, Jones & Co., Newburyport, April 14 and 17, 1871, for set of tables, teas, salts, etc.; and for refinishing waiter.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver spoons, knives, forks, ladles, etc., and gold and silver thimbles. 


            99x39.21         receipted bill, G. Dessauer, New York, April 17, 1871, paid for watch and something else.

                                                Printed billhead: importer of watches and jewelry.


            99x39.22         receipted bill, C.M. Hills, New York, April 19, 1871, paid for bands.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of jewelry and gold pens.


            11x52.8           bill from Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn., May 5[?], 1871.  For ice pitcher, berry dish, casters, goblets, card stands, nut cracker, etc.  With note: “We cannot engrave steel.”

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver plated goods.


            79x122.42       bill from Ira Richards & Co., [no place,] May 5, 1871, for chains, hoops, drops, rings, agate buttons, shoes, bags, cameo sets, Masonic pins, charms, etc.


            99x39.23         receipted bill, D.C. Percival, Jr. & Co., Boston, May 5, 1871, paid for B.W. Raymond Mo-- and e.t.[?] case.

                                                Printed billhead: dealers in watches, gold jewelry and silver goods; principals were D. C. Percival, Jr., D. Morris, and H. T. Salisbury.


            99x39.25         receipted bill, Stone & Wolff, New York, May 26, 1871, paid for various kinds of chains and studs.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers and dealers in fancy goods.


            99x39.26         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, May 31, 1871, paid for a badge.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            79x122.43       receipt, Miller Bros., New York, paid on account, May 1871.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99.39.27          receipted bill, M. Adler, New York, June 2, 1871, paid for gents stem winder, neck chains, plated hoops, ladies something.

                                                Printed billhead: importer of watches and jewelry.


            99x39.28         bill from Miller Bros., New York, Feb. 9, 1871, for sleeve buttons, studs.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers.  The principals were James W. and Isaac M. Miller.


            99x39.29         receipted bill, G. Dessauer, New York, June 3, 1871, paid for watch.

                                                Printed billhead: importer of watches and jewelry.


            99x39.30         receipted bill, Holmes, Booth & Haydens, Boston, June 10, 1871, paid for steel dessert and medium knives.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of sheet brass, German silver and plated metal, brass, copper & German silver wire, brass & copper tubing, copper rivets & burs, coal oil burners, buttons, silver plated ware, &c.


            99x39.31         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, June 14, 1871, paid for a door plate.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            88x118.21       receipted bill, Whiting M’f’g Company, New York, June 12, 1871, paid for tea and table spoons, forks, rings, sugar tongs.

                                                Printed billhead: silversmiths.  Illustrated with copy of the company’s trademark.


            99x39.32         bill from Sanders & Croswell, Boston, June 19, 1871.  For buffalo twist combs, bracelets.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in fancy goods and small wares; successors to Geo. H. Chapman, Jr. & Co.  The principals were Homer Sanders and S.P. Croswell.


            88x118.22       bill from M.W. Carr & Co., Boston, June 21, 1871.  For plated set, drops, sleeve button, pins, catchups, vest chain, studs, gold cluster pin, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of gold, plated and jet jewelry, fancy back combs, &c.  Agents for Goldthwait’s patent book buttoner.  Successors to Carr, Earl & Co.


            79x122.44       bill from Benjamin F. Webster, for carpentry work: lumber for finish, door, moulding, nails, mortice lock, walnut, brass butts and hook, wardrobe hooks, porcelain door knob, pair of blinds, escutcheons, labor, etc.


            11x52.1           bill from Towle, Jones & Co., Newburyport, June 24, 1871, for set of tables, sugar, salts, tea, preserves, butter, olive fork, child’s fork, thimbles, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver spoons, knives, forks, ladles, etc., and gold and silver thimbles. 


            99x39.33         receipted bill, James N. Hopkins, Providence, June 30, 1871, paid for rings with screw[?], snap tongues, flat snaps, catches, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of and dealer in jewelry.


            99x39.34-.35   bills from Sanders & Croswell, Boston, Aug. 3 and 12, 1871.  For scissors, pairs of bracelets, pins.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in fancy goods and small wares; successors to Geo. H. Chapman, Jr. & Co.  The principals were Homer Sanders and S.P. Croswell.


            79x122.45       receipt, estate of Robert Gray paid for rent of store, Aug. 12, 1871.  Payment received by Sarah E. Gray.


