The Winterthur Library

 The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera

Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE  19735

302-888-4600 or 800-448-3883





Creator:          Adams, Charlotte D.                            

Title:               Berlin woolwork patterns

Dates:             [18--]

Call No.:         Col. 3

Acc. No.:         89x10

Quantity:        12 items

Location:        2 B 6






Charlotte D. Adams of Wilmington, Delaware, collected these patterns.





Consists of floral patterns from four German printers for Berlin woolwork embroidery for borders, sprays, nosegays, and two patterns which would have been suited for pillows.   The patterns are hand-painted with opaque watercolor on printed card stock.  Underneath some of the colors may be seen printed symbols indicating the color needed.  Printers represented are: Louis Glüer; Grünthals Verlag; Hertz & Wegener; and A. Todt.     





Alphabetically by printer.





The materials are in German.





Collection is open to the public.  Copyright restrictions may apply.





Gift of Charlotte D. Adams.






            Canvas embroidery, Victorian - Patterns.

            Decoration and ornament – Plant forms.







Location: 2 B 6


89x010.1         floral border with roses and blue and white bell trumpet flowers

No publisher

penned in:  50


89x010.2        floral nosegay, with roses and white passion flowers

Berlin bei Louis Glüer Königl. Hof Muster Maler u. akademischer Künstler [Berlin, at Louis Glüer, Royal Court Pattern Maker and academic artist]

 penned in:  6588, 1.20, 90, 1374/2 lb

 stamped in: 3


89x010.3        two floral sprays, one with orange flowers, and the other purple

Grünthal's Verlag in Berlin [Grünthal Publishing House, Berlin]

penned in:  55, 40, ??80

Two embossed seals. The left one reads: Friedrich Wilhelm IV Koenig v. Preussen [Frederic Wilhelm IV, king of Prussia] and shows the profile of his head.

The right one depicts the castle of Sansoucis.and has an inscription: Vaterländischer Gewerbserzeugnisse von 1844 Ausstellung/ Preis dem Gruenthal zuerkannt. [National exhibit in 1844 of art crafts/award received by Grünthal]



89x010.4         flowers and leaves border, with black background

Grünthal's Verlag in Berlin

penned in:  5914, 2.90, 50, 8

Two embossed seals: same as 89x010.3


89x010.5         corner and border with flowers, leaves, and a zig-zag line, on a dark background

Grünthal's Verlag in Berlin

penned in:  5184, 8, no.14902, 2.90, 54

includes a color code

Two embossed seals: same as 89x010.3


89x010.6         floral spray

Grünthal's Verlag in Berlin

penned in:  6514, 8, 100, 200

pencilled in:  jaune 3x, rose 7x, rouge 5x, violet 6, bleu vert 4, vert vert 5, jaune 5 [yellow, pink, red, purple, blue green, green-green, yellow]

Two embossed seals: same as 89x010.3



89x010.7         floral nosegay

Hertz & Wegener in Berlin

penned in: 11, 454, 80

Two color codes



89x10.8           flower and leaf spray

A. Todt. Berlin

penned in: 5996, 100, 170

stamped in:  7




89x10.9           large flower pattern with scrolls, such as might have been used for a pillow

Hertz & Wegener in Berlin

penned in:  4544, 220, 220

stamped in: 15

two color codes




89x10.10         large flower pattern with scrolls, such as might have been used for a pillow

Hertz & Wegener in Berlin

penned in:  4544, 220, 220

stamped in: 15

Two color codes



89x10.11         floral border, with a corner, on black background

A. Todt in Berlin

penned in:  4561, 60, 60

stamped in: 11




89x10.12         floral pattern on dark background

A. Todt in Berlin

penned in:  7627, 200/100