            99x39.36         receipted bill, G. Dessauer, New York, Aug. 16, 1871, paid for watch and ring.

                                                Printed billhead: importer of watches and jewelry.


            99x39.37         receipted bill, D.C. Percival, Jr. & Co., Boston, Aug. 21, 1871, paid for e.t.[?] case, eng. case, silver cases.

                                                Printed billhead: dealers in watches, gold jewelry and silver goods; principals were D. C. Percival, Jr., D. Morris, and H. T. Salisbury.


            99.39.38          receipted bill, M. Adler, New York, Sept. 7, 1871, paid for men’s and ladies’ watches, neck chain, vest chain, tail pin, stone scross, hoop earrings, etc..

                                                Printed billhead: importer of watches and jewelry.


            99x39.39         receipted bill, C.M. Hills, Providence, R.I., Sept. 14, 1871, paid for [illegible].

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of jewelry and gold pens.


            99x39.40         bill from Sanders & Croswell, Boston, Sept. 18, 1871.  For bracelets, shell side combs.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in fancy goods and small wares; successors to Geo. H. Chapman, Jr. & Co.  The principals were Homer Sanders and S.P. Croswell.


            11x52.2           bill from Towle, Jones & Co., Newburyport, Oct. 6, 1871, for sugar, butter.  [Does not specify whether sugar bowl or spoon, or butter knives or something else.]

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver spoons, knives, forks, ladles, etc., and gold and silver thimbles. 


            88x118.23       receipted bill, Gorham Mfg. Company, Providence, R.I., Oct. 17, 1871, paid for sugar spoons, butter knife, rings, gravy ladle, case for rings, etc.

                                                Printed billhead, illustrated with trade marks for sterling silver and electro-plate.


            88x118.24       bill from Fogg & Sawyer, Boston, Oct. 31, 1871.  For gold set, locket, rings, gold pin, studs, safety chain and pins, plate pin, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, English and American pocket and table cutlery, plated ware, Yankee notions, stationery, German toys, fancy goods.  The principals were G. E. Fogg and C. C. Sawyer.


            99x39.41         receipted bill, James N. Hopkins, Providence, Nov. 11, 1871, paid for pearl and garnet rings, studs, split rings, snap rings and tongues, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of and dealer in jewelry.


            11x52.9           bill from Whiting M’f’g Company, New York, Nov. 18, 1871, for rings and fruit knives.

                                                Printed billhead: silversmiths.  Illustrated with copy of the company’s trademark.


            99x39.42         receipted bill, Hunt & Owen, Providence, Nov. 29, 1871, paid for gold pins and rings;

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of gold jewelry


            99x39.43         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, Nov. 29, 1871, paid for something.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            79x122.48       receipt, Whiting M’f’g Company, New York, Dec. 1, 1871, paid for merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99x39.44         receipt, Ripley, Howland & Co., Boston, Dec. 1, 1871, paid on account.

                                                Printed statement form.  Manufacturers of fine jewelry and silver ware.  Principals were Nathaniel L. Ripley, Renslow Crosby, George H. Howland, and William A. Bates.


            11x52.3-.4       bills from Towle, Jones & Co., Newburyport, Dec. 14 and 17, 1871, for thimbles and other goods.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver spoons, knives, forks, ladles, etc., and gold and silver thimbles. 


            99x39.45         receipted bill, Frederick V. Dinzey, Boston, Dec. 18, 1871, paid for onyx seal ring, pearl charm, Old Fellows pin, snaps, silver fruit knives and picks, opera chain, vest chain in globe pattern, neck chain, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: dealer in gold and plated jewelry, &c.


            79x122.47       receipted bill, Uriah Blaisdell, no place, May-Dec. 1871, paid March 2, 1872; paid for scythe, cake trunk, bottom to ice pitcher, broom, repairs to pitcher and tea pot, putting up stove and pipe in store, cleaning stove, etc.


            99x39.46         receipted bill, B. Bradley & Co., Boston, Jan. 1, 1872, paid on account.

                                                Printed monthly statement form; clock warehouse.


            79x122.50       sight draft, M. C. Rich, New York City, orders First National Bank of Portsmouth to pay to account of Melcher, Jan. 2, 1872.

                                                Printed form, printed by Cobb & Cannon, New York City,


            99x39.47         receipted bill, Joshua Thaxter, Boston, Jan. 15, 1872, paid for boxes for bracelets and rings, trays.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of pocket books, cases for silver ware, and all kinds of fancy Morocco work. 


            79x122.52       receipt, Palmer, Bachelders & Co., Boston, were paid on account, Jan. 16, 1872.

                                                Printed receipt form; printed by Richard L. Gay & Co.


            11x52.5           bill from Towle, Jones & Co., Newburyport, Jan. 17, 1872, for pen[?] and something else.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of silver spoons, knives, forks, ladles, etc., and gold and silver thimbles. 


            79x122.49       statement from Miller Bros., New York, Jan. 1872, for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.




Folder 4: Bills and receipts for G. F. Melcher, 1873-1874

                        (acc. 79x122.53-.69, 99x39.49-.81)


            79x122.53       bill from Gorham Mfg. Company, Providence, R.I., April 28, 1873, for cake server, etc.

                                                Printed billhead; the left side of the bill is missing, and some of the information about what was purchased is lost.


            99x39.49         receipted bill, William F. Harod, Boston, Jan. 1, 1874, paid for something.

                                                Printed billhead: goldsmith and jeweler.


            99x39.50         receipted bill, Percival & Morris, Boston, Jan. 14, 1874, paid for a string of beads and a pin.

                                                Printed billhead: dealers in watches, gold jewelry, and silver goods.  The principals were D. C. Percival, Jr., and D. Morris.


            99x39.51         receipted bill, Fogg & Sawyer, Boston, Jan. 15, 1874, paid for bracelets.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry, English and American pocket and table cutlery, plated ware, Yankee notions, stationery, German toys, fancy goods.  The principals were G. E. Fogg and C. C. Sawyer.


            99x39.53         bill from A. Paul & Co., Boston, Feb. 2, 1874, for bar pins, studs, bracelets, rings, chains.

                                                Printed billhead: jobbers of jewelry, importers of optical goods, watch materials, tools, &c.


            99x39.52         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, Feb. 3, 1874, paid for a plate.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            99x39.54         receipted bill, A. Paul & Co., Boston, Feb. 5, 1874, paid for rings.

                                                Printed billhead: jobbers of jewelry, importers of optical goods, watch materials, tools, &c.


            99x398.1         receipted bill, J.L. Sweet & Co., Attleborough, Mass., Feb. 10, 1874[?], paid for enamel buttons, studs, rings, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewellers


            79x122.54       receipted bill, Walter McClary, Portsmouth, N.H., Feb. 13, 1874, paid for a dozen plates.

                                                [although the signature could be read Walker & McClary, the bill is endorsed as Walter McClary]


            99x396.55       receipted bill, Margot Brothers, Boston, Feb. 17, 1874, paid for repairs.

                                                Printed billhead: watch-case manufacturers and jobbers.


            99x39.56         receipted bill, Percival & Morris, Boston, March 13, 1874, paid for coral rings, pearl hoops, plated drops, plated pin.

                                                Printed billhead: dealers in watches, gold jewelry, and silver goods.  The principals were D. C. Percival, Jr., and D. Morris.


            79x122.55       receipted bill, William T. Rand, no place, April 14, 1874, paid for a year’s work, at $1.25 a week.  (Work is not specified.)  Alex L. Rand received the payment.


            99x39.57         receipted bill, Ripley, Howland & Co., Boston, May 7, 1874, paid for a button tray.

                                                Printed billhead:  Manufacturers of fine jewelry.  Principals were Nathaniel L. Ripley, Renslow Crosby, George H. Howland, and William A. Bates.


            99x39.58         bill from Robbins, Appleton & Co., Boston, May 12, 1874, for two items, one of which was gold.

                                                Printed billhead: agents for the American Watch Co., Waltham, Mass.


            99x39.59         receipted bill, James N. Hopkins, Providence, May 15, 1874, paid for reversible studs, spiral studs, earrings, button backs, plated seals, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of and dealer in jewelry.


            99x39.24         receipted bill, Trier, Bros. & Zellenka, New York, May 25, 1874, paid for card case, silk guards, eye glass case[?], crochet ribbon, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of French, English and Germany fancy goods, musical instruments, &c.


            99x39.60         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, May 26, 1874, paid for a plate.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            99x39.61         receipted statement, A. Paul & Co., Boston, June 1, 1874, paid for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99x398.62       receipted bill, J.L. Sweet & Co., Attleborough, Mass., June 9, 1874, paid for stone cameo, enamel buttons and studs, ear drops, pins, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewellers


            99x39.63         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, June 18, 1874, paid for a plate.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            99x39.64         bill from Enos Richardson & Co., New York, July 1, 1874, for several items.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers; manufactory in Newark, N.J.  The principals in the firm were Enos Richardson, Thomas Davis, Thomas Slater, L. P. Brown, and F. H. Richardson.


            99x39.65         receipted account statement, Thomas Hodgson, Boston, July 1, 1874, paid for watch jobs.

                                                Printed statement form.


            79x122.57       receipted statement, S. & J. Myers, Boston, July 1, 1874, paid on account.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99x39.66         receipted bill, James N. Hopkins, Providence, July 23, 1874, paid for collar buttons, studs, reversible studs, silver rings, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of and dealer in jewelry.


            79x122.58       receipted statement, Robbins, Appleton & Co., Boston, Aug. 1, 1874, paid on account.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99x39.67         receipted statement, B. Bradley & Co., Boston, Aug. 1, 1874, paid on account.

                                                Printed monthly statement form; clock warehouse.


            99x39.68         statement from A. Paul & Co., Boston, Aug. 1, 1874, for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.


            79x122.56       receipted bill, E. M. Brown & Co., no place, Aug. 6, 1874, paid for “longe.”


            79x122.59       receipted bill, William F. Harod, Boston, Aug. 12, 1874, paid for making and repairing jewelry.          


            79x122.60       receipted bill, J.L. Sweet & Co., Attleborough, Mass., Aug. 18, 1874, paid for chain, gents pins, studs, locket, amethyst ring, buttons, encampment pin, enameled buttons, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers


            99.39.69          receipted bill, M. Adler, New York, Aug. 24, 1874, paid for plated sets, earrings, pins, gents pins, crosses, crystal locket, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importer and manufacturer of jewelry.


            99x39.70         receipted bill, Frederick V. Dinzey, Boston, Sept. 3, 1874, paid for bracelets, rings, sets, drops, collar buttons, spring hooks, locket, safety pins, studs, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: dealer in gold and plated jewelry, &c.


            99x39.71         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, Sept. 9, 1874, paid for a door plate.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            79x122.61       receipted bill, Ephraim Bros., New York, Sept. 20, 1874, paid on account.

                                                Printed billhead: watch materials, tools, chains, etc.  Principals were Gustav Ephraim, David Ephraim, and Albert Friedenthal.


            79x122.62       receipted bill, J. Wilbur Mahony, Boston, Sept. 25, 1874, paid for plating salvers and copper pieces.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of every description of silver plated ware.  Mahony was located in the old establishment of Brown & Russell.


            99x39.72         receipted statement, A. Paul & Co., Boston, Oct. 1, 1874, paid for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99x39.76         receipted account statement, Thomas Hodgson, Boston, Oct. 1, 1874, paid for watch jobs.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99x39.74         receipted bill, Adolph Hess & Co., New York, Oct. 2, 1874, paid for gold crosses.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of jewelry; lockets & charms a specialty.


            99x39.75         receipted bill, James N. Hopkins, Providence, Oct. 8, 1874, paid for reversible studs, collar buttons, split rings, ketches, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of and dealer in jewelry.


            79x122.63       payment order on behalf of Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn., Oct. 13, 1874.  Stamped paid.

                                                Printed form, printed by L. S. Learned & Co., Cambridgeport, Mass.


            99x39.77         receipted bill, Leonard Decker, New York, Oc. 16, 1874, paid for ear drops, a set, buttons, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturer of gold chains and jewelry


            79x122.46       receipted bill, J.L. Sweet & Co., Attleborough, Mass., Oct. 27, 1874[?], paid for enamel butters, gents pins, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers


            99x39.73, .78              receipted statement and bill, A. Wolfson, Boston, Oct. 27, 1874 and Oct. 1874, paid for plates, silver sheet, broaches, wire, merchandise.

                                                Printed billhead: dealer in watch materials, tools, spectacles, &c.


            79x122.64       bill from Freund, Goldsmith & Co., New York, Nov. 4, 1874, for Mathey and A. Edward items.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of watches, jewelry, etc., watch materials, tools, watch glasses, spectacles, optical and fancy goods.  The principals were M. Freund, A. Freund, M. Goldsmith, and J. Schliesser.


            79x122.65       receipted bill, Sackett, Davis & Co., Boston, Nov. 12, 1874, paid for pins, drops, studs.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of jewelry, with factory in Providence, R.I.


            99x39.79         receipted statement, George S. Smith, Plymouth, N.H., Nov. 14, 1874, paid for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.


            99x39.80         receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, Nov. 14, 1874, paid for a badge and replating.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            79x122.66       receipt, Hunt & Owen paid on account, Nov. 30, 1874.


            79x122.67       receipted bill, A.F. Towle & Son, Newburyport, Dec. 12, 1874, paid for silver, salts, and mustard, preserve, and jelly dishes.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of plain & engraved solid silver ware.


            79x122.68       order for payment, from Freund, Goldsmith & Co., New York, Dec. 16, 1874.  Marked “deposited.”

                                                Printed form; printed by Deutz Bros. 


            99x39.81         bill from A. Paul & Co., Boston, Dec. 17, 1874, paid for oil, pegwood, glass, rings.

                                                Printed billhead: jobbers of jewelry, importers of optical goods, watch materials, tools, &c.


            79x122.69       receipted bill, A.F. Towle & Son, Newburyport, Dec. 24, 1874, paid for items.  With note: “Have done our best – worked until 12 o’clk every night.”

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of plain & engraved solid silver ware.



Folder 5:  Bills and receipts for G. F. Melcher, 1875; no date

                        (acc. 79x122.70-.90, 88x118.1-.2, 99x39.1-.3, .48, .82-.92)


            79x122.70       receipted statement, H. Elcox & Co., New York, Jan. 1875, paid for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form; manufacturing jewelers


            79x122.71       receipted bill, Fletcher & Tanton, Portsmouth, N.H., Jan. 1, 1875, paid for chairs, cushions, jobs at home and church.

                                                Printed billhead: furniture dealers and general undertakers.  Principals were S. S. Fletcher and H. G. Tanton.


            79x122.72       statement from A. Bernhard & Co., New York, Jan. 2, 1875, for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.


            79x122.73       receipt, Palmer, Bachelder & Co., Boston, were paid on account, Jan. 14, 1875.

                                                Printed receipt form; printed by M. R. Warren, stationer, Boston.


            79x122.74       receipted bill, A.W. Mitchell & Co., Boston, Jan. 18, 1875, paid for a silver plate.

                                                Printed billhead: door plate and badge makers and engravers.


            79x122.75       receipt, L. Hammel & Co., New York, Jan. 25, 1875, received payment.

                                                Printed receipt, in form of a letter; company was importers of watch materials, tools, spectacles, opera glasses, optical goods, etc.


            99x39.82         receipted account statement, Thomas Hodgson, Boston, Jan. 30, 1875, paid for an item.  With short note: about marking of parcels in order to avoid postage.

                                                Printed statement form.  Hodgson was a watchmaker.  His business was located with that of A. Paul & Co.

                                                On back: pencil sketch, perhaps of a room or wall.


            79x122.76       receipt, E. Washington Brown, Portsmouth, N.H., Feb. 8, 1875, paid for work at house: laying carpet, fixing curtains, putting casters on bedstead.



            79x122.77       receipt, E. Williams & Co., New York, Feb. 9, 1875, paid in full to date.

                                                Printed receipt form, printed by Macy & Co., stationers.


            79x122.79       receipt, Freund, Goldsmith & Co., Feb. 22, 1875, paid on account.


            99x39.83         bill from Freund, Goldsmith & Co., New York, Feb. 22, 1875, for various items, including necklaces.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of watches, jewelry, etc., watch materials, tools, watch glasses, spectacles, optical and fancy goods.  The principals were M. Freund, A. Freund, M. Goldsmith, and J. Schliesser.


            79x122.80       bill from Palmer, Bachelder & Co., Boston, March 6, 1875.  For engraved ring[?].

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in diamonds, clocks, watches, bronzes, sterling silver ware, jewelry, opera and field glasses.  Illustrated with view of the store.

                                                The principals were Josiah G. Bachelder, Jacob P. Palmer, James A. Laighton, R. Van C. Emerson, George D. Smith, and George T. Houghton.


            79x122.81       receipted statement, Miller Bros., New York, March 13, 1875, paid for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed statement form.


            79x122.82       payment order on behalf of Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn., March 16, 1875.  Stamped paid.

                                                Printed form, printed by L. S. Learned & Co., Cambridgeport, Mass.


            79x122.83       receipt, B. Bradley & Co., Boston, March 19, 1875, received payment for a bill.

                                                Printed receipt form.


            79x122.84       bill from Palmer, Bachelder & Co., Boston, March 31, 1875.  For repointing pen.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in diamonds, clocks, watches, bronzes, sterling silver ware, jewelry, opera and field glasses.  Illustrated with view of the store.

                                                The principals were Josiah G. Bachelder, Jacob P. Palmer, James A. Laighton, R. Van C. Emerson, George D. Smith, and George T. Houghton.


            79x122.85       receipted statement, Enos Richardson & Co., New York, March 1875, for unspecified merchandise.

                                                Printed monthly statement form.


            99x39.84         bill from Enos Richardson & Co., New York, April 8, 1875, for several items, including a guard.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers; manufactory in Newark, N.J.  The principals in the firm were Enos Richardson, Thomas Davis, Thomas Slater, L. P. Brown, and F. H. Richardson.


            79x122.86       bill from Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., Wallingford, Conn., April 15, 1875, for tea set.

                                                Printed billhead.


            79x122.87       sight draft payable to Freund, Goldsmith & Co., April 15, 1875.

                                                Printed form, printed by Deutz Bros., lithographers, New York.


            79x122.88       statement from A. Bernhard & Co., New York, May 13, 1875, for exchange of a ring.  With note about what gauge to be used when ordering.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of diamond work, ornamental hair jewelry, etc., importers of precious stones and fine jewelry.


            99x39.85         receipted bill, Oppenheimer Bros. & Hirsh, New York, May 20, 1875, paid for Riverside stemwinder and other watches.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of watches and jewelry.  The principals were S. Oppenheimer, E. Hirsh, and A. Oppenheimer.


            88x118.2         bill from William P. Jones, Newburyport, May 1875, for unspecified silver ware.

                                                Printed billhead: plain & engraved silver spoons, knives, forks, ladles, &c.


            99x39.86         bill from Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn., June 3, 1875, for pitcher, fruit, jardinières, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of electroplate, also castor, wine & pickle bottles.  Illustrated with picture of company’s trademark.


            99x39.87         bill from Thomas Hodgson, Boston, June 30, 1875, for parts or repairs to watches.

                                                Printed billhead: watchmaker.  His business was located with that of A. Paul & Co.


            99x39.88         bill from B. Bradley & Co., Boston, June 24, 1875, for R.C. Ansonia, Crystal Palace, walnut Cottage [probably clocks or watches].

                                                Printed billhead: New England Clock Warehouse, manufacturers, agents, importers, and dealers in American and foreign clocks, regulators, timepieces, materials, &c.  Importers of French clocks, bronze statuettes and groups; agents for Ithaca Calendar Clock Co.

                                                The principals were C. B. Churchill and B. Bradley.


            99x39.89         bill from Thomas Hodgson, Boston, Aug. 26, 1875, for parts or repairs to watches.

                                                Printed billhead: watchmaker.  His business was located with that of A. Paul & Co.


            79x122.89       bill from Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., Wallingford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1875, for caters, pickle, card and vase, tea set, cups, basket, and cleaning rings.

                                                Printed billhead, including a monogram for the company.


            99x39.90         bill from Enos Richardson & Co., New York, Sept. 16, 1875, for several items, including necklaces and scarf ring.

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturing jewelers; manufactory in Newark, N.J.  The principals in the firm were Enos Richardson, Thomas Davis, Thomas Slater, L. P. Brown, and F. H. Richardson.


            99x39.91         bill from Thomas Hodgson, Boston, Sept. 18, 1875, for cleaning a watch.

                                                Printed billhead: watchmaker.  His business was located with that of A. Paul & Co.


            11x52.10         payment order on behalf of Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn., Oct. 13, 1875. 

                                                Printed form, printed by L. S. Learned & Co., Cambridgeport, Mass.


            99x39.92         bill from H. A. Osgood & Son, Portsmouth, New York, and Lewiston, Me., Nov. 18, 1875, for gold set, O.F. pins [probably Odd Fellow pins], vest something, gilt cable something, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importers and jobbers of Swiss and American watches, materials and tools, clocks, jewelry, spectacles, plate ware, optical goods;  agents for W.B. & Co.’s watch glasses and spectacles, Cogsill & Osgood’s parabola spectacles; Rogers & Bros. plated ware; American, Elgin, Howard, N.Y., and Springfield watches, &c.

                                                The principals were Henry A. Osgood and Charles H. Osgood.


            79x122.78       receipted bill, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn., Feb. 15, 187[torn], for chased coffee [pot?].

                                                Printed billhead: manufacturers of electroplate, also castor, wine & pickle bottles.  Illustrated with picture of company’s trademark.


            99x39.3           bill from Freund, Goldsmith & Co., New York, Aug. 13, 187[torn], for bracelets, gold studs, gents pin, gold locket, hoops, amethyst ring, imitation amethyst ring, collar buttons, etc.

                                                Printed billhead: importers of watches, jewelry, & precious stones.  The principals were M. Freund, A. Freund, and A. Goldsmith.


            99x39.48         receipted bill, A. Wolfson, Boston, Oct. 7, 187[torn], paid for an item.

                                                Printed billhead: dealer in watch materials, watch glasses, tools, spectacles, &c.


            99x39.2           receipted bill, Sanders & Croswell, Boston, Nov. 2, 187[torn].  For shell side combs, key rings, thimbles

                                                Printed billhead: importers and dealers in fancy goods and small wares.  The principals were Homer Sanders and S.P. Croswell.


            88x118.1         bill from The Parker & Casper Co., West Meriden, Conn., [date torn off], for cards, vases, goblets, caster, rings, baskets (plain and chased), urn, syrup, toilet, butters.

                                                Printed billhead: silver plated ware, castor bottles, wine and pickle bottles.  Salesrooms in New York City.


            79x122.90       contents of Case Combination No. 356, dessert knives, forks, and spoons in the Persian pattern.  No date. 

                                                Printed form.





Index to names of business appearing on bills and receipts. 

Numbers refer to folder numbers.

Names with an asterisk (*) are listed in two ways: in direct order and under last name, thus A. Bernhard & Co. is found under A. and under Bernhard.



A. Bernhard & Co. (New York)*   1, 5

A. Paul & Co. (Boston)*   4

A. F. Towle & Son (Newburyport)*   4

A. W. Mitchell & Co. (Boston)*   3, 4, 5

Adams, Chandler & Co. (New York)   2

Adolph Hess & Co. (New York)*   4

Adler, M. (New York)   3, 4

Armour, John J. (Boston)   2


B. Bradley & Co. (Boston)*   3, 4, 5

Banfield, Forristall & Co. (Boston)   1

Bernhard, A. & Co. (New York)*   1, 5

Blaisdell, Uriah (n.p.)    3

Bodine, G. M. (New York)*    2

Bradley, B., & Co. (Boston)*   3, 4, 5

Brandly, V., & Co. (Boston)*   2

Brown & Russell (Boston)   1

Brown, E. M., & Co. (n.p.)*   4

Brown, E. Washington (Portsmouth, N. H.)*   5


Carl, Earl & Co. (Boston)   2

Carr, M. W., & Co. (Boston)*   3

Case Combination (n.p.)    5

Chapman, Geo. H., jr., & Co. (Boston)*   2

Colby, W. B. (Portsmouth, N.H.?)   1


D. C. Percival, Jr. & Co. (Boston)*   1, 3

Decker, Leonard (New York)   4

Dennison & Co.    2

Dessauer, G. (New York)   2, 3

Dinzey, Frederick V. (Boston)   3, 4

Dunham, Rufus (Portland)   1, 2


E. M. Brown & Co. (n.p.)*   4

E. Williams & Co. (New York)*   5

Elcox, H. & Co. (New York)*    5

Enos Richardson & Co. (New York)*   4, 5

Ephraim Bros. (New York)    4


Fletcher & Tanton (Portsmouth, N.H.)   5

Fogg & Sawyer (Boston)   3, 4

Freund, Goldsmith & Co. (New York)   4, 5


Geo. H. Chapman, jr., & Co. (Boston)*   2

Gorham Mfg. Company (Providence, R.I.)   3, 4

Gray, Robert (Portsmouth, N.H.?)*   3

Gray, Sarah E.   3

Guild & Delano (Boston)   2


H. Elcox & Co. (New York)*    5

H. A. Osgood & Son (Portsmouth, New York, Lewiston, Me.)*    5

Hammel, L., & Co. (New York)*     5

Harod, Wm. F. (Boston)    4

Harwood Brothers (Boston)   1

Haskell, Lyman (Boston)    2

Hess, Adolph, & Co. (New York)*   4

Hills, C. M. (New York, Providence, R.I.)*   1, 2, 3

Hirsh & Oppenheimer (New York)    2

            [see also Oppenheimer Bros. & Hirsh]

Hodgson, Thomas (Boston)   4, 5

Holmes, Booth & Haydens (Boston) 3

Hopkins, James N. (Providence)    2, 3, 4

            [name also listed as J.N. Hopkins]

Hunt & Owen (Providence)    3, 4


Ira Richards & Co. (n.p.)*   3


J. L. Sweet & Co. (Attleborough, MA)*   4

Jones, William P. (Newburyport)   5

Josselyn, E. K. (Boston)    2


Ketcham, Brother & Co. (New York)   1


L. Hammel & Co. (New York)*    5


M.W. Carr & Co. (Boston)*  3

Mahony, J. Wilbur (Boston)  4

Margot Brothers (Boston)   4

McClary, Walter (Portsmouth, N.H.)   4

Meriden Britannia Co. (West Meriden, Conn.)   1, 2

Miller Bros. (New York)   3, 5

Mitchell, A. W., & Co. (Boston)*   3, 4, 5

Morgan, Aug. (Boston)    1

Mt. Washington Glass Works (Boston)    1

Myers, S. & J. (Boston)*    1, 4


New England Clock Warehouse – see B. Bradley & Co.


Oppenheimer Bros. & Hirsh (New York)   5

            [see also Hirsh & Oppenheimer]

Osgood, H.A., & Son (Portsmouth; New York; Lewiston, Me.)*   5


Palmer, Bachelder & Co. (Boston)   5

Palmer, Bachelders & Co. (Boston)  1, 3

Palmers & Bachelders (Boston) – see Palmer, Bachelders & Co.

Parker & Casper Co. (West Meriden, Conn.)   5

Paul, A., & Co. (Boston)*    4

Percival, D. C., Jr., & Co. (Boston)*    1, 3

Percival & Morris (Boston)   4


Rand, Wm. T. (n.p.)   4

Redfield & Rice (New York, Wolcotville, Conn.)   1, 2

Reed & Barton (Taunton, Mass.)   2

Rich, M. C. (New York)    3

Richards, Ira, & Co. (n.p.)*   3

Richardson, Enos, & Co. (New York)*    4, 5

Ripley, Howland & Co. (Boston)    3, 4

Robbins, Appleton & Co. (Boston)    4

Rogers Brothers    1

Rogers, Wm., Mfg. Co. (Hartford, Conn.)*   1

Rogers, Smith & Co. (New Haven, Conn.)   1, 2, 3


S. & J. Myers (Boston)*    1, 4

Sackett, Davis & Co. (Boston)   4

Sanders & Croswell (Boston)    3, 5

Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. (Wallingford, Conn.)   5

Smith, Geo. S. (Plymouth, N.H.)   4

Stevens, E. A. (n.p.)     2

Stone & Wolff (New York)   3

Stone, David (New York)    2

S.S. Stowe & Co. (n.p.)*    2

Stowe & Co.  – see S.S. Stowe & Co.

Stowe, S. S., & Co. (n.p.)*    2

Sturn, I. (New York)   1

Sweet, J. L., & Co. (Attleborough, Mass.)*   4


Thaxter, Joshua (Boston)   3

Thayer & Guppy (Portsmouth, NH)   3

Tirrell, Daniel L. (Boston)    1

Towle & Jones (Newburyport, Mass.)    2

Towle, A. F., & Son (Newburyport)*    4

Towle, Jones & Co. (Newburyport)    3

Trier & Co. (New York)    2

Trier, Bros. & Zellenka (New York)   4

Tucker & Margoff (New York)   3


V. Brandly & Co. (Boston)*   2


Warren & Richmond (Boston)    2

Weber, H. (Boston)   1

Weber, H. (Portsmouth; but probably same as the Boston Weber)   2

Webster, Benjn. F. (n.p.)   3

Whiting M’f’g. Company (New York)   3

Wilcox Silver Plate Co. (New York and West Meriden, Conn.)   2, 4, 5

Williams, E., & Co. (New York)*   5

Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. (Hartford, Conn.)*   1

Wolfson, A. (Boston)   4, 